From: Richard Kennaway CMP RA Date: Thu, 19 Sep 91 19:59:32 BST To: Subject: Ticato? I recently remembered an article I read more than twenty years ago. The magazine Science Journal (you won't have heard of it; it only lasted a few years before merging with New Scientist) had a monthly column by Edward de Bono on lateral thinking. Each month he would set a problem, and the readers' solutions would be discussed in a later issue. One of the problems he set was of relevance to conlang: design a language with no more than 20 words. To my surprise, I found that the library here has a complete set of SJ, so here's the problem as he stated it: "It has become fashionable to be impressive through being unintelligible. Does efficiency in communication involve extending the means of communication by adding new words or does it involve making better use of words already available? There does come a time when existing words prove too cumbersome to describe a new concept and a new word is necessary. At other times an apparently complex concept can be simplified by clever use of familiar words. "Suppose your vocabulary was to be limited to 20 unalterable words. These words would have to suffice for ordinary day to day living, not for technological communication. They could not be supplemented by facial expression, tone, gesture, or sign language. Nor is picture material allowed but simple indicative pointing is allowed. "The words do not have to exist at present. You can invent any words with which you would like to communicate particular meanings. The words could be used separately or in any sequential manner. What are your 20?" Would any conlang-ers like to attempt the exercise? He didn't mention grammar - feel free to develop anything in the spirit of the exercise. Note that the words are "unalterable" - no inflections. "Solutions" which involve coding tricks, such as using the twenty words as letters to spell out the real words, are right out. The word I used as the subject of this message is from one of the languages which readers submitted. I won't explain it, as the concept it expresses seems to me so fundamental to this problem that it would influence everyone's solutions if I did. -- Richard Kennaway SYS, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. Internet: uucp: ...mcsun!ukc!uea-sys!jrk