Caligo Kreis is inhabited by Jhray, Yith, Briacite, Glaethryn, Guerrothak, Guerrothon, Llegesia, Pliv, and Toaliralolo.

Geography: A rough circle, of a little greater area than Rectek. Hurricanes come out of the north frequently without warning. The climate is subtropical. There is a range of mountains against the Mists in the south; two rivers flow from the mountains in the southeast and southwest, to merge and meander northward to the small portion of a sea or ocean which falls short of the mists. In its last fifty miles the river spreads into a swampy delta region.

The mountains are largely inhabited by Pliv, Guerrothak and Guerrothon, and a few Toaliralolo. The river valleys are mainly inhabited by Briacite, Llegesia, Glaethryn and Toa'. Most Yith in Kreis live in the lower river valley and delta area.

There are several large cities on the lower part of the river.

0 The Sundering

~800 The Blirthibo transformigration.

1500 Several Glaethryn magicians work together to create mutant mixtures of sentient and animal forms.

2703 A rocket plane from Torodoth arrives.

Race modifications; whereabout they live, etc.

Glaethryn (E)

Jhray (E)

Toaliralolo (E)

Plifa (W)

Most of the Plifa [= Pliv] live in caverns in the mountainous regions of the south. In several cavern systems, Plifa and Toaliralolo live together, and even participate in one another's festivals.

Yith (W)

There are many Yith in the swamps, comparatively few in the upper parts of the river valleys. A few live in the cities on the lower river.

Guerrothak (E)

Guerrothon (E)

Briacite (E)

Llegisia (E)

Blirthibo (W)

During the first thousand years after the Sundering, there were a few hundred Blirthibo in the small sea. The small Blirthibo population had become inbred in the years since the Sundering; the Tharoal and Thorapobo humours were more common than they had been, but their degenerate forms were extremely common as well. At last a plague wiped nearly all of them out. A few powerful Thorapobo mages put permanent transformation spells on the few who had not yet become infected, and they escaped to land as members of practically every land-dwelling race except Llegisia, primarily Guerrothak and Guerrothon. Within two hundred years, however, nearly all memory of them was gone except among the Yith and Toaliralolo. Some of the Toa' descendants of the Blirthibo refugees identify Piribi and Llorbathio with Yoimaralai and Yelasako. There is an unusual proportion of androgynes among them, which they attribute to their Blirthibo ancestors having mostly become androgyne Toaliralolo. The spell for reversing the change remains in the memories of the Toa', but the ability to work it is lacking.

Wexivinov (Forgotten Ones) (E)

The anomalous ones (W)

A cabal of Glaethryn magicians once created a number of sentient-animal hybrids. Though they had the sentients' permission - well, some of them, anyway - the experiments were halted by angry peasants when they became known. Of the surviving hybrids, only a few had fertile mates. There was only one Toaliralolo-broyast, for instance, and one Pliv-dwiviv. The two Llegisia-betapharr refused to have children. Solitude was no obstacle to the Yith-nelmesin; its progeny are numberless, but not very bright, since they have to fission every six months lest they grow too massive and slow to fly, and they rarely grow large enough to think deeply.

The Briacite-betapharr have descendants, however. They tend to live in the smallest Briacite villages, since their ears are painfully sensitive to loud noises.

So do the Glaethryn-hgrost, and the Glaethryn-ulphrazz.

The Toaliralolo-grendeg are perhaps the most anomalous of all the anomalies. They are bulkier than Toa' but smaller than normal grendeg. Their life-cycle is that of a Toa', but their temperament is that of a grendeg; they live longer and think more slowly than Toa', but quicker than non-Toa' sentients. They generally live in the open, on grasslands in the western river valley.

The Pliv-llalnopr went mad due to the conflict of their arboreal and troglodytic natures, but they bred true, and have unhappy descendants to this day. The true Pliv think it wrong to kill them, but sterilize them whenever they wander into the mountain caverns. There are fewer each century.

The single Jhray-jharlnak hybrid lived more than two thousand years afterward, longer than any normal Jhray. A single Jhray-nathisa self-pollinated and has many surviving descendants in the western forests.

In addition, some Guerrothon now transform into galvorn rather than the equine shape normal for their kind. This trait is recessive, but still shows itself in a sizable minority of the population. The Guerrothak-dalvar were affected differently; their humanoid form was replaced by the shape of a dalvar, so that they transform from land-running reptiles to flying reptiles. They can breed true with Guerrothak in draconian form, but few do so, and their numbers are decreasing. 

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