Sentient races of the Caligoi
Where the races are found (D)
1.1 About the Blirthibo (W)
1.2 Blirthibo GURPS notes (W)
1.3 Language (W)
1.4 Religion (W)
1.5 Social System (W)
1.6 Government (W)
1.8 Humours (W)
2.1 About the Briacite (W)
2.2 Religion (W)
2.5 Culture (W)
2.6 proverbs (W)
3.3 Physiology (W)
3.4 Religion (W)
3.5 the Jhunthar
3.10 Culture (W)
4.3 Religion (W)
5.1 About the Guerrothon (W)
5.2 Language (W)
5.3 Religion (W)
6.2 Jhotha GURPS notes (W)
6.3 Language (W)
6.4 Religion (W)
6.5 Social System (W)
6.6 Government (W)
6.7 Culture (W)
7.2 The mobile ones (W)
7.3 GURPS notes (W)
7.4 Religion and ethics (W)
7.5 Language (W)
7.6 Culture, social system, gov't (W)
7.7 Ghosts (W)
7.8 Humours (W)
8.2 Physiology (W)
8.3 Language (W)
8.4 Religion (W)
8.7 Culture (W)
9.3 proverbs (W)
9.4 Religion (W)
9.5 Government (W)
9.6 Culture (W)
10.2 Physiology (W)
10.3 Pliv GURPS notes (W)
10.4 Language (W)
10.5 Literature (W)
10.6 Religion
10.7 Social System (W)
10.8 Government (W)
10.9 Culture (W)
11.2 Physiology (W)
11.3 Religion (W)
11.4 Social System (W)
11.5 Government (W)
11.6 Culture (W)
12.2 Toaliralolo GURPS notes (W)
GURPS notes:
12.3 Language
Literature: a ballad, a tall tale, and
some proverbs
12.5 Religion
12.9 Social System (W)
13.3 Song of PPartath (unfinished!!!) (W)
13.4 Religion (W)
13.7 Culture (W)
13.8 Elemental magic
14.2 GURPS notes (W)
14.3 Physiology (W)
14.4 Language -- see CLGLANG1.FW2 (E)
14.5 Religion (W)
14.7 Culture (W)
14.8 Humours (W)
A peculiar humourotic disease afflicting about one...
An even rarer condition is true magical...
16.2 Language (W)
16.3 Religion
16.4 Social System (W)
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