[Note: this text is archaic, and not a model of good current gjax-zym-byn usage. I have fixed some typos, but not updated the text itself re: changes in grammar and semantics sine I finished the translation in 2000.] How the Enemy Came to Thlunrana by Lord Dunsany runx-ru miq-i liqm-cox tu-i "txlunrana-ram o. "deqnsEJnij-sqam-kxa daxm-rq. come-manner [topic] enemy [agent] Thlunrana to Dunsany-[family name]-[respectful clitic] [author-from]. It had been prophesied of old and foreseen from the ancient days that its enemy would come upon Thlunrana. ce hxy-i lq tu-i twax-zox mje-zxa: hoqnx "txlunrana-ram liqw-i liqm-cox tu-i re o runx-zox mje-cox. this [patient] one [agent] says long-ago: that Thlunrana of enemy [agent] there to come awhile-hence. And the date of its doom was known and the gate by which it would enter, yet none had prophesied of the enemy who he was save that he was of the gods though he dwelt with men. nu i mq jax-o zunq-cox-van pe veq'ty ro mq tu-i runx-van, lq tu-i hyw-zox ce miq-i, moqj max paxn-fja tu-i twax-zox liqm-cox sxu-i mym miq-i, se hoqnx pq miq-i mym-van txeq'ku-zla liqw-i moqn tyn-zox max i. time when it [role-becoming] is-dead and door through it [agent] goes, one [agent] knows this [topic], but person none [agent] says enemy of identity about, except that him about is-essence god-[pl.set] relation-of though dwelt people at. Meanwhile Thlunrana, that secret lamaserai, that chief cathedral of wizardry, was the terror of the valley in which it stood and of all lands round about it. viqj-saxm i "txlunrana-ram miq-i max-mix'hqax-jxwa keq'gxu-box pe tix'sqax-kox-zxa cy-box sunx-keq'gxu-za nxiqn-i, pq tu-i hqum-fwa-zox squn-pwiqm-rox squn-loq i tyn-van pq miq-i pe pq-cxi squn hxy-i. same-time during Thlunrana [topic] obsessive-people-place hidden-[adj] and worship-place-big primary-[adj] art-secret-[adj] [comment], it [agent] made-frightened valley (=humble-land) which-in located it [topic] and it-around land [patient]. So narrow and high were the windows and so strange when lighted at night that they seemed to regard men with the demoniac leer of something that had a secret in the dark. Who were the magicians and the deputy-magicians and the great arch-wizard of that furtive place nobody knew, for they went veiled and hooded and cloaked completely in black. veq'ty-riqm miq-i hqun-rox pe hum-cox-box pe twy-box viqj-loq pq fu-box nix'sqiqm i nxiqn-i, woqn kax-txaj-van pq miq-i kax-zox sqix'fy-hqa-tan max miq-ma-i, ru-loq hoqnx gax tu-i keq'gxu sxaxj-i sxu-zox nix'sqiqm-rox i. max-loq miq-i sunx-keq'gxu-tla sroq jax-i pe sunx-keq'gxu-tla-txox sroq jax-i pe sunx-keq'gxu-tla-zxa jax-i, ce miq-i kun-zox max paxn-fja tu-i, woqj pq paxn tu-i vlym-ca taxlm-vlym pe max-vuj-vlym leq'ku-txaj-box syj-i. window (=seeing-door) [topic] narrow and high and strange time-which alight night-during [comment], thus appear they [topic] look-at as-demons humans [meta-topic], as which something [agent] secret [possesed] have darkness in. who [topic] wizard (plural) [role] and little-wizard (plural) [role] and big-wizard [role], this [topic] know person none [agent], because they all [agent] clothed-themselves head-clothing and body-clothing black with. Though her doom was close upon her and the enemy of prophecy should come that very night through the open, southward door that was named the Gate of the Doom, yet that rocky edifice Thlunrana remained mysterious still, venerable, terrible, dark, and dreadfully crowned with her doom. hoqnx pq sxu-i gaxn-zunq-cox miq-i nxy-fja-van, kinq liqm-cox twax-i pq tu-i runx-zox mje-cox veq'ty ro nix'sqiqn txoq i, veq'ty-loq jiqlm-box tyn-hqim miq-i veq'ty-gxeq'fu-fwa-ram niqm-van nxiqn-i, ce moqj rix'max-poq mrunq-sxiqw-na "txlunrana-ram miq-i saxm-van keq'gxu-box, tix'sqax-txox-faj-mwe, hqum-zxa-fwa, nix'sqiqm-rox, pe zunq-cox-vuj faxn-i hqum-fwa nxiqn-i. that she of death-cause [topic] was-near, and enemy prophecy-of him [agent] come [future] door through night immediate during , door-which open place-south-part [topic] door-dread-of-doom-cause-name is-named [comment], this even-so house-that rocky Thlunrana [name] [topic] remained secret, respect-worthy, dark, death crowned-by causing-fear [comment]. It was not often that anyone dared wander near to Thlunrana by night when the moan of the magicians invoking we know not Whom rose faintly from inner chambers, scaring the drifting bats: ... nu-rynx henx max-kwoq tu-i kurnx-runx-zox nxy-fja-box "txlunrana-ram o nix'sqiqm i, viqj-loq sunx-keq'gxu-tla tu-i max miq-kun-txaj-bax nxaxw-o nxaxw-zox, kinq pq rq hqaxnq miq-i ku-txaj-van rix'max-txy nxy-cox-box srqnx, kinq hqum-fwa-zox leq'pax tu-runx hxy-o. time-many not person-any [agent] dare-go near Thlunrana to night during, while-which magicians [agent] person known not [called] invoked, and they of moaning [topic] was-heard rooms inside from-in, and frightened bats flying [patient]. ...but on the last night of all the man from the black-thatched cottage by the five pine-trees came, because he would see Thlunrana once again before the enemy that was divine, but that dwelt with men, should come against it and it should be no more. moqj nix'sqiqm seq'tun-za inx, max-viq loq tyn-van rix'max-txox i taxlm-leq'ku-txaj-box hqun dxy-box i miq-i, max-koq tu-i runx-zox, rynq-poq kujm-i sru-riqm-zox nu ciq-joqj "txlunrana-ram miq-i, liqm-cox zunq-cox-fwa rynq-i, runx txwi, liqm-cox loq miq-i txe'ku-tan dxe max-i tyn-van nxin-i. But night final during, man who lived house in head-black pine five by, [topic], man-this [agent] came, this-act because want-see time one-more Thlunrana [topic], enemy deadly of coming before, enemy which [topic] divine but men-with dwelt [comment]. Up the dark valley he went like a bold man, but his fears were thick upon him; his bravery bore their weight but stooped a little beneath them. He went in at the southward gate that is named the Gate of the Doom. ... runx-zox kxoq-so squn-pwiqm-rox nix'sqiqm-rox ki ru-loq max-kurnx, moqj pq sxu-i hqum rynx miq-i tyn-van pq sin. pq-i kurnx tu-i sqax-zox hqum sxu-i waxj hxy-i, moqj runx-zox hiq-box fe. pq tu-i runx-zox kxoq-rqnx, tyn-hqim veq'ty ronx, veq'ty-loq veq'ty-gxeq'fu-fwa-ram miq-i niqm-ca. go upward valley dark through like bold-person, but him of fear many [topic] rested him on. him-at courage [agent] carried fear of weight [patient], but went with-difficulty a little. he [agent] went inward place-south gate through, gate-which door-doom-cause-name [topic] is named. ...He came into a dark hall, and up a marble stairway passed to see the last of Thlunrana. At the top a curtain of black velvet hung and he passed into a chamber heavily hung with curtains, with a gloom in it that was blacker than anything they could account for. In a sombre chamber beyond, seen through a vacant archway, magicians with lighted tapers plied their wizardry and whispered incantations. pq tu-i runx-zox rix'max-txy-zxa onx, pe cqix'ny maxrm-na so runx-zox txlunrana-ram miq-i riqm kujm-o. cqix'ny sim vlym-rix'max-txy beq'leq'du-leq'ku-txaj su-txaj-van goq, kinq pq runx-kxoq-ronx-zox rix'max-txy vlym-da onx, tyn-loq i pwiq-cox-toqj goq, pxiq-sra txe vlym gaxn-i. re ri rix'max-txy pwiq-fja-box inx, fu-cxa sqax-i sunx-keq'gxu-tla tu-i rynq-zox zxiq-zqiqnx miq-i pe twax-zox twax-zqiqnx miq-i. he [agent] go room-big into, and stairway marble to-top go Thlunrana [topic] see for. stair in top curtain velvet-black hangs behold, and he goes-inward room curtain-full into, place-which in undelight here, more than curtains because. there beyond room undelightful in, light carrying magicians [agent] do specialty-magic [topic] and say stanzas magic [topic]. All the rats in the place were passing away, going whimpering down the stairway. The man from the black-thatched cottage passed through that second chamber: the magicians did not look at him and did not cease to whisper. He passed from them through heavy curtains still of black velvet and came into a chamber of black marble where nothing stirred. Only one taper burned in the third chamber; there were no windows. .... req'tax paxn-box re rqnx runx-zox hqaxnq-txox rynq-i cqix'ny kxoq-ton. rix'max-leq'ku-txaj rq max-viq tu-i runx-zox rix'max-txy cxu-pa ro, kinq sunx-keq'gxu-tla tu-i kax-henx-zox pq miq-i pe twax-zox daxn-box henx. pq tu-i runx-zox pq-keq'gxu rq vlym-waxj leq'ku-txaj-box beq'leq'du-na joqj ro , kinq runx-zox rix'max-txy maxrm-leq'ku-txaj-na o tyn-loq i gax paxn-fja flaxnq-zox. fu-cxa ciq-zu-box miq-i pix'rax-van re dax-pa i, veq'ty-riqm bax-box goq. rats all place out-of go crying-small [doing] stair downward. house-black from man [agent] goes room second through, and magicians look not him [topic] and say no-more not. he [agent] go they-hidden from, curtains-heavy black velvet still through, and goes room marble-black to place-which in thing none shivered. light one-only [topic] burn here third in, window zero behold. ...... On the smooth floor and under the smooth wall a silk pavilion stood with its curtains drawn close together: this was the holy of holies of that ominous place, its inner mystery. One on each side of it dark figures crouched, either of men or women or cloaked stone, or of beasts trained to be silent. laxn-jiq sin pe laxn-jqa-jiq txi tyn-mrax slix'ku-na miq-i su-van, pq-i vlym jiqlm-cox-box jax-i, pq goq tyn pix'hax-ma-box re gxeq'fu-fwa i, pq sxu-i keq'gxu nxy-cox-sra-box. pq ci pq jxi su-jqa-van pxax nix'sqiqn-rox miq-i, max-viq rej max-sxy rej mrunq-sxiqw vlym-da rej ku-txaj-henx-van raxm-toxn nxiqn-i. floor-smooth on and wall-smooth under enclosure silken [topic] stands, it at clothes closed [state], it behold place holy-meta there dread-causing at, it of mystery innermost. it left-of it right-of sit shapes night-dark [topic], man or woman or stone clothed or silent animals [comment]. ... When the awful stillness of the mystery was more than he could bear the man from the black-thatched cottage by the five pine-trees went up to the silk pavilion, and with a bold and nervous clutch of the hand drew one of the curtains aside, and saw the inner mystery, and laughed. keq'gxu sxu-i flaxnq-fja fjaxw-fwa miq-i dy-faj-fja nxiqn-i nu-loq i, rix'max-leq'ku-txaj hqun dxy-box i rq max-viq tu-i runx-zox tyn-mrax slix'ku-na o, kinq taxnq kurnx-box hqum-box rynq-i jiqlm-zox vlym hxy-i, kinq riqm-van keq'gxu-nxy-cox miq-i, kinq pym-vuj-zox. mystery of stillness awe-ful [topic] bearable-hardly [comment] time-which in, house-black pine five by from man [agent] go enclosure silken to, and taking courageous fearful by opens clothes [patient], and sees mystery-interior [topic], and laughs. ... And the prophecy was fulfilled, and Thlunrana was never more a terror to the valley, but the magicians passed away from their terrific halls and fled through the open fields wailing and beating their breasts, for laughter was the enemy that was doomed to come against Thlunrana through her southward gate (that was named the Gate of the Doom), and it is of the gods but dwells with man. kinq twax miq-i kxy jax-o, kinq "txlunrana-ram miq-i hqum-fwa daxn-box jax-o, kinq woqn sunx-keq'gxu-tla tu-i runx-zox rix'max-txy hqum-fwa rq pe runx-hqum-zox squn laxn-txaj ge ko, hqaxnq-zox pe feq'hqiq-ca rynq-i, woqj pym-vuj miq-i liqm-cox jax-i runx-zox nix'sax-za "txlunrana-ram on re hqim veq'ty ro (pq-loq miq-i veq'ty-gxeq'fu-fwa-ram niqm-i), kinq pq miq-i txeq'ku-zla sxu-i dxe max tyn-i. and prophecy [topic] true [state-becoming], and Thlunrana [topic] fearful no-more [state-becoming], and thus magicians [agent] go halls frightening from and go-fearing places roofless through, wail and torture-themselves doing, because laughter [topic] enemy [role] come by-fate Thlunrana to there south-in door through (which [topic] door-doomfear-cause [name]), and it [topic] god-[pl-set] [of] but men [located-at].