# This version of the online Richardson vortaro was adapted by # Axel Belinfante for electronic use # (see the index_vortaro.pl and search_vortaro.pl files). # Version: $Id: Vortaro,v 1.1 1993/09/01 12:44:13 belinfan Exp $ # If you make changes, improvements, or find errors, please let me know! ################################################################################# # From: DWOLFF@res-c4.prime.com # Subject: Richardson vortareto # Date: 10 Sep 91 12:49:06 EDT # # Copyright (c) 1991 by Esperanto League for North America, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This work may be reproduced only for nonprofit educational or research purposes, and must include this heading. This work may not be reproduced for any other purpose without express written consent from ELNA. # # This work is derived from "Esperanto: Learning and Using the International Language" by David Richardson (ISBN 0-945742-00-2), which also contains a history of Esperanto, lessons, and readings. This work uses certain conventions to indicate typographical features of the book: # # "<" and ">" indicate text that is in boldface in the original. # This work uses "^" for all superscripted letters, placed after the letter. # The original, as in this file, uses "/" to indicate the end of a root word. # The original, as in this file, uses "~" as a substitute for repeating the root word, or sometimes to indicate a suffix. # Each definition in this file is contained in one line, regardless of how long it or the original definition is. # Page numbers correspond to the original work. All text from here on is from the original work. David Wolff, projektestro. # # # # This is a necessarily abridged vocabulary for use with the lessons and readings in this book. The serious student is urged to obtain one of the good Esperanto-English and English-Esperanto dictionaries currently available. # Abbreviations: abbreviation, accusative, anatomy, architecture, arithmetic, conjunction, correlative, denoting, electricity/electronics, finance, intransitive verb, mechanics, military, music, nautical, photography, politics, prefix, religion, suffix, technology, transitive verb. # abacus abbott abdicate, resign bee, <~ujo> beehive fir (tree) abyss, chasm abolish abhor, loathe, <~aj^o> abomination, <~inda> abominable subscribe, <~o> subscription miscarry, <~igi> abort abrupt abscess absolute, <~e> absolutely absolve, <~o> absolution absorb abstain absurd abundant, in short supply, <~i> abound maple acid, sour, <~o> acid, bittersweet <-ac^/> (suffix denoting disparagement; see p. 277), <~a> no good, "lousy" buy, <~(aj^)o> purchase, redeem, ransom, bribe <-ad/> (suffix denoting continuation; see p. 143) <~e> continually adapt (transitive verb.) adept farewell add (arithmetic) adjective manage, administer admire, <~ant(in)o> admirer, <~inda> admirable admonish, scold, "tell off" adopt adore, worship address, <~aro> address list commit adultery adverb lawyer air, <~umi> air out, ventilate, <~vojo> airway airplane kind, good-natured, <~eco> kindness matter, thing, affair, business deal, <~isto> businessman poster, sign(board), notice afflict, <~o> affliction prepay (letter or package), put on stamp(s) Africa act, <~ema> active, <~ado> activity, react agenda, appointment book agitate, stir up eagle acknowledge, formally recognize death throes, <~i> be near death tune (transitive verb.) pleasant, agreeable hook, clasp aggression, <~i> commit aggression, <~(em)a> aggressive age, older, elder, grown-up, elderly oh! ow! (dismay) ouch! (pain) garlic -ever, -at all (see p. 164) <-aj^/> (suffix denoting concrete thing; see p. 154), <~o> a thing academy monopolize, corner accelerate, speed (somebody or something) up, <~ilo> accelerator accent, stress accept, receive (guest, etc.) accident, <~i> have an accident hawk acquire, get, <~ebla> obtainable acclaim pimple, passing blemish accommodate (transitive verb.) accompany, <~(aj^)o> accompaniment chord, accord sharp, <~atona> sharp-toned, shrill, <~igi> sharpen acre locust axle, axis armpit active, <~o> assets actor, <~i> act current, present-day acupuncture punctual, on time acoustics labor (giving birth), <~istino> midwife accuse, <~o> accusation water, <~umi> water, irrigate, <~ero> drop (of water), waterfall aquarium to(wards), <~veni> arrive, <~ig^i> join, <~porti> bring, fetch, <~doni> add, <~meti> attach, put onto, <~terig^i> land, <~trudi> impose upon, force, <~proksimigi> bring close together alphabet algebra (an)other, else, <~igi, ~ig^i> change, alter, <~landano> citizen of another country, alien elk, moose alcohol at least alms, "handout," <~ulo> beggar alp, mountain pasture, <~ismo> mountaineering high, tall, <~eco> height, <~statura> lanky, of high stature, <~en> into the heights alternate, <~a> alternating alternative, option allude, refer to, <~o> allusion match (fire) aluminum love, <~ant(in)o> lover, hate, <~inda> lovable, <~indumi> woo, court, peaceloving bitter heap, pile, mass, crowd, <~igi> pile up, <~fabriki> mass produce amateur Amazon embassy ambassador both ambition, <~a> ambitious America friend, <~a> friendly, <~eco> friendship, enemy sexual love, <~i> make love amortize, deaden, <~ilo> shock absorber extent, dimension, <~a> extensive, ample bulb (elec.) amputate amusing, funny, <~i> amuse, <~(ad)o> amusement, fun, <~ig^i> have a good time <-an/> (suffix denoting citizen, member; see p. 94), <~o> citizen, member, Chicagoan, U.S. citizen, Christian illiterate analyze, <~o> analysis analogous pineapple duck anemia, <~a> anemic anemone eel Englishman, <~a> English, <~e> in English, <~ujo, ~io, ~olando> England, <~ismo> anglicism anguish, agony corner, angle angel, <~a> angelic soul, magnanimous, unanimous, <~i> animate, act as master of ceremonies also, too, me too still, yet, not yet, <~foje> once more anchor Anne announce, advertise, give notice, <~isto> announcer, <~eto> want ad anonymous handle goose, <~vice> single file instead of, <~e> instead, <~i> take the place of, <~igi> substitute, replace before, in front of, <~e> formerly, in front, <~vidi> foresee, <~parolo> foreword, <~g^oji> look forward to, <~tagmeze> a.m., behind, <~ ol> before (conj), <~ tri tagoj> 3 days ago antenna anticipate, think or act ahead antique, ancient Antwerp apache, ruffian, "hood" apparatus, set apart, separate, special, <~igi> separate apartment belong apathy, <~a> apathetic appeal (law, etc.) just barely, hardly appendix, <~ito> appendicitis appear, be published, disappear, <~o> appearance appetite, enjoy your meal applaud, clap apply (transitive verb.) aplomb, self-assurance, "nerve" lean, support, rest against (transitive verb.), <~ilo> support, prop apostle pharmacy, drugstore appreciate (as a connoisseur) April approve, <~o> approval by, beside, <~e> nearby <-ar/> (suffix denoting collection; see p. 132) Arab, <~a> Arabic, Arabian, <~e> in Arabic, <~io, ~ujo> Arabia peanut spider, <~aj^o> spiderweb arrange, <~o> arrangement tree, <~aro> forest, woods, <~eto> shrub, bush shrub, bush, <~aro> shrubbery glow with heat, <~a> ardent, <~o> heat, passion area arrest crane (mechanics) clay silver archaic, obsolete architect archives, records, files, <~ejo> record office Arctic, <~o> the Arctic jester, buffoon arm (weapons), <~ilo> weapon, unarmed, disarm army, navy, air force arrogant art, <~a> artificial, artistic, <~efarita> artificial subterfuge, trick(ery), <~a> contrived, by trickery joint (anatomy, technology), dislocate article artichoke ace (cards, etc.) assert asphalt assist (officially) association appear, look, <~o> aspect, appearance aspire (to), hope for asthma heavenly body, <~onau^to> astronaut, spaceman attack, assault assault, violate wait (for), expect, <~ejo> waiting room pay attention, <~igi> draw attention to, point out, <~on!> attention! look out! attest, testify, bear witness, <~anto> witness, <~o> testimony, certificate attain, reach athlete, <~a> athletic, <~ismo> athletics a.m. atmosphere atom, <~a> atomic, <~bombo> atom bomb trump (cards, etc.) or, either... or... hear, <~antaro> audience, <~ig^i> be heard, audio-visual, broadcast dare, <~a> daring August auction aurora, dawn listen, <~ilo> earphone Austrian, <~ujo/io> Austria Australia, <~ano> Australian car, <~vojo> freeway, expressway bus, <~haltejo> bus stop automatic, <~igi> automate author authority, <~a> authoritative autumn grandfather, <~ino> grandmother, great-grandfather advantage miserly, stingy, generous adventure avenue warn, caution, <~o> warning aviation, <~ilo> aircraft eager for, greedy, <~i> covet notify, advise, <~o> notification donkey Asia, <~a> Asian, Asiatic, Central Asia asylum, sanctuary "nuts!" chatter, "shoot the breeze" port side (nautical) trifling, insignificant bake, <~aj^o> baked goods, <~ejo> bakery dance, ball sweep, <~ilo> broom rock, swing (see p. 214) ballast stammer, stutter soon Balearic Islands ballet whale balcony balloon bath, <~i> bathe (transitive verb.), <~c^ambro> bathroom, <~kostumo> bathing suit, <~urbo> spa trite, commonplace banana band, gang bandage wrapper (for mailing, etc.) bungalow banjo banyan (tree) bank, <~noto, ~bileto> bank note, paper money banquet, <~c^ambro> banquet room go broke, be bankrupt baptize, christen, <~opatro> godfather bar, obstruct, <~ilo> fence, barrier, <~ilpordo> gate barrack, shanty, shack writhe, flounder, move convulsively beard, <~isto> barber barbarian, <~a> barbarianic Barbara borscht (soup) barrel stick, cane, baton, crutch hit, beat, <~o> a blow battle base, basis, <~i> base (transitive verb.) bazaar, fair, street market baby regret, be sorry about, <~inde> unfortunately, regrettably beak, bill pretty, fine, good-looking, <~ega> exquisite, gorgeous, <~sona> pretty-sounding Belgian, <~ujo, ~io> Belgium flat (music) bless, <~o> blessing, curse tape (recording, adhesive, etc.), strip, binding, <~i> tape (transitive verb.) bench gasoline, <~ujo> gas tank berry animal, beast beet birch (tree) need, require Bible library bicycle estate, farm, property, ranch, <~isto> rancher, farmer beer (beef)steak bikini billiards picture ticket, bill, note bind (books) binoculars bird encore! one more time! bizarre, odd, weird kid, pull someone's leg, <~o> sly joke white, blank blank check, carte blanche cuss, blaspheme bleat, bellow, neigh, etc. (general word for animal cries) blind, <~ulo> sightless person, <~umi> dazzle block, <~o> block, pad (paper) blond, fair, <~ul(in)o> a blond wind instrument blue (prefix denoting relation by marriage; see p. 193) boa (snake) boat bubble bobbin, spool, coil bark box, <~o> boxing boil (intransitive verb.), <~eti> simmer Bolivia Bolshevik bomb bonbon, piece of candy good, nice, <~e> well, OK, <~ega> excellent, <~ulo> nice guy, <~eco> goodness, <~volu, ~vole> please, <~venon> welcome, <~s^ancon> good luck, <~deziroj> good wishes, improve, bad bore, drill bank (of river), shore, edge stock exchange boot bottle, to bottle bovine animal: ox, cow, etc., <~aj^o> beef, <~ido> calf Braille arm, <~umi> embrace, <~seg^o> armchair branch, bough, <~eto> twig brandy stretcher cabbage gallant, worthy, <~e!> bravo! Brazil breach, gap brakes, <~i> brake shelf, <~aro> set of shelves, cabinet bridle, restrain(t), check brick, <~eto> bar (candy etc.) shine (intransitive verb.), <~a> bright, brilliant, flash British, <~ujo/io> Britain embroider scald secondhand, <~i> deal in secondhand goods, <~isto> secondhand dealer bronze brush paperback booklet, pamphlet, leaflet, <~(it)a> paperbacked (eye)brow noise, <~i> make a noise, <~a> noisy burn (intransitive verb.), <~aj^o> fuel, <~ema> flammable brown, <~hara> brunette, <~okula> browneyed chest, breast head of cattle, <~aro> livestock kid, brat, urchin; jack (cards) butcher, slaughter, <~isto> butcher booth, stall budget toad buffet buckle bouquet curl (hair) lump, clod, chunk bulldozer roll (bread) bulletin boulevard bunker, shelter (military) multicolored bumblebee middleclass, <~o> middleclass citizen, lower middleclass, <~aro> bourgeoisie bud bus mouth, <~a> oral, <~umi> muzzle, <~tuko> napkin butter, <~pano> bread and butter boutique, shop, store, <~umi> go shopping button, <~(um)i> button (transitive verb.) czar give way, yield, give up cedar aim, goal, purpose, <~i> aim (gun, etc.), intend, <~ilo> (gun)sight celebrate cent hundred, <~milo> 100,000, century, centennial center, <~a> central power station; telephone or telegraph exchange, "nerve center" censor onion brain, <~umi> puzzle over, rack one's brains ceremony certain, <~e> certainly, <~igi> make certain, certify, <~(a)grade> to a certain degree deer rest of, additional, remaining, <~e> besides, moreover, what's more, <~o> remainder thou (see p. 302) cybernetics nipple (human), <~umo> nipple (artificial) cider numeral, digit, <~plato> dial, in round numbers Gypsy cigar, <~eto> cigarillo cigarette swan scar cycle stork cylinder; roller (printing press, etc.) bug; bedbug ash, cinder, <~ujo> ashtray, <~igi> incinerate cynical wax, polish circus circle circumstance circulate (intransitive verb.), <~ado> circulation; traffic circumcise circuit (electricity/electronics) cite, quote, <~aj^o> quotation lemon civilian, non-military civilize, <~(ad)o> civilization civic, <~o> incorporated town; city-state, <~ano> citizen inch annoy, grieve (transitive verb.), <~o> annoyance, grief, disappointment chamois (European mountain antelope) room, chamber, <~aro> apartments champagne champion trigger cap hat chapter (book, etc.) because, since, for cart, chariot, <~eto> carriage (typewriter), <~umo> wheelbarrow charlatan, quack, imposter charm, <~a> charming build from wood, <~isto> carpenter hunt, chase, <~isto> hunter at, with, <~esti> be present, attend chief, main, <~o> "boss," <~urbo> capital city, <~ministro> prime minister Czech(oslovakian) check (bank) cell shirt chain, <~ero> link cherry coffin draw (from a source--water, etc.), exhausted, used up; out of print cease, stop (intransitive verb.) horse, <~ejo> stable (denoting nearness; see p. 127) <~kune> herewith, <~momente> at this moment (forms correlative; see p. 127) sky, heaven, <~(glor)a> heavenly, <~arko> rainbow crumple (transitive verb.), crease rag, scrap, <~isto> ragpicker secret code, encipher, decipher Chicago, <~ano> Chicagan quibble about, carp at; haze Chile Chinese, <~ujo, ~io> China around, about, <~i> surround, <~e> roundabout, <~aj^oj> surroundings, <~preni> embrace, hug chisel, carve, <~ilo> chisel, graving tool <-c^j/> (suffix used with names; see p. 168) chocolate whether; makes a question (see p. 174) Isn't that so? of (with expressions of quantity; see p. 123) daphne date (fruit) dame (notable lady), queen (cards, chess), king (checkers), <~oj, ~ludo> checkers damage damn, <~e> damn! Dane, <~a> Danish, <~ujo, ~io, ~lando> Denmark dance, <~ist(in)o,> dancer dandy, fop, dude danger, <~a> dangerous thank, <~on> thanks, <~' al> thanks to, <~(em)a> thankful, don't mention it, you're welcome date (time), <~i> date (letter, etc.), <~reveno> anniversary endure, last, continue on (intransitive verb.), <~e> continuously, <~a> lasting, <~igi> continue (transitive verb.), <~igota> to be continued, short-lived of, from, by (see p. 293), <~longe> for a long time now, <~post> since, <~meti> put/take off, <~preni> take away, deduct, <~nove> (all over) again, <~veni> originate, come from fitting, proper, <~e> decently, properly, <~i> be fitting December decide, <~o> decision, <~ig^i> make up one's mind, <~(ig)a> decisive dedicate, devote defend, <(sin)~o> defense challenge definite, definitive, <~e> definitely, positively thaw, melt (intransitive verb.), <~(ig^)o> thaw, melting be on duty ten, <~a, ~ono> tenth, <~ope> by tens dean (college, etc.) recite (poetry, etc.), declaim declare, state, <~o> declaration, statement declaration, proclamation slope, hillside decorate decor, decoration decree right(hand), <~en> to the right, left, <~ulo> right-hander, <~ume> clockwise to delegate, <~ito> a delegate delegation delicate, fine, dainty, coarse, crude be delirious, <~o> delirium ask (question), interrogate resign (an office) democrat, <~a> democratic democracy demon, <~a> demonic demonstrate, <~o> demonstration dense, thick, concentrated tooth, <~a> dental, <~isto> dentist, <~rado> cogwheel, gear department (gov't, etc.) depend depress, <~o> depression (ever) since (see ), all the more draw, design, <~(aj^)o> drawing, design dessert destine, ordain, earmark, <~o> (usually with ) fate, destiny detail, <~e> in detail, retail, <(po)~isto> retailer detective determine, fix destroy, <~(ad)o> destruction a duty, <~i> have to, must, <~igi> compel, <~iga> compulsory watchword, motto, slogan; foreign exchange, draft on foreign bank desert desire, wish, want God, <~a> divine, <~servo> worship service devil, <~a> devilish, diabolical, <~e!> darn! the dickens! film strip deacon dialect dialog diamond live or act dissolutely, <~o> loose living, dissipation, debauchery, <~igi> corrupt sharp (music) diet, <~a> dietary spoil, damage, injure differ, be different, <~o> difference, <~igi> differentiate define, <~o> definition, <~ita> definite dike, embankment, <~i> dam up, form an embankment dignity, <~a> dignified thick; corpulent; bold (type), <~eco> thickness, thin, <~fingro> thumb dictate dictator dictatorship dilemma dilettante, dabbler diligent, hardworking flood, deluge, antediluvian; very ancient Sunday diploma, <~ito> a graduate, <~ig^i> graduate, <~ita> certificated diplomat say, tell, foretell, contradict, allegedly, so-called, rumor direct, manage, steer, <~ilo> rudder, helm, handlebars, <~o> direction director, manager (prefix denoting dispersal or separation; see p. 179) <~igi> separate, divide discipline disciple disc, (phonograph) record, (telephone) dial, <~i> dial (on telephone) discuss, <~(ad)o> discussion have at one's disposal, have available to use or dispose of, <~o> disposition, <~igi> make available dispute, argue distance distinguish, <~a> distinctive, <~o> renown, distinction distract, divert, entertain, <~ita> distracted, absent-minded distribute district divan, couch guess right, find out by guessing varied, various divide, separate; share division (military) so, then, therefore customs, duty (at border), <~ejo> customshouse dogma dock doctor (title) document dollar sweet; gentle, soft, tender, <~aj^o> candy, <~ul(in)o> sweetheart, <~e!> take it easy! pain, <~i> be painful, hurt (intransitive verb.), <~igi> hurt (transitive verb.); N.B. or My back is hurting me; but I've hurt my back. house, building, <~eto> cottage, <~ego> mansion begrudge or regret; wish to spare (some misfortune, expense, etc.), <~o> a pity, <~e> what a pity, that's too bad give, publish, issue, give back, return, add, distribute, deal (cards), devoted, selfless give (present), <~o> gift, present, <~e> as a gift, gratis a Don Juan, woman-chaser pamper, pet, coddle sleep, <~ema> sleepy, <~igi> put to sleep, go to sleep, <~eti> nap thorn back dowry, <~i> endow dose, <~i> measure out (medicine, etc.) dragon drama (woolen) cloth drape(ry), cloth covering (window, bed, etc.), <~i> drape drastic thresh wire, barbed wire tame, train (animals) drink (to excess), <~aj^o> "booze," <~(em)ulo> a boozer, alcoholic drift drug drown (intransitive verb.), <~igi> drown (transitive verb.) two, <~a> second, <~ono> half, <~ope> by twos, <~obla, ~obligi> double doubt, <~inda> doubtful, no doubt duke during, while, <~e> meanwhile, in the meantime hire, employ, fire, <~ito> employee shower, <~ejo> showerstall, <~ilo> showerhead, take a shower level, even, smooth, <~aj^o> plain possible, <~(ec)o> possibility, <~i> be possible, <~e> maybe (also as suffix; see p. 154), As soon as possible drunk, <~o> drunkenness, <~ulo> a drunk, <~ig^i> get drunk <-ec/> (suffix denoting a quality; see p. 186), <~o> a quality even edelweiss educate, bring up husband, <~ino> wife, <~(in)ig^i> get married, get divorced, married people, a couple effect, impression produced actual, real, <~e> in fact, actually, <~igi> bring about, <~ig^i> come to pass, come true have effect, be effective, <~o> effect <-eg/> (suffix denoting augmentation; see p. 104) <~e> extremely equal, <~e> equally, all the same; it doesn't matter, <~eco> equality; a draw (tied score) echo <-ej/> (suffix denoting place; see p. 82) <~o> place (prefix denoting moment of beginning; see pp. 92, 211) away we go, let's start! <~de> since, beginning as of equip, <~(aj^)o> equipment ecclesiastic, <~o> church (institution, not building) economy economics, <~a> economical screen (prefix denoting former, ex-; see p. 220) <~ig^i> resign, <~igi> fire, discharge excite, <~a> exciting, <~o> excitation, excitement exclude exclusive excursion, sightseeing trip, outing dispatch, ship, send off expedition experiment, <~a> experimental expert, specialist explode (intransitive verb.), <~o> explosion, <~motoro> internal combustion engine, <~ilo> explosive device, <~aj^o> explosive, <~igi> blow up (transitive verb.) exploit, utilize exhibit, demonstrate; expose (photography) export express (train, messenger) ecstasy, <~a> ecstatic outside of, <~a> outer, external, <~(aj^)o> exterior, <~e> outside, <~lando, ~lande> abroad, <~ordinara> extraordinary extravagant, high-flown extreme equator equilibrium, balance equivalent abbreviation for examine, <~o> examination, test execute (criminal) example, <~e> for example copy (of book, etc.) exercise, practice exist, <~o> existence exotic out of, from (also as prefix; see p. 253), <~iri> exit, go out, <~uzi> use up, wear out, <~paroli> pronounce, <~lerni> master (learn completely) elastic elegant, coarse, crude choose, elect, pick out, <~o> choice, election electric, <~o> electricity electron electronic, <~o> electronics element, <~a> elementary, elemental eliminate elide, <~o> elision eloquent <-em/> (suffix denoting inclination; see p. 197) <~i> have a tendency to embarrassment, perplexity, difficult situation, <~i> embarrass, put in a "difficult spot" ambush retired, <~o> retired person emphasis, <~a> emphatic, <~i> emphasize eminent emotion, <~i> move, stir emotionally in, into, <~iri> enter, go in, <~landa> domestic, <~havi> contain, include, <~havo> contents, <~ig^i> get in, <~igi> insert, <~migri> immigrate encyclopedia <-end/> (suffix denoting compulsion; see p. 245) things that need to be done energy, <~a> energetic enigma, puzzle, riddle inquiry, investigation, <~i> investigate undertake, take it upon oneself to do, <~o> enterprise, <~ema> enterprising enthusiasm, <~a> enthusiastic be bored, be tired (of something), <~ig^i> get bored, <~(ig)a> boring envy, <~a> envious bishop, <~a> episcopal episode epoch, era, age epic poem, <~a> epic <-er/> (suffix denoting single element; see p. 154) <~o> item, particle, element disintegrate err, make a mistake, <~o> error heather, <~ejo> heath hermit erotic except, exclude, <~o> exception, <~e de> with the exception of essence, <~a> essential ladder, <~i> scale (walls, etc.) escalator escape escort hope, <~anto> Esperanto, <~eble> hopefully, despair explore, investigate, research, <~(ad)o> exploration, etc. express, <~o> expression am, is, are, <~i> to be, what's wrong?, <~onta, ~ont(ec)o> future, absence establish, <~o> establishment esteem, think well of, <~ata Sinjoro> Dear Sir, despise, contempt extinguish, put out (light, fire, etc.) <-estr/> (suffix denoting chief person; see p. 212) <~o> leader, chief, "boss," <~i> head up, <~aro> board of directors platform, stage scaffold (for executions) <-et/> (suffix denoting diminution; see p. 104) <~a> tiny story, floor, 3-storied, ground floor stage in a process or trip extend, stretch out (transitive verb.) eternal, <~(ec)o> eternality, The Lord ethic(s), <~a> ethical label etiquette atmosphere, mood (of a place, etc.) Europe, <~a> European evacuate (transitive verb.) gospel, <~a> evangelical event eventuality, contingency, <~e> if the occasion arises, "if and when," <~a> contingent, possible under certain circumstances, "if any" obvious, evident avoid, evade evolve, develop (intransitive verb.), <~(ad)o> evolution, <~lando> developing nation bean story, (fairy)tale factory, <~i> manufacture, fabricate easy, <~igi> facilitate, <~anima> impulsive, flighty thread whistle beech fire, <~ero> spark, <~ilo> lighter, <~aj^o> fireworks, <~ujo> ~box, give me a light compartment, pigeonhole, department, speciality, <~ulo> specialist, expert, <~aro> files (cabinet, etc.) fact, <~a> factual, <~e> in fact invoice faculty (university, etc.) fall (down), drop (intransitive verb.), <~igi> drop (transitive verb.), <~eti> stumble mow, cut (hay, etc.), <~ilo> scythe false, <~igi> falsify, <~aj^o> counterfeit fame, repute; hearsay, <~a> famous, of good repute family fanatical melt (transitive verb.) fanfare, flourish brag fantasy, <~a> fantastic, of fantasy ghost, phantom, <~i> haunt make, do, <~o> deed, <~ig^i> be(come)(made); (for see p. 293) paint (house, etc.) stuff (cooking), <~o> stuffing farm, <~igi> farm out, <~isto> farmer (properly refers to working land for another) fare, how are you? well-being flour, meal, <~aj^o> pastry; bakery item (any food made from flour) facade, "front" fascinate, <~a> fascinating bundle, sheaf (ill) fate, <~a> ill-fated jaws, maw, <~i> gape, yawn favor, <~a> favorable, advantageous, <~ata> favorite phase fairy fever, <~a> feverish, <~i> have a fever February federation federal defecate, <~(aj^)o> excrement, dung fertile fur, hide, skin (animal) happy, <~(ec)o> happyness thigh split (transitive verb.), <~(aj^)o> crack, crevice window, <~umo> shutter phenomenon, <~a> phenomenal iron, <~vojo> railway deck (ship, etc.) holiday, vacation close (transitive verb.), <~ig^i> close (intransitive verb.), open ferment, <~ilo> yeast, leaven, <~aj^o> "starter" dough fierce zeal, fervor, <~a> zealous, <~i> be zealous celebrate, <~o> celebration, party banquet, feast fief, <~a> feudal, <~ulo> vassal shame! <~rakonto> dirty story, <~fama> of ill repute (see p. 277) fiance(e) fiasco, failure, <~i> fail safety pin fiber faith, trust, <~i (je)> have faith (in), rely on, <~inda> trustworthy, reliable, confident, self-assured faithful proud, <~o> pride, <~i (pri)> be proud (of) figure; representation, image, diagram, <~i> represent, depict, <~a> figurative, <~anto> extra (performer in a play, etc.) fiction, <~a> fictional, fictitious make fast, attach, determine, fix (incl. photography), <~a> fixed son, <~ino> daughter philately (stamp-collecting) branch, affiliate, <~igi, ig^i> affiliate fern film philosopher, <~i> philosophize, <~io> philosophy filter finish, end (transitive verb.), <~o> end, <~aj^o> ending, <~a> final, <~e> finally, at last, at long last, <~ig^i> end up, come to the end, <~stacio> end-of-the-line finance, <~a> financial finger, thumb, toe, <~ingo> thimble, <~umi> finger, handle Finn, <~a> ~ish, <~ujo, ~io, ~lando> Finland firm, stable, <~(a)o> a firm (commercial business) fish, <~kapti> go ~ing physics, <~a> physical physiognomy (face) fjord, inlet flag, banner flare (up), burst into flames, <~eti> flicker flame, <~kapa> hot-headed any flat, thin pastry (pancake, etc.) flannel side, <~a> side, incidental, <~en> to the side, <~e(n) de> alongside, go astray, get off the subject, <~okupo> sideline, unilateral smell (with nose) flatter, <~(ad)o> ~y yellow nurse, tend to, <~ist(in)o> nurse phlegm; indifference, <~a> passive, stolid, indifferent bend (transitive verb.), <~ebla> flexible patch (up), mend, <~aj^o> patch flutter, flit; flirt flower, bloom, come into bloom raft, <~i> float flow, <~o> current, stream, <~a> fluent, <~aj^o> fluid, <~linia> streamlined, overflowing; superfluous fly, <~o> flight, <~ilo> wing, <~haveno> airport, <~mas^ino> aircraft, <~folio> flier (leaflet) liquid flood (tide), ebb whisper fair (market) time, occasion, <~a> occasional, <~e> on occasion, once, sometimes, on one occasion, one time, for the first time, several times hay, <~amaso> ~stack seal (animal) focus leaf, sheet (paper), <~aro> foliage, <~umi> leaf through folklore background found, establish, <~aj^o> foundation fund phonetic, <~o> ~s cylinder phonograph source, spring, <~i> spring, well up, <~oplumo> fountain pen fountain away, <~a> distant, <~igi> remove, get rid of, <~iri> go away, <~preni> take away, <~lasi> leave, abandon, <~mang^i> eat up, <~esti> be absent, <~permeso> furlough, leave forget fork
form, shape, reform, transform, uniform formal ant, <~i> feel "pins and needles" formula, <~i> formulate, <~aro> blank, form (to be filled in) stove, oven, furnace, kiln strong, <~(ec)o> strength, force, <(pli)~igi> fortify, prevail over, violate, violence, <~ostrec^o> exertion sturdy, robust, <~aj^o> fortification Fortune forum dig, <~aj^o> pit, hole, ditch, etc., <~ilo> spade, undermine, subvert, subversive phosphorus phosphorescent, <~i> glow in the dark post, stake, stanchion (any such vertical support) photograph, <~isto> ~er, photo strawberry fragment, <~a> ~ary evening dress, "tails" shatter, smash fraction ash (tree) (free)mason, <~a> masonic raspberry Frenchman, <~a> French, <~ujo, ~io> France relish, eat (some delicacy) for pleasure, <~aj^o> tidbit, delicacy fringe hit, knock, <~eti> tap brother, <~ino> sister defraud, swindle bachelor, <~ino> unmarried woman, Miss sentence frequent, visit regularly foreign, strange, <~ulo> foreigner, stranger crazy, insane, <~i> rave, act crazy, <~ig^i> go crazy, <~ulo> lunatic, <~ulejo> insane asylum fresh, recent, stale, refresh frigid, cold, <~igi> refrigerate, <~ujo> refrigerator crook, cheat(er), <~i> do something crooked, cheat (intransitive verb.), cheat (transitive verb.) fry (transitive verb.) frivolous, <~o> frivolity curl, "do" (hair), <~o> hair-do, <~isto> hairdresser cheese (battle)front, frontage, <(al)~i> face freezing cold, <~igi> freeze, <~igilo> freezer, <~ovundo> frostbite rub, <~(ad)o> friction early, late, be late, later (on) fruit, <~i> bear fruit, <~odona, ~oporta> fruitful forehead frustrate flee, run away soot lightning smoke, <~tubo> ~stack, no smoking bottom, foundation, thoroughgoing fundamental, <~o> foundation mourn, <~a> ~ful, <~o> ~ing, <~aj^oj> funeral services funnel mushroom, fungus function, "work," <~o> function, <~ulo> functionary, be/go on the blink, malfunction pound furious hit, craze, an "in thing," <~i> be a hit, be "in," <~libro> bestseller fart rifle bungle, botch, "screw up" foot (12 inches) soccer, football gabardine Gaelic cheerful, merry, sad, dreary gain, earn, win gall, bile gallery galloon, gold braid; stripe (uniform) gallop galosh, overshoe gamut, scale, key (music) whole leg (see p. 278) gangster, hoodlum glove, mitten gape, gawk, look about stupidly garage, <~i> put away (car), dock (boat) guarantee, warrant, <~aj^o> pledge (pawn), security (loan), <~ulo> hostage guard, watch over, take care, cautious, careful, <~u vin!> look out! (military: "Atten-tion!") gargle; rinse (dishes, etc.) garnish, trim, fit out garrison guest, <~i> be a guest, receive hospitality, stay with, <~igi> entertain, put (somebody) up, <~iganto> host, <~ama> hospitable, <~ameco> hospitality, <~ejo> inn, hostel gazette, periodical, (small) magazine, <~aro> press lawn (prefix denoting both sexes; see p. 167) gentian generate, beget, <~a> genital generation general (military) genius, <~a> ingenious, <~ulo> genius clan, race, ethnic group knee, <~(ig^)i> kneel geographer geography geologist geology German, <~ujo, ~io> ~y gesture, <~lingvo> sign language window (ticket-seller's, bank, etc.) giant, <~a> gigantic secondary school (see p. 258) gum (mouth) gypsum, plaster of Paris garland, wreath yeast guitar ice, <~a> icy, <~aj^o> ~cream, <~monto> ~berg, <~ejo> glacier iron (clothes), <~ilo> iron, <~otabulo> ~ing board glass (also plastic, metal, etc., for drinking) smooth, <~igi> (make) smooth, <~umi> pet, rub soothingly, stroke sword, <~ingo> scabbard glaze (pottery) glide (through air), <~ilo> glider, sailplane, hang-glider slide, slip, <~kuri, ~(kur)ilo> skate, <~(ig)a> slippery, <~pilko> hockey globe; ball (billiard, bowling, etc.); ball-bearing; <~eto> marble; corpuscle, <~krajon/o> ballpoint pen, <~lud(ad)o> bowling, <~trotulo> globe-trotter, the globe (earth) glory, <~a> glorious, <~i> glorify (transitive verb.), <~kanto> paean a gloss, <~aro> glossary glue, stick (transitive verb.), <~(aj^)o> glue, <~marko> sticker swallow, swallow up, engulf, <~egi> gulp down gulf, bay; golf throat gorilla grace (of God) graceful, <~(ec)o> grace(fulness), awkward degree, grade, <(lau^)~a> gradual count, <~lando> ~y (in Europe) graphic arts, <~a> graphic, <~aj^o> graph grain caw, croak gram (weight) grammar phonograph, record-player big, great, <~ega> huge, small, <~(ec)o> size, wholesale, <~anima> magnanimous, enlarge grease, fat, <~a> greasy, fatty, <~i> grease scratch congratulate, <~o> congratulation important, serious, it doesn't matter pregnant, <~ig^i> conceive gravity engrave, <~(aj^)o> engraving flock, herd Greek, <~ujo, ~io> Greece grain (of wheat, etc.) grenade cricket (insect) grimace climb grind, gnash (teeth), grate, creak flu, influenza gray groschen (small coin) grotto, cave grotesque crane (bird, machine) grumble, growl ground, soil group gravel, grit province (E. Europe) tar goulash, stew guilder (Dutch money) erase, <~o> ~r, gum, chewing gum hurdy-gurdy, barrel organ, <~isto> organ grinder, <~ita> hackneyed, "corny" taste, <~i> taste (intransitive verb.), <~igi> season, flavor, <~umi> taste (food, etc.), good taste, tasty, tasteless, <~umo> (sense of) taste (see p.228). drip, drop, <~i> drip, <~eto> droplet teach privately, coach, <~isto> tutor, <~istino> governess guard (elite military corps, not sentry) spy on, keep an eye on, <~sekvi> shadow, "tail" guide, lead, show the way, <~ilo> guide-book, <~isto> guide jungle garden groan, moan twin bother, trouble, disturb, free and easy, without ceremony, shy, self-conscious gendarme, patrolman general genre polite, courteous, well brought up germ (beginning of growth), <~i> ~inate it, <~a> ~s hump, <~(hav)a> hunch-backed, <~ulo> hunchback gin (drink) endorse (check, etc.), <~o> ~ment, <~anto> ~r, <~ato> ~e until, so long, goodbye, until tomorrow, by tomorrow, So long! be glad, <~(ec)o> gladness, joy, <~a> glad, sad, sorrow, sadness, <~igi> make (someone) glad enjoy, delight in right, exact, <~e> just, exactly, <(al)~igi> put right, adjust, wrong, <~atempe> at the right time ah! Hello? (telephone) The Hague hail, <~ero> ~stone chop, hack, <~ilo> axe, <~eti> mince, dice, chop (food), <~viando> hamburger meat hall (great room) fume(s), gassy odor, <~a> fumy, gassy, <~i> fume, give off a noxious odor come to a halt, <~o> stop, busstop, <~igi> stop (transitive verb.) haunt a hair, <~oj, ~aro> hair harden, temper harem harmony, <~a> harmonious, <~i> harmonize harp hashish, marijuana skin, skin have, lack, <~igi> procure, get, <~ebla> available, contents, indispensable harbor, port chance, "luck of the draw," <~e> by chance, <~a> random, chance hey! Hebrew, Jew(ish) ivy hedge home, <~e> at home, <~eca> ~y heat; stoke, <~ilo> heater, <~aj^o> fuel bright, clear, light(colored), dark hellebore helix, propeller snail help, <~o> aid, first aid, <~a> auxiliary, <~ema> ~ful, hinder hemisphere whinny liver grass, <~ejo> ~y place, meadow inherit, <~aj^o> ~ance, <~igi> bequeath, leave heresy, <~a> heretical, <~ulo> heretic hero, <~a> ~ic, <~ino> ~ine heroin herald herpes hesitate, <~o> hesitation yesterday, day-before-yesterday, <~a> of yesterday hygiene, <~a> hygienic hymn, anthem Indian (Asia), <~ujo, ~io> India Hindu hypnotic trance, <~igi> hypnotize, <~isto> hypnotist dissemble, <~a> hypocritical, <~ulo> hypocrite hypothesis, <~a> hypothetical, <~i> hypothesize bristle (hair, etc.), <~a> bristling, untidy, standing on end, <~igi> tousle swallow (bird) hoist, run up (flag, etc.), <~ilo> halyard Spaniard, <~a> Spanish, <~ujo, ~io, ~lando> Spain hysteria, <~a> hysterical history, story hmm! oh! hobby oboe today, <~a> present-day, nowadays ahoy! hook hockey hey, there! hold on! Holland, <~ano> ~er, Dutchman, <~a> Dutch human being, "man," <~aro> mankind, humanity, <~amaso> crowd honest honor be ashamed, <~o> shame, <~a> ashamed, <~igi> put to shame, <~inda> shameful, <~e al... > shame on... hour, time (of day), <~aro> time-table, schedule (bus, etc.) barley horizon horizontal clock, watch, wrist-watch horror, <~i> be horrified hospital hotel boo! hoof, <~fero> horseshoe humane, <~isto> humanist humid, moist, damp humble, <~eco> humility humor (mood, temper) humor (wit), <~a> ~ous dog, <~a> canine Hungarian, <~ujo, ~io/-lando> Hungary hurrah! <~i, ~o> cheer howl chaos, <~a> chaotic chemistry, <~isto> chemist (preferred form: etc.) chimera, <~a> chimerical Chinese (preferred form: etc.) surgeon, <~a> surgical, <~io> surgery (the science) cholera choir, chorus, <~ejo> choir loft (forms correlative; see p. 127) <-id/> (suffix denoting offspring; see p. 212), <~aro> descendants idea ideal, <~isto> idealist identity, <~a> identical, <~igi> identify picture writing ideology tongue, language idiot, <~a> ~ic, <~eco> idiocy idiom idol, <~ano> ~ator <-ig/> (suffix denoting cause; see pp. 103, 201), <~i> cause (to be), make ignore <-ig^/> (suffix denoting becoming; see pp. 117, 208), <~i> become, "get" the letter X, <~radioj> X-rays <-il/> (suffix denoting instrument; see p. 117), <~o> tool holly they, <~a> their illuminate, enlighten illustrate, <~aj^o> illustration illusion, <~a> misleading, <~i> delude, <~isto> magician, set (someone) straight, become disillusioned imagine, <~o> imagination imitate, <~(ad)o, ~aj^o> imitation empire, <~estro> emperor, <~ismo> imperialism, <~isto> imperialist imperialism impertinent, <~eco> impertinence, <~ulo> boor rapid or strong forward movement, <~i> move forward with great energy imply implicate, entangle impress forcibly, strike, <~a> imposing tax, <~isto> tax collector, revenue agent, <~ebla> subject to tax impression, <~i> make an impression on, <~ebla, ~ig^ema> ~able impulse, impetus, <~i> impel immune <-in/> (suffix denoting feminine; see p. 82), <~o, ~a> female inaugurate, <~o> inauguration, <~a> inaugural conflagration, fire, <~a> incendiary incense incite, provoke, excite, <~eti> tease <-ind/> (suffix denoting worth; see p. 154), <~a> worthy index (by alphabet) (American) Indian indifferent; immaterial be indignant native indicate, <~o> indication individual indulge, be lenient with, spare industry, <~a> industrial, <~isto> industrialist inert child, <~(ec)a> ~ish infantry infect, <~o> ~ion, dis~ hell, <~a> infernal infest, <~o> ~ation inflation (finance) influence inform, make known, <~(aj^)o> information, <~ig^i> find out, be advised, <~ado> publicity <-ing/> (suffix denoting holder or socket), scabbard, candlestick, thimble, <~o> socket, holder groin engineer initiate (a thing), start inject, <~ilo> (hypodermic) syringe ink, <~ujo> well incandescent inclination, disposal (toward), <~i> be inclined (toward something) include, <~a> inclusive, <~e> inclusively, <~e> (+ accusative), <~e de> including incubus; nightmare, <~a> nightmarish insect insidious, <~o> snare, <~i> set a snare or trap (for) badge; coat-of-arms insist inspect, <~(ad)o> ~ion, <~isto> ~or inspire, <~a> inspiring, <~(aj^)o> inspiration court, competent official authority urge, spur on, impel, encourage to instinct institution institute instruct, teach, <~isto> teacher instructions, directions instrument island, peninsula, <~aro> archipelago "cuss out," insult, <~o> verbal abuse integral intellect, <~a, ~ulo> ~ual intelligent, <~o> intelligence intend, <~o> intention, <~a> intentional, <~e> on purpose superintendent, steward, <~ino> matron intense, intensive between, among, <~nacia> international, <~s^ang^i> exchange, <~rompi> interrupt, <~paroli> converse, <~kompreno> mutual understanding, <~veni> intervene interest, <~a> ~ing, <~ig^i> take an interest (in); see p. 287 intermittent, <~i> occur intermittently, go on and off internal, inner, <~o> inside, interior interpret, <~o> ~ation, <~isto> ~or punctuation, <~i> punctuate interval interview intestine intimate, close intrigue, <~o> plot flood invade, <~o> invasion disabled person, <~a> disabled invent, <~aj^o> ~ion, <~isto> ~or inventory the other way around, reversed, <~e> vice-versa invite, <~o> invitation the letter Y go, approach, go forward, go around, circumvent, start out, go out, exit, Exodus, enter, go in, leave, go away, go back, return, go down, set (sun), go up, ascend, cross, exit, way out, go on foot, pedestrian Iran, <~a, ~ano> ~ian Ireland, <~a> Irish, <~ano> Irishman irony, <~a> ironic Islam, <~a> ~ic Iceland, <~a> ~ic <-ism/> (suffix denoting an ism; see p. 208) <-ist/> (suffix denoting occupation; see p. 82) Italian, <~ujo, ~io> Italy isolate, seclude, insulate, <~a> isolated, secluded, <~ilo> insulator Israel, <~a, ~ano> ~i indeed; emphatic particle jade jaguar yacht jacket already, no longer, right now January Japanese, <~ujo, ~io, ~lando> Japan year, <(c^iu)~a> annual, <~cento> century, <~deko> decade, leap year yard (3 feet) Java jazz at, on, by, etc. (see p.152) Jehovah behold (calls attention to; see p. 117) yen (Japanese money) yes, <~i> assent, say yes, <~o> assent Jesus jet plane Yiddish Johnny Iodine yodel yoga yoghurt John iota, jot the... the... , the bigger the better jubilant, <~o> jubilation, exultation, <~i> exult jubilee Jew, <~a> ~ish, <~ismo> Judaism yoke Yugoslav(ian), <~ujo, ~io> Yugoslavia walnut judge, <~o> ~ment, <~ejo> court(room), prejudice itch Yule July young, <~eco, ~ulo> youth harness June skirt, petticoat law (legal system or profession), jurisprudence, <~isto> jurist just, fair, righteous, <~eco> justice, righteousness jewel jealous, <~o> ~y, <~i> be jealous jargon Thursday throw, <~kuboj> dice, <~eti> toss juggle, <~isto> ~r swear, <~o> oath newspaper, <~isto> journalist just (now), just before cabin, hut, shack cabaret cabinet; room for study cable, <~gramo> ~gram mush; mess cadaver, corpse frame(work); cadre, frame decayed, decrepit, dilapidated; (law) lapsed coffee, <~ejo> cafe caftan (Oriental garment) cage and; both... and... quay, platform exercise-book; folder cabin (ship, etc.) cactus corn (feet) cauldron, kettle, boiler pun calendar chalice, goblet lime, <~i, ~aj^o> white-wash heel (foot), <~umo> heel (shoe) calculate, count, figure, <~o> calculation; bill (restaurant, store, etc.) underpants, drawers, panties, <~eto> briefs, bottom half of bikini slander, libel, bad-mouth bald Calvary pal, buddy, comrade bill of exchange camel fireplace, hearth; <~tubo> chimney, smokestack, <~breto> mantel(piece) small room; dark-room truck, <~eto> van field, <~aro> countryside, <~ara> rural, <~arano, ~ulo> country-dweller, farmer, peasant, <~(um)i, ~log^i> camp out Canterbury bell, bellflower cane, reed Canada, <~a, ~ano> Canadian scoundrel, rogue, <~aro> rabble, riff-raff canal, channel couch cancer; canker candle, <~ingo> ~holder candidate, <~i> run for election cannibal Cathy canyon cannon small open boat sing, <~o> song, <~aro> songbook chanson, light-hearted ballad chaos head, <~jesi> nod, <~nei> shake one's head, <~turn(ig)a> dizzy(ing) capable chapel capital (money), <~isto> ~ist captain capitol capitulate, surrender corporal hood (car); large coat with hood goat whim, <~a> capricious caper, frolic about capsule; firing cap catch, capture, <~ilo> snare, trap hood, cowl dear, <~ul(in)o> darling carafe, decanter character, personality, nature characterize, <~a, ~aj^o> characteristic carapace, protective shell caravan; group traveling together coal, <~papero> carbon paper jail cell caress, fondle, stroke career charity, <~a> charitable Charles crimson flesh, <~a> carnal carnaval carrot card; menu, map cartridge cardboard merry-go-round, carousel money box, till, cashier's stand; fund; <~isto> cashier casserole, saucepan cassette helmet castle beaver castrate hide, conceal, reveal, openly, frankly, <~ludo> hide-and-seek chestnut cat, <~ido> kitten catalog Catherine catastrophe, <~a> catastrophic professorial chair or platform; pulpit cathedral category fetter, shackle catholic, <~ismo> ~ism rubber crouch, squat, cower cause, reason, <~i> cause cavity, <~a> hollow, concave cavalry cavalier, knight cave, cavern, den case barracks casino that (subordinate conjunction) cellar, basement some, a few, <~foje> sometimes waiter core, pit (fruit, etc.), nucleus chest, large box (forms correlative; see p. 127) kibbutz kilometer Welsh, <~o> ~man, <~ujo> Wales cinema, <~ejo> movie theater armor stir, whirl, curl; froth, whip (food) kiss overalls, smock gossip clap, rattle, make clicking sound clear, plain, <~igi> clarify, explain class, classify classic clown key (piano, typewriter, etc.), <~aro> keyboard learned, well-informed, cultured client, customer, <~aro> clientele climate, <~a> climatic (transitive verb.) bend, incline, tilt (knife, etc.) blade clinic (printer's) cut, half-tone; (photo) negative, <~(aj^)o> cliche, stereotype sewer take steps, try (see p. 255) club, society, <~ano> club member boy, <~(ec)a> ~ish, <~ino> girl creak, grate, make screeching noise knead imp, goblin cobra code, <(en)~igi> encode, decode trunk, large suitcase, <~ujo> trunk (of car) wedge rooster, cock, <~ino> hen, <~batalo> cockfight, <~ido> chick cocaine ladybug coquettish, <~i> flirt cocoon coconut hip cocktail neck, <~umo> collar sausage colleague college collect, gather, <~ig^i> gather together collective angry, <~i> be angry, <~ig^i> get angry, <~o> anger collide, <~o> collision pigeon, dove, <~umi> "bill and coo" pillar, (architecture) column colonel colony, settlement, <~a> colonial color, <~igi> color, paint colossal, <~o> colossus peddle, sell door-to-door column (type, figures, soldiers, etc.) comma be in command comb combine, <~aj^o> combination comedy (transitive verb.) begin, <~o> ~ning, <~ig^i> begin (intransitive verb.), <~a> initial comment, <~aro> ~ary commerce, business, <~i> do business, <~isto> merchant comfort, <~a> ~able comic(al) commissar errand, commission, <~i> entrust with a task, <~ito> commissioner committee clerk dresser, chest of drawers commodore compact company (transitive verb.) compare, <~o> comparison, <~e> comparatively compass compassion, pity, <~i> have compassion on, pity, <~inda> pitiful, "poor" competent, <~ulo> expert compile, <~(aj^)o> compilation complete, <~o> set, suit (clothes, furniture, etc.), <~igi> complete favor, <~(em)a> kind, obliging, <~i> do a favor complicate, <~a> ~d compliment plot, conspiracy compose (music), <~isto> ~r, <~aj^o> composition set in type understand, <~ebla> ~able, <~ema> ~ing, <~eble> of course compute, <~ilo = komputero> computer (in) common, <~umo> community, <~isto> Communist Communion communicate, <~(aj^)o> communication know (be acquainted), <~ato> acquaintance, unknown, recognize concept concern, <~a> ~ed, in question concert conceive (a child) concise condemn; sentence condition, stipulation, <~i> stipulate, set conditions condolences, <~i> express condolences lead, conduct, take; drive (vehicle), <~isto> driver behave, conduct oneself, <~o> behavior, conduct connect up, plug in, <~o> connection conference confess, <~o> ~ion, <~e> admittedly trust, confide, have confidence in a confidence, secret, <~a> confidential confirm, corroborate, <~o> confirmation confiscate conflict conform, <~a> ~ing, <~ig^i> conform, "shape up" confuse, <~a> ~d, jumbled up, <~o> confusion congress, convention, <~i> hold or attend a congress congruent, <~i> coincide, fit together cognac, brandy conjecture, surmise, <~o> conjecture, guess(work) shell (clam, snail, etc.) conquer (come to a) conclusion, infer(ence) concrete (not abstract) compete, rival, <~(ad)o> rivalry, (personal) competition (business, etc.) competition contest be conscious/aware of, <~o> consciousness, awareness, <~a> conscious, aware, unconscious conscience, <~a> conscientious consistent, <~o> consistency, consequence, inconsistent consent, agree, <~o> agreement, consent, <~ite> OK, agreed conserve, keep, <~ema, (em)ulo> conservative consider, <~inda> ~able advice, counsel, <~i> advise, <~anto> counsellor, <~inda> advisable consist, <~o> ~ency, <~igi> make up, constitute console, comfort, <~o> consolation conspire, <~o> conspiracy constant, permanent realize to be a fact, ascertain, take note dismay, appall, <~o> consternation constipate, <~ita> ~d constitution, <~a> ~al construct, build, <~aj^o> building consul consult, <~o> ~ation consume, use up, <~anto> consumer account (finance) contact, short circuit cash money, <~a, ~e> in cash content, satisfied, pleased, <~igi> satisfy, <~o> contentment, satisfaction continent, mainland (business) office smuggle, <~isto> ~r, <~o> contraband, "hot goods" contract, <~i> make a contract contralto contrast against, across from, opposed to, in exchange for, <~e> on the contrary, <~i> oppose, <~stari> withstand, stand up to, <~ulo> opponent, <~vole> against one's will, <~diri> contradict contribute, <~(aj^)o> contribution check up on, audit, verify, supervise contour, outline bruise be appropriate, be suitable, <~a> suitable, seemly, as it should be, unseemly, not fitting converse, <~o> conversation convince, persuade, <~o> conviction, belief convulsion copy (see p. 285) heart, <~a> cordial, hearty; cardiac, <~ligita> close, dear to the heart, <~tus^a> touching, moving Koran basket string (music), cord (anatomy) Korean, <~ujo, ~io> Korea correct correspond, <~anto> ~ent, pen-pal corridor, passage horn (animal, etc.) crow body corporation court(yard), <~ego, ~umo> court (see p. 239) bribe raven cosmos, <~a spaco> outer space cost, expensive costume; suit (clothes); outfit, what one is wearing mud subscribe to (publication, fund), <~o> subscription; dues cotton sit (as hen), incubate, hatch out envelope cover, <~ilo> lid, cover, uncover, discover spit grill, grid, grate pencil crack (sound), <~eti> ~le clamp, staple, <~oj> brackets, parentheses faucet, tap skull necktie create, <~it(aj^)o> creature believe, <~o> belief, <~eble> probably, <~ema> credulous credit cream cremation, <~i> cremate horseradish twilight (intransitive verb.) grow, <~igi> grow (transitive verb.), raise, <~aj^o> plant chrestomathy (book of model readings) chalk (intransitive verb.) burst cry out, shout, <~egi> yell, <~signo> exclamation point sift, <~ilo> sieve crime, <~a, ~ulo> criminal crippled, infirm Christ, <~ano> ~ian, <~anismo> ~ianity, <~nasko> ~mas, <~(nask)arbo> ~mas tree crystal criticize, <~o> criticism crisis, emergency, (fin) depression, <~a> critical hook (onto), cling to, get caught on, <~ilo> hook crocodile, <~i> speak one's national language among Esperantists besides, apart from, <~e> besides, <~a> additional, <~tubo> spare tire, <~virino> concubine, unless crown, <~ado> coronation chronicle, <~isto> ~r, historian cruise cross, <~a> crucial, <~umi> crucify, <~osigni> make the sign of the cross, <~vortenigmo> crossword puzzle jug, pitcher raw, crude, rough cruel, fierce leg (see p. 278) steep, abrupt xerography, <~a> xerographic, <~okopio> xerographic copy etc. cube Cuba, <~a, ~ano> ~n elbow sew, <~ero> stitch, <~ilo> needle, seam bullet cook, <~ejo> kitchen cake, <~eto> cup~ cuckoo cucumber pumpkin, squash, gourd, etc. gnat spoon flat (theater), behind the scenes blame, fault, guilt, <~a> guilty, <~igi> blame, <~ulo> culprit culture, <~i> cultivate with, <~e> together, <~veno, ~sido> meeting, <~porti> bring along, take, <~ig^i> come together, <~igi> unite (tr), join, <~ulo> companion, <~labori> cooperate, <~voki> convoke, <~e kun> together with, herewith rabbit compartment (train), coupe (short wagon or car) couple (mechanics) cupola, dome coupon copper run, start running, take to one's heels treat medically, <~ilo> medicine, <~isto> physician courage, <~a> ~ous, brave, <~i> dare, <~igi> encourage curve, <~a> ~d, <~igi> bend curious, quaint class (school), course curtain rate of exchange cushion, pillow lie, recline, lie down, <~igi> lay custom, habit, <~e> ordinarily, <~i> be in the habit of, become accustomed, get in the habit of tub, vat cousin square Quaker quality although quantity four, <~a, ~ono> ~th, <~ope> by fours district, neighborhood (of town) as if, as though; in a way quarrel, wrangle oak(en) quiet, calm five, <~a, ~ono> fifth paid up, free and clear, obligation satisfied receipt the work, labor, <~ejo> workplace, <~isto> worker, laborer, work out, cooperate, earn, <~ema> hardworking, slothful laboratory tired, <~ig^i> get tired (shoe)lace sheet metal, tin, tin plate, <~skatolo, en~igi> can (food, etc.) lava lake lagoon lay(man) lacquer loose (bowels), constipated, <~igilo> laxative milk lettuce lame, <~i> limp, <~bastono> crutch wail, lament lamp wool land, country, <~strato> highway, <~limo> border, abroad, <(sam)~ano> compatriot tongue (poetic word for ) slow lantern fluff, down Lapp, Laplander bacon wide, broad, narrow, crossways larch larynx, <~ito> laryngitis tear, <~i> shed tears, weep larva, grub leave, allow, let, abandon, forsake, leave behind, leave out, overlook last, <~atempe> lately lath, slat, <~kurteno> Venetian blind Latin, <~ida> Romance latrine brass Latvian, <~io> Latvia according to, along, <~longe> lengthwise, <~plac^e> as one pleases, <~vole> as you wish, <~vorta> literal, <~dire> as is being said, <~moda> fashionable, <~vide> by sight, <~leg^a> legal praise laurel (a)loud wash (transitive verb.) avalanche lesson leather read, <~aj^o> ~ing matter, <~ebla> legible, <~inda> worth reading, <~scio> reading ability legend, <(lau^)~a> legendary legion legitimize, prove identity, <~ilo> I.D. vegetable law, legal (poetic word for ) light(weight) lick marguerite, <~eto> daisy lecture lector (title given teachers in some countries) lens freckle lion dandelion leopard hare, rabbit, <~hundo> greyhound leprosy, <~ulo> leper learn, <~ejo> school, <~olibro> textbook skillful, clever, dexterous, awkward lethargy letter, <~kesto> mailbox lieutenant lift, raise, <~ig^i> arise, get up
  • he, <~a> his Lebanon, <~a> Lebanese free, <~tempo> spare time, time off, <~vola> voluntary, prison, prisoner liberal book, <~eto> ~let, <~(ovend)ejo> ~store, <~otenado> ~keeping, <~aro> book collection (e.g., private library) licence elevator tie, bind, <~o> league, connection, <~ilo> bond wood, timber liquidate liquor lilac lily limit, boundary, <~igi> limit, restrict slug, snail lemonade flax, <~aj^o> linen, <~oleo> linseed oil, <~oleumo> linoleum language, <~isto> linguist line, <~ilo> ruler, straightedge lip, <~haroj> moustache Lisbon lisp list, <~igi> (make a) list bed, <~kovrilo> blanket, <~tuko> sheet, go to bed litany letter (alphabet), <~umi> spell literature, <~a> literary Lithuanian, <~ujo, ~io> Lithuania liter liturgy lute deliver, supply, furnish hey there! Hello (telephone) lure, attract, attractive, <~ilo, ~aj^o> bait, seduce, entice logic, <~a> ~al live (dwell), <~ejo> place to live, dwelling, <~anto> inhabitant, <~antaro> population loyal location, place, spot, <~i> locate, <~a> local, seat, place to sit locomotive grasshopper long, <~(ec)o> length, for a long time, lengthwise, short, shorten, abbreviation longitude field glass, binoculars draw lots, <~umi> allot lottery, raffle lotus rent, <~ebla> for rent, <~igi> rent out, <~anto> renter, tenant, <~prezo> rent money hanging (e.g., temple) lamp play, <~o> game, <~ilo> toy skylight; porthole luxurious, deluxe, <~aj^o, ~(ec)o> luxury wrestle, struggle lull, rock (baby), <~ilo> cradle, <~kanto> lullaby light, <~i> shine, <~turo> ~house moon, <~a> lunar lunch, snack Monday wolf magnifying glass chandelier solder matzoh, unleavened bread chew, ruminant, <~gumo> ~ing gum department store; warehouse popular magazine covering a variety of subjects magic, <~a> ~al Master (of Arts, etc.) magnet, <~a> ~ic, <~igi> ~ize, <~ismo> ~ism tape recorder (sound) video recorder meager, skinny, skimpy Mach (aerospace) corn May majestic, <~(ec)o> majesty major (rank) majority maestro, master (of an art, trade, etc.) capital letter act as middleman, <~isto> broker, <~aj^o> brokerage, commission kangaroo maximum, <~e> at the most spot, stain jaw(bone) (prefix denoting direct opposite; see p. 82) <~e> on the contrary malaria ankle in spite of malicious, mischievous breast, teat, <~besto, ~ulo> mammal, <~nutri> suckle, <~pinto> nipple, <~zono> bra hand, <~plato> palm, <~premi> shake hands, <~sak(et)o> handbag, <~signi> wave, <~umo> cuff mandate, money order mangosteen eat, <~o> meal, <~aj^o> food Manchuria manner, way manifest, <~i> manifest demonstration (politics), <~i> demonstrate sleeve manipulate, handle be lacking, be missing, <~o> lack, shortage, shortcoming maneuver attic, garret cloak, mantle manuscript map, <~aro> atlas sea, <~armeo> navy, <~bordo> shore, seaside, <~isto> sailor marsh, swamp haggle, bargain Tuesday Margaret margin Mary, <~o> Mary; Marius, Mario marionette, puppet mark, <~o> mark; Mark (name; also money); stamp (postage); postage stamp marmalade, jam marble Mars walk, march March hammer martyr lump, mass massage massacre massive mask, <~(ar)ado> masquerade build with stone, etc., <~isto> mason mast master (over household, servants, etc.), <~i> be master over, dominate, <~umi> keep house, manage mesh (of net), loop machine, engine, <~aro> machinery match, game (sports) mathematics, <~a> mathematical, <~isto> mathematician morning, <~mang^o> breakfast matter, <~a> material material, data, raw materials mature, ripe, <~ig^i> ripen piece of furniture, <~aro> furniture, <~i> furnish wick; fuse (explosives) medal environment (practice of) medicine medicine meditate, think to oneself shrew (woman), <~a> ~ish, "bitchy" mile mechanics, <~a> mechanical, <~isto> mechanic melancholy turkey milk melody, tune, <~a> tuneful melodrama, <~a> ~tic melon (my, your, his, etc.)self, -selves, <~evidenta> self-evident, <~stara> independent, <~vola> willing member, <~eco> ~ship remember, <~o> memory, <~igi> remind, <~inda> memorable mention order (for goods or services), <~i> order (goods, etc.); book, reserve (restaurant, hotel, etc.) mind, <~a> mental (tell a) lie mint (plant, flavor) chin menu deserve, merit, <~o> merit market (finance), sales activity (not marketplace) Wednesday Mercury blackbird Mass (religion) message put, place, <(sur)~i> put on (clothes), take off, put together, submit metaphor metal(lic) atmospheric phenomenon, <~ologo> meteorologist, <~ologio> meteorology meteorite handicraft, trade, <~ejo> workshop method, <~a> ~ical, <~ista, ~isto> Methodist meter, <~a> metric seagull middle, average, <~epoko> Middle Ages, <~ag^a> middle-aged, <~maro> Mediterranean Sea, <~nokto, nokto~o> midnight, noon measure, <~o> ~ment I, me, <~a> my, mine honey, <~a monato, ~luno> honeymoon expression (face) almond, <~okula> ~eyed migrate, roam, travel about, emigrate, immigrate, <~ema> migrant; "footloose" microbe, germ microphone microscope mix; shuffle (cards), <~aj^o> mixture thousand, <~jaro, jar~o> millenium mild, gentle millimeter war, <~a> military, <~i> wage war mine, <~isto> ~r threat(en), menace mineral minimum, <~e> at the least Ministry (govt. dept.) minister (head of govt. dept.), <~ejo> office of minister minority small (lower case) letter minute short-sighted, near-sighted forget-me-not be amazed, marvel, wonder (at), <~igi> amaze, <~inda> wonderful mirage miracle, <~a> miraculous myriad (prefix denoting error; see p. 167) <~kompreni> misunderstand, <~pas^o> false step, <~kalkuli> miscalculate, <~decidi> make bad decision mission, <~isto> ~ary mystery, <~a> mysterious trick, hoax, fool mystic(al) myth, <~a> ~ical (politics mass) meeting miter (headdress) miserable, wretched, <~o> misery mobilize mode, fashion, <(lau^)~a> fashionable, old-fashioned, out of date model moderate, <~o> moderation modern, <~igi> ~ize modest, <~(ec)o> ~y modify model, mold (clay, etc.) mock, jeer at, make fun of soft moment, <~a> ~ary money, <~ero> coin, <~bileto> paper money, <~ujo> purse, wallet, <~ludi> gamble, <~puno> fine monk, <~ejo> monastery, <~ino> nun month, <~a> ~ly world, ~wide, <~milito> ~war, <~umo> high society monocle monopoly, <~igi> monopolize monotonous monster, <~a> monstrous mountain, <~eto> hill, <~aro> (chain of) mountains show, point (out), <~ig^i> turn out to be, <~ofenestro> show window monument, <~a> ~al moped custom, mores moral, <~o> ~s, <~eco> ~ity measles bite, <~eti> nibble tomorrow, day-after-tomorrow Mormon mournful, gloomy Morse code, <~i> send in Morse code death, <~i> die, <~a> dead, <~ema> mortal, <~igi> kill mortar (for building) codfish, <~oleo> ~oil Moses mosque mosquito Moscow general title for persons of high rank motto motel motive, reason motor, engine move (transitive verb.), <~ado> ~ment, <~ig^i> move (intransitive verb.) musty, moldy grind (grain), pulverize, <~ejo> mill, <~isto> miller roar, howl mucus, phlegm, <~a> mucous mule (cast in a) mold, <~ilo> mold much, <~aj> many, <~e da> a lot of, <~ekosta> expensive, <~peza> weighty, <~obligi> duplicate (mimeo, etc.) multiply (arithmetic) (am)munition mount, assemble (an apparatus), take apart wall murder murmur mouse moss musket muscle, <~a> muscular mustard fly (insect) mute, speechless, <~ulo> mute museum music, <~a> ~al, <~isto> ~ian, <~i> make music nation, <~a> ~al, <~eco> ~ality, inter~al needle (compass, phono) crude oil swim, <~baseno> ~ming pool naive, sophisticated neighbor, <~a> ~ing, nearby, <~eco> ~hood; ~liness nail nightingale midget, dwarf drug (narcotic) give birth to, <~ig^i> be born, <~otago, ~ig^tago> birthday nature, <~a> natural nine, <~a> ninth nausea, <~a> nauseous, <~i> nauseate navigate, <~ado> navigation nose, <~a> nasal, <~truo> nostril, <~tuko> handkerchief Nazi no, not, <~i> deny, <~e> negatively; as prefix: non-, un-, in-, etc.: <~ordinara> unordinary, <~atendite> unexpectedly, <~venkebla> invincible; not at all fog, mist necessary, <~ejo> restroom, bathroom The Netherlands, Holland, <~a> Dutch, <~ano> Dutchman negative (photo, etc.) neglect business deal(ings), <~i> engage in business, negotiate a deal, <~isto> merchant, businessman Negro snow, <~ero> ~flake, <~homo> ~man, <~buli> throw snowballs neither... nor... obituary (forms correlative; see p. 127) neologism (proposed new word) neon grandson, <~ino> granddaughter without fail, definitely Neptune nerve, <~(oz)a> nervous nest finalized, cleanly cut; net (weight, etc.), (rough) draft (manuscript, etc.), <~igi> finalize, put in finished form, <~e> carefully prepared; in the final analysis neutral nephew, <~ino> niece we, <~a> our(s) niche black nylon nimbus, halo rivet <-nj/> (suffix used with names; see p. 168) nobleman, <~a> of noble birth noble, <~eco> ~ness notion knot night, <~a> nocturnal, spend the night, midnight name nomad, <~a> ~ic number, amount, <~i> count North, <~a> ~ern norm, standard, <~a> normal normal nostalgia (make a) note, <~o> note; grade (report card), <~libro> notebook new, <~aj^o> a novelty, something new, the news, <~eco> newness, renew, afresh New York short story November well, now (interjection) tint, hue, shade (color); nuance cloud, <~a> ~y nude, naked, bare noodles back of neck nucleus, <~a> nuclear nut zero, null, "zilch," <~igi> cancel, annul numeral, number in a series (house, magazine, etc.), <~i> assign a number now, <~(temp)e> nowadays, currently, <~a> present, current only, <~a> mere feed, nourish, <~aj^o> food, nourishment oasis obey, <~ema> obedient object, thing <-obl/> (Suff. denoting multiple; see p. 246) oblique, slanting obscene obsess, <~o> ~ion observe obstacle be obstinate, persist, be stubborn, <~a> stubborn, obstinate obtuse, dull ocean, <~a> ~ic ode odor, smell, <~i> give off an odor; smell offend, <~ig^i> take offense offer up, sacrifice make an offer of, bid office, function, post, "job," <~isto> officer, official, <~ejo> office, place of work officer (military, etc.), noncom official offset printing frequent, <~e> often, rare eight, <~a> ~h occur, happen, <~(aj^)o> event, occasion, occurrence; opportunity, <~e> on occasion; by chance, <~igi> cause to take place, in any event, in case... West, <~a> ~ern oxygen October eye, <~isto> oculist, ophthalmologist, <~umi> ogle, stare at, <~vitroj> ~glasses occult occupy, <~ita, ~ata> busy, <~(ad)o> occupation
      than oil olive Ohm homage, <~i> pay homage to lobster shadow, shade, <~i> cast a shadow umbrella omnibus <-on/> (suffix denoting fraction; see p. 115) <~o> fraction wave, <~i> undulate, <~umi> wave (hair, etc.), corrugate, <~ego> billow one, "they," people in general, <~diro> rumor uncle, <~ino> aunt <-op/> (suffix denoting collective; see p. 209) one at a time, single opal opera (surgical) operation, <~i> operate opium, <~aj^o> opiate opinion, <~i> opine, think opportune, convenient, <~isto> opportunist opposition, <~i> be in opposition optimism, <~a> optimistic optimist gold, <~a> ~en, <~igi, ~umi> gild oracle orange (fruit, color) orator, <~a> ~ical orbit order (sequence, arrangement), <(en)~igi> put in order, arrange, coordinate, disorder order (religion or decoration) ordinary, usual, common order, command ear orphan organ (anatomy, publication) organic organism organize, <~(aj^)o> organization organ (music) orgy, <~a> orgiastic East, <~a> ~ern, Oriental, <~i> orient originate, <~o> origin original orchestra, <~umi> ~te orchid ornament, <~a> ~al, <~i> adorn, decorate right-angle, square, <~ilo> T-square, carpenter's square orthodox yawn oscillate, <~ilo> oscillator, <~ografo> oscilloscope bone, diehard, dyed-in-thewool oyster egg, <~aj^o> "eggs" (food) ovation oval ozone peace, <~a> ~ful, <~ama> ~loving, (get in a) quarrel patience, <~a> patient, <~i> be patient patient (medical) Pacific Ocean (from ) Dad (see p. 168) path paddle; blade (turbine, etc.), <~i> paddle shoot, <~ilo> gun pay, <~o> ~ment, free, gratis pagan page (book, etc.) page (person) straw pack, <~(et)o> parcel, package, <~aj^o> luggage pale palace (painter's) palette stake, <~aro> palisade, fence, <~umi> impale palmtree feel (touch), grope eyelid, <~umi> blink heavy coat (tendentious or scurrilous) pamphlet bread, loaf, <~ero> crumb, <~akiranto> ~winner break-down, malfunction, fix (control) panel, dash board; wainscot panic (from ) Mom (see p. 168) dress (wound) trousers, pants slipper pantomime pope parrot papaya, papaw poppy butterfly paprika pair, couple, <~a> even(numbered), odd parade; display, <~a> pretentious paradise paradox, <~a> ~ical paragraph parallel paralysis, <~i> paralyze parameter paranoia, <~a> paranoid parachute parasite parcel (land), lot pardon, forgive, <~o> pardon, <~peti> ask forgiveness, excuse oneself a relative, <~a> related, <~eco> relationship parenthesis, <~e> by the way perfume Paris, <~ano> ~ian park by heart, <~igi> memorize parliament, <~a> ~ary, <~ano> member of parliament parish, <~ano> ~ioner, <~(ism)a> parochial, <~estro> vicar, pastor speak, talk, <~ado> speech, <~ema> talkative part, <~a> ~ial, <~opreni> take part, <~opago> installment payment, mostly, most of parterre (lower floor of theater) party (politics), side, faction, <~a> partial, biased, impartial participle titmouse wren pass (intransitive verb.), <~igi> pass, <~ejo> ~ageway, gangway, gate, <~inteco> past, cross, pass up, go by, pass away passenger sparrow passion, <~a> ~ate, dis~ately Easter passport paste, dough pate; (meat, etc.) pie pastor priest; clergyman step, stride, pace feed (flock), <~isto> shepherd, <~ig^i> graze frying pan father, <~ino> mother, <~ujo> fatherland, parents patriarch patriot, <~a> ~ic, <~ismo> ~ism patrol patron, <~i> act as patron Paul, <~a, ~ino> Pauline, Paula pause, recess, intermission, "break," <~i> pause, take a break peacock, <~i> strut around, show off pavilion pave, <~o> ~ment piece; spare part Pete pedal louse woodpecker landscape, scenery sin, transgress, <~o> sin, transgression pickle chase, shoo, drive away fur piece, fur coat pelvis; basin endeavor, try, make an effort, <~e> with effort hang, <~umi> hang (execute), depend, independent Penelope penetrate, impenetrable paintbrush penis think, <~o> thought, invent, reflect on, think about pension (retirement), <~ulo> pensioner, retiree, <~ig^i> retire, go on pension boarding house, boarding school repent, <~o> ~ance, <~ofari> do penance Pentecost, Whitsunday paint (picture), <~isto> ~er, <~aj^o> ~ing pawn (chess, etc.) peep, chirp, twitter by (means of), with, through, directly, <~i> act as agent, <~anto> agent, <~labori> earn, <~forti> force <~forte> by force lose, <~o> loss, <~ig^i> get lost partridge perish, <~igi> destroy, <~ig^o, ~igo> destruction perfect, <~eco> ~ion betray, <~o> ~al, treachery, <~(em)a> treacherous periphery, outskirts perimeter, circumference period (time) periscope pearl permit, allow, <~o> permission, <~ilo> permit, license, leave of absence; pass, furlough (military) front steps of a building; railway platform perplexed persecute, prosecute, pursue peach persist, persevere, <~a> persistent, <~ado, ~emo> perseverance person, <~a> ~al, <~eco> ~ality, <~oj> people perspective persuade, <~o> persuasion perturb, disquiet, interfere with, <~o> unrest, disquiet, disturbance; interference (radio) wig, hairpiece perverse weigh (test weight of), <~ilo> scale pessimism, <~a> pessimistic pessimist plague, pestilence request, ask, beg, please; you're welcome, <~egi> beseech, <~skribo> petition petal petition petulant, frolicsome, <~i> frolic, "horse around," <~ema> mischievous, playful Peter petroleum, crude oil, kerosene heavy, <~i> be heavy, weigh, <~o> weight (heaviness), <~ilo> a weight pious piano, <~isto> pianist foot, <~fingro> toe, <~bati> kick, <~iranto> pedestrian, <~pilko> football, soccer ball, <~premi> step on, <~pasi> tread pyjamas prick, sting, stab, <~o> prick, sting; spades (cards), <~drato> barbed-wire picnic go on pilgrimage, <~(ad)o> pilgrimage, <~anto> pilgrim ball (for playing) pill pilot pine (tree) pinch, <~ilo> pincers, tong pin; needle (on tree) point, peak, summit, <~a> pointed pick-axe pioneer pipe (tobacco) pepper pear pyramid pirate, skyjacker pound, crush, <~ilo> pestle pistol; spray gun piston picturesque pivot pea public square, plaza be pleasing, please, how do you like... ?, <~a> pleasing, as desired, as you like dish, platter; course ceiling calamity, scourge, <~i> plague, afflict bathing beach plan, <~o> plan, diagram; plane; closeup (photography), long shot, foreground, background sole (foot), <~umo> sole (shoe) planet, <~a> ~ary floor plant, <~ejo> ~ation plasma plastic plaster (dressing) flat, <~o> plate, slab, <~aj^o> plateau platform splash, plash, lap plead (law) most, -est (see p. 111), <~parto> greatest part, great majority plait, wreathe, twine full, complete, <~igi> fill up, <~umi> fulfill, accomplish, <~luno> full moon, <~ag^a, ~kreska> full-grown, adult, <~plena> full to overflowing, <~bus^o> mouthful, <~mano> handful complain, <~o> ~t pleasure, <~iga> pleasurable more, -er (see p. 111), <~ poste> later on, less, <~mal~> more or less, <~multo> majority, <~igi> increase, <~bonigi> improve, <~altigi> raise dive, plunge, <~isto> diver weep, cry further, more, <~e> furthermore, no longer, etc. plough feather; pen lead several, <~a> plural plus, <~o> sur~ rain, <~egi> rain cats and dogs, pour pneumonia at the rate of (see p. 133), <~grande> wholesale, <~malgrande> retail podium, platform poem point (score) poet poetry, <~a> poetic goblet; fancy cup poker (game) Pole, <~a> Polish, <~io, ~ujo, ~lando> Poland controversy, <~i> engage in controversy police, <~ano> ~man, <~estro> chief of police (insurance) policy politics; policy, <~a> political polka octopus polish, luster, <~i> polish (North, South; positive, negative) pole, <~a> polar dust, <~osuc^ilo> vacuum cleaner apple, potato pomp, splendor, <~a> resplendent dagger bridge poplar a people, folk, <~amaso> the masses, <~kanto> folk song, people-to-people popular for, in order to, <~ ke> so that portion, <~umi, ~igi> ration out door, gate pig, <~aj^o> pork pornography, <~a> pornographic carry, wear, bring, transport, carry out, put up with, endure portico, ornate porch/entryway portrait possess, own, <~(aj^)o> ~ion, property after, behind, <~e> afterwards, <~skribo> P.S., <~tagmezo> afternoon, <~lasi> leave behind, <~aj^o> backside, rump, <~eulo> successor, since post, duty station, <~i> stand guard, be on duty demand, require pocket, <~tuko> handkerchief mail, post, <~marko> postage stamp, <~karto> postcard, <~stampo> cancellation, <~(ofic)ejo> post office, <~aj^o> a piece of mail, <~isto> mailman pot, <~isto> ~ter, <~aj^o> ~tery power, <~a> ~ful stern, poop(deck) be able, can, <~o> ability, horsepower, almighty pose (picture; pretense) position positive (prefix denoting other generation; see p. 211), <~patro> forefather, <~avo> great-grandfather, <~nepo> greatgrandson, <~tipo> prototype, <~historio> prehistory practical, <~i> practice (profession, etc.), <~o> (actual) practice (small) ferry, <~s^ipo> ferryboat right, wrong, <~i> be right especially, mainly, <~a> principal, predominant precise, <~e> ~ly, exactly, <~eco> precision, exactness preach, <~(aj^)o> sermon, <~isto> preacher prefer prefix pray, <~o> ~er, <~ejo> church lecture (op)press, squeeze, handshake award a prize, <~o> prize, premium take, get, lay hold of, grasp, <~ilo> tongs, embrace prepare <~a> preparatory, preliminary, <~o> preparation preposition prairie print (type), <~aj^o> ~ed matter, <~isto> ~er, <~ilo> press, <~prov(aj^)o> proof, <~litero(j)> type almost, nearly prestige, glamor, <~a> prestigious, glamorous ready, finished, <~igi> prepare, <~ig^i> get ready pretext, <~i> pretend, give as an excuse claim, make a pretense, presume to, <~o> claim, pretense, presumption beyond, straight past, <~pasi> pass by, overtake, <~lasi> omit, leave out price, <~listo> price~list present, introduce, <~ado> presentation preside, <~anto> president, chairman about, concerning; (as prefix see p. 301), <~skribi> describe, <~paroli> discuss primitive primrose prince, <~ido> prince's son, <~ino> princess principle, <~e> in principle spring(time) prism private privilege, <~a> ~d on account of, for, because of, <~peti> plead for, intercede, <~ tio, ke> for the reason that probable problem proceed, <~o> process, procedure percent(age), interest rate, <~aj^o> commission, <10 procentoj> 10% lawsuit, <~i> sue, litigate, go to court procession product, <~i> produce, <~ado> production, <~isto> producer profane, defile profession, <~a> ~al professor prophet, <~i> prophesy, <~aj^o> prophecy profile profit deep, profound, <~(ec)o, ~aj^o> depth prognosis, forecast, <~i> forecast program (series of events), <~ero> item on a program progress project, <~ilo> ~or, <~isto> ~ionist project, plan, scheme, <~i> plan, make a project of proclaim, <~(ad)o, ~aj^o> proclamation delay, put off, <~o> delay, <~emo> procrastination, without delay near(by), next, distant, <(al)~ig^i> come close(r), <~ume> approximately public prosecutor, prosecuting attorney proletarian, member of the lower class, <~aro> the proletariat prologue go for a walk, stroll; (less freq.: go for a ride), <~ado> stroll, walk, etc., <~ejo> promenade, <~anto> stroller promise promote, <~o> promotion pronounce, <~o> pronunciation propaganda, publicity, <~i> publicize, advertise, <~aj^o> publicity material propose, suggest, offer, <~o> proposal, offer proportion, ratio, <~a> proportional (my, your, etc.) own, personal, <~aj^o> property, <~avole> voluntarily prospectus prosper, be successful, <~o> prosperity, success, I managed to... prostitute protein protect, <~anto> patron, <~ato> protege, <~(ism)a> protectionist protest Protestant minutes (meeting) proton prototype try, test, <~aj^o> trial, test proverb province provide, supply <~o> supply temporary, provisional, <~e> for the time being provoke, incite prose prow, bow (ship) prudish, <~ul(in)o> prude prudent, reasonable, <~o> good sense plum borrow, loan, lend: <~edoni> lend, <~epreni> borrow prove, <~o> proof psalm, <~aro> the Psalms pseudonym psychic psychiatrist, <~a> psychiatric, <~io> psychiatry psychologist, <~a> psychological, <~io> psychology p.m. public, <~igi> publish pudding modesty, chaste behavior (cosmetic) powder puff, swelling, <~igi> puff out, <~ig^i> puff up fist, <~obati> punch flea pulley lung pulmonaria (lungwort plant) pullover sweater pulse, <~i> pulsate, throb gunpowder powder, <~a> ~y, <~igi> pulverize pump punish, <~o> ~ment, fine punch (drink) pound (money) point, dot, period, <~i> punctuate lace doll, (hand) puppet (school) desk, lectern clean, pure, <~igi> clean, <~eco> cleanliness, purity purgatory puritan purple pus, <~i> discharge pus push, <~ig^i kun> run into, repulse, <~veturilo> wheelbarrow well whore rot, <~a> ~ten rob, <~isto> ~ber, <~aj^o> booty, <~(o)besto> beast of prey discount, rebate, <~i> deduct a discount rabbi rabies, <~a> rabid, mad rational, <~o> logical reasoning wheel radar radio; ray, beam, <~i> radiate, <~isto> radioman root, eradicate (politics) radical, <~o> (math.) radical wireless telegraph radium radius radish refine, <~ejo> ~ry ragout, stew skate, stingray ride be entitled to, <~o> a right, <~igi> authorize, May I (= Is it all right if I... ) rocket relate, tell (a story, etc.), <~o> story, tale rambutan (tree) crawl, creep frog edge, rim, brim rank, grade, rate (military, etc.) buttercup fast, quick, <~i> go fast, hurry, <~(ec)o> speed, <~umo> gear, slow, <~limo> speed limit report rhapsody rare, precious race, breed, <~ismo> racism rasp, grate rake rat hoarse caterpillar delight, <~a> ~ful shave (transitive verb.), <~ilo> razor lawn (prefix see p. 92), <~veni> return, <~doni> give back, <~iri> go back, <~agi> react, <~vidi> see again, so long, <~e> again, <~en> back(wards) reaction (physics, politics), <~a, <~ulo> reactionary real, practical, <~isto> ~ist, <~ig^i> come true, <~igi> produce (film, etc.) review (book, etc.) recipe, prescription reciprocal, mutual, <~i> reciprocate editorial dept. edit, <~isto> ~or frock coat reduce (transitive verb.) reference (bibliographical, testimonial) reflect (light, sound) car headlight refute rule, govern, reign, control, <~anto> ruler, <~istaro> government entertain, treat, <~o> treat regiment region, <~a> ~al register, record, <~i> record (document, sound, video, etc.) realm, kingdom, sovereign country, <~estro> head of state rule, <~a> regular, <~igi> regulate, <~aro> rules, regulations king, <~ino> queen, <~a> royal, regal, <~lando> kingdom regime stage-manager advertise, <~o> ~ment recommend; register (mail) reward, compensation, <~i> reward, compensate record (world's, etc.) recruit direct, straight rector (school) seize, exact, requisition rail (train) relative (not absolute) religion, <~a> religious row, <~ilo> oar, <~boato> ~boat upholster, pad, stuff, <~isto> upholsterer rampart kidney rendezvous, appointment, date, <~i> meet (by arrangement) meet, encounter (transitive verb.), <~ig^i> meet (intransitive verb.) renown, fame return on investment, <~umo> interest upset, overthrow, turn upside down repertoire represent, <~anto> ~ative reptile reputation <~o> respect, <~inda> ~able respective respond, reply, answer, <~eco> responsibility, <~eci pri> be responsible for republic, <~a, ~ano> ~an remain, stay, <~(aj^)o> remainder, rest restaurant net, network summary, <~i> summarize rhetoric, oratory rheumatism daydream, <~(o)lando> dreamland, be disappointed, disillusioned government inspector, auditor revolution, <~a> ~ary revolver review (soldiers, etc.), <~o> journal, review (magazine on specialized subject) (keep in) reserve give up, renounce resist, withstand, irresistible resolution, motion (meeting) result, <~igi> bring about conclusion; result (of a process) rebel, revolt, <~o> rebellion, mutiny, revolt, <~ema> rebellious, insubordinate receive, get rich, well-off, <~ulo> rich man laugh, <~ado> ~ter, <~eti> smile, <~inda> ridiculous reef (rocks) take refuge, <~into> refugee, <~ejo> shelter, place of refuge refuse, <~o> refusal look at, regard; consider (deem), glance stiff, rigid bolt (door) rigor, <~a> ~ous, stringent sneer, grin knowingly harvest relate (have reference) to, <~e al> with reference to rhyme notice, <~igi al> bring to (someone's) attention, <~inda> remarkable means, remedy, resource strap ring, ear~ rib repair, fix repeat rest, repose, <~ejo> resting place; waiting room reproach, scold, rebuke, "tell off," <~inda> reprehensible risk, hazard spring (mechanics) rite, <~a> ritualistic, <~aro> ritual rhythm, <~a> ~ic rival reveal; develop (photo) river, <~eto> stream <~o> bow, curtsy; obeisance rice, <~okamp> ~field dress, robe, gown, slip Robert robot gnaw rhododendron rock role, part (acting), <~anto> character (in play, etc.) Rome novel romantic, <~o> ~ism rhombus break, <~ig^ema> breakable, brittle, interrupt round, <~o> circle gnaw, nibble, <~ulo> rodent snore dew roast (meat, etc.), toast (bread) roastbeef (elephant's) trunk; proboscis squad (military), gang Rotary rose, <~(kolor)a> pink rosary rubbish, debris, rubble, <~ujo> garbage can, <~ejo> garbage dump ribbon robin ruby Rubicon rouble (money) column (newspaper or magazine feature) or its heading red, <~ig^i> blush ruin belch, burp roll, <~s^uo> ~erskate rum <~a> Russian, <~io, ~ujo> Russia rust Ruth routine, sheer habit sly, cunning, <~o> trick, ruse Saturday; Sabbath sand, <~ero> grain of ~ sadism, <~a> sadistic sadist arrow shrewd, astute wise, <~(ec)o> wisdom, <~umi> split hairs; show off, act wise sack, bag, <~strato> dead-end street cuss sacrament saxophone salt, <~ero> grain of ~, <~ujo> ~shaker salary, wages salad balance (account), <~i> strike a balance willow prawn, <~eto> shrimp saliva, <~i> salivate, <~umi> slobber salmon Solomon salon; sitting room, parlor jump, leap, <~eti> hop, start (pain, surprise, etc.) greet, salute, <~o> greeting, <~on!> Hello! same, <~e> equally, different, <~ideano> fellow-thinker, fellow Esperantist, <~landano> compatriot Samaritan samovar healthy, well, <~o> health, <~i> be well, ill, disease, be ailing, patient, hospital, <(re)~igi> heal, cure sandal blood, <~a> ~y, <~i> bleed, bloodless, anemic sanction sacred, holy, <~ulo> saint, <~igi> sanctify soap sardine (pickled) weed out sarcastic, <~o> sarcasm sarong satisfied, "full" (food), hungry, famine Satan, <~a> ~ic satellite sauce, gravy save, rescue, <~zono> lifebelt, safety belt, <~boato> lifeboat scene, <~ejo> stage know, know how, <~igi> inform, let know, <~ig^i> find out, learn of, <~povi> know how, <~voli> wonder, want to know, <~vola> curious, inquisitive, <~vol(em)e> inquisitively science, <~isto> scientist squirrel if suet, tallow but <~ilo> saw chair dry, get wet rye section secret secretary sex, <~kunig^o> copulation, <~umi> have sex sect second (1/60 of minute) secure, safe, <~eco> security follow, <~o> consequence, <~e> consequently, <~(ant)a, ~inta, ~onta> next, consecutively saddle, mount up sow, <~o> seed, disseminate week, weekly without, <~dube> undoubtedly, <~c^ese> ceaselessly, <~fine> endlessly, <~intenca> unintentional, <~bezona> needless, <~igi de> deprive of, <~tau^ga> good-for-nothing sense, meaning, nonsense send; transmit (radio, etc.) sensation, <~a> ~al feel, <~o> ~ing, sensation, sympathy wise saying, proverb sentiment, <~a> ~al seven, <~a, ~ono> ~th sepia septic, infected, antiseptic September serum search, look for serene, untroubled serenade sergeant series, <~a> serial serious, earnest serpent, snake, <~umi> wind around, meander serum lock, <~isto> ~smith serve, <~o> service, <~isto> servant servitude, serfdom, <~ulo> serf six, <~a, ~ono> ~th session severe, strict season (of year) sphere (see p. 137), <~ngardo> caution, <~ndone> selflessly, devotedly, <~nteno> attitude Siberia hiss sit, <~ig^i> sit down, <~loko> seat (theater, etc.) besiege, <~o> siege seal sign signal signify, mean, <~o> meaning syllable silent, <~o> silence silk silhouette symbol, <~i> ~ize symmetry, <~a> symmetric symphony, <~a> symphonic monkey, ape similar, like, <~eco> similarity, different sympathy, <~a> sympathetic simple, <~igi> simplify, complex symptom bosom abbreviation for synagogue sincere, <~(ec)o> sincerity syndicate; labor union hiccup Mr., Sir, gentleman; Lord, <~ino> Mrs., Madam, lady lilac syrup system, <(lau^)~a> ~atic bucket, pail be situated, <~o> site situation, circumstance(s) scale (map, measure, etc.) scandal; commotion; shocking occurrence Scania beetle, june bug box, (tin) can (food) skeleton scheme; model, pattern skeptical, <~ulo> skeptic ski schism sketch slave school (of thought, art, etc.) boy scout scorpion Scot, <~lando>> ~land, <~a> ~tish, scotch scrape write, describe, sign, <~mas^ino> typewriter, <~(o)tablo> desk shake (transitive verb.), shock Slav(ic) slip (paper), filing card, <~aro> file emerald snob(bish) sober, temperate social, <~o> society (community of persons), <~eto> society (organization) social, <~ismo> ~ism sofa thirst, <~i> be ~y threshold supporting base (for statue, wall, etc.) sole, alone, <~e> solely, only, <~eca> solitary, lonely, <~o> solo (music), <~isto> soloist soldier; (chess) pawn solemn, ceremonious, <~i> observe with ceremony solid jointly responsible, standing together, <~(ec)o> solidarity solve, dissolve, <~o> solution summer, <~domo> ~house sound, euphonious, <~bendo> audio tape sonata dream (asleep) ring (intransitive verb.), <~a> sonorous, <~ilo> bell long for, yearn, <~o> longing soprano absorb; sip (as through a straw), <~a> absorbent, <~a papero> blotter sorcery, <~i> bewitch, <~istino> witch, enchanting destiny, fate, fortune wild, savage, tame Soviet, the USSR space (dress) sword, rapier spark (elec.), <~ilo> spark plug spasm kind, sort, species (e)special specify, <~a> specific specimen, sample mirror, <~i> reflect watch as spectator, <~anto> spectator spectacle, show experience, <~a> ~d, expert, <~ulo> expert transact money; pay out, take in, income, expenses, <~ado> cash flow spice, <~isto> grocer spine spinach spy breath(e), inhale, exhale, <~ado> respiration spirit, <~a> ~ual, <~ismo> spiritualism spite, defiance, <~i> defy, <~e> defiantly, in (de)spite ill humor, "the blues" splinter, <~i> splinter, split (transitive verb.) sponge, <~(ec)a> spongy spontaneous sporadic sport, <~isto> ~sman; athlete wit, <~a> ~ty, lively, dull, stupid spur trace, track (left by animals, etc.) Sputnik abbreviation for staff (military, etc.) stable (work)bench, trestle, easel station, <~domo> (large railway) station house stage (of development); stadium stadium relay rider, relay racer stagnate stall for animals stamp, mark tin standard (flag) pole, rod stand, stand up start off, <~igilo> starter state, condition, in good condition play a small part (play, etc.), <~o> bit-player, supporting actor statistics statue stature regulations, by-laws stitch, quilt Steven star, <~eto> footnote star (*); asterisk write shorthand, <~io> shorthand, stenography steppe, moor sterile, <~igi> sterilize manure, fertilizer, <~i> fertilize lay out, spread make hoarse, rattling noise in throat steward, attendant (ship, plane, etc.) style stimulate steer (vehicle), <~ilo> ~ing wheel; (airplane) joystick stow (cargo), <~isto> stevedore stoic(al) stock (goods) stomach be cross-eyed; look askance (bathing) beach strange, peculiar strangle street, <~angulo> corner strategy, <~a> strategic strive for stretch (transitive verb.), wind up (spring, etc.), <~o> tension, detente, relax stroke (drawn line), <~i> make a stroke, strike out, underline, emphasize strip(e), ray owl strike (stop work) verse (song, etc.) structure ostrich study, <~anto> student (university) studio (TV, etc.) stupid, foolish, <~ulo> fool stumble under, beneath, <~iri> go down, <~ulo> subordinate, <~skribi> sign, <~taso> saucer, <~teni> support, <~tera> underground, <~metig^i> submit, <~urbo> suburb, <~au^skulti> eavesdrop sudden subject subjective corrosive sublimate substance substantive, noun substitute (transitive verb.) subtle subtract (arithmetic), <~o> ~ion subsidize, <~o> subsidy suck, <~igi> suckle south, <~a> ~ern suffer, endure sufficient, enough; <~e> sufficiently; rather, <~i> suffice suffix prompt (theater), <~o> ~er suffocate (transitive verb.), choke suggest, <~o> ~ion suggest (hypnotically, etc.), <~o> the power of ~ion juice, sap succeed, <~o> success, fail sugar, <~ujo> ~bowl sulfur, <~a> ~ic, ~ous furrow, wrinkle (transitive verb.) sultan sum, <~igi> sum up, summarize, summary, resume sun, <~radio> ~beam, <~levig^o> ~rise, <~subiro> ~set, <~floro> ~flower, <~umi> (put out to) sun soup above, over, <~a, ~ulo> superior, <~i> surpass, exceed, <~jaro> leap year, <~signo> supersign, accent mark, <~forti> overpower, <~homo> superman, <~flua> superfluous, <~vendejo> supermarket superstition, <~a> superstitious suppose, presume, <~o> supposition above, up(wards), on top, upstairs, <~a> upper, <~(aj^)o> top, summit, surface, below, downstairs (up)on, <~meti> put on, <~s^ipe> on board, <~skribo> superscription deaf, <~(a)mutulo> ~mute surface surprise overcoat suspect, <~o> suspicion, <~inda, ~ema> suspicious sigh rustle, swish (sound) suture, seam sovereign swarm match-make, promote marriage, <~ist(in)o> match-maker Swede, <~a> Swedish, <~ujo, ~io, ~lando> Sweden slender, slim faint, swoon swing (transitive verb.); wave about, brandish; fling Swiss, <~ujo, ~io, ~lando> Switzerland pattern, stencil, template sheep, <~aj^o> mutton, <~ido> lamb shah seem, appear to be; <~as al mi, ke... > it seems to me that... , <~igi> feign, pretend, <~e> apparently, <~o> appearance chess <~i> check, <~tabulo> ~board, check! jackal peddle in small-time way (black market, street corners, etc.) shaft (mine, elevator) shawl switch (transitive verb.), <~ilo> switch, turn on, turn off chamois luck; chance, good luck! shake (transitive verb.), <~ig^i> waver change, exchange load (gun, camera, etc.), charge (battery) load, burden, unload shark have high regard for, like, <~inda> likeable froth, foam sheik shell, peel, bark, husk, shell, peel, etc. suspenders joke, jest, <~ema> playful, jocular sheriff she, <~a> her chic shield, sign-board mold (mildew), <~a> ~y, <~i> get ~y shingle, wood tile ham ship, embark, disembark, <~anaro> crew, <~estro> master, <~pereo> ~wreck tear, rip (transitive verb.), <~aj^o> a tear, tear off; pick (flower, etc.) shelter slime lock, unlock, <~ilo> key; wrench make smacking noise with lips make up (face, etc.) smear, spread (butter, etc.), anoint, <~aj^o> ointment rope, cord, <~(o)salti> skip rope driver, chauffeur shock highway shove, push along, <(el)~i> thrust out shovel chauvinism, <~isto> chauvinist save, spare, <~ema> thrifty spade spin (thread), <~ilo> ~dle, <~rado> ~ning wheel gush, spurt (out), <~igi> squirt, <~ilo> nozzle, syringe cupboard, cabinet, sideboard, wardrobe, etc., strong-box shrapnel screw, <~ilo> ~driver, <~ingo> nut, <~s^losilo> adjustable wrench shrivel up, shrink (intransitive verb.) steel state (politics entity), <~igi> nationalize, <~estro> head of state steal, <~isto> thief, <~e> stealthily block/chunk of wood, <~aro> woodpile cloth, material, lining stone, <~ego> boulder plug up (transitive verb.), stop up, clog, <~ilo> stopper, plug; electric plug, <~ilingo> electric socket storm stocking, <~eto> sock step, stair, rung, <~aro> staircase shoe, <~(far)isto> ~maker owe, <~o> debt shoulder, <~levi> shrug pour out (grain, etc., not liquid), overwhelm hover, float in air swell (intransitive verb.), <~igi> inflate perspire, sweat, <~o> perspiration, sweat tobacco table(t) (stone, wood, etc.); tabulation, actuarial table tabernacle table, desk board, plank detachment day, <~ig^o> ~break, dawn, <~mezo> noon, <~lumo> ~light, <~mang^o> dinner (midday meal), <~libro> diary, <~ordo> agenda, c<^iu~a> daily tide tailor type (on keyboard) rate, estimate the value of; appraise, <~isto> appraiser, priceless, overestimate, underestimate taxi, <~isto> ~driver tact; (music) time tactic(s) talent, <~a> ~ed waist(line) drum, <~isto> ~mer nevertheless, however, and yet tango tank (military) tapestry, wall covering, wallpaper carpet cup, saucer task, assigned work, <~i> assign fit, be suitable, <~a> suitable, useless, good-for-nothing tousle, dishevel tavern, inn layer tea, <~poto, ~kruc^o> ~pot team theater, <~a> theatrical, <~aj^o> play bore, <~a> tiresome, boring cover protectively (with cloth, overlay of metal, etc.), <~ilo> protective cover roof briefcase; file (box or folder containing papers, films, tapes, etc.) technical, <~o> technique, technic technology weave, <~ilo> loom, <~aj^o> textile Texas text; lyric (song), <~i> say, read telephone telegraph telegram telemetry plate, dish, <~eto> small plate, saucer telescope see on TV, <~o> TV, <~ilo> TV set subject, topic, <~as pri> it's a matter of time, time off, spare time, meanwhile, simultaneous temperament temperature tempest, storm temple (forehead) temple (worship) hold, hang onto, <~ilo> handle, retain, attitude, restrain, hold back (transitive verb.), support, abstain tent, <~(um)i, ~aro> camp tendentious, partisan, biased, <~o> inherent tendency, bias (literary word for) profound darkness tennis tenor (music) tension; voltage tempt, entice, <~o> temptation Theodore theologian theology theorem theory earth, soil, <~tremo> earthquake, <~globo> (world)globe, <~pomo> potato, bury, underground therapy terrace terrain, grounds; field used for an activity territory, <~a> territorial (technical) term, <~aro> terminology, glossary thermometer thermos bottle thermostat sneeze (reign of) terror, <~ismo> ~ism, <~isto> ~ist terror, <~a> terrible, <~i> terrify (scientific) test will, testament, <~i> make a will; bequeath tortoise thesis, essay (forms correlative; see p. 127) in that way, here and there, back and forth, thusly, one thing or another Tibet typhoon stem, stalk tiger tic, twitch (muscle) tickle (transitive verb.) linden tree fear, <~igi> frighten, <~ema> timid tinder, punk moth dye, tint tinkle, jingle type, <~a> typical pull, draw, attract, <~kesto> drawer tyrant, <~i> tyrannize Titan, <~a> titanic title, heading, <~i> title (transitive verb.) cloth (cotton, linen, canvas, etc.), <~marko> laundry mark tolerate tomato tomb, grave, <~ejo> graveyard, entomb, inter tone clip, cut with shears, <~ilo> scissors, shears, prune thunder torch twist (transitive verb.), contort torrent turn (on lathe), <~ilo> lathe knapsack, backpack torpedo pie, tart torture (offer a) toast total, <~ismo> ~itarianism totem through, <~vivi> live through, survive, experience, <~nokti> pass the night beam, girder tradition, <~a> ~al translate, <~o> translation hit (desired mark), catch (train, etc.), run across (person), <~a> striking, miss traffic tragedy, <~a> tragic train feature, trait track deal with, treat, <~aj^o> treatise treaty tractor streetcar cut, slice, <~ilo> knife, <~aj^o> slice trench (military) calm, tranquil across, on the other side of, <~lokig^i, ~log^ig^i> move, <~porti> transport, <~iri> cross, transfer, <~formi> transform, <~doni> hand over transistor; small transistor radio transitive transverse, <~e> crosswise (bank) draft, <~i> make a draft travesty very much, very, <~ege> extremely, enormously clubs (cards) train, coach tremble, quiver aspen dip, immerse, soak (transitive verb.) drag, tow, <~s^ipo> tugboat tread, trample on treasure three, <~a, ~ono> third, <~o> trio, <~obla> triple, <~folio> clover tribe, <~a> tribal starboard rostrum, speaker's platform tribunal tribute, <~i> pay tribute tricycle trigonometry knit, <~ilo> ~ting needle pansy trill (music) trillion trilogy drink (poetic word for) sad wheat triumph vulgar, course, commonplace too much, too, <~igi> exaggerate trough, manger trolley, <~buso> ~bus trombone deceive, cheat throne tropical, <~o> the tropics trot sidewalk find, <~ig^i, sin ~i> be found, be located, find oneself hole impose, force, intrude trumpet trunk (tree, body, etc.) troop trout toilette tube, pipe; barrel (gun) tuberculosis immediately, <~a> immediate cloth, apron tulip tumor tumult, riot ton tunnel tunic tower; castle (chess) tourist Turk, <~a> ~ish, <~ujo, ~io> ~ey torment turn (transitive verb.), <~i sin> turn around; <~i sin al> apply to (theatrical) tour tournament cough coltsfoot (plant) touch entire, whole, <~e> entirely, <~e ne> not at all, not quite, as a whole, altogether, <~monda> worldwide, overalls, <~aj^o> entirety twist (dance) <-uj/> (suffix denoting container; see pp. 132, 187) <~o> container <-ul/> (suffix denoting person; see p. 143) ulcer Ulysses elm ultimatum <-um/> (suffix with indefinite meaning; see p. 194) <~(aj^)o> whatchamacallit, thingamajig navel ounce nail (finger, toe), claw (animal) (politics) union uniform unique universe universal, worldwide university one, <~a> first, <~e> first of all, firstly, <~o> unit, <~eco> unity, <~eca> unified, <~igi> unite, <~ig^inta> united, <~ope> singly, one at a time, <~foje> once, one another hurricane uranium city, <~a> urban, <~ego> metropolis, <~eto> town, <~(o)domo> city hall, <~estro> mayor, suburb urgent, <~i> urge, press, hurry (someone), there's no hurry urine, <~i> urinate bear nettle Uruguay, <~a, ~ano> ~an the USA, <~a, ~ano> American womb useful, advantageous, <~(ec)o> use(fulness), useless, <~igi> make use of, utilize, harm, harmful Utopia, <~a> ~n overture (music) use, use up, wear out (heavy industry) factory, mill usury usurp Watt wade, ford waffle, <~eto> wafer; cone (ice cream) roam, wander, <~ulo> vagabond, "rolling stone" vagina railway carriage, <~aro> train vacant, <~i> be vacant, <~igi> vacate vaccine, <~i> vaccinate cowboy wax, <~tolo> oilcloth vacuum valley valid, <~i> be valid, <~igi> validate valise, small suitcase value, <~a> valuable, <~i> be worth, worthless waltz currency (of a country); foreign exchange rate valve; tube (elec.) futile, useless, <~e> in vain vandal cheek, <~ofrapo> slap vanilla conceited, vain; frivolous, <~aj^o> frivolity, silliness steam, vapor, <~s^ipo> steamship (j) wares, merchandise, commodity recruit, <~ig^i> enlist vary (intransitive verb.), <~a> variable, <~aj^o> variation variety show smallpox, <~eto> chicken pox warm, <~ega> hot, <~eta> lukewarm, cold, a cold Warsaw nurse vast, spacious, close, cramped (for space), spread (news, etc.) Washington cotton wool, wadding; (elec.) Watt the Vatican vessel (any container), vase vaseline woe! alas! Oh dear! <~spiri> sigh, homesickness vegetate vegetarian vein wake (transitive verb.), arouse, <~ig^i> wake up, <~horlog^o> alarm clock sail fade, wither velvet come, arrive, meet, come back, come from, derive or result from, <~onta> next sell, <~ejo> store, <~isto> salesman Friday poison venereal Venezuela avenge, <~o> revenge, vengeance defeat, win over, <~o> victory wind, <~umi, ~umilo> fan, <~ego> windstorm ventilate, <~ilo> ventilator belly, tummy Venus true, <~o> truth, reality, <~e> really, truly, <~s^ajne> probably, <~dire> to tell the truth verb green verdict rod, switch; wand, <~i> flog, take a switch to (literary or artistic) work, <~i> write, create (literature, music, etc.), <~isto> writer, <~aro> (collected) works, <~into> author worm one line of verse, song, etc. version pour (liquids); shed, scatter, pour out, pour in top of head vertebra vertigo, dizziness, <~i> feel dizzy vertical wart verve, vivacity, <~a> vivacious, lively, lifeless, dull wasp evening, <~e> in the evening bat vespers, evensong (transitive verb.) clothe, dress, <~ig^i> get dressed, garment, <~oj> clothes, undress, strip, undergarment vest bet, wager, <~kuri> race weather, <~informoj> weather report veteran veterinarian travel; go (not walking), <~ilo> vehicle, <~igi> drive bladder; bubble, <~eto> blister you <~a> ~r(s) meat vibrate, <~(ad)o> vibration row, rank; turn; vice-, <~e> in rows, in turn, <~prezidanto> vice-president, <~patro> step-father, my turn see, <~o> sight, <~aj^o> view, <~ebla> visible, <~inda> worth seeing, <~punkto> viewpoint, <~bendo> videotape widower, <~ino> widow Vienna alert, keen, brisk Viking victim shaggy, hairy villa village, <~eto> hamlet Bill William wine, <~bero> grape, <~berejo> vineyard vinegar wrap (in cloth), bandage, <~otuko> swaddling cloth winter violet violin cello whip viper man, <~ino> woman, <~a> male, <~ina> female, <~eco> virility virgin virtue, morality, vice virtuoso virus mistletoe whisky wipe, <~tuko> dust rag; dish cloth (grape)vine vitamin glass (material), eyeglasses, <~aj^o> pane showcase live, <~o> life, experience, survive, long live! <~teni> support visa face vision visit; attend, <~o> visit Vietnam(ese) voice; vote, <~e> orally, <~doni> vote vodka way, road, <~montrilo> signpost travel, <~o> trip, voyage, <~anto> traveler, <~ema> inclined to travel title of provincial governor in Poland call, summon, invoke, appeal to, evoke vowel taskmaster will(ingness), <~i> be willing to, want to, as one pleases, at will, <~i diri> mean Volapuk, "It's all Greek to me" vault(ed ceiling) willing, voluntary, <~e> willingly, <~ulo> volunteer Volt volume (book, etc.) voluptuous, <~o> sexual pleasure wind up, roll up, unroll vomit, throw up word, <~aro> dictionary, vocabulary, verbatim, word-for-word tail vow veil common, everyday volcano fox vulture wound, injury, <~i> wound zebra zephyr zenith zigzag zinc zipper zodiac belt; zone zoology (take) care (of), see to, worry (about), <~o> care, concern (for), <~eme> carefully hum, buzz; roar (traffic, etc.), <~ilo> buzzer