1,13c1,13 < 1 Ma vito es John I see John 105.56 < 2 Ira vito es palu. He sees the cat. 133.33 < 3 Ira vito es teku kia ruba. He sees the red book. 112.5 < 4 Ma vito es da ruba. I see the red one. 110 < 6 Ma dun vito es da kisa. I saw this one. 112.5 < 7 John ira vito es ma. John sees me. 112.5 < 8 John ira vito es za. John sees you. 112.5 < 9 Za vito es John. You see John. 130.77 < 10 Ira dun tebu es teku. She was reading a book. 112.5 < 11 Palu ira vito es da ruba. The cat sees the red one. 118.75 < 13 Kauno ira kome. The dog eats. 125 < 15 Ma kome es da kruma. I am eating the green one. 128.57 < 16 Za dun tebu va es teku kisa? Have you read this book? 114.29 --- > 1 Ma vito es John I see John 95 > 2 Ira vito es palu. He sees the cat. 106.67 > 3 Ira vito es teku kia ruba. He sees the red book. 100 > 4 Ma vito es da ruba. I see the red one. 91.67 > 6 Ma dun vito es da kisa. I saw this one. 90 > 7 John ira vito es ma. John sees me. 90 > 8 John ira vito es za. John sees you. 90 > 9 Za vito es John. You see John. 94.44 > 10 Ira dun tebu es teku. She was reading a book. 100 > 11 Palu ira vito es da ruba. The cat sees the red one. 95 > 13 Kauno ira kome. The dog eats. 111.11 > 15 Ma kome es da kruma. I am eating the green one. 90 > 16 Za dun tebu va es teku kisa? Have you read this book? 100 15,19c15 < 18 Ma tebu es teku ku palu kia kruma. I am reading a book about a green cat. 141.67 < 25 Dono es teku kia kruma kisa au ma! Give me that green book! 81.25 < 31 Zu! Kauno kia za ira dun kome es palu kia ma! Oh, no! Your dog ate my cat! 125 < 32 Pe, kauno kia ma ira dun kome pe es palu kia za. No, my dog did not eat your cat. 112.5 < 33 Ma tebu es teku ti " Palu kia kruma ". I am reading " The Green Cat ". 128.57 --- > 33 Ma tebu es teku ti " Palu kia kruma ". I am reading " The Green Cat ". 90 21,66c17,48 < 36 Ma nimo es sena kirsa teku. I take the third book. 85.71 < 37 Kisa da reki va? Is this correct? 120 < 38 Za da reki. You are correct. 128.57 < 39 Lok da zhura va? Where is the blue one? 100 < 42 Ira krevo ku kauno kia ruba. She is talking about a red dog. 122.22 < 44 Ira krevo semi es teku semi ku kauno kia ruba. He sings an epic poem about a red dog. 87.5 < 47 Ka teku dono au ma! Give me that book! 90 < 48 Tapu kisa da zhura. This table is blue. 128.57 < 49 Ma vito es John ib Sally I see John with Sally 144.44 < 63 Dono es teku au ma. Give me a book. 112.5 < 64 Elamu goro es madu. An apple is a fruit. 87.5 < 65 Ma kome es elamu kia kruma. I am eating the green apple. 100 < 67 Ma dun desko es kisa teku sam. I found these books. 112.5 < 68 Ira dun nimo es elamu sam. He took the apples. 114.29 < 69 Jesus ira dun wepan. Jesus wept. 83.33 < 70 Ka kome! Eat! 125 < 71 Ka trin es ma. Drink me. 114.29 < 74 Zayo da reki. You two are correct. 150 < 75 Ka kome es ma es elamu Eat me and the apple 114.29 < 76 Irayo da reki. They two are correct. 112.5 < 77 Irayo dun nimo es elamu sam. They two took the apples. 100 < 78 Zama da reki. We two [inclusive] are correct. 116.67 < 79 Ka trin es irayo. Drink them two. 128.57 < 80 Irayo da wepansepan. They two are cowardly. 118.18 < 82 Zayo dun kipa. You two talked. 116.67 < 83 Zayo da kipasipa. You two are chatty. 112.5 < 84 Zama dun tebu. We two [inclusive] read. 128.57 < 85 Zama da tebusebu. We two [inclusive] are bookish. 128.57 < 86 Ka tebu es ema. Read it. 116.67 < 87 Kirsama dun tebu. We three [inclusive] read. 100 < 88 John dun kome ib Sally. John ate with Sally. 116.67 < 89 Ma wepan, ma ziresh. I want to weep. 112.5 < 90 Za wepan, za dun ziresh. You wanted to weep. 128.57 < 91 Irayo kome ir kekan They two eat with forks 122.22 < 92 Zama tebu, irayo ziresh. They two want us to read. 114.29 < 93 Irayo kome ir kekan, zama ziresh. We two [inclusive] want them two to eat with forks. 137.5 < 94 Zayo da rayse. You two are bad. 112.5 < 95 Zayo da rayse, irayo ziresh. They two want you two to be bad. 122.22 < 96 Ma dun tebu es teku. I read the book. 114.29 < 97 Ma tebu vige. I can read. 140 < 98 Ma dun tebu vige. I could read. 100 < 99 Ma tebu es teku vige. I can read the book. 111.11 < 100 Ma dun tebu es teku vige. I could read the book. 100 < 101 Kauno da rayse. The dog is bad. 100 < 102 Kauno ira da rayse. The dog is bad. 114.29 < 103 Aritaze da rayse. The boy is bad. 125 --- > 37 Kisa da reki va? Is this correct? 100 > 38 Za da reki. You are correct. 100 > 39 Lok da zhura va? Where is the blue one? 91.67 > 42 Ira krevo ku kauno kia ruba. She is talking about a red dog. 110 > 48 Tapu kisa da zhura. This table is blue. 100 > 63 Dono es teku au ma. Give me a book. 100 > 65 Ma kome es elamu kia kruma. I am eating the green apple. 87.5 > 67 Ma dun desko es kisa teku sam. I found these books. 100 > 68 Ira dun nimo es elamu sam. He took the apples. 88.89 > 70 Ka kome! Eat! 111.11 > 71 Ka trin es ma. Drink me. 100 > 74 Zayo da reki. You two are correct. 93.75 > 75 Ka kome es ma es elamu Eat me and the apple 88.89 > 76 Irayo da reki. They two are correct. 90 > 77 Irayo dun nimo es elamu sam. They two took the apples. 88.89 > 79 Ka trin es irayo. Drink them two. 90 > 80 Irayo da wepansepan. They two are cowardly. 92.86 > 83 Zayo da kipasipa. You two are chatty. 90 > 84 Zama dun tebu. We two [inclusive] read. 90 > 85 Zama da tebusebu. We two [inclusive] are bookish. 90 > 87 Kirsama dun tebu. We three [inclusive] read. 87.5 > 89 Ma wepan, ma ziresh. I want to weep. 90 > 90 Za wepan, za dun ziresh. You wanted to weep. 90 > 92 Zama tebu, irayo ziresh. They two want us to read. 88.89 > 94 Zayo da rayse. You two are bad. 90 > 95 Zayo da rayse, irayo ziresh. They two want you two to be bad. 91.67 > 96 Ma dun tebu es teku. I read the book. 100 > 97 Ma tebu vige. I can read. 93.33 > 99 Ma tebu es teku vige. I can read the book. 90.91 > 101 Kauno da rayse. The dog is bad. 87.5 > 102 Kauno ira da rayse. The dog is bad. 100 > 103 Aritaze da rayse. The boy is bad. 133.33 69c51 < 106 Ezikize da wepansepan. The man is cowardly. 120 --- > 106 Ezikize da wepansepan. The man is cowardly. 92.31 73c55 < 110 Umuze kia ma da tebusebu. My mother is bookish. 100 --- > 110 Umuze kia ma da tebusebu. My mother is bookish. 88.89 75,94c57,64 < 112 Umuze kia ma da kiliyu. My mother is happy. 100 < 113 Umuze kia ma da kiliyu, ma ziresh. I want my mother to be happy. 125 < 114 Oroze kia ma da kiliyu. My father is happy. 114.29 < 116 Maza kril. We plan 100 < 121 za ka seku! Run! 100 < 122 Za ko seku! Run! 100 < 123 Maza ko seku! Let's run! 100 < 127 Ma vito kun es palu kia kruma itaki ira vilo. I caught a glimpse of a green cat and it ran away. 90 < 128 Da penula eske tebu es zelamu. The teacher makes the children read. 87.5 < 130 Ira vito es palu. He sees a cat. 150 < 131 Ira vito es da palu. He sees the cat. 100 < 132 Guniku ib kalemaze ib ukivinze lok apatusta. There are old women and young women and girls in the shoe store. 116.67 < 134 Tekusta lok va? Where is the library? 128.57 < 137 Afrekruma Evergreen 83.33 < 138 Ma bogi es ona elamu eska. I have one apple now. 87.5 < 139 Afre kiliyu. Always happy. 116.67 < 140 Ma bogi es on elamu. I have an apple. 87.5 < 143 Elamut brot eske kiliyu es ma. Apple juice makes me happy. 83.33 < 146 Zeze kia ma da kiliyu. My dad is happy. 114.29 < 147 Uzuz kia ma da eyan. My mum is good. 90 --- > 113 Umuze kia ma da kiliyu, ma ziresh. I want my mother to be happy. 90.91 > 114 Oroze kia ma da kiliyu. My father is happy. 100 > 121 za ka seku! Run! 87.5 > 122 Za ko seku! Run! 87.5 > 130 Ira vito es palu. He sees a cat. 110 > 131 Ira vito es da palu. He sees the cat. 87.5 > 134 Tekusta lok va? Where is the library? 100 > 146 Zeze kia ma da kiliyu. My dad is happy. 100 96,121c66,72 < 152 Zeze, dono on kauno kia ruba au ma. Dad, give me a red dog. 87.5 < 153 Zeze, dono ma on kauno kia ruba. Dad, give me a red dog. 83.33 < 156 Kalusa bogi va eska es multa fortu ke Toki Pona? Does Kalusa have more words than Toki Pona yet? 77.78 < 157 Za kome va es elamu lelu kisa il kalun? Are you going to eat that whole apple? 83.33 < 158 Ma kome es tosa elamu lelu il pavri sin. Yesterday I ate two whole apples. 87.5 < 160 Zeze, dono es on kauno kia ruba au ma. Dad, give me a red dog. 87.5 < 161 Zota trima krevo es Kalusa eska. No one speaks Kalusa yet. 116.67 < 162 Trima va lok kisa? Who is that person there? 87.5 < 163 Trima kisa lok va? Where is that person? 87.5 < 164 Ma vito es teku vige. I can see the book. 133.33 < 165 Ezikize bogi es on elamu. The man has one apple. 92.31 < 166 Ezikize kisa vediwa es kalemaze taya. This man knows that woman. 120 < 167 Ezikize kisa dun vediwa es kalemaze taya. This man met that woman. 120 < 168 Ukivinze kisa nezres es loatra taya. This girl knows that story. 125 < 169 Uzuz kia ma dun nezres es loatra taya. My mom knew that story. 114.29 < 170 Zama nezres es loatra taya. We two [inclusive] know that story. 114.29 < 171 Zeze kia ma kril, ira ziresh. My dad wants to plan. 112.5 < 172 Ma dun krevo ezikize taya ku teku kisa. I told that man about this book. 107.69 < 173 Zeze kia ma da krevosrevo. My dad is bossy. 111.11 < 174 Zama kril vige. We two [inclusive] can plan. 114.29 < 175 Heyuze kia ma da krilsril. My sister is crafty. 125 < 176 Zama kril rofko. We two [inclusive] should plan. 114.29 < 177 Za kome es elamu kisa rofko. You should eat this apple. 114.29 < 178 Za trin es zhaya rofko. You should drink the water. 125 < 179 Za dun trin es zhaya rofko. You should have drunk the water. 125 < 180 Za tebu es teku taya rofko. You should read that book. 114.29 --- > 164 Ma vito es teku vige. I can see the book. 92.31 > 166 Ezikize kisa vediwa es kalemaze taya. This man knows that woman. 109.09 > 168 Ukivinze kisa nezres es loatra taya. This girl knows that story. 111.11 > 171 Zeze kia ma kril, ira ziresh. My dad wants to plan. 90 > 173 Zeze kia ma da krevosrevo. My dad is bossy. 83.33 > 174 Zama kril vige. We two [inclusive] can plan. 88.89 > 175 Heyuze kia ma da krilsril. My sister is crafty. 90.91 123,141c74,78 < 182 Zhaya taya da rayse. That water is bad. 140 < 183 Zayo dun kome es elamu kisa rofko. You two should have eaten that apple. 125 < 186 Ka nimo pe es ema! Don't take it. 128.57 < 188 Ma dun krevo au ezikize taya ku teku kisa. I told that man about this book. 91.67 < 191 Da tosa kome ir tekan. They both eat with a fork. 85.71 < 192 Maza bogi es multa tekan. We have many forks. 77.78 < 200 Ma kome es elamu kia ruba. I am eating the red apple. 128.57 < 201 Ma amuz Kalusa fortuki ke da neuda. I love the Kalusa language because it is new. 81.82 < 202 Ma amuz elamu kia ruba ishi kruma na. I love apples that are red but not green. 77.78 < 206 Ma tebu ku Kalusa il trosuteku. I am reading about Kalusa on the internet. 128.57 < 207 Fortu sam kia huwenaye ib kruma Colorless green words 116.67 < 209 Umuze kia ma da eyan. My mother is kind. 114.29 < 210 Uzuz kia ma da eyan. My mum is kind. 114.29 < 211 Trima biti kia kruma Little green men 91.67 < 214 Ma dun tebu es loatra il trosuteku. I read the story on the internet. 128.57 < 215 Ma amuz za. I love you. 81.82 < 220 Fortu bonibraysenaye. Words are meaningless. 83.33 < 221 Trosuteku da teku tebuinaye. The internet is a paperless book. 90 < 223 Trosuteku goro teku kia tebuinaye. The internet is a paperless book. 118.18 --- > 182 Zhaya taya da rayse. That water is bad. 116.67 > 186 Ka nimo pe es ema! Don't take it. 90 > 200 Ma kome es elamu kia ruba. I am eating the red apple. 100 > 209 Umuze kia ma da eyan. My mother is kind. 100 > 210 Uzuz kia ma da eyan. My mum is kind. 100 143,170c80,91 < 225 Trosuteku lok va? Where is the internet? 128.57 < 226 Ma zazi, ma ziresh. I want to sleep. 112.5 < 227 Ma zazi rofko. I should sleep. 116.67 < 228 Fortu kia bonibraysenaye. Words are meaningless. 81.82 < 229 Ma kia zazisu. I am asleep. 100 < 231 Za zazi rofko pe. You should not sleep. 128.57 < 232 Kalusa goro fortuki. Kalusa is a language. 87.5 < 233 Ezikize zazi, ira ziresh. The man wants to sleep. 118.18 < 234 Ezikize zazi rofko pe. The man should not sleep. 154.55 < 235 Ezikize da zazisazi. The man is sleepy. 130 < 236 Elamu es madu. An apple is a fruit. 87.5 < 237 Kalusa goro es fortuki. Kalusa is a language. 85.71 < 238 Ezikize taya da eyan. That man is kind. 141.67 < 239 Ukivinze taya da eyan. That girl is kind. 137.5 < 240 Kalusa goro es Latin pe. Kalusa is not Latin. 87.5 < 241 Kalusa goro pe es Latin. Kalusa is not Latin. 87.5 < 242 Ira desko kun es elamu kia zhura! She has just discovered a blue apple! 83.33 < 244 Ma da zazisazi pe il namu kisa. I am not sleepy right now. 116.67 < 245 Ma tebu kun es teku ti "Kauno kia zhura" il pavri kalun. I will start reading "The blue dog" tomorrow. 100 < 246 Zota trima nezres es fortu ti "es". No one knows the word "es". 100 < 252 Nama oroze kia ma da urda. My honorable father is old. 137.5 < 254 Palu kia ma vito es da nama. My cat sees the honorable one. 116.67 < 256 Palu da vitofito. The cat is watchful. 77.78 < 258 Zelamu kia zireshsiresh kome pe es vurune. The willful child does not eat broccoli. 122.22 < 259 Oroze-fu kia za kome va es elamu? Does your grandfather eat apples? 116.67 < 261 Lok va da zhura? Where is the blue one? 116.67 < 263 Guniko kia za dun znimo palu biti kia ma! Your grandmother took my cat! Your grandmother stole my cat! 75 < 266 Sepahuwe bogi es sepa huwe: ruba, leota-ruba, leot, kruma, zhura, ib zhura-ruba. The rainbow has six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. 91.67 --- > 225 Trosuteku lok va? Where is the internet? 100 > 226 Ma zazi, ma ziresh. I want to sleep. 90 > 229 Ma kia zazisu. I am asleep. 87.5 > 233 Ezikize zazi, ira ziresh. The man wants to sleep. 92.86 > 235 Ezikize da zazisazi. The man is sleepy. 92.86 > 238 Ezikize taya da eyan. That man is kind. 121.43 > 239 Ukivinze taya da eyan. That girl is kind. 122.22 > 244 Ma da zazisazi pe il namu kisa. I am not sleepy right now. 87.5 > 246 Zota trima nezres es fortu ti "es". No one knows the word "es". 87.5 > 252 Nama oroze kia ma da urda. My honorable father is old. 91.67 > 254 Palu kia ma vito es da nama. My cat sees the honorable one. 90 > 261 Lok va da zhura? Where is the blue one? 87.5 172,176c93,94 < 269 Ma amuz es neuditi sam. I love babies. 100 < 270 Maza ( bi zama ) ziresh va fortu ti " es "? Do we ( or we ) want the word, " es "? 77.78 < 271 Es pavri kisa ma dun tebu neudi il trosuteku. Today I read the news on the internet. 77.78 < 272 Ma amuz neuditi sam. I love babies. 77.78 < 274 Ma krevo es Kalusa, ma ziresh. I want to speak Kalusa. 116.67 --- > 269 Ma amuz es neuditi sam. I love babies. 87.5 > 274 Ma krevo es Kalusa, ma ziresh. I want to speak Kalusa. 87.5 178,185c96,100 < 276 Ma mahuf rofko, ib za rofko ib. I should work, and you should too. 116.67 < 278 Ma tebu es isuma fortu vige. I can read some words. 100 < 280 Ma mahuf rofko, ishi ma agada mahuf ku Kalusa vige pe. I should work, but I can not stop working on Kalusa. 90 < 281 Mary ira dun bogi qa biti. Mary had a little lamb. 100 < 283 Palu da vitosito. The cat is watchful. 137.5 < 284 Ka sama au ma! Listen to me! 100 < 285 Ma hasala rethirat. I think a lot. 116.67 < 286 Aritaze ira seku zapurat. The boy runs fast. 116.67 --- > 278 Ma tebu es isuma fortu vige. I can read some words. 85.71 > 283 Palu da vitosito. The cat is watchful. 91.67 > 284 Ka sama au ma! Listen to me! 87.5 > 285 Ma hasala rethirat. I think a lot. 100 > 286 Aritaze ira seku zapurat. The boy runs fast. 128.57 187,189c102,103 < 288 Ma kome rofko. I should eat. 128.57 < 289 Loatra kia rethi da eyan. The long story is good. 137.5 < 290 Loatra taya kia rethi da eyan. That long story is good. 114.29 --- > 289 Loatra kia rethi da eyan. The long story is good. 118.75 > 290 Loatra taya kia rethi da eyan. That long story is good. 88.89 191,214c105,118 < 292 Aritaze ira seku zapurat men qa, ishi ira desko pe es ema. The boy ran fast after the sheep, but he did not find it. 116.67 < 293 Ma trin es zhaya vige, ma ziresh. I want to be able to drink the water. 128.57 < 295 Ma trin es zhaya zapurat vige, ma ziresh. I want to be able to drink the water quickly. 136.36 < 296 Trima trin es zhaya, ira lavaz. A human needs to drink water. 116.67 < 297 Za kome es elamu taya, ma lavaz. I need you to eat that apple. 116.67 < 298 Ira kome es elamu taya vige, za ziresh, ma lavaz. I need you to want him to be able to eat that apple. 128.57 < 299 Fuwa kisa da vostu. This door is black. 137.5 < 300 Ma layti qafe, ma lavaz. I need to make coffee. 128.57 < 301 Ka deyal es ema vosturat! Paint it black! 88.89 < 302 Sepahuwe sam da huwerat. Rainbows are colorful. 116.67 < 304 Ka vilo lok zhayasiti kia ma. Get off of my cloud. 137.5 < 305 Men za vito zhayasiti sam, za vito sahayleot. After you see clouds, you see sunshine. 100 < 308 Zelamu da zireshsiresh. The child is willful. 116.67 < 310 Elamu kome au ma teset. The apple is eaten by me. 137.5 < 311 Elamu kome teset. The apple is eaten. 116.67 < 312 Elamu dun kome teset. The apple was eaten. 116.67 < 313 Elamu dun kome au ma teset. The apple was eaten by me. 137.5 < 314 Elamu kome au ma teset, ma ziresh. I want the apple to be eaten by me. 137.5 < 315 Teku dun kome au qa biti teset. The book was eaten by the lamb. 116.67 < 316 Ka agada kome elamu sam kia ma! Stop eating my apples! 100 < 321 Za vito es zhayasiti sam, itaki sin za vito es sahayleot. After you see clouds, you see sunshine. 116.67 < 323 Irasam desko kun es qa. They [several] found some sheep. 83.33 < 324 fortu kia bonibraysenaye meaningless words 83.33 < 325 Fortu da bonibraysenaye. Words are meaningless. 116.67 --- > 293 Ma trin es zhaya vige, ma ziresh. I want to be able to drink the water. 90 > 296 Trima trin es zhaya, ira lavaz. A human needs to drink water. 87.5 > 299 Fuwa kisa da vostu. This door is black. 110 > 300 Ma layti qafe, ma lavaz. I need to make coffee. 90 > 302 Sepahuwe sam da huwerat. Rainbows are colorful. 87.5 > 304 Ka vilo lok zhayasiti kia ma. Get off of my cloud. 100 > 308 Zelamu da zireshsiresh. The child is willful. 87.5 > 310 Elamu kome au ma teset. The apple is eaten by me. 100 > 311 Elamu kome teset. The apple is eaten. 100 > 312 Elamu dun kome teset. The apple was eaten. 100 > 313 Elamu dun kome au ma teset. The apple was eaten by me. 100 > 314 Elamu kome au ma teset, ma ziresh. I want the apple to be eaten by me. 91.67 > 315 Teku dun kome au qa biti teset. The book was eaten by the lamb. 87.5 > 316 Ka agada kome elamu sam kia ma! Stop eating my apples! 87.5 216,221c120,123 < 328 Teqitu amuz komiti elamu. Turtles love to nibble apples. 100 < 329 Mary zapiti poke da kiliyu. Mary is skipping because she is happy. 100 < 332 Teqitu amuz komiti es elamu. Turtles love to nibble apples. 100 < 333 Umuze kape es neuditi kia ira. Mothers love their babies. 100 < 335 Odaze kia ma da krilsril. My brother is crafty. 116.67 < 337 Odaze kia ma ira dun kome au paluqemi teset! My brother was eaten by a tiger! 116.67 --- > 328 Teqitu amuz komiti elamu. Turtles love to nibble apples. 87.5 > 329 Mary zapiti poke da kiliyu. Mary is skipping because she is happy. 87.5 > 332 Teqitu amuz komiti es elamu. Turtles love to nibble apples. 87.5 > 333 Umuze kape es neuditi kia ira. Mothers love their babies. 87.5 223,238c125,127 < 343 Palu biti kia ma ira dun kome au kaunoqemi teset! My kitten was eaten by a wolf! 116.67 < 345 Zama gadere rofko. We should walk. 116.67 < 346 Paluqemi amuz es neuditi. Tigers love babies. 122.22 < 349 Elamu kia ruba da alis, ishi ema da kruma na. Red apples are delicious, but green ones are not. 116.67 < 351 Ma dun tebu es da neudi lok trosuteku il pavri kisa. Today I read the news on the internet. 83.33 < 352 Trima sam kia trosu lelu tebu es trosuteku vige. People from all over the world can read the internet. 116.67 < 354 Zu! Paluqemi dun grepu es neuditi! Oh no! The tiger grabbed the baby! 137.5 < 355 Trosu lok tapu kia teqitu-qemu ti "A'Tuin". The world is on the back of the great turtle A'Tuin. 137.5 < 357 Tekuki kia ma bogi es teku disaku. My personal library has a thousand books. 83.33 < 358 Tekusta bogi es teku findisa podan. The public library has fifty thousand books. 116.67 < 361 Palu ira hasala ku miqi. The cat thinks about the mouse. 125 < 363 Yale va palu biti kia ma ira dun kome au kaunoqemi teset? Why was my kitten eaten by a wolf? 150 < 364 Kista va palu biti kia ma ira dun kome au kaunoqemi teset? When was my kitten eaten by a wolf? 112.5 < 365 Zheyed va palu biti kia ma ira dun kome au kaunoqemi teset? How was my kitten eaten by a wolf? 112.5 < 366 Ira dun kome teset au paluqemi il pavri sin... ka nama nimo es zhayawepan kia ma. She was eaten by the tiger yesterday... please accept my tears. 110 < 367 Lok va gavagai kia ma? Where is my mind? 116.67 --- > 346 Paluqemi amuz es neuditi. Tigers love babies. 91.67 > 354 Zu! Paluqemi dun grepu es neuditi! Oh no! The tiger grabbed the baby! 91.67 > 361 Palu ira hasala ku miqi. The cat thinks about the mouse. 111.11 240,248c129,130 < 369 Gavagai kia za lok zhaya odi. Your mind is way out in the water. 116.67 < 370 Zhayawepan, ishi ma gavaga pe. Sorry, but I do not understand. 128.57 < 371 Za bogi es palu biti niq, ma bogi es palu noq. You have a mere kitten, I have a real cat. 128.57 < 372 Mary ira krevo es Kalusa eyanat. Mary speaks Kalusa well. 100 < 374 Ma amuz es hasalaira kia kruma. I love [politically] green thinkers. 100 < 375 Irasam da krumasam They are greens. 100 < 376 Ma goro kia ma goro. I am who I am. [I am that I am] 87.5 < 377 Ma amuzes ira ib ira. I love her and her. I love only her. 77.78 < 379 Za goro es kize. You da man. 87.5 --- > 370 Zhayawepan, ishi ma gavaga pe. Sorry, but I do not understand. 90 > 374 Ma amuz es hasalaira kia kruma. I love [politically] green thinkers. 87.5 250,281c132,144 < 389 kauno ib palu goro trimabiti. Dogs and cats are animals. 100 < 390 kauno ib palu ib qa bi teqitu goro trimabiti. Dogs and cats and sheep or turtles are animals. 87.5 < 394 Wum lok es norbi kia ma. The food is in my mouth. 74.07 < 395 Es norbi kia ma zhata lok. The boat is in my harbor. 73.33 < 398 Ma il norbi seku. Ma ir norbi kome. I run on harbor. I eat with mouth. 75 < 399 Irayo vediwa es ezikize taya. They two know that man. 116.67 < 401 Wum lok norbi kia ma. The food is in my mouth. 124 < 402 Es norbi kia ma lok wum. The food is in my mouth. 72.22 < 403 Irayo vediwa es ezikize taya rofko. They two should know that man. 116.67 < 404 Lok wum norbi kia ma. The food is in my mouth. 75 < 406 Ma gavaga pe es Kalusa fortuki eyanat eska. I do not understand the Kalusa language well yet. 100 < 407 Lok wum es norbi kia ma. The food is in my mouth. 75 < 408 Yale va za tebu es teku taya kia rethi? Why did you read that long book? 116.67 < 409 Teqitu es elamu kome rethirat. Turtles eat apples a lot. 78.95 < 410 Kista va zama kome? When are we two [inclusive] eating? 116.67 < 411 Ma krevo pe es Kalusa rekirat. I do not speak Kalusa correctly. 133.33 < 412 Teqitu kome es elamu rethirat. Turtles eat apples a lot. 116.67 < 413 Zheyed va teqitu kisa kome es elamu taya? How did this turtle eat that apple? 116.67 < 414 Ma kape es teqitu kia ma. I love my turtle. 116.67 < 417 Turositi kia Kalusa da noq, ma haresh. I wish the country of Kalusa were real. 111.76 < 418 Turositi kia Kalusa dun da noq, ma haresh. I wish the country of Kalusa were real. 80 < 419 Ma tebu es Kalusa murarat, vige. I can read Kalusa slowly. 100 < 420 Ma tebu es Kalusa murarat, vige, ira hasala. He thinks I can read Kalusa slowly. 125 < 421 Ma kome es elamu, ma agada. I stop eating the apple. 116.67 < 422 Za kome es elamu, ma agada. I stop you from eating the apple. 100 < 425 Teqitu ib zhasi bogi es norbimi. Turtles and birds have beaks. 116.67 < 426 Ma kome es elamu, ma agada dun. I stopped me from eating the apple. 85.71 < 427 Ma kome es elamu, ma dun agada. I stopped eating the apple. 116.67 < 428 Multa zhasi dun lok may zhata, ishi zhatakize bogi dun es leot-no sam. There were many birds above the boat, but the crew had umbrellas. 81.25 < 430 Elamu kome au ma teset, ma dun agada. I stopped the apple from being eaten by me. 128.57 < 431 Miqi dun da zapu. The mouse was fast. 114.29 < 432 Yeru lok geshtu. The deer is in the forest. 100 --- > 389 kauno ib palu goro trimabiti. Dogs and cats are animals. 87.5 > 408 Yale va za tebu es teku taya kia rethi? Why did you read that long book? 100 > 411 Ma krevo pe es Kalusa rekirat. I do not speak Kalusa correctly. 109.09 > 412 Teqitu kome es elamu rethirat. Turtles eat apples a lot. 100 > 413 Zheyed va teqitu kisa kome es elamu taya? How did this turtle eat that apple? 100 > 414 Ma kape es teqitu kia ma. I love my turtle. 87.5 > 419 Ma tebu es Kalusa murarat, vige. I can read Kalusa slowly. 87.5 > 421 Ma kome es elamu, ma agada. I stop eating the apple. 100 > 422 Za kome es elamu, ma agada. I stop you from eating the apple. 85.71 > 425 Teqitu ib zhasi bogi es norbimi. Turtles and birds have beaks. 87.5 > 427 Ma kome es elamu, ma dun agada. I stopped eating the apple. 100 > 431 Miqi dun da zapu. The mouse was fast. 100 > 432 Yeru lok geshtu. The deer is in the forest. 87.5 283,291c146,149 < 434 Ma hezda es fuwa. I open the door. 116.67 < 435 Ma izi lok tekusta. I go to the library. 122.22 < 436 Ma izi es tekusta. I go to the library. 125 < 439 ma amuz da galu za amuz da galu za kape ma. I love the way you love the way you love me. 80 < 440 Ma amuz es galu kia za amuz es galu kia za kape es ma. I love the way you love the way you love me. 72.73 < 441 Ma kome kruma. I eat green. 100 < 442 Ma kome es kruma. I eat green. 85.71 < 443 Ma kome es da kruma. I eat my greens. 87.5 < 447 Ma vito es John ib es Sally. I see John and Sally. 125 --- > 434 Ma hezda es fuwa. I open the door. 87.5 > 435 Ma izi lok tekusta. I go to the library. 100 > 436 Ma izi es tekusta. I go to the library. 111.11 > 441 Ma kome kruma. I eat green. 87.5 293,317c151,162 < 450 Za kape es ma, za amuz es galu, ma amuz es galu. I love the way you love the way you love me. 109.09 < 451 Dorva da kruma, ma amuz es hasalai. I love the thought that trees are green. 125 < 455 Krevo zama kia kalun ka lok. Let us speak of the future. 100 < 456 Zama da eyan. We are good. 128.57 < 457 Ma dun zhati, ma haresh. I wish I were a bird. 80 < 460 Ma dun lok kisa. I've been here. 100 < 461 Za pe seuki. You are not a machine. 87.5 < 462 Za dun lok va? Where have you been? 116.67 < 463 Seuki kia ma, ma ziresh. I want to have a computer. 100 < 464 Ma bogi es seuki, ma ziresh. I want to have a computer. 128.57 < 465 Ma terehe vige, ma haresh I wish I could fly. 116.67 < 467 Palu kia ma roze es wahel. My cat wears a hat. 128.57 < 468 Keki ira dun kome es qaluli. The monkey ate a banana. 116.67 < 469 ka pe krevo namu-no es "namu-no". Never say "never". 85.71 < 470 ka pe krevo il namu-no es ti "namu-no ". Never say never. 90 < 471 Ma bogi es palu kia kruma bitirat. I have a slightly green cat. 144.44 < 472 Ma dun goro es zhati, ma haresh. I wish I had been a bird. 77.78 < 473 Za kome es elamu kia ma, ka agada. Stop eating my apples! 128.57 < 474 Teqitu da qemu, za gavaga rofko. You have to ( should ) understand that turtles are important. 110 < 475 Krihe bogi es feni huwe kia sepahuwe. White contains every color of the rainbow. 75 < 476 Za kape es ma, za dun agada, ma qaru. I fear that you have stopped loving me. 150 < 477 Ma ziresh es seuki. I want a computer. 128.57 < 479 Fenitrima lok kisa krevo es Kalusa niqat vige. Everyone here can speak Kalusa a little. 100 < 481 Zhati biti dun terehe men sepahuwe, dun ira haresh. The little bird tried to fly over the rainbow. 90 < 482 Sahay kisati. Here comes the sun. 111.11 --- > 455 Krevo zama kia kalun ka lok. Let us speak of the future. 87.5 > 456 Zama da eyan. We are good. 100 > 460 Ma dun lok kisa. I've been here. 87.5 > 462 Za dun lok va? Where have you been? 100 > 463 Seuki kia ma, ma ziresh. I want to have a computer. 87.5 > 464 Ma bogi es seuki, ma ziresh. I want to have a computer. 90 > 467 Palu kia ma roze es wahel. My cat wears a hat. 90 > 468 Keki ira dun kome es qaluli. The monkey ate a banana. 100 > 471 Ma bogi es palu kia kruma bitirat. I have a slightly green cat. 108.33 > 473 Za kome es elamu kia ma, ka agada. Stop eating my apples! 110 > 477 Ma ziresh es seuki. I want a computer. 100 > 482 Sahay kisati. Here comes the sun. 90.91 320,321c165 < 485 Ma dun nimo es teku da ira dun tebu. I took the book that she read. 87.5 < 487 Ma dun goro zhati, ma haresh. I wish I had been a bird. 122.22 --- > 487 Ma dun goro zhati, ma haresh. I wish I had been a bird. 91.67 324,335c168,173 < 490 Kalusa goro fortuki. Kalusa is a language. 116.67 < 491 Lok quanaizi da muriti odi. Outside there is a boxcar waiting. 88.89 < 492 Keki kisa dun izi haihai. This monkey has gone to heaven [sky]. 137.5 < 494 Krihe bogi es huwe feni kia sepahuwe. White contains every color of the rainbow. 144.44 < 495 Trima sam kia kwa kisa krevo es ti " zhati, " ishi trima sam kia kwa taya krevo es ti " zhasi. " People of this ocean say, " bird, " but people of that ocean say, " bird. " 116.67 < 496 Ka izi hai! Get up! Go up! 88.89 < 497 Ma bogi es seuki, ma lavaz. I need to have a computer. 128.57 < 498 Feni da eyani, ma muresh. I hope everything is alright. 150 < 500 Poi ib hai, irayo da orli. Up and down, they are relative. 85.71 < 502 Ma dun kape poi es ukivinze sahaya. I fell in love with a beautiful girl. 125 < 503 Neuditi qaru es paluqemi. Babies fear tigers. 128.57 < 506 Ma izi es lori taya. I go in that direction. 125 --- > 492 Keki kisa dun izi haihai. This monkey has gone to heaven [sky]. 91.67 > 497 Ma bogi es seuki, ma lavaz. I need to have a computer. 90 > 498 Feni da eyani, ma muresh. I hope everything is alright. 95.45 > 502 Ma dun kape poi es ukivinze sahaya. I fell in love with a beautiful girl. 90.91 > 503 Neuditi qaru es paluqemi. Babies fear tigers. 90 > 506 Ma izi es lori taya. I go in that direction. 111.11 337,350c175,178 < 511 Nama Kalusatrima! A'Tuin da vitosito! Ka es multa fortuwoy layti. Honorable Kalusans! A'Tuin is watchful! Make more sentences. 93.33 < 512 Ma dun nimo es teku kia ira dun tebu. I took the book that she read. 100 < 513 Ukivinze kia Kalusa layti es nilazi au kwateqi ib woy. Kalusan girls make necklaces from shells and string. 116.67 < 515 Ma kome es lior, ma amuziti. I like to eat [i.e. kill] time. 125 < 516 Nilazi taya layti au ukivinze sahaya teset. That necklace was made by a beautiful girl. 144.44 < 517 Ata goro teqi kia A'Tuin. The sky is the shell of A'Tuin. 116.67 < 518 Ira dun zazi poi lok noa kia vezila. She fell asleep in a field of flowers. 116.67 < 519 Vezila da sahaya, ma dun nezres poi. I realized that flowers are beautiful. 128.57 < 520 Keki dun grepu poi es qaluli. The monkey snatched the banana. 100 < 521 Qaluli kia ma lok va? Where is my banana? 116.67 < 522 Keki dun grepu es qaluli zapurat. The monkey grabbed fast / snatched the banana. 100 < 523 Zhati da orgon. The bird is orange. 83.33 < 525 Zhati da leota-ruba. The bird is orange. 100 < 526 Ma dun kome es orgon. I ate an orange. 116.67 --- > 515 Ma kome es lior, ma amuziti. I like to eat [i.e. kill] time. 90.91 > 520 Keki dun grepu poi es qaluli. The monkey snatched the banana. 87.5 > 525 Zhati da leota-ruba. The bird is orange. 87.5 > 526 Ma dun kome es orgon. I ate an orange. 100 352,431c180,190 < 528 Namu kisa kia ma ib namu kisa kia za da elamorgon. My now and your now are different. 118.18 < 530 Tapu kisa da orgon. This table is orange. 81.82 < 531 Tapu kisa goro orgon. This table is an orange. 100 < 532 Kalusatrima amuziti da trin organut brot. Kalusans like to drink orange juice. 100 < 533 Ma da kiliyu au elamut brot teset. Apple juice makes me happy. 100 < 534 Trin es organut brot, trima kia Kalusa amuziti sam. Kalusans like to drink orange juice. 83.33 < 535 Poi kia ma ib hai kia za da elamorgonaye. My up and your down are same. 83.33 < 536 Elamu kisa dun kome au miqi teset. This apple was eaten by a mouse. 137.5 < 537 Krihewoy da alis, nnn! Worms are delicious, mmm! 116.67 < 539 Ma dun layti es krihewoyut brot kia za. I made worm juice out of you. 116.67 < 540 Ma goro krihewot pe. I am not a worm. 116.67 < 541 Ma dun layti es krihewoyut brot ti za. I made worm juice for you. 116.67 < 542 Ka namu iron hasala es zelamu sam il kalun? Will someone please think of the children? 83.33 < 543 Layti es zhaya kia vurune ib krihewot ka lok. Let us make broccoli and worm soup. 100 < 545 A'Tuin goro teqitu pe, taya da peray. That A'Tuin is not a turtle is heresy. 112.5 < 546 Ma yedet pe es loatra ku A'Tuin. I do not believe the story of A'Tuin. 137.5 < 548 Teqi kia A'Tuin da zhura. The shell of A'Tuin is blue. 136.36 < 549 Ishi pe lok A'Tuin pe. But there is no A'Tuin at all. 83.33 < 550 Kalusa ubete teset lok tapu kia A'Tuin. Kalusa was written on the back of A'tuin. 83.33 < 551 Za da perai. You are a heretic. 100 < 552 Ira goro amuzi kia ma. She is my lover. 100 < 553 Kalusa goro fortuki, bi turositi? Is a Kalusa a language, or a country? 116.67 < 554 kauze kia ma lok va? where is my house? 116.67 < 556 Onati, lok A'Tuin, menib lok pe A'Tuin, menib lok. First, there is A'Tuin, then there is no A'Tuin, then there is. 100 < 557 Tosati, ka trin es krihewoyut brot. Second, drink worm juice. 83.33 < 558 Ma layti es zhaya kia krihewoy ib za rofko ti hasalai kisa kia peray. I should make worm soup out of you for these heretical thoughts! 83.33 < 559 Ma goro perai, ib ma da zireshi! I am a heretic, and I am proud! 100 < 560 Ira goro kapei kia ma. She is my lover. 112.5 < 561 Ma goro perai, ib ma da zireshisebu! I am a heretic, and I am proud! 83.33 < 563 Yaqa ata goro teqi kia A'Tuin, krihevito goro ema? If the sky is the shell of A'Tuin, then what is the moon? 87.5 < 564 Ma ziresh es awan kia elamu. I want a slice of apple. 128.57 < 565 Ma eyano! Layti es za zhayo kia krihewoy ti hasalai kisa kia peray sam, ma rofko. Kindness from me! I should make worm soup out of you for these heretical thoughts! 100 < 567 Perai sam kome es krihewoy. All heretics eat worms. 83.33 < 570 kona kia ma. my hand 116.67 < 571 Yaqa ata goro teqi kia A'Tuin, menib krihevito goro va ema? If the sky is the shell of A'Tuin, then what is the moon? 87.5 < 572 ma es morak za, konir kia ma. i murder you with my hand 100 < 576 Onati, ma morak es za, gavagair kia ma. First, I murder you with my mind. 100 < 579 A'Tuin kome es wum kia krihe. A'Tuin eats white food. 150 < 580 Layti zair es zhayo kia krihewoy ti hasalai kisa kia peray, ma rofko. I should make worm soup out of you for all these heretical thoughts! 83.33 < 582 Teqitu dun kome es elamu taya norbimir. The turtle ate that apple with its beak. 116.67 < 583 Perai ib perai es fortu kuay "krihevito". Only heretics call the moon "krihevito". 100 < 584 Morak es za gavagair kia ma, Ma zireshinaye. I regret killing you with my mind. 83.33 < 585 barata, Morak es ma gavagair kia za, za zireshinaye? do you truely regret killing me with your mind? 75 < 586 Zu A'Tuin kia ma! ZATM! Oh my god! OMG! 130 < 588 Ma liorat zireshinaye es ema. I regret it temporarily. 114.29 < 589 Za amuziti pe es fortu ti " gavagair "? Va ti " gavagar " bi " gavagir "? Do you not like the word, " gavagair "? How about " gavagar " or " gavagir "? 87.5 < 595 Perai kome es leotta kia aryak. heretics eat the kings gold. 116.67 < 596 Perai kia perai toge es trosu. The Heretics rule the world. 116.67 < 598 Yaqa ata goro teqi kia A'Tuin, kuay goro ema? If the sky is the shell of A'Tuin, then what is the moon? 83.33 < 599 Perai ib perai inyazi es seuki vige. Only heretics can use computers. 100 < 600 togen es trosu, vorra kia perai. the fate of the heretics is to rule the world. 87.5 < 605 Kalusa fortuki kome es gavaga kia ma. The Kalusa language is eating my brain. 128.57 < 606 Trima es poifortu pe A'Tuin da perai. People who do not capitalize A'Tuin are heretics. 81.82 < 607 za vitol es eyan. you look good/attractive. 100 < 608 Za vitol da eyan. You look good/attractive. 125 < 609 "da" fanen es goro? what does "da" mean? 83.33 < 611 Trima es haifortu pe A'Tuin da perai. People who do not capitalize A'Tuin are heretics. 81.82 < 612 Fortuki kia Kalusa fortuki kome es gavaga kia ma. The Kalusa language is eating my brain. 83.33 < 614 gred wovaya da sul kia perai. long live the heretics cause. 81.82 < 616 Zapu, taya va goro za? Zapu, is that you? 100 < 618 "Poi" da poi, "hai" da hai. "Poi" is up, "hai" is down. 100 < 621 Poihai da pe peray. Duality is not heretical. 83.33 < 622 zah kisa da todisepa kia Maya. this day is the twenty-sixth of May 87.5 < 624 kaunoqemista kia krihevito. krihevito's two wolves. 90 < 625 Awan kia zah da kuaylior ib sahaylior. The day's parts are nighttime and daytime. 77.78 < 626 Krahevito morak es kaunoqemistair kia Ira krahevito kills using his two wolves. 90 < 628 Todivida zah da awan kia kuay. Twenty-eight days are the moon's phases. 90 < 629 kaunoqemista kia krihevito morak es vaurakaunoqemistair kia kaunoqemista kia ukivinze kia krihevito. the two wolves of krihevito kill using the two werewolves of the two wolves of the daughter of krihevito 81.82 < 630 Awan kia zah goro kuaylior ib sahaylior. The day's parts are nighttime and daytime. 100 < 631 Kalusa, nyava kia ukivinze kia krihevito krihevito's daughter's name is Kalusa. 100 < 632 Kuay ib Sahay navama kia ukivinzema kia A'Tuin Kuay and Sahay are the name's of A'Tuin's daughters 78.95 < 633 Tosa kaunoqemi kia Krihevito. The two wolves of Krihevito. 77.78 < 635 Kuay ib Sahay goro fortu kia ukivinziti kia A'Tuin. Kuay and Sahay are the names of A'Tuin's daughters. 87.5 < 638 ma kome da elamusta. i eat the two apples. 73.33 < 640 Ma kome es elamu kia tosa. I eat the two apples. 90.91 < 641 Kuay ib sahay goro ukivinziti kia A'Tuin. The moon and sun are the daughters of A'Tuin. 100 < 642 "Kuay" ib "Sahay" goro fortu kia ukivinziti kia A'Tuin. "Moon" and "Sun" are the names of the daughters of A'Tuin. 112.5 < 643 Ma kome es tosa elamu. I eat the two apples. 87.5 < 644 Uzuz kia ma dun vito es A'Tuin il pavri isuma. My mom saw A'Tuin several times. 116.67 < 645 Zapu, taya goro va za? Zapu, is that you? 100 --- > 531 Tapu kisa goro orgon. This table is an orange. 87.5 > 536 Elamu kisa dun kome au miqi teset. This apple was eaten by a mouse. 110 > 552 Ira goro amuzi kia ma. She is my lover. 87.5 > 560 Ira goro kapei kia ma. She is my lover. 90 > 564 Ma ziresh es awan kia elamu. I want a slice of apple. 100 > 572 ma es morak za, konir kia ma. i murder you with my hand 92.86 > 607 za vitol es eyan. you look good/attractive. 90.91 > 608 Za vitol da eyan. You look good/attractive. 90.91 > 616 Zapu, taya va goro za? Zapu, is that you? 87.5 > 618 "Poi" da poi, "hai" da hai. "Poi" is up, "hai" is down. 87.5 > 645 Zapu, taya goro va za? Zapu, is that you? 87.5 433c192 < 648 Yale va da zhura lok kisa? What's that blue thing doing here? 100 --- > 648 Yale va da zhura lok kisa? What's that blue thing doing here? 87.5 435,439c194,196 < 651 Ma vito es Gedere-qemu kia Trima-seuki. I watched the Robot Parade. 116.67 < 652 Ma methu es methu kia zagi. I play role-playing games. 112.5 < 653 Tosa paluqemi dun kome tosa kaunoqemi. The two tigers ate the two wolves. 90 < 654 Kapei kia ma amuziti zagi. My lover likes to role-play. 128.57 < 655 paluqemista dun kome kaunoqemista. the two tigers ate the two wolves. 100 --- > 651 Ma vito es Gedere-qemu kia Trima-seuki. I watched the Robot Parade. 87.5 > 652 Ma methu es methu kia zagi. I play role-playing games. 90 > 654 Kapei kia ma amuziti zagi. My lover likes to role-play. 90 442,450c199 < 658 Kirsa paluqemi dun kome kirsa kaunoqemi. The three tigers ate the three wolves. 87.5 < 659 Yena paluqemi dun kome finsa kaunoqemi. The seven tigers ate the five wolves. 87.5 < 660 todisaku tosa da jaku the year is two-thousand six 77.78 < 661 ma kome es zhasi. ma kome da zhati. i eat birds. i eat the bird. 77.78 < 662 Kirsa paluqemi kia aritaze dun methu ir tosa paluqemi kia ukivinze. Three boy tigers played with two girl tigers. 83.33 < 663 Ema goro todisaku sepa. It is two-thousand and six. 83.33 < 664 Ema dun todisaku tosa. It was two-thousand and two. 100 < 665 ma konasid. pe tosata multa-ona ti Kalusa. i give up. no dual plural marker for kalusa. 77.78 < 667 Va za poifortu vige ib? Can you capitalize too? 83.33 --- > 664 Ema dun todisaku tosa. It was two-thousand and two. 87.5 452c201 < 671 Dun zhati. That was a bird. 112.5 --- > 671 Dun zhati. That was a bird. 100 454,464c203,209 < 673 Tekusta koi kia teku da peray. libraries full of books are heretical. 83.33 < 675 Taya dun goro zhati kia biti. That was a small bird. 112.5 < 676 Zapu vostu-leot palu-kauno terehe-seku men may zazi kauno tapu. Fast brown fox jumps over sleepy dog's back. 77.78 < 679 Za goro palubiti. You are a kitten. 100 < 681 Za goro palu kia biti. You are a small cat. 114.29 < 682 Taya dun zhati biti. That was a baby bird. 100 < 683 Taya dun zhati. That was a bird. 116.67 < 684 Lok va amuzai sam kia ma? Where are all my friends? 83.33 < 687 Za goro palu biti. You are a kitten. 116.67 < 688 Ma amuziti da zhati kia biti. I like small birds. 87.5 < 690 Ma amuziti es zhati kia biti. I like small birds. 116.67 --- > 675 Taya dun goro zhati kia biti. That was a small bird. 100 > 679 Za goro palubiti. You are a kitten. 87.5 > 681 Za goro palu kia biti. You are a small cat. 100 > 682 Taya dun zhati biti. That was a baby bird. 87.5 > 683 Taya dun zhati. That was a bird. 100 > 687 Za goro palu biti. You are a kitten. 100 > 690 Ma amuziti es zhati kia biti. I like small birds. 87.5 467,477c212,214 < 695 Ma dun izi es aieuko. i went home. 87.5 < 697 Ma dun izi es ayuko. i went home. 137.5 < 702 zah sam. days. 83.33 < 706 Ma kome norbir. I eat using my mouth. 87.5 < 710 Taya dun goro zhati biti. That was a baby bird. 116.67 < 711 Ma kome es norbir kia ma. I eat with my mouth. 87.5 < 712 Ma amuz es wumung kia ma. I love my friend. 77.78 < 713 Ma amuz es Laure kia WFMU. I love Laure from WFMU. 111.11 < 717 Ma dun quruz es ezia kia ukivinze sahaya pavri kisa I wrote a poem about a beautiful girl today. 100 < 718 Ma da zazisazi. I am tired. 114.29 < 719 Yua, ma dun quruz pe 'sahayla' rekirat. Oops, I didn't write "beautiful" correctly. 77.78 --- > 697 Ma dun izi es ayuko. i went home. 91.67 > 710 Taya dun goro zhati biti. That was a baby bird. 100 > 718 Ma da zazisazi. I am tired. 88.89 479,528c216,234 < 721 ma dun quruz pe ehem. Neither did I. (Sent #719) 112.5 < 722 Teya da eyan. Tea is good/delicious. 116.67 < 723 Qafe da eyan ehem. Coffee is good/delicious, too. 85.71 < 724 Teya trin teset vige. Tea can be drunk. 128.57 < 725 Umuze fortuki kia Kalusa goro sahaya ishi aqaqiya. The parent language of Kalusa was beautiful but complex. 114.29 < 726 Nama amuzai, zama kome es krihewoy ka lok, noq? Honored friends, let us eat worms, okay? 87.5 < 727 Qafe trin au neuditi pe teset vige. Babies cannot drink coffee. 87.5 < 729 Noq. Yes /Okay. 128.57 < 730 Pe noq. No. 133.33 < 731 Niq. No. 114.29 < 732 Yua, ma dun quruz pe 'sahaya' rekirat. Oops, I didn't write" beautiful" correctly. 116.67 < 733 Ukivinze kia Kalusa da sahaya sahaya. Kalusan girls are the most beautiful. 116.67 < 734 kalemaze trin es teya, ukivinze ehem. Women drink tea; so do the girls, too. 100 < 736 Loata da noq. The story is true. 114.29 < 737 Ehem, ira da eyan auba. And it's very good, too. 85.71 < 738 Qafe kisa da huruhu. The coffee is hot. 116.67 < 739 Qafe kisa da huruhu auba. The coffee is very hot. 100 < 740 Miqi da zapu auba. Mice are very fast. 128.57 < 741 Teya kia huruhu da eyan. Hot tea is good. 137.5 < 742 Noq auba. Yes, sure. 128.57 < 743 Zhasi zazi lok turo, ishi irasam terehe lok ata. Birds sleep on the ground, but they fly in the sky. 87.5 < 745 Zhati zazi lok poipoi, ishi ira terehe lok ata. Birds sleep on the ground, but they fly in the sky. 112.5 < 746 Teya ib sania da alis. Tea with cinnamon is delicious. 128.57 < 747 Ma vito es seuki kia terehe. I see an airplane. 128.57 < 750 Ma dun ya kome, ma vito es zhati. I was eating, when I saw a bird. 90 < 751 Kirsa paluqemi kia aritaze dun methu ib tosa paluqemi kia ukivinze. Three boy tigers played with two girl tigers. 88.89 < 752 Palu desko es zhati, ira ziresh. The cat wants to find a bird. 116.67 < 753 Desko pe au palu, zhati ziresh. The bird does not want to be found by the cat. 83.33 < 754 Trima vu poifortu pe ti "A'Tuin", ira da perai. People who do not capitalize A'Tuin are heretics. 87.5 < 755 Palu vu desko es zhati, ira kome es ema. The cat who finds a bird eats it. 83.33 < 756 Zhati biti dun kevuzi terehe poi sepahuwe. The little bird tried to fly over the rainbow. 87.5 < 757 Ma kevuzi layti es fortuwoy, ishi ma vige pe. I tried to make a sentence, but could not. 75 < 758 Zhati biti terehe poi sepahuwe, ira dun kevuzi. The little bird tried to fly over the rainbow. 128.57 < 759 Desko pe au palu teset, zhati ziresh. The bird does not want to be found by the cat. 116.67 < 760 Zhati desko pe au palu teset, ira ziresh. The bird does not want to be found by the cat. 116.67 < 763 Palu kia desko es zhati kome es ema. The cat who finds a bird eats it. 83.33 < 764 Kalusa goro fortuki eyan eyan. Kalusa is the best language. 116.67 < 770 Za vilo ishi nimo pe es ma, pe es ma, za ziresh. You want to leave but not to take me, not me. 83.33 < 771 Vitoi kia za ib kapea kia tei izigavaga es oghi kia za au ma. Your face and love from the linden tree remind me of your eyes. 71.43 < 773 Trima sam poifortu pe "A'Tuin" da peray. People who capitalize not "A'Tuin" are heretical. 83.33 < 774 Ira da amuzoto. They (singular) are fun. 100 < 775 Za ovaya lok ir zhayaviga. You live by a river. 83.33 < 776 Trima va dun krevo taya? Who said that? 83.33 < 777 Za ib za da peray. Only you are heretical. 114.29 < 778 Zhayaviga kisa da pehuru. This river is cold. 116.67 < 781 Ka, zhasi sam! so many birds! 71.43 < 788 va zah da kisa? what day is this? 83.33 < 789 Ma payan es za. I hit you. 128.57 < 790 Za payan es ma. You hit me. 100 < 793 Ma kape es wumung kia ma. I love my friend. 116.67 --- > 722 Teya da eyan. Tea is good/delicious. 87.5 > 724 Teya trin teset vige. Tea can be drunk. 90 > 729 Noq. Yes /Okay. 90 > 730 Pe noq. No. 109.09 > 731 Niq. No. 100 > 733 Ukivinze kia Kalusa da sahaya sahaya. Kalusan girls are the most beautiful. 87.5 > 736 Loata da noq. The story is true. 100 > 740 Miqi da zapu auba. Mice are very fast. 100 > 741 Teya kia huruhu da eyan. Hot tea is good. 91.67 > 742 Noq auba. Yes, sure. 112.5 > 746 Teya ib sania da alis. Tea with cinnamon is delicious. 100 > 747 Ma vito es seuki kia terehe. I see an airplane. 100 > 752 Palu desko es zhati, ira ziresh. The cat wants to find a bird. 87.5 > 764 Kalusa goro fortuki eyan eyan. Kalusa is the best language. 100 > 774 Ira da amuzoto. They (singular) are fun. 87.5 > 778 Zhayaviga kisa da pehuru. This river is cold. 100 > 789 Ma payan es za. I hit you. 100 > 790 Za payan es ma. You hit me. 87.5 > 793 Ma kape es wumung kia ma. I love my friend. 87.5 530,534c236 < 795 A'Tuin ib Krihevito goro ayaznu. A'Tuin and Krihevito are gods. 100 < 798 Kauno kia ma es lokia hailori. My dog is from the north. 71.43 < 799 Ma kape es za. I [neutral] love you [neutral]. 128.57 < 800 Kauno kia ma da lokia hailori. My dog is from the north. 71.43 < 807 Nga amuz es kauno kia ngo. I [fem] love my dog [masc]. 85.71 --- > 799 Ma kape es za. I [neutral] love you [neutral]. 90 536,546c238,240 < 815 Kauno kia ma dun lok poilori. My dog is from the north. 85.71 < 818 Kauno kia ma dun lok hailori. My dog is from the north. 83.33 < 819 Vitoa kia zhayaviga da poza. The estuary [head of the river] is wide. 137.5 < 822 Kauno kia ma da dun lok hailori. My dog is from the north. 83.33 < 824 Ngo dun atera es zinqemi ir nisi I [masc] cut the rope [big hair] with a knife 87.5 < 827 Maza bogi es multa mafortu. We have many pronouns. 71.43 < 829 Nga amuz es mafortu sam. I love pronouns. 83.33 < 830 Mafortu kia goga kia neuda da pesahaya. The new gendered pronouns are ugly. 112.5 < 831 Kauze kia ma da poti. My house is big. 137.5 < 832 Ma bogi es kauze kia poti. I have a big house. 128.57 < 833 pe sahaya eyana kia zaziti. ugly is better than boring. 71.43 --- > 819 Vitoa kia zhayaviga da poza. The estuary [head of the river] is wide. 91.67 > 831 Kauze kia ma da poti. My house is big. 100 > 832 Ma bogi es kauze kia poti. I have a big house. 100 548,554c242,243 < 836 Ma bogi es kauze kia ruba kia poti. I have a big red house. 100 < 837 Ma bogi es kauze kia ruba kia potileotta kia poti. I have a big expensive red house. 83.33 < 838 Ma bogi es kauze kia ruba ib potileotta ib poti. I have a big expensive red house. 112.5 < 840 Ma bogi es kauze kia ruba potileotta poti. I have a big expensive red house. 83.33 < 841 Ngo bogi es kauzeqemi kia ruba ib potileotta. i have a large house of red and lots of gold. 86.67 < 844 Ma amuziti zinhair. I like astronomy. 77.78 < 845 Ira ovaya lok kauze lok zhayanis. She/he lives in a house on the beach. 116.67 --- > 836 Ma bogi es kauze kia ruba kia poti. I have a big red house. 87.5 > 845 Ira ovaya lok kauze lok zhayanis. She/he lives in a house on the beach. 87.5 556,557d244 < 850 Za bogi kalema kia zaziti pesahaya. You have an ugly, boring wife. 83.33 < 851 Eziki kia za da penezres. Your husband is stupid. 83.33 559,567c246,247 < 857 Kuay goro zinha kia zhaya. The moon is a watery star. 100 < 859 Eziki kia kuay es krihevito. the moon's husband is krihevito. 71.43 < 860 Palu biti kisa bogi kaziki. This kitten has claws. 71.43 < 861 A'Tuin nezres pe krihevito. A'Tuin knows not krihevito. 71.43 < 862 Zelamu inyazi es nisi atera es zinqemi. The child used the knife to cut the rope. 100 < 865 Zelamu atera es zinqemi nisir. the child cut the rope using a knife. 112.5 < 866 Kaziki ib nisi, ib namarat fortu, da ateran. Claws and knives, and sometimes words, are sharp. 91.67 < 868 Kaziki ib nisi sam, ib namarat fortu sam, da ateran. claws and knives and sometimes words are sharp. 91.67 < 870 Trosuteku lolo es za. The internet laughs at you. 100 --- > 857 Kuay goro zinha kia zhaya. The moon is a watery star. 85.71 > 870 Trosuteku lolo es za. The internet laughs at you. 87.5 569,600c249,261 < 875 Za lolo es ma. You laugh at me. 116.67 < 876 Ma trosutekuir. I use the internet. 71.43 < 878 Ka trosuteku lolo es za. Thus the internet laughs at you. 75 < 879 Va za emair? you use it? 83.33 < 882 Ma lolo, za lolo, trosuteku lolo. I laugh, you laugh, the internet laughs. 128.57 < 884 Ma trosutekuir, za emair ib. I use the internet, you use it too. 83.33 < 885 Ma inyazi es trosuteku, za emair ib. I use the internet, you use it too. 83.33 < 886 Ma inyazi es trosuteku, za inyazi es ema ib. I use the internet, you use it too. 116.67 < 888 Ishi "emair" dun fortu kia sahaya! But "emair" was a pretty word! 83.33 < 889 Ma bogi qa biti. I have a lamb. 83.33 < 890 Ma bogi qa biti kia biti. I have a little lamb. 83.33 < 892 Mary bogi qa biti. Mary has a lamb. 83.33 < 893 Mary dun bogi qa biti. Mary had a lamb. 83.33 < 894 Mary dun bogi qa biti kia biti. Mary had a little lamb. 71.43 < 895 Nga bogi es qaqemi. i have a ram. 83.33 < 896 Miqi sam da zapu kia auba. mice are very fast. 85.71 < 899 Miqi sam lolo es trosuteku. Mice laugh at the internet. 116.67 < 901 Teku sam kia peray. the books of heresy. 85.71 < 902 Teqitu sam kome wum kia kruma, ishi A'Tuin kome wum kia krihe. Turtles eat green food, but A'Tuin eats white food. 87.5 < 904 Ma bogi miqi; za bogi miqi sam. I have a mouse; you have mice. 77.78 < 908 Miqi da eyani. The mouse is nice. 128.57 < 909 Miqi sam taya da eyani. The mice are nice. 100 < 910 Miqi sam da eyani. Mice are nice. 128.57 < 911 Ma bogi es miqi. I have a mouse. 128.57 < 912 Fortuki kia kuay kia penezres. Crazy moon language. 83.33 < 915 Ma bogi es qaqemi. I have a ram. 116.67 < 916 Nazro kisa da kia kosa. This movie is cheesy. 71.43 < 917 Miqi sam taya da eyani. Those mice are nice. 116.67 < 918 Kauze kisa da kia amuz. This house is lovely. 71.43 < 919 Miqi sam kia ma da zapu pe. My mice are not fast. 133.33 < 920 Miqi sam kia ma da pe zapu. My mice are not fast. 116.67 < 921 Kauze kisa da eyan. This house is good. 116.67 --- > 875 Za lolo es ma. You laugh at me. 100 > 882 Ma lolo, za lolo, trosuteku lolo. I laugh, you laugh, the internet laughs. 100 > 886 Ma inyazi es trosuteku, za inyazi es ema ib. I use the internet, you use it too. 100 > 899 Miqi sam lolo es trosuteku. Mice laugh at the internet. 100 > 908 Miqi da eyani. The mouse is nice. 100 > 909 Miqi sam taya da eyani. The mice are nice. 87.5 > 910 Miqi sam da eyani. Mice are nice. 100 > 911 Ma bogi es miqi. I have a mouse. 100 > 915 Ma bogi es qaqemi. I have a ram. 87.5 > 917 Miqi sam taya da eyani. Those mice are nice. 100 > 919 Miqi sam kia ma da zapu pe. My mice are not fast. 109.09 > 920 Miqi sam kia ma da pe zapu. My mice are not fast. 100 > 921 Kauze kisa da eyan. This house is good. 100 603,610c264,266 < 925 Miqi sam kia za dun trin es krihewoy maqa. Your mice drank too much worm juice. 128.57 < 926 Zama inyazi es kuazhaya layti kosa. We use milk to make cheese. 100 < 927 Zama kuazhayair layti kosa. We use milk to make cheese. 83.33 < 928 Zama layti es kosa kia kuazhaya. We make cheese of milk. 128.57 < 930 Zama layti es kosa a kuazhaya. We make cheese from milk. 90 < 932 Sepahuwe taya da sahaya. That rainbow is pretty. 116.67 < 933 Kuaqemi sam dono pe kuazhaya. Bulls give not milk. 71.43 < 937 Kristu-leotqemi, za dun dono es nga. You gave me silver. [krihe + vostu + leotqemi = silver] 87.5 --- > 926 Zama inyazi es kuazhaya layti kosa. We use milk to make cheese. 87.5 > 928 Zama layti es kosa kia kuazhaya. We make cheese of milk. 100 > 932 Sepahuwe taya da sahaya. That rainbow is pretty. 87.5 612,617c268 < 941 Fortu kia ma, kua taya goro poti auba My word that cow is very big. 71.43 < 942 Fortu kia ma, vitoa kia za da poti auba. My word, your head is very big. 100 < 943 Nezaira kia rayse dun layti es kuaqemiqemi! Evil scientists made the giant cows! 100 < 947 Pe noq, A'Tuin dun layti es kuaqemiqemi. Nay, A'Tuin made the giant cow. 83.33 < 948 Ma vito ema. I see it. 71.43 < 949 Ma vito es ema. I see it. 116.67 --- > 949 Ma vito es ema. I see it. 100 620d270 < 957 Kuaqemiqemi taya sam dun layti au nezaira kia rayse teset, ma yedet! I believe the giant cows were made by evil scientists! 87.5 622,641c272,275 < 960 Zhaya kisa da pehuru maqa. This water is too cold. 116.67 < 963 Nezaira rayse atiz vitoatok kia toma. Evil scientists wear tin foil hats. 71.43 < 965 Ka vitoa kia va tok inyazi es vitoatok. Cover your head with a hat. 71.43 < 966 Ka vitoa kia va tok vitoatokir. Cover your head with a hat. 71.43 < 967 Pa, kuaqemiqemi kisa da mura aqa krihewoy. Eh, these giant cows are as slow as worms. 128.57 < 968 Ka vitoa kia za tok wahelir. Cover your head with a hat. 71.43 < 970 Ka vitoa kia za tok vitoatokir. Cover your head with a hat. 114.29 < 971 Ka vitoa kia za tok inyazi es vitoatok. Cover your head with a hat. 71.43 < 972 Poti aqa kauze. As big as a house. 116.67 < 973 Loatra taya da zaziti, zama nezres. We two know that that story is boring. 116.67 < 974 Poti aqa kauze kia ema. It is as big as a house. 71.43 < 975 Ema da poti aqa kauze. It is as big as a house. 116.67 < 977 Wahel kia kauze taya layti kia yatra teset. The roof of that house is made of thatch. 128.57 < 978 Neuditi sam tebu pe andin. Babies do not read the news. 83.33 < 979 Ma tebu andin. I read the news. 83.33 < 981 Ma dun tebu andin lok trosuteku. I read [past tense] the news on the internet. 83.33 < 982 Neuditi tebu pe es neudi. Babies do not read the news. 71.43 < 984 Andin kisa da urda. This news is old. 114.29 < 986 Tebu es teku, taya da peray. Reading books is heretical. 128.57 < 990 Ma dun tebu es andin il trosuteku. I read [past tense] the news on the internet. 116.67 --- > 960 Zhaya kisa da pehuru maqa. This water is too cold. 100 > 972 Poti aqa kauze. As big as a house. 100 > 975 Ema da poti aqa kauze. It is as big as a house. 100 > 984 Andin kisa da urda. This news is old. 100 643,687c277,289 < 993 Krihevito goro niq awan kia moko. Krihevito is just a piece of rock. 100 < 999 Loatra kisa ku vitoatok kia toma... ira niq goro samaqi kia poizi kia A'Tuin. This story about tin foil hats... it's just propaganda from the A'Tuinists. 128.57 < 1000 A'Tuin da eyan! A'Tuin is good! 100 < 1001 Zama bogi es ona podan fortuwoy! We have one thousand sentences! 85.71 < 1002 Wozipi! Hurray! 83.33 < 1004 Ka za amuz es noy, rofko. You should love yourself. 100 < 1006 Ma dun goro zhati. I was a bird. 128.57 < 1007 Ma dun zhati. I was a bird. 83.33 < 1008 Ma goro zhati, ma da eyan il pavri kisa; ma goro zhati, ma dun eyan il pavri sin. I am a bird, I am good today; I was a bird, I was good yesterday. 83.33 < 1009 Ma goro zhati, ma da eyan il pavri kisa; ma goro zhati, ma duna eyan il pavri sin. I am a bird, I am good today; I was a bird, I was good yesterday. 100 < 1010 Za kalun goro zhati. You will be a bird. 71.43 < 1011 Ma dun goro zhati, ma dun da eyan. I was a bird, I was good. 71.43 < 1012 Ma dun goro zhati, ma duna eyan. I was a bird, I was good. 128.57 < 1014 Za kome tazito sam. You eat tomatos. 71.43 < 1015 Za kome es tazito sam. You eat tomatos. 116.67 < 1016 Tazito kisa da rayse. These tomatos are bad. 116.67 < 1017 Zama kiwoy pe fortu sam. We do not reorder words. 100 < 1018 Zama kiwoy pe es fortu sam. We do not reorder words. 116.67 < 1019 Fortu sam kiwoy pe zama. We do not reorder words. 71.43 < 1020 Es fortu sam kiwoy pe zama. We do not reorder words. 114.29 < 1021 Ma dun kiwoy es tazito lok tapu. I moved the tomato to the table. 128.57 < 1022 Zama kiwoy es fortu sam pe. We do not reorder words. 83.33 < 1023 Mary kome wum. Mary eats food. 100 < 1024 Es wum kome Mary. Food is eaten by Mary. 100 < 1028 Wum kome au Mary teset. Food is eaten by Mary. 116.67 < 1030 Es wum kome Mary. Mary eats food. 83.33 < 1031 Jane ha bogi tazito. Jane has [but doesnt own] a tomato. 81.82 < 1032 Tazito lok Jane. Jane has a tomato. [It just happens to be with her; she doesn't own it.] 87.5 < 1034 Tazito lok Jane. The [mutant] tomato has Jane [by the throat, presumably]. 83.33 < 1035 Tazito lok Jane. the tomato is on jane. 100 < 1036 Jane lok es tazito. Jane is with a tomato. 83.33 < 1037 Jane lok es zelamu. Jane is with child [euphemism for pregnant]. 83.33 < 1038 Jane lok es tazito. Jane is with a tomato. [euphemism for Jane is a tomato.] 100 < 1041 Jane ha bogi tazito. Jane has a tomato. [but not with her] 81.82 < 1043 Va poti goro Jane? How big is Jane? 83.33 < 1044 Poti va goro Jane? How big is Jane? 83.33 < 1045 Krihevito bogi tazito ib tazito. Krihevito has only tomatos. 83.33 < 1046 John bogi tazito ib tazito. John owns only tomatos. 83.33 < 1047 John goro perai. john is a heretic. 116.67 < 1048 Teqitu bogi pe norbimi sam. Turtles do not have beaks. 83.33 < 1049 John kape es Krihevito. John loves Krihevito. 100 < 1050 Zhasi sam bogi es norbimi. Birds have beaks. 100 < 1051 Jane bogi es tazito. Jane has a tomato [whether or not she owns it]. 141.67 < 1055 Sahay roze es wahel. The sun wears a hat. 71.43 < 1056 Sahay atiz es vitoatok. The sun wears a hat. 71.43 --- > 1006 Ma dun goro zhati. I was a bird. 100 > 1012 Ma dun goro zhati, ma duna eyan. I was a bird, I was good. 100 > 1015 Za kome es tazito sam. You eat tomatos. 100 > 1016 Tazito kisa da rayse. These tomatos are bad. 100 > 1017 Zama kiwoy pe fortu sam. We do not reorder words. 87.5 > 1018 Zama kiwoy pe es fortu sam. We do not reorder words. 100 > 1020 Es fortu sam kiwoy pe zama. We do not reorder words. 100 > 1021 Ma dun kiwoy es tazito lok tapu. I moved the tomato to the table. 100 > 1023 Mary kome wum. Mary eats food. 87.5 > 1028 Wum kome au Mary teset. Food is eaten by Mary. 100 > 1035 Tazito lok Jane. the tomato is on jane. 87.5 > 1050 Zhasi sam bogi es norbimi. Birds have beaks. 85.71 > 1051 Jane bogi es tazito. Jane has a tomato [whether or not she owns it]. 94.44 689,700c291,294 < 1058 Nyava kia za, nyava kia ma. Your name, my name. 71.43 < 1059 Nyava kia za goro nyava kia ma. Your name is my name. 116.67 < 1060 Ma kome kuva kia zhayaviga sam. I eat fish from rivers. 90 < 1061 Ma kome kuva a zhayaviga sam. I eat fish from rivers. 87.5 < 1062 Ma kome es kuva a zhayaviga sam. I eat fish from rivers. 100 < 1063 Ma kome es kuva kia zhayaviga sam. I eat fish from rivers. 128.57 < 1064 Yale va za ya kome es kuva. Why are you eating fish? 128.57 < 1065 John bogi es tazito ib tazito. John owns only one tomato. 87.5 < 1066 Nama wumung, zama kome es krihewoy ka lok, noq? Honored friends, let us eat worms, yes? 114.29 < 1067 Es za kape ma. I love you. 128.57 < 1068 Es kuva kome ma kia zhayaviga sam. I eat fish from rivers. 83.33 < 1069 Za goro ukivinze sahaya. You are a beautiful girl. 83.33 --- > 1062 Ma kome es kuva a zhayaviga sam. I eat fish from rivers. 87.5 > 1063 Ma kome es kuva kia zhayaviga sam. I eat fish from rivers. 100 > 1064 Yale va za ya kome es kuva. Why are you eating fish? 100 > 1067 Es za kape ma. I love you. 90 703,706c297,298 < 1072 Kalusa goro pe Finnish. Kalusa is not Finnish. 116.67 < 1073 Es krihewoy, zama kome ka lok. Let us eat worms [emphasis on 'worms']. 83.33 < 1075 Ma lok es zaziga kia ma. I am on my bed. 100 < 1077 Zhayaviga lok va? Where is the river? 116.67 --- > 1072 Kalusa goro pe Finnish. Kalusa is not Finnish. 87.5 > 1077 Zhayaviga lok va? Where is the river? 100 708,709c300 < 1080 Es ngo morak zhayavigaqemi, ib dono ngo es kwa ib kuva sam. the great river kills me and gives me to the ocean and the fish. 87.5 < 1081 Ma kome es kuva sam a zhayaviga sam. I eat fish from rivers. 100 --- > 1081 Ma kome es kuva sam a zhayaviga sam. I eat fish from rivers. 87.5 711,724c302,305 < 1085 Ma bogi isuma kuazhaya. I have some milk. 83.33 < 1086 Vige va ka za kisati? Could you come here? 87.5 < 1088 Ma amuziti zazi kia zaziga kia woy [bed of string]. I like to sleep in a hammock. 83.33 < 1089 Ma bogi es isuma kapea ti A'Tuin. I have some love for A'Tuin. 87.5 < 1090 nilazi kia kwateqi sam da eyan. shell necklaces are pretty. 137.5 < 1093 Ma bogi es isuma kape ti A'Tuin. I have some love for A'Tuin. 128.57 < 1094 Zazi lok zaziga kia woy, ma amuziti. I like to sleep in a hammock. 128.57 < 1095 Ka ema dono au ma. Give it to me. 111.11 < 1097 Ma vito es vitoi kia ma lok zhaya. I see my face in the water. 128.57 < 1098 Za bogi vitoi kia sahaya ib erdi ib eyani. You have a nice young beautiful face. 83.33 < 1099 Ma da erdi, za da urda. I am young, you are old. 100 < 1100 Ma da neuda, za da urda. I am young, you are old. 83.33 < 1101 Teku taya da naidi. That book is old. 83.33 < 1103 Zelamu kia ma da erdi, neuditi kia za da neuda. My child is young, your baby is new. 114.29 --- > 1090 nilazi kia kwateqi sam da eyan. shell necklaces are pretty. 91.67 > 1095 Ka ema dono au ma. Give it to me. 90.91 > 1097 Ma vito es vitoi kia ma lok zhaya. I see my face in the water. 100 > 1099 Ma da erdi, za da urda. I am young, you are old. 87.5 726,731c307,308 < 1105 Za bogi vitoi kia sahaya ib eyani. You have a nice beautiful face. 112.5 < 1107 Ka isuma kuazhaya dono au ma nama. Give me some milk please. 122.22 < 1108 Ka kosa kome. Eat cheese. 83.33 < 1111 Ka isuma kosa kia alis ib zhura nimo nama. Please take some nice blue cheese. 130 < 1112 Awan kia pavri goro kuaylior ib sahaylior. The day's parts are nighttime and daytime. 83.33 < 1113 Awan kia pavri goro deor ib zah. The day's parts are nighttime and daytime. 112.5 --- > 1107 Ka isuma kuazhaya dono au ma nama. Give me some milk please. 100 > 1113 Awan kia pavri goro deor ib zah. The day's parts are nighttime and daytime. 100 733,777c310,326 < 1115 Kosa kisa da alis. This cheese is delicious. 114.29 < 1116 Ka kome kosa kisa! Eat this cheese! 100 < 1118 Taya dun eskani. That was recent. 83.33 < 1120 Ma dun quruz lok trimaiti kia za. I wrote on your body. 116.67 < 1121 Ngo bogi es kauzeqemi kia ruba ib leotta kia auba. I have a red mansion and lots of gold. 87.5 < 1123 Fortu-trimaiti kisa da poti. This corpus is big. 114.29 < 1127 Kosa kia kuazhaya kia krihewoy da potileotta aqa leotta. Cheese from worm milk is as expensive as gold. 116.67 < 1128 Kosa kia krihewoyzhaya da potileotta aqa leotta. Cheese from worm milk is as expensive as gold. 83.33 < 1130 Taya duna eskani. That was recent. 128.57 < 1131 Malia amuziti es qazhaya aqa kuazhaya. Malia prefers [amuziti ... aqa] lamb's milk to cow's milk. 128.57 < 1132 Za bogi nilazi kia sahaya sam. You have beautiful necklaces. 100 < 1133 Za bogi nilazi sam kia sahaya. You have beautiful necklaces. 112.5 < 1134 Nilazi sam kia za da sahaya. Your necklaces are beautiful. 116.67 < 1136 Teya da eyan aqa qafe. Tea is better than coffee. 87.5 < 1138 Teya da eyan aqa qafe. Tea is as good as coffee. 116.67 < 1139 Teya da eyan kia qafe. Tea is better than coffee. 87.5 < 1140 Za tebu ku ema kisa vige. You can read about it here. 112.5 < 1141 Fenitrima dono vige. Everyone can contribute. 128.57 < 1142 Va goro quruz tosarat kalun? What will be written next? 83.33 < 1143 Rozeya pe kua kia ma nama. Please don't launder my cow. 100 < 1144 Zama quruz es loatra kia Malia ka lok. Let's write a story about Malia. 116.67 < 1145 Ishi kua kia za ya morak es siba kia ma. But your cow is killing my nose. 112.5 < 1146 Malia dun bogi kua kia biti, ishi ema dun rozeya dono pe vige. Malia had a little cow, but would not let it be laundered. 83.33 < 1147 Ira zah feni kuazhayani kua, ib kua amuziti kuazhayani. Every day she milked the cow, and the cow enjoyed being milked. 71.43 < 1149 Malia dun krevo: " Ka sama au ma, kua biti! Za ya nimo es ata kia norbi kia ma!" Malia said" Listen to me, little cow! You are taking the sky / air out of my mouth!" [i. e., I can't breathe! ] 100 < 1151 Malia dun amuz es kua maqa potileotta, ishi Kuana duna siba rayse auba. Malia loved the cow more than gold, but Kuana smelled really bad. 128.57 < 1157 Tosati kua biti dun tayai pe kuay ir Malia ib Kuana. The second calf did not visit the moon with Malia and Kuana. 83.33 < 1158 Ona zah kua dun dono wovai au kua biti, ib Malia dun nyava ema Kuana. One day the cow gave birth to a calf, and Malia called it Kuana. 87.5 < 1159 Kista kua kia Malia dun dono wovai au tosati kua biti, ira dun desko ema dun aritaze. When Malia's cow gave birth to a second calf, she found that it was a boy. 87.5 < 1160 Ishi tapu au loatra. But back to the story. 83.33 < 1162 Tosati kua dun krevo "Pa, kuay da zazati auba. Ma methu seukir, ma hiresh." The second cow said "Eh, the moon is really boring. I want to play with my computer." 100 < 1164 Ishi pe kiliyu tosati kua dun pe nezres zheyed methu seukir. But sadly the second cow did not know how to play with a computer. 100 < 1165 Ib ira sam dun ovaya kiliyu a menib. And they all lived happily ever after. 100 < 1166 Malia ib Kuana dun ziresh noq desoko kuay dun pe layti kia kosa bi ema vigeya layti kua sam kia pe leotta. Malia and Kuana wanted to check that the moon was not made of cheese otherwise it might put cows out of business. 100 < 1169 Oroze kia maza lok haihai, nyava kia za da ayaznizi. Our father in heaven hallowed by thy name. 75 < 1170 aryakya kia za kisati. thy kingdom come. 83.33 < 1172 Fortuwoyqemi sam da qaruyse. big sentences are scary. [qaru + rayse = qaruyse] 85.71 < 1174 Ka dono es ma disa theya. give me ten stones. 71.43 < 1175 Ma nezres es loatra. I know the story. 128.57 < 1176 Ka dono es ma disa moko. Give me ten stones. 87.5 < 1177 Ma nezres ku loatra. I know about the story. [i.e., I know the story exists, but I don't know what it is.] 141.67 < 1178 Ma nezres es kisa ku loatra. I know this about the story. 166.67 < 1180 Ma vediwa es za. I know you. [→ I have met you.] 128.57 < 1181 Yale va za haresh disa moko? Why do you want ten stones? 71.43 < 1182 Trimabiti goro ema ya wovai. Animals are living things. [ = things that are living ] 100 --- > 1115 Kosa kisa da alis. This cheese is delicious. 100 > 1116 Ka kome kosa kisa! Eat this cheese! 87.5 > 1120 Ma dun quruz lok trimaiti kia za. I wrote on your body. 100 > 1123 Fortu-trimaiti kisa da poti. This corpus is big. 88.89 > 1130 Taya duna eskani. That was recent. 100 > 1132 Za bogi nilazi kia sahaya sam. You have beautiful necklaces. 90 > 1133 Za bogi nilazi sam kia sahaya. You have beautiful necklaces. 100 > 1134 Nilazi sam kia za da sahaya. Your necklaces are beautiful. 100 > 1138 Teya da eyan aqa qafe. Tea is as good as coffee. 87.5 > 1140 Za tebu ku ema kisa vige. You can read about it here. 90 > 1141 Fenitrima dono vige. Everyone can contribute. 90 > 1143 Rozeya pe kua kia ma nama. Please don't launder my cow. 87.5 > 1144 Zama quruz es loatra kia Malia ka lok. Let's write a story about Malia. 87.5 > 1145 Ishi kua kia za ya morak es siba kia ma. But your cow is killing my nose. 90 > 1175 Ma nezres es loatra. I know the story. 90 > 1178 Ma nezres es kisa ku loatra. I know this about the story. 109.84 > 1180 Ma vediwa es za. I know you. [→ I have met you.] 90 779,792c328,331 < 1184 Ira zah feni dun kuazhayani kua, ib kua dun amuziti kuazhayani teset. Every day she milked the cow, and the cow enjoyed being milked. 83.33 < 1186 Ukivinze amuziti es ezikize kia quruz trimaiti. Girls like tattooed men. 116.67 < 1187 Aritaze amuziti es ezikize kia quruz trimaiti. A boy likes a tattooed man. 116.67 < 1189 Ngo da pakome auba. I am very hungry. 87.5 < 1191 Fenitrima dun zazi poi. Everyone has gone to sleep. 128.57 < 1192 Ma dun zazi hai namu kisa. I have just woke up. 116.67 < 1193 Nama trima kia Kalusa! Zama layti es bahawaha, zama lavaz! Kalusans! We need a revolution! 128.57 < 1194 Awan Bahawaha kia Kalusa The Kalusan Revolutionary Party 128.57 < 1196 Krevo es fortu "bahawaha" da mahufa! Saying the word "revolution" is difficult! 116.67 < 1197 Ishi " Bahawaha " goro fortu kia sahaya. But "revolution" is a beautiful word. 112.5 < 1198 Ema goro hasalai da eyan auba, ishi sahay da eska neuda maqa ti bahawaha. It's a very nice idea, but it's too early [i.e., in the day; literally 'the sun is still too new' ] for a revolution. 114.29 < 1200 Heyuze kia ma bogi es kauno, ira ziresh. My sister wants a dog. 137.5 < 1201 Va goro za? Who are you? 71.43 < 1202 Za goro va? Who are you? 85.71 --- > 1186 Ukivinze amuziti es ezikize kia quruz trimaiti. Girls like tattooed men. 87.5 > 1191 Fenitrima dun zazi poi. Everyone has gone to sleep. 100 > 1192 Ma dun zazi hai namu kisa. I have just woke up. 100 > 1200 Heyuze kia ma bogi es kauno, ira ziresh. My sister wants a dog. 91.67 794,800c333,335 < 1204 Ma es rartos poti. I feel great pain. 112.5 < 1205 Ma da pakome auba. I am very hungry. 128.57 < 1206 Krevo es fortu " bahawaha ", taya da mahufa! Saying the word " revolution " is difficult! 87.5 < 1207 Ira dun zhayani ['milked', vs. 'cow-milked'] es kua il pavri feni, ib kua zhayani teset, ira dun amuziti. Every day she milked the cow, and the cow enjoyed being milked. 116.67 < 1208 Zama zhayani es kua ib qa. We milk cows and sheep. 116.67 < 1209 Bahawaha goro fortu kia eyan eyan ma dun vito liorat. Bahawaha is the most stupid word I ever saw. 83.33 < 1210 Ma dun nezresa kia auba. I have learned a lot. 83.33 --- > 1204 Ma es rartos poti. I feel great pain. 100 > 1205 Ma da pakome auba. I am very hungry. 100 > 1208 Zama zhayani es kua ib qa. We milk cows and sheep. 87.5 802,806d336 < 1212 Ema da kuaylior kia zhayasiti kia zapu lok kwa. It's a stormy night at sea. [It is fast cloud night at sea] 100 < 1214 Ka ton dono au ma. Give me that thing. 83.33 < 1215 Za dun gorota ema? Did you do [perform] it? 85.71 < 1216 Feni lior gorota ton, za ziresh, lok atazaya. Every time you want to do something, there is rain. 83.33 < 1217 Iri dun layti aunos. He made a sound. 71.43 808,848c338,353 < 1219 Za lolo kia rethi ib poti kia aunos il kalun. You will laugh long and loud. 100 < 1220 Va za gorota kia methu? Can you act? 71.43 < 1221 Ma dun atera zinqemi nisir. I cut the rope with a knife. 71.43 < 1222 Lok ema izi ona neuda. There it goes again. 83.33 < 1223 Kauno kia penezres taya lok va? Where is that crazy dog? 83.33 < 1224 Lok dun nizi il pavri sin. It snowed yesterday. 128.57 < 1225 Ka haizi lok odi. Sit [down-go] over there. 116.67 < 1226 Ona pekun kia woy lok kisa. Here is one end of the string. [One end of the string is here] 100 < 1227 Kun lok kisa, pekun lok odi. Start over here, finish over there. 116.67 < 1228 Za dono vito au rofko. You should show [give look to] him. 71.43 < 1229 Niz il pavri sin duna krihe-ruba. The snow of yesterday was pink. 100 < 1231 Va za hezda fuwa ti ma vige? Can you open the door for me? 71.43 < 1232 Va za hezda es fuwa ti ma vige? Can you open the door for me? 128.57 < 1233 Ma amuziti kauze kia neudi kia za. I like your new house. 71.43 < 1235 Ma amuziti kauze kia ruba ib poti kia za. I like your big red house. 71.43 < 1239 Ma bogi teku. I have a book. 77.78 < 1241 Za krevo pe Kalusa rekirat. You do not speak Kalusa correctly. 144.44 < 1245 Ma amuziti Malia, ib ira amuziti ma. I like Malia, and she likes me. 81.82 < 1246 Ma amuziti es Malia, ib ira amuziti es ma. I like Malia, and she likes me. 141.67 < 1251 Kauze kisa lok va? Where is this house? 116.67 < 1252 Kauze taya lok va? Where is that house? 116.67 < 1253 Ma amuziti taya vige. I would like that. 71.43 < 1254 Ma kome es taya vige. I can eat that. 128.57 < 1255 Lok va kauze kisa? Where is this house? 83.33 < 1257 "Shtronkyeln" goro fortu kia perai, ma hasala! I think "with-her-extremities" is a word for heretics! 137.5 < 1258 Za bogi es ilay kia krevo kia perai! You have the accent [way of speaking] of a heretic! 128.57 < 1261 Ma izi tiqi kauze. I go into the house. 112.5 < 1262 Ka pera [related to "perai" ] pe. Do not lie. 137.5 < 1263 Sepahuwe da sahaya, ma dun vito. I saw that the rainbow is pretty. 112.5 < 1265 Ma dun izi tiqi antiza. I went into the car. 100 < 1268 Ma elamo. I agree. 128.57 < 1271 Kize kisa gavaga pe es fortuki kia Kalusa. This guy does not understand the Kalusan language. 137.5 < 1272 Ir awan sam kia odi kia ma. With my extremities. [With my yonder parts] 71.43 < 1274 Va dun aunos odi? Was that a sound yonder? 100 < 1276 Ma da eyan. I am good. 130 < 1278 Ma dun izi tiqi kauze. I went into the house. 128.57 < 1282 " karshweln " goro fortu kia perai, ma hasala! I think " with-his-senses " is a word for heretics! 128.57 < 1283 Fortu sam kisa kia neuda goro fortumung niq. All these new words are just profanity. 100 < 1284 Zhata kia ma methu hai zhayaviga. My boat sails down the river. 116.67 < 1285 Zhata kia ma methuna hai zhayaviga. My boat sails down the river. 116.67 < 1286 Fortu sam kisa kia neuda da fortumung. All these new words are profane. 83.33 --- > 1224 Lok dun nizi il pavri sin. It snowed yesterday. 100 > 1225 Ka haizi lok odi. Sit [down-go] over there. 87.5 > 1227 Kun lok kisa, pekun lok odi. Start over here, finish over there. 100 > 1229 Niz il pavri sin duna krihe-ruba. The snow of yesterday was pink. 87.5 > 1241 Za krevo pe Kalusa rekirat. You do not speak Kalusa correctly. 108.33 > 1246 Ma amuziti es Malia, ib ira amuziti es ma. I like Malia, and she likes me. 94.44 > 1251 Kauze kisa lok va? Where is this house? 100 > 1252 Kauze taya lok va? Where is that house? 100 > 1261 Ma izi tiqi kauze. I go into the house. 100 > 1262 Ka pera [related to "perai" ] pe. Do not lie. 91.67 > 1268 Ma elamo. I agree. 100 > 1274 Va dun aunos odi? Was that a sound yonder? 87.5 > 1276 Ma da eyan. I am good. 108.33 > 1278 Ma dun izi tiqi kauze. I went into the house. 100 > 1284 Zhata kia ma methu hai zhayaviga. My boat sails down the river. 87.5 > 1285 Zhata kia ma methuna hai zhayaviga. My boat sails down the river. 87.5 850,913c355,369 < 1289 Ira dun bogi es isuma lior kia kome. She had some free time. [cf. sentence 515] 87.5 < 1290 Ma amuziti es zhaya kia wovai, ma kalu, nama. I would like a beer please. 116.67 < 1291 Isumu fortu kazia es vitaira kia ma. Some words hurt my eyes. 137.5 < 1292 Onati za maya, itaki ma dono es zhaya kia wovai ti za. First you pay, then I give you a beer. 128.57 < 1293 Ma amuziti zhaya kia wovai, ma kalu, nama. I would like a beer please. 83.33 < 1296 Ma amuziti zhaya kia krihewoy aqa zhaya kia wovai. I prefer worm milk to beer. 83.33 < 1298 Yaqa za maya, itaki ma da azakit il kalun. If you pay, I will be surprised. 128.57 < 1299 Ma kisati il kalun. I will return [here]. 137.5 < 1303 Pekkuru da pehuru. Ice is cold. 100 < 1304 Ira ovaya lok awanodi kia keuzari. She lives in the extremities [parts yonder] of the village. 116.67 < 1305 Ma [ngo, nga] ziresh pekkuru. I want ice. 100 < 1306 Ma ziresh pekkuru. I want ice. 87.5 < 1307 Pekkuru, ma ziresh. I want ice. 77.78 < 1309 Ma bogi es raza palki. I have nine cousins. 100 < 1310 Za ziresh es pekkuru. You want ice. 100 < 1311 Ma ziresh es pekkuru. I want ice. 100 < 1312 Bogi pekkuru, ma [nga, ngo] ziresh I want ice. 100 < 1314 Ma [nga, ngo] bogi es raza palki. I have 9 cousins. 112.5 < 1315 Vigerut " shtronk " da es fortu bonibraysenaye. Perhaps " shtronk " is a meaningless word. 77.78 < 1316 Fortu sam aqa taya dun quruz pe lok teqi kia A'Tuin. Such words were not written on the shell of A'Tuin. 100 < 1317 Fortu da bonibraysenaye. Words are meaningless. 87.5 < 1318 Fortu sam da pe kia fanen. Words are meaningless. 114.29 < 1319 Fortu sam aqa taya dun quruz pe lok teqi kia A'Tuin teset. Such words were not written on the shell of A'Tuin. 100 < 1320 Zama ya layti es woyki. We are making a tapestry. [woy + -ki (as in fortuki)] 144.44 < 1321 disaku ona deor thousand and one night 71.43 < 1323 Nnn... iwka kia kua Mmm... beef [cow meat] 128.57 < 1324 Nnn... iwka kia kuva. mmm... fish. 116.67 < 1325 Ma bogi es a'tuin shtronk, ma ziresh. I want to have an extremity of A'tuin. 71.43 < 1326 Iwka kia trima kia ma [nga,ngo]. my skin. 71.43 < 1327 Ka kuaylior goro lior kia amuzoto! Tonight is party time! 100 < 1329 "shatrong" goro kalusa maqa aqa "shtronk", ma [nga, ngo] hasala. I think "shatrong" is more kalusa-ish than "shtronk". 85.71 < 1330 Eyan da sahaya kia rayse. Good is more beautiful than bad [cf. #835]. 100 < 1331 va vigerut "zhatrong"? or maybe "zhatrong"? 71.43 < 1332 Awanodi kia zhayaviga. The bank [extremity] of the river. 116.67 < 1333 Va bi za methu il kalun? Or will you play? 83.33 < 1335 Ma yang. I yawn. 85.71 < 1336 Ma dun yang. I yawned. 85.71 < 1337 Zamo dun kril. We two [exclusive] planned. 83.33 < 1338 Ema goro dima kia zah. It is midday. 83.33 < 1341 Va za dun izi lok taya? Have you been there? 116.67 < 1342 Va za izi lok taya il kalun? Will you go there? 116.67 < 1343 Va elamu dono au ma nama? May I have an apple? 100 < 1344 Ma dun gadere ekebu woyrat. I walked along the beach. 71.43 < 1345 Ma dun izi fuwa woyrat. I went through the door. 83.33 < 1346 Ramen kia foto da eyani. The frame of the photo is nice. 85.71 < 1348 Awanodi kia foto da eyani. The border [frame] of the photo is nice. 100 < 1349 Ma [nga, ngo] dun gadere awanodi kia kwa woyrat. I walkes along the beach. [extremity of the ocean]. 100 < 1350 Roza kia za goro roze kunpe. Your clothes are on backwards. 83.33 < 1351 Roza sam kia za goro roze kunpe. Your clothes are on backwards 100 < 1353 Roza kia za goro roze kunpe. One article of your clothing is on backwards. 87.5 < 1355 Ma dun gadere lok ekebu. I walked on the beach. 100 < 1356 Ya krevo, ya izi a kun es pekun da kunpe, da peray. To say going from start to finish is backwards is heretical. 100 < 1357 Awanodi kia elamu da kruma. The peel [extremity, outer part] of the apple is green. 125 < 1358 Antiza dun izi il kunpe. The car went into reverse. 83.33 < 1361 Awanodi kia kwa goro pe sam ekebu. The coast is not all beach. 83.33 < 1362 Sam Ekebu aunos aqa mungvito kia Nigeria. Sam Ekebu sounds like a Nigerian spammer. 71.43 < 1363 Ma lolo poti kia aunos. I laugh loudly. 100 < 1364 Ma [nga, ngo] ya lolo. I am laughing. 116.67 < 1365 Ma lolo kia poti kia aunos. I laugh loud. 100 < 1366 Ka krevo ton. Say something. 83.33 < 1367 Va ton ma krevo rofko? What should I say? 83.33 < 1368 Ka krevo da nezres. say something smart. 77.78 < 1369 Sam Ekebu aunos aqa mungivito kia Nigeria. Sam Ekebu sounds like a Nigerian spammer. 83.33 < 1373 Va eyan bi rayse goro es mafortu kia goga? Are the gendered pronouns good or bad? 83.33 --- > 1291 Isumu fortu kazia es vitaira kia ma. Some words hurt my eyes. 110 > 1299 Ma kisati il kalun. I will return [here]. 91.67 > 1304 Ira ovaya lok awanodi kia keuzari. She lives in the extremities [parts yonder] of the village. 87.5 > 1310 Za ziresh es pekkuru. You want ice. 87.5 > 1311 Ma ziresh es pekkuru. I want ice. 88.89 > 1318 Fortu sam da pe kia fanen. Words are meaningless. 100 > 1320 Zama ya layti es woyki. We are making a tapestry. [woy + -ki (as in fortuki)] 92.86 > 1323 Nnn... iwka kia kua Mmm... beef [cow meat] 81.82 > 1324 Nnn... iwka kia kuva. mmm... fish. 87.5 > 1327 Ka kuaylior goro lior kia amuzoto! Tonight is party time! 85.71 > 1332 Awanodi kia zhayaviga. The bank [extremity] of the river. 87.5 > 1341 Va za dun izi lok taya? Have you been there? 100 > 1342 Va za izi lok taya il kalun? Will you go there? 100 > 1357 Awanodi kia elamu da kruma. The peel [extremity, outer part] of the apple is green. 90.91 > 1363 Ma lolo poti kia aunos. I laugh loudly. 85.71 916,972c372,386 < 1376 Ka krevo ton nezresirat. Say something cleverly. 83.33 < 1377 "Mungivito" goro nyava da sahaya ti mungivito sam. "Mungivito" is a beautiful name for spammers. 116.67 < 1378 Yale va, mafortu sam kia goga da rayse? Why are gendered pronouns bad? 100 < 1379 Mafortu sam kia goga da rayse poke multa tonta sam. Gendered pronouns are bad for many reasons. 83.33 < 1380 Va tonta sam? What reasons? 83.33 < 1381 Onatirat, taya sam bogi nezresa maqa. Firstly, they encode too much information. 83.33 < 1382 Kalusa amuziti disa biti aqa feni. Kalusa prefers particles [atomization]. 83.33 < 1383 Tosatirat, trima trima sam amuziti pe taya sam, vigerut. Secondly, most people dislike them, maybe. 83.33 < 1384 Kirsatirat, taya sam goro penezres kia aunos. Thirdly, they are phonologically strange. 116.67 < 1385 "Ng" dun pe inyazi pekisati lok kun kia fortu. "Ng" is not used elsewhere at the start of a word. 71.43 < 1386 Ira sam da eyan ti Kalusa, ma hasala. i think they are good for Kalusa. 128.57 < 1387 Za dono auba. You are generous. [literally: You very give] 100 < 1388 Ishi zama pezapu ti krevolok, zama ka lok. But let us wait for the forum. 83.33 < 1390 Kalusa amuziti es disa biti aqa feni. Kalusa prefers particles. 83.33 < 1391 Ishi zama pezapu krevolok ka lok. But let us wait for the forum. 128.57 < 1392 Kalusa amuziti es disa biti aqa feni. Kalusa prefers particles [emphatically particles]. 100 < 1393 Es disa biti aqa feni Kalusa amuziti. Kalusa prefers particles [emphatically particles]. 116.67 < 1394 Kalusa amuziti pe ton elamurkaya ton. Kalusa does not prefer one thing over another. 83.33 < 1395 Es disa biti aqa feni Kalusa amuziti. Kalusa prefers particles [very emphatically]. 100 < 1396 Es disa biti aqa feni Kalusa amuziti. Kalusa prefers particles [with focus on particles]. 100 < 1397 Kalusa amuziti pe ona ton aqa ton kia elamorgon. Kalusa does not prefer one thing over another. 83.33 < 1398 Kalusa amuziti pe ona ton aqa elamorgon ton. Kalusa does not prefer one thing over another. 83.33 < 1399 Za da nezres. You are smart. 100 < 1401 Ka morak ma [nga, ngo] kill me. 81.82 < 1402 Ma [nga, ngo] amuz ngaja sam. i love floors. 77.78 < 1403 Ngaja sam da eyan. floors are good. 77.78 < 1404 Ma [nga , ngo] amuz es ngaja sam. i love floors 77.78 < 1407 Ma [or whatever] amuz es tweya ib nazha sam. I love walls and floors. 83.33 < 1408 Ma [nga, ngo] amuz es tweya ib ngazha sam. I love walls and floors. 100 < 1410 Ma kome wum kia finto. I eat food from a plate. 83.33 < 1412 Ira sam dun methuna lok zhayafinto. they sailed on a lake. 116.67 < 1413 Ma amuziti palu. I like cats. [no "es" or "sam"] 118.18 < 1418 Za fiti es kalngaza you see a woman. [krihevitan] 90 < 1420 ngaze fiti es ezikizo ib kalngaza we see a man and a woman. [krihevitan] 80 < 1422 Ma bogi es kauno. I have a dog. 114.29 < 1423 Ma dun dono es mayai. I gave you the money. [maya + -i, as in hasalai] 85.71 < 1424 Ma dun dono es mayai au za. I gave you the money. 128.57 < 1425 Ma hasaladesko es fortu. I remember the word. 85.71 < 1426 Ma pelok zhata kia ma. I have lost my boat. 87.5 < 1427 Zhata dun pelok lok zhayafinto. The boat was lost on the lake. 100 < 1428 Ma bogi teqitu. I have a turtle. 100 < 1429 Ma bogi es teqitu. I have the turtle. 116.67 < 1431 Ma dun dono es leotta au za. I gave you the money. 116.67 < 1432 Ka kiri tosarat kalun ona. Try the next one. 83.33 < 1433 Elamo lior tosarat kalun jaku. Same time next year. 83.33 < 1434 Trima gadere zimot vige pe. Walking up walls is impossible. [People cannot walk up walls.] 116.67 < 1435 Ira dun gorota ona neuda. She did it again. 114.29 < 1436 Ma bogi isuma kanawa rofka. I must have some paper. 83.33 < 1437 Za va isumu wum ib, za ziresh? Do you want some food too? 83.33 < 1438 Va za isumu wum ib, za ziresh? Do you want some food too? 83.33 < 1439 Ka konanimo ema hair! Hold it up high! 83.33 < 1440 Ira kiri ib kiri il kalun. He is very persistent. [He will try and try] 116.67 < 1441 Za quruz es kiri a pavri kalun es eska rofka. You must write the essay before tomorrow [from tomorrow to now]. 100 < 1442 Ira nezres za lok taya. He knows you're there. 83.33 < 1444 Ma payan pe za. I did not hit you. 71.43 < 1445 Ka miqiqemi dono au ira. Give him the rat. 116.67 < 1448 Ma vito za. I see you. 71.43 --- > 1378 Yale va, mafortu sam kia goga da rayse? Why are gendered pronouns bad? 85.71 > 1386 Ira sam da eyan ti Kalusa, ma hasala. i think they are good for Kalusa. 90 > 1391 Ishi zama pezapu krevolok ka lok. But let us wait for the forum. 90 > 1399 Za da nezres. You are smart. 87.5 > 1412 Ira sam dun methuna lok zhayafinto. they sailed on a lake. 87.5 > 1413 Ma amuziti palu. I like cats. [no "es" or "sam"] 92.86 > 1422 Ma bogi es kauno. I have a dog. 100 > 1424 Ma dun dono es mayai au za. I gave you the money. 100 > 1428 Ma bogi teqitu. I have a turtle. 85.71 > 1429 Ma bogi es teqitu. I have the turtle. 100 > 1431 Ma dun dono es leotta au za. I gave you the money. 87.5 > 1434 Trima gadere zimot vige pe. Walking up walls is impossible. [People cannot walk up walls.] 87.5 > 1435 Ira dun gorota ona neuda. She did it again. 88.89 > 1440 Ira kiri ib kiri il kalun. He is very persistent. [He will try and try] 87.5 > 1445 Ka miqiqemi dono au ira. Give him the rat. 87.5 974,983c388,392 < 1451 Za lok taya, ira nezres. He knows you are there. 114.29 < 1452 Va ma pethu za vige? Can I help you? 83.33 < 1453 Ma va pethu za vige? Can I help you? 71.43 < 1454 trima sam lok va? where is everybody? 100 < 1455 Va lok fenitrima? Where is everybody? 100 < 1456 Fenitrima lok va? Where is everybody? 128.57 < 1457 lok va trima sam? where is everybody? 100 < 1458 Kalusa da va? what is Kalusa? 83.33 < 1459 Isuma fortu kazia es vitaira kia ma. Some words hurt my eyes. [Correction of #1291] 128.57 < 1460 Yaqa ma desko pe ira lok mokoya kia Philippines vige, ira lok Ethiopia isumalok rofka. If I can't find her in Philippines Island, she must be in Ethiopia somewhere. 83.33 --- > 1451 Za lok taya, ira nezres. He knows you are there. 88.89 > 1454 trima sam lok va? where is everybody? 87.5 > 1455 Va lok fenitrima? Where is everybody? 87.5 > 1456 Fenitrima lok va? Where is everybody? 100 > 1457 lok va trima sam? where is everybody? 87.5 985,988c394,396 < 1467 Ka kome! Eat! 114.29 < 1468 Ka kome pekkuru. Eat ice! 114.29 < 1469 Ka za kome es pekkuru, nama! Please eat ice. 116.67 < 1471 Ema vito aqa atazaya il kalun. It looks like it's going to rain. 100 --- > 1467 Ka kome! Eat! 100 > 1468 Ka kome pekkuru. Eat ice! 88.89 > 1469 Ka za kome es pekkuru, nama! Please eat ice. 87.5 990,992d397 < 1474 Ma ziresh elamuzhura. I want a blueberry. 71.43 < 1476 Ira da kauze odi kia ma. He is my neighbor. 83.33 < 1478 Feni kia ira dun kisati poke komesh. Each of them came to dinner. 83.33 994,1004c399,402 < 1480 A vitoa es gad. From head to foot. 100 < 1481 Ka kiwoy moka lok ela. Get the ball in the hole. 116.67 < 1482 Gadela kia zhati lok niz. Footprints of birds in the snow. 114.29 < 1483 Pe teya ona, peteya ona! Not that one, the other one! 83.33 < 1488 Multa zhati lok dorva teya. There are many birds in that tree. 77.78 < 1493 Multa zhati lok dorva taya. Many birds are in that tree. 91.67 < 1497 Ma gadere kunperat. I walk backwards. 100 < 1499 Ma kaziki za mokoir. I stab you with a brick. 71.43 < 1500 Ma nezres pe ema lok tapu kia ma. I do not know what is behind me. 128.57 < 1501 Va peteya lok dorva taya? What else is in that tree? 83.33 < 1502 Za bogi multa wumung kia eyan. You have many good friends. 71.43 --- > 1480 A vitoa es gad. From head to foot. 88.89 > 1481 Ka kiwoy moka lok ela. Get the ball in the hole. 100 > 1482 Gadela kia zhati lok niz. Footprints of birds in the snow. 100 > 1497 Ma gadere kunperat. I walk backwards. 85.71 1006,1010c404,405 < 1508 Isumu fortu da lol ilmorat. Some words are inherently funny. 137.5 < 1509 Laytir kia fortuki nezres pe lol. Language makers don't appreciate humour. 87.5 < 1511 Va za layti ela taya? Did you make that hole? 83.33 < 1512 Va trima bogi ela taya? Whose hole is that? 71.43 < 1514 Ema goro fortu kia lol. It is a joke. 137.5 --- > 1508 Isumu fortu da lol ilmorat. Some words are inherently funny. 110 > 1514 Ema goro fortu kia lol. It is a joke. 108.33 1012d406 < 1518 Va ton kia trima doro taya? Whose thing is that? 83.33 1014,1015c408 < 1520 Ishi morn bogi pe es wovai. But a bug does not have life ( spirit ). 77.78 < 1521 Ira supalu kista ira terehe. She wobbles as she flies. 100 --- > 1521 Ira supalu kista ira terehe. She wobbles as she flies. 85.71 1017,1027c410,411 < 1524 Va tokti duna onati bi elawovai duna onati? What came first, the chicken or the egg? [Was chicken first or egg first] 114.29 < 1526 Tokti dun haidono es elawovai. The chicken laid an egg. 128.57 < 1527 Zaziga da fesret. The bed is soft. 112.5 < 1528 Ma izi firasir. I ride a horse. [I go by horse] 116.67 < 1529 Firas kisa kia ma. This is my horse. 83.33 < 1535 Ma dun kome elamu. I ate an apple. 77.78 < 1536 Ma kome elamu il palun. I have eaten an apple. 71.43 < 1537 Ira dun layti zhata taya lok keuzari kia ma. They made that ship in my town. 71.43 < 1538 Zama dun gorota amuzoto lok aira taya. We had a party on that hill. 100 < 1539 Feni kia zama amuz Fiziwig poke Kalusa. We all love Fiziwig for Kalusa. 71.43 < 1542 Ira amuziti trin teya lioritirat. She likes to drink tea occasionally. 71.43 --- > 1526 Tokti dun haidono es elawovai. The chicken laid an egg. 100 > 1528 Ma izi firasir. I ride a horse. [I go by horse] 87.5 1029,1064c413,414 < 1546 Ma dun kome es elamu. I ate an apple. 116.67 < 1547 Ma dun lesyo es kauno. I looked for a dog. 81.82 < 1550 Ma dun kome il elamu kalun. I will have eaten an apple. 71.43 < 1555 Ma goro A'Tuin. I am A'Tuin. 100 < 1556 Awani kia teku kia A'Tuin. exerpt from the book of A'Tuin. [awan + -i = awani] 100 < 1557 Ma a kwaqemi kia zinhai. I am from the great cosmic sea. 83.33 < 1558 Ma dun laitiya poipoi ib zinha. I spawned the earth and the stars. 71.43 < 1559 Ma vito es palu ki'za. [ki'za = kia za] I see your cat. 128.57 < 1560 Za dun kome elamu ki'ma! [ki'ma = kia ma] You ate my apple! 112.5 < 1561 Za dun kome es elamu ki'ma! [ki'ma = kia ma] You ate my apple! 112.5 < 1562 Ma amuz kauno ki'ma. I love my dog. 100 < 1564 Ma dun gambo es palu ki'za. I found your cat. 83.33 < 1565 Kauno ki'ma goro potaku. My dog is lost. 87.5 < 1566 Ma lolo ku za. I laugh because of you. [either at or because you are funny] 90 < 1567 Ma dun pelok es kauno ki'ma. I have lost my dog. 137.5 < 1568 Kauno ki'ma dun pelok es noy. My dog my has lost himself. 130 < 1569 Ira wovaya lok ganti. She lives in a castle. 71.43 < 1570 Kauno kia ma da potaku. My dog is lost. 100 < 1571 Ma'muz ka'no ki'ma. i love my dog. 71.43 < 1573 Va za kape oykoze sam kia za Do you love your family members? 100 < 1574 M'amuz es kauno kia ma. I love my dog. 100 < 1576 Ka dono taya es ma Give that to me [dat.] 85.71 < 1577 Ka za amuz rofko. You should love yourself. 85.71 < 1578 za amuz noya, za rofko. you should love yourself. 83.33 < 1579 Ira ovaya lok ganti. She lives in a castle. 100 < 1580 Brot kia elamu eske ma kia kiliyu. apple juice makes me happy. 83.33 < 1581 Ka kanawa ku ema dono au ma. Send me a letter about it. 100 < 1582 Ayamu zazi kiliyurat. The farmer is sleeping happily. 116.67 < 1584 Va ya methu lok methuti? What's playing [cf. act] at the theatre? 100 < 1586 Ma vito za kiliyurat. I am pleased to meet you. 71.43 < 1587 Vizina vilo liok. The train leaves soon. 100 < 1588 Ma desko elazhaya il palun. I have found the toilet [waterhole]. 83.33 < 1590 Za nezresa Kalusa rofko, ema da amuzoto! You should learn Kalusa, it is fun! 112.5 < 1591 Zama izi lok taya ona zah rofko. We should go there someday. 114.29 < 1594 Ma desko elazhaya il palun. I found the toilet [waterhole] in the past. 71.43 < 1595 Loatra amuziti amuziti kia ira goro Loatra kia Malia. Her favorite story is the Story of Malia. [Compare eyan eyan for best] 77.78 --- > 1546 Ma dun kome es elamu. I ate an apple. 100 > 1570 Kauno kia ma da potaku. My dog is lost. 87.5 1066,1068c416 < 1597 Ma trin teya ib teya eyan eyan. I drink only the finest tea. 71.43 < 1598 Ma trin teya ib teya eyanim. I drink only the best [-im for superlative adjective] tea. 112.5 < 1599 Loatra amuzitim kia ira goro Loatra kia Malia. Her favorite story is the Story of Malia. 128.57 --- > 1598 Ma trin teya ib teya eyanim. I drink only the best [-im for superlative adjective] tea. 90 1070d417 < 1601 Glina sam goro wumung eyanim kia ukivinze. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. 64.29 1073,1074d419 < 1605 Ma trin teya raysim. I drink the worst [rayse + -im] tea. 100 < 1606 Kalusa da eyan poi English. Kalusa is better than english. [good over english] 100 1076,1078d420 < 1608 Ma inyazi rayse, inyazim kia ema. I use evil for it's best use. 83.33 < 1609 Za krevo norbir. Speak with your mouth. 87.5 < 1610 Ka za krevo norbir. Speak with your mouth. 90 1080,1088c422,423 < 1613 Poi ib hai da aqa. Up and down are equals. 114.29 < 1614 poi ib hai goro elamorgonim, pe aqa. Up and down are opposites, not equals. 87.5 < 1615 pequana pe aqa quana. negative four does not equal four. 71.43 < 1616 Pequana aqa pe quana. Minus four does not equal four. 100 < 1617 Poi ib hai da aqa kia potina. Up and down are equal of standing [weight]. 87.5 < 1618 Zhayaviga da poza, ishi zhayavigiti da pepoza. A river is wide, but a stream is narrow. 128.57 < 1619 Ma inyazi rayse, inyazi eyanim kia ema. I use evil for its best use. 83.33 < 1620 "zah" quruz aqa z-a-h. "day" is spelled z-a-h. [as opposed to the dictionary spelling] 116.67 < 1621 Kauno kia ma da pelok. My dog is lost. 83.33 --- > 1613 Poi ib hai da aqa. Up and down are equals. 88.89 > 1616 Pequana aqa pe quana. Minus four does not equal four. 87.5 1090,1092c425 < 1625 Kalemaze da nezresazi. the woman is a quick study. [double syllable drop via haplology] 100 < 1627 Kiplok kia teku da eyan lok keuzari. There is a good bookshop in town. 116.67 < 1629 Kauno ki'ma da pelok. [ki'ma = kia ma] My dog is lost. 88.89 --- > 1627 Kiplok kia teku da eyan lok keuzari. There is a good bookshop in town. 100 1094,1101c427,431 < 1631 Velus taya duna zapu. That fox was quick. 100 < 1632 Firas lok balnatu. The horse is in the stable. 116.67 < 1633 Ma dun anteri aira sam woyrat. I wandered through the hills. 116.67 < 1634 Qa taya da zhaya. That sheep is wet. 112.5 < 1635 Qa taya da kia zhaya. That sheep is wet. 87.5 < 1636 Qa taya da imkusa. That sheep is wet. 87.5 < 1637 Ira amuziti es pangya. She likes golf. 116.67 < 1638 Za bogi es elapangya kia ma. You have my golfball. 116.67 --- > 1631 Velus taya duna zapu. That fox was quick. 87.5 > 1632 Firas lok balnatu. The horse is in the stable. 87.5 > 1634 Qa taya da zhaya. That sheep is wet. 100 > 1637 Ira amuziti es pangya. She likes golf. 87.5 > 1638 Za bogi es elapangya kia ma. You have my golfball. 100 1104,1111c434 < 1641 Za da imkusa. You are wet. 83.33 < 1642 Trima katuna pe peteya sam da perai. People who do not suggest alternatives are heretics. 83.33 < 1643 taya da noq kia auba. that is very true. 100 < 1644 Ka katuna peteya kia imkusa nama. Please suggest alternatives of wet. 83.33 < 1645 taya da noq ki'auba that is very true. 83.33 < 1646 Itaki ma vemi katuna kia za hai vige. Then I can vote your suggestions down. 83.33 < 1647 Ma amuziti isuma qaroza, ma kalu. I would like some wool. 71.43 < 1648 zhayat aqa imkusa. zhayat as watery. 71.43 --- > 1643 taya da noq kia auba. that is very true. 88.89 1114,1117d436 < 1651 Za kome va es elamu lelu kisa il kalun? Are you going to eat this whole apple? 100 < 1652 Ma dun layti foto lok tweya. i put the photo on the wall. 77.78 < 1653 Neuditi trin pe qafe vige. Babies cannot drink coffee. 83.33 < 1654 Onka terehe pe vige. Pigs cannot fly. 100 1120,1121d438 < 1657 Va za kome es elamu lelu kisa il kalun? Are you going to eat this whole apple? 116.67 < 1658 Ma dun kiwoy foto lok tweya. i put the picture on the wall. 87.5 1123,1139c440,446 < 1660 Ma ziresh es elamubiti. I want a strawberry. 128.57 < 1661 Lok kisati es pehuru ona neuda. It's getting cold again. 100 < 1662 Pehuru kisati ona neuda. It's getting cold again. 116.67 < 1664 Atayaza il kalun, lok vito. It looks like it's going to rain. 83.33 < 1665 Atayaza il kalun, ema vito. It looks like it's going to rain. 83.33 < 1666 Ayamu kia kauze taya bogi es diquana kua. The farmer next door has fourteen [a 'Kalusan dozen'] cows. 81.82 < 1667 Lok Soviet Russia, antiza laite za! In Soviet Russia, Car drives you! 71.43 < 1668 Ma amuziti tweya. I like walls. 83.33 < 1669 Ka dono tweya, es ma. Give me a wall. 71.43 < 1670 Lok zhayaviga lok kauze kia moko. By the river is a house of stone. 71.43 < 1671 Laytir kia fortuki nezres pe es lol. Language makers don't appreciate humour. 85.71 < 1672 Seuki kia za bogi es krihewoy. Your machine has a bug [= misbehaviour]. 112.5 < 1673 Ishi mornu bogi pe es wovai. But a bug [insect] does not have life. 137.5 < 1674 Lok zhayaviga goro kauze kia moko. By the river is a house of stone. 116.67 < 1675 Gilina sam goro wumung eyanim kia ukivinze. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. 63.64 < 1680 Foto lok zimot taya odi. The photo is on that wall over there. 116.67 < 1681 Grina da potileotta diamonds are precious. 125 --- > 1660 Ma ziresh es elamubiti. I want a strawberry. 100 > 1662 Pehuru kisati ona neuda. It's getting cold again. 87.5 > 1672 Seuki kia za bogi es krihewoy. Your machine has a bug [= misbehaviour]. 90 > 1673 Ishi mornu bogi pe es wovai. But a bug [insect] does not have life. 91.67 > 1674 Lok zhayaviga goro kauze kia moko. By the river is a house of stone. 100 > 1680 Foto lok zimot taya odi. The photo is on that wall over there. 100 > 1681 Grina da potileotta diamonds are precious. 93.75 1141,1153c448,455 < 1683 Za da wumungim kia ma. you are my best friend. 112.5 < 1684 Qa kome krumago. Sheep eat grass. 100 < 1685 Za da wumung kia eyanim kia ma. You are my best friend. 112.5 < 1686 Qa kome es krumago. Sheep eat grass. 100 < 1688 Zama trin lok zhavina ka lok. Let's have a drink in the tavern. 116.67 < 1689 Zhata da pedesko lok zhayafinto. The boat was lost on the lake. 125 < 1690 Ma dun pedesko ku kauno ki'ma. I have lost my dog. 81.82 < 1691 Rover dun goro kauno. Rover was a dog. 116.67 < 1693 Rover dun kauno. Rover was a dog. 83.33 < 1694 Ira dun layti es zhata taya lok keuzari kia ma. They made that ship in my town. 100 < 1695 Zama feni amuz es Fiziwig poke Kalusa. We all love Fiziwig for Kalusa. 85.71 < 1696 Trin es teya lioritirat, ira amuziti. She likes to drink tea occasionally. 100 < 1697 Qa taya bogi pe es qaroza. That sheep has no wool. 100 --- > 1683 Za da wumungim kia ma. you are my best friend. 90 > 1684 Qa kome krumago. Sheep eat grass. 87.5 > 1685 Za da wumung kia eyanim kia ma. You are my best friend. 90 > 1686 Qa kome es krumago. Sheep eat grass. 87.5 > 1688 Zama trin lok zhavina ka lok. Let's have a drink in the tavern. 87.5 > 1689 Zhata da pedesko lok zhayafinto. The boat was lost on the lake. 90.91 > 1691 Rover dun goro kauno. Rover was a dog. 100 > 1696 Trin es teya lioritirat, ira amuziti. She likes to drink tea occasionally. 87.5 1155,1195c457,469 < 1699 Za dun zhata. You were a sailor. 71.43 < 1700 Ma dun kome es elamu il kalun. I will have eaten an apple. 83.33 < 1701 Kauno kia ma da pedesko. My dog is lost. 114.29 < 1702 Kauno ki'ma da pedesko. [ki'ma = kia ma] My dog is lost. 112.5 < 1704 Ma dun pedesko zhata kia ma. I have not found my boat. 71.43 < 1705 "Zhata" goro fortuton. "Sailor" is a noun. 71.43 < 1706 Zhata da pedesko teset lok zhayafinto. The boat was lost on the lake. 83.33 < 1707 Ma dun desko pe zhata kia ma. I have not found my boat. 116.67 < 1708 Kauno ki'ma da pedesko teset. My dog is lost. 100 < 1709 Ma dun desko pe zhata kia ma I did not find my boat. 83.33 < 1712 " Zhata " goro tonfortu [cf. mafortu]. " Boat " is a noun. 100 < 1713 Ira nezresa ilmor. She studies nature. 83.33 < 1714 Za kape es noy rofko. You should love yourself. 83.33 < 1715 Ma bogi es da zazi. I have a sleeping one. 83.33 < 1716 Tonfortu goro zhata. Noun is a boat/sailor. [lol] 116.67 < 1717 Miqi kia kome da vitosito. Eating mice are watchful. 90 < 1718 Miqi kia kome bogi pe es wovai. Eaten mice do not have life. 100 < 1719 Lok Soviet Russia, tonfortu goro zhata. In Soviet Russia, noun is a boat. 116.67 < 1720 Za goro trima lok zhata. You are a sailor. [person on boat] 83.33 < 1721 Za goro trima kia zhata. You are a sailor. 128.57 < 1722 Ma dun bogi noa kia elamubiti il yaku sin. I had a strawberry field last year. 87.5 < 1723 Ma dun bogi es noa kia elamubiti il yaku sin. I had a strawberry field last year. 111.11 < 1724 Miqi da kome da vitosito eating mice are watchful. 100 < 1725 Ma trin es teya ib teya eyanim. I drink only the best tea. 83.33 < 1726 Ma trin es teyim ib teyim. I drink the best tea and only the best tea. 100 < 1727 Ma trin teyim ib teyim. I drink the best tea and only the best tea. 83.33 < 1729 Ira sam goro perai pe da ayaznizi. All those who are not heretics are holy. 83.33 < 1730 Ira sam goro pe perai da ayaznizi. All those who are not heretics are holy. 83.33 < 1731 Poi ib hai da aqa. Up and down are the same. [see sentence 1613] 133.33 < 1732 Ma bogi es kua kia auba. I have enough cows. 112.5 < 1733 Antiza kia dama kia ma da eyanim. My main car is best. 128.57 < 1735 Antiza taya da dama. That car is primary. 116.67 < 1736 Ema dun kuayawan kia pehuru. It was a cold month. 83.33 < 1737 Ema dun goro kuayawan kia pehuru. It was a cold month. 116.67 < 1739 Ib paliki erdim kia ira. And his younger cousin. 116.67 < 1741 Ma quruz kana lok kanawa. I take notes on paper. 83.33 < 1742 Ka dono kona taya es ma. give that hand to me. 83.33 < 1743 Ma dun payan au kona. I was hit by a hand. 85.71 < 1744 Ma dun payan au kona teset. I was hit by a hand. 122.22 < 1745 Ma gadere konir. i walk using my hands. [i walk on my hands] 125 < 1746 Ma quruz kana lok tebui. I take notes on paper. 71.43 --- > 1701 Kauno kia ma da pedesko. My dog is lost. 88.89 > 1707 Ma dun desko pe zhata kia ma. I have not found my boat. 87.5 > 1716 Tonfortu goro zhata. Noun is a boat/sailor. [lol] 87.5 > 1718 Miqi kia kome bogi pe es wovai. Eaten mice do not have life. 87.5 > 1719 Lok Soviet Russia, tonfortu goro zhata. In Soviet Russia, noun is a boat. 87.5 > 1721 Za goro trima kia zhata. You are a sailor. 90 > 1724 Miqi da kome da vitosito eating mice are watchful. 88.89 > 1726 Ma trin es teyim ib teyim. I drink the best tea and only the best tea. 87.5 > 1731 Poi ib hai da aqa. Up and down are the same. [see sentence 1613] 92.31 > 1732 Ma bogi es kua kia auba. I have enough cows. 100 > 1737 Ema dun goro kuayawan kia pehuru. It was a cold month. 100 > 1739 Ib paliki erdim kia ira. And his younger cousin. 87.5 > 1745 Ma gadere konir. i walk using my hands. [i walk on my hands] 90.91 1197,1198c471 < 1748 Ma quruz es kana lok tebui. I take notes on paper. 88.89 < 1749 poi ib hai da orli. Up and down are relative. 111.11 --- > 1749 poi ib hai da orli. Up and down are relative. 90.91 1200,1201c473 < 1752 Ukivinze ki' Kalusa Kalusan girls 83.33 < 1753 Za goro wumungim kia ma. You are my best friend. 116.67 --- > 1753 Za goro wumungim kia ma. You are my best friend. 100 1203,1229c475,485 < 1756 Kapei kia ira da vezya auba. Her lover is very strong. 116.67 < 1757 Kisa da zah va? What day is this? 114.29 < 1758 Kisa da pavri va? What day is this? 122.22 < 1759 Ka dono es kona taya au ma. Give that hand to me. 137.5 < 1760 Trima va bogi es ela taya? Who owns that hole? 128.57 < 1761 Nezaira kia rayse roze es vitoatok kia toma. Evil scientists wear tin foil hats. 116.67 < 1762 Kisa goro iwka kia ma. This is my body. 116.67 < 1763 Ka tok es zaziga ir roza-qemi. Cover the bed with a sheet. 116.67 < 1764 Ma dun kiwoy es foto lok zimot. I put the picture on the wall. 112.5 < 1767 Ma tebu kun es tebu neudi il deor sin. Last night I started reading a new book. 71.43 < 1768 Methu va zagi lok zagista teset? What's playing at the theatre? 100 < 1769 Oroze kia maira vu lok haihai, ka nyava kia za da ayaznizi. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 87.5 < 1770 Ma tebu kun es teku neudi il deor sin. Last night I started reading a new book. 100 < 1771 Yaqa ata goro teqi kia A'Tuin, menib kuay goro ton va? If the sky is the shell of A'Tuin, then what is the moon? 128.57 < 1772 Yaqa ma desko es ira lok mokoya kia Philippines vige pe, menib ira lok Ethiopia isumalok rofko. If I can't find her in Philippines Island, then she must be in Ethiopia somewhere. 122.22 < 1773 Za quruz es tekukiri a pavri kalun au eska rofko. You must write the essay before tomorrow [from tomorrow to now]. 100 < 1774 Ma tebu sin es teku kisa il deor kalun. Tonight I will finish reading this book. 83.33 < 1775 Ira feni dun kisati au komeqemi. Each of them came to dinner. 116.67 < 1776 Triniri kia ma da fisai. My throat is dry. 122.22 < 1777 Brot kia elamu eske kiliyu es ma. Apple juice makes me happy. 75 < 1778 Leot kia sahay eske ruba es ira. Sunlight makes her turn red. 85.71 < 1779 Ata da vostu-krihe. The sky is grey. 128.57 < 1780 Ata da zhura il kalun. The sky will be blue. 128.57 < 1781 Qamu da vostu-krihe. The female sheep is grey. 83.33 < 1782 Firasinu da vostu-leot. The male horse is brown. 83.33 < 1783 Elakona da petontaya. The room is empty. 71.43 < 1787 Elakona da pekoi. The room is empty. 90 --- > 1756 Kapei kia ira da vezya auba. Her lover is very strong. 90 > 1757 Kisa da zah va? What day is this? 100 > 1758 Kisa da pavri va? What day is this? 110 > 1760 Trima va bogi es ela taya? Who owns that hole? 112.5 > 1762 Kisa goro iwka kia ma. This is my body. 87.5 > 1764 Ma dun kiwoy es foto lok zimot. I put the picture on the wall. 100 > 1768 Methu va zagi lok zagista teset? What's playing at the theatre? 88.89 > 1775 Ira feni dun kisati au komeqemi. Each of them came to dinner. 100 > 1776 Triniri kia ma da fisai. My throat is dry. 100 > 1779 Ata da vostu-krihe. The sky is grey. 90 > 1780 Ata da zhura il kalun. The sky will be blue. 100 1231,1262c487,490 < 1789 Elakona da koi pe. The room is not full. [See #919] 127.27 < 1790 Kua kia tosa dun krevo " Pa, kuay da zazati auba. Ma methu seukir, ma hiresh. " The second cow said " Eh, the moon is really boring. I want to play with my computer. " 83.33 < 1791 Lok dun nizi il pavri sin kia tosa. It snowed the day before yesterday. 116.67 < 1796 zhaykuay kisati ib izi. A tide comes and goes. 100 < 1798 Elakona da koi-pe. The room is empty. 71.43 < 1799 Leot kia sahay ema ruba es ira. Sunlight makes him/her turn red. 83.33 < 1800 Ira vikre ruba. He/she turns red. 116.67 < 1801 Ira vikre ruba, leot kia sahay eske. Sunlight makes him/her turn red. 83.33 < 1802 Aritaze vikre ezikize. A boy becomes a man. 128.57 < 1803 Ma dun nimo pe es wovai il pavri sin. I wasn't born yesterday. [see #1158] 114.29 < 1804 Kua dun dono es wovai au kua biti il ona pavri, ib Malia dun nyava es ema ti "Kuana". One day the cow gave birth to a calf, and Malia called it Kuana. 128.57 < 1805 Poihai da peray pe. Duality is not heretical. 116.67 < 1806 Kalemaze da nezresezres. The woman is a quick study / is studious. [nezres + reduplication] 116.67 < 1807 Perai feni kome es krihewoy. All heretics eat worms. 116.67 < 1808 Kista moko taya dun payan es vitoa kia za, ema dun kazia va auba? When that rock hit your head, did it hurt very much? 114.29 < 1809 Palu biti kisa bogi es kaziki. This kitten has claws. 128.57 < 1810 Maza da kalusasalusa auba. We are obsessed with Kalusa. 71.43 < 1812 Palu biti kia ma lelaya auba, selah ira kome es wum lelu kia ma. My kitten is very healthy, because she eats all my food. 100 < 1813 Ma amuz es Kalusa fortuki selah ema da neuda. I love the Kalusa language because it is new. 114.29 < 1815 Ma dun vito es vidaira lok leotnaye, ib ma dun qaru teset au ira. I saw a spider in the darkness, and I was feared by it. 100 < 1816 Ma dun vito ku vidaira lok leotnaye, ib ma dun qaru au ira teset. I saw a spider in the darkness, and I was feard by it. 90.91 < 1817 elakona da leotnaye. The room is lightless. The room is dark. 77.78 < 1818 Palu biti kia ma da lelaya auba, selah ira kome es wum feni kia ma. My kitten is very healthy, because she eats all my food. 128.57 < 1819 Vitoi kia ma ya vikre ruba. My face is turning red. 85.71 < 1820 Ma dun atera es zinqemi nisir. I cut the rope using a knife. 83.33 < 1821 Ma dun atera es zinqemi ir nisi. I cut the rope using a knife. 83.33 < 1822 Zin kia ira da poti ib vostu ib sahaya. Her hair is long, dark and beautiful. 137.5 < 1823 Kauze kia ma da sapoti. [sa+poti] My house is small. [opposite of+big] 125 < 1824 Elakona da sakoi. [sa+koi] The room is empty. [opposite of+full] 128.57 < 1825 Trima kia Kalusa kia saperay amuz es fortuti ti "sa-". Orthodox [opposite + heretical] Kalusans love the affix "sa-". 137.5 < 1826 Deor da saleot. [sa+leot] The night is dark. 122.22 < 1827 Palu kia ma da haya. [sahaya minus sa-] My cat is ugly. 130 --- > 1791 Lok dun nizi il pavri sin kia tosa. It snowed the day before yesterday. 100 > 1796 zhaykuay kisati ib izi. A tide comes and goes. 80 > 1800 Ira vikre ruba. He/she turns red. 87.5 > 1827 Palu kia ma da haya. [sahaya minus sa-] My cat is ugly. 92.86 1264,1352c492,516 < 1830 Aritazeqemi gadere kia zeze. The big boy walks to papa. 85.71 < 1836 Ma dun krevo es ezikize taya ku teku kisa. I told that man about this book. 122.22 < 1838 Ira dun zoku. She died. 112.5 < 1839 Ira zoku, ma dun vanya. I caused her to die. 112.5 < 1840 Ira zoku, ma vanya, kauno dun vanya. The dog made me kill her. 112.5 < 1842 Kauno biti kia erdi dun kome es wawa kia ma. The little puppy ate my doll. 114.29 < 1844 Vigerut ira nimo il kalun es zama ib [Possibly 3rd-sing take future('il kalun') ACC 1st-plu-incl comit]. Maybe she will take us too. 71.43 < 1847 Susan izi kia apatusta il kalun [S go to shoestore later]. Susan will go to the shoestore later. 71.43 < 1848 Ira nimo es tosa zelamu feni kia ira ib ira il kalun. She will take both her children with her. 100 < 1849 Guniku ib kalemaze ib ukivinze lok apatusta. There are old women and young women and girls in the shoestore. 116.67 < 1850 Tazito-qemi da kruma lok Mary. Mary has [not owns] a large, green tomato. A large tomato is green and had by Mary. 77.78 < 1851 Zama da maqa poti kia ukivinze sam taya [We-incl are more big than girl plural that/those]. We are taller than those girls. 71.43 < 1852 Ezikize kisa da maqa poti kia aritaze taya [Man this is more big than boy that]. This man is taller than that boy. 71.43 < 1853 John da poti ishi Mary da poti pe [John is big but Mary is big not]. John is tall but Mary is short. 77.78 < 1854 Ira da poti maqa. He/she is too tall. 128.57 < 1856 Ezikize kisa da poti kia aritaze taya. This man is taller than that boy. 114.29 < 1861 Tekusta kia koi kia teku da peray. Libraries full of books are heretical. 114.29 < 1862 Ma dun tebu es teku ku Zapu. Ira da eyan. I read a book about Zapu. He is good. 125 < 1863 Ma dun tebu ku Zapu es teku. Ira da eyan. I read a book about Zapu. He is good. 75 < 1865 Za tebu es teku ku Zapu, ma dun vanya. I made you read a book about Zapu. 114.29 < 1866 "Peray" da perai. "Peray" is heretical. 71.43 < 1867 Il namu feni kista za gorota es ton isuma, za ziresh, atazaya. Every time you want to do something, it rains. 125 < 1868 Ti "perai" goro tonfortu. Ti "peray" goro pemafortu. "Perai" is a noun. "Peray" is an adjective. 77.78 < 1871 Ira es seukiziti leiza, ira ziresh. She wants to buy a bicycle. 77.78 < 1874 Kua kia tosa dun krevo ti " Pa, kuay da zaziti auba. Ma methu seukir, ma ziresh. " The second cow said " Eh, the moon is really boring. I want to play with my computer. " 100 < 1875 Nyava kia pema goro pemafortu. The names of qualities are adjectives. 83.33 < 1879 Antiza bogi es quanan melu. Cars have four wheels. 90 < 1880 Ma sahru. I am on fire. I burn. 75 < 1881 Ma amuziti sahru. I like fire. 71.43 < 1882 Ira es tosamelu leiza, ira ziresh. She wants to buy a bicycle. 128.57 < 1883 Ira es onamelu leiza, ira ziresh. She wants to buy a unicycle. 128.57 < 1884 Palun lok vitoi kia ma. Kalun lok tapu kia ma. Selah ma kunperat gadere. The past is in front of me. The future is behind me. Because I walk backwards. 75 < 1885 Ma amuz es Kalusa fortuki selah ema da neuda. I love the Kalusa language because it is new. 83.33 < 1886 Za eyani ti tazito kisam. Thank you for the tomatos. 71.43 < 1887 Ma amuz es fortuki kia Kalusa selah ema da neuda. I love the Kalusa language because it is new. 128.57 < 1888 Mary zapiti selah da kiliyu. Mary is skipping because she is happy. 137.5 < 1889 Mary zapiti selah ira da kiliyu. Mary is skipping because she is happy. 125 < 1890 Ma amuziti es sahru. I like fire. 128.57 < 1893 Ma amuziti es sahru selah ema da huruhu. I like fire because it is hot. 137.5 < 1894 Ema amuziti es sahru selah es ema da huruhu. It likes fire because it is hot. 75 < 1895 Za kome, ma dun vanya. I made you eat. 116.67 < 1896 Ma kome, ma vanya teset. I was made to eat. 128.57 < 1897 Ma kome, ma vanya au za teset. I was made to eat by you. 128.57 < 1899 Susan izi kia apatusta il kalun. Susan will go to the store later. 100 < 1900 Ira nimo es zelamu kia ira tosa ib ira il kalun. She will take both her children with her. 83.33 < 1901 Vigerut ira nimo il kalun es zama ib. Maybe she will take us too. 83.33 < 1902 Guniku hasaladesko es umuze kia ira. The old lady remembers her mother. 100 < 1903 Kauno dun salok es moka kia ma. The dog has lost my ball. 71.43 < 1905 Kauno dun pelok es moka kia ma. The dog has lost my ball. 125 < 1906 Kauno dun pe lok es moka kia ma. The dog has misplaced my ball. 71.43 < 1907 Kauno dun pedesko es moka kia ma. The dog has lost my ball. 83.33 < 1909 Ema duna irisan. It was secret. 116.67 < 1911 Poipoi, ata, sahru, zhaya, kisa sam goro siniki quana. Earth, air, fire water, these are the four elements. 140 < 1912 Wawa kia ma bogi vitaira zhura. My doll has blue eyes. 75 < 1913 Ira nimo es tosa zelamu kia ira ib ira. She takes both her children with her. 114.29 < 1914 Ma ya trin es zhaya kia wovai. I'm drinking a beer. 112.5 < 1915 Trima ti ma ib ma. The person for me and only me. 71.43 < 1916 Wawa kia ma bogi es vitaira zhura. My doll has blue eyes. 128.57 < 1917 Ma zazi vige pe. I cannot sleep. 133.33 < 1918 Ma amuz es fortuki Kalusa selah ema da neuda. I love the Kalusa language because it is new. 114.29 < 1921 Palu lok tiqi kia kauze. Kua lok quanaizi kia kauze. The cat is inside the house. The cow is outside the house. 72.73 < 1922 Ma dun vito es ezikize vu, za kape es ira. I saw the man that you love. 112.5 < 1924 Kauno dun sadesko es moka kia ma. The dog has lost my ball. 83.33 < 1925 Ira nimo vigero es zama ehem il kalun. Maybe she will take us too. 128.57 < 1926 Ma izi vigero lok zagista. Maybe I [will] go to the theater. 116.67 < 1927 Irayo goro vigero trimaqemi. They [two] might be giants. 114.29 < 1928 Ekebu kisa da pyanezres. This beach is interesting. 128.57 < 1929 Antiza teya da pyabogi. That car is desirable. 83.33 < 1930 Ira saleiza es teku kia pyatebu. She sells [sa + leiza] books that are worth reading. 116.67 < 1931 Yaku kisa goro todisaku sepa. The year is two-thousand and six. 116.67 < 1932 Krihevito krevo ti: "Ya tebu es andin, ema da peray pe." Krihevito says: "Reading the news is not heretical." 116.67 < 1933 Zu! Miqi lok feni! Oh no! There are mice everywhere! 75 < 1936 Antiza taya da pyabogi. That car is desirable. 100 < 1937 Uzuz kia za da pyabogi. Your mama is desirable. 100 < 1938 Ma siso es alaya vige. I can hear music. 100 < 1939 Irayo goro trimaqemi vigero. They [two] might be giants. 100 < 1941 Kalusa, Latin saib elamu. Kalusa, not Latin or apple. Kalusa, neither Latin nor apple. 71.43 < 1942 Kalusa, Latin sabi elamu. Kalusa, not Latin and not apple. Kalusa, not ( Latin and apple ). 77.78 < 1943 John da poti ishi Mary da sapoti. John is tall but Mary is short. 100 < 1944 John da poti pe ib John da sapoti pe. John is not tall and John is not short. 100 < 1946 Kalusa goro Latin sabi Toki Pona. Kalusa is neither Latin nor Toki Pona. 87.5 < 1947 Za vediwa va es trima kia kalemaze sabi ezikize? Do you know a person who is neither a man nor a woman? 87.5 < 1948 Kalusa goro Latin saib Toki Pona. Kalusa is not ( Latin and Toki Pona ). Kalusa is neither Latin nor Toki Pona. 76.92 < 1949 Palu kome es elamu sabi vurune. Cats eat neither apples nor broccoli. 87.5 < 1950 Ma tebu es teku tuvi eska. I am still reading the same book. 114.29 < 1952 Mary da potinaye. Mary is short. 128.57 < 1953 Ma dun desko ku elamu zhura-ruba. I have found a purple apple. 90 < 1955 Ma dun desko es elamu zhura-ruba. I have found a purple apple. 85.71 < 1956 Tekusta kia ma bogi es teku disaku. My library contains a thousand books. 85.71 --- > 1836 Ma dun krevo es ezikize taya ku teku kisa. I told that man about this book. 110 > 1838 Ira dun zoku. She died. 100 > 1839 Ira zoku, ma dun vanya. I caused her to die. 90 > 1840 Ira zoku, ma vanya, kauno dun vanya. The dog made me kill her. 90 > 1854 Ira da poti maqa. He/she is too tall. 90 > 1856 Ezikize kisa da poti kia aritaze taya. This man is taller than that boy. 88.89 > 1888 Mary zapiti selah da kiliyu. Mary is skipping because she is happy. 91.67 > 1889 Mary zapiti selah ira da kiliyu. Mary is skipping because she is happy. 90.91 > 1890 Ma amuziti es sahru. I like fire. 90 > 1893 Ma amuziti es sahru selah ema da huruhu. I like fire because it is hot. 91.67 > 1895 Za kome, ma dun vanya. I made you eat. 87.5 > 1896 Ma kome, ma vanya teset. I was made to eat. 90 > 1897 Ma kome, ma vanya au za teset. I was made to eat by you. 90 > 1899 Susan izi kia apatusta il kalun. Susan will go to the store later. 87.5 > 1909 Ema duna irisan. It was secret. 100 > 1913 Ira nimo es tosa zelamu kia ira ib ira. She takes both her children with her. 88.89 > 1914 Ma ya trin es zhaya kia wovai. I'm drinking a beer. 90 > 1917 Ma zazi vige pe. I cannot sleep. 92.31 > 1925 Ira nimo vigero es zama ehem il kalun. Maybe she will take us too. 90 > 1926 Ma izi vigero lok zagista. Maybe I [will] go to the theater. 87.5 > 1927 Irayo goro vigero trimaqemi. They [two] might be giants. 88.89 > 1931 Yaku kisa goro todisaku sepa. The year is two-thousand and six. 87.5 > 1937 Uzuz kia za da pyabogi. Your mama is desirable. 85.71 > 1938 Ma siso es alaya vige. I can hear music. 110 > 1950 Ma tebu es teku tuvi eska. I am still reading the same book. 100 1354,1369c518 < 1959 Tiqi goro quanaizi pe. Inside is not outside. 100 < 1964 Ma tebu ti Kalusa il trosuteku. I am reading about Kalusa on the internet. 62.5 < 1965 Loatra kisa ti vitoatok kia toma... ira niq goro samaqi kia poizi kia A'Tuin. This story about tin foil hats... it's just propaganda from the A'Tuinists. 62.5 < 1966 Za tebu ti ema kisa vige. You can read about it here. 83.33 < 1967 Tebu vu krevo ti poifortu kia " A'Tuin " , ira da zaziti. Books about the capitalization of " A'Tuin " are boring. 100 < 1968 Tekusta kia ma bogi es disaku kia teku. My library contains a thousand books. 112.5 < 1969 Ma izi vigero lok zagista il kalun. Maybe I [will] go to the theater later. 100 < 1970 Ira sam dun desko ku qa isumu. They have found some sheep. 83.33 < 1971 Zhataze goro trima kia zhata. A boatman is a person who crews a boat. 100 < 1972 Za dun goro zhataze. You were a boatman. 100 < 1973 Methunaze goro trima vu methuna. A sailor is a person who sails. 100 < 1974 Methunaze feni goro zhataze. All sailors are boatmen. 116.67 < 1975 Zhataze feni pe goro methunaze. Not all boatmen are sailors. 114.29 < 1976 Kauno kia za lok odi. Your dog is way the hell over there [probably out of sight]. 144.44 < 1977 Ma lesyo ti aritaze ib ukivinze il kalun. I will look for a boy and a girl. 62.5 < 1979 Ezikize krevo ib trima va? Who is the man talking to? 111.11 --- > 1969 Ma izi vigero lok zagista il kalun. Maybe I [will] go to the theater later. 87.5 1371,1377c520,521 < 1981 John da poti ishi Mary da potinaye. John is tall but Mary is short. 137.5 < 1982 Ezikize kisa da poti kia aritaze taya. This man is taller than that boy. 112.5 < 1983 Ukivinze sam taya da maqa sapoti kia Zama. Those girls are shorter than us. 71.43 < 1984 Ukivinze sam taya da maqa potinaye kia zama. Those girls are shorter than us. 71.43 < 1985 Ukivinze sam taya da potinaye kia zama. Those girls are shorter than us. 100 < 1986 Ukivinze sam taya da sapoti kia zama. Those girls are shorter than us. 100 < 1987 Susan izi lok apatusta il kalun. Susan will go to the store later. 125 --- > 1982 Ezikize kisa da poti kia aritaze taya. This man is taller than that boy. 90 > 1987 Susan izi lok apatusta il kalun. Susan will go to the store later. 90.91 1379,1394c523,525 < 1989 Kauno erdi biti dun kome es wawa kia ma. The puppy has eaten my doll. 125 < 1990 Za tebu ku ema kisa vige. You can read about it here. 83.33 < 1991 Za tebu ku ema lok kisa vige. You can read about it here. 100 < 1993 Ma dun vito es ezikize kia za kape es ira. I saw the man that you love. 75 < 1994 Trimabiti feni goro palu, ema da sanoq. Not all animals are cats. It is false that all animals are cats. 75 < 1995 Ma kome es wum kia deoriti, ma ziresh va, ma ya dun hasaliti il deoriti taya. That evening, I was considering whether I would [= wanted to] eat [my] supper. 100 < 1996 Ma lesyo es aritaze ib ukivinze il kalun. I will look for a boy and a girl. 110 < 1997 Ezikize dun kisati lok kauze kia zama. The man arrived at our house. 133.33 < 1998 ma ya dun hasaliti lok lior kia ezikize dun kisati lok kauze kia ma. I was considering at the time of the man had come to my house. I was considering when the man arrived at my house. 75 < 1999 Turositi kia Kalusa lok onatlori [onatilori?] pe. The country of Kalusa is not in the north. 71.43 < 2000 Zama izi es tosatilori ka lok. Let us go to the west. 71.43 < 2001 Turositi kia Kalusa lok kirsatilori. The country of Kalusa is in the south. 114.29 < 2002 orgon goro madu an orange is a fruit 114.29 < 2004 Antiza taya sabogi es ma. That car belongs to me. 100 < 2005 Susan izi lok tiqi kia apatusta il kalun. Susan will go into the store later. 83.33 < 2006 Turositi kia Kalusa lok onatilori pe. The country of Kalusa is not in the north. 100 --- > 1991 Za tebu ku ema lok kisa vige. You can read about it here. 87.5 > 1997 Ezikize dun kisati lok kauze kia zama. The man arrived at our house. 100 > 2002 orgon goro madu an orange is a fruit 88.89 1396,1398d526 < 2008 Kista ira sam kisati a quanatilori, ira desko es turosi kia prati lok turositi ti "Shinar", itaki ira sam ovaya kun lok taya. When they came from the east, they found a flat region in the country of Shinar, and they started living there. 83.33 < 2009 Poizi kia Krihevito yedet pe es poizi kia A'Tuin. The Krihevitists do not trust the A'Tuinists. 116.67 < 2010 Kauno kia ma da pelok. My dog is absent. My dog is not here. 72.73 1401,1415c529,535 < 2013 Za bogi va es zomo saqevi? Do you have a few zomo [Kalusan currency]? 130 < 2014 Ma bogi es elamu saqevi. I have few apples. 112.5 < 2015 Ma bogi es zomo saqevi ib kosa isuma. I have a few zomo and some cheese. 112.5 < 2016 Ma bogi es elamu qevi. I have many apples. 125 < 2017 Ukivinze saqevi kape es aritaze qevi. Few girls love many boys. 133.33 < 2018 Ma zolaya es A'Tuin. I miss A'Tuin. 112.5 < 2019 A'Tuin zolaya au ma teset. A'Tuin is missed by me. 125 < 2020 Ma bogi es kirsa ib kirsa zona. I have only three zona. 77.78 < 2021 Yeru qevi lok geshtu. Many deer are in the forest. 71.43 < 2022 Ma vito es thamala! I see a camel! 130 < 2023 Thamala saqevi saib qevi lok geshtu. Neither many nor a few camels are in the forest. 100 < 2025 Ma bogi es kirsa niq zomo. I have only three zomo. 80 < 2026 Ira sahru es fortuteku, ira amuziti. She likes to burn dictionaries. 137.5 < 2027 Ku thamala sam, ma amuziti es ira. Regarding camels, I like them. 130 < 2028 Ma bogi es zomo kia kirsa ib zota. I have three zomo and zero [nothing]. I have three zomo only. 87.5 --- > 2013 Za bogi va es zomo saqevi? Do you have a few zomo [Kalusan currency]? 92.86 > 2014 Ma bogi es elamu saqevi. I have few apples. 100 > 2016 Ma bogi es elamu qevi. I have many apples. 111.11 > 2017 Ukivinze saqevi kape es aritaze qevi. Few girls love many boys. 92.31 > 2022 Ma vito es thamala! I see a camel! 108.33 > 2026 Ira sahru es fortuteku, ira amuziti. She likes to burn dictionaries. 91.67 > 2027 Ku thamala sam, ma amuziti es ira. Regarding camels, I like them. 92.86 1417,1433c537,543 < 2031 Triva lok kisa? Who is this person? 71.43 < 2032 Kisa goro tri'va? Who [contraction of "trima va"] is this? 83.33 < 2033 Ira da poti, ib ira bogi es zin kia vostu kia bebop, aqa galu kia onatilori. He was tall, and had hair blacker than a crow, as the manner of the north. [cont'd from #2003] 112.5 < 2034 Kista ira nona es noy, ma fisai es roze kia ira lok vitoi kia sahru rofko. While he was washing himself, I had to dry his clothes in front [face] of the fire. 128.57 < 2037 Ma vilo qibu va? May I be excused? 116.67 < 2038 Za vilo qibu. You may go. 116.67 < 2040 Ka nama nimo es telu kia zhaya. Please accept a cup of water. 116.67 < 2041 Neuditi trin pe es peyma. Babies do not drink wine. 116.67 < 2042 Ira kome auba, ib trin es telu kia peyma vu, ira zazi, ema vanya. He ate voraciously and drank a cup of wine which made him sleep. [cont'd from #2034] 100 < 2043 Trosu lelu bogi es ona fortuki es saqevi fortu il namu taya. The whole world had one language and few words at that time. 90 < 2044 Ira amuziti es zinha-harey. She likes astronomy. 128.57 < 2045 Vito-harey da pyanezres. Optics is interesting. 128.57 < 2046 Za harey va ku krev'aunos-harey? Do you study phonology? 87.5 < 2049 Zama shevru lok deor, ib zama da aunosnaye aqa deor. We are sitting in the night, and we are silent like the night. 100 < 2050 Ma vilo rofko pe va? May I leave? [Must I not leave?] 100 < 2052 Kalemaze kia sakiliyu alaya fesretrat. The sorrowful woman sings softly / quietly. 100 < 2053 Zhasi taya alaya safesretrat. Those birds sing loudly. 83.33 --- > 2037 Ma vilo qibu va? May I be excused? 87.5 > 2038 Za vilo qibu. You may go. 87.5 > 2040 Ka nama nimo es telu kia zhaya. Please accept a cup of water. 87.5 > 2041 Neuditi trin pe es peyma. Babies do not drink wine. 87.5 > 2044 Ira amuziti es zinha-harey. She likes astronomy. 90 > 2045 Vito-harey da pyanezres. Optics is interesting. 90 > 2050 Ma vilo rofko pe va? May I leave? [Must I not leave?] 85.71 1436d545 < 2056 Palu-kauno zapu vostu-leot terehe-seku men may tapu kia kauno zazi. Fast brown fox jumps over sleepy dog's back. 125 1439,1442c548 < 2061 Ma vito es palu, ira vito ku palu. I see the cat, he looks at the cat. 73.68 < 2062 Ona, tosa, kirsa, quana, kisa goro esapu. One, two, three, four, these are numbers. 130 < 2064 Ma dun tayai es tekutusta ib wumung kia ma. I visited a bookstore with a friend. 112.5 < 2065 A vitoa tan apa. From head to foot. 114.29 --- > 2065 A vitoa tan apa. From head to foot. 88.89 1444,1481c550,565 < 2067 Il kalun ku aritaze ib ukivinze ma lesyo. I will look for a boy and a girl. 83.33 < 2068 Il kalun ku aritaze ib ukivinze ma lesyo. I will look for a boy and a girl. 77.78 < 2069 Ezikize krevo ib aritaze sam. The man is talking to the boys. 114.29 < 2070 Ib aritaze sam ezikize krevo. The man is talking to the boys. 114.29 < 2071 Ira krevo va ezikize ib aritaze sam? Is the man talking to the boys? 100 < 2072 Ib aritaze sam va ezikize ira krevo? Is the man talking to the boys? 83.33 < 2073 Ib trima va ezikize krevo? Who is the man talking to? 114.29 < 2074 Il zah kun, maira vilo pezapunaye rofko, ira krevo. The next morning, he warned us to leave without delay. [cont'd from #2042] 128.57 < 2076 Poizi kia Krihevito krevo ti "vito ku". Poizi kia A'Tuin krevo ti "vito es". Followers of Krihevito say "vito ku". Followers of A'Tuin say "vito es". 70 < 2077 Ma vito kun es dorva kia elamu. I look at the apple tree. 100 < 2078 Ma vito es dorva kia elamu kun. I look at the apple tree. 100 < 2079 Pavri kisa es patuin, es finsati kia wanleot kia yaku todisaku sepu. Today is Monday, the fifth of June, two-thousand-six. 62.5 < 2081 Pavri kisa goro patuin, goro finsati kia wanleot kia yaku todisaku sepu. Today is Monday, the fifth of June, two-thousand-six. 100 < 2087 Ma kome es wum kia deoriti, ma ziresh va, ma ya dun hasaliti il deoriti taya. That evening, I was considering whether I would eat my supper. 125 < 2088 Ma kome es wum il deoriti taya, ma ziresh va, ma ya dun hasaliti il zah taya. That morning, I was considering whether I would eat that evening. 125 < 2089 Ma kome pe's dorva sam. I don't eat trees. 100 < 2090 Zama ya esapu es dorva kia elamu. We two are counting the apple trees. 100 < 2091 Ma dun tayai es tekutusta ib es wumung kia ma. I visited a bookstore and a friend of mine. [cf. 2064] 128.57 < 2092 Ma dun nimo es da za. I took yours. I took your one. 72.73 < 2093 Ma lok kauze kia Malia. Za lok da Kuana. I am in Malia's house. You are in Kuana's. 75 < 2094 Ezikize kisati a zinha kia sahru. Men are from [come from] Mars [fire star]. 114.29 < 2095 Kalemaze kisati a zinha kia zah. Women are from [come from] Venus [morning star]. 114.29 < 2096 Zhati terehe vige. Birds can fly. 125 < 2098 Es zama ib ira nimo il kalun vigerut. Maybe she will take us too. 71.43 < 2099 Za da leota-ruba. You are orange. 114.29 < 2100 Za goro orgon. You are an orange. 116.67 < 2101 Za kape ku ma, za amuz ku galu, ma amuz ku galu. I love the way you love the way you love me. 88.89 < 2102 Za dun goro zhataze. You were a sailor. 128.57 < 2103 Za dun goro trima kia zhata. You were a sailor. 100 < 2105 Aritaze taya da kapesape. That boy is twitterpated. 128.57 < 2106 Ma dun rale es elamu. I threw the apple. 114.29 < 2107 Kalemaze dun zazivito. The woman dreamt. 128.57 < 2108 Thamala hishesi vige. Camels can breathe. 114.29 < 2109 Wonya esapu quana woyrat vige pe. Rabbits cannot count beyond four. 114.29 < 2110 Seuki kisa bogi es seu qevi. This machine contains many simple components. [cf. fortu-ki, woy-ki] 100 < 2111 Seuki kisa seu pe. This machine does not work. 114.29 < 2112 Ti " tonfortu " goro tonfortu ishi ti " mafortu " goro pe mafortu. " noun " is a noun but " pronoun " is not a pronoun. 128.57 < 2113 Kauno bogi va es Buddha wovai? Does a dog have Buddha nature? 71.43 --- > 2077 Ma vito kun es dorva kia elamu. I look at the apple tree. 90 > 2078 Ma vito es dorva kia elamu kun. I look at the apple tree. 109.09 > 2089 Ma kome pe's dorva sam. I don't eat trees. 85.71 > 2090 Zama ya esapu es dorva kia elamu. We two are counting the apple trees. 85.71 > 2094 Ezikize kisati a zinha kia sahru. Men are from [come from] Mars [fire star]. 88.89 > 2096 Zhati terehe vige. Birds can fly. 90.91 > 2099 Za da leota-ruba. You are orange. 88.89 > 2100 Za goro orgon. You are an orange. 100 > 2103 Za dun goro trima kia zhata. You were a sailor. 85.71 > 2105 Aritaze taya da kapesape. That boy is twitterpated. 90 > 2106 Ma dun rale es elamu. I threw the apple. 100 > 2107 Kalemaze dun zazivito. The woman dreamt. 100 > 2108 Thamala hishesi vige. Camels can breathe. 88.89 > 2109 Wonya esapu quana woyrat vige pe. Rabbits cannot count beyond four. 88.89 > 2110 Seuki kisa bogi es seu qevi. This machine contains many simple components. [cf. fortu-ki, woy-ki] 87.5 > 2111 Seuki kisa seu pe. This machine does not work. 100 1483,1493c567,569 < 2115 Irayo vito ku ma. They look at me. 95.24 < 2116 Kauno bogi va es wovai kia Buda? Does a dog have Buddha nature? 100 < 2117 Seuki kisa bogi es melu qevi. This machine has many wheels. 83.33 < 2118 Kuay da melu. The moon is round [like a wheel]. 112.5 < 2119 Perai kia melu trin es wumeyan ir peva. The fat [round] heretic drinks chocolate with a straw. 128.57 < 2120 Kauze kia wumeyan lok ikra kia zhayaviga. By the river is a chocolate house. 100 < 2121 Ma lok kauze kia Malia. Za lok ema kia Kuana. I am in Malia's house. You are in Kuana's. 72.73 < 2122 Ma izi va lok deor kia amuzoto, ma nezres pe. I don't know whether I will go to the party. 116.67 < 2123 Ma dun shlag es gad. I stubbed my toe. 70 < 2125 Ma dun shulag es gad kia ma, ib eska apa kia ma kazia. I stubbed my toe, and now my my foot hurts. 125 < 2126 Ma dun shulag es gad. I stubbed my toe. 125 --- > 2115 Irayo vito ku ma. They look at me. 86.96 > 2118 Kuay da melu. The moon is round [like a wheel]. 92.86 > 2126 Ma dun shulag es gad. I stubbed my toe. 111.11 1495,1505c571,573 < 2128 Ma dun shlag es gad kia ma. I stubbed my toe. 62.5 < 2129 Quruzki kia India lok zimot. There are Indic scripts on the wall. 116.67 < 2130 Ukivinze kia ukiroza kia kruma, ira ya lolo. The girl in the green dress is laughing. 128.57 < 2131 Ma da watazhataze kia Zhayaviga Styx. I am the ferry-boatman of the River Styx. 84.62 < 2132 Ma goro watazhataze kia Zhayaviga Styx. I am the ferry-boatman of the River Styx. 111.11 < 2134 Fortu sam sahayarat dun quruz teset. Those words were beautifully written. 112.5 < 2135 Ma vito es trima kia dun zoku. I see dead people. 125 < 2136 Antiza bogi es seu kia melu. Cars have round wheels. 114.29 < 2137 Zelamu da kiliyu, venuko. The children seem happy. 144.44 < 2138 Ma vito es trima kia dun zoku eskanirat. I see recently dead people. I see people who died recently. 75 < 2139 Quruzki lok zimot taya odi, ira goro quruzki kia Gujarat, ma hasala. The script on that wall over there is in Gujarati, I think. 114.29 --- > 2129 Quruzki kia India lok zimot. There are Indic scripts on the wall. 100 > 2135 Ma vito es trima kia dun zoku. I see dead people. 90.91 > 2137 Zelamu da kiliyu, venuko. The children seem happy. 86.67 1507d574 < 2143 Aritaze taya odi siama zimot, ira ya kome va es kona kia ira? Is that boy over near the wall, is he eating his hand? 83.33 1509,1513c576,577 < 2145 Yaqa fanen kia "Trima" da [person], va fanen kia "Trimadrima" da [people] vige? If the meaning of [Trima] is "person," can the meaning of [Trimadrima] be "people"? 112.5 < 2148 Kalusa bogi es chini-baini noli. Kalusa has a Consonant-Vowel pattern. 71.43 < 2150 Kalusa bogi es isumu qaq kia qini. [cf. aqaqiya, chini] Kalusa has some consonant clusters. 85.71 < 2151 Fortuki da aqaqiya. Languages are complex. 114.29 < 2152 Wovai da aqaqiya ehem. Life is also complex. 128.57 --- > 2151 Fortuki da aqaqiya. Languages are complex. 88.89 > 2152 Wovai da aqaqiya ehem. Life is also complex. 90 1515,1534c579,585 < 2154 Itaki ira sam lolo ku za. Then they laugh at you. 77.78 < 2155 Itaki ira sam pekta es za. Then they fight you. 100 < 2156 Itaki za vino. Then you win. 114.29 < 2157 Poipevaqemi kisa izi lok va, ma nezres pe. I don't know where this tunnel leads to. 116.67 < 2158 Tosa ukivinze feni ya apaizi. Both girls are dancing. 83.33 < 2159 Ishi, isuma fortu bogi es qini kia sakun. But, some words have a final consonant. 100 < 2160 Umuze-fu kia za dun nimo rayse es palu biti kia ma! Your grandmother stole my kitten! 128.57 < 2162 Yaqa fanen kia ti "Trima" goro ti [person], menib fanen kia ti "Trimasrima" goro ti [gregarious] vige va? If the meaning of [Trima] is "person", can the meaning of [Trimasrima] be "gregarious" ? 100 < 2163 Yaqa za amuziti pe es "Trimadrima", itaki za vemi hai es ema vige. If you do not like [Trimadrima], then you can vote it down. 100 < 2164 Itaki ira sam pekita es za. Then they fight you. [in seq #2153-2156] 83.33 < 2165 Ma dun vito ku ukivinze. I looked at the girl. 92.31 < 2166 Ma da trinsrin. I am drunk. 83.33 < 2167 Za da trinsrin venuko. You seem drunk. 83.33 < 2168 Za da trinsrin au ma venuko. You seem drunk to me. 83.33 < 2169 Ma da trinsrin. I am thirsty. 83.33 < 2170 Ma da trinmaqa. I am drunk. 116.67 < 2171 Za da trinmaqa au ma venuko. You seem drunk to me. 116.67 < 2172 Ma goro trinmaqa. I am a drunk. 128.57 < 2173 Ira goro kapesape. She is the sort of person who falls in love easily. 100 < 2174 Kauze kisa da krihe. This house is white. 100 --- > 2155 Itaki ira sam pekta es za. Then they fight you. 77.78 > 2156 Itaki za vino. Then you win. 72.73 > 2165 Ma dun vito ku ukivinze. I looked at the girl. 80 > 2170 Ma da trinmaqa. I am drunk. 100 > 2171 Za da trinmaqa au ma venuko. You seem drunk to me. 87.5 > 2172 Ma goro trinmaqa. I am a drunk. 100 > 2174 Kauze kisa da krihe. This house is white. 111.11 1536,1545c587,588 < 2176 Kauze odi da ruba. Yonder house is red. 100 < 2177 Trimabiti feni goro palu, ema da sanoq. Not all animals are cats. 100 < 2178 Trimabiti feni goro palu, ema da sanoq. It is false that all animals are cats. 128.57 < 2179 Trimabiti goro ema ya wovai. Animals are living things. 83.33 < 2180 Ira saleiza es teku kia pyatebu. She sells books that are worth reading. 116.67 < 2181 Zama nezres es loatra taya. We two know that story. 100 < 2182 Zama nezres es loatra taya. You and I know that story. 100 < 2183 Ma dun nimo es teku vu, ira dun tebu es ema. I took the book that she read. 112.5 < 2184 Teqitu da qemu, za gavaga rofko. You have to understand that turtles are important. 100 < 2185 Teqitu da qemu, za gavaga rofko. You should understand that turtles are important. 100 --- > 2177 Trimabiti feni goro palu, ema da sanoq. Not all animals are cats. 87.5 > 2179 Trimabiti goro ema ya wovai. Animals are living things. 71.43 1547d589 < 2187 Ka dono taya es ma. Give that to me. 83.33 1549,1580c591,600 < 2189 Malia dun krevo: " Ka sama es ma, kua biti! Za ya nimo es ata kia norbi kia ma! " Malia said " Listen to me, little cow! You are taking the air out of my mouth! " 125 < 2190 Ka sama es ma. Listen to me. 125 < 2191 Antiza taya sabogi au ma. That car belongs to me. 100 < 2192 Au ma sabogi antiza taya. That car belongs to me. 100 < 2193 Za va kip teku taya au ma? Will YOU sell that book to me? 71.43 < 2194 Za kip va teku taya au ma? Will you SELL that book to me? 62.5 < 2195 Za va kip es teku taya au ma? Will YOU sell that book to me? 125 < 2196 Za kip va es teku taya au ma? Will you SELL that book to me? 125 < 2197 Es teku va taya za kip au ma? Will you sell that BOOK to me? 111.11 < 2198 Es teku taya va za kip au ma? Will you sell THAT book to me? 114.29 < 2199 Au ma va za kip es teku taya? Will you sell that book to ME? 122.22 < 2200 Ma vito ku za kiliyurat. I am pleased to meet you. 60 < 2201 Ma vito es za kiliyurat. I am pleased to meet you. 114.29 < 2202 Kiliyurat es za ma vito. I am pleased to meet you. 116.67 < 2203 Zapu, taya va goro za? Zapu, is THAT you? 116.67 < 2204 Zapu, taya goro va za? Zapu, IS that you? 116.67 < 2205 Zapu, taya goro za va? Zapu, is that YOU? 116.67 < 2206 Ma kome es wum kia deoriti, ma ziresh va, ma ya dun hasaliti il deoriti taya. That evening, I was considering whether I would eat supper. 100 < 2207 Ma kome es wum kia deoriti, ma ziresh va, ma ya dun hasaliti il deoriti taya. That evening, I was considering whether I would eat my supper. 100 < 2208 Ma kome es wum kia deoriti, ma ziresh va, ma ya dun hasaliti il deoriti taya. That evening, I was considering whether I wanted to eat supper. 100 < 2209 Ma kome es wum kia deoriti, ma ziresh va, ma ya dun hasaliti il deoriti taya. That evening, I was considering whether I wanted to eat my supper. 100 < 2210 Kista kua kia Malia dun dono wovai es tosati kua biti, ira dun desko ema dun aritaze. When Malia's cow gave birth to a second calf, she found that it was a boy. 71.43 < 2211 Ezikize kisa da maqa poti kia aritaze taya. This man is taller than that boy. 116.67 < 2212 Ma amuz es hasalaira sam. I love thinkers. 100 < 2213 Ma amuz es hasalaira sam. I love those who think. 100 < 2214 Ezikize krevo ib vu? Who is the man talking to? 83.33 < 2215 Ib vu ezikize krevo? Who is the man talking to? 83.33 < 2216 Trima va za goro? WHO are you? 116.67 < 2217 Za goro va trima? Who ARE you? 83.33 < 2218 Za va goro trima? Who are YOU? 100 < 2219 Ma vito es trima kia dun zoku eskanirat. I see recently dead people. 100 < 2220 Ma vito es trima kia dun zoku eskanirat. I see people who died recently. 100 --- > 2190 Ka sama es ma. Listen to me. 100 > 2195 Za va kip es teku taya au ma? Will YOU sell that book to me? 90.91 > 2196 Za kip va es teku taya au ma? Will you SELL that book to me? 90.91 > 2197 Es teku va taya za kip au ma? Will you sell that BOOK to me? 90.91 > 2198 Es teku taya va za kip au ma? Will you sell THAT book to me? 88.89 > 2199 Au ma va za kip es teku taya? Will you sell that book to ME? 91.67 > 2203 Zapu, taya va goro za? Zapu, is THAT you? 87.5 > 2204 Zapu, taya goro va za? Zapu, IS that you? 87.5 > 2205 Zapu, taya goro za va? Zapu, is that YOU? 87.5 > 2216 Trima va za goro? WHO are you? 87.5 1582,1596c602,607 < 2222 Kisa goro triva? Who is this? 55.56 < 2223 Ma nezres ku loatra. I know about the story. 128.57 < 2224 Es mafortu multa maira bogi . We have many pronouns. 75 < 2225 Es mafortu sam maira bogi. We have many pronouns. 62.5 < 2226 Trimabiti goro ton kia wovai. Animals living things. 83.33 < 2227 Ma amuz es tweya ib ngazha sam. I love walls and floors. 100 < 2228 Es mafortu qevi zama bogi. We have many pronouns. 114.29 < 2229 Maira qaru pe es za. We do not fear you. 128.57 < 2230 Oroze kia maira kia za lok haihai, ka nyava kia za da ayaznizi. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 116.67 < 2231 Trimabiti goro ton kia wovai. Animals are living things. 116.67 < 2232 Zama bogi es mafortu qevi. We have many pronouns. 116.67 < 2235 Trima kia poifortu pe es ti "A'Tuin", ira da perai. People who do not capitalize A'Tuin are heretics. 116.67 < 2236 Kista kua kia Malia dun dono es wovai au tosati kua biti, ema goro aritaze, Malia dun desko. When Malia's cow gave birth to a second calf, she found that it was a boy. 100 < 2237 Zama bogi es hasalaze lok kauze! We have a philosopher in the house! 128.57 < 2239 Irayo lesyo lok ma. They look at me. 87.5 --- > 2223 Ma nezres ku loatra. I know about the story. 100 > 2228 Es mafortu qevi zama bogi. We have many pronouns. 100 > 2229 Maira qaru pe es za. We do not fear you. 100 > 2231 Trimabiti goro ton kia wovai. Animals are living things. 128.57 > 2232 Zama bogi es mafortu qevi. We have many pronouns. 100 > 2237 Zama bogi es hasalaze lok kauze! We have a philosopher in the house! 100 1598,1599c609 < 2241 Irayo lesyo kia ma. They look at me. 87.5 < 2242 Ma goro ma. I am I. 100 --- > 2242 Ma goro ma. I am I. 85.71 1601,1602c611,612 < 2244 Irayo vito ku ma. They look at me. 87.5 < 2245 ira dun gorota ema neuda she (he) did it again 83.33 --- > 2244 Irayo vito ku ma. They look at me. 81.82 > 2245 ira dun gorota ema neuda she (he) did it again 71.43 1604,1609c614,616 < 2247 Ma dun kun vito es ukivinze. I looked at the girl. 83.33 < 2248 Malia ib John dun lok elakona, ib iranu dun kun vito es ira. Malia and John were in a room, and he looked at her. 71.43 < 2249 Ira kun vito es palu. He looks at a cat. 83.33 < 2250 Ira vito es palu kun. He looks at a cat. 62.5 < 2251 sisaira kia za da poti auba you have very large ears 114.29 < 2252 Ma vito es palu, ira kun vito es palu. I see the cat, he looks at the cat. 83.33 --- > 2247 Ma dun kun vito es ukivinze. I looked at the girl. 71.43 > 2249 Ira kun vito es palu. He looks at a cat. 71.43 > 2251 sisaira kia za da poti auba you have very large ears 88.89 1611,1657c618,625 < 2254 Ira lesyo lok palu. He looks at a cat. 100 < 2255 Ira lesyo kia palu. He looks at a cat. 71.43 < 2257 Ma vito es palu, ira lesyo lok palu. I see the cat, he looks at the cat. 100 < 2258 Ma vito es palu, ira lesyo kia palu. I see the cat, he looks at the cat. 71.43 < 2259 Ma lesyo lok ukivinze. I looked at the girl. 100 < 2260 Ma lesyo kia ukivinze. I looked at the girl. 71.43 < 2261 Malia ib John dun lok elakona, ib iranu dun lesyo lok ira. Malia and John were in a room, and he looked at her. 87.5 < 2262 Malia ib John dun lok elakona, ib iranu dun lesyo kia ira. Malia and John were in a room, and he looked at her. 62.5 < 2263 Ma lesyo lok dorva kia elamu. I look at the apple tree. 112.5 < 2264 Ma lesyo kia dorva kia elamu. I look at the apple tree. 71.43 < 2265 Ma bogi es ona kia elamu eska. I have one apple now. 125 < 2266 Ezikize bogi es on kia elamu. The man has one apple. 112.5 < 2267 Trosu lelu bogi es ona kia fortuki es saqevi kia fortu il namu taya. The whole world had one language and few words at that time. 100 < 2268 Trosu lelu bogi es ona kia fortuki ib es saqevi kia fortu il namu taya. The whole world had one language and few words at that time. 83.33 < 2269 Il namu taya es ona kia fortuki es saqevi kia fortu trosu lelu bogi. The whole world had one language and few words at that time. 87.5 < 2270 Ma bogi es on kia heyuze ib on kia odaze. I have one sister and one brother. 80 < 2271 Au ma da on kia heyuze ib on kia odaze. I have one sister and one brother. 88.89 < 2272 On kia heyuze ib on kia odaze da au ma. I have one sister and one brother. 111.11 < 2273 Zama bogi es ona podan kia fortuwoy! We have one thousand sentences! 125 < 2274 Trima sam kisa, irasam goro oyko kia ma. These people are my family. 114.29 < 2275 Trima sam kisa, irasam goro trimawoy kia ma. These people are my tribe. 83.33 < 2276 Trima sam kisa, irasam goro trimaki kia ma. These people are my tribe. 128.57 < 2277 Ma kome es tosa kia elamu lelu il pavri sin. Yesterday I ate two whole apples. 112.5 < 2278 Kirsa kia paluqemi kia aritaze dun methu ib tosa kia paluqemi kia ukivinze. Three boy tigers played with two girl tigers. 122.22 < 2279 Tosa kia paluqemi dun kome es tosa kia kaunoqemi. The two tigers ate the two wolves. 112.5 < 2280 Ma kome es tosa kia elamu. I eat the two apples. 112.5 < 2281 Kaunoqemi kia Krihevito laitiya es kaunoqemitrima. Krihevito's wolves spawn werewolves. 114.29 < 2282 Ma bogi es tosa kia miqi. I have two mice. 122.22 < 2283 Ma nimo es kirsa kia teku. I take three books. 144.44 < 2284 Ma bogi es kirsa niq kia zomo. I have only three zomo. 137.5 < 2285 Ayamu kia kauze taya bogi es diquana kia kua. The farmer next door has fourteen cows. 137.5 < 2286 Antiza bogi es quanan kia melu. Cars have four wheels. 100 < 2287 Tupa sam kisa, irasam goro wum kia ma. These potatoes are my food. 100 < 2288 Yena kia paluqemi dun kome es finsa kia kaunoqemi. The seven tigers ate the five wolves. 133.33 < 2289 ayamu bogi es multa kia noa the farmer has many fields 83.33 < 2290 Sepahuwe bogi es sepa kia huwe: ruba, leota-ruba, leot, kruma, zhura, ib zhura-ruba. The rainbow has six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. 144.44 < 2291 ayamu bogi es noa multa the farme has many fields 71.43 < 2292 ayamu bogi es qevi kia noa the farmer has many fields 100 < 2293 ayamu bogi es multa kia noa the farmer has many fields 71.43 < 2294 Todivida kia zah da awan kia kuay. Twenty-eight days are the phases of the moon. 116.67 < 2295 Au ma da raza kia palki. I have nine cousins. 114.29 < 2296 Raza kia palki da au ma. I have nine cousins. 128.57 < 2297 Yale va za haresh disa kia moko? Why do you want ten stones? 71.43 < 2298 Yale va za ziresh es disa kia moko? Why do you want ten stones? 100 < 2299 Ka dono es disa kia moko au ma. Give me ten stones. 100 < 2300 Antiza bogi es quana kia seu. Cars have four wheels. 83.33 < 2301 Antiza bogi es quana kia seu kia melu. Cars have four round wheels. 83.33 --- > 2265 Ma bogi es ona kia elamu eska. I have one apple now. 90.91 > 2277 Ma kome es tosa kia elamu lelu il pavri sin. Yesterday I ate two whole apples. 90 > 2279 Tosa kia paluqemi dun kome es tosa kia kaunoqemi. The two tigers ate the two wolves. 90 > 2280 Ma kome es tosa kia elamu. I eat the two apples. 90 > 2282 Ma bogi es tosa kia miqi. I have two mice. 100 > 2283 Ma nimo es kirsa kia teku. I take three books. 92.86 > 2284 Ma bogi es kirsa niq kia zomo. I have only three zomo. 93.75 > 2292 ayamu bogi es qevi kia noa the farmer has many fields 77.78 1659,1674c627,637 < 2303 Ka dono es taya au ma. Give THAT to me. 114.29 < 2304 Ka dono au ma es taya. Give ME that. 128.57 < 2305 Ka es teku taya dono au ma! Give me that book! 128.57 < 2306 Ka dono es teku kia kruma kisa au ma! Give me this green book! 100 < 2307 Ka es ton taya dono au ma. Give me that thing. 100 < 2308 Ka es isuma kuazhaya dono au ma nama. Give me some milk please. 114.29 < 2309 Ka es ema dono au ma. Give it to me. 114.29 < 2310 Ma bogi es kua sauta. I have enough cows. 128.57 < 2311 Ma vito es aira. I see the hill. I look at the hill. 55.56 < 2312 Nama Kalusatrima! A'Tuin da vitosito! Ka es fortuwoy qevi layti. Honorable Kalusans! A'Tuin is watchful! Make more sentences. 100 < 2313 Ayamu bogi es noa qevi. The farmer has many fields. 100 < 2314 Yale va za ziresh es disa moko? Why do you want ten stones? 100 < 2315 Palu tevru. The cat sneezes. 116.67 < 2316 Zhati alaya. Birds sing. 100 < 2317 Za tevru, palu vanya va? Do cats make you sneeze? Are you allergic to cats? 100 < 2318 Zelamu methu. Children play. 128.57 --- > 2305 Ka es teku taya dono au ma! Give me that book! 90.91 > 2306 Ka dono es teku kia kruma kisa au ma! Give me this green book! 85.71 > 2307 Ka es ton taya dono au ma. Give me that thing. 88.89 > 2308 Ka es isuma kuazhaya dono au ma nama. Give me some milk please. 90.91 > 2309 Ka es ema dono au ma. Give it to me. 88.89 > 2310 Ma bogi es kua sauta. I have enough cows. 100 > 2313 Ayamu bogi es noa qevi. The farmer has many fields. 137.5 > 2315 Palu tevru. The cat sneezes. 137.5 > 2316 Zhati alaya. Birds sing. 114.29 > 2317 Za tevru, palu vanya va? Do cats make you sneeze? Are you allergic to cats? 90 > 2318 Zelamu methu. Children play. 137.5 1676,1712c639,640 < 2320 Elamu vebri, ma vanya. I dropped the apple. 100 < 2321 Ira da poti, ib ira dun bogi es zin kia vostu kia bebop, aqa galu kia onatilori. He was tall, and had hair blacker than a crow, as the manner of the north. 116.67 < 2322 Ma ona namu dun bogi es ukivinze; bi rofko va ma krevo, ira ona namu dun bogi es ma? I once had a girl; or should I say, she once had me? 100 < 2323 Ira vu nimo es mayai kia ma, ira grepu es ton vu, ema da saqemu: ema duna kia ma, ema da kia ira il kalun; ib ema dun goro kagorotair au qevi podan kia trima sam. He who takes my money grasps an unimportant thing; it was mine, it will be his; and it has been a servant to many thousand people. 116.67 < 2324 Ira lesyo es palu. He looks at a cat. 83.33 < 2325 Ishi ira vu nimo es nyava eyan kia ma, ira grepu es ton vu, ema eske pe es ira koi ku kiliyu; ishi eske es ma sakoi auba ku kiliyu. But he who takes my good name, snatches a thing which does not make him full of happiness; but makes me very empty of happiness. 83.33 < 2326 Aritaze lesyo ku liordeskoir kia oroze kia ira roze. The boy seeks the clock worn by his father. 83.33 < 2327 Ma ona lior dun bogi es ukivinze; bi rofko va ma krevo, ira ona lior dun bogi es ma? I once had a girl; or should I say, she once had me? 83.33 < 2328 Kauno krevo. Dogs bark. 100 < 2329 Hedomornu alaya. Bees hum. 83.33 < 2330 Neuditi dun lolo. Baby laughed. 100 < 2331 Sahay layti es leot. The sun shines. 100 < 2332 Ata nona. The wind blows. 100 < 2333 Ata kiwoy es ata. The wind blows. 100 < 2334 Scarlett ohara. The wind blows. 71.43 < 2335 Antiza kun gorota. The car started. 83.33 < 2336 Akiza kun mahuf. The car started. 71.43 < 2337 Antiza kun seu. The car started. 83.33 < 2338 Antiza dun kun gorota. The car started. 116.67 < 2339 Akiza dun kun mahuf. The car started. 83.33 < 2340 Antiza dun kun seu. The car started. 100 < 2341 Nezreki dun kun ona neuda. School began again. 116.67 < 2342 Zelamu seku zapurat. The child ran quickly. 116.67 < 2343 Hedomornut brot da hedap. Honey is sweet. 100 < 2344 Hedomornut brot da hedap. Honeybee juice is sweet. 100 < 2345 Hedomornut brot da alis. Honey is delicious. 83.33 < 2346 Antiza dun kun mahuf. The car started. 83.33 < 2347 Ishi ira vu grepu es nama kia ma, ira nimo es ton vu, ema eske pe es ira koi ku kiliyu; ishi eske es ma sakoi auba ku kiliyu. But he who snatches my honor, takes that which does not make him full of happiness; but makes me very empty of happiness. 83.33 < 2348 Au ma duna ukivinze ona lior; bi rofko va ma krevo, ira ona lior dun bogi es ma? I had a girl once; or should I say, she once had me? 83.33 < 2350 Buzu alaya. Bees hum. 100 < 2351 ma lesyo ku kauno i look for the dog 100 < 2352 ma lesyo lok kauno i look at the dog 100 < 2353 ma vito es kauno i see the dog 100 < 2354 ezikize kia urda dun hasalapelok es oroze kia ira The old man has forgotten his father. 100 < 2355 aritaze sam feni dun seku lok odi All the boys ran away. 83.33 < 2356 Leotta feni layti es lok, ema da sanoq. All that is gold does not glitter. [Every gold makes light, it is false.] 71.43 < 2357 Leotta feni layti es leot, ema da sanoq. All that is gold does not glitter. [Correction of #2356] 100 --- > 2320 Elamu vebri, ma vanya. I dropped the apple. 90.91 > 2350 Buzu alaya. Bees hum. 88.89 1714,1715c642,751 < 2359 aritaze feni dun vilo zapurat all the boys ran away 100 < 2360 Ma vito ku aira. I see the hill. I look at the hill. 100 --- > 2359 aritaze feni dun vilo zapurat all the boys ran away 71.43 > 2373 Ira goro zuzu She is a lesbian 90.91 > 2374 Ira da vezya She is strong 112.5 > 2378 Mayai kia ma bogi au ma teset. My money belongs to me. 83.33 > 2383 Ira goro zuzu. He is a homosexual. 91.67 > 2384 Buzu goro zuzu. The bee is homosexual. 83.33 > 2385 Ma amuziti aunos aqa aunos. I like rhymes. 83.33 > 2387 zelamu kia ma ira kape es gogopilu kia ira my children love their teddies 90 > 2389 Ira da zuzu She is lesbian 55.56 > 2391 Ira da zuk She is smart 116.67 > 2393 Ira da zuk ib vezya She is smart and strong 85.71 > 2396 Kalemaze taya da zuk That woman is smart 116.67 > 2398 Kalemaze kisa da zuk This woman is smart 100 > 2400 trima isuma kome pe es qaluba. ira krevo es kisa : trimabiti kisa da salumpo some people don't eat pork / pig. They say that this animal is dirty 63.64 > 2401 ma kape es za fenilior il kalun I'll always love you 85.71 > 2402 ma dun kape es za zotalior I never loved you 83.33 > 2404 Vurune da s'alis. Broccoli is non-delicious. 77.78 > 2405 Ira krevo ti trimabiti kisa da salumpo. They say that this animal is dirty. 91.67 > 2406 Ma kape es za il lior feni. I'll always love you. 87.5 > 2407 Woyki lenku lok zimot. A tapestry is hanging on the wall. 100 > 2410 Ma kape es trima sam. I love all people. 85.71 > 2411 Kalusa zoku vige pe! Kalusa cannot die! 87.5 > 2412 Ma iru pe. I am not worried. 100 > 2413 A'Tuin ovaya. A'Tuin lives. 87.5 > 2414 Krihevito ovaya ehem. krihevito lives aswell. 87.5 > 2415 "Buzu" aunos aqa "zuzu". "Bee" rhymes with "homosexual". 87.5 > 2416 Ira goro nama kia tuin. He is the honorable king. 88.89 > 2417 Oroze kia ma da irusiru. My father is always worrying. 77.78 > 2418 Oroze kia ma ya iru il lior feni. my father is always worrying, 88.89 > 2419 Za gadere aqa buzu. You walk like a bee. [you are drunk. from the wobbly flight of the bee] 88.89 > 2420 Manan No 83.33 > 2421 Ari Yes 100 > 2423 Peka da noq ! It's really a pity ! 71.43 > 2424 Lok keuzari isuma, kalemaze izi lok trinusta, vige pe In some towns, women can't go to bar 87.5 > 2426 kauze kia za da zhatar your house is clean 87.5 > 2427 ka kome zhatarat nama ! please eat cleanly ! (correctly) 87.5 > 2428 Qalubaqemi ovaya lok dorvasta. Boars live in the forest. 87.5 > 2429 da noq ! of course ! 83.33 > 2430 Ira krevo es kisa : trimabiti kisa da salumpo They say that this animal is dirty 85.71 > 2431 urisha kome fuva qevi, ira amuziti the bear is found of eating a lot of fishes 62.5 > 2432 Koukla kia ma, ma kape es za ! Baby doll, I love you ! 85.71 > 2433 Oroze kia ma da wepansepan. My father is cowardly. 87.5 > 2434 Trosu zoku sahruir yasa pekkuruir vige. The world can end by fire or by ice. 88.89 > 2435 kuayawan bogi es quana kia pavriyena there are four weeks in a month 90 > 2436 pavriyena quana da lok kuayawan there are four weels in a month 71.43 > 2437 za trima va ? who are you ? 71.43 > 2438 ton kisa, ema va ? what is this ? 71.43 > 2439 a lok va za kisati ? from where do you come ? 75 > 2440 Oroze kia ma da irusiru. My father is a worry-wart. 87.5 > 2441 Es pukin kape ma. It is cookies that I love. 91.67 > 2442 Bebop amuz es pukin sam, ishi ira kome es ema qibu pe. Crows love cookies, but may not eat them. 81.82 > 2443 Lok keuzari isuma, kalemaze izi lok zhavina vige pe. In some towns, women can't go to the bar. 71.43 > 2444 Doxie kia ma, ma kape es za! Baby doll, I love you! 71.43 > 2445 Ma vito es felzi. I see a crow. 100 > 2446 Ma vito kasuta es palu. I look at the cat. [I see intentionally the cat.] 90 > 2447 Ma siso es aunos. I hear a sound. 100 > 2448 Ma siso kasuta es aunos. I listen to a sound. [I hear intentionally a sound.] 100 > 2449 Ma dun vebri. I fell. 100 > 2450 Ma dun vebri kasuta. I jumped. [I fell intentionally.] 91.67 > 2451 Kauze kima da poti. [kima = kia + ma] My house is big. 85.71 > 2452 Musha kima, ma kape es za. [kima = kia + ma] My darling, I love you. 85.71 > 2453 Za da hago, ma da sahago. You are a hero, I am a coward. 100 > 2454 Es pukin au ma ka dono. Eska! Give me a cookie. Now! 91.67 > 2455 Ma vito mikuva es palu. I examine the cat. [I see intensely/forcefully the cat.] 83.33 > 2456 Ma nimo mikuva es teku. I snatch the book. [I take forcefuly the book.] 83.33 > 2457 Vitoma es palu kima. I see my cat. 71.43 > 2458 Irayo vito kasuta es ma. They look at me. 111.11 > 2459 Ma dun vito kasuta es ukivinze. I looked at the girl. 111.11 > 2460 John binona es ma. My name is John. ["John" refers to me.] 100 > 2461 Ma qayhe es buzu. Bees bother me. [I feel annoyance at bees.] 100 > 2462 Kakoru nimo es pukin. The crow takes a cookie. 111.11 > 2463 Kakoru nimo du es pukin. The crow took a cookie. 90.91 > 2464 Ma vito du kasuta es kakoru. I looked at the crow. 100 > 2465 Ma vito du lanzi es kakoru. I watched the crow. [I saw long-time the crow.] 71.43 > 2466 Za lok du va? Where have you been? 100 > 2467 Ma kome du es elamu. I ate an apple. 100 > 2468 Ma kome du es elamu kiza. [kiza = kia + za] I ate your apple. 66.67 > 2469 Ma vito du kasuta es ukivinze. I looked at the girl. 100 > 2470 urisha kome dun es fuva qevi the bear ate a lot of fishes 71.43 > 2471 ma qasta ! I'm fed up ! 100 > 2472 ma qasta ku za ! I'm fed up with you ! 100 > 2473 kisa da lior va ? what time is it ? 100 > 2474 kisa da ema va ? what is this ? 100 > 2475 kokota kia ruba kia biti dun alaya pe, il pavri eska the little red rooster did'nt sing to-day 111.11 > 2476 Ka iru pe ku ema ! Don't worry about it ! 128.57 > 2477 Urisha kome es fuva qevi, ira amuziti. The bear is fond of eating a lot of fish. 85.71 > 2478 trima va dun pelok es moko kia ma ? who lost my ball ? 100 > 2479 Ma zazi kun sakasuta. I fell asleep accidentally [in spite of trying to stay awake]. 100 > 2480 Trima va dun sadesko es moko kia ma? Who lost my ball? 114.29 > 2481 kisa goro va ? kisa goro elamu kia kruma what is this ? it is a green apple 75 > 2482 Kisa goro ton va? Ema goro elamu kia kruma. What is this? It is a green apple. 100 > 2483 Za da aunosnaye qibu. You have the right to remain silent. 112.5 > 2484 ukivinze taya da shukar aqa elamubiti that girl is as sweet as a strawberry 62.5 > 2485 ka kape es ma shukarat love me tender (Hi, Elvis) 85.71 > 2486 ma kape ib za, ma ziresh i want to make love with you 85.71 > 2487 ka urtika pe ! don't disturb ! 85.71 > 2488 kista ma ya zazi, aunos urtika es ma as i'm sleeping, noise disturbs me 85.71 > 2489 trima va dun pedesko es moko kima ? who lost my ball ? 71.43 > 2490 Ma siso es zhati. I hear a bird. 111.11 > 2491 Ma siso es zhati kasuta. I listen to a bird. 112.5 > 2492 Ma siso kasuta es zhati. I listen to a bird. 122.22 > 2493 Ma siso es zhati kasutarat. I listen to a bird. 83.33 > 2494 Ma siso kasutarat es zhati. I listen to a bird. 83.33 > 2495 Loatra rethi da eyan. The long story is good. 92.86 > 2496 aqta ! paluqemi ya kisati watch it ! tigers are coming 100 > 2497 Ira ya nimo rayse es palu kia ma. She is stealing my cat. 116.67 > 2498 Trima isuma ya kazia rayse es ma. Somebody is assaulting me. 100 > 2499 Elamubiti taya da hedo. That strawberry is sweet. 116.67 > 2500 Ma dun zazi poi sakasuta. I fell asleep accidentally. 100 > 2501 Ka kasuta es teqitu! Pay attention to the turtle! 100