Terry Pratchett

Small Gods by Terry Pratchett is another of his Discworld series, which gradually improves in quality as it goes along (partly because, like Larry Niven in his Known Space stories, he doesn't stick with the same region of his invented world, or to the same set of characters, for more than one or two books). This one is set in a country neighboring the Greece-analogue and Egypt-analogue which figured prominently in Pyramids. It involves a state religion, a lowly novice in that religion, and a tortoise who claims to be the god incarnate. It's very good, better than many of the earlier Discworld novels in plot, thought and character, though perhaps slightly below average in number of laugh-out-loud jokes per page.

Pyramids by Terry Pratchett - good; part of his Discworld "series" (set on the same world, but don't have to be read in order). Lots of good satire both of historical Egypt and of silly New Age interpretations of Egypt, also good plot, characterization, and writing. About as good as his Guards! Guards! though different.

Wyrd Sisters and Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett. Two of the Discworld books; these two should be read in this order, though for most of the series reading order doesn't matter. Very funny throughout, sometimes profound.

Lords and Ladies is a later sequel about the same characters. It's notable for its clever reversal of the traditional high fantasy use of Faerie. (Neil Gaiman is also notable for this; much in Lords and Ladies reminded me of his Sandman short story "A Midsummer Night's Dream", in which young Wm. Shakespeare's playacting troupe puts on a play for some strange nobles out in the middle of nowhere.)

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