gjâ-zym-byn (gzb)
Lexicon (alphabetical)
- <mâ> hi ƴâ-kě'ĝu-zô
- to tail someone, follow them secretly
- <mâ> hi ƴâ-zô
- to follow someone (xref {ƴâ-gym-θaj-zô})
- <mâ> im sâŋ ĥy-i jĭm-fwa-zô
- to dialyze, to clean the blood of
- <mrâ> řŋ flu-ħa-van
- fluid leaks from <container> (xref {flu-tě'θru-van})
- <θĭw>-gam-ca
- to inject oneself with <name of drug>
- âθĭnz-gam
- Athens Pizza (Decatur, Ga.)
- -ba
- ambivalence attitudinal suffix
pow-šam-ķa kâ-i plĭr-van lěvkrâft-šam-ba ʝâr-i. Lovecraft was influenced by Poe.
- -baw
- derives words for phonemic features from example words containing two or more such phonemes
- bâ
- 0; the empty set; the number zero; nothing; no-one, nobody
tâ-tôl bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van, ŝǒj rě'ĵy bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van. I have no brothers- or sisters-in-law because I have no wife.
- bâl
- active hatred, malice, desire for vengeance (xref {gě'ĝu, vjum})
- bâm
- newness, youth, being of recent origin (xref {ĵĭn, šuŋ, cĭln})
( < Melayu 'baharu')
ƴâ-ĉa bâm-bô ĥy-i ƴâwn-ƥ-zô. She bought a new car on credit.
mluj i tyn-van mâ bâm-bô zej hân-bô. People of all ages from babies to old folks were at the small convention.
Ќ lĭw-i tâ-ma-bâm mĭ-i fâ-van pe pym-van. I love my baby cousin and find her amusing.
ɱ ŝâj-i râm-bâm mĭ-i gju-zô ķe juri-ram. Yuri talks too much about his kitten.
- bâm-cô-bô
- old; maljuna, malnova (xref {hân, pě'lâ, šy, dân, ƴu-źa-bô})
- bâm-pa
- the newest, latest member of some ongoing series
- bâm-vô
- innovation mark '-+>' (see orthography JPGs for better image)
- bâň
- allowance, permission (xref {dlu})
- bâň-cô-zô
- to forbid (same arg. structure as {bâň-zô})
- bâň-van
- to be allowed, permitted ({ʝâr-i} is permitted to do verb complement, or {hǒŋ} clause, or nominalized action in {mĭ-i} phrase
- bâň-zô
- to allow, permit ({tu-i} permits {ðĭ-i} to do action of verb complement or {hǒŋ} clause)
- bâwŋ
- growing, gestating, making, developing (organically, unconsciously; contrast deliberate {ķĭn} & {krĭ}); pregnancy
- bâwŋ-fwa
- fertile (of soil, etc.)
- bâwŋ-hôw-kô
- farm, plantation
- bâwŋ-hôw-zô
- to grow, farm (crops, flowers, trees etc.)
?ť wuŋ-i rî'mâ hij θĭl ĥy-i bâwŋ-hôw-ť-zô vǒm zǒn. You grow potatoes behind your house, don't you?
- bâwŋ-kô-ĵwa
- country, countryside, rural area
- bâwŋ-ŋĭw
- womb (less common than {ŝâm})
- bâwŋ-θaj-ga-van
- to gestate, incubate (of ideas, etc., that one thinks over off and on for a long while before implementing them); {ʝâr-i} incubates idea {mĭ-i}
- bâwŋ-θaj-van
- to grow, gestate (thing growing or gestating in {ʝâr-i} if animal/human, {mĭ-i} if plant, fungus, bacteria...)
mruň pǒ si bâwŋ-θaj-van heŋ ħun-tôn mĭ-i. Trees don't grow on top of that mountain.
- bâwŋ-van
- to gestate (e.g. mother {ʝâr-i} gestates baby {ĥy-i}); to grow, to be hospitable for the growth of (environment {mĭ-i} grows plants/animals {ĥy-i})
lyn-bly fy-bô gwe il ɱ im ŝâm iŋ mâ-bâm-la ĥy-i bâwŋ-van. She is seven months pregnant [the baby has been gestating in her womb for seven months already].
pwâŋ-la reŋ ĥy-i bâwŋ-van purj kǒ. A lot of clover grows around here.
- be
- maybe; possibly (re: one's plans) (xref {še})
- be-le
- probably (of plans, intentions) (xref {le, be, še})
- be-tǒj
- chance, uncertainty, possibility, probability (of one's plans, or events partially within one's control; xref {čulm}, {še-tǒj})
- be-tǒj-van
- to be possible, probable (of speaker's own future uncertain actions); same arg. structure as {še-tǒj-van}
- belm
- particle indicating ironic/sarcastic intent (xref {tǒlm})
( < suggested by Thomas Alexander)
ƥ ty-i ty-van râm fy-bô gle belm. Seven cats live at her house -- enough, I should think.
ƥ lĭw-i lĭm belm sǒ tu-i ƥ ŝu-i sĭŋ-kě'ĝu mĭ-i sĭŋ-flu-kô ki lju-θaj-zô. A "friend" of his wrote about his secrets all over the Internet.
twâ-zô Φǒ {pwĭ-van belm.} vĭj-lǒ-šar Ќ cim šâ-ŋĭw ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô rjuŋ-zô. "This is delightful!" I said, as the dragon ate my left arm.
- bě'gru
- beaver (Castor)
- bě'jâ
- bay (tree)
( < English)
- bě'lâm
- embarrassment (at violated privacy) (xref {mwĭň, ķĭw})
bě'lâm jâ-o mî'rĭj gân-šar bĭm-ĵwa oŋ ruŋ-zô ₣âl-bô ƥ lĭw-i kyn-ŝâm-ba, vĭj lǒ i bĭm-šyj-mâ iŋ šyj-ƥ-ca. Mary became embarrassed because her mother barged into the bathroom while she was in the bathtub.
bě'lâm ðe mwĭň mĭ-i dlâw-Ł-van dî'fu-zô. One must distinguish embarrassment at violated privacy from embarrassment at talking about emotionally sensitive subjects.
- bě'lâm-sô
- shy, easily embarassed (xref {ŝĭ-sô, kurŋ-cô})
- bě'lâm-θaj
- embarrassment at having (accidentally?) violated someone else's privacy
- bě'lě'du
- velvet
( < Melayu 'beledu')
- bě'nân
- banana
( < English)
- bě'nân-ŋô
- potassium
- bě'rîn'ku
- sheep (mammals of genus Ovis); xref {byj-tôn}
( < Polsku 'baranku')
- bě'rîn'ku-ĵĭn-šam
- (Charles, Mary) Lamb
- bě'tâ
- beet (plants of genus Beta)
( < Latin)
- bi
- north of
- bij
- north-at-near
fî'suň bij fu-cu pân-kwa kâ-i fjâw-van ser'ě-ram. Sarah is in awe of the Aurora Borealis.
- bil
- north-at-through
- bim
- north-at-part.of
- bin
- north-at-contact
- biŋ
- north-at-inside
- bĭm
- tub, sink, etc.; drained container
- bĭm šyj-ca-paj
- bathtub
- bĭm-cô
- a container that "drains" gases upward; fireplace/chimney, teakettle, pressure cooker
- bĭm-cô-pî'râ
- fireplace and chimney
Ќ kâ-i rĭm-zô ĵyn-ta bĭm-cô-pî'râ vi râm. The cat in front of the fireplace gazed at me with disinterest.
- bĭm-cô-tě'nju
- teakettle
- bĭm-ĵwa
- bathroom, restroom (xref {šyj-ca-kô, vâ-řŋ-kô})
bě'lâm jâ-o mî'rĭj gân-šar bĭm-ĵwa oŋ ruŋ-zô ₣âl-bô ƥ lĭw-i kyn-ŝâm-ba, vĭj lǒ i bĭm-šyj-mâ iŋ šyj-ƥ-ca. Mary became embarrassed because her mother barged into the bathroom while she was in the bathtub.
- bĭm-pwĭm-daj
- bathtub [nonce, prefer {bĭm-šyj-mâ}]
- bĭm-šyj-mâ
- bathtub, shower stall
- bĭm-šyj-vâ-oŋ-ĉa
- dishwashing sink
- bĭm-vâ-kar
- colander
- bĭm-vâ-řŋ
- toilet, water closet, bidet
- bĭŋ
- existence, realness, actuality (xref {ķy, mu})
( < Deutsch 'ich bin')
- bĭŋ-o
- coming into existence, being created out of nothing
- bĭŋ-van
- to exist
ljâw pe câŋ kin θlu gǒ; bĭŋ-van heŋ pjylm. There is a fuzzy boundary between observational science and experimental science; no sharp boundary exists.
- bĭr
- beer, ale
( < English)
- bĭr-ʝa
- spilled beer
- bĭr-ĵwa
- bar, saloon
- bĭw
- sorrow, grief, regret (esp. over a great loss); xref {ʝyrŋ}
ƴum-zô bĭw-van sě'râ. Sarah feigned sorrow.
- bĭw-i
- for sorrow over
- bir
- far to the north of
- bî'djĭl
- granite
- bî'duň
- nasal passages, sinuses, nostrils
- bî'duň-oŋ-zô
- to squirt/spray something into one's sinuses
- bî'lym
- apple
- bî'wu
- splashing (xref {pyw, flu})
vlě'tâ oŋ bly-ca bî'wu-bô rî'nâ, wǒj mâ kâ-i rĭm-van. The frog jumped splashing into the pond because he saw a human.
- bîn'zĭ
- gasoline
( < E-o 'benzino')
- bjâ
- acronym, abbreviation, initialism
- bjyň
- grapefruit
- bjyň-tôn
- fruit; archaically, any edible part of a plant (xref {θĭl-tôn, slĭn-tôn})
- blâl
- annoyance, frustration, exasperation
fĭm-hôw-tla ðy-bô muw-i ĉu-ĉu-bô ʝâr-i blâl-van ŋî'bĭ fĭw-bô mĭ-i. Four out of five doctors get annoyed at made-up statistics.
- blâl-vuj-zô
- to blow off steam re: frustration, throw a tantrum
- ble
- others, rest, remainder (xref {ʝǒ})
ŝrĭ-bô ŋĭn-i twâ-θy mĭ-i, gâ-lǒ ķĭn-o Φyr {-ga, -cjaj} pe ble syj-i. Words which are formed with the suffixes "-ga", "-cjaj" etc. are idiomatic.
nu lǒ i jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ kwǒ ʝâr-i, jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ ble kiň mwĭl-ŝra jâ-o le. When someone yawns, other people yawn and tend to get sleepy.
- blě'mĭm
- indecisive lethargy; feeling overwhelmed by the tasks before one; acedia (xref {ĝĭj, Φân})
- blě'mĭm-kwâwn
- sleepy lethargy; nonce, prefer {blě'mĭm-Φân}
- blě'mĭm-Φân
- sleepy lethargy; strong inclination to go to sleep now rather than do some task one needs to do first
- blě'tâ
- cockroach (insects of order Blattaria)
( < Latin)
- blĭn
- tight, strict, strait, narrow
vlym-srĭw kǒ iŋ ðu-van tyn-ca ver heŋ; blĭn-te-van ķe. I can't fit into these pants anymore; they're too tight.
rî'mâ ĉu-bô pǒ ki tyn mĭ-i blĭn-van mě'tyr dâ-bô jĭrn-i. The space between those two houses is three meters wide.
- blĭn-cô
- loose, fitting loosely (xref {wĭm-rô})
- blur
- freshwater fish
- bly
- flying, falling, orbit, ballistic motion (xref {tě'θru}); orbital period [suffixoid]
( < helenike 'ballo')
- bly-bô
- orbiting, in orbit
- bly-ca
- to jump, leap
vlě'tâ oŋ bly-ca bî'wu-bô rî'nâ, wǒj mâ kâ-i rĭm-van. The frog jumped splashing into the pond because he saw a human.
ĵârn-ca šĭl tu-i, že ði hǒŋ mâ o bly-ca kiň ħulŋ-zô. The snake coils before it strikes.
- bly-čârm
- juggling
- bly-čârm-zô
- to juggle
- bly-fî'suň
- Earth-orbit; year (prefer {fî'suň-bly})
- bly-ly-ĉa
- spaceship
- bly-ly-zô
- space travel, ballistic motion with occasional ejection of reaction mass to adjust course/accelerate/decelerate
- bly-pwĭm
- rain
- bly-pwĭm-kô
- waterfall (xref {sĭ-ʝa})
- bly-van
- to fall, orbit, fly (without control)
fî'suň ĉi ŝwe bly-van lyn. The moon orbits the Earth.
- bly-van mâw-pwĭm-ðuŋ
- hail is falling
- bly-van pwĭm
- it's raining
ju-ðe-tĭm jĭrn-i še-tǒj-van ðǒŋ ĉě'θâ kǒ i bly-van pwĭm. There is a 29% chance it will rain today.
- bly-zô
- to throw, toss; ĵeti
pě'pâ Φy-tan reŋ ĥy-i vâm-zô krĭ-tla kiň kyl-Φy oŋ bly-zô. The artist crumpled up many waste papers and threw them in the trash can.
- bo
- north-to
- boj
- north-to-near
- bol
- north-to-through
- bom
- north-to-part.of
- bon
- north-to-contact
- boŋ
- north-to-inside
- bǒ
- if (events within the speaker's control; archaically, referred to unknown or future conditions) (xref {ĉǒ}, {kwoň}, {dlen})
bǒ gjâ-krĭ kǒ syj-i zym-gju-zô, wǒn nul mĭ-i wlâ-van mâ ble. If I think aloud in this conlang, other people will be surprised at the sound of it.
- bor
- north-to-far
- -bô
- derive adjective from quality noun
- brâl
- certain, sure, confident (of some belief) (xref {kĭ}, {kĭ-ķy})
- brâl-cô
- uncertainty, tentativeness (xref {ĵrĭw, Φĭwm})
- brâl-cô-ķy-van
- to doubt, be uncertain of a proposition's truth
- brâl-cô-vô
- uncertainty mark '?>' (see orthography JPGs for better image)
- brâl-faj
- ascertainable, knowable, certain, sure; something one can be confident about (of assertions or beliefs) (xref {ķy})
- brâl-gâw-zô
- to be/become certain about a plan or proposal (xref {vy}); most often used in negative
- brâl-van
- to believe, be certain, be positive about; {ʝâr-i} is certain about {hǒŋ} clause
- brě'zĭm
- dismay at realizing someone has misunderstood what you've said
Ќ dâm-ř ŋĭn lâŋ-bô ši, twâ-θaj-ƥ-zô kiň brě'zĭm-Ќ-van. After my long explanation, she replied, and I felt dismay at realizing she'd misunderstood what I'd said.
- brěj'sĭ
- cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
( < Latin)
- brĭ
- daytime
- brĭ-zâň
- subjective daytime: the period when one is up and about (xref {gě'dĭm})
- bř
- north-from
- břj
- north-from-near
- břl
- north-from-through
- břm
- north-from-part.of
- břn
- north-from-contact
- břŋ
- north-from-inside
- břr
- north-from-far
- bu
- phrase (verb with optional modifiers, or nominal terminated by {čur})
- bu čur-ža
- postpositional phrase
- bu gun-tan
- noun phrase
- bu-cjaj
- verb phrase (archaic; prefer {bu-kyr})
- bu-ŝrĭ
- idiom, kenning
- bujŋ
- bouncing, rebounding
( < English 'boing')
- bujŋ-nul
- echo
mruň řn bujŋ-nul-van twâ. The words echoed off the side of the mountain.
- bujŋ-nul-ga-zô
- to repeat what someone has just said
- buln
- position, orientation, configuration [can rework {jâ-twâl-srĭw} etc with this?]
- buln-ca
- to arrange oneself, position oneself, adjust one's posture etc. (with {ĥy-i} object: alter the position of a specific body part); xref {ʝĭl}
- buln-ga
- position, situation (metaph.; as in "in a false position", "positioning oneself in the market") [maybe replace with something less Englishesque]
- buln-zô
- to arrange, position, orientate ({tu-i} (re)arranges {ĥy-i}) (xref {tyn-zô})
- buŋ
- gĭl-sĭŋ; bit (0 or 1)
- buw
- scale, size, dimensions; ĝĭ, hum, ŋy, ƴu
- buw-faj
- scalable, resizable
- buw-zô
- to resize, rescale
- bwĭl
- giving, donating; gift, donation (xref {₣yjm, fwĭ-cô-zô})
- bwĭl-cô-tla
- thief, bandit, robber, burglar, pirate
- bwĭl-cô-zô
- to steal, thieve, rob (xref {wuŋ-dô})
- bwĭl-môj
- to exchange gifts, copies of data, etc.
- bwĭl-syj-kô twâ-cu-ĵwa
- lending library
- bwĭl-syj-zô
- to lend (xref {tâl, ƴâwn-θaj-zô, tâň-syj-zô})
( < calque of Ceqli 'zudon' (which I suggested to Rex F. May))
twâ-cu kǒ ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o bwĭl-syj-zô luk-ram tu-i. Luke loaned me this book.
- bwĭl-θaj-syj-zô
- to borrow (xref {ƴâwn})
- bwĭl-θaj-tla
- thief, bandit, robber, burglar [archaic, deprecated; prefer {bwĭl-cô-tla}]
- bwĭl-θaj-van
- to receive as a gift
- bwĭl-θaj-zô
- to steal, thieve, rob [archaic, deprecated; prefer {bwĭl-cô-zô}]
- bwĭl-ƴĭ
- almsgiving; making gifts/donations as a form of penance (xref {ĵâŋ, ĵâŋ-tôn, ryň-ƴĭ})
- bwĭl-zô
- to give, donate
mâ-ĵĭn dâ-bô rew ŝâj-o sî'nĭn ĥy-i bwĭl-zô. I gave an orange apiece to the three children.
- bwĭl-zô žâj-dô-hôw
- to bribe ({tu-i} gives gift {ĥy-i} to {ŝâj-o} to tempt them to do something wrong)
kĭ-ĝâ-tla ŝâj-o dě'lâr vyŋ-bô ĥy-i bwĭl-zô žâj-dô-hôw antonij-ram-ħa. Antony bribed the judge ten thousand dollars.
- by
- air
- by-daj
- atmosphere
- by-flu
- wind (xref {mlĭr-by, ĥě'ĵuŋ})
- by-flu-da
- windy, blustery (of immediate environment, weather; xref {by-flu-sô})
- by-flu-dô
- upwind
- by-flu-ja
- downwind
- by-flu-sô
- windy (of broader environment, climate; xref {by-flu-da})
- by-flu-źa
- strong, blustery wind
- by-ĵwa-cô
- vacuum; airless space
- by-kwa
- completely transparent, invisible
- by-ŋô
- nitrogen
- by-tan
- gaseous (state)
- by-tôn
- gas (matter in gaseous state; xref {bîn'zĭ, sî'kwâ})
- byj
- cows, cattle, zebu, gaur, bison, wisent, yak, aurochs; genus Bos
( < Latin)
- byj lî'klâ-ŝa
- dairy cattle
- byj-cjaj
- domestic cattle (Bos taurus)
- byj-tôn
- mammals of family Bovidae: cattle, sheep, goats, deer, elk, etc.
- byn
- tinkering, exploring, poking into something; hacking
- byn-gě'dĭm-ca vjurm-paj
- adjusting your sleep cycle to match people you're visiting
- byn-i
- tinkering with, hacking at, poking into (optionally substitutes for {ĥy-i} or {krĭ-o} or {ķĭn-o} with some verbs to express playful creativity of action)
- byn-ʝĭ-zô
- to hack code, to write code intently but playfully
- byn-krĭ-zô
- to edit, revise (a document e.g.)
- byn-zô
- to tinker with, poke into, hack; to revise, edit (of a written work) (xref more specific {byn-ʝĭ-zô})
hâ-gla zej ħy-gla i gjâ kǒ ĥy-i byn-zô. I tinkered with this language from 5pm to 7pm.
θuň-bâm krĭ-o lju-θaj-zô kiň te ĥy-i byn-zô. I am writing and revising a new story.
- byn-žâj-ŋĭw
- examination of conscience
- byn-žĭŋ-pja
- magic-hacker; an informal term for a wizard or sorcerer (xref {suŋ-kě'ĝu-tla})
- -ca
- reflexive verb suffix
Ќ cim jyr im twâl-θaj ĥy-i ĉârn-ca, wǒj čun-ƥ-van. I scratch my left elbow because it itches.
- câ
- trying, attempting, striving; effort, work (xref {ĥân})
- câ-ðân-zô
- to compete; to try to win in some game or more serious conflict
- câ-ra-sô
- persistent, perseverant, stubborn
- câ-ra-zô
- to repeatedly try, to persevere (xref near-synonym {câ-vĭj-zô})
- câ-tru-zô
- to hunt, search for, try to find (xref {rě'ju, rjâ})
- câ-vĭj-sô
- persistent, stubborn, obstinate (w.r.t. projects, tasks) (xref {žâ})
- câ-vĭj-zô
- to persistently try, persevere at, keep trying (with verb complement)
- câ-zô
- to try, attempt, strive to do [auxiliary verb]
ħĭn-kô řŋ câ-zô ruŋ-kě'ĝu-zô ħĭn-ta-zwa srǒ. Several would-be escapees tried to sneak out of the prison.
- câ-zô hǒŋ ~~~ źǒ
- try not to ~~~, try to avoid ~~~
- câŋ
- experimental science (xref {ljâw, źĭ})
ljâw pe câŋ kin θlu gǒ; bĭŋ-van heŋ pjylm. There is a fuzzy boundary between observational science and experimental science; no sharp boundary exists.
- câŋ-bly
- ballistics
- câŋ-dô
- violating the validity of an experiment
- câŋ-gjâ
- experimental linguistics (_The Embedding_, Lojban, Ithkuil, gzb...)
- câŋ-gju
- rhetoric
- câŋ-kô
- laboratory, place where experimental science is done
- câŋ-še-tǒj
- statistics, probability study
- câŋ-ŝĭw-kě'ĝu
- alchemy
- câŋ-ŝĭw-žĭŋ
- alchemy, potion-making
- câŋ-žĭŋ
- experimental magic
- ce
- this, that (event or situation just mentioned)
ðu-van ƴeŋ ce kâ-i hî'mâr-van. I can barely understand that.
ƥ ŝu-i mwĭň kâ-i žâw-van, wǒn ce mĭ-ř gju-zô. I saw she was embarrassed, so I changed the subject.
- ce mĭ-i dlu-Ќ-van heŋ kun-van
- it's none of my business; lit. I have no right to know this
- cě'dru
- cedar
( < English)
- cě'ku
- aleph-null, countable infinity
- cě'ku-gla i
- on the first of Never
- cě'râj
- maple (trees and shrubs of genus Acer)
( < Latin)
- ci
- left of
- cij
- left-at-near
- cil
- left-at-through
- cim
- left-at-part.of
Ќ cim jyr im twâl-θaj ĥy-i ĉârn-ca, wǒj čun-ƥ-van. I scratch my left elbow because it itches.
gě'dĭm mje θǒ i Ќ cim zjâm-ny ĥy-i ĥâ-ca. I cut my left little toe yesterday.
- cin
- left-at-contact
- ciŋ
- left-at-inside
- cĭ
- 1; one (xref {zu, cy}); an individual, an item
- cĭ pe cĭ ru-i
- one by one, one at a time
- cĭ-za
- unified, united
- cĭln
- new (not yet/just now read, viewed, heard, learned, etc. by the speaker); strange, unfamiliar, ~unknown (xref {bâm, šuŋ, ĵĭn})
šuŋ-cô ŋĭn-i gwe twâ-cu pǒ, mǒj cĭln-van ver. I've owned that book for a while, but I still haven't read it.
- cĭln-cô-bô
- already read, seen, heard, etc.; known, familiar (xref {kun})
twâ-cu cĭln-cô-bô srǒ ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô. I bought several books I'd already read.
- cĭln-θaj
- naivete, inexperience, ignorance, virginity (usually with respect to a specific experience or a work of art one hasn't read/seen/heard etc.)
- cĭln-θaj-van
- to be naive, inexperienced, ignorant (in general; or {ʝâr-i} is inexperienced with respect to {mĭ-i})
- cĭm
- care, worry, anxiety, emotional involvement, more-than-intellectual interest (xref {fâ, šu})
?cĭm-van srem belm. What, me worry?
- cĭm-cô
- unseriousness, flippancy, informality, carelessness, uncaring, a casual attitude toward something (xref {žu-cô-bô})
- cĭm-van
- to care about, take seriously, be involved in ({ʝâr-i} cares about {mĭ-i}); xref {šu}, {žu}
- cĭw
- tube; hose; pipe (xref {₣ĭŋ, θym})
- cĭw-ga
- go-between, delegate, representative, agent, intermediary; importer, translator; interface, connecting layer between two computer systems
- cĭw-ga syj-paj
- user interface
- cĭw-ga-i
- translated by (xref {cĭw-ga-ř})
- cĭw-ga-ř
- translated by, mediated by (xref {dâm-ř})
dante-ram dâm-ř sejřz-šam cĭw-ga-ř {rum-kô} kâ-i lju-zô. I am reading "Paradise" by Dante, translated by [Dorothy] Sayers.
- cĭw-ga-zô
- peri; act as agent or intermediary for someone (xref {θĭ})
- cĭw-julŋ
- skirt (xref {sĭlm})
- cĭw-jyr
- sleeve (of shirt, coat etc.)
- cĭw-lĭn
- connecting tube, adapter from one tubing system to another
- cĭw-Φyln
- urethra
- cĭw-rĭm-ĉa
- endoscope
- cĭw-vâ pě'ljy-na
- g-tube (archaic, prefer {vâ-oŋ-ĉa})
- cir
- far to the left of
- cî'jyr
- squirrel, chipmunk, marmot, prairie dog, etc.; family Sciuridae
( < Latin)
tlě'Φĭ ĥy-i fwĭ-zô cî'jyr. The squirrel collects acorns, pine cones and so forth.
- cî'jyr-syrm
- chipmunk
- cî'tĭr
- styrofoam & like plastics (xref {pě'ljy})
- cî'trun
- lemon (hybrid fruit of tree of species Citrus limon)
( < E-o)
- cî'trun-gôm
- lemonade
- cî'trun-rô
- sour (taste)
- cî'trun-tôn
- citrus tree/fruit
- cî'trun-tôn-vrĭm
- lime
- cî'tu
- i (square root of -1)
- cîn'mĭ
- cinnamon
( < English)
- -cjaj
- specialized subclass of ~
- cluŋ
- repaying good for evil
ť lĭw-i tu-bâl kâ-i gy-ť-zô mwe; ɱ ĥy-i cluŋ-zô, mâ lǒ tu-i ť ĥy-i ħulŋ-zô. Love those who hate you; do good to those who injure you.
- cluŋ-cô
- revenge, retaliation, avenging; striking back (xref {sî'ðyr, ðân, bâl})
- cluŋ-cô-cu
- vendetta, feud
- cluŋ-cô-zô
- to take revenge, to avenge; {tu-i} takes revenge upon {ĥy-i} and/or avenges {mĭ-i} or takes revenge for event in {mĭ-šar} clause
- co
- left-to
- coj
- left-to-near
- col
- left-to-through
- com
- left-to-part.of
- con
- left-to-contact
- coŋ
- left-to-inside
- cǒ
- few, little, not much (count or mass); a few times, rarely; for a short time (xref {fe}, {srǒ})
kuln reŋ gǒ, mǒj lĭm cǒ zen. Acquaintances are many, friends are few.
- cǒ pe cǒ
- little by little; a few at a time; incrementally
- cor
- left-to-far
- -cô
- opposite, reverse, contradictory quality; reversive action
- čâ
- swimming
- čâ-ŋĭw
- fin, flipper (of fish, marine mammal, etc.)
- čâj
- čî'ŋĭ-vĭ řŋ zjâm-vĭ ol ŝĭw ðu-fru-fwa; hî'pym-tôn řŋ ŝĭw ₣um-bô
fân řŋ čâj ĥy-i tâň-zô de pî'dâ pe Φĭlm. Bees and butterflies take pollen from flowers.
- čâl
- rite, ritual, ceremony (xref {hĭj, tî'šâ})
- čâl dân-žar-za
- funeral
- čâl kâ-byn-za
- Scrutiny (one of the rites of RCIA)
- čâl rě'ĵy-tôn-žar-za
- wedding, marriage ceremony (xref {hĭj-rě'ĵy})
- čâl ruŋ-fwa
- Rite of Sending (RCIA)
- čâl-dân-žar-kô
- funeral home
- čâl-dul-kru
- the Veneration of the Cross (on Good Friday)
- čâl-kru
- the Veneration of the Cross (on Good Friday); xref {čâl-dul-kru}
- čâl-pwĭm
- baptism (in a low-church Protestant conception, where it's not a sacrament in the strict sense); ritual washing (xref {hĭj-pwĭm})
- čâl-pwĭm-lô
- Baptist
- čâl-žĭŋ
- magic ritual
- čâl-zuň-cô-žar-kô
- funeral home (nonce, prefer {čâl-dân-žar-kô})
- čârm
- wave, waveform (esp. in water, other liquids)
- čârm sin ƴĭln-zô
- to surf, to ride waves
- čârm-tan
- rhythmic, periodic (xref {čârm-tôn})
- čârm-tôn
- rhythm (music); periodic/rhythmic phenomena, anything described with the same sine/cosine curves as waves (xref suffix {-ra})
- če
- conjunction which reverses word order
- čě'nuŋ
- shoulder (area above/just behind arm joint)
- čě'nuŋ-θaj
- armpit
- čě'wĭr
- forearm
- čěl'wân
- chickpeas, garbanzo beans
- čĭ
- copying (xref {ŋĭr}; archaically also = {čĭ-Φa})
- čĭ-gâm-ĉa
- scanner, photocopier
- čĭ-ŋy-zô
- to upload, download; copy over a distance
- čĭ-Φa
- a copy of something
- čĭ-ř
- from, copied from, extracted from, quoted from
źu-van, hǒŋ ķĭw-van palij-ram hǒŋ Ќ dâm-ř θuň čĭ-ř syj-zô lju-θaj-zô dlu-ta. I hope Polly is ashamed of herself for copying my story without permission.
- čĭ-zô
- to copy, make a copy of; to upload, download ({tu-i} copies {kâ-i}, produces copy {ķĭn-i})
- čĭ-zô ķuj-cô-hôw
- to make backups of data
- čĭ-zym-ŋĭw ryň-ĉa mâ-rô
- uploaded mind; AI based closely on a specific person's mind
- čĭm
- chocolate
- čĭm-kwa
- dark brown (xref {θĭl-kwa})
- čĭn
- to stick, prick, poke (with something sharp)
- čĭn-ĉa
- needle, pin, dart, arrow, etc.
- čĭn-ĉa bly-paj
- dart, javelin, arrow, spear; sharp projectile
- čĭn-ĉa sî'ðyr-paj
- spear, pike
- čĭn-ĉa-rô
- sharp [might want something terser?]
- čĭn-ħulŋ-zô
- to sting (of bees, wasps, etc.); to stab, to spear, to cause injury by poking someone with a sharp weapon
- čĭn-ŋĭw
- thorn; tusk; horn; stinger
- čĭn-ŝâ-zô
- to inject, esp. into muscle/fat (also, sometimes simply {ŝâ-zô}); xref {ŝĭn-oŋ-zô}
- čĭwm
- pattern, model, paradigm, regex, stylesheet, template... (xref {šĭm, cwĭn})
- čĭwm-čyw
- constellation, a pattern of stars as seen from a certain point
- čĭwm-fĭ
- phonotactics of a particular language; syllable pattern
ŋe ŝu-i čĭwm-fĭ gân-ř hĭ-van ðǒŋ gjâ-zym-byn syj-i twâ-mlulm krĭ-o Ł tu-i. Because of its phonotactics, it is is difficult to write palindromes in gzb.
- čĭwm-gjâ
- grammar, morphosyntax (of a specific language)
- čĭwm-kyr
- verb paradigm, inflection pattern
- čĭwm-sĭŋ
- format, pattern for formatting or marking up data (xref {ʝĭ-čĭwm})
- čĭwm-twâ
- meter (of poetry, e.g.); noncely, syntax
- čĭwm-θuň
- plot, narrative structure (at a high level of abstraction, e.g. Boy Meets Girl or The Man Who Learned Better)
- čî'ŋĭ
- ŋĭw ŝĭw-grâm-ŝa
- čî'ny
- stairs, staircase, stairway
čî'ny so pe θo ƴâ-ƥ-zô ķĭm-bô. She walks up and down stairs for exercise.
- čî'ny-θô
- ladder [? or maybe need something clearer]
- čî'ny-θy
- step, rung (of ladder or stair)
- čîm'pâw
- mulberry tree (nonce, prefer {mîr'su})
- čuj
- sending, commissioning (someone, on an errand/mission; xref {grâm-zô, ₣yjm})
- čuj-cô-zô
- to summon someone, request/command them to come
- čuj-grâm-zô
- to send a message via a messenger; {tu-i} sends emissary {ĥy-i} to say something to {ŋâw-o}, content of message in {mĭ-i} phrase or {Φǒ} or {hǒŋ} clause
- čuj-zô
- to send (someone); {tu-i} sends person {ĥy-i} to place {o} for purpose in {kujm-o} pp. or {kujm-šar} clause
ru lǒ i Ќ ĥy-i čuj-zô mje kyn-ķa tu-i, ru kǒ i ť ĥy-i čuj-Ќ-zô gǒ. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.
- čulm
- randomness, unpredictability
- čulm-bô
- random, unpredictable, non-deterministic, stochastic; randomly, by chance, by lot (xref {še-tǒj}, {sâr-cô})
- čulm-ta
- deterministic, predictable
- čun
- itching; irritation, esp. of skin
Ќ cim jyr im twâl-θaj ĥy-i ĉârn-ca, wǒj čun-ƥ-van. I scratch my left elbow because it itches.
- čun-ga
- distraction, a thing that distracts one (xref {kâ-dô, Φân})
- čun-ga-zô
- to distract, to irritate ({tu-i} distracts {ĥy-i})
- čur
- postposition, case marker
- čyw
- sun, star (incandescent mass of hydrogen etc. undergoing fusion; xref {pî'râ-ga})
- čyw zryŋ-na
- Golden Sun (Chinese restaurant in Athens, Ga.)
- čyw-cu
- binary or other multi-star system
- čyw-cu-źa
- galaxy, star cluster
- čyw-daj kiŋ ruŋ-źa
- Star Trek
- čyw-daj kiŋ sî'ðyr-źa-cu
- Star Wars
- čyw-ʝǒ-dal
- alien, extrasolar (originating in another star system)
bab-ram sim šĭm-ŋĭw iŋ tyn-van gâ-zuň-ĥun čyw-ʝǒ-dal. There is an alien symbiont in Bob's brain.
- cř
- left-from
- cřj
- left-from-near
- cřl
- left-from-through
- cřm
- left-from-part.of
- cřn
- left-from-contact
- cřŋ
- left-from-inside
- cřr
- left-from-far
- cu
- complex system; organized group (xref {daj, zla}) [suffixoid]
Φě'ĥu-cu mĭ-i krĭ-gâm-zô tam-ke-ser'ě-ram. Tom and Sarah painted a picture of a herd of elephants.
- cu-rô
- complex, confunctional; emergent, synergetic, resulting from a combination (xref {ŝrĭ})
- cu-rô-cô
- simple, uncomplex, uncomplicated (xref {θy-tan, jĭm, gĭ-rô})
- cu-rô-fwa-zô
- to complicate, to complexify
- cu-rô-tǒj
- synergy, systemic complexity
- cu-sĭŋ
- data structure (hypernym of {sĭŋ-kwĭ, sĭŋ-kwĭ-ma, kyl-cu-ga})
- cu-zuň
- nature, the natural world, ecology (xref {hu}, {mu})
- cwĭn
- arithmetic, calculation, figuring, reckoning (xref {drĭ-ŋî'bĭ-zô})
- cwĭn-dô
- arithmetic error
- cwĭn-gu-pja
- vote counter
- cwĭn-gu-zô
- to count ballots/votes
- -ĉa
- ilo; tool with which one does ~ (xref {ha})
- ĉâ
- intelligent; clever; smart (xref {ĵlân, ƴulm)
- ĉâ jâ-o mwe
- Get Smart (tv series, film)
- ĉâm
- evolutionary, gradual, continuous change (xref {₣âl, ĝâj, jâ-ʝǒ-žar})
- ĉâm-kwĭ im du
- one version of a series, one stage in a process of change (xref {ŋĭr})
- ĉâm-ta-fwa-zô
- to fix, stabilize; to freeze a code base; to baseline a design
- ĉârn
- scratching, scraping, rubbing, scrubbing (xref {źum, ƴĭln})
- ĉârn-ĉa vě'ty-rĭm-paj
- windshield wiper
- ĉârn-la-zô
- to massage
- ĉârn-θô-zô
- to sweep (a floor, e.g.); to brush lightly (xref {źum}); to gently rub, massage (xref {ĉârn-la-zô})
- ĉârn-zô
- to scratch, to scrape; to rub, wipe, scrub; (with {ŝĭw-i} argument) to spread or smear something on a surface (xref {źum, ƴĭln})
Ќ cim jyr im twâl-θaj ĥy-i ĉârn-ca, wǒj čun-ƥ-van. I scratch my left elbow because it itches.
pwě'tĭln ŝĭw-i mluŋ ĥy-i ĉârn-ť-zô mwe. Spread the jelly on the bread.
swyŋ sin ĥy-i ĉârn-ť-zô šyj-zô mwe. Scrub the table surface clean.
- ĉâw
- chow-chow (spicy southern relish)
- ĉe
- concatenation conjunction (forms strings of non-mathematical digits like telephone numbers)
- ĉě'kil
- before, during and after (time); around and among/within (space)
- ĉě'lĭl
- e (2.71828182845904523536...)
- ĉě'my
- slope
- ĉě'my-dô
- uphill, upslope
- ĉě'my-ja
- downhill, downslope
- ĉě'my-ta
- flat (of terrain; horizontal and non-hilly. xref {jĭ}, {swyŋ-rô})
- ĉě'θâ
- day (mlĭr-fî'suň; 24-hr cycle of Earth's rotation) (xref {gě'dĭm, brĭ})
ju-ðe-tĭm jĭrn-i še-tǒj-van ðǒŋ ĉě'θâ kǒ i bly-van pwĭm. There is a 29% chance it will rain today.
- ĉě'θâ brĭ-nî'šĭm-sâm-ža
- equinox [can I tersen this?]
- ĉě'θâ brĭ-sra-ža
- summer solstice, Midsummer Day
- ĉě'θâ dâ-dâ-bô il rî'zrĭ-tôn
- novena (sequence of prayers prayed over the course of nine days)
- ĉě'θâ nî'šĭm-sra-ža
- winter solstice, Midwinter Day
- ĉi
- around, surrounding (xref {ŝwe} and see syntax doc)
ƴâ-ĉa syj-ta-i âtlântě-wam ĉi šun kiŋ ðu-Ł-van ƴeŋ ruŋ-zô. One can hardly get around in the Atlanta suburbs without a car.
huw-faj ŋĭn-i ƥ ĉi purj mĭ-i, mǒj huw-ƥ-van heŋ. Their circumstances might make them happy, but they aren't happy.
fî'suň ĉi ŝwe bly-van lyn. The moon orbits the Earth.
- ĉij
- around-at-near
- ĉil
- around-at-through
- ĉim
- around-at-part.of
- ĉin
- around-at-contact
- ĉiŋ
- around-at-inside
- ĉĭ
- sort, type, kind, class, variety, species (xref {muw, rjym}; TO DO need to clarify usage distinction further...); class (in object-oriented programming)
- ĉĭ-fuw
- data type of a variable
- ĉĭ-nǒ-bô
- what kind of?
- ĉĭ-nǒ-van
- what kind is {mĭ-i}?
- ĉĭ-twâ-θy tâň-θaj-faj
- open class of words (in a given language)
- ĉir
- far from, on all sides of
- ĉî'hyln
- tomato
- ĉlum
- the way kittens play with curtains, batting them with their paws etc.
( < Glossolalia game)
- ĉo
- around-to
- ĉoj
- around-to-near
- ĉol
- around-to-through
- ĉom
- around-to-part.of
- ĉon
- around-to-contact
šyj-ƥ-ca, nu-šar pwĭm-da jâ-ř vlym-ca kiň ƥ im θâŋ ĉon vlym ĥy-i ĵârn-zô. He bathed himself, then dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist.
vlym oŋ tyn-ca šej Ќ ĉon vlym ĥy-i tyn-zô. I put myself into clothes, or surround myself with clothes.
- ĉoŋ
- around-to-inside
- ĉǒ
- if (events outside the speaker's control, incl. counterfactuals and things that have already happened that the speaker doesn't yet know about; archaically, referred only to counterfactual conditions) (xref {bǒ}, {kwoň}, {šelm}, {dlen})
- ĉor
- around-to-far
- ĉř
- around-from
- ĉřj
- around-from-near
- ĉřl
- around-from-through
- ĉřm
- around-from-part.of
- ĉřn
- around-from-contact
- ĉřŋ
- around-from-inside
- ĉřr
- around-from-far
- ĉu
- 2; two; a pair, duet, duo
fâ-môj ƥ-ĉu. They love each other.
- ĉu-bô
- two of
- ĉu-ĉu
- 4; four
- ĉu-ĉu-ĉu
- 8; eight
- ĉu-dâ
- 6; six
- ĉu-fy
- 14; fourteen
- ĉu-gâr
- 20; twenty
- ĉu-gâr-tĭm-ĉu-dâ
- 2006
- ĉu-ŋla
- Monday
- ĉu-pa
- second
- ĉu-rô
- integer, integral (of numbers)
- ĉu-vô
- digit '2'
- ĉu-za
- double, bipartite, diploid, dicot
- ĉul
- performance, presentation, recitation, recital, exhibition (xref {čâl})
- ĉul-gju-ŋĭn
- lecture, talk, speech, sermon, homily
- ĉul-hwâwm
- play, masque (for an audience; possibly improvised)
- ĉul-hwâwm twâ-cu-ja
- play, masque (a performance of a written play; xref {twâ-cu-θuň hwâwm-paj})
- ĉul-i
- performing; performative case (object of verbs like {lju-gju-zô}, {ŝrun-zô}, {pĭw-zô}, {hwâwm-zô}...)
- ĉul-ř
- performed by [nonce]
- ĉul-ŝrun
- concert, recital, performance of music
- ĉul-θaj-van
- to attend, spectate, participate in, be present at a {ĉul}
- ĉul-θaj-zô
- to actively participate in a {ĉul} or {čâl} (but less actively than the chief participants)
- ĉul-ƴum
- prestidigitation, stage magic
- ĉul-ƴum-tla
- prestidigitator, stage magician
- ĉul-žy-zô
- to show, demonstrate (e.g. how to do something)
- ĉun
- case, situation (xref {purj})
- ĉy
- gâ ħun-rô; stick, post, staff, stave, rod
- ĉy ʝu-kwĭ-paj
- dispenser for paper towels, toilet paper, etc.
- ĉy-čĭm ĉu-tan-gam
- Twix
- cy
- chief, primary, main, central
- cy-bô
- chiefly, primarily, mainly, firstly (xref {gem})
- cy-vuj
- head; peak; pinnacle (xref {pĭn, tâlm, vim})
- cyr
- non-binary gender
- -da
- covered with, saturated with ~; ~-full (xref {-ža})
pwĭm-da-tǒj gân-ř kî'sul kǒ mĭ-i ƴârn-van ĵwy-bô. Because of the humidity this wood is rotting quickly.
kyl vĭn-da cĭ-bô ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô ƥ, nu-šar ŝrun-twâ-gĭn-zô θǒ. He drank one glass of wine, then immediately started singing.
- -daj
- a set of ~ in the same place, a mass or collection of ~ (xref {-zla, -cu})
- -dal
- originating from ~, made by ~, made in ~ (xref {dâm-ř, ty-ř, ř})
- darθ-ķam pe ryň-ĉa mâ-tan
- Darths and Droids (webcomic)
- dâ
- 3; three; a trio
- dâ-ĉě'θâ pî'hâ-bô
- Triduum, the three days from Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday
- dâ-dâ
- 9; nine
- dâ-ðy
- 15; fifteen
- dâ-fy-ĝu
- 273 (freezing point of water in Kelvins)
- dâ-ŋla
- Tuesday
- dâm
- origin; authorship
- dâm-ř
- of, by, from (a novel by Heinlein, an email from Vernita, a conlang by Henrik Theiling)
ť dâm-ř grâm źu-hôw gân-ř sjum-van. I'm thankful for your encouraging letter.
mwĭň-ƥ-van wǒj ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu gě'dĭm-ja kâ-i lju-zô kuln-cô. He is embarrassed because a stranger has read his diary.
ter'ě-ram dâm-ř mě'hu kî'pĭ-rô ĥy-i mrân-zô Ќ-ƥ tu-i. We ate Tara's stew [and hung out and talked].
ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu fĭ-₣um-da mĭ-i kě'pâ-fwa-van. Her poem induces happy bewilderment.
dante-ram dâm-ř sejřz-šam cĭw-ga-ř {rum-kô} kâ-i lju-zô. I am reading "Paradise" by Dante, translated by [Dorothy] Sayers.
- dâm-vuj
- source; well; fountain (archaic, ~2002; xref {fuŋ})
- dân
- past, no more, dead; eksa, ne plu (xref {šy, hân, pě'lâ})
( < Fr. "d'antan")
- dân-bô
- no longer existing, not as real as it used to be, no longer in same role
- dân-žar
- death (of living things); abolition, overthrow, desuetude, falling into disuse (of institutions, traditions, languages or parts thereof)
- dâr
- wheel
- dâr ĉin θym-tě'bâr
- tires (of car; prefer {θym-dâr})
- dâr ĉin vlym
- tires (of a car, etc.; prefer {θym-dâr})
- dâr-fwa-zô
- to roll, to cause to roll [nonce; should be {mlĭr-ʝa-fwa-zô}]
- dâw
- ĥrî'cu vuj-cô-bô; Tao, Dao, Logos, Word
( < Chinese)
- dâw-ja
- in accord with the Tao
- dâw-lô
- Taoist
- de
- nowadays; (with {mje}) in those days (habitual aspect)
kâj-ha ʝel mĭ-i zryŋ-na hej tlĭŋ-na ŋĭn-i mje de. It used to be that money was typically made of gold or silver.
θě'ku gy-i mâ kâj-ha-ta ĥy-i θĭ-zô de mje kolkata-wam im teresa-ram-ķa pî'hâ-bô. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta served the destitute for the love of God.
grĭ-cô-sô-van de šĭm-ĉa kǒ; žy-šar ĵwy-cô-van sĭŋ-flu-kô o lĭn mĭ-i. This computer is malfunctioning lately; for instance, its network connection is slow.
herǒdǒtǒs-ram-gôm kâ-i lju-zô jǒj de. I'm reading Herodotus again recently.
- dě'dâ
- Dada
( < French)
- dě'dâ-bô
- dadaiste (of works of art)
- dě'dâ-lô
- Dadaiste (artist)
italia-wam i ler-tǒj-lô mĭ-i fraňs-wam i dě'dâ-lô ₣um-i fjǒ. The Italian Futurists were somewhat similar to the French Dadaists.
- dě'ĝĭn
- quartz
- dě'ĝĭn-kwa
- glittery, shimmering, iridescent
- dě'lâr
- U.S. dollar
( < English)
kĭ-ĝâ-tla ŝâj-o dě'lâr vyŋ-bô ĥy-i bwĭl-zô žâj-dô-hôw antonij-ram-ħa. Antony bribed the judge ten thousand dollars.
- dě'lâr <ŋî'bĭ>-bô jĭrn-i <gâ-kâj> mĭ-i
- <gâ-kâj> costs <ŋî'bĭ>-bô dollars
- dě'lâr-kwa
- dollar-green
- dě'lâr-vô
- dollar sign '$'
- dě'nâj
- dragonfly, damselfly (insects of order Odonata)
- dě'nâr
- denarius, dinar (any of several ancient coins or other non-modern currencies; xref {dě'ŝu})
( < helenike 'denarion')
- dě'pyw
- crabs, lobsters, prawns, shrimp; crustaceans of order Decapoda
( < Latin)
- dě'pyw-cjaj
- shrimp (infraorder Caridea)
- dě'pyw-ðru-gam
- Red Lobster
- dě'pyw-tôn
- arthropod
- dě'ŝu
- generic modern currency term; append a {-wam-dal} name or other modifier to specify what currency one is talking about (xref {dě'lâr}, {dě'nâr})
( < analogy with {deq'laxr} and {deq'naxr})
- dě'ŝu ewropa-wam-dal
- Euro (currency unit)
- dě'vĭj
- David, Davida, Dave
- dĭ
- unfocused bodily pleasure; comfort (xref {jyn})
- dĭ-cô-tôn
- suffering, pain, discomfort
- dĭ-fwa
- pleasant, comfortable
- dĭ-o
- for the pleasure of
- dĭ-tôn
- pleasure of any kind (aesthetic, emotional etc. as well as physical)
- dĭn
- knot
( < Fr. 'noeud')
- dĭn-pě'hĭ
- cloverleaf intersection of freeways
- dĭn-zô
- to tie a knot in
- dĭn-ža
- knotted
- dĭrn
- attacking a problem from both ends at once; trying multiple solutions simultaneously hoping that one of them will work (xref {ĝâlm, hî'rĭ})
- dî'fu
- comparison, checking for differences
( < Unix 'diff')
- dî'fu-baw
- rounded vowel
- dî'fu-i
- compared with, by comparison with (xref comparative conjunction {θe})
gâm-la pǒ dî'fu-i ʝrâ-sra-bô ŋĭn-i gâm-ba kǒ. This picture is more abstract than that one.
hjě'nĭ-vĭ ʝel dî'fu-i ĝĭ-sra-van hjě'nĭ-ŝy ʝel mĭ-i. Female hyenas are generally bigger than male hyenas.
- dî'fu-šar
- than, compared with (clausal conjunction, xref phrasal conj. {θe} and postp. {dî'fu-i}; action of first clause is preferred to, happens more often than, etc. the action of the second clause
- dî'fu-zô
- to compare, look for differences between, distinguish ({tu-i} compares two entities marked with {kâ-i} or {mĭ-i})
bě'lâm ðe mwĭň mĭ-i dlâw-Ł-van dî'fu-zô. One must distinguish embarrassment at violated privacy from embarrassment at talking about emotionally sensitive subjects.
- dî'ku
- pi (3.14159265358979323846...)
- dî'ku-rô
- irrational (of numbers)
- dî'ku-za
- circular, elliptical, round
- dî'pjĭ
- fly, mosquito, gnat, midge (insects of order Diptera)
( < Latin)
- dî'pjĭ ₣um-i fru-ŝa ŋĭn-i
- they breed like flies, they are very prolific
- dî'pjĭ sâŋ-sô
- mosquito
- djâ
- covenant, treaty, agreement, contract; legal document more generally (xref {twâ-cu-kâj})
( < helenike 'diatheke')
- djâ zuň-cô-žar-paj
- last will and testament
- djâ-môj
- to agree upon, sign a contract, make a covenant
- dlâw
- duty, obligation, imperative, necessity (xref {mwe, ĵy, ķulm})
- dlâw-van
- must, ought to (v. aux.; xref adverb {mwe})
- dlâw-van mwe
- comically exaggerated imperative; xref {mwe, dlâw-van, dlâw-źa-van}
- dlen
- else, otherwise (marks third clause in conditional sequence)
- dlu
- right, freedom, privilege {bâň, ħĭn, ħĭn-ta-tǒj})
źu-van, hǒŋ ķĭw-van palij-ram hǒŋ Ќ dâm-ř θuň čĭ-ř syj-zô lju-θaj-zô dlu-ta. I hope Polly is ashamed of herself for copying my story without permission.
- dlu-čĭ
- copyright
( < calque of English)
- dlu-mâ
- human rights
- doktor-ķam jâ-o
- to earn one's doctorate, to graduate as a Ph.D. or M.D. etc.
- -dô
- violation of ~
- drě'mâj
- emu (birds of genus Dromaius)
( < Latin)
- drĭ
- listing, enumeration, catalog (xref {kwĭ, sĭŋ-kwĭ})
( < DOS 'dir')
- drĭ-du
- table of contents
- drĭ-mĭ
- index (of book); xref {drĭ-žy-mĭ}
- drĭ-mĭ-zô
- to index, to make an index for a given book
- drĭ-ŋî'bĭ-zô
- to count, enumerate (xref {cwĭn})
- drĭ-râ
- timeline, list of important events, plot outline (of story)
- drĭ-zô
- to list, enumerate, catalog
- drĭ-žy-mĭ
- index (of book)
- drĭ-zym
- creed; enumeration of principles or beliefs (nonce, can probably come up with something clearer)
- drulm
- subjective time-period intermediate between {gě'dĭm} and {tâŋ}
drulm kǒ i lju-θaj mĭ-i kujm-fwa-zô. I am prioritizing writing lately.
- du
- part, session, section, chapter; stage of process; room of house; turn in game; lane of road (xref {vyl, gĭl, θy})
θuň pǒ mĭ-i lju-faj θje ŋĭn-i, mǒj te ðim du fem mĭ-i ĵyn-fwa ŋĭn-i. That story is not quite worth reading, but its first chapter, at least, is interesting.
- du mwĭl-paj
- bedroom (nonce, xref {mwĭl-kô})
- du-cu
- apartment, suite of rooms within a larger building
- du-ĝĭ ƴâ-ĉa-paj
- garage (of house)
- du-mwĭl
- bedroom (archaic, xref {mwĭl-kô})
- du-pě'hĭ
- hall, corridor
- du-pĭw
- turn (in a game)
- du-pjâl
- a session of writing, conlanging, etc.
- du-pun
- storage room, lumber room, closet (xref {pun-kô})
- du-rî'mâ
- room, chamber, hall, closet
- du-rî'mâ-ĵwa
- neighborhood, district, quarter (of a city)
- du-sěl'kâ
- vertebra
- du-šun-tyrn
- state (U.S.), province; similar-scale political divisions in misc other countries
- du-šun-tyrn-ny
- county, parish (U.S. political division); similar-scale divisions in other countries
- du-tî'šâ
- sanctuary, chapel (xref {tî'šâ-kô})
- du-twâ
- clause (xref {kyr-gôm})
- du-θô
- scene (of TV show); verse (of chapter in the Bible; xref {twâ}); short section from one character's viewpoint in a novel
- du-žy
- theater (hall/auditorium/room where movies are projected or plays, operas etc. performed; xref {gâm-ʝĭl-kô})
- du-źa
- larger-scale section containing multiple {du}; season (of TV series); act of play/film; volume of multi-volume novel
- dul
- dulia; extreme respect, lesser degree of worship (xref {tî'šâ})
( < Latin)
- dul-θô
- respect, admiration (formerly {tî'šâ-θô})
- dul-θô-fwa
- noble, admirable (of persons)
- dul-zô
- to worship (dulia); {tu-i} worships {kâ-i}
- dul-źa
- hyperdulia
- dwî'nu
- thought-provoking grafitti
( < Enigmatic: dwegni)
- ðâ
- logic; reasoning (xref {zym})
- ðâ-dô
- paradox; inconsistency; illogic; fallacy
θuň pǒ mĭ-i jĭm-ga heŋ ŋĭn-i; te im ðâ-dô reŋ ķe mĭ-i tyn-van. That story isn't consistent; it has too many violations of logic.
- ðâ-dô kâ-θaj-bô
- paradox (Chestertonian)
- ðâ-dô kwĭ-ta
- non sequitur fallacy
- ðâ-dô ŝĭ-hôw-toj
- ad hominem fallacy
- ðâ-lam
- Lojban
( < coined by Puey McCleary)
- ðâ-Φa
- deduction, conclusion
- ðân
- conquest, victory, defeat; (chess) checkmate (xref {sî'ðyr, ŋul})
- ðân-θô
- a minor or partial defeat; the capture of a piece (in chess, etc.)
- ðân-van
- to be conquered, defeated; to lose (at a game, etc.; xref {lî'fyŋ-cô-van})
- ðân-zô
- to conquer, defeat, subdue; to win (at a game, etc.; xref {lî'fyŋ-van}, {źě'fy-zô})
- ðân-zô mâ-bâ
- Nobody Scores (webcomic)
- ðân-žuŋ-dô-zô
- to rape, sexually assault
- ðe
- divided by, per; contrasted with, in contrast with
ju-ðe-tĭm jĭrn-i še-tǒj-van ðǒŋ ĉě'θâ kǒ i bly-van pwĭm. There is a 29% chance it will rain today.
bě'lâm ðe mwĭň mĭ-i dlâw-Ł-van dî'fu-zô. One must distinguish embarrassment at violated privacy from embarrassment at talking about emotionally sensitive subjects.
- ðe-bâ
- indeterminate quantity (div/0)
- ðe-ĉu-rô
- rational (of numbers; xref {dî'ku-rô})
- ðe-syň
- Hertz (unit of frequency)
- ðe-tĭm-vô
- percent sign '%'
- ði
- before (time)
ĵârn-ca šĭl tu-i, že ði hǒŋ mâ o bly-ca kiň ħulŋ-zô. The snake coils before it strikes.
- ði-šar
- before (conjunction; clause A happens before clause B) [nonce; not sure if will keep this construction around or not]
- ðij
- shortly before, not long before
- ðil
- before-at-through
- ðim
- during the early part of (subjective time periods, events)
θuň-ba pǒ ðim tyn-van mâ-fĭw ĵyn-fwa mĭ-i, mǒj te ĝy-im tâň-ƥ-van. In the early part of that story interesting characters appear, but they disappear in the middle.
θuň pǒ mĭ-i lju-faj θje ŋĭn-i, mǒj te ðim du fem mĭ-i ĵyn-fwa ŋĭn-i. That story is not quite worth reading, but its first chapter, at least, is interesting.
- ðin
- before-at-contact
- ðiŋ
- during the early part of (objective time periods)
- ðĭ
- relationship, connection, assocation (xref {ðujm, lĭw, lĭn})
- ðĭ-i
- in some relationship with (generic abstract postp.)
pî'râ mĭ-i fî'žâln ʝel ðĭ-i ŝâm ŋĭn-i. Fire is the womb of the phoenix.
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam ðĭ-i ĵulm-van θuň-lâŋ kǒ mĭ-i. This novel deserves a Hugo award.
kâj-ha reŋ ðĭ-i ŝâj-ƥ-van heŋ, mǒj fĭm-van fem. He doesn't have much money, but at least he's healthy.
frâ ðĭ-i ĝâlm-sô ŋĭn-i nihoŋ-lam mĭ-i. Japanese marks questions redundantly.
fĭm-hôw-tla ðĭ-i ĵy-van heŋ ʝâr-fĭm, mǒj ʝâr-fĭm-cô ŝe. It is not the healthy who need doctors, but the sick.
- ðĭl
- typing, transcribing
- ðĭl-ĉa
- keyboard
- ðĭl-zô
- to type, transcribe (object w. {krĭ-o} if original writing, {lju-i} if transcribing; sometimes with {čĭ-ř} object)
- ðĭm
- thickness, fatness (xref {ĝĭ}, {žĭlm-ŋô}, {tjě'râ-rô})
- ðĭm-cô-bô
- thin; skinny; flat (having little thickness vertically; xref {ĉě'my-ta, swyŋ-rô})
- ðir
- long before
- ðî'ruň
- pretending to enjoy something more than one really enjoys it (xref {flâw})
jĭ-ga ru-i ƥ dâm-ř vâ-kar-vyl mĭ-i ðî'ruň-Ќ-zô. I politely pretended to enjoy her casserole more than I actually did.
- ðo
- until
- ðoj
- until shortly before
- ðol
- before-to-through
- ðom
- until the early part of (subjective time periods, events)
- ðon
- until
- ðoŋ
- until the early part of (objective time periods)
- ðǒl
- mostly (modifying a noun phrase: a heterogeneous set contains mostly X with some non-X; xref {jǒm})
- ðǒl-tǒj
- preponderance, plurality
- ðǒŋ
- that (conjunction where subordinate clause is subject of main verb) (xref {hǒŋ})
nî'sâ-van ðǒŋ ƴâ-ĉa ĵwy-cô-bô hi fyn-zô mě'tyr-źa srǒ il. It was just my luck to get stuck behind a slow vehicle for several kilometers.
ju-ðe-tĭm jĭrn-i še-tǒj-van ðǒŋ ĉě'θâ kǒ i bly-van pwĭm. There is a 29% chance it will rain today.
wlâ-fwa-van, ðǒŋ mâ-ŝy pǒ lĭw-o rě'ĵy-θaj jâ-o sun-bô-ŋa naj'ĝěl-ram. It's astonishing that Nigel finally married that woman.
- ðor
- until long before
- ðř
- since before
- ðřj
- since shortly before
- ðřl
- before-from-through
- ðřm
- since the early part of (subjective time periods, events)
- ðřn
- since the beginning of
- ðřŋ
- since the early part of (objective time periods)
- ðřr
- since long before
- ðru
- red
- ðru-hyrŋ
- purple
- ðru-vrĭm
- yellow
- ðu
- able, powerful, capable; ability, capacity, power (xref {suŋ}, {ĝum})
- ðu-dy
- patience, ability to endure unspecified bad conditions (xref {ðu-žâ})
- ðu-ga
- feature, ability, capability (esp. of software, machine, etc.)
- ðu-grĭ-bô
- operational, functional; in working order
- ðu-râ-bô
- possible, able to happen (xref {be}, {še})
- ðu-van
- is able (v. aux., followed by another verb; or nominal(ized) complement with {ðĭ-i})
swyŋ pǒ sim ŋylm gǒ; te oŋ ðu-Ł-van krĭ-vuj-ĉa ĥy-i tyn-zô. There is a groove on the surface of that desk; one can put a pencil in it.
ƴâ-ĉa syj-ta-i âtlântě-wam ĉi šun kiŋ ðu-Ł-van ƴeŋ ruŋ-zô. One can hardly get around in the Atlanta suburbs without a car.
ĵyj-fja-van ru-kǒ-bô, hǒŋ ðu-van ƴeŋ su-van. I'm so tired, I can hardly stand up.
ðu-van ƴeŋ ce kâ-i hî'mâr-van. I can barely understand that.
râm reŋ ķe ðĭ-i ŝâj-ť-van; ƥ pen ĥy-i ðu-van heŋ šu-zô. You have too many cats; you can't take care of them all.
- ðu-žâ
- patience, ability to wait without complaint or mental perturbation (xref {luŋ, ðu-dy})
- ðu-źa
- superpower, paranormal power, miraculous power
- ðu-źě'fy-ta
- futile
- ðujm
- operator, conjunction, function; mapping, correlation (xref {ðĭ})
- ðujm-vuj
- function in a programming language
- ðuŋ
- solid (material and not liquid, gasous, plasmic)
kĭl dâ-fy-ĝu-bô jĭrn-i ðuŋ jâ-o rej jâ-ř pwĭm. Water freezes and melts at 273 Kelvins.
- ðuŋ-tôn
- state of matter (solid, liquid, gaseous, plasmic, superfluid...)
- ðurm
- work; something done in exchange for money (xref {byn, ĥân, pjâl, ķĭn, vuň})
ðurm ši ty o ruŋ-ƥ-zô kiň vâ-oŋ-zô θǒ. After work she goes home and eats right away.
- ðurm-bwĭl
- volunteer work that shares many qualities with {ðurm} except that one is not getting paid: e.g., one works fixed hours under supervision (xref {ĥân-pjâl}, {-pja})
- ðurm-ga
- volunteer work (nonce; xref {pjâl, ĥân-pjâl, ðurm-bwĭl})
- ðurm-kô-ga
- job; posteno (archaic, prefer {ðurm-kô-gôm})
- ðurm-kô-gôm
- job, post, position
- ðurm-kô-i
- at the workplace/place of business of
- ðurm-o-ŋla
- Monday (to-work day)
- ðurm-tla
- laborer, worker (xref {vuň-θaj})
- ðurm-zô
- 1. to work (at a job, for money) (generally intransitive) 2. to earn a given amount of money by working (with {ĥy-i} and {ŝâj-o} objects). xref {vuň, ĥân-zô, pjâl-zô}
ce mĭ-i kun-van heŋ. tyn kǒ i ðurm-zô žǒŋ. I don't know. I just work here.
- -ðwa
- in favor of, promoting ~ (xref {-lô})
- ðwĭr
- balance, equilibrium
- ðwĭr-cô-fwa-zô
- perturb, disturb, disrupt, affect
- ðwĭr-ŋĭw
- tail [at least of some species, e.g. cat, monkey; possibly need another term for stubby tails useless for balancing]
- ðy
- 5; five
gyn-čĭn-ĉa-da-ðy ķĭn-o gâm-zô suŋ-kě'ĝu-tla sâ-cô-fwa. The evil sorcerer drew a pentagram.
- ðy-dâ
- 8; eight
- ðy-ŋla
- Thursday
- ðy-šâŋ
- 365 = 5*73
- ðy-šâŋ-ĉě'θâ
- year (365 days)
- dy
- endure, tolerate, bear, put up with
- dy-cô-pja
- protester, striker, striking worker, activist
- dy-cô-zô
- resist, defy, fight against, not tolerate, refuse to put up with; to protest, to go on strike (xref {sî'ðyr})
- dy-cô-źa
- revolution, revolt, rebellion, uprising
dy-cô-źa fraňs-wam-za ĥy-i gân-θô-van dy-cô-źa usonia-wam-za. The French Revolution was influenced by the American Revolution.
- ejr
- Eire, Ireland, Irish
- f,k,
- fĭm-cô-kyw-cjaj; cystic fibrosis
( < designed to match Fr. 'FK' < fibrose kystique)
- -faj
- ebla; able to have ~ done to it (xref {-gô})
huw-faj ŋĭn-i ƥ ĉi purj mĭ-i, mǒj huw-ƥ-van heŋ. Their circumstances might make them happy, but they aren't happy.
- fâ
- love, friendliness, affection; amo; eros, philein (xref {gy; lĭm, rě'ĵy, kuln})
fâ-môj ƥ-ĉu. They love each other.
Ќ lĭw-i tâ-ma-bâm mĭ-i fâ-van pe pym-van. I love my baby cousin and find her amusing.
- fâ rě'ĵy-ja
- spousal love; eros, whether hot or warm (xref {fâ-žuŋ})
- fâ-cĭm
- protective love
- fâ-cô
- dislike, personal aversion, (nondeliberate) hatred (xref {vjum, gě'ĝu, bâl})
- fâ-fru
- love of children for parents
- fâ-ĝân
- especially intense love
- fâ-hôw-zô
- amindumi, amikumi; to make friends with, to court, make love to [in archaic sense], flirt with, seduce...
sě'râ ĥy-i fâ-hôw-zô de θě'mâ. Thomas is flirting with Sarah lately.
- fâ-i
- for the love of [friendly, affectionate, etc.]
- fâ-kuln
- casual friendship
- fâ-kyn
- love of parents for children
- fâ-lĭm
- intimate friendship, philia
- fâ-ŋĭw
- emotional faculty
- fâ-tôn
- emotion, disposition, mental state, mindstate
- fâ-vuj-jyr-môj
- to hug, embrace one another
- fâ-vuj-sô
- physically affectionate
- fâ-vuj-šâ-môj
- to hug, embrace (nonce, xref {fâ-vuj-jyr-môj})
- fâ-vuj-zô
- to caress, hug, etc.; physically express affection
ɱ lĭw-i fru-ŝy ĥy-i fâ-vuj-zô kyn-ŝâm. The mother caresses her daughter.
- fâ-žuŋ
- eros, romantic love, lust (for a specific person); xref {fâ rě'ĵy-ja, sru-₣yw}
- fân
- crown, prize, chief ornament, claim to fame; beard; elaborately coiffed hair; archaically/poetically, flower (xref {flyr})
( < helenike 'stephanos')
fân řŋ čâj ĥy-i tâň-zô de pî'dâ pe Φĭlm. Bees and butterflies take pollen from flowers.
- fân-hî'pym
- morning-glory blossom
- fân-i
- crowned by, ornamented by
- fân-šâl
- belly-button, navel; omphalos
- fân-vĭ
- beard
- fâr
- iron (element)
( < Fr. 'fer')
- fâr-hĭl
- steel
- fâr-tôn
- metal (element or alloy)
- fe
- a little, slightly (xref {cǒ})
- fem
- at least; anyhow; anyway (xref {θje, ƴeŋ})
kâj-ha reŋ ðĭ-i ŝâj-ƥ-van heŋ, mǒj fĭm-van fem. He doesn't have much money, but at least he's healthy.
θuň pǒ mĭ-i lju-faj θje ŋĭn-i, mǒj te ðim du fem mĭ-i ĵyn-fwa ŋĭn-i. That story is not quite worth reading, but its first chapter, at least, is interesting.
- fem-θaj
- at most; no more than (xref {zen})
Ќ wuŋ-i ƴâ-ĉa iŋ ðu-van θâŋ-twâl-van mâ ĉu-dâ-bô fem-θaj. No more than six people can sit in my car.
- fě'ħĭj
- cruel actions, torture
- fě'ʝâ
- beans, genus Phaseolus (archaically also peas)
( < Latin 'phaseolus')
- fě'ʝâ lima-wam-za
- Lima beans
- fě'ʝâ rĭm-ŋĭw-tan
- black-eyed peas (archaic, prefer {pî'sum rĭm-ŋĭw-tan})
- fě'ʝâ-ðru
- red beans
- fě'ʝâ-lě'ku
- navy beans, northern beans
- fě'ʝâ-tôn
- family Fabaceae: beans, peas, soybeans, chickpeas, etc. (xref hyponyms {zuj}, {pî'sum} and {čěl'wân})
- fě'wâ
- liver (digestive organ)
( < Fr. 'foie')
- fě'wâ ol plĭ-tôn
- a drug that is processed through the liver (xref {ně'Φu ol plĭ-tôn})
- fěl'vur
- sloth (mammals of suborder Folivora)
( < Latin)
- fĭ
- syllable
- fĭ-₣um-da
- rhyming (of poetry)
ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu fĭ-₣um-da mĭ-i kě'pâ-fwa-van. Her poem induces happy bewilderment.
- fĭ-sâm-da
- rhyming [nonce; prefer {fĭ-₣um-da}]
- fĭ-θy
- phoneme
- fĭm
- health
kâj-ha reŋ ðĭ-i ŝâj-ƥ-van heŋ, mǒj fĭm-van fem. He doesn't have much money, but at least he's healthy.
fĭm dî'fu-i ŝu-gô-sra-van pî'hâ. Holiness is more important than health.
fĭm-hôw-tla ðĭ-i ĵy-van heŋ ʝâr-fĭm, mǒj ʝâr-fĭm-cô ŝe. It is not the healthy who need doctors, but the sick.
- fĭm-bô
- healthy (of a person, animal, plant; xref {fĭm-ja, fĭm-fwa})
- fĭm-cjaj
- uninfected
- fĭm-cô
- disease, sickness, illness
fĭm-cô-van rĭm-pôm ƥ ʝâr-i. She's sick (I saw her.)
ƥ zĭm-i ĝě'fu-van, hǒŋ fĭm-cô kǒ gân-ř zuň-cô-žar-ƥ-van ler. I dread for her, that she will die of this illness.
fĭm-cô sǒ gân-ř, ɱ im sěl'kâ mĭ-i źyl-cô-van. Because of a certain disease, his spine is crooked.
Ќ ŋâw-o twâ-zô kelij-ram, hǒŋ fĭm-cô-ť-van. Kelly told me that you were sick.
- fĭm-cô fě'wâ-za
- hepatitis (nonce, prefer {flîn'zu-tôn fě'wâ-dô})
- fĭm-cô ŋwĭm-dal
- transplant rejection sickness
- fĭm-cô sru-źa
- addiction
- fĭm-cô-cjaj
- infection
- fĭm-cô-cjaj-fwa-van
- to infect someone
- fĭm-dô
- an unhealthy act or habit
- fĭm-fwa
- healthy, promoting health (of habits, foods, drugs, etc.; xref {fĭm-ja, fĭm-bô})
jě'lĭ mĭ-i lju-pôm fĭm-fwa ŋĭn-i. (I read somewhere that) garlic is good for you.
- fĭm-hôw-ĥâ-zô
- to perform surgery
- fĭm-hôw-kô
- hospital; clinic
- fĭm-hôw-kô im du ĵy-ĵwy-paj
- emergency room, emergency department
- fĭm-hôw-kô jě'sĭw-pî'hâ-gam
- St Joseph's Hospital
- fĭm-hôw-kô tyrn-dal
- health department, government clinic
- fĭm-hôw-tla
- physician, medical doctor
fĭm-hôw-tla ðĭ-i ĵy-van heŋ ʝâr-fĭm, mǒj ʝâr-fĭm-cô ŝe. It is not the healthy who need doctors, but the sick.
fĭm-hôw-tla ðy-bô muw-i ĉu-ĉu-bô ʝâr-i blâl-van ŋî'bĭ fĭw-bô mĭ-i. Four out of five doctors get annoyed at made-up statistics.
- fĭm-hôw-tla ĥâ-ŋĭw-paj
- dentist
- fĭm-hôw-tla ĥâ-tla
- surgeon
- fĭm-hôw-tla ĵy-ĵwy-paj
- emergency doctor
- fĭm-hôw-tla ku-ŋĭw-gôm-paj
- ear, nose and throat doctor
- fĭm-hôw-tla ku-paj
- audiologist
- fĭm-hôw-tla Φyln-za
- urologist
- fĭm-hôw-tla-zwa
- medical student
- fĭm-hôw-zô
- (try to) treat, heal, doctor, physick; to practice medicine
- fĭm-ja
- healthy (of practices, environments; xref {fĭm-bô, fĭm-fwa})
- fĭm-ĵam
- living thing, organism (more euphonious synonym of {gâ-zuň})
- fĭw
- fictive, fictional, invented, imaginary, made-up (xref {θuň, ķy-dô}); also occasional error for {fĭm}
( < English)
fĭm-hôw-tla ðy-bô muw-i ĉu-ĉu-bô ʝâr-i blâl-van ŋî'bĭ fĭw-bô mĭ-i. Four out of five doctors get annoyed at made-up statistics.
- fĭw ĝě'fu-da
- horror (genre)
- fĭw ķy-tan
- realistic, mimetic, mainstream fiction
- fĭw mâ-ĵĭn-paj
- children's literature
- fĭw-câŋ
- science fiction
rjym ŋĭn-i fĭw-câŋ mĭ-i. Science fiction is a fuzzy, subjective category.
- fĭw-câŋ-lô
- sf fan (one highly involved in fandom; contrast {mâ fĭw-câŋ-sô})
- fĭw-dô
- continuity error in a story; plot hole, anamundism in worldbuilding, etc.
- fĭw-ŝa
- imaginative
- fĭw-žĭŋ
- fantasy (genre of fiction, or specific instance of that genre)
- fî'ħâ
- to shoot (with an explosive projectile weapon; xref {pĭŋ})
- fî'ħâ-ĉa
- gun, cannon, rifle, pistol... explosive projectile weapon
- fî'ħâ-ha
- gunpowder, etc.
- fî'mrĭ
- ants of family Formicidae (xref {vě'sî'pâ-tôn})
( < Fr. 'fourmi')
- fî'suň
- Earth, Terra
fî'suň bij fu-cu pân-kwa kâ-i fjâw-van ser'ě-ram. Sarah is in awe of the Aurora Borealis.
fî'suň ĉi ŝwe bly-van lyn. The moon orbits the Earth.
- fî'suň bij fu-cu pân-kwa
- aurora Borealis
fî'suň bij fu-cu pân-kwa kâ-i fjâw-van ser'ě-ram. Sarah is in awe of the Aurora Borealis.
- fî'suň ħij fu-cu pân-kwa
- aurora Australis
- fî'suň-baw
- fricative consonant
- fî'suň-bly
- Earth-orbit; year
fî'suň-bly θâ-bô jĭrn-i ƴu-van rî'mâ-hân kǒ. This old house has lasted a hundred and one years.
- fî'suň-bly <ŋî'bĭ> jĭrn-i <mâ> ŝu-i gě'dĭm-zla
- <person> is <number> years old
- fî'suň-bly-ĉu-ža
- two years old, two-year-old (similar pattern for other age-modifiers)
- fî'suň-ŋô
- iron (archaic; prefer {fâr})
- fî'suň-rô
- both very big and very small
- fî'suň-tôn
- rocky planet/moon (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Luna, Mars, Ganymede...) in constrast to gas giants, asteroids, comets, etc.; archaically = "planet" synonymous with English term
- fî'žâln
- phoenix
pî'râ mĭ-i fî'žâln ʝel ðĭ-i ŝâm ŋĭn-i. Fire is the womb of the phoenix.
- fîn'cĭ
- penguin (family Spheniscidae)
( < Latin)
- -fja
- having a minimal nonzero degree or amount of ~
- fjâw
- awe, wonder, amazement (xref {wym, wlâ})
fî'suň bij fu-cu pân-kwa kâ-i fjâw-van ser'ě-ram. Sarah is in awe of the Aurora Borealis.
- fjâw-fwa
- wonderful, astonishing, awesome; mystical; mysterious
- fjǒ
- yes and no; to some degree, to a limited extent, partially, partly; fuzzy logic clitic
italia-wam i ler-tǒj-lô mĭ-i fraňs-wam i dě'dâ-lô ₣um-i fjǒ. The Italian Futurists were somewhat similar to the French Dadaists.
mâ ₣um-i ðu-van fjǒ gju-zô pjě'tâ kwǒ. Some parrots can sort of speak like humans.
loĵban-lam mĭ-i ʝrâ-bô fjǒ ŋĭn-i; ķy-tan-van heŋ te. Lojban is somewhat schematic; it is not naturalistic.
- flân
- flannel
( < English)
- flâň
- tremor, trembling, quivering, shaking, shivering, vibration (xref {nî'kjâ})
- flâň-ca
- to do respiratory treatment via some vibratory equipment, e.g. the Air Vest; xref {flâň-fwa-ĉa, ķĭm-kyw}
- flâň-fwa-ĉa
- vibrating machine (esp. Air Vest)
- flâň-kyw-ĉa
- Air Vest, similar respiratory therapy equipment
- flâň-purj
- earthquake, tremor
- flâň-zô
- to shake (tr)
- flâw
- putting a brave face on, pretending to be well so as to deflect pity; also, occasional error for {šâw} (xref {ðî'ruň})
- flĭŋ
- dance; moving about for fun
flĭŋ pǒ i mlĭr-Ł-môj. In that dance one spins one's partner about.
- flîn'zu
- influenza virus
( < English < Italian)
- flîn'zu pîr'ku-dal
- swine flu
- flîn'zu-da-van
- to have the flu
- flîn'zu-tôn
- viruses (biological; xref {šĭm-vuj čĭ-ca-sô})
- flîn'zu-tôn fě'wâ-dô
- hepatitis
- flu
- flowing, blowing, pouring; spilling (xref {bly, tě'θru})
( < Esperanto 'flui')
- flu-by-ĉa
- air pump, e.g. for inflating tires
- flu-fwa-ĉa
- pump, fan
- flu-fwa-ĉa by-paj
- fan (device for blowing air)
- flu-fwa-ĉa θĭw-paj
- IV pump
- flu-fwa-ĉa vâ-kar-nî'šĭm-paj
- enteral feeding pump
- flu-fwa-zô
- to pour (a liquid); to blow (a gas)
jĭm-ĉa hĭl-na ol pwĭm ĥy-i flu-fwa-zô, kujm-šar te ĥy-i jĭm jâ-o. I pour water through a carbon filter to purify it.
- flu-fwa-zô
- to pour
- flu-pwĭm-ĉa
- faucet, spigot
- flu-ra-van
- to drip, spurt (xref {pyw})
- flu-ŝâ-zô
- to inject, administer intravenously (nonce, prefer {čĭn-ŝâ-zô})
- flu-tě'θru-van
- to flood, to spill largely and catastrophically
- flu-van
- to flow (of liquids); to blow, bluster, gust, be windy (of air, other gasses); to spill (of a mass of small solid objects)
- flyr
- flower, blossom (xref {fân})
( < Fr.)
- foň
- neither/nor; (clausal conjunction)
- fraňs-tam
- French person
- frâ
- question, inquiry (xref {lâ})
( < Deutsch 'fragen')
frâ ðĭ-i ĝâlm-sô ŋĭn-i nihoŋ-lam mĭ-i. Japanese marks questions redundantly.
- frâ-cu
- form (to fill out); questionnaire, survey
- frâ-cu baň-ruŋ-fwa
- discharge form, paperwork one must fill out before leaving a hospital, jail, or other such institution
- frâ-cu-vry
- tax form(s)
- frâ-ke-frâ-θaj-cu
- transcript of interview (xref {ĥun-frâ})
- frâ-mâ-nǒ-tla
- detective, investigator
- frâ-tla
- pollster, survey taker
- frâ-θaj
- answer, reply to a question
- frâ-θaj-zô
- to answer, to reply (to a question; xref {lâ-θaj-zô})
- frâ-vô
- question mark '?'
- frâ-zô
- ask, query, question ({tu-i} asks {ŋâw-o} question in {hǒŋ} or {Φǒ} clause)
- fru
- child (son or daughter); xref {mâ-ĵĭn}, {mâ-bâm}
ɱ lĭw-i fru-ŝy ĥy-i fâ-vuj-zô kyn-ŝâm. The mother caresses her daughter.
- fru rě'ĵy-tôn-dal
- legitimate child, born of married parents (in some contexts, focusing on more specific POV, {fru rě'ĵy-dal} or {fru rě'ĵy-θaj-dal})
- fru žâj-dô-dal
- bastard, illegitimate child
- fru-bâm
- unborn or newborn baby (in relation to their parents; also {mâ-bâm})
lyn-bly fy-bô gwe il ɱ im ŝâm iŋ mâ-bâm-la ĥy-i bâwŋ-van. She is seven months pregnant [the baby has been gestating in her womb for seven months already].
- fru-gu
- adoptive child
- fru-i
- child of
- fru-kyn-mla
- stepsibling
- fru-lĭm
- quasi-nephew or niece; child of one's close friend
- fru-ma
- grandchild
- fru-ma-ma
- great-great-grandchild
- fru-ma-tâ
- great-nephew or -niece (grandchild of one's sibling)
- fru-me-dâ
- great-grandchild
- fru-mla
- son-in-law, daughter-in-law
- fru-ŝy
- daughter
- fru-tâ
- nephew or niece (child of one's sibling)
- fru-tâ-ma
- first cousin once removed (child of one's first cousin; xref {tâ-ma-kyn})
- fru-tôl
- stepson, stepdaughter
- fru-tôn
- descendant
- fru-tôn-zla
- descendantry
- fru-θaj
- parent (father or mother; rare, poetic?, prefer {kyn})
- fru-vĭ
- son
- fu
- light; shining
( < helenike 'photos')
- fu-čyw
- sunlight, starlight
- fu-ĉa
- lamp, flashlight, candle, torch...
- fu-ĉa wyr-na
- candle
- fu-da
- bright, luminous
- fu-da-tǒj
- luminosity
- fu-fja
- fairly dark, with very litttle light (xref {nî'šĭm-rô})
- fu-fja ðĭ-i sum jâ-o rĭm-ŋĭw pě'ŝlĭ-i
- for one's eyes to adjust to darkness/dim light
- fu-nu
- a flash of light; e.g. the flash of a camera going off (event, not apparatus)
- fu-nu-ĉa
- flash on/for a camera; device for making a brief flash of light
- fu-ta
- totally dark, pitch dark
- fu-θy
- color, wavelength of light
zym-hô ŋĭn-i heŋ twâ-θy {vrĭm} pe {fu-θy-ta}. The words "green" and "colorless" do not make sense applied to ideas.
- fu-θy-zla
- color spectrum, rainbow
- fu-van
- to shine, to emit light
- fu-zô
- illuminate, shine light upon ({tu-i} emits light falling on {ĥy-i})
- fuŋ
- spring, well, fountain
- fuŋ-kî'tĭr
- electrical outlet, socket
- fuŋ-pyw-ra
- geyser
- fuw
- variable quantity
( < English 'foo')
- fuw-mĭlm
- indexed array variable (arbitrary tag of a variable quantity)
- fuw-nĭm
- named variable (name of a variable quantity)
- fuw-nĭm-žy
- pointer variable
- -fwa
- causative suffix: inducing a state of ~, causing to be ~, to do or experience ~ (xref {-hôw})
sĭ li θâŋ-twâl-ɱ-van, kiň lârm-van, kiň te ĥy-i gĭl-lârm-Φa jĭrn-i hum-fwa-zô. She by the river sat, and sitting there, / She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
jě'lĭ mĭ-i lju-pôm fĭm-fwa ŋĭn-i. (I read somewhere that) garlic is good for you.
wlâ-fwa-van, ðǒŋ mâ-ŝy pǒ lĭw-o rě'ĵy-θaj jâ-o sun-bô-ŋa naj'ĝěl-ram. It's astonishing that Nigel finally married that woman.
ryň pǒ mĭ-i sâ-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i šelm. Such an action would be wrong.
- fwiň
- not A but B (clausal conjunction; rough synonym with {ŋwĭm-šar} "instead")
- fwĭ
- collecting, amassing, gathering up, harvesting, hoarding, piling up
tlě'Φĭ ĥy-i fwĭ-zô cî'jyr. The squirrel collects acorns, pine cones and so forth.
- fwĭ-cô-lô
- Distributist
- fwĭ-cô-van
- to diffuse, be diffused; to spread out, be scattered
- fwĭ-cô-zô
- to give out, distribute, disperse (xref {bwĭl, tyn-srǒ-zô})
- fwĭ-van
- to accumulate, pile up, collect (intransitive, e.g. of interest on savings or dust in a filter; {mĭ-i} gets accumulated in one place)
- fwĭ-źa-van pwĭm-daj
- a flood occurs
- ₣â
- task; job; item of program input (xref {ĥân, pjâl, ðurm, ðurm-kô-gôm})
- ₣â-cu
- project; process with multiple steps (xref {hî'rĭ, ĥân, ðurm, pjâl})
- ₣âl
- sudden, abrupt, discontinuous change (xref {ĉâm, ĝâj, jâ-ʝǒ-žar})
- ₣âl glĭm-cu-paj
- orthography reform; revision of writing system
- ₣âl-bô
- sudden, abrupt, discontinuous
bě'lâm jâ-o mî'rĭj gân-šar bĭm-ĵwa oŋ ruŋ-zô ₣âl-bô ƥ lĭw-i kyn-ŝâm-ba, vĭj lǒ i bĭm-šyj-mâ iŋ šyj-ƥ-ca. Mary became embarrassed because her mother barged into the bathroom while she was in the bathtub.
- ₣âl-hyr
- adjustment of clocks forward/back when daylight savings time begins/ends
- ₣âl-tyn
- teleportation; abrupt, discontinuous change of place
- ₣âl-tyn-zô
- to teleport, apport, instantly be somewhere else
- ₣âwm
- being reluctant to try something because it has a low probability of success/practical results
- ₣âwm-sô
- practical, pragmatic; cautious, conservative (preferring low-risk strategies) (of persons, institutions; xref {kujm-ja})
- ₣ĭ
- trust, confidence, reliance, faith (xref {kĭ-ķy})
- ₣ĭ-dô
- betrayal; treason; adultery
- ₣ĭ-gô
- trustworthy, reliable, faithful
- ₣ĭ-sô
- trusting, faithful (having faith in someone/thing)
- ₣ĭŋ
- string, cord, line, rope, cable (xref {cĭw, θym, syrm})
- ₣ĭŋ ke čĭn-ĉa
- needle and thread, sewing materials
- ₣ĭŋ vun-faj
- elastic band, bungee cord, etc.
- ₣ĭŋ-cu
- web, net (xref {vlĭw-ĥâr})
- ₣ĭŋ-gî'sĭr
- strand of spaghetti (or individual piece of other thin pasta)
- ₣um
- sâm-θô; similarity
- ₣um-i
- similar to; like, as (xref {θe, dî'fu-i, sâm-i})
italia-wam i ler-tǒj-lô mĭ-i fraňs-wam i dě'dâ-lô ₣um-i fjǒ. The Italian Futurists were somewhat similar to the French Dadaists.
mâ ₣um-i ðu-van fjǒ gju-zô pjě'tâ kwǒ. Some parrots can sort of speak like humans.
ķârn-gâl ₣um-i lym-θaj-van ķârn-krî'dul. Alligator meat tastes like chicken.
- ₣um-van
- to be similar (two noun phrases linked by {pe} or {θe} within a {mĭ-i} phrase resemble each other; or topic {mĭ-i} resembles focus {ðĭ-i}?)
- ₣um-žar fĭ-θy-za
- phonemic assimilation; vowel harmony
- ₣urŋ
- happy, blessed (of a person's life as a whole, not a momentary state); beatus (xref {huw})
- ₣urŋ-fwa-zô
- to bless (usually with explicit or implicit {θě'ku tu-i}; other entities typically don't have power to do this) (xref {pî'hâ-fwa-zô})
- ₣yjm
- to produce, give off, emit; to send (a thing rather than a person or information; xref {čuj, grâm, ĵĭ})
- ₣yjm-by ƴâ-ĉa-dal
- vehicle emissions
- ₣yjm-fu
- Making Light (weblog)
- ₣yjm-grâm-kô
- post office
- ₣yjm-ĥur-van
- to salivate
- ₣yjm-lî'klâ-van
- to lactate
- ₣yjm-lî'klâ-zô
- to nurse, suckle
- ₣yjm-měr'kun-ĉa
- radio transmitter
- ₣yjm-měr'kun-kô
- radio station (physical location from which broadcasts are made; xref {měr'kun-θy})
- ₣yjm-Φĭrn-van
- to sweat
- ₣yjm-sun-van
- to arrive (of a package mailed, a message transmitted, a passenger whose role in their travel is fairly passive, etc.; xref {ruŋ-sun-zô} for active travellers)
- ₣yjm-wuŋ
- transfer or transmission of property, esp. forms such as inheritance not covered by {kâj} and {bwĭl}
- ₣yw
- sexual pleasure (xref {dĭ, jyn, žuŋ})
- fy
- 7; seven
ƥ ty-i ty-van râm fy-bô gle belm. Seven cats live at her house -- enough, I should think.
- fy-ĉě'θâ
- week
- fy-ŋla
- Saturday
- fym
- quiet, ease, tranquility, peace of mind
- fyn
- driving, piloting (any vehicle)
- fyn-bly-ĉa
- spaceship (xref {bly-ly-ĉa})
- fyn-bly-tla
- astronaut, cosmonaut, spacer
- fyn-byn-zô
- to drive around exploring
- fyn-ĉa
- steering wheel, gearshift, etc.; controls of vehicle
- fyn-van
- to ride as a passenger in a vehicle (sometimes also {fyn-θaj-van})
- fyn-zô
- to drive, pilot; driver {tu-i} goes with passenger(s) {ĥy-i} to destination {o} / from origin {ř}, etc.
nî'sâ-van ðǒŋ ƴâ-ĉa ĵwy-cô-bô hi fyn-zô mě'tyr-źa srǒ il. It was just my luck to get stuck behind a slow vehicle for several kilometers.
gâm-šun-ʝrâ kâ-i rĭm-kâ-zô kujm-šar tyn-kujm o fyn-zô ĵwy-bô. I study the map in order to drive quickly to my destination.
- -ga
- metaphorical (archaically, also metonymic) extension of root's meaning
- -gam
- general non-personal name suffix
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam lâ-cô-i θuň-lâŋ pen kâ-i gâw-zô lju-zô. I plan to read all the novels nominated for the Hugo Award.
- gâ
- thing, entity, item, discrete object; piece (xref {ŝĭw})
- gâ-bwĭl
- gift, thing (to be) given
- gâ-bwĭl žâj-dô-hôw
- bribe (a gift used to tempt someone to do wrong); xref {gâ-bwĭl-kě'ĝu}
- gâ-bwĭl-kě'ĝu
- bribe
( < semi-calque of Rejistanian "relixa'ny nitam")
- gâ-hân-ĵwa
- museum; antique shop
- gâ-kjâl
- magnet, magnetized piece of metal (xref {lĭn-ĉa-kjâl, kjâl-ĉa})
- gâ-mruň-ŋô
- stone, rock (item); archaic, prefer {tlĭŋ}
- gâ-ŋa-ĵwa
- museum of curiosities
- gâ-tôn
- thing, entity, matter, affair (not necessarily physical)
- gâ-wâj ĥy-i šâ-ra-zô
- to lift weights (as exercise)
- gâ-zuň
- living thing, organism (hypernym of {râm-tôn, mîn'tĭ-tôn, ŝrum-tôn, sî'dum-tôn}, syn. {fĭm-ĵam})
- gâ-zuň-ĥun
- symbiont ('symbiote')
bab-ram sim šĭm-ŋĭw iŋ tyn-van gâ-zuň-ĥun čyw-ʝǒ-dal. There is an alien symbiont in Bob's brain.
- gâ-zuň-ĥun-dô
- parasite
- gâ-zuň-ĥun-θaj
- host of a symbiont
- gâl
- chicken, other birds of genus Gallus
( < Latin)
hěm'lu-rô ŋĭn-i ʝem kwě'kyr pǒ mĭ-i, gâ lǒ sin tyn-van vlĭw kěr'vâ-dal. That tree with the crow's nest in it looks fun to climb.
- gâm
- picture, image, diagram, drawing; xref {Φâ}
( < Melayu 'gambaer')
gâm-la pǒ dî'fu-i ʝrâ-sra-bô ŋĭn-i gâm-ba kǒ. This picture is more abstract than that one.
lân-ʝa vin julŋ-van gâm-vuj mĭ-i. A picture hangs on the wall.
Φě'ĥu-cu mĭ-i krĭ-gâm-zô tam-ke-ser'ě-ram. Tom and Sarah painted a picture of a herd of elephants.
- gâm-cu-vuj
- art book
- gâm-ĉa
- camera (archaic, prefer {ķĭn-gâm-ĉa})
- gâm-ĉa-zô
- to take a photo
- gâm-dĭn
- images of knots, as an art form; a particular such image
- gâm-glĭm
- icon, representative glyph (in e.g. a GUI)
- gâm-ʝĭl
- movie, film; television sequence
gâm-ʝĭl pǒ kâ-i ruŋ-zô rĭm-van ler. I'm going to go see that movie.
- gâm-ʝĭl gju-ta
- silent film
- gâm-ʝĭl gwâm-da
- action movie
- gâm-ʝĭl měr'kun-dal
- television show
- gâm-ʝĭl pym-hôw fâ-za
- romantic comedy (movie)
- gâm-ʝĭl-cu
- TV or film series
- gâm-ʝĭl-ʝrâ
- a cartoon/animated film not in a specially realistic art style
- gâm-ʝĭl-kô
- movie theater (structure with one or more {du-žy} plus bô office and lobby, etc)
- gâm-ʝĭl-ŋĭn
- documentary
- gâm-ʝrâ
- diagram, schematic
- gâm-kwĭ
- comic book, comic strip, graphic novel
- gâm-kwĭ ŋě'mu-źa-za
- Dinosaur Comics (webcomic)
- gâm-kwĭ sĭŋ-flu-kô-dal sâr-fja
- Irregular Webcomic
- gâm-kwĭ-flĭŋ
- movie, film; television sequence (archaic; now {gâm-ʝĭl})
- gâm-mâ-ʝrâ
- stick figure; other stylized, nonrealistic drawing of a person
- gâm-sĭŋ-fwa-zô
- to scan (a photo, drawing, document, etc.)
- gâm-šĭm
- flowchart, PERT chart, similar diagrams
- gâm-šun
- map (of a broad area)
gâm-šun-ʝrâ kâ-i rĭm-kâ-zô kujm-šar tyn-kujm o fyn-zô ĵwy-bô. I study the map in order to drive quickly to my destination.
- gâm-ŝa
- prolific of photographs, paintings, etc.
- gâm-tyn
- map, floor plan (very local)
- gâm-zô
- to draw a picture or take a photo (xref more specific {ķĭn-gâm-zô} and {krĭ-gâm-zô})
gyn-čĭn-ĉa-da-ðy ķĭn-o gâm-zô suŋ-kě'ĝu-tla sâ-cô-fwa. The evil sorcerer drew a pentagram.
- gân
- cause; determining condition (xref {kujm})
- gân nǒ ř
- why? from what cause?
- gân-bly
- gravity (nonce, xref {kjâl-tôn Φu-dal})
- gân-cô-zô
- to prevent, hinder, uncause; malhelpi, malkaŭzi
- gân-ř
- because (causation)
ŋe ŝu-i Φu gân-ř, šâ-faj-van heŋ swyŋ kǒ. Because of its mass, this table is not portable.
ƥ zĭm-i ĝě'fu-van, hǒŋ fĭm-cô kǒ gân-ř zuň-cô-žar-ƥ-van ler. I dread for her, that she will die of this illness.
ŋe ŝu-i čĭwm-fĭ gân-ř hĭ-van ðǒŋ gjâ-zym-byn syj-i twâ-mlulm krĭ-o Ł tu-i. Because of its phonotactics, it is is difficult to write palindromes in gzb.
fĭm-cô sǒ gân-ř, ɱ im sěl'kâ mĭ-i źyl-cô-van. Because of a certain disease, his spine is crooked.
- gân-šar
- because [less specific than wǒj, ŝǒj, ʝǒj]
bě'lâm jâ-o mî'rĭj gân-šar bĭm-ĵwa oŋ ruŋ-zô ₣âl-bô ƥ lĭw-i kyn-ŝâm-ba, vĭj lǒ i bĭm-šyj-mâ iŋ šyj-ƥ-ca. Mary became embarrassed because her mother barged into the bathroom while she was in the bathtub.
- gân-θaj
- effect, result
- gân-θaj ʝǒ blâl-fwa
- side effect, undesired effect of something whose other effects one desires
- gân-θô
- influence (partial, not necessarily necessary or sufficient cause; xref {plĭr})
- gân-θô-van
- to influence (of events, xref {plĭr-van}); event {mĭ-i} influences event {ĥy-i} or event in {hǒŋ} clause
dy-cô-źa fraňs-wam-za ĥy-i gân-θô-van dy-cô-źa usonia-wam-za. The French Revolution was influenced by the American Revolution.
- gân-θô-zô
- to deliberately influence (person {tu-i}'s actions are a partial cause of the event in {hǒŋ} clause); xref {gân-zô, plĭr-zô}, various words derived from {-hôw})
( < suggested by Sai and Alex)
- gân-van
- to cause (situation or inanimate force {mĭ-i} causes stuff in {hǒŋ} clause to happen)
- gân-zô
- to cause (person {tu-i} causes event in {hǒŋ} clause to happen)
- gâr
- 10
- gâr-ĉu
- 12; twelve
- gâr-fî'suň-bly tĭm-dâ-dâ-gĭ-gla
- the 199th decade, i.e. the 1980's (approximately); similar construction for other decades
- gâr-vyŋ-vyŋ
- 109; billion, milliard
- gâw
- plan, planning, considering some action one hasn't fully decided on yet; xref {zym, gu, vy}; occasional error for {gâm}
- gâw-ja
- according to plan; suitable, fitting (xref {kujm-ja, mĭ-ja, hu-ja, žuln-fwa})
- gâw-pôm
- I plan that... if all goes according to plan, then... (validationality)
- gâw-θuň
- story outline
- gâw-vâ-oŋ-tǒj
- diet (a plan about what to eat; xref {vâ-kar-zla, wâj-ĵar-fwa})
- gâw-zô
- to plan, consider, think about doing
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam lâ-cô-i θuň-lâŋ pen kâ-i gâw-zô lju-zô. I plan to read all the novels nominated for the Hugo Award.
- ge
- without (very archaic; now suffix {-ta}, postposition {syj-ta-i})
- gem
- especially, particularly; in particular (xref {źe, cy-bô})
- gě'dĭm
- day (a being's sleep-wake cycle, from one waking to next) (xref {brĭ-zâň, nî'šĭm-zâň})
( < unutaglingvo 'gdib')
gě'dĭm mje θǒ i Ќ cim zjâm-ny ĥy-i ĥâ-ca. I cut my left little toe yesterday.
- gě'dĭm-cu
- two or more {gě'dĭm} in succession, roughly corresponding to a {ĉě'θâ}
- gě'dĭm-zla
- life (period from a person (or animal)'s conception until death, or until now); xref {zuň, ʝâr-van}
kujm-van Ќ ŝu-i gě'dĭm-zla hǒŋ rum-kô oŋ Ќ im pî'gâ ĥy-i tyn-zô. The purpose of my life is to get my butt into Heaven.
- gě'dĭm-zla ķy-bô belm
- Real Life (webcomic)
- gě'ĝu
- tolerant abhorrence; strong dislike or disapproval of someone's actions etc. not leading to personal hatred (xref {bâl, vjum})
- gě'lâ
- koala (Phascolarctos cinereus and extinct relatives)
( < Dharug 'gula')
- gi
- east of
- gij
- east-at-near
- gil
- east-at-through
- gim
- east-at-part.of
- gin
- east-at-contact
- giŋ
- east-at-inside
- gĭ
- 11; eleven
- gĭ-cĭ
- 12; twelve
- gĭ-lwa-bô
- about eleven (equiv. English "dozen" in vague sense)
- gĭ-rô
- prime (of numbers); elemental, fundamental, undecomposable
- gĭ-rô-cô
- composite (of numbers); xref {cu-rô}
- gĭl
- particle; one of a set of small homogeneous parts that make up a thing or substance (xref. {θy, du})
- gĭl-fu
- photon
- gĭl-kî'tĭr
- electron
- gĭl-lârm-Φa
- teardrop
sĭ li θâŋ-twâl-ɱ-van, kiň lârm-van, kiň te ĥy-i gĭl-lârm-Φa jĭrn-i hum-fwa-zô. She by the river sat, and sitting there, / She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
- gĭl-sâŋ
- blood cell
- gĭl-sâŋ-daj
- drop of blood
- gĭl-tâwm-gam
- The Grit (restaurant in Athens, Ga.)
- gĭl-ƴâ
- step, pace
- gĭl-ƴâ-zô
- to take a single step
- gĭn
- beginning (replaced {gî'bu} for the sake of brevity)
( < English)
nu lǒ i gĭn-van ĥun mĭ-i, nu pǒ i tyn-van šlâ ĝu-bô kiň tyn-van heŋ šlâ ðy-bô. When the meeting began, there were thirteen members present and five members absent.
- gĭn-bĭŋ
- Genesis
- gĭn-fĭ-sâm-da
- alliterative (of poetry)
gĭn-fĭ-sâm-da ŋĭn-i twâ-cu fĭ-₣um-da nors-lam-na mĭ-i. Norse poetry is alliterative.
- gir
- far to the east of
- gî'bu
- begin, beginning (archaic; {gĭn} is more common now)
( < English)
- gî'lu
- wolverine (genus Gulo)
( < Latin)
- gî'lu-tôn
- family Mustelidae: weasels, minks, ferrets, otters, badgers, wolverines...
- gî'lu-tôn čâ-sô
- otter
- gî'lu-tôn ĥun-mâ-sô
- ferret
- gî'sĭr
- spaghetti; sometimes = {gî'sĭr-tôn}
- gî'sĭr-tôn
- pasta
- gî'târ
- guitar
- gî'târ-θô
- ukulele
- gjâ
- language, tongue, speech (xref {gju, ʝĭ, -lam})
- gjâ cĭ-pa
- native language
- gjâ-cĭln ₣um-i ce
- It's Greek to me (lit. It's like an unfamiliar language)
- gjâ-dô
- pronunciation, grammar or usage error; solecism
- gjâ-i
- in (a language); xref {syj-i}, {-na) [TO DO: semantics doc note on this contrast with {syj-i}, which is already documented]
- gjâ-ʝǒ-hôw-zô
- to translate, render into another language
- gjâ-krĭ
- constructed language
bǒ gjâ-krĭ kǒ syj-i zym-gju-zô, wǒn nul mĭ-i wlâ-van mâ ble. If I think aloud in this conlang, other people will be surprised at the sound of it.
- gjâ-krĭ fî'suň-hǒl-paj
- international auxiliary language (nonce; prefer {gjâ-krĭ mâ-zla-paj})
- gjâ-krĭ ķy-tan
- naturalistic artlang (xref more general {gjâ-krĭ prym-hôw})
- gjâ-krĭ mâ-zla-paj
- international auxiliary language
- gjâ-krĭ prym-hôw
- artlang, constructed language intended to be beautiful
ʝrâ ŋĭn-i źu-lam pe gjâ-zym-byn žy-i gjâ-krĭ prym-hôw kwǒ mĭ-i. Some artlangs are non-naturalistic, for instance Esperanto and gjax-zym-byn.
- gjâ-krĭ-câŋ
- engelang; engineered, experimental language (xref {gjâ-krĭ-ʝrâ})
- gjâ-krĭ-ʝrâ
- engineered language; typical auxlang; any non-naturalistic conlang (xref {gjâ-krĭ-câŋ})
- gjâ-lô
- speaker of a given language (xref {tu-gju})
- gjâ-ř
- from (translating from a language; xref {-na}, {jâ-ř}, {čĭ-ř})
- gjâ-θy
- morpheme, root word (xref {gun, twâ-θy})
- gjâ-θy-ŋwĭm
- pronoun; anaphoric or cataphoric word
- gjâ-zla hǒl ŝu-i Φĭ
- linguistic universal, property common to all languages
- gjâ-zym-byn
- gjâ kǒ
- gju
- speech; talking (xref {gjâ, twâ; lâ, frâ})
- gju-ca-tǒj
- self-referentiality, self-reference (xref {syj-ca-tǒj})
- gju-cĭln-môj
- to converse with someone you've just met
- gju-dô
- slip of the tongue, disfluency
- gju-ðĭl-kô
- chat room, IRC channel, etc.
- gju-ðĭl-môj
- to chat (online)
- gju-kun-zô
- to recite from memory
- gju-mâŋ-zô
- to sign (speak in sign language)
- gju-môj-tǒj
- conversation
- gju-môj-tǒj vuj-bô
- face-to-face conversation in contrast to correspondence, phone calls, etc. (xref {ĥun-ga})
- gju-môj-tǒj-ra
- talk show, conversational show (radio broadcast or podcast)
- gju-ŋĭn-vĭj-zô
- to give a lecture or sermon
- gju-ŋĭn-zô
- to give a lecture, speech, sermon ({tu-i} lectures about {mĭ-i} or {mĭ-šar} clause)
křbij-šam-ķa ŝu-i plĭr prym-hôw-za mĭ-i gju-ŋĭn-zô sě'râ. Sarah gave a lecture on Kirby's artistic influences.
- gju-ŋĭw
- voice; vocal apparatus (xref {gju-ŋĭw-vuj})
- gju-ŋĭw-vuj
- tongue, palate, lips, vocal cords, larynx, etc. (xref {zjâm-syl, pjylm-syl})
- gju-ŋy-ĉa
- telephone
( < calque of German 'Fernsprecher')
nĭŋ-van gju-ŋy-ĉa, žĭr-van pî'dâ, lâl-van ku-faj-źa ƴâ-ĉa-kwĭ vim ŝâ-cô-ĉa. Phones ring, bees buzz, train engines whistle loudly.
- gju-ŋy-ĉa-ny
- cellphone
- gju-ŋy-môj
- to converse by telephone (or videoconference, etc; xref {ĥun-ŋy, gju-ðĭl-môj})
- gju-ŋy-zô
- to call on the telephone; to talk with on the telephone ({tu-i} calls/talks with {ŋâw-o} about {mĭ-i})
nu reŋ ķe i Ќ ŋâw-o nî'šĭm ĝy-i gju-ŋy-ť-zô. You telephone me too often in the middle of the night.
- gju-ŋy-zô lâ-zô
- to order, purchase by phone ({tu-i} calls {ŋâw-o} and orders {rjâ-i})
- gju-o
- archaic = {ŋâw-o}
- gju-pôm
- I hear tell (evidentiality)
- gju-Φa
- speech, utterance, instance of talking (xref {twâ})
- gju-rĭm-ŋy-môj
- to video chat
- gju-ř
- according to ~; ~ says that... (nonce; prefer {šrĭ-i}, or {-pôm} adverb)
- gju-sî'ðyr-zô
- to argue, to debate
- gju-tan-van
- to produce simulated speech or play back recorded speech (of a machine/program which doesn't understand language)
- gju-tôn
- communication (in any medium)
- gju-van
- to be mentioned, to be spoken of, to be talked about
- gju-zô
- speak, talk ({tu-i} talks about noun phrase {mĭ-i} or clause {mĭ-šar} or {hǒŋ}) (xref {twâ-zô})
râ ler mĭ-i zym-zô pe gju-zô źĭ-ler-tǒj-tla. Futurists think and talk about future events.
- gju-zym-ca
- to say to oneself (silently), to think (as internal monologue or dialogue)
- gju-zym-zô
- to speak with/to someone telepathically (xref {ku-zym-van})
bǒ gjâ-krĭ kǒ syj-i zym-gju-zô, wǒn nul mĭ-i wlâ-van mâ ble. If I think aloud in this conlang, other people will be surprised at the sound of it.
- -gla
- Nth time-period ordinal (year, hour, etc. by context; o'clock) (xref {-ŋla, -pa, -saw})
- gle
- enough; adequate; sufficient(ly) (xref {plyn-ga})
ƥ ty-i ty-van râm fy-bô gle belm. Seven cats live at her house -- enough, I should think.
- glĭm
- glyph, character, letter, logogram, syllabogram, ideogram, punctuation mark, symbol (xref {-vô})
- glĭm ASCII-gam ĝu-pa
- carriage return (ASCII 13 character) (can extend pattern for any ASCII or Unicode control code esp. if too rarely mentioned to deserve a shorter name)
- glĭm-cu-dô
- misspelling, mispunctuation
- glĭm-fĭ
- syllable sign (in a syllabary)
- glĭm-fĭ-θy
- letter (of an alphabet)
- glĭm-gjâ-θy
- morphogram, logogram
- glĭm-kwĭ
- string, substring, sequence of characters
- glĭm-ŋî'bĭ
- digit (or number symbol like e, i)
- glĭm-ŋî'bĭ rom-wam-za
- Roman numerals
- gluj
- glucose
( < helenike 'glykys')
- gluj-tan
- sweet (syn. {mjyl-rô})
- gluj-tôn
- sugars in general
- gluj-tôn bě'tâ-dal
- sucrose (xref {sě'ĥâr-ŋô})
( < suggested by Philip Newton)
- gluj-tôn bjyň-tôn-dal
- fructose
- gluj-tôn lî'klâ-dal
- lactose
- go
- east-to
- goj
- east-to-near
- gol
- east-to-through
- gom
- east-to-part.of
- gon
- east-to-contact
- goŋ
- east-to-inside
- gǒ
- here is; there is; behold! jen! voici! presentative adverb/postposition/thingy; also interjection
kuln reŋ gǒ, mǒj lĭm cǒ zen. Acquaintances are many, friends are few.
swyŋ pǒ sim ŋylm gǒ; te oŋ ðu-Ł-van krĭ-vuj-ĉa ĥy-i tyn-zô. There is a groove on the surface of that desk; one can put a pencil in it.
ðurm-ja hej tî'šâ-ja ŋĭn-i heŋ gwe vlym-ĝĭw kǒ, ʝǒj te vim ħĭwm ĝĭ-bô gǒ. This shirt is no longer suitable for work or church; look, there's a big stain on the front.
mlĭr-ðe-ĉu-ť-zô mwe. ť hi rjuŋ-ny gǒ. Turn around! There's a wyvern behind you.
- gor
- east-to-far
- -gô
- deserving ~, worthy of ~; ought to have ~ done to it (xref {-faj})
ĝâ-dô kǒ mĭ-i ĥul-gô ŋĭn-i. This crime is anger-worthy.
- -gôm
- metonymic derivation (incl. some previous uses of {-ga})
herǒdǒtǒs-ram-gôm kâ-i lju-zô jǒj de. I'm reading Herodotus again recently.
- grâm
- letter, email; static message sent from person to person (xref {ĵĭ})
( < helenike 'gegramm-')
ť dâm-ř grâm źu-hôw gân-ř sjum-van. I'm thankful for your encouraging letter.
- grâm-cjaj
- email (xref {ĵĭ-cjaj})
- grâm-gju
- voice mail message
- grâm-kâj-ha
- check (form letter to disburse money)
mrâ-kâj-ha oŋ ť ŝâj-ř grâm-kâj-ha ĥy-i tâl-Ќ-zô gwe. I have already deposited your check in my account.
- grâm-ŋy-ĉa
- fax machine
- grâm-o
- sending a message to (nonce; prefer {ŋâw-o grâm-zô} in most cases)
- grâm-tla
- courier, messenger, mail delivery person, email sysadmin
- grâm-θaj-zô
- to reply to a message, letter, email
- grâm-ƴâwn
- bill, invoice (sent by mail or email; xref {pě'pâ-ƴâwn})
- grâm-zô
- to write/send a letter or email to
- grĭ
- working, function, operation (of a machine, program, bodily organ)
( < helenike 'ergon')
- grĭ-cô
- malfunctional, broken, not working right
mǒn sru-van ť ty-o ruŋ-zô, mǒj grĭ-cô-van Ќ ŝâj-i ƴâ-ĉa mĭ-i. I want to come to your home, but my car is broken down.
grĭ-cô-sô-van de šĭm-ĉa kǒ; žy-šar ĵwy-cô-van sĭŋ-flu-kô o lĭn mĭ-i. This computer is malfunctioning lately; for instance, its network connection is slow.
- grĭ-fwa-zô
- to fix, mend, repair, put in working order (of complex artifacts; e.g. repairing a car engine or computer, debugging software; xref {ħulŋ-cô-fwa-zô})
- grĭ-ga-zô
- to function, to manage one's life with basic competence (of persons)
- grĭ-hôw-kô
- repair shop
- grĭ-hôw-kô ƴâ-ĉa-paj
- car repair shop
- grĭ-pen-ža
- having every possible feature (of bell-and-whistleful software, e.g.)
- grî'jâ
- crane (birds of family Gruidae)
( < Latin)
- gř
- east-from
- gřj
- east-from-near
- gřl
- east-from-through
- gřm
- east-from-part.of
- gřn
- east-from-contact
- gřŋ
- east-from-inside
- gřr
- east-from-far
- gru
- twisting, twistedness (xref {mlĭr, ĵârn})
- gru-bô
- twisted; screw-shaped; winding (xref {źyl-cô, ĵârn})
- gru-ca
- to cross (one's legs, ankles, fingers, etc.); to twist (one's head, e.g., turning to look behind oneself); {tu-i} crosses/twists their body-part {ĥy-i})
- gru-zô
- to twist, screw ({tu-i} twists {ĥy-i})
- gu
- choose, select, elect, vote, decide among alternatives (xref {vy, gâw, sru, jĭlm})
- gu-ĉa
- ballot; Magic 8-ball; coin (used to make choices by flipping it)
- gu-kar
- choice, option, menu item, election (a thing one might or might not choose)
- gujŋ
- digging, excavating, mining
- gujŋ-kô
- mine, excavation site
- gujŋ-kô gâ-hân-ŝa
- archaeological site
- gujŋ-kô mâ-dân-ža
- grave, graveyard
- gujŋ-kô pwĭm-ŝa
- well (xref {fuŋ})
- gujŋ-kô tlĭrn-ŝa
- silver mine
- gun
- content root word
- gun Φyr-tan
- suffixoid root morpheme
- gun-tôn
- noun, substantive
- gwâm
- explosion
!hwǒ: jĭlm-ĉa pǒ ĥy-i ŝâ-ť-zô źǒ, wǒn ce gân-ř šelm gwâm-van pân. Hey! Don't push that button, or everything will explode.
- gwâm-cô-van
- to implode, collapse inward (xref {tě'θru})
- gwâm-ĉa
- bomb, landmine, torpedo, missile; explosive device
- gwâm-ha
- explosive (substance; nitroglycerine, dynamite, etc.)
- gwe
- already; now in contrast to the recent past (xref {ver})
ðurm-ja hej tî'šâ-ja ŋĭn-i heŋ gwe vlym-ĝĭw kǒ, ʝǒj te vim ħĭwm ĝĭ-bô gǒ. This shirt is no longer suitable for work or church; look, there's a big stain on the front.
lyn-bly fy-bô gwe il ɱ im ŝâm iŋ mâ-bâm-la ĥy-i bâwŋ-van. She is seven months pregnant [the baby has been gestating in her womb for seven months already].
ĝyl-fyn mĭ-i ʝâr-rĭm dâ-bô ĥy-i tru-zô gwe Ќ-ɱ. We have already found three witnesses to the crash.
ĵyj-fja-van gwe, mǒj mwĭl-ŝra-van heŋ ver. I am already tired, but not yet sleepy.
- gwě'vu
- forgetting what one was doing, what one was looking for
( < Enigmatic: 'guivri')
- gwě'vu-cô-žar-van
- to suddenly remember what one was planning to do but had forgotten
- gwě'vu-gju-van
- to forget what one was going to say, to be at a loss for words
- gwě'vu-pě'hĭ-van
- to absentmindedly miss a turn or make a wrong turn while traveling (xref {kâ-dô-pě'hĭ-van})
- gwě'vu-sum
- forgetting an important step in getting ready for something (e.g. packing for a trip), especially if you feel you've forgotten something but you can't remember what (xref {sum-dô})
- gwî'jum
- William, Guillaume, Wilhelm, Wilhelmina, Wilma, Will, Bill, Billy...
- -ĝa
- anti; opposed to ~; tending to prevent, remove or undo ~ (xref {sî'ðyr, -ðwa, ħulŋ-i})
- ĝâ
- law; rule which some authority will punish one for violating
- ĝâ rě'ĵy-žar-paj
- marriage law
- ĝâ-dô
- crime, lawbreaking
ĝâ-dô kǒ mĭ-i ĥul-gô ŋĭn-i. This crime is anger-worthy.
- ĝâ-gjâ
- prescriptive grammar; language policy, editorial style guide; etc.
- ĝâ-ja-ĵam
- action subject to the law
- ĝâ-ny
- rule, stricture (nonce, prefer {ĝâ-θô})
- ĝâ-θô
- rule, stricture, enforced custom (of a private society, enforced by nothing worse than expulsion from same; xref {ĝâ}, laws of a polity which may carry severe penalties)
- ĝâ-zô
- to order, ordain, prescribe, legislate (general standing orders; xref {twâ-gym-zô}, particular, occasional or personal orders)
- ĝâj
- changfulness, decay, mortality, breach of tradition (xref {ƴârn, ĉâm, ₣âl, jâ-ʝǒ-žar; tě'θru})
( < Llegisia 'Toujeis')
- ĝâj-cô
- perfect stability, immortality (xref {vâlm, ĉâm-ta})
- ĝâj-fja
- stable, durable, traditional, customary (xref {vâlm})
- ĝâj-hyw-van
- to forget, lose memories, experience decay/breakdown of memories (xref {gwě'vu}; {hyw-van heŋ gwe})
- ĝâj-kun-van
- to forget (factual knowledge; xref {ĝâj-hyw-van, gwě'vu-van})
- ĝâj-van
- to decay, to change for the worse (xref {ƴârn})
- ĝâlm
- redundancy as engineering technique; using multiple back-up systems; overengineering, safety margin, belt-and-suspenders
frâ ðĭ-i ĝâlm-sô ŋĭn-i nihoŋ-lam mĭ-i. Japanese marks questions redundantly.
- ĝâlm-ja
- redundant, having a large margin of safety built in (xref {ķe, ķe-tǒj-bô})
- ĝâlm-zô
- to overengineer something, design or build it as much stronger, safer, secure, etc. than it strictly needs to be
- ĝân
- ardor, intensity, extremity, passion; (of hunger, eating) voracity; (of ideas, etc.) fantaticism, zeal; (of parties) swingingness; (of light) brightness; (of sounds) loudness, piercingness; (of stairs, hills, etc.) steepness (xref {źe, -źa}); also occasional error for {ðân}
- ĝân-bô
- ardent, intense, extreme, fierce, strong, loud, steep; (with proper name) "the Great"
- ĝân-cô-bô
- gentle, light, non-intense (of processes, e.g.; xref {žu-bô, žu-sô})
- ĝân-fĭ
- stress, accent (pronouncing some syllables louder or at higher pitch than other syllables)
- ĝân-hôw-pja kĭlm-paj
- invigorator of parties
- ĝě'dĭ
- jade
( < English)
- ĝě'fu
- dread of certain doom (xref {ħum})
ƥ zĭm-i ĝě'fu-van, hǒŋ fĭm-cô kǒ gân-ř zuň-cô-žar-ƥ-van ler. I dread for her, that she will die of this illness.
- ĝĭ
- bigness, width, breadth; (xref {buw, hum, ŋy, ny, ðĭm})
ðurm-ja hej tî'šâ-ja ŋĭn-i heŋ gwe vlym-ĝĭw kǒ, ʝǒj te vim ħĭwm ĝĭ-bô gǒ. This shirt is no longer suitable for work or church; look, there's a big stain on the front.
hjě'nĭ-vĭ ʝel dî'fu-i ĝĭ-sra-van hjě'nĭ-ŝy ʝel mĭ-i. Female hyenas are generally bigger than male hyenas.
- ĝĭ-cô
- smallness, being less than typical size for its kind (xref {ny})
- ĝĭ-fja
- tiny, microscopic (prefer {ny-źa} in most contexts)
- ĝĭj
- hesitation, indecision (xref {blě'mĭm, šâw})
- ĝĭj-cô
- decisiveness; being quick to decide and act (xref {vy, gu})
- ĝĭj-vô
- ellipses '~~~'
- ĝĭn
- djinn, genie
( < Arabic via English)
- ĝĭr
- pausing, temporary interruption
- ĝĭr-fwa-zô
- to suspend, hibernate (a computer or similar electronic device, or a program); person {tu-i} suspends device/process {ĥy-i} (xref {ĝĭr-jĭlm-zô})
- ĝĭr-jĭlm-zô
- to suspend the operation of (a computer, esp. a laptop or similar) (xref {ĝĭr-fwa-zô})
- ĝĭr-kô
- intersection with stop light or stop sign (on road); stopping-place (in text); breakpoint (in code)
- ĝĭr-ruŋ-zô
- to stop briefly during a trip
- ĝĭr-θaj-zô
- to resume, continue, pick up where one left off
- ĝĭr-van
- to suffer an interuption of some process (complement with {ðĭ-i} or a second verb)
- ĝĭr-vô-ĝĭ
- semicolon ';'
- ĝĭr-vô-ny
- comma ','
- ĝĭr-zô
- to pause, to momentarily interrupt; to leave off (planning to resume) (usually with a complement verb)
- ĝĭw
- thorax, abdomen, trunk, torso (in contrast to head and limbs); palm of hand, corresponding part of foot; middle section (xref {ĝy})
- ĝu
- 13; thirteen
- ĝu-ðy
- 18; eighteen
- ĝum
- power, control, domination, strong influence (xref {ðu, tyrn, pâŋ})
- ĝum-ca
- to control oneself, to exercise self-control, to regulate one's actions; (with {pě'ŝlĭ-i} object) to exercise conscious control of a semi-voluntary system, e.g. breathing
- ĝum-i
- in charge of, having power over, controlling
- ĝum-ryň
- shallow mind control, controlling someone's actions but leaving their thoughts free
- ĝum-θô
- political influence; someone has power enough to be unusually persuasive without being able to give outright commands
- ĝum-zym
- deep mind control, controlling someone's thoughts etc.
- ĝy
- center, middle, kernel, core (xref {ĝĭw})
θuň-ba pǒ ðim tyn-van mâ-fĭw ĵyn-fwa mĭ-i, mǒj te ĝy-im tâň-ƥ-van. In the early part of that story interesting characters appear, but they disappear in the middle.
- ĝy-i
- in the center, middle of
- ĝy-ŋla
- Wednesday
- ĝy-ol
- through the middle of
- ĝy-pa
- middle (of a series or sequence)
- ĝy-θaj
- edge, outskirts (xref {θlu, pjylm})
- ĝyl
- interruption, breaking off, miscarriage, crash; unexpected ending (xref {sě'tun, sun, ĝĭr})
- ĝyl-cô-zô
- to recover, resume after an unintended, perhaps catastrophic interruption (xref {ĝĭr-θaj-zô})
- ĝyl-flu
- clog in tube/pipe, blockage of intestines, damming of a river
- ĝyl-fyn
- accident, wreck, crash (of cars esp., also other vehicles)
ĝyl-fyn mĭ-i ʝâr-rĭm dâ-bô ĥy-i tru-zô gwe Ќ-ɱ. We have already found three witnesses to the crash.
- ĝyl-mâ-cu-źa
- apocalypse, collapse of human civilization (xref {sun-mu, ĝyl-mu} for cosmic-scope apocalypse)
- ĝyl-mâ-cu-źa mâ-zuň-lwa-dal
- zombie apocalypse
- ĝyl-nu
- pause, momentarily interrupt (prefer {ĝĭr})
- ĝyl-pa
- last, final (of interrupted rather than completed series)
- ĝyl-zô
- to interrupt, to break off, to stop doing (with verb complement, or interrupted process marked by {ĥy-i})
- ĝyl-źu
- a disappointed hope; a desire which seemed attainable until something happened to show that it wasn't
- ĝyŋ
- 16; sixteen; (also occasional error for {ĝy} = middle)
- gy
- love, charity; amo; ĥesed; agape (xref {fâ})
ť lĭw-i tu-bâl kâ-i gy-ť-zô mwe; ɱ ĥy-i cluŋ-zô, mâ lǒ tu-i ť ĥy-i ħulŋ-zô. Love those who hate you; do good to those who injure you.
- gy-i
- for the love of [charitable]
θě'ku gy-i mâ kâj-ha-ta ĥy-i θĭ-zô de mje kolkata-wam im teresa-ram-ķa pî'hâ-bô. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta served the destitute for the love of God.
- gy-sô
- charitable (tending to do good to people, to give them the benefit of the doubt) (xref {θĭ-sô, bwĭl-sô})
- gym
- leadership, leading (xref {pâŋ})
( < helenike 'hegemon')
- gym-i
- led by, under the leadership or guidance of
- gym-pja-cu
- leadership, board of directors (of nonprofit org.)
- gym-tla
- leader, manager
- gym-θaj
- obedience, following a leader's direction
- gym-θaj-i
- = {gym-i}
- gym-θaj-zô
- to obey; follow; be under orders
- gym-zô
- to lead, guide, organize (esp. people); estri
- gyn
- polygon (xref {Φâ})
( < English < helenike)
- gyn-cjaj
- regular polygon
- gyn-čĭn-ĉa-da
- star polygon
gyn-čĭn-ĉa-da-ðy ķĭn-o gâm-zô suŋ-kě'ĝu-tla sâ-cô-fwa. The evil sorcerer drew a pentagram.
- gyn-cu
- tesselation, tiling
- gyn-ma
- fractal
- gyn-tôn
- geometrical shape, pattern (xref {Φâ, čĭwm})
- gyn-tôn dî'ku-za
- circle, ellipse (xref {mâw, θym})
- gyn-twâl-ĉu-ĉu
- square
- gyn-twâl-ĉu-dâ
- hexagon
- gyn-twâl-dâ
- triangle
- gyn-twâl-ðy
- pentagon
- -ha
- substance with which one does ~, which effects ~ (archaically also = {-kar})
- hâ
- 17; seventeen
vě'ty-rĭm hâ-bô ĥy-i šyj-zô gwe. I've washed seventeen windows already.
- hân
- old, having been tested by time & found good (xref {pě'lâ, šy, dân, bâm-cô-bô})
( < suomalainen 'vanha')
mluj i tyn-van mâ bâm-bô zej hân-bô. People of all ages from babies to old folks were at the small convention.
fî'suň-bly θâ-bô jĭrn-i ƴu-van rî'mâ-hân kǒ. This old house has lasted a hundred and one years.
tĭw kî'sul-na hân-bô ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô tam-ram. Tom sold me an antique wooden chair.
- hej
- or (inclusive; word-conjunction, xref clausal {ŝwiň})
kâj-ha ʝel mĭ-i zryŋ-na hej tlĭŋ-na ŋĭn-i mje de. It used to be that money was typically made of gold or silver.
ðurm-ja hej tî'šâ-ja ŋĭn-i heŋ gwe vlym-ĝĭw kǒ, ʝǒj te vim ħĭwm ĝĭ-bô gǒ. This shirt is no longer suitable for work or church; look, there's a big stain on the front.
- helenike-tam
- Greek person
- helwetika
- Helvetica; Swiss/tzerland
- hem
- um, uh, hmm; hesitation filler
( < English 'hmm...')
- heŋ
- negative, not; no (response) (xref {źǒ})
ljâw pe câŋ kin θlu gǒ; bĭŋ-van heŋ pjylm. There is a fuzzy boundary between observational science and experimental science; no sharp boundary exists.
ĥâ-ĉa syj-ta-i kyl kǒ ĥy-i ðu-Ł-van heŋ jĭlm-zô. One can't open this box without a knife.
- heŋ-tǒj
- negation, negativity, denial
- heŋ-tǒj-tôn
- polarity, affirmation or negation
- hě'lî'sjy
- Alice, Alicia
- hě'ŝĭ
- hissing, sizzling, crackling sound
( < onomatopoeia)
- hěl'vĭ
- contempt, disdain, despite, scorn (xref {ĥĭn})
( < suomalainen 'halveksia')
- hěl'vĭ-fwa
- contemptible, despicable, base, vulgar
- hěm'lu
- magnolia
- hěm'lu-rô
- inviting one to climb & clamber
hěm'lu-rô ŋĭn-i ʝem kwě'kyr pǒ mĭ-i, gâ lǒ sin tyn-van vlĭw kěr'vâ-dal. That tree with the crow's nest in it looks fun to climb.
- hěm'lu-tôn
- tree suitable for climbing
- hěw'gĭn
- Eugene, Eugenia
- hi
- behind, at the back of
*vlym-julŋ hi mâ kâ-i źǒ. Pay no attention to the person behind the curtain.
nî'sâ-van ðǒŋ ƴâ-ĉa ĵwy-cô-bô hi fyn-zô mě'tyr-źa srǒ il. It was just my luck to get stuck behind a slow vehicle for several kilometers.
mlĭr-ðe-ĉu-ť-zô mwe. ť hi rjuŋ-ny gǒ. Turn around! There's a wyvern behind you.
- hij
- back-at-near
?ť wuŋ-i rî'mâ hij θĭl ĥy-i bâwŋ-hôw-ť-zô vǒm zǒn. You grow potatoes behind your house, don't you?
- hil
- back-at-through
- him
- back-at-part.of
- hin
- back-at-contact
- hiŋ
- back-at-inside
- hĭ
- ĵy-ĥân; difficulty
- hĭ-fja
- easy
- hĭ-van ðǒŋ ~~~
- it's hard to ~~~
ŋe ŝu-i čĭwm-fĭ gân-ř hĭ-van ðǒŋ gjâ-zym-byn syj-i twâ-mlulm krĭ-o Ł tu-i. Because of its phonotactics, it is is difficult to write palindromes in gzb.
- hĭj
- sacrament, mysterium (xref {čâl})
- hĭj-bwĭl-šî'fy
- the sacrament of confirmation
- hĭj-fĭm
- annointing the sick
- hĭj-hî'su
- the sacrament of reconciliation
- hĭj-hî'su-zô
- to go to confession
- hĭj-hyw
- the sacrament of confirmation
- hĭj-jâ-θĭ-tla
- Holy Orders
- hĭj-ĵu
- the sacrament of confirmation
- hĭj-ĵu-van
- to be confirmed
- hĭj-kô
- church (place) (Catholic or Orthodox) (xref {hĭj-ĵwa, tî'šâ-kô, kîr'bân-kô})
- hĭj-kô-cy
- cathedral, basilica
- hĭj-pwĭm
- Baptism (xref {čâl-pwĭm})
- hĭj-pwĭm-van
- to be baptized
- hĭj-Φa
- the Blessed Sacrament, esp. the Host stored in the tabernacle between Masses
ŋul-pja hĭj-Φa-paj jâ-i ķulm-van θě'mâ. It is Thomas's duty and privilege to be a Eucharistic guardian.
- hĭj-Φa kâ-i tî'šâ
- Eucharistic adoration
- hĭj-rě'ĵy
- marriage (as a sacrament)
- hĭj-sjum
- Eucharist
- hĭj-sjum-lyl
- episcopal Chrism Mass during Holy Week
- hĭj-tla
- priest, bishop (Catholic or Orthodox) (xref {kîr'bân-tla, hĭj-tla-cy})
- hĭj-tla-cy
- bishop, archbishop
- hĭj-tla-cy-źa
- pope
- hĭj-tôn
- nonce = {hyw-kě'ĝu}
- hĭj-vâ-oŋ
- the Lord's Supper
- hĭj-ƴĭ
- penance, confession
- hĭl
- carbon
( < suomalainen 'hiili')
jĭm-ĉa hĭl-na ol pwĭm ĥy-i flu-fwa-zô, kujm-šar te ĥy-i jĭm jâ-o. I pour water through a carbon filter to purify it.
- hir
- far behind, way in back of
- hî'dru
- polyhedron; 3+ dimensional {gyn}
( < English < helenike)
- hî'dru sě'vĭ-na
- brick
- hî'lum
- helium
( < English < German < Latin)
- hî'mâr
- understand, comprehend a thing's meaning, essence, internal consistency (xref {hyw, wym})
( < suomalainen 'ymmärtää')
ðu-van ƴeŋ ce kâ-i hî'mâr-van. I can barely understand that.
- hî'mâr-cô-hôw-tǒj
- obfuscation, intentionally caused confusion
- hî'mâr-cô-hôw-zô
- to obfuscate, try to confuse someone ({tu-i} tries to confuse {ĥy-i} about {mĭ-i} or {mĭ-šar} clause)
- hî'mâr-faj
- understandable, comprehensible
- hî'mâr-hôw-zô
- to explain, try to make someone understand something (xref {ŋĭn-zô}, same arg structure with {ĥy-i} object = person being explained to)
- hî'pu
- hippopotamus
( < English)
- hî'pym
- morning-glory (ipomonea)
( < Latin Ipomonea)
- hî'pym-tôn
- flowering plant
- hî'pym-tôn-ĵwa
- flower garden
- hî'rĭ
- venture, undertaking, project, enterprise, adventure (xref {ryň}, {źě'fy})
- hî'rĭ {gjâ-krĭ kwǒ kâ-i suŋ-hôw-môj}
- Conlang Learners project
- hî'rĭ-ħĭ plĭ-tôn-za
- drug study (also more specific variant with {θĭw-za})
- hî'su
- forgiveness, pardon, acquittal
- hîl'wĭn
- Halloween
( < English)
- hîw'gâ
- peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
( < Latin)
- hjě'nĭ
- hyena, aardwolf (mammals of family Hyaenidae)
( < Latin)
hjě'nĭ-vĭ ʝel dî'fu-i ĝĭ-sra-van hjě'nĭ-ŝy ʝel mĭ-i. Female hyenas are generally bigger than male hyenas.
- ho
- back-to
- hoj
- back-to-near
- hol
- back-to-through
- hom
- back-to-part.of
- hon
- back-to-contact
- hoŋ
- back-to-inside
- hǒ
- vocative particle
( < E-o 'ho')
naj'ĝel-ram hǒ, ?râm mĭ-i ħě'nâw-van zǒn. Nigel, are you allergic to cats?
- hǒ-tǒj
- greeting, salutation
- hǒl
- whole, entire, total; wholly, entirely, fully, completely, totally (xref {pen, pân, hǒl-tǒj})
( < helenike 'holon')
nĭrn-van sĭ, kiň šun-pwĭm-rô hǒl ĥy-i pwĭm-da-fwa-van. The river swelled, and flooded the whole valley.
- hǒl-cô
- partial, incomplete, fragmentary
- hǒl-tǒj
- whole, entirety, gestalt
- hǒŋ
- that (introduces subordinate clauses); {hǒŋ ~~~ zǒn} or {hǒŋ ~~~ srem} = whether
ƥ zĭm-i ĝě'fu-van, hǒŋ fĭm-cô kǒ gân-ř zuň-cô-žar-ƥ-van ler. I dread for her, that she will die of this illness.
ĵyj-fja-van ru-kǒ-bô, hǒŋ ðu-van ƴeŋ su-van. I'm so tired, I can hardly stand up.
ĵârn-ca šĭl tu-i, že ði hǒŋ mâ o bly-ca kiň ħulŋ-zô. The snake coils before it strikes.
Ќ ŋâw-o twâ-zô kelij-ram, hǒŋ fĭm-cô-ť-van. Kelly told me that you were sick.
- hor
- back-to-far
- -hô
- the set of terms which might be meaningful applied to [root] (xref {ĵam})
zym-hô ŋĭn-i heŋ twâ-θy {vrĭm} pe {fu-θy-ta}. The words "green" and "colorless" do not make sense applied to ideas.
- -hôw
- attempting to cause, render ~ (xref {-fwa})
ť dâm-ř grâm źu-hôw gân-ř sjum-van. I'm thankful for your encouraging letter.
křbij-šam-ķa ŝu-i plĭr prym-hôw-za mĭ-i gju-ŋĭn-zô sě'râ. Sarah gave a lecture on Kirby's artistic influences.
- -ħa
- disapproval, dislike, contempt attitudinal suffix
ɱ lĭw-i tâ-kyn-ħa mĭ-i plĭr-van sâ-cô-fwa sĭlvija-ram. Sylvia's aunt is a bad influence on her.
kĭ-ĝâ-tla ŝâj-o dě'lâr vyŋ-bô ĥy-i bwĭl-zô žâj-dô-hôw antonij-ram-ħa. Antony bribed the judge ten thousand dollars.
- ħâl
- nervous fear prior to a difficult job or other stressful ordeal such as a dental procedure; jitters, stage fright (xref {ħum, ĝě'fu})
- ħâň
- cry, yell, scream, holler, moan, roar, bleat
( < onomatopoeia)
- ħâň-lâl
- scream
- ħâň-mwĭl-van
- to snore
- ħâň-pym-van
- to laugh
- ħě'nâw
- allergy
- ħě'nâw-cô-hôw-zô
- to desensitize; medical person {tu-i} desensitizes patient {ĥy-i} to medicine {ðĭ-i} that they're normally allergic to
- ħě'nâw-van
- person/animal {ʝâr-i} is allergic to substance {mĭ-i}; or is currently having an allergic reaction to
naj'ĝel-ram hǒ, ?râm mĭ-i ħě'nâw-van zǒn. Nigel, are you allergic to cats?
- ħi
- south of
- ħij
- south-at-near
- ħil
- south-at-through
- ħim
- south-at-part.of
- ħin
- south-at-contact
- ħiŋ
- south-at-inside
- ħĭ
- test, experiment, checking procedure (xref {trĭ, câŋ})
- ħĭ-ķuj-kô
- security inspection checkpoint, e.g. at airport or national border
- ħĭ-ķuj-tla
- security guard at inspection checkpoint (xref {ŋul-tla})
- ħĭ-lym-zô
- to taste, to try a sip/bite of something to see if it's done cooking or if one likes the taste of it
- ħĭn
- arbitrary restrictions, limits, unreasonably strict rules; captivity, imprisonment, slavery
- ħĭn-da
- unfree, restricted (of situations, legal jurisdictions)
- ħĭn-fwa-zô
- to capture, imprison; constrain, restrict
- ħĭn-kô
- jail, prison, dungeon
ħĭn-kô řŋ câ-zô ruŋ-kě'ĝu-zô ħĭn-ta-zwa srǒ. Several would-be escapees tried to sneak out of the prison.
- ħĭn-ta
- free, unrestricted, at liberty
ħĭn-kô řŋ câ-zô ruŋ-kě'ĝu-zô ħĭn-ta-zwa srǒ. Several would-be escapees tried to sneak out of the prison.
- ħĭn-ta-tǒj
- freedom, liberty (xref {dlu})
- ħĭn-vuj
- shackles, handcuffs, bars of a cage or cell, straitjacket
- ħĭrn
- pride; arrogance, hubris; also occasional error for {ħĭn}
- ħĭwm
- spot, splotch, blot, blemish, mark, stain, discoloration, encrustation...
- ħir
- far to the south of
- ħo
- south-to
- ħoj
- south-to-near
- ħol
- south-to-through
- ħom
- south-to-part.of
- ħon
- south-to-contact
- ħoŋ
- south-to-inside
- ħor
- south-to-far
- ħř
- south-from
- ħřj
- south-from-near
- ħřl
- south-from-through
- ħřm
- south-from-part.of
- ħřn
- south-from-contact
- ħřŋ
- south-from-inside
- ħřr
- south-from-far
- ħuj
- enforcement of some standard; punishment (xref {ħĭn})
- ħuj zuň-cô-fwa
- capital punishment, execution
- ħuj-zô
- to punish; authority {tu-i} punishes (alleged) wrongdoer {ĥy-i} by method {ru-i}/{ru-šar}
- ħulŋ
- hurt, harm, damage, injury {xref {jyn-cô, ĥâ. -dô})
- ħulŋ-cô-fwa-zô
- to fix, repair, mend (of simple artifacts, e.g. darning socks or gluing a broken piece back onto a china doll; xref {grĭ-fwa-zô})
- ħulŋ-i
- against, for the injury/disadvantage of, opposed to, in opposition/enmity to; malefactive postp. (xref {-ĝa, θĭ-o})
- ħulŋ-lĭn-zô
- to damage something in attaching (something) to it (used e.g. of ticks biting and hanging on to mammals)
- ħulŋ-van
- {mĭ-i} or {ʝâr-i} suffers damage/harm/injury (from {gân-ř})
- ħulŋ-zô
- {tu-i} causes damage/harm/injury to {ĥy-i}
ĵârn-ca šĭl tu-i, že ði hǒŋ mâ o bly-ca kiň ħulŋ-zô. The snake coils before it strikes.
ť lĭw-i tu-bâl kâ-i gy-ť-zô mwe; ɱ ĥy-i cluŋ-zô, mâ lǒ tu-i ť ĥy-i ħulŋ-zô. Love those who hate you; do good to those who injure you.
- ħulŋ-źa-zô
- to destroy, ruin, demolish
- ħum
- fear, being afraid (xref {ĝě'fu, ħâl})
- ħum-cĭm-źa
- panic; fearful worry, anxiety
- ħum-fwa-zô
- to frighten (deliberately)
- ħum-ma
- fear of being afraid
- ħum-van
- be afraid of ({ʝâr-i} is afraid of {mĭ-i} or {kâ-i})
- ħun
- pine tree
- ħun-pwĭm-da-kwa
- dark brown, color of wet pine bark
- ħun-rô
- [archaic] = ĉy-tan; round and much taller/longer than it is wide
- ħun-tôn
- tree
mruň pǒ si bâwŋ-θaj-van heŋ ħun-tôn mĭ-i. Trees don't grow on top of that mountain.
kî'sul ĥy-i ŝâj-žar kujm-o ħun-tôn ĥy-i ĥâ-Ł-zô. One cuts trees to get wood.
- ħun-tôn řm zjâm
- twig, branches (fallen from a tree)
- ħun-tôn-cu
- forest, orchard
- ħun-tôn-cu bly-pwĭm-da
- jungle, rain forest
- ħun-tôn-daj
- grove, copse, forest
- ħy
- 19
- hř
- back-from
- hřj
- back-from-near
- hřl
- back-from-through
- hřm
- back-from-part.of
- hřn
- back-from-contact
- hřŋ
- back-from-inside
- hřr
- back-from-far
- hu
- essence, nature, set of essential qualities (xref {Φĭ}); content, subject-matter
- hu ðĭ-i
- in essence, by nature, in and of itself
- hu frâ-gô
- Questionable Content (webcomic) (nonce, prefer {hu sâ-cô-fwa fjǒ})
- hu sâ-cô-fwa fjǒ
- Questionable Content (webcomic)
- hu-ja
- fitting a thing's nature, natural, suitable (xref {kujm-ja, Φĭ-ja, gâw-ja})
- hum
- deep, depth
sĭ li θâŋ-twâl-ɱ-van, kiň lârm-van, kiň te ĥy-i gĭl-lârm-Φa jĭrn-i hum-fwa-zô. She by the river sat, and sitting there, / She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
- hum-bô
- deep
- hum-cô
- height, altitude
- hum-cô-bô
- high, tall
- hum-fja
- shallowness
- hum-ga
- important
- hum-ʝa
- long, of great length (xref {lâŋ})
- hum-ʝa-ma
- area (archaic, prefer {ŋy-ma})
- hum-vô
- importance mark, asterisk '*'
- huw
- happiness, contentment (xref {pwĭ, ₣urŋ})
huw-faj ŋĭn-i ƥ ĉi purj mĭ-i, mǒj huw-ƥ-van heŋ. Their circumstances might make them happy, but they aren't happy.
- huw-bô
- happy, content
- hwâwm
- pretending, roleplaying, masque, theater, acting; an RPG campaign
- hwâwm-ĉul-zô
- to perform a play
- hwâwm-kô
- theater (place where plays and similar performance art works are performed; xref {du-žy, gâm-ʝĭl-kô})
- hwâwm-ku
- radio play, audio drama
- hwâwm-kun
- pretending to know more than one does about something (also {ƴum-kun}, with more malicious intent than simply concealing one's ignorance; or {hwâwm-hyw}, {ƴum-hyw} if one is pretending to have experience and not just intellectual knowledge)
- hwâwm-pja
- gamer, someone who frequently plays RPGs
- hwě'dĭl
- chewy candy (xref {žâm})
- hwě'dĭl-ĉy
- candy bar
- hwǒ
- general-purpose interjection of surprise, wonder, dismay
( < Old English 'Hwoet!')
!hwǒ: jĭlm-ĉa pǒ ĥy-i ŝâ-ť-zô źǒ, wǒn ce gân-ř šelm gwâm-van pân. Hey! Don't push that button, or everything will explode.
- ĥâ
- cut, break, tear, bite, divide, separate
kî'sul ĥy-i ŝâj-žar kujm-o ħun-tôn ĥy-i ĥâ-Ł-zô. One cuts trees to get wood.
gě'dĭm mje θǒ i Ќ cim zjâm-ny ĥy-i ĥâ-ca. I cut my left little toe yesterday.
- ĥâ fĭm-hôw
- surgery
- ĥâ-cô-zô
- join, connect, put together (xref {kju, lĭn})
- ĥâ-ĉa
- blade, knife, axe, scissors
ĥâ-ĉa syj-ta-i kyl kǒ ĥy-i ðu-Ł-van heŋ jĭlm-zô. One can't open this box without a knife.
- ĥâ-ĉa sî'ðyr-paj
- sword, battleaxe
- ĥâ-ĉa twâl-ĉa-ža
- scissors
- ĥâ-du-zô
- to parse, break into sections or parts, analyze
- ĥâ-ga
- schism, division, separation, breakup (not necessarily wrong or unpleasant)
- ĥâ-ga fĭm-cô-cjaj-ĝa
- quarantine, isolation against spread of infection
- ĥâ-ga-ca
- to separate, split up (of a group of people)
- ĥâ-ħĭ
- biopsy, cutting a sample of living tissue (etc.) to test; drilling a core sample of rock, ice, etc.
- ĥâ-ʝym-kô
- barber shop; hair salon
- ĥâ-ʝym-tla
- barber
- ĥâ-kî'sul-tla
- woodchopper, lumberjack
- ĥâ-ŋĭw
- tooth, teeth
- ĥâ-ta
- intact, unbroken, uncut
- ĥâ-zô fĭm-hôw
- to perform surgery
- ĥâl
- copper
( < helenike 'chalkos')
- ĥâl-sjân
- bronze, brass
- ĥâm
- dirt, soil, dust, sand, mud, earth (xref {sě'vĭ, pul})
- ĥâm-da
- dirty, muddy, dusty (xref {šyj-cô-bô})
- ĥâm-daj
- ground, soil, earth (the mass of stuff beneath your feet, if outdoors and not rocky) (xref {lân-ga})
- ĥân
- work, labor, chores, drudgery; something one does by necessity rather than for enjoyment or fulfilment (xref {ðurm, žuln, pjâl, ₣â, ryň-ĵy})
( < helenike 'chalepon')
- ĥân gě'dĭm-ja
- The Daily Grind (webserial)
- ĥân-ðurm
- a particularly tedious part of one's job
- ĥân-pjâl
- 1. a tedious subtask within an overall enjoyable/interesting project. 2. relatively tedious volunteer work, undertaken on behalf of others than oneself or one's dependents
- ĥân-zô
- work, do chores, run errands
- ĥâr
- spider
( < helenike 'arachne' anagram)
- ĥâr-ga
- web server [nonce; not satisfied with this]
- ĥâr-tôn
- arachnid
- ĥâr-tôn-ħa sâŋ-sô
- tick (blood-sucking arachnid of superfamily Ixodoidea)
- ĥem
- Khem (ancient Egypt)
- ĥě'fâŋ
- cancer
- ĥě'ĵuŋ
- storm, hurricane, cyclone, tempest
- ĥě'ĵuŋ-ga mâ-na
- riot, tumult, civil disturbance, violent unrest
- ĥě'ĵuŋ-gru
- tornado
- ĥě'sâlm
- bitterness, resentment
- ĥěn'vu
- arthropathy, arthritis
- ĥĭ
- 23
- ĥĭn
- disgust, revulsion (xref {hěl'vĭ})
- ĥĭn-bô
- disgusted, appalled, creeped out, squicked
- ĥĭn-fwa
- creepy, disgusting, gross, nasty, revolting, obscene
- ĥĭn-vuj
- nausea
- ĥlur
- chlorine
( < Greek via English)
- ĥrist
- Christ, Messiah; ĥy-lyl; fru-θě'ku ŝu-i nĭm ryň-tla-ja (xref {ĥrî'cu} and {ĥy-lyl-ķam})
( < helenike)
- ĥrî'cě'fyr
- Christopher, Christine, Chris, Christy
- ĥrî'cu
- Christ, Messiah; xref {ĥy-lyl-ķam}
( < helenike (anagram))
- ĥrî'cu-lô
- Christian
- ĥul
- anger, fury, wrath
( < Latin 'choler')
ĝâ-dô kǒ mĭ-i ĥul-gô ŋĭn-i. This crime is anger-worthy.
- ĥul-bô
- angry, furious
- ĥul-ŋul-bô
- fiercely protective (said of a mama bear defending her cubs e.g.)
- ĥul-sâ-cô
- moral indignation, fury at injustice
- ĥul-ŝĭ-van
- to be angry about a perceived insult or slight
- ĥul-zô
- to act in anger; to blow up, throw a tantrum
- ĥun
- meeting; being together, in company; apointment
nu lǒ i gĭn-van ĥun mĭ-i, nu pǒ i tyn-van šlâ ĝu-bô kiň tyn-van heŋ šlâ ðy-bô. When the meeting began, there were thirteen members present and five members absent.
ĥun θǒ i, šâ-ť-zô mwe twâ-cu pǒ. Bring that book to our next meeting.
- ĥun ðon
- goodbye, until we meet again
- ĥun-frâ
- interview, Q&A session
mluj šom ĥun-frâ ĥy-i tâň-cô-Ł-zô. They added a question-and-answer session to the end of the convention.
- ĥun-ga
- meeting by phone or net, not face to face; conference call; listgroup or BBS, etc. (xref {ĥun-ŋy})
- ĥun-ga-i
- virtually with (e.g. by phone or realtime chat)
- ĥun-i
- with, together with, in company with, meeting with, working with; comitative (xref {-ža}; for instrumental with = using, {syj-i, ŋĭw-i, ŝĭw-i})
- ĥun-kwĭ suŋ-hôw
- course, class (series of meetings teaching a practical skill; also {~ kun-hôw})
- ĥun-mâ-sô
- domesticated (of animals, species or individuals); gregarious, disliking solitude (of people)
- ĥun-ŋy
- telephone conversation, network chat, videoconference, etc. (xref gju-ŋy-môj, gju-ðĭl-môj)
- ĥun-ŋy-frâ
- interview conducted by email, phone, etc.
- ĥun-o
- meeting with, joining (inceptive version of {ĥun-i})
- ĥun-pĭw
- gaming party, game match (xref {kĭlm})
- ĥun-ř
- parting with (cessative version of {ĥun-i})
- ĥun-źa
- large convention or congress, too large for each participant to meet every other (xref {mluj, kĭlm})
- ĥun-źa dlu-mâ-za
- Human Rights Festival in Athens, Ga. (nonce, prefer {kĭlm-źa dlu-mâ-za})
- ĥun-źa hĭj-Φa-paj
- Eucharistic congress
- ĥur
- saliva, spit, spittle
- ĥur-zô
- to spit
- ĥwâ
- fjâw-fwa-tǒj, prym-źa-fwa-tǒj; glory, honor
( < Polsku 'chwal-a')
- ĥwâ-dô
- dishonor, dishonorable actions
- ĥwâ-i
- in honor of, for the glory of
beθ-ram ĥwâ-i kĭlm i ķĭn-gâm-Ќ-zô reŋ. I took many photos at the party in honor of Beth.
mî'rĭj θĭ-o sĭlm ķĭn-o ʝĭŋ ŝâm-řŋ-tǒj-za ĥwâ-i gwî'jum tu-i. Wilma made a dress for Mary for her birthday.
- ĥwâ-žar
- the Transfiguration
- ĥwĭl
- age, era; period of relative stability in world's history
- ĥwĭl kǒ i
- nowadays, in this period (historical)
- ĥwĭl sǒ i
- once upon a time; at a certain (perhaps remote) period
- ĥy
- patient, thing acted on, thing affected by an action/process
- ĥy-bâl
- enemy
- ĥy-bwĭl
- gift, thing (to be) given
- ĥy-bwĭl Φě'ĥu-lě'ku-ga
- white elephant gift
( < shameless calque of English, as fitting for the name of such a cultural institution)
- ĥy-čuj
- messenger, representative, envoy, emissary (xref {cĭw-ga})
- ĥy-čuj dâm-ř ryň
- Acts of the Apostles
- ĥy-čuj tyrn-ʝǒ-dal
- ambassador, consul
- ĥy-čuj-ķam
- apostle
- ĥy-fĭm-hôw
- patient (person being treated for illness/injury)
- ĥy-fyn
- passenger; cargo
- ĥy-ga
- object, esp. direct object (grammar)
- ĥy-ħĭn-bô
- unfree, restricted; penned up, caged, captured, imprisoned (of persons, animals)
- ĥy-i
- agato, trafato; patient
- ĥy-krĭ-bô
- in progress, unfinished (of a story, painting, etc.)
- ĥy-lâ-cô
- nominee, someone/something proposed but not yet chosen for something
- ĥy-lju
- something that's read
- ĥy-lju-bô
- being read
- ĥy-lyl-ķam
- Christ; Messiah; annointed one
- ĥy-tlĭŋ-žar
- fossil, petrified wood, etc.
- ĥy-tôn
- object cases or theta roles
- ĥy-ƴum-bô
- deceived, tricked, deluded (of persons, victims of deception or hoax)
- ĥy-žy
- example; something shown, pointed out
- hyr
- hour
( < English)
râ ĉu-bô pǒ ki ƴu-van hyr fy-bô. Seven hours passed between those two events.
- hyr ƴâ-ĉa-da
- rush hour, time of heavy traffic
- hyr-ðe-ryŋ
- moment (archaic)
- hyrŋ
- blue
- hyw
- direct, interior knowledge; memory, experience (xref {ʝâr, kun, suŋ})
- hyw Φĭ-za
- qualitative knowledge, direct experience of qualia {xref {trym, prâr})
- hyw-dô
- forgetting (an event or experience); xref {gwe'vu, ĝâj-hyw-van}
- hyw-hân
- good old memories, nostalgia
- hyw-hôw-pja
- mentor, teacher (passer-on of experience)
- hyw-kě'ĝu
- mystery; mysterion; sacramentum (in older, broader sense; xref {hĭj})
- hyw-kě'ĝu bĭw-fwa
- the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
- hyw-kě'ĝu fu-tan
- the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary
- hyw-kě'ĝu ĥwâ-da
- the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
- hyw-kě'ĝu pwĭ-fwa
- the Joyous Mysteries of the Rosary
- hyw-kě'ĝu pwĭ-fwa mĭ-i rî'zrĭ-zô
- to pray the rosary, meditating on the Joyous Mysteries; similar syntactic pattern for others
- hyw-mu-fĭw-ĉa
- virtual reality interface
- hyw-ŋĭw
- experiential memory
- hyw-pôm
- I know from direct experience / I remember this happening (evidentiality)
- hyw-van
- know directly, experience; remember; sperti, memori (obj. with {kâ-i} or {mĭ-i}, or complement clause with {hǒŋ})
- i
- at, with, in, near
beθ-ram ĥwâ-i kĭlm i ķĭn-gâm-Ќ-zô reŋ. I took many photos at the party in honor of Beth.
nî'šĭm i ŝrun-zô lě'sî'kĭn. The nightingale sings at night.
usonia-wam i ʝĭŋ-sjum i ķârn-mě'lâ ĥy-i mrân-Ł-zô de. In the U.S., people eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
- i-tǒj-vô
- at sign '@'
- ij
- near
- il
- through (position; the road through the forest, xref {ol})
nî'sâ-van ðǒŋ ƴâ-ĉa ĵwy-cô-bô hi fyn-zô mě'tyr-źa srǒ il. It was just my luck to get stuck behind a slow vehicle for several kilometers.
lyn-bly fy-bô gwe il ɱ im ŝâm iŋ mâ-bâm-la ĥy-i bâwŋ-van. She is seven months pregnant [the baby has been gestating in her womb for seven months already].
- im
- in (part of); of, belonging to (body parts)
Ќ cim jyr im twâl-θaj ĥy-i ĉârn-ca, wǒj čun-ƥ-van. I scratch my left elbow because it itches.
mruň kâ-ŋy-tla-wam im tyn-van mrâ-cu prym-fwa. There is a beautiful cave system in Lookout Mountain.
θuň pǒ mĭ-i jĭm-ga heŋ ŋĭn-i; te im ðâ-dô reŋ ķe mĭ-i tyn-van. That story isn't consistent; it has too many violations of logic.
- im-θaj
- of which ~ is a part
- in
- apud; at the outer surface of
- iŋ
- inside
Ќ wuŋ-i ƴâ-ĉa iŋ ðu-van θâŋ-twâl-van mâ ĉu-dâ-bô fem-θaj. No more than six people can sit in my car.
lyn-bly fy-bô gwe il ɱ im ŝâm iŋ mâ-bâm-la ĥy-i bâwŋ-van. She is seven months pregnant [the baby has been gestating in her womb for seven months already].
- iŋ-tǒj
- inside location, interior space
- iŋ-θaj
- outside of (xref {ĉi}, {ĉin}, {ij}, {ir})
- ir
- far from
- -ja
- in accord with ~, suitable to ~; along, fitting ~ (xref {-paj})
- jâ
- role, state, form (xref {Φĭ, Φâ, buln, ĉĭ})
- jâ-i
- in such a state, role
ŋul-pja hĭj-Φa-paj jâ-i ķulm-van θě'mâ. It is Thomas's duty and privilege to be a Eucharistic guardian.
- jâ-ʝǒ-žar
- change, alteration, mutation, mutability (xref {₣âl, ĉâm, ĝâj})
- jâ-nǒ-van
- what state is {mĭ-i} or {ʝâr-i} in? what role does e play?
- jâ-o
- becoming
kun jâ-o, kun jâ-ř. You learn things; you forget things.
kĭl dâ-fy-ĝu-bô jĭrn-i ðuŋ jâ-o rej jâ-ř pwĭm. Water freezes and melts at 273 Kelvins.
bě'lâm jâ-o mî'rĭj gân-šar bĭm-ĵwa oŋ ruŋ-zô ₣âl-bô ƥ lĭw-i kyn-ŝâm-ba, vĭj lǒ i bĭm-šyj-mâ iŋ šyj-ƥ-ca. Mary became embarrassed because her mother barged into the bathroom while she was in the bathtub.
wlâ-fwa-van, ðǒŋ mâ-ŝy pǒ lĭw-o rě'ĵy-θaj jâ-o sun-bô-ŋa naj'ĝěl-ram. It's astonishing that Nigel finally married that woman.
nu lǒ i jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ kwǒ ʝâr-i, jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ ble kiň mwĭl-ŝra jâ-o le. When someone yawns, other people yawn and tend to get sleepy.
- jâ-ol
- transitioning into a state and out of it again (usually used along with a {jâ-o} object); by way of
- jâ-purj
- environmental conditions; circumstances; weather
- jâ-rě'ĵy-tôn
- marriage, married state, institution of marriage (xref {hĭj-rě'ĵy, tĭw-žuŋ-gôm})
- jâ-ř
- ceasing to be, changing from
šyj-ƥ-ca, nu-šar pwĭm-da jâ-ř vlym-ca kiň ƥ im θâŋ ĉon vlym ĥy-i ĵârn-zô. He bathed himself, then dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist.
kun jâ-o, kun jâ-ř. You learn things; you forget things.
kĭl dâ-fy-ĝu-bô jĭrn-i ðuŋ jâ-o rej jâ-ř pwĭm. Water freezes and melts at 273 Kelvins.
- jâln
- heat, warmth
jâln-źa mĭl-i ƴâ-cjaj-zô ŋy-bô. Despite the great heat, I walked a long way.
kĭl ðy-pu-bô jĭrn-i jâln-van purj. It is 295 Kelvins here.
- jâln-bô
- hot, warm
- jâln-cô
- cold (to human perception)
- jâln-fja
- at, near absolute zero; superfluid temperatures
- jâln-kwa
- infrared
- jej
- enthusiasm marker (xref {-la, -ķa}); also interjection (xref {hwǒ})
( < English 'yay!')
- jě'kuw
- Jacob, James, Jamie, Jacques, Iago, Diego, Santiago, Jaime...
( < helenike 'jakobos')
- jě'lĭ
- garlic (Allium sativum)
( < Latin)
jě'lĭ mĭ-i lju-pôm fĭm-fwa ŋĭn-i. (I read somewhere that) garlic is good for you.
- jě'nu
- Joannes, Johann, John, Joan, Jane, Joanne, Ivan, Ivana, Jean, Jeanne, Juan, Juanita...
- jě'nu čâl-pwĭm-pja
- John the Baptist
- jě'nu-ķa dâm-ř ĵĭ huw-fwa
- the Gospel of John (same pattern for other Evangelists' names and other Gospels)
- jě'sĭw
- Joseph, Yosef, Youssef, José...
- jeŝua
- Jesus; Joshua (xref {jî'ŝu})
( < Hebrew)
- jĭ
- smoothness, having no protrusions from its (flat or curved) surface (xref {swyŋ-rô}, {ĉě'my-ta})
- jĭ-cô-bô
- rough, bumpy
- jĭ-fwa-zô
- to polish, sand, make smooth
- jĭ-ga
- politeness, inoffensiveness, good manners, gentility
jĭ-ga ru-i ƥ dâm-ř vâ-kar-vyl mĭ-i ðî'ruň-Ќ-zô. I politely pretended to enjoy her casserole more than I actually did.
- jĭ-ga-bô
- gentle, genteel, polite, well-bred
- jĭlm
- open; active, in use; turned on, running, operational (xref {grĭ})
- jĭlm-cô
- closed, inactive, turned off
- jĭlm-cô-ca
- to shut down automatically (of computers, etc.; nonce, prefer {jĭlm-cô-žar-van})
- jĭlm-cô-jĭlm-fwa-zô
- to reboot, restart, reset (nonce; prefer {jĭlm-ĝĭr-zô})
- jĭlm-cô-žar-van
- to shut down automatically (of computers, etc.)
- jĭlm-ĉa
- key, knob, handle, switch; ŝlosilo, ŝaltilo
!hwǒ: jĭlm-ĉa pǒ ĥy-i ŝâ-ť-zô źǒ, wǒn ce gân-ř šelm gwâm-van pân. Hey! Don't push that button, or everything will explode.
- jĭlm-faj
- openable, not locked
- jĭlm-faj-cô
- locked, bolted; not readily openable
- jĭlm-faj-cô-fwa-zô
- to lock, bolt, seal; make unopenable
- jĭlm-faj-fwa-ĉa
- key (device to open lock)
- jĭlm-faj-fwa-zô
- to unlock
- jĭlm-fwa-tǒj
- starting up, turning on (of a machine or instance of a program); founding (of an organization)
- jĭlm-ĝĭr-zô
- to reboot, restart, reset (a computer or other machine)
- jĭlm-ĝyl-zô
- to reboot, restart, reset (nonce; prefer {jĭlm-ĝĭr-zô})
- jĭlm-ŋy-ĉa
- remote control
- jĭlm-zô
- to open, make usable, start using; turn on (of machines)
ĥâ-ĉa syj-ta-i kyl kǒ ĥy-i ðu-Ł-van heŋ jĭlm-zô. One can't open this box without a knife.
- jĭlm-źa-syl-van
- to yawn
nu lǒ i jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ kwǒ ʝâr-i, jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ ble kiň mwĭl-ŝra jâ-o le. When someone yawns, other people yawn and tend to get sleepy.
- jĭm
- pure, unmixed, homogeneous (of substances); process of purifying or filtering (xref {šyj}); also occasional error for {jĭlm} and {jĭ}
jĭm-ĉa hĭl-na ol pwĭm ĥy-i flu-fwa-zô, kujm-šar te ĥy-i jĭm jâ-o. I pour water through a carbon filter to purify it.
- jĭm-cô-bô
- mixed, composite, compound (xref {gĭ-rô-cô})
- jĭm-cô-fwa-zô
- to mix, to combine (of food or drink ingredients, e.g.); {tu-i} mixes {ŝĭw-i} with {ĥy-i}
- jĭm-ĉa
- filter, purifier (tool for purifying water, air, etc.)
jĭm-ĉa hĭl-na ol pwĭm ĥy-i flu-fwa-zô, kujm-šar te ĥy-i jĭm jâ-o. I pour water through a carbon filter to purify it.
- jĭm-ga
- consistency, coherency (of ideas, stories, philosophies)
θuň pǒ mĭ-i jĭm-ga heŋ ŋĭn-i; te im ðâ-dô reŋ ķe mĭ-i tyn-van. That story isn't consistent; it has too many violations of logic.
- jĭm-ŋĭw
- kidney (xref {ně'Φu}
- jĭm-sâŋ
- dialysis
- jĭm-sâŋ-ĉa
- dialysis machine
- jĭm-sâŋ-kô
- dialysis center
- jĭrn
- quantity, amount, number (xref {ŋî'bĭ})
- jĭrn-i
- of (quantity); partitive postposition; at (a measured level/amount of something); by (a quantitative margin or degree of difference) [TODO grammar doc writeup]
ju-ðe-tĭm jĭrn-i še-tǒj-van ðǒŋ ĉě'θâ kǒ i bly-van pwĭm. There is a 29% chance it will rain today.
kĭl dâ-fy-ĝu-bô jĭrn-i ðuŋ jâ-o rej jâ-ř pwĭm. Water freezes and melts at 273 Kelvins.
sĭ li θâŋ-twâl-ɱ-van, kiň lârm-van, kiň te ĥy-i gĭl-lârm-Φa jĭrn-i hum-fwa-zô. She by the river sat, and sitting there, / She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
rî'mâ ĉu-bô pǒ ki tyn mĭ-i blĭn-van mě'tyr dâ-bô jĭrn-i. The space between those two houses is three meters wide.
fî'suň-bly θâ-bô jĭrn-i ƴu-van rî'mâ-hân kǒ. This old house has lasted a hundred and one years.
- jĭrn-kâj-ha
- price, cost
- jĭrn-nǒ-bô
- how much?
- jĭrn-šar
- to the extent that, to this degree (second clause indicates the degree of first clause's truth)
- jĭrn-vô
- number sign, pound sign, octothorpe '#'
- jî'hwâh
- YHWH; the Tetragrammaton, name of God (used only in Babel Text and potentially other OT translations; otherwise {θě'ku} or {pâŋ})
( < Hebrew)
- jî'lu
- Julia, Julie, Julius
- jî'ŝu
- Jesus; Joshua; Yeshua
( < Hebrew)
- jî'ŝu ryň-ř jyn-cô-źa
- the Passion
- jî'ŝu-ķa ŝu-i ŝâm-řŋ-tǒj mĭ-i ʝĭŋ
- Christmas
- joannes
- John, Jean, Johann, Ivan (xref {jě'nu})
( < helenike 'Ioannes')
- jǒj
- more, again, additional, spare, extra; some more, in addition
herǒdǒtǒs-ram-gôm kâ-i lju-zô jǒj de. I'm reading Herodotus again recently.
lukan-ram-ķa dâm-ř ĵĭ huw-fwa kâ-i lju-zô jǒj. I'm reading Luke's gospel again.
- jǒj pe jǒj
- more and more, increasingly
- jǒm
- most of, a majority of (with nouns); mostly, most of the time, for the most part (with verbs and modifiers); xref {ðǒl}
- jǒm-cô
- a small minority of (xref {cǒ})
- jǒm-tǒj
- majority (subset that's more than half its superset) (xref {muw})
- jǒm-θaj
- few of, a minority of (xref {cǒ})
- jǒm-θô
- a bare majority of, just over half
- jǒm-źa
- a large, overwhelming majority of
- -ʝa
- rotate ~ 90 degrees vertical <> horizontal; spilled (of liquids)
- ʝâ
- grace
- ʝâr
- experiencer (xref {ĥy}, {mĭ})
fĭm-hôw-tla ðĭ-i ĵy-van heŋ ʝâr-fĭm, mǒj ʝâr-fĭm-cô ŝe. It is not the healthy who need doctors, but the sick.
Ќ o ruŋ-zô mwe ʝâr-ĵyj-fja pen pe tu-šâ-wâj pen, kiň ť ĥy-i ĵyj-rjâ jâ-o Ќ tu-i. Come to me, all who are tired and all who are carrying heavy things, and I will give you rest.
- ʝâr-cĭln-θaj-žuŋ
- virgin
- ʝâr-fâ
- lover, a person who is in love with someone else (xref {lĭm-žuŋ} or {tu-žuŋ} etc. which emphasize they are having sex with each other)
- ʝâr-ĥun
- companion, someone who is accompanying some previously mentioned person
- ʝâr-hyw-žar
- disciple, student of something more than intellectual knowledge (nonce, prefer {tu-hyw-žar})
- ʝâr-i
- experiential case marker (replaces some earlier uses of {mĭ-i})
( < stole the idea from Ithkuil)
- ʝâr-ku-zym
- telepath (passive; xref {tu-gju-zym})
- ʝâr-mwĭl
- sleeper, person who's asleep
- ʝâr-rĭm
- witness, observer; someone who sees/has seen something
ĝyl-fyn mĭ-i ʝâr-rĭm dâ-bô ĥy-i tru-zô gwe Ќ-ɱ. We have already found three witnesses to the crash.
- ʝâr-rum-zla
- the Church Triumphant
- ʝâr-ruŋ-zwa
- passengers, people waiting for passage on a plane, bus, train etc., especially if their departure is being delayed
- ʝâr-van
- to live, to experience life (xref {trym}, {ʝâr-van})
- ʝâr-wuŋ
- owner, possessor of property
- ʝâr-žuŋ-ta
- virgin (nonce; doesn't quite make sense. prefer {ʝâr-cĭln-θaj-žuŋ})
- ʝel
- in general, as a class or kind
pî'râ mĭ-i fî'žâln ʝel ðĭ-i ŝâm ŋĭn-i. Fire is the womb of the phoenix.
kâj-ha ʝel mĭ-i zryŋ-na hej tlĭŋ-na ŋĭn-i mje de. It used to be that money was typically made of gold or silver.
hjě'nĭ-vĭ ʝel dî'fu-i ĝĭ-sra-van hjě'nĭ-ŝy ʝel mĭ-i. Female hyenas are generally bigger than male hyenas.
- ʝem
- apparently, seemingly (syntactic sugar for {kâ-θaj-bô})
hěm'lu-rô ŋĭn-i ʝem kwě'kyr pǒ mĭ-i, gâ lǒ sin tyn-van vlĭw kěr'vâ-dal. That tree with the crow's nest in it looks fun to climb.
- ʝĭ
- command system; programming (or scripting) language
- ʝĭ-čĭwm
- markup language (troff, HTML, XML, TeX etc)
- ʝĭ-dô
- syntax error in code
- ʝĭ-zô
- to write code, to program in detail (xref {krĭ-šĭm-zô, byn-ʝĭ-zô})
- ʝĭl
- motion in place; change of orientation, shift of position (xref {nî'kjâ}, {flâň}, {gru}, {mlĭr})
- ʝĭl-ca ƴâ-tan
- to walk on a treadmill, to walk or run in place
- ʝĭl-flu
- Brownian motion
- ʝĭl-kru-zô
- to make the sign of the cross
- ʝĭl-pwĭm ķǒ-so-θo
- wave (in water etc.); archaic, prefer {čârm})
- ʝĭl-ta
- stationary, rigid, paralyzed, frozen, immobile; stable, unmoving
- ʝĭl-ta-fwa-zô
- to stabilize, set firmly in place
- ʝĭŋ
- anniversary, holiday; commemorative day or season
- ʝĭŋ kyn-ŝy-paj
- Mother's Day
- ʝĭŋ râm-rô-žar-za
- Independence Day
- ʝĭŋ ŝâm-řŋ-tǒj-za
- birthday
mî'rĭj θĭ-o sĭlm ķĭn-o ʝĭŋ ŝâm-řŋ-tǒj-za ĥwâ-i gwî'jum tu-i. Wilma made a dress for Mary for her birthday.
- ʝĭŋ-ʝâr-rum-zla
- All Saints' Day
- ʝĭŋ-ĵâŋ
- Lent
- ʝĭŋ-sjum
- Thanksgiving
usonia-wam i ʝĭŋ-sjum i ķârn-mě'lâ ĥy-i mrân-Ł-zô de. In the U.S., people eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
- ʝĭŋ-ŝâm-řŋ-jî'ŝu
- Christmas
- ʝĭŋ-zô
- to celebrate, commemorate, keep a holiday
- ʝĭŋ-žâ
- Advent
- ʝluŋ
- knee (nonce; prefer {twâl-srĭw})
- ʝǒ
- other, another (xref {ble, sâm-cô})
- ʝǒj
- because; (evidence)
ðurm-ja hej tî'šâ-ja ŋĭn-i heŋ gwe vlym-ĝĭw kǒ, ʝǒj te vim ħĭwm ĝĭ-bô gǒ. This shirt is no longer suitable for work or church; look, there's a big stain on the front.
- ʝǒn
- therefore; thus (evidence)
- ʝrâ
- stylized, abstract, schematic, (over)simplified; unrealistic, non-naturalistic
gâm-la pǒ dî'fu-i ʝrâ-sra-bô ŋĭn-i gâm-ba kǒ. This picture is more abstract than that one.
ʝrâ ŋĭn-i źu-lam pe gjâ-zym-byn žy-i gjâ-krĭ prym-hôw kwǒ mĭ-i. Some artlangs are non-naturalistic, for instance Esperanto and gjax-zym-byn.
gâm-šun-ʝrâ kâ-i rĭm-kâ-zô kujm-šar tyn-kujm o fyn-zô ĵwy-bô. I study the map in order to drive quickly to my destination.
loĵban-lam mĭ-i ʝrâ-bô fjǒ ŋĭn-i; ķy-tan-van heŋ te. Lojban is somewhat schematic; it is not naturalistic.
- ʝu
- paper napkin, tissue, paper towel, toilet paper, kleenex (xref {Φy})
- ʝu ŝy-ja
- ʝu lǒ syj-i vě'ty-ŝy řŋ sâŋ ĥy-i tâň-Ł-zô mâ-ŝy
- ʝu-kju
- tape (sticky strip of paper/plastic)
- ʝu-kwĭ
- roll of paper towels, toilet paper, etc.
- ʝwâ
- inhabitant, denizen, resident (xref {-lô, šlâ, ʝwâ-źa})
- ʝwâ-du-sâm
- roommate (xref {ʝâ-ty-sâm, ʝwâ-rî'mâ-sâm})
- ʝwâ-mâ-ĵwa-sâm
- sympolitan, fellow-citizen of the same city
- ʝwâ-rî'mâ-sâm
- housemate
- ʝwâ-šuŋ
- immigrant, newcomer (xref {mâ-šuŋ})
- ʝwâ-ty-sâm
- roommate, housemate, fellow lodger
- ʝwâ-van
- to inhabit, to live in a place (xref {ty-van}; maybe larger scope re: city or country vs. {ty-van} for specific street, house, apartment?)
- ʝwâ-vřĝĭnjě-wam ₣um-i kyn-tôn-da ŋĭn-i
- he/she has as many (known) ancestors as a Virginian; they are proud of/talk a lot about their ancestry
- ʝwâ-źa
- citizen, full member of nation or other polity
- ʝyjm
- honeysuckle
- ʝyln
- moss (plants of class Bryopsida)
- ʝym
- leaf, conifer needle, hair, scale, feather...
- ʝym-mâ-kwa
- the range of colors found in human hair; black, white, various reds, yellows, browns
- ʝyrŋ
- regret (wishing events beyond one's control had happened otherwise; xref {ƴĭ, bĭw, zĭm})
- ju
- 29
- juda-ram-lô
- Jew (focus on religion, xref {juda-tam})
- juda-tam
- Jew (focus on ethnicity, xref {juda-ram-lô})
- julŋ
- hanging, dangling, being suspended
- julŋ-fwa-zô
- to hang up, to cause to hang
- julŋ-van
- to hang, dangle ({mĭ-i} hangs on {θin}, {vin}...)
lân-ʝa vin julŋ-van gâm-vuj mĭ-i. A picture hangs on the wall.
- julŋ-zô
- {tu-i} hangs, suspends {ĥy-i} on/from {sin, vin}, etc.
- jum
- adjectival or adverbial particle
- jum-tôn
- adjective, adverb, modifier (root or derived)
- jum-tôn-jĭrn
- quantifying modifiers
- -ĵam
- the sort of thing to which [root] (or its opposite) might apply (xref {hô})
- -ĵar
- less, to a lesser degree, least (with quality or process stems); less than (with number or unit of measure stems); comparative suffix (xref {-sra})
- ĵâ
- 31
- ĵâŋ
- fasting, abstaining from something esp. food; penance in general
( < Fr. 'jeûne')
- ĵâŋ-bě'lâm
- public humiliation as a form of voluntary penance, e.g. wearing sackcloth
- ĵâŋ-tôn
- penance in general (xref {ryň-ƴĭ, bwĭl-ƴĭ})
- ĵâŋ-ƴĭ
- fasting as a form of penance
- ĵârn
- rolling, winding, coiling, wrapping around; spiral form (xref {mlĭr, mlĭr-ʝa, gru})
ĵârn-ca šĭl tu-i, že ði hǒŋ mâ o bly-ca kiň ħulŋ-zô. The snake coils before it strikes.
- ĵârn-zô
- to roll, wind, involve, encoil, wrap up (xref {gru-zô, mlĭr-ʝa-van, mlĭr-ʝa-fwa-zô})
šyj-ƥ-ca, nu-šar pwĭm-da jâ-ř vlym-ca kiň ƥ im θâŋ ĉon vlym ĥy-i ĵârn-zô. He bathed himself, then dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist.
- ĵâwm
- vanilla
- ĵě'vum
- something one enjoys much, but would cease to enjoy if it occured any oftener
- ĵi
- to the right of
- ĵi-ga
- "at the right hand of", i.e. in a place of trust/honor with (used in translating natlang texts with a "right hand" metaphor)
- ĵij
- right-at-near
- ĵil
- right-at-through
- ĵim
- right-at-part.of
- ĵin
- right-at-contact
- ĵiŋ
- right-at-inside
- ĵĭ
- broadcast message, notice, sign, advertisement (xref {grâm})
- ĵĭ ₣urŋ-fwa im θuň jyn-cô-źa-za
- the Passion account in one of the Gospels
- ĵĭ huw-fwa
- Gospel (sometimes also {ĵĭ ₣urŋ-fwa})
( < calque of Greek)
lukan-ram-ķa dâm-ř ĵĭ huw-fwa kâ-i lju-zô jǒj. I'm reading Luke's gospel again.
- ĵĭ kâj-hôw
- commercial advertisement
- ĵĭ-cjaj
- posting to a more or less public mailing list, bulletin board, or such like
- ĵĭ-cjaj-cu
- discussion mailing list, web forum, BBS message board, etc.
- ĵĭ-cu
- web site; system of publicly accessible documents
- ĵĭ-ĝâ ĉu-pa
- Deuteronomy
- ĵĭ-pî'hâ
- one of the New Testament epistles
- ĵĭ-θaj-zô
- to reply publicly to a public message (e.g. in a mailing list or forum)
- ĵĭ-vuj
- sign-board
- ĵĭ-vuj kâj-paj
- advertisement (physical sign, flyer, poster, etc.; nonce)
- ĵĭ-vuj-mĭlm
- sign showing house number, room number, etc.
- ĵĭn
- youth, newness (lesser degree than {bâm}), not full-grown (xref {šuŋ})
( < Fr. jeune)
- ĵĭn-bô
- young, esp. with much energy but limited strength
- ĵĭn-cô-bô
- old (of living creatures past their prime; xref {pě'lâ, hân})
- ĵir
- far to the right of
- ĵlân
- wisdom, prudence, common sense, good judgement (xref {ĉâ, ƴulm})
- ĵlân-bô
- wise, prudent; having learned well from experience
- ĵlân-cô-bô
- foolish, unwise, having little or no common sense
mâ kwǒ mĭ-i, mâ lǒ tu-i tyn pǒ o ruŋ-zô, ĵlân-cô-bô ŋĭn-i. Anyone who goes there is foolish.
- ĵo
- right-to
- ĵoj
- right-to-near
- ĵol
- right-to-through
- ĵom
- right-to-part.of
- ĵon
- right-to-contact
- ĵoŋ
- right-to-inside
- ĵor
- right-to-far
- ĵrĭw
- expectation, presupposition, assumption, prejudice (xref {žâ, Φĭwm})
- ĵrĭw-dô
- contrary to, violating one's expectations or presuppositions; unexpected
- ĵrĭw-dô-i
- in spite of, despite
( < suggested by John Quijada)
- ĵrĭw-ħa ĉĭ-mâ-za
- racism and similar prejudices against broad groups of people
- ĵrĭw-ja-ħa ķe
- cliched, formulaic, unoriginal (of e.g. novels, films, other art)
- ĵrĭw-Ł-ja
- typical, stereotypical, in accordance with the average person's expectations
- ĵrĭw-pôm
- I suppose that, I expect; I think this true but don't have strong evidence for it (validationality adverb; xref {nen})
twâ-cu nĭm-ta pǒ mĭ-i pĭln-van ĵrĭw-pôm pǒlsen-šam. I suppose Paulsen is responsible for that anonymous book.
- ĵrĭw-van
- to expect, suppose likely; to assume, to presuppose
- ĵř
- right-from
- ĵřj
- right-from-near
- ĵřl
- right-from-through
- ĵřm
- right-from-part.of
- ĵřn
- right-from-contact
- ĵřŋ
- right-from-inside
- ĵřr
- right-from-far
- ĵu
- mature, full-grown, experienced, adult
- ĵu-cô
- immature, inexperienced {xref {ĵĭn})
- ĵu-žar-van
- to grow, mature, grow up
- ĵulm
- desert, worth, merit; matching, fitting (a pattern or definition) (xref {pĭln}, {-gô}, {wuŋ-gô}, {ŝâj-gô}, etc.)
- ĵulm-van
- to deserve, be worthy of, to merit; {mĭ-i} deserves {ðĭ-i} or to have event in {hǒŋ} clause occur; to match, to fit, to qualify under (a pattern, standard or definition; {mĭ-i} matches standard {ðĭ-i})
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam ðĭ-i ĵulm-van θuň-lâŋ kǒ mĭ-i. This novel deserves a Hugo award.
- -ĵwa
- ejo; place full of ~, with many ~
- ĵwy
- velocity; speed, being fast (xref {vrum})
- ĵwy žâ-dô
- haste, hurry (impatiently trying to do something faster than its natural pace) (xref {ĵwy-rjâ, sru-ĵwy})
- ĵwy-bô
- fast, quick, speedy; high (of sound or light frequencies)
pwĭm-da-tǒj gân-ř kî'sul kǒ mĭ-i ƴârn-van ĵwy-bô. Because of the humidity this wood is rotting quickly.
gâm-šun-ʝrâ kâ-i rĭm-kâ-zô kujm-šar tyn-kujm o fyn-zô ĵwy-bô. I study the map in order to drive quickly to my destination.
- ĵwy-cô
- slowness
nî'sâ-van ðǒŋ ƴâ-ĉa ĵwy-cô-bô hi fyn-zô mě'tyr-źa srǒ il. It was just my luck to get stuck behind a slow vehicle for several kilometers.
grĭ-cô-sô-van de šĭm-ĉa kǒ; žy-šar ĵwy-cô-van sĭŋ-flu-kô o lĭn mĭ-i. This computer is malfunctioning lately; for instance, its network connection is slow.
- ĵwy-cô-bô
- slow, sluggish; low (of sound or light frequencies, having few oscillations per second)
- ĵwy-cô-van
- to do slowly, to be slow at (with verb or {ryň-o} complement)
- ĵwy-rjâ
- haste, hurry, urgency (trying to do something as quickly as possible); xref {ĵwy žâ-dô-bô}
- ĵy
- need; requirement; necessity (xref {dlâw})
- ĵy-byn
- problem; situation needing thought, research, a creative solution (xref {ĵy-ʝâ, ĵy-vy, ĵy-ĉâ})
- ĵy-ʝâ
- persistent temptation, a problem one needs grace to deal with
- ĵy-ĵwy
- emergency, crisis, urgency; situation needing fast action
- ĵy-kâj-ha-cǒ-bô
- cheap, inexpensive
- ĵy-kâj-ha-reŋ-bô
- expensive
- ĵy-θaj-van
- to be necessary (impersonal; necessary thing in {mĭ-i} or event in {ðǒŋ} clause)
- ĵy-van
- to need, require (person {ʝâr-i} needs thing/quality {ðĭ-i}, or needs event in {hǒŋ} clause to take place)
fĭm-hôw-tla ðĭ-i ĵy-van heŋ ʝâr-fĭm, mǒj ʝâr-fĭm-cô ŝe. It is not the healthy who need doctors, but the sick.
- ĵy-vy
- problem, challenge; situation needing will, courage, moral effort (xref {ĵy-byn})
- ĵyj
- vigor, energy, untiredness, stamina; being very awake (xref {kî'ĥu})
- ĵyj-fja
- being awake, but tired (xref {mwĭl-ŝra, kwâwn})
ĵyj-fja-van ru-kǒ-bô, hǒŋ ðu-van ƴeŋ su-van. I'm so tired, I can hardly stand up.
Ќ o ruŋ-zô mwe ʝâr-ĵyj-fja pen pe tu-šâ-wâj pen, kiň ť ĥy-i ĵyj-rjâ jâ-o Ќ tu-i. Come to me, all who are tired and all who are carrying heavy things, and I will give you rest.
ĵyj-fja-van gwe, mǒj mwĭl-ŝra-van heŋ ver. I am already tired, but not yet sleepy.
- ĵyj-fja-ga
- weakness, fault, imperfection, frailty
- ĵyj-rjâ
- rest, sleep (vigor-seeking); (xref {mwĭl, źy-rjâ})
Ќ o ruŋ-zô mwe ʝâr-ĵyj-fja pen pe tu-šâ-wâj pen, kiň ť ĥy-i ĵyj-rjâ jâ-o Ќ tu-i. Come to me, all who are tired and all who are carrying heavy things, and I will give you rest.
- ĵyj-rjâ-kô
- resting place; rest station/welcome station on interestate at state line
- ĵyj-rjâ-ŋla
- Saturday (rest-day)
- ĵyn
- intellectual pleasure; interest; satisfied curiosity
- ĵyn-fwa
- interesting, fascinating
θuň-ba pǒ ðim tyn-van mâ-fĭw ĵyn-fwa mĭ-i, mǒj te ĝy-im tâň-ƥ-van. In the early part of that story interesting characters appear, but they disappear in the middle.
θuň pǒ mĭ-i lju-faj θje ŋĭn-i, mǒj te ðim du fem mĭ-i ĵyn-fwa ŋĭn-i. That story is not quite worth reading, but its first chapter, at least, is interesting.
- ĵyn-rjâ
- active curiosity, seeking intellectual satisfaction
- ĵyn-ta
- bored
Ќ kâ-i rĭm-zô ĵyn-ta bĭm-cô-pî'râ vi râm. The cat in front of the fireplace gazed at me with disinterest.
- ĵyn-ta-fwa
- boring
- jyn
- sharply focused pleasure (xref {dĭ, ₣yw, θwâm})
- jyn-lym
- enjoyment of a pleasant taste or smell
te kâ-i jyn-lym-van šelm. You would find it tasty [if you ate it].
- jyn-lym-fwa
- tasty, delicious; pleasant (of smells and tastes)
- jyr
- arm (shoulder to wrist; xref {šâ-ŋĭw, čě'wĭr, ně'mum})
Ќ cim jyr im twâl-θaj ĥy-i ĉârn-ca, wǒj čun-ƥ-van. I scratch my left elbow because it itches.
- ka'θǒ'lǒn
- Catholic (archaic, xref {kě'θâl})
( < helenike 'kat' holon')
- kajsar
- Caesar
( < Latin)
- kajsar-ķam
- Caesar, Roman emperor (one of Julius Caesar's successors as emperor); by extension, Holy Roman Emperor, Kaiser, Tsar/Czar etc. (but not emperor of Japan or other non-European polities)
- kajsar-šam
- Caesar (one of Julius Caesar's kinfolks)
- kajsar-wam
- Caesarea (any of several towns named for Julius Caesar or one of his kinfolks)
- -kar
- substance to which one typically does ~ (xref {-ha})
- kâ
- noticing, paying attention to something, focusing one's attention upon something (xref {pě'ŝlĭ, žâw, trym})
( < suomalainen 'katsoa')
- kâ-cô-zô
- to disregard, ignore, pay no attention to ({tu-i} ignores {mĭ-i})
- kâ-dô
- distraction, inattention (esp. if somewhat deliberate) (xref {čun-ga, Φân, pâ-zym})
- kâ-dô-fwa-zô
- to distract, to tempt someone to break their concentration
- kâ-dô-pě'hĭ-van
- to miss a turn or make a wrong turn through inattention (xref {gwě'vu-pě'hĭ-van})
- kâ-ga
- study, investigating, researching, observing (xref {źĭ, câŋ, ljâw, hyw-hôw, kun-hôw, suŋ-hôw})
- kâ-i
- object-of-attention case marker
*vlym-julŋ hi mâ kâ-i źǒ. Pay no attention to the person behind the curtain.
dojĉě-lam kâ-i suŋ-lju-van θje jě'nu. John can almost read German.
mwĭň-ƥ-van wǒj ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu gě'dĭm-ja kâ-i lju-zô kuln-cô. He is embarrassed because a stranger has read his diary.
te kâ-i jyn-lym-van šelm. You would find it tasty [if you ate it].
žĭr gân-ř luw-tâlm iŋ kâ-i rĭm-van kiň te iŋ pî'dâ-daj kâ-i tru-zô. Because of the humming noise I looked inside the skull, and found a swarm of bees in it.
- kâ-kě'ĝu-tla
- spy, secret agent
- kâ-ku-zô
- to listen
- kâ-o
- beginning to pay attention to, turning one's attention towards
- kâ-rĭm-nu-zô
- to glance, momentarily look at
- kâ-rĭm-zô
- to look at, view (sometimes {rĭm-kâ-zô}; semi-archaic, nowadays usually just {rĭm-zô})
- kâ-ř
- turning one's attention away from
- kâ-θaj-bô
- apparently, seemingly, to all appearances (xref {ʝem})
- kâ-θaj-van
- to seem, appear ({mĭ-i} seems to have quality {ŋĭn-i} to {ʝâr-i} or unspecified entities; or, {ðǒŋ} clause seems true (to {ʝâr-i} or unspecified entities) (xref {wu-ga}, {kĭ-θaj-van})
- kâ-zô
- to pay attention to, to notice, to observe
- kâj
- exchange of property; trade, barter, purchase, sale
( < suomalainen 'kauppa')
- kâj-cu
- business, industry (small-scale processes of economic exchange); xref {mâ-cu-kâj}
- kâj-cu-źa
- the economy (large-scale processes of economic exchange)
- kâj-ĉa
- debit card
- kâj-ha
- payment, money
kâj-ha ʝel mĭ-i zryŋ-na hej tlĭŋ-na ŋĭn-i mje de. It used to be that money was typically made of gold or silver.
- kâj-ha-da
- rich, wealthy
- kâj-ha-fja
- poor, having little money
- kâj-ha-ta
- broke, penniless, destitute
θě'ku gy-i mâ kâj-ha-ta ĥy-i θĭ-zô de mje kolkata-wam im teresa-ram-ķa pî'hâ-bô. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta served the destitute for the love of God.
- kâj-ha-zô
- to pay (upon, for). {tu-i} pays amount of money {jĭrn-i} for merchandise {kujm-o}, and/or upon account/bill/invoice {mĭ-i}
- kâj-ha-ža
- solvent, having a positive net worth
- kâj-hôw lî'fyŋ-ža
- auction
- kâj-kô
- store, market; place where things are routinely sold/traded
- kâj-kô twâ-cu-ĵwa
- bookstore
- kâj-kô θĭ-cu-paj
- thrift store, charity shop
- kâj-kô vâ-kar-ĵwa
- grocery store
- kâj-ŋĭw-cu-ĉa
- body swapping device
- kâj-rî'mâ-tla
- realtor, real estate agent
- kâj-syj-kô ƴâ-ĉa-ĵwa
- car rental place
- kâj-syj-zô
- to rent
( < calque of Ceqli 'zusel')
- kâj-tla
- salesperson
- kâj-tyn-fwa-zô
- to cause to swap places, to switch ({tu-i} switches the places of two {ĥy-i} objects)
- kâj-zô
- to buy, sell, trade
twâ-cu cĭln-cô-bô srǒ ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô. I bought several books I'd already read.
tĭw kî'sul-na hân-bô ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô tam-ram. Tom sold me an antique wooden chair.
- ke
- multiplied by; emphatic, synergistic 'and'; hybrid-conjunction
Φě'ĥu-cu mĭ-i krĭ-gâm-zô tam-ke-ser'ě-ram. Tom and Sarah painted a picture of a herd of elephants.
- kě'bâl
- horse; (chess) knight (xref {kwě'dâj})
( < Spanish, Italian)
- kě'bâl źum-ŋĭw-na
- Skin Horse (webcomic)
- kě'fâ
- coffee
- kě'fâ-rô
- bitter (taste)
- kě'fâ-źa
- espresso
- kě'ĝu
- hiding, privacy, secrecy; xref {zâň}
( < Pliv Rectek 'kladj')
- kě'ĝu jâ-o čyw
- the sun sets
- kě'ĝu-bô
- hidden, secret, private; privately, secretly, in hiding, clandestinely
- kě'ĝu-cô-fwa-zô
- 1. to reveal, expose, uncover. 2. to publish, to submit for publication (nonce)
- kě'ĝu-cô-žar
- Apocalypse / Revelation
- kě'ĝu-ĉa tâlm-paj
- mask (used to conceal one's face; xref {kě'ĝu-tâlm-ĉa}, {vlym-vě'ty-kyw})
- kě'ĝu-tâlm-ĉa
- mask (used to conceal one's face; xref {vlym-vě'ty-kyw})
- kě'ĥlâ
- snail, slug (class Gastropoda)
( < Latin 'cochlea')
- kě'kâw
- mîn'tĭ-tôn sǒ mĭ-i, gâ lǒ ř plĭ-tôn jyn-fwa sǒ ĥy-i tâň-Ł-zô (family Erythroxylaceae)
( < Latin)
- kě'kul
- cola; carbonated soda, esp. Coca-Cola & imitators, and root beer
( < English)
- kě'kul-cjaj
- Coca-Cola
- kě'kum
- watermelon
- kě'lî'rĭ
- calorie
- kě'lum
- pigeon, dove (birds of family Columbidae)
( < Latin)
- kě'mâl
- family Camelidae: camel, llama, alpaca, etc.
( < Latin)
- kě'mâl bě'rîn'ku-tan
- llama
- kě'mâl-cjaj
- Dromedary camel
- kě'nu
- canoe
( < English 'canoe')
- kě'nu-tôn
- canoe, kayak, rowboat, coracle; various small human-muscle-powered craft (xref {ƴâ-ŝum-ĉa})
- kě'pâ
- happy bewilderment, pleasant confusion; a sensation prototypically induced by surreal art, nonsense poetry, beginning to study an unusual language... (xref {wlâ, fjâw, huw, pwĭ, prym})
( < Enigmatic: 'kamestra')
ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu fĭ-₣um-da mĭ-i kě'pâ-fwa-van. Her poem induces happy bewilderment.
- kě'pâ-baw
- plosive consonant
- kě'pâ-fwa
- pleasantly bizarre, enigmatic (xref {dě'dâ})
- kě'pâ-fwa-lam
- Enigmatic (conlang)
- kě'rĭ
- curry (spice mix with which curry dishes are made; xref {vâ-kar-kě'rĭ})
( < Tamil 'kari')
- kě'θâl
- Catholic
( < helenike "kat' holon")
- kě'θâr
- New World vultures and condors, some commonly called buzzards; birds of family Cathartidae
( < Latin)
- kě'θul
- Cthulhu
- kě'θul ryň-ř ŋâw
- The Call of Cthulhu (story, film, game)
- kě'vĭj
- COVID-19
( < English)
- kě'źu
- kazuru; kudzu
( < Japanese via English)
- kěr'nâ
- dogwood (trees of family Cornaceae)
( < Latin)
- kěr'vâ
- raven, rook, crow, jackdaw, jay, magpie; birds of family Corvidae
( < Latin)
hěm'lu-rô ŋĭn-i ʝem kwě'kyr pǒ mĭ-i, gâ lǒ sin tyn-van vlĭw kěr'vâ-dal. That tree with the crow's nest in it looks fun to climb.
- kěw'vĭ
- COVID-19 (nonce, prefer {kě'vĭj})
( < English)
- ki
- throughout (sng obj); between (dual obj); among (plural obj)
rî'mâ ĉu-bô pǒ ki tyn mĭ-i blĭn-van mě'tyr dâ-bô jĭrn-i. The space between those two houses is three meters wide.
râ ĉu-bô pǒ ki ƴu-van hyr fy-bô. Seven hours passed between those two events.
- kij
- between-at-near
- kil
- between-at-through
- kim
- between-at-part.of
- kin
- between things, in contact with each
ljâw pe câŋ kin θlu gǒ; bĭŋ-van heŋ pjylm. There is a fuzzy boundary between observational science and experimental science; no sharp boundary exists.
- kiň
- and [between clauses] (xref phrasal {ke, pe})
sĭ li θâŋ-twâl-ɱ-van, kiň lârm-van, kiň te ĥy-i gĭl-lârm-Φa jĭrn-i hum-fwa-zô. She by the river sat, and sitting there, / She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
pě'pâ Φy-tan reŋ ĥy-i vâm-zô krĭ-tla kiň kyl-Φy oŋ bly-zô. The artist crumpled up many waste papers and threw them in the trash can.
žĭr gân-ř luw-tâlm iŋ kâ-i rĭm-van kiň te iŋ pî'dâ-daj kâ-i tru-zô. Because of the humming noise I looked inside the skull, and found a swarm of bees in it.
θuň-bâm krĭ-o lju-θaj-zô kiň te ĥy-i byn-zô. I am writing and revising a new story.
- kiŋ
- between-at-inside
ƴâ-ĉa syj-ta-i âtlântě-wam ĉi šun kiŋ ðu-Ł-van ƴeŋ ruŋ-zô. One can hardly get around in the Atlanta suburbs without a car.
- kĭ
- deem, consider, regarding as having certain qualities
- kĭ-bĭŋ-zô
- believe in the existence of ({tu-i} believes that {mĭ-i} exists) (xref {kĭ-ķy-zô}, {₣ĭ})
- kĭ-ĝâ-kô
- courtroom; courthouse
- kĭ-ĝâ-kô-gôm
- court (institution for judging legal cases)
- kĭ-ĝâ-tla
- judge
kĭ-ĝâ-tla ŝâj-o dě'lâr vyŋ-bô ĥy-i bwĭl-zô žâj-dô-hôw antonij-ram-ħa. Antony bribed the judge ten thousand dollars.
- kĭ-ĝâ-zô
- to judge, make a legal decision (legal or illegal, guilty or not guilty, liable or not, constitutional or unconstitutional...; xref {kĭ-pĭln-zô})
- kĭ-ķy-sô
- credulous, gullible
- kĭ-ķy-zô
- believe a proposition true ({tu-i} believes the truth of {hǒŋ} clause) (xref {₣ĭ, kĭ-bĭŋ-zô})
- kĭ-pĭln-zô
- to convict, to find guilty
- kĭ-sâ-cô-sô
- judgmental
- kĭ-θaj-van
- to be considered; {mĭ-i} is considered to be {ŋĭn-i}
- kĭ-zô
- to esteem, deem, consider; {tu-i} regards {mĭ-i} as having certain qualities {ŋĭn-i}
- kĭl
- degrees Kelvin
( < name)
kĭl dâ-fy-ĝu-bô jĭrn-i ðuŋ jâ-o rej jâ-ř pwĭm. Water freezes and melts at 273 Kelvins.
kĭl ðy-pu-bô jĭrn-i jâln-van purj. It is 295 Kelvins here.
- kĭlm
- party, feast, bash, celebration (xref {ʝĭŋ, ĥun-pĭw})
beθ-ram ĥwâ-i kĭlm i ķĭn-gâm-Ќ-zô reŋ. I took many photos at the party in honor of Beth.
- kĭlm-źa dlu-mâ-za
- Human Rights Festival in Athens, Ga.
- kir
- far from, between (two or more things that are themselves far apart)
- kî'ðu
- onion
- kî'ðu-gôm
- the feeling in one's mouth after eating too many raw onions
- kî'grâ
- kilogram
( < English)
- kî'grâ-θô
- gram (unit of mass)
- kî'grâ-źa
- megagram, metric ton
- kî'ĥu
- strength; ability to lift/carry heavy things, etc. (xref {ĵyj})
- kî'ĥu-bô
- strong
- kî'kry
- obsessive preparedness
- kî'nujn
- cheetah (genus Acinonyx)
( < Latin)
- kî'pĭ
- pepper (Capsicum)
( < Latin)
- kî'pĭ-rô
- spicy
ter'ě-ram dâm-ř mě'hu kî'pĭ-rô ĥy-i mrân-zô Ќ-ƥ tu-i. We ate Tara's stew [and hung out and talked].
- kî'prâ
- goat, ibex (mammal of genus Capra); xref {byj-tôn}
( < Latin)
- kî'sul
- wood (tree-material); xref {ħun-tôn}
( < helenike 'xylon')
pwĭm-da-tǒj gân-ř kî'sul kǒ mĭ-i ƴârn-van ĵwy-bô. Because of the humidity this wood is rotting quickly.
tĭw kî'sul-na hân-bô ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô tam-ram. Tom sold me an antique wooden chair.
kî'sul ĥy-i ŝâj-žar kujm-o ħun-tôn ĥy-i ĥâ-Ł-zô. One cuts trees to get wood.
- kî'tĭr
- electricity
- kî'tĭr-fwa-zô
- to recharge (a battery or a device with a built-in battery)
- kî'tĭr-źa dâm-ř nul
- thunder
- kî'tĭr-źa-van
- to lightning (subject is usually {purj})
- kîm'bâl
- cymbal [might replace with {klâl-ĉa}?]
( < helenike 'kymbalon')
- kîn'bĭ
- mîn'tĭ-tôn źy-tôn-fwa sǒ
( < Latin)
- kîr'bân
- sacrifice, offering
( < Melayu/Hebrew 'korban')
- kîr'bân-kô
- church, temple (of sacrificial religion); xref {hĭj-kô, tî'šâ-kô}
- kîr'bân-tla
- priest (of any sacrificial religion; xref {hĭj-tla})
- kîr'vy
- deer, elk, moose, reindeer, caribou, etc.
( < Latin)
- kjâl
- magnetism, magnetic attraction
- kjâl-ĉa
- electromagnet (xref {gâ-kjâl})
- kjâl-tôn
- attractive force (magnetism, gravity, strong nuclear force...)
- kjâl-tôn Φu-dal
- gravity
- kjâl-tôn-ĝa-ĉa
- antigravity device
- kjâl-van
- to magnetically attract (magnetized thing {mĭ-i} attracts ferrous thing {ĥy-i})
- kjě'kwĭ
- toucan, toucanet, aracari, barbet, woodpecker, jacamar, honeyguide; birds of order Piciformes
( < Hixkaryana 'kyakwe' "toucan")
- kjĭ
- rat, mouse, mice, gerbil (family Muridae) (archaically, referred only to genus Mus)
- kju
- sticky, gluey
- kju-ca
- stick together (or {kju-môj})
- kju-ha
- glue; mortar
- kju-van
- sticking to something
- klarkashtǒn-ram-rô
- Klarkashtonian, Lovecraftian; eldritch fantasy of which Clark Ashton Smith's work is the prototype
( < Lovecraft's nickname for Clark Ashton Smith)
- klâl
- crashing, clashing, clattering
- ko
- into every part of; between (directional)
- koj
- between-to-near
- kol
- between-to-through
- kom
- between-to-part.of
- kon
- between-to-contact
- koň
- equivalence conjunction; iff; if and only if (xref {kwoň, ĉǒ, bǒ})
- koŋ
- between-to-inside
- kǒ
- this here; my (first-person demonstrative)
pî'vu kǒ ĥy-i Φě'wâm-ť-zô žu-bô mwe. Please stuff this peacock carefully.
ŋe ŝu-i Φu gân-ř, šâ-faj-van heŋ swyŋ kǒ. Because of its mass, this table is not portable.
prym-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i vlym-ĝĭw syrm-da kǒ mĭ-i. This striped shirt is ugly.
- kor
- between-to-far
- -kô
- ejo; place where one does ~
- Ќ
- I, me
- Ќ lĭw-i lĭm-ga kwě'dâj-ny
- My Little Pony
- Ќ ty-o ruŋ-ť-zô huw-pôm
- Welcome to my home! (similar construction with other places the listener might have arrived at, etc.)
- Ќ-ƥ-baw
- click or ejective
- krân
- cranberry
- krě'lyw
- okra
- krĭ
- writing, making, designing, composing; creative work
( < English)
Φě'ĥu-cu mĭ-i krĭ-gâm-zô tam-ke-ser'ě-ram. Tom and Sarah painted a picture of a herd of elephants.
- krĭ-ca
- to invent oneself, edit one's personality, deliberately mold one's habits
- krĭ-gâm-zô
- to draw or paint a picture; {tu-i} makes a picture of {mĭ-i}
Φě'ĥu-cu mĭ-i krĭ-gâm-zô tam-ke-ser'ě-ram. Tom and Sarah painted a picture of a herd of elephants.
- krĭ-gjâ-pja
- conlanger
- krĭ-gjâ-tla-zwa
- an applicant for a professional conlanging job
- krĭ-gjâ-zô
- to devise conlangs
- krĭ-ma
- editing, criticism, analysis of creative work (xref {lju-ŋĭn-zô})
- krĭ-o
- object of result (creative)
θuň-bâm krĭ-o lju-θaj-zô kiň te ĥy-i byn-zô. I am writing and revising a new story.
- krĭ-Φa
- creative work, work of art (in any medium)
- krĭ-šĭm-zô
- to program (including design as well as coding; xref {ʝĭ-zô, byn-ʝĭ-zô})
mî'ħâ-van krĭ-šĭm-zô byn-pja. The hacker is obsessively coding.
- krĭ-tla
- professional artist, writer, etc.; one who lives by his creative skills
pě'pâ Φy-tan reŋ ĥy-i vâm-zô krĭ-tla kiň kyl-Φy oŋ bly-zô. The artist crumpled up many waste papers and threw them in the trash can.
- krĭ-vuj
- writing, scribbling, drawing, painting, etc. (physical act); archaic in the sense of "writing", see {lju-θaj-zô}
- krĭ-vuj-ĉa
- writing implement, pencil, pen, marker, paintbrush, chalk...
swyŋ pǒ sim ŋylm gǒ; te oŋ ðu-Ł-van krĭ-vuj-ĉa ĥy-i tyn-zô. There is a groove on the surface of that desk; one can put a pencil in it.
- krĭ-vuj-ha
- ink, graphite
- krĭ-vuj-hĭl-ĉa
- pencil
- krĭ-vuj-ŋĭw
- fingers (archaic, now {mâŋ im zjâm})
- krĭ-vuj-vâlm-ĉa
- ink pen, permanent marker
- krĭ-vuj-zô
- to create, paint, draw, sculpt, write, etc.; do creative work with physical results, in contrast with transitory performance of music etc. ({tu-i} creates {krĭ-o} or {ķĭn-o})
- krĭ-zô
- write, program, compose, paint, sculpt...
- krî'dul
- crocodile, alligator, caiman, gharial; order Crocodilia
( < Latin < Greek)
ķârn-gâl ₣um-i lym-θaj-van ķârn-krî'dul. Alligator meat tastes like chicken.
- krî'dul sâl-sô
- crocodile
- kř
- between-from
- křj
- between-from-near
- křl
- between-from-through
- křm
- between-from-part.of
- křn
- between-from-contact
- křŋ
- between-from-inside
- křr
- between-from-far
- kru
- cross
- kru-ŋla
- Friday
- kru-von-zô
- to crucify
- ku
- hearing
( < suomalainen 'kuulla')
- ku-faj
- audible; aloud
- ku-faj-ga
- clear, plain, obvious
- ku-faj-źa
- loud; very audible
nĭŋ-van gju-ŋy-ĉa, žĭr-van pî'dâ, lâl-van ku-faj-źa ƴâ-ĉa-kwĭ vim ŝâ-cô-ĉa. Phones ring, bees buzz, train engines whistle loudly.
- ku-gju-pôm
- = {gju-pôm}
- ku-hî'mâr-van
- to understand what someone says, to hear clearly and distinctly
- ku-měr'kun-ĉa
- radio receiver
- ku-ŋĭw
- ears, eardrums
- ku-pôm
- I heard this happening (i.e., heard the sounds made by the event but (by implicature) didn't see it; not "I heard people talk about it": xref {gju-pôm})
bly-van ku-pôm pwĭm mĭ-i. It's raining (I hear it).
- ku-θaj
- sound source, something that makes a sound
- ku-θaj-Φa
- sound (archaic; prefer {nul})
- ku-van
- to hear ({ʝâr-i} hears {kâ-i})
- ku-zym-van
- to hear/listen to someone's thoughts, telepathically (xref {gju-zym-zô})
- kujm
- purpose, goal, motive, end; priority (xref {gân})
- kujm nǒ o
- why? for what purpose? to what end?
- kujm-cy
- highest priority, main goal
- kujm-fwa-zô
- to prioritize, to make something a goal ({tu-i} prioritizes gerund in {mĭ-i} phrase or {hǒŋ}-clause)
drulm kǒ i lju-θaj mĭ-i kujm-fwa-zô. I am prioritizing writing lately.
- kujm-ja
- suitable, practical, fit to purpose, good (for a given purpose); appropriate, right (as in "put everything in the right place", etc.; xref {mĭ-ja} for filing information appropriately) xref {sum, syj-faj, žuln-fwa, hu-ja, gâw-ja, ₣âwm-sô}
- kujm-Ł-ja
- convenience, suitability for one's plans and purposes (replace {Ł} with appropriate pronoun for a given context)
- kujm-nu-ja
- nonce, provisional, for the moment, temporary, jury-rig (xref {vâlm-cô-bô, nu-bô})
- kujm-o
- because (motive); so that, for the sake of, toward goal
mrâ oŋ ryŋ ĥy-i tyn-zô, kujm-šar ruŋ-źa kujm-o sum jâ-o. I pack many things into luggage, to get ready for a trip.
- kujm-ř
- lest; in order to avoid [rare]
- kujm-šar
- in order to (with default subject), for the purpose of, so that (with overt subject)
mrâ oŋ ryŋ ĥy-i tyn-zô, kujm-šar ruŋ-źa kujm-o sum jâ-o. I pack many things into luggage, to get ready for a trip.
gâm-šun-ʝrâ kâ-i rĭm-kâ-zô kujm-šar tyn-kujm o fyn-zô ĵwy-bô. I study the map in order to drive quickly to my destination.
- kujm-van
- to have purpose; {mĭ-i} exists/functions for the purpose of accomplishing event in {hǒŋ} clause
kujm-van Ќ ŝu-i gě'dĭm-zla hǒŋ rum-kô oŋ Ќ im pî'gâ ĥy-i tyn-zô. The purpose of my life is to get my butt into Heaven.
- kuln
- friend, acquaintance; someone one enjoys being with (xref {lĭm})
kuln reŋ gǒ, mǒj lĭm cǒ zen. Acquaintances are many, friends are few.
- kuln-cô
- someone who is disagreeable to be with, for whom one has an aversion
mwĭň-ƥ-van wǒj ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu gě'dĭm-ja kâ-i lju-zô kuln-cô. He is embarrassed because a stranger has read his diary.
- kuln-ga
- a pet one enjoys having around and might or might not replace when it dies
- kuln-ma
- friend of a friend
- kun
- indirect, exterior knowledge; book learning or hearsay knowledge in contrast to experience; acquaintaince (xref {hyw, suŋ, hî'mâr})
( < Fr. connaître)
kun jâ-o, kun jâ-ř. You learn things; you forget things.
- kun mâ-zla-dal
- common knowledge, conventional wisdom
- kun-faj
- knowable, comprehensible
- kun-fwa-tla lju-θaj-tla
- nonfiction writer, journalist
- kun-hôw-cu
- education, system of teaching (or {hyw-hôw-cu, suŋ-hôw-cu} if it's hands-on and practical)
- kun-hôw-kô
- school
- kun-hôw-kô bakalaŭr-ķam-fwa
- college, institution granting baccalaureate degrees
- kun-hôw-kô doktor-ķam-fwa
- university, institution that grants doctorates
- kun-hôw-kô mâ-ĵĭn-paj
- elementary or middle school
- kun-hôw-tla
- teacher (of theoretical knowledge)
- kun-hôw-zô
- to teach (theoretical knowledge)
- kun-ŋĭw
- factual memory
- kun-tla-ķam mâ-nǒ-ram
- Doctor Who
- kun-van
- know indirectly, from outside ({ʝâr-i} knows {kâ-i} or {mĭ-i}, or complement clause with {hǒŋ})
ce mĭ-i kun-van heŋ. tyn kǒ i ðurm-zô žǒŋ. I don't know. I just work here.
- kurŋ
- boldness, courage, audacity
( < English 'courage')
- kurŋ-cô
- timidity, shyness, hesitancy, unassertiveness (xref {bě'lâm-sô})
- kurŋ-fwa
- encouraging
- kurŋ-zô
- to dare; aŭdaci, kuraĝi; be bold, courageous to...
- -kwa
- color of ~
- kwâň
- duck (birds of family Anatidae)
( < onomatopoeia)
- kwâwn
- being almost deliriously sleepy, but still up and walking around (xref {mwĭl-ŝra, blě'mĭm-kwâwn})
kwâwn mĭl-i, pjâl-zô mî'ħâ-bô ver. Despite delirious sleepiness, I'm still working obsessively.
- kwě'dâj
- horse, ass, donkey, burro, onager, zebra; family Equidae (xref {kě'bâl})
( < Latin)
- kwě'dâj čĭn-ŋĭw-ža
- unicorn
- kwě'dâj syrm-ðĭm-ža
- zebra, quagga
- kwě'dâj-cjaj
- ass, burro, donkey
- kwě'dâj-tôn
- Perissodactyl; equine, rhino, tapir
- kwě'dâj-tôn čĭn-ŋĭw-ža
- rhinoceros
- kwě'dâj-tôn pîr'ku-tan
- tapir
- kwě'kyr
- oak (Quercus)
( < Latin)
hěm'lu-rô ŋĭn-i ʝem kwě'kyr pǒ mĭ-i, gâ lǒ sin tyn-van vlĭw kěr'vâ-dal. That tree with the crow's nest in it looks fun to climb.
- kwě'kyr-dân-ʝa
- fallen log of an oak tree (generalize for logs of other tree species...)
- kwĭ
- ordered series, sequence (xref {drĭ}) [suffixoid]
( < English 'sequence')
- kwĭ-ĉâm
- range, continuous set of values/locations/states
- kwĭ-kujm-zô
- to prioritize, to get one's priorities in order (xref {kujm-fwa-zô})
- kwĭ-tôn
- set, group, collection; not necessarily in any particular order or arrangement (xref {kwĭ, cu, -daj, -zla, drĭ, cu-sĭŋ})
- kwoň
- implication conjunction; if/then (xref {bǒ, ĉǒ})
- kwǒ
- (modifying a noun phrase:) some, some of, any; (modifying a verb phrase:) somehow, somewhat
mâ ₣um-i ðu-van fjǒ gju-zô pjě'tâ kwǒ. Some parrots can sort of speak like humans.
?lju-ť-zô gwe zǒn arue-šam šej volteŕ-ram dâm-ř θuň kwǒ kâ-i. Have you read any stories by Arouet, also known as Voltaire?
mâ kwǒ wuŋ-i vjâr-ĉa tâlm-paj ĥy-i tru-zô. ?ť wuŋ-i zǒn te mĭ-i. I found someone's hat. Is it yours?
mâ kwǒ mĭ-i, mâ lǒ tu-i tyn pǒ o ruŋ-zô, ĵlân-cô-bô ŋĭn-i. Anyone who goes there is foolish.
- kwǒ źe
- any at all (emphatic)
- -ķa
- respected, honored, feared, worshipped; attitudinal suffix (xref {tî'šâ, dul})
Ќ lĭw-i kyn-ma-vĭ-ķa mĭ-i trĭ-šun-tla šy-bô ŋĭn-i. My honored grandfather is a retired land surveyor.
θě'ku gy-i mâ kâj-ha-ta ĥy-i θĭ-zô de mje kolkata-wam im teresa-ram-ķa pî'hâ-bô. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta served the destitute for the love of God.
křbij-šam-ķa ŝu-i plĭr prym-hôw-za mĭ-i gju-ŋĭn-zô sě'râ. Sarah gave a lecture on Kirby's artistic influences.
- -ķam
- foreign title identifier suffix
- ķârm
- coughing
- ķârm-kar
- mucus (still in lungs; xref {ķârm-Φa})
- ķârm-Φa
- mucus (expectorated; xref {ķârm-kar})
- ķârm-Φa ĥy-i trĭ-tôn-zô
- to culture sputum and determine what bacteria it contains, etc.
- ķârm-θô-zô
- to clear one's throat
- ķârm-zô
- to cough
- ķârn
- muscle; meat
usonia-wam i ʝĭŋ-sjum i ķârn-mě'lâ ĥy-i mrân-Ł-zô de. In the U.S., people eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
ķârn-gâl ₣um-i lym-θaj-van ķârn-krî'dul. Alligator meat tastes like chicken.
- ķârn ĉy-tan
- sausage
- ķârn ðĭ-i suŋ
- muscle memory
- ķârn-byj
- beef, steak, veal; cow meat
- ķârn-kyw
- thoracic diaphragm
nî'kjâ-ra-van Ќ im ķârn-kyw. I have the hiccups.
- ķârn-ŋô
- protein
- ķârn-pîr'ku
- pork, ham, bacon...
- ķârn-rô
- umami, yummy (taste characteristic of high-protein foods)
- ķe
- too much, too many
vlym-srĭw kǒ iŋ ðu-van tyn-ca ver heŋ; blĭn-te-van ķe. I can't fit into these pants anymore; they're too tight.
ɱ ŝâj-i râm-bâm mĭ-i gju-zô ķe juri-ram. Yuri talks too much about his kitten.
nu reŋ ķe i Ќ ŋâw-o nî'šĭm ĝy-i gju-ŋy-ť-zô. You telephone me too often in the middle of the night.
râm reŋ ķe ðĭ-i ŝâj-ť-van; ƥ pen ĥy-i ðu-van heŋ šu-zô. You have too many cats; you can't take care of them all.
- ķe-tǒj
- excess, redundancy, pleonasm; having too much, an unnecessary amount/degree of some thing or quality; xref {ĝâlm}
- ķe-tǒj-bô
- excessive, redundant, too much [but when would one use this instead of basic {ķe}?]; xref {ĝâlm}
- ķe-tǒj-syj
- waste, excess use of resources
- ķě'wyŋ
- hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
- ķĭ
- turning, changing course (xref {mlĭr}, rotation); occasionally error for {ķĭw}
- ķĭm
- exercise, exertion; practice
čî'ny so pe θo ƴâ-ƥ-zô ķĭm-bô. She walks up and down stairs for exercise.
nu lǒ i ķĭm-Ł-zô de, nu pǒ i gâ pwĭm-sâl-tôn-ža ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô mwe. When one exercises, one ought to drink something with electrolytes.
- ķĭm-ca sěl'kâ-gôm-paj
- to do exercises to strengthen one's back muscles
- ķĭm-ca vun-ca
- to do stretching exercises
- ķĭm-dâr-zô
- to use an exercise bike (also {ķĭm-dâr-ca})
- ķĭm-kô
- gymnasium, exercise room
- ķĭm-kyw
- respiratory treatment
- ķĭm-vun-ca
- to do stretching exercises
- ķĭn
- making, building, constructing (physical things; xref {krĭ})
- ķĭn-dĭn-zô
- to weave, knit, crochet...
- ķĭn-gâm-ĉa
- camera (for still pictures, xref {ķĭn-gâm-ʝĭl-ĉa} movie camera)
- ķĭn-gâm-ĉa pě'pâ-paj
- scanner
- ķĭn-gâm-ʝĭl-ĉa
- film/movie camera, webcam, etc.
- ķĭn-gâm-zô
- to take a photo (xref {krĭ-gâm-zô}); {tu-i} takes a photo of {čĭ-ř} or {mĭ-i}
beθ-ram ĥwâ-i kĭlm i ķĭn-gâm-Ќ-zô reŋ. I took many photos at the party in honor of Beth.
- ķĭn-i
- (archaic) = {ķĭn-o}
ŝrĭ-bô ŋĭn-i twâ-θy mĭ-i, gâ-lǒ ķĭn-o Φyr {-ga, -cjaj} pe ble syj-i. Words which are formed with the suffixes "-ga", "-cjaj" etc. are idiomatic.
- ķĭn-mluŋ-zô
- to bake, to make baked goods (xref {mluŋ-fwa-zô})
- ķĭn-o
- object of result (physical)
gyn-čĭn-ĉa-da-ðy ķĭn-o gâm-zô suŋ-kě'ĝu-tla sâ-cô-fwa. The evil sorcerer drew a pentagram.
mî'rĭj θĭ-o sĭlm ķĭn-o ʝĭŋ ŝâm-řŋ-tǒj-za ĥwâ-i gwî'jum tu-i. Wilma made a dress for Mary for her birthday.
mě'hu ķĭn-o vâ-faj-fwa-ƥ-zô. She is cooking a stew.
- ķĭn-šĭm-cu-ĉa
- compiler
- ķĭn-twâ-cu-kô
- publisher, printer
- ķĭw
- guilt, shame (at actual or felt wrongdoing) (xref {ƴĭ, bě'lâm, mwĭň, ʝyrŋ, pĭln}; {žâj-dô, hî'su})
źu-van, hǒŋ ķĭw-van palij-ram hǒŋ Ќ dâm-ř θuň čĭ-ř syj-zô lju-θaj-zô dlu-ta. I hope Polly is ashamed of herself for copying my story without permission.
- ķĭw-blě'mĭm
- depressive, lethargic guilt
- ķĭw-pâ
- frantically distressful guilt, shame (also sometimes {pâ-ķĭw})
- ķĭw-θô
- embarassment, shame (at some mistake or foolishness); xref {bě'lâm, mwĭň}
- ķǒ
- (suffix spatial postposition to this to get direction adverb) (archaic, see "More precise paths of motion" in "Syntâ of gjâ-zym-byn")
- ķǒ gi
- ad orientum; facing eastward (archaic, xref {purj gim vi})
- ķǒ-so
- Up (film)
- ķǒ-θo
- downward (archaic)
- ķǒ-vo
- forward (archaic)
- ķuj
- risk, danger, unsafe conditions; high probability of bad outcome; (chess) check
- ķuj-fja
- reasonably safe, in very little danger
- ķuj-fja-hôw-zô
- to protect, foster, take care of (xref {šu, ŋul})
- ķuj-fwa
- dangerous
- ķuj-ř-zô
- to rescue, save, help out of danger (xref {θĭ}; variant withi {ķuj-ř-fwa-zô})
- ķuj-ta
- perfectly safe
- ķulm
- a duty and a privilege; an honorable responsibility; a particular person's part in a rite or role within an institution (xref {dlu, dlâw, čâl, hĭj})
ŋul-pja hĭj-Φa-paj jâ-i ķulm-van θě'mâ. It is Thomas's duty and privilege to be a Eucharistic guardian.
- ķun
- saltines, other crackers, nachos, corn chips, pretzels, popcorn, etc.; salty/savory snacks made of grain
- ķun čyw-gam
- Sun Chips
- ķun-cjaj
- pretzels
- ķun-tôn
- bread-like foods
- ķy
- truth, agreement of ideas with reality (xref {bĭŋ, brâl-faj, ķy-bô, ķy-ja})
- ķy-bô
- true, real, existent (of things); xref {bĭŋ, ķy-ja}
- ķy-cô-bô
- fabulous, unreal, nonexistent (of things; xref {ķy-cô-ja, ƴum-bô, fĭw-bô})
- ķy-cô-ja
- false, counterfactual (of propositions; xref {ķy-dô, ķy-cô-bô, ƴum-bô})
- ķy-dô
- fake, fraud, hoax, lie (xref {ƴum, ƴum-bô})
- ķy-ja
- true (of propositions; xref {ķy-bô})
- ķy-tan
- lifelike, realistic, naturalistic, plausible, having verisimilitude
loĵban-lam mĭ-i ʝrâ-bô fjǒ ŋĭn-i; ķy-tan-van heŋ te. Lojban is somewhat schematic; it is not naturalistic.
- ķy-θy
- fact, detail
- ķyŋ
- knowing someone is wrong but thinking it too much trouble to argue with them
- ķyŋ-cô
- belligerent argumentativeness, being determined to prove someone wrong, ideally to convince them but at least to convince onlookers
- ky
- 37
- kyl
- box, chest, jar; rigid container (xref {wĭm, mrâ})
ĥâ-ĉa syj-ta-i kyl kǒ ĥy-i ðu-Ł-van heŋ jĭlm-zô. One can't open this box without a knife.
pě'pâ Φy-tan reŋ ĥy-i vâm-zô krĭ-tla kiň kyl-Φy oŋ bly-zô. The artist crumpled up many waste papers and threw them in the trash can.
kyl vĭn-da cĭ-bô ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô ƥ, nu-šar ŝrun-twâ-gĭn-zô θǒ. He drank one glass of wine, then immediately started singing.
- kyl Φĭrn-fwa
- sauna
- kyl ruŋ-źa-paj
- luggage, suitcases, etc. (sometimes just {kyl-ruŋ})
- kyl θym-tan
- coffee cup, similar containers with a handle
( < topology joke)
- kyl vâ-faj-fwa-ĉa
- cooking pot, saucepan, skillet, microwave-safe bowl
- kyl zuň-cô-fwa-ha-ža
- poison trap (for insects, etc.)
- kyl-čyw
- Dyson sphere
( < inspired by but not a calque of Taruven "ksanyella")
- kyl-cu
- chest of drawers
- kyl-cu-ga
- hash, struct (xref {cu-sĭŋ})
- kyl-grâm
- mailbox
- kyl-ĝĭ-jâln
- sauna (earlier variations with {kyl-źa} and {jâln-fwa} etc.)
- kyl-ĝĭ-pwĭm-daj
- swimming pool
- kyl-jâln Φĭrn-fwa
- sauna (usually prefer {kyl-ĝĭ-jâln}, but this is more perspicuous)
- kyl-kî'tĭr
- battery, cell
- kyl-ķun-gam
- Cracker Barrel (restaurant)
- kyl-ŋĭw-cu-dân
- coffin, sarcophagus, catafalque
- kyl-ŋul
- safe, strongbox, lockable chest
- kyl-plâŋ
- shoes
- kyl-pwĭm-daj
- swimming pool
- kyl-rô
- stiff, rigid
- kyl-sĭŋ-ĝĭ
- large-scale data storage device, e.g. external hard drive, larger flash drive, etc.
- kyl-tâlm
- helmet, helm, casque
- kyl-trĭ-ĉa
- measuring cup, measuring spoon
- kyl-θô
- semi-flexible container (e.g. paper sack); flexible but not floppy (xref {kyl, wĭm, mrâ})
- kyl-vâ-kar
- dish, plate, bowl, cup
- kyn
- parent (father or mother)
- kyn-bâwŋ
- birth mother, biological mother (less common than {kyn-ŝâm}; xref also {kyn-ŝy})
- kyn-čĭm
- cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao
- kyn-gu
- adoptive parent
- kyn-i
- parent of
- kyn-ma
- grandparent
Ќ lĭw-i kyn-ma-vĭ-ķa mĭ-i trĭ-šun-tla šy-bô ŋĭn-i. My honored grandfather is a retired land surveyor.
- kyn-ma-ma
- great-great-grandparent
- kyn-ma-tâ
- great-uncle, great-aunt
- kyn-me-dâ
- great-grandparent
- kyn-mjyl
- nectar (stuff bees collect from flowers to make honey)
- kyn-mla
- stepmother, stepfather
- kyn-ŝâm
- birth mother, biological mother (xref {kyn-ŝy})
ɱ lĭw-i fru-ŝy ĥy-i fâ-vuj-zô kyn-ŝâm. The mother caresses her daughter.
bě'lâm jâ-o mî'rĭj gân-šar bĭm-ĵwa oŋ ruŋ-zô ₣âl-bô ƥ lĭw-i kyn-ŝâm-ba, vĭj lǒ i bĭm-šyj-mâ iŋ šyj-ƥ-ca. Mary became embarrassed because her mother barged into the bathroom while she was in the bathtub.
- kyn-ŝy
- mother (xref {kyn-ŝâm})
- kyn-tâ
- uncle, aunt (archaic, prefer {tâ-kyn})
- kyn-tôl
- mother-in-law, father-in-law
- kyn-tôn
- ancestor
- kyn-θaj
- child (son or daughter; rare, prefer {fru})
- kyn-vĭ
- father
- kyn-vĭn
- grapes
( < semi-calque of Esperanto 'vinbero')
- kyn-vĭn-hân
- raisins
- kyn-zô
- to do parenting, to raise children
- kyn-žar-van
- to beget, to conceive
- kyr
- verb
( < Melayu 'katakerja')
kyr-ta ŋĭn-i twâ kǒ. This sentence (is) verbless.
kyr-ža-van twâ kǒ. This sentence is verb-having.
- kyr-gôm
- clause [even though not all clauses in gzb have verbs] (xref {du-twâ})
- kyr-ta-lam
- Sylvia Sotomayor's Kelen
( < coined by Puey McCleary)
- kyr-θĭ
- auxiliary verb
- kyw
- lung; breathing
( < suomalainen 'keuhko')
- kyw sim cĭw
- throat, trachea, windpipe
- kyw-ĝân-zô
- to breath deeply
- kyw-kar
- air (breathable); xref {by}
- kyw-nĭrn-θaj-zô
- to exhale deeply, clear as much air from one's lungs as possible (xref {kyw-řŋ-zô})
- kyw-nĭrn-zô
- to inhale deeply (xref {kyw-oŋ-zô})
- kyw-nu
- gasp, sigh
- kyw-oŋ-ŋĭw
- nostrils/mouth/trachea (xref {syl})
- kyw-oŋ-zô
- to inhale
- kyw-řŋ-zô
- 1. to exhale 2. to expectorate, clear something from lungs (mucus, water after near-drowning, etc.); xref {ķârm})
- kyw-řŋ-źa-zô
- to blow, huff, puff (xref {kyw-nĭrn-θaj-zô})
- kyw-ta-fwa-zô
- to suffocate, to strangle, to smother, to (try to) kill by suffocation
- kyw-tôn
- organ, body part (physiological)
- kyw-vě'ty-cy
- nose, nostrils (main door of breathing) (archaic, prefer {vě'ty-kyw}, {vě'ty-bî'duň})
- kyw-zô
- to breathe
- -la
- affectionate attitudinal suffix
lî'klâ siŋ ŝum-van pwě'lâl-la. There is delicious ice cream floating in the milk.
- -lam
- language proper name tag
dojĉě-lam kâ-i suŋ-lju-van θje jě'nu. John can almost read German.
frâ ðĭ-i ĝâlm-sô ŋĭn-i nihoŋ-lam mĭ-i. Japanese marks questions redundantly.
- lâ
- request, demand, begging (xref {frâ})
- lâ-cô-i
- proposed for, nominated for (xref {kujm-o, θĭ-o})
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam lâ-cô-i θuň-lâŋ pen kâ-i gâw-zô lju-zô. I plan to read all the novels nominated for the Hugo Award.
- lâ-cô-zô
- to offer, to propose; esp. to offer help (xref {lâ-θô-zô, twâ-gâw-zô}); to nominate someone/something for an elective office, an award, etc.
- lâ-hî'su-zô
- to apologize, ask forgiveness, ask pardon (xref {twâ-ƴĭ-zô})
- lâ-kâj-zô
- order, prepurchase
- lâ-ma
- request something indirectly; request someone to request something...
- lâ-pâŋ-pja
- mâ lǒ tu-i pâŋ ŋâw-o lâ-zô θĭ-bô ƴyr-bô
- lâ-ř
- by request of, at ~'s request
- lâ-θaj-zô
- to respond to, fulfil a request (xref {frâ-θaj-zô, twâ-θaj-zô)
- lâ-θô-zô
- to suggest, propose ({tu-i} suggests {mĭ-i} noun phrase or {hǒŋ} or {Φǒ} clause to addressee {ŋâw-o}) (xref {lâ-cô-zô, twâ-gâw-zô})
- lâ-vô
- request mark (English "exclamation mark") '!'
- lâ-zô
- to request, ask for ({tu-i} asks {ŋâw-o} for {rjâ-i})
- lâl
- whistling, whining, beeping, cheeping; various high-pitched sounds
nĭŋ-van gju-ŋy-ĉa, žĭr-van pî'dâ, lâl-van ku-faj-źa ƴâ-ĉa-kwĭ vim ŝâ-cô-ĉa. Phones ring, bees buzz, train engines whistle loudly.
- lâl gwě'vu-cô-hôw
- alarm (prearranged noise used to remind oneself to do something)
- lâl mwĭl-cô-hôw
- alarm (prearranged noise to wake oneself/someone)
- lâl-ĉa
- wind instrument
- lâl-sô jâ-ř gju-ŋy-ĉa ĥy-i
- to silence one's cellphone
- lâl-ŝrun-zô
- to whistle (a tune), play music on a wind instrument
- lâlŋ
- un-envy; wishing others could enjoy some good thing one is enjoying
- lâlŋ-cô
- envy, jealousy, covetousness
- lân
- floor
( < Melayu 'lantai')
- lân-ga
- ground, surface (xref {ĥâm-daj})
- lân-ga sin pwĭm-by-daj
- fog, mist
- lân-ga θi
- underground
- lân-ʝa
- wall; (solid) fence (xref {pjylm-vuj})
lân-ʝa vin julŋ-van gâm-vuj mĭ-i. A picture hangs on the wall.
- lân-ʝa-ta
- outdoor, open-air (more euphonious but less logical than {lân-θaj-ta})
- lân-rô
- horizontal
- lân-rô-ʝa
- vertical
- lân-θaj
- ceiling
- lân-θaj-ta
- outdoor, open-air (more logical but less euphonious than {lân-ʝa-ta})
- lâŋ
- taking a long time to read, view, listen to, experience (xref {ƴu-bô})
( < English)
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam lâ-cô-i θuň-lâŋ pen kâ-i gâw-zô lju-zô. I plan to read all the novels nominated for the Hugo Award.
Ќ dâm-ř ŋĭn lâŋ-bô ši, twâ-θaj-ƥ-zô kiň brě'zĭm-Ќ-van. After my long explanation, she replied, and I felt dismay at realizing she'd misunderstood what I'd said.
- lâŋ-cô
- quickly read, viewed, etc.; short (of books, music); simple (of pictures)
- lârm
- weeping, crying (xref {lârm-Φa, lârm-gôm})
( < Fr. 'larme')
sĭ li θâŋ-twâl-ɱ-van, kiň lârm-van, kiň te ĥy-i gĭl-lârm-Φa jĭrn-i hum-fwa-zô. She by the river sat, and sitting there, / She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
- lârm-ga
- mourning, lamentation, (expression of) sorrow (archaic; prefer {lârm-gôm})
- lârm-gôm
- mourning, lamentation, (expression of) sorrow
- lârm-Φa
- tears (fluid emitted from tear ducts due to pain, sorrow, etc.)
- lâwm
- glade, glen, shady clearing (esp. with water running through or from it)
- lâwm-ga
- square, plaza; wide space in a city where streets meet and there's a fountain in the center
- le
- râ-sô, râ-ŝra; ķy-bô še źe; probable, probably
- le-tǒj
- probability, high chance of occurring (xref {še-tǒj, be-tǒj})
- lě'jâ
- olive (tree/fruit of Olea europaea)
( < Latin)
- lě'jâ-ĵwa-gam
- Olive Garden (restaurant)
- lě'kjân
- Alexander, Alexandra, Alexis
( < helenike)
- lě'ku
- white
( < helenike 'leukos')
- lě'ku-θaj
- black
- lě'pâ
- bat (winged mammals of order Chiroptera)
- lě'pâ-tôn
- insectivore
- lě'pyr
- wolf
( < E-o 'lupo')
- lě'sî'kĭn
- thrushes, nightingales (genus Luscinia); xref {tîr'dâ}, true thrushes
( < Latin)
nî'šĭm i ŝrun-zô lě'sî'kĭn. The nightingale sings at night.
- lě'sî'kĭn-nî'šĭm
- nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
- lě'tân
- a tree encountered in a certain dream
- lěm'pĭr
- firefly, lightning bug (insects of family Lampyridae)
( < Latin)
- lěv'krâft-šam-rô
- tending to write letters rather than take care of business
- ler
- future tense marker (with verbs); ~-to-be (with nouns) (xref {-zwa}, {mje})
râ ler mĭ-i zym-zô pe gju-zô źĭ-ler-tǒj-tla. Futurists think and talk about future events.
gâm-ʝĭl pǒ kâ-i ruŋ-zô rĭm-van ler. I'm going to go see that movie.
- ler-baw
- liquid consonant
- ler-tǒj
- the future
- ler-tǒj-lô
- Futurist (member of Italian art/philosophy movement)
italia-wam i ler-tǒj-lô mĭ-i fraňs-wam i dě'dâ-lô ₣um-i fjǒ. The Italian Futurists were somewhat similar to the French Dadaists.
- levi-šam-za
- Leviticus
- li
- on this side of
sĭ li θâŋ-twâl-ɱ-van, kiň lârm-van, kiň te ĥy-i gĭl-lârm-Φa jĭrn-i hum-fwa-zô. She by the river sat, and sitting there, / She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
- lij
- this.side-at-near
- lil
- through, to this side of (positional)
- lim
- this.side-at-part.of
- lin
- this.side-at-contact
- liŋ
- this.side-at-inside
- lĭm
- friend; someone one can talk about important things with, can trust with important matters (xref {kuln, fâ})
kuln reŋ gǒ, mǒj lĭm cǒ zen. Acquaintances are many, friends are few.
ƥ lĭw-i lĭm belm sǒ tu-i ƥ ŝu-i sĭŋ-kě'ĝu mĭ-i sĭŋ-flu-kô ki lju-θaj-zô. A "friend" of his wrote about his secrets all over the Internet.
- lĭm ĵu-hôw
- mentor; older/more mature friend who helps one become more mature/experienced (similar constructions with {hyw-hôw}, {ĵlân-hôw}, {suŋ-hôw} etc.)
- lĭm-cô
- someone whom one cannot talk easily with, whom one does not fully trust
- lĭm-fâ
- lover (nonce, prefer {lĭm-žuŋ}, {tu-žuŋ} or {ʝâr-fâ})
- lĭm-fru
- quasi-nephew or niece; child of one's close friend (archaic; prefer {fru-lĭm})
- lĭm-ga
- a pet one treats more or less as a person and would weep hot tears over when it dies
ɱ lĭw-i râm lĭm-ga ĥy-i vřĝĭl-ram ŝâj-ř tâl-θaj-Ќ-zô šu-zô. I received Vergil's pet cat to take care of it temporarily.
- lĭm-mwĭl
- euphemism for {lĭm-žuŋ}
- lĭm-ŝy
- girlfriend (xref {rě'ĵy-θô})
- lĭm-žuŋ
- lover (xref {rě'ĵy-θô, rě'ĵy-θaj-θô, ʝâr-fâ, lĭm-mwĭl})
- lĭn
- connect, link, attach, staple, bind (xref {kju, ĥâ-cô, lĭn-ga})
( < English 'link')
grĭ-cô-sô-van de šĭm-ĉa kǒ; žy-šar ĵwy-cô-van sĭŋ-flu-kô o lĭn mĭ-i. This computer is malfunctioning lately; for instance, its network connection is slow.
- lĭn-ca
- to connect oneself (to an IV, enteral feeding, an oxygen cannula, etc.)
- lĭn-ĉa-kjâl
- magnet (tool used e.g. to stick papers etc. to metal furniture or appliances; xref {gâ-kjâl}, {kjâl-ĉa})
- lĭn-ga
- hyperlink, cross-reference, pointer (xref {fuw-žy})
- lĭn-o
- linking to
- lĭn-pě'hĭ
- intersection, crossroads (xref {dĭn-pě'hĭ})
- lĭw
- relation between people, esp. family
- lĭw-cu
- family; network of friendships
- lĭw-cu-gym
- organization, corporation; net of people with common leadership
- lĭw-cu-źa
- society, culture, tribe
- lĭw-cu-źa mâ-ĵwa-ža
- civilization (society with cities)
- lĭw-ðu
- power dynamic, relationship characterized by power imbalance
- lĭw-gô
- valuable, worth having (of friends, allies, employees, etc.); xref {wuŋ-gô, ŝu-gô}
- lĭw-i
- of (relation: the friend of, the sister of, etc.)
bě'lâm jâ-o mî'rĭj gân-šar bĭm-ĵwa oŋ ruŋ-zô ₣âl-bô ƥ lĭw-i kyn-ŝâm-ba, vĭj lǒ i bĭm-šyj-mâ iŋ šyj-ƥ-ca. Mary became embarrassed because her mother barged into the bathroom while she was in the bathtub.
Ќ lĭw-i tâ-ma-bâm mĭ-i fâ-van pe pym-van. I love my baby cousin and find her amusing.
ƥ lĭw-i lĭm belm sǒ tu-i ƥ ŝu-i sĭŋ-kě'ĝu mĭ-i sĭŋ-flu-kô ki lju-θaj-zô. A "friend" of his wrote about his secrets all over the Internet.
- lĭw-lĭm-tan
- intimate, close (of personal relationships)
- lĭw-o
- to, entering relationship with (getting married to, becoming friends with, etc.)
θě'mâ lĭw-o rě'ĵy jâ-o sě'râ. Sarah got married to Thomas.
wlâ-fwa-van, ðǒŋ mâ-ŝy pǒ lĭw-o rě'ĵy-θaj jâ-o sun-bô-ŋa naj'ĝěl-ram. It's astonishing that Nigel finally married that woman.
- lĭw-tôn
- relationship (archaic; now {ðĭ})
- lĭw-van
- be related to (people, esp. family); {mĭ-i} is kin to {ðĭ-i}
tâ-tôl bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van, ŝǒj rě'ĵy bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van. I have no brothers- or sisters-in-law because I have no wife.
- lir
- far from, on this side of
- lî'fyŋ
- algorithm for determining winner of a competitive game
- lî'fyŋ-cô-van
- to come in last in a 3+ player game
- lî'fyŋ-tla
- umpire, referee; judge of a contest
- lî'fyŋ-tyrn
- procedure to find new ruler (election, royal succession, etc.)
- lî'fyŋ-van
- to win; to be selected as winner of a game/contest (xref {ðân-zô})
- lî'glâ
- eagle, hawk, kite (birds of family Accipitridae)
( < E-o 'aglo')
- lî'klâ
- milk
( < E-o lakto)
lî'klâ siŋ ŝum-van pwě'lâl-la. There is delicious ice cream floating in the milk.
- lî'klâ sřm vyl
- cream
- lî'klâ-čĭm jâln-bô
- hot chocolate (milk-based; xref {pwĭm-čĭm jâln-bô})
- lî'klâ-ke-pwě'lâl
- milkshake
- lî'klâ-ŋĭw
- breast, teat
- lî'klâ-ŋô
- calcium
- lî'kwâm
- sweetgum (trees of genus Liquidambar)
( < Latin)
- lî'lun
- falcon, kestrel (birds of family Falconidae)
- lî'lun-tôn
- bird of prey (archaically "bird"; now {num-tôn})
- lî'pur
- family Leporidae, lagomorphs, hares and rabbits (bunny)
( < Latin)
- lî'pur-ke-Φĭlm
- bunnerfly
- lî'pur-wam
- Spain
( < calque of Phoenician 'i-shephan-im')
- lî'tuň
- confidence expressed in slackness of preparation
- lî'zě'bĭ
- Elizabeth
( < helenike < Hebrew)
- lîn'gwĭn
- linguini
- lîn'kjĭ
- lynx, bobcat (cats of genus Lynx)
( < Latin)
- ljâw
- observational science
ljâw pe câŋ kin θlu gǒ; bĭŋ-van heŋ pjylm. There is a fuzzy boundary between observational science and experimental science; no sharp boundary exists.
- ljâw-baw
- approximant
- ljâw-čĭwm-gjâ
- grammar, morphosyntax (subfield of linguistics)
- ljâw-gjâ
- linguistics, esp. field linguistics (xref {câŋ-gjâ})
- ljâw-nĭm-θaj
- semantics
- ljâw-žĭŋ
- systematically observing magical phenomena in the natural world (e.g. the mating habits of unicorns), in contrast to spell design or spellcasting
- lju
- reading
( < Fr. 'lu' form of 'lire')
dojĉě-lam kâ-i suŋ-lju-van θje jě'nu. John can almost read German.
- lju-byn-zô
- to read a text while revising it or marking it up
- lju-ca
- to (re)read one's own writings
- lju-faj-ĵam
- text, writing, reading matter (nonce, prefer {lju-kar})
- lju-gju-zô
- to read aloud
- lju-gô
- readable, worth reading; leginda
- lju-ħĭ
- proofreading, copy-editing (also sometimes {ħĭ-lju})
- lju-ħĭ-zô čĭwm-fwa
- to format, to reformat, to mark up (a document)
- lju-i
- performative object of {ðĭl-zô} in the sense of "transcribe" (xref {ĉul-i})
- lju-kar
- text, reading material
- lju-kar i ƴĭln-ga-zô
- to try to read something and be unable to concentrate on it or make sense of it
- lju-kar-daj
- corpus, mass of texts (xref {twâ-cu-daj})
- lju-kar-van
- to say, to read (of a sign, notice, etc.)
- lju-ku-faj-zô
- read aloud (prefer {lju-gju-zô} as being terser)
- lju-ma-pôm
- I infer from what I've read (evidentiality)
- lju-ma-zô
- to infer from what one reads, to read between the lines, to read for subtext ({tu-i} reads {kâ-i} and infers matter in {hǒŋ} clause)
- lju-nul-zô
- read aloud (archaic; prefer {lju-gju-zô})
- lju-ŋĭn-zô
- to read while commenting on/critiquing/annotating the text read (xref {krĭ-ma})
- lju-pĭw
- recreational reading
- lju-pĭw-zô
- to read for one's own amusement, recreationally
- lju-pôm
- I read it somewhere (evidentiality)
jě'lĭ mĭ-i lju-pôm fĭm-fwa ŋĭn-i. (I read somewhere that) garlic is good for you.
- lju-rĭm-zô
- to read (of comic strips, comic books)
- lju-θaj
- writing, process of writing
drulm kǒ i lju-θaj mĭ-i kujm-fwa-zô. I am prioritizing writing lately.
- lju-θaj-bâm-zô
- to rewrite, to write anew, to write a new version of ({tu-i} rewrites {krĭ-o})
- lju-θaj-dô
- stylistic flaw, awkward phrasing, etc. in a written work
- lju-θaj-₣um-zô
- to imitate the style of, to pastiche; {tu-i} writes {krĭ-o} in the style of {mĭ-i} (similar derived verbs for imitation in other arts) (xref {plĭr-θaj-zô})
- lju-θaj-ĥun-zô
- to write collaboratively
- lju-θaj-Ќ-zô mwe
- I Should be Writing (podcast)
- lju-θaj-nĭm-zô
- to sign (one's name)
- lju-θaj-zô
- to write, inscribe (both creative act & physical act); xref {krĭ-zô, ðĭl-zô, Φĭn-zô}
źu-van, hǒŋ ķĭw-van palij-ram hǒŋ Ќ dâm-ř θuň čĭ-ř syj-zô lju-θaj-zô dlu-ta. I hope Polly is ashamed of herself for copying my story without permission.
θuň-bâm krĭ-o lju-θaj-zô kiň te ĥy-i byn-zô. I am writing and revising a new story.
ƥ lĭw-i lĭm belm sǒ tu-i ƥ ŝu-i sĭŋ-kě'ĝu mĭ-i sĭŋ-flu-kô ki lju-θaj-zô. A "friend" of his wrote about his secrets all over the Internet.
- lju-θaj-zô
- to write (xref {krĭ, krĭ-vuj-zô, ðĭl})
- lju-zô
- to read (of primarily textual books etc; xref {lju-rĭm-zô}. {tu-i} reads {kâ-i}.)
mwĭň-ƥ-van wǒj ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu gě'dĭm-ja kâ-i lju-zô kuln-cô. He is embarrassed because a stranger has read his diary.
dante-ram dâm-ř sejřz-šam cĭw-ga-ř {rum-kô} kâ-i lju-zô. I am reading "Paradise" by Dante, translated by [Dorothy] Sayers.
herǒdǒtǒs-ram-gôm kâ-i lju-zô jǒj de. I'm reading Herodotus again recently.
twâ-cu pǒ kâ-i vy-van lju-zô. I want to read that book.
- lo
- hither, to this side of
- loj
- this.side-to-near
- lol
- this.side-to-through
- lom
- this.side-to-part.of
- lon
- this.side-to-contact
- loŋ
- this.side-to-inside
- lǒ
- which (relativizer; interrogative "which?" is {nǒ})
ŝrĭ-bô ŋĭn-i twâ-θy mĭ-i, gâ-lǒ ķĭn-o Φyr {-ga, -cjaj} pe ble syj-i. Words which are formed with the suffixes "-ga", "-cjaj" etc. are idiomatic.
ru lǒ i Ќ ĥy-i čuj-zô mje kyn-ķa tu-i, ru kǒ i ť ĥy-i čuj-Ќ-zô gǒ. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.
ť lĭw-i tu-bâl kâ-i gy-ť-zô mwe; ɱ ĥy-i cluŋ-zô, mâ lǒ tu-i ť ĥy-i ħulŋ-zô. Love those who hate you; do good to those who injure you.
mâ kwǒ mĭ-i, mâ lǒ tu-i tyn pǒ o ruŋ-zô, ĵlân-cô-bô ŋĭn-i. Anyone who goes there is foolish.
- lor
- this.side-to-far
- -lô
- -ano; believer, adherent, follower of ~ (xref {šlâ, -ðwa})
- Ł
- one (third-person generic pronoun)
vlĭw-pî'dâ iŋ mjyl kâ-i tru-Ł-zô. One finds honey in beehives.
flĭŋ pǒ i mlĭr-Ł-môj. In that dance one spins one's partner about.
- lř
- trans
- lřj
- this.side-from-near
- lřl
- this.side-from-through
- lřm
- this.side-from-part.of
- lřn
- this.side-from-contact
- lřŋ
- this.side-from-inside
- lřr
- this.side-from-far
- lu
- 41
- luŋ
- detachment; happy indifference
- luw
- bone (element of a vertebrate's skeleton; xref {ŝĭw-luw})
( < suomalainen 'luu')
- luw-cu
- skeleton
- luw-tâlm
- skull
žĭr gân-ř luw-tâlm iŋ kâ-i rĭm-van kiň te iŋ pî'dâ-daj kâ-i tru-zô. Because of the humming noise I looked inside the skull, and found a swarm of bees in it.
- luw-ƴě'nâl
- exoskeleton, shell
- -lwa
- approximately, more or less, roughly ~ (usually suffixes to numbers; precedes any {-bô/-pa/-gla} etc. xref modifiers {fjǒ}, {mâl-cô-bô})
- ly
- flying (controlled; xref {bly}); lân sir čâ
- ly-ĉa
- wing (of airplane), rotor blade (of helicopter)
- ly-ŋĭw
- wing (of bird, butterfly &c)
- ly-sun-lî'glâ-wam
- Eagle's Landing
- lyl
- oil
( < English)
- lyl iŋ jâln-fwa-zô
- to fry in oil (similar construction for frying in butter etc.)
- lyl-zô
- to anoint, oil, lubricate ({tu-i} oils/anoints {ĥy-i})
- lym
- smelling, tasting (xref {rĭm, ku, źum, wĭrm})
- lym-by-van
- to smell, to sense by smelling ({ʝâr-i} smells {kâ-i})
- lym-fwa-cô-ha
- deodorant
- lym-ŋĭw
- sense of smell/taste
- lym-θaj-van
- to taste (of foods: to taste yummy, bitter, salty, etc. xref {lym-van}, {ħĭ-lym-zô})
ķârn-gâl ₣um-i lym-θaj-van ķârn-krî'dul. Alligator meat tastes like chicken.
- lym-van
- to taste, smell ({ʝâr-i} tastes or smells {kâ-i}; xref {ħĭ-lym-zô}, {lym-θaj-van})
- lyn
- Luna; Earth's moon
( < Latin)
fî'suň ĉi ŝwe bly-van lyn. The moon orbits the Earth.
- lyn fu-da
- full moon
- lyn fu-da-žar
- waxing moon
- lyn fu-fja
- crescent moon
- lyn fu-ta
- new moon
- lyn fu-ta-žar
- waning moon
- lyn-bly
- lunar month (xref {měn'θu})
lyn-bly fy-bô gwe il ɱ im ŝâm iŋ mâ-bâm-la ĥy-i bâwŋ-van. She is seven months pregnant [the baby has been gestating in her womb for seven months already].
- lyn-tôn
- moon, satellite [archaically also = "planet"]
- lyrm
- rate, ratio, proportion; factor, multiplicand
- -ma
- indirect relationship; meta, recursive, self-referencing
( < English use of helenike 'meta')
- mâ
- person, human
( < English man)
vlě'tâ oŋ bly-ca bî'wu-bô rî'nâ, wǒj mâ kâ-i rĭm-van. The frog jumped splashing into the pond because he saw a human.
- mâ fâr-da
- Iron Man
- mâ ĥy-wuŋ-bô
- slave (xref {θĭ-tla-ħĭn})
- mâ nǒ
- who? (= which human?)
- mâ râm-sô
- cat person
- mâ ƴâw-sô
- dog person
- mâ zuň-lwa-bô
- zombie, vampire, other undead persons
- mâ zuň-lwa-bô sâŋ-sô
- vampire
- mâ-bâm
- toddler, baby, embryo; also {fru-bâm} in relation to their parents
- mâ-bâm-ĵwa
- nursery, creche; place where babies and toddlers are cared for
- mâ-cĭ-paj
- individual, solo, private, personal (for the use of one person or one at a time, e.g. of a restroom or hospital room) (xref {zâň-bô}
- mâ-cĭ-za
- personal, individual (xref {zâň}, {mâ-cĭ-paj})
- mâ-cu
- organization of people; company, church, club, movement...
- mâ-cu ĉy-tan
- The Order of the Stick (webcomic)
- mâ-cu kâj-ha-sô
- business, for-profit company
- mâ-cu pî'rĭ-ga-paj
- insurance company
- mâ-cu tyrn-tla-zwa
- political party
- mâ-cu-kâj
- business, for-profit company
- mâ-cu-pî'hâ
- church (xref {hĭj-kô, tî'šâ-kô})
- mâ-cu-vy
- decision-making body, committee, board
- mâ-cu-źa
- society, civilization (xref {lĭw-cu-źa, lĭw-cu-źa mâ-ĵwa-ža})
- mâ-ĉâ-źa ŝy-ĵĭn-bô
- Girl Genius (webcomic)
- mâ-daj
- crowd, mob
- mâ-daj-za
- popular (non-elite)
- mâ-dân
- ghost; corpse; an ex-human
- mâ-dân-vuj-ĵwa
- cemetery, graveyard, mausoleum (sometimes simply {mâ-dân-ĵwa})
- mâ-dô
- inhumane behavior; violation of human rights or dignity
- mâ-fĭm-cô-ĵwa
- hospital, nursing home, rehab center (xref {fĭm-hôw-kô})
- mâ-fĭw
- character (in a story, play, RPG...)
θuň-ba pǒ ðim tyn-van mâ-fĭw ĵyn-fwa mĭ-i, mǒj te ĝy-im tâň-ƥ-van. In the early part of that story interesting characters appear, but they disappear in the middle.
- mâ-fĭw trym-bô
- viewpoint character (in a story)
- mâ-fĭw tu-pĭw
- player character (in an RPG)
- mâ-ĝĭ še ŋĭn-i ƥ-ĉu
- They Might Be Giants (band)
- mâ-hô
- names and terms potentially applicable to humans
- mâ-ʝǒ-ta
- alone, isolated, with no other people
- mâ-ĵĭn
- child, teenager, young adult (xref {fru, mâ-bâm})
mâ-ĵĭn ĥy-i šyj-zô šu-tla šuŋ-bô. The new nurse bathes the child.
mâ-ĵĭn dâ-bô rew ŝâj-o sî'nĭn ĥy-i bwĭl-zô. I gave an orange apiece to the three children.
- mâ-ĵu
- adult; experienced, mature human
- mâ-ĵu bâm-ŋa-bô
- a full-grown person who's just recently come into existence (contrast {mâ-bâm})
- mâ-ĵu-cô
- human who lacks maturity; child, childish person
- mâ-ĵu-ĵĭn
- a person who's full-grown but still relatively young
- mâ-ĵwa
- city (focus on its inhabitants, population; xref {rî'mâ-daj})
- mâ-ĵwa bly-bô
- large space station, orbital habitat (xref {rî'mâ bly-bô})
- mâ-ke-byj
- minotaur
- mâ-ke-kě'bâl
- centaur
- mâ-ke-lě'pyr
- werewolf, wolfman
- mâ-ke-Φî'šu
- mermaid, merman, merfolk; naiad, siren
- mâ-ke-šĭl
- naga, nagini, lamia, snake-person
- mâ-kurŋ-źa
- Heroes (TV series)
- mâ-kwa
- flesh-tone (any of the range of colors normally found in human skin; not incl. cyanotic blue, gangrenous green, etc. more or less a hypernym of {ðru}, {lě'ku}, {čĭm-kwa}, {kě'fâ-kwa})
- mâ-kwĭ
- a queue of people standing in line for something
- mâ-kwĭ žâ-paj
- a queue of people waiting for something
- mâ-kwĭ-žâ
- a queue of people waiting for something
- mâ-lě'pâ-ram
- Batman
- mâ-mî'ħâ
- intellectually obsessive person (archaic; prefer {ʝâr-mî'ħâ})
- mâ-rô
- sapient, self-aware
- mâ-sâm
- doppelganger, shadow, double, duplicate, clone (xref {tâ-čĭ})
- mâ-šuŋ
- newbie, newcomer; catechumen, neophyte; freshman (xref {ʝwâ-šuŋ})
- mâ-ŝy
- woman, girl
wlâ-fwa-van, ðǒŋ mâ-ŝy pǒ lĭw-o rě'ĵy-θaj jâ-o sun-bô-ŋa naj'ĝěl-ram. It's astonishing that Nigel finally married that woman.
- mâ-ŝy-sô
- attracted to women
- mâ-tôn
- sapient, self-aware being
- mâ-tôn-vuj-cô
- intangible sapient; fairy, ghost, angel, demon etc.
- mâ-vĭ
- man, boy
- mâ-vĭ-sô
- attracted to men
- mâ-vuj
- body (human)
- mâ-zla
- the human race, humanity
gjâ-ŝa ŋĭn-i mâ-zla mĭ-i. The human race is prolific of languages.
- mâ-zla-dal
- natural (of human institutions, languages: not designed by one person or a small group)
- mâ-zla-pôm
- according to common knowledge; it's generally known that... (evidentiality)
- mâ-žar
- conception, being conceived (of people; similar construction for other animals)
- mâ-žar ʝâ-da mĭ-i ʝĭŋ
- the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
- mâl
- precision, exactness, definiteness, specificity, un-vagueness
( < suomalainen täsmällinen)
- mâl-bô
- precise, exact, definite; specific; sharp, focused (of photos or vision)
- mâl-cô
- vagueness
- mâl-cô-bô
- vague(ly), not exact(ly), approximately; blurry (of photos or vision); uncertain in detail but generally true (xref {-lwa})
- mâl-cô-pôm
- approximately (validational; sentence-level scope version of {-lwa})
- mâŋ
- hand; šâ-ŋĭw pĭn-im ŋĭw zjâm-ðy-ža
( < Fr. 'main')
- mâŋ ĥy-i trâw-ca
- to clap one's hands, applaud
- mâŋ ĥy-i trâw-môj
- to give one another the high five
- mâŋ-môj
- to clasp hands, to hold hands
- mâŋ-on-kar
- hand lotion
- mârm
- marble (type of stone)
( < Latin 'marmor')
- mârm-rô
- hard, unyielding
- mârm-rô-cô
- soft, yielding, malleable
- mâw
- ball, sphere, orb, spheroid, bulb
( < Thau 'imau')
- mâw-by
- bubble
- mâw-fî'ħâ
- bullet, musket ball
- mâw-ŝy
- = lî'klâ-ŋĭw
- mâw-vĭ
- zjâm-vĭ θin čî'ŋĭ sǒ mĭ-i (wĭm iŋ te ĉu-bô)
- mâw-źa
- planet, large moon; non-fusioning object in space that's large enough to squeeze itself spherical with its own gravity (xref {lyn-tôn, fî'suň-tôn})
- mažar
- Hungary, Hungarian
( < Magyar)
- me
- raised to the power of
- men
- on the one hand... on the other hand... on the gripping hand ({men} repeated after each phrase or clause, 2+ times); xref {ŝe}
( < helenike 'men'...'de')
- mě'fĭj
- skunk (family Mephitidae)
( < Latin)
- mě'gel-lam-tan
- maggelitous, characterized by maggelity; horrifically unpredictable and irregular (xref {ŝrĭ})
( < Christophe Grandsire's Maggel)
- mě'hu
- stew, soup, gumbo, chili; mixed food, typically cooked, that one probably eats with a spoon
( < suomalainen 'muhennos')
ter'ě-ram dâm-ř mě'hu kî'pĭ-rô ĥy-i mrân-zô Ќ-ƥ tu-i. We ate Tara's stew [and hung out and talked].
mě'hu ķĭn-o vâ-faj-fwa-ƥ-zô. She is cooking a stew.
- mě'hu mluŋ-ke-ķarn-gâl-na
- chicken and dumplings
- mě'hu-cjaj
- chili
- mě'hu-ga
- anthology, compilation (multiple works that are combined in some way; not necessarily forming a coherent larger work; xref {twâ-cu-ma})
- mě'hu-rô
- mixy, miscellaneous, variegated
- mě'hu-slĭn
- lentil soup
- mě'hu-šî'bym
- salad
- mě'hu-tôn šî'bym-na
- salad (nonce, prefer {mě'hu-šî'bym})
- mě'lâ
- turkey (genus Meleagris)
( < Latin)
usonia-wam i ʝĭŋ-sjum i ķârn-mě'lâ ĥy-i mrân-Ł-zô de. In the U.S., people eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
- mě'lâ-baw
- lax vowel
- mě'lĭj
- Melissa, Melinda, Mindy
- mě'θâj
- Matthew
- mě'tyr
- meter (metric length measure)
( < English)
rî'mâ ĉu-bô pǒ ki tyn mĭ-i blĭn-van mě'tyr dâ-bô jĭrn-i. The space between those two houses is three meters wide.
- mě'tyr-θô
- millimeter
- mě'tyr-źa
- kilometer
nî'sâ-van ðǒŋ ƴâ-ĉa ĵwy-cô-bô hi fyn-zô mě'tyr-źa srǒ il. It was just my luck to get stuck behind a slow vehicle for several kilometers.
- mě'zâ
- corn, maize
( < English)
- mě'zâ-gwâm
- popcorn
- měn'θu
- month (arbitrary period of 28-31 days by solar calendar such as Julian or Gregorian; xref {lyn-bly}, lunar month)
( < English)
- měn'θu cĭ-gla
- January
- měn'θu ĉu-ĉu-gla
- April
- měn'θu ĉu-dâ-gla
- June
- měn'θu ĉu-gla
- February
- měn'θu dâ-gla
- March
- měn'θu ðy-dâ-gla
- August
- měn'θu ðy-gla
- May
- měn'θu fy-gla
- July
- měr'kun
- radio waves
( < name: Marconi)
- měr'kun-ĉa
- radio transmitter or receiver
- měr'kun-θy
- specific radio frequency; by metonymy, a radio station or TV channel broadcasting at such a frequency (xref {₣yjm-měr'kun})
- mew
- also; too; even; as well; and, surprisingly...
- mĭ
- topic, subject, theme
- mĭ-cĭln
- a thing that is new/unfamiliar to one
- mĭ-gâm-tla
- model (someone who poses for photos or paintings; {mĭ-gâm-pja} if they don't get paid for it)
- mĭ-i
- about; topic case marker; topic or focus adjunct for thinking/saying and experiential verbs
ʝrâ ŋĭn-i źu-lam pe gjâ-zym-byn žy-i gjâ-krĭ prym-hôw kwǒ mĭ-i. Some artlangs are non-naturalistic, for instance Esperanto and gjax-zym-byn.
ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu fĭ-₣um-da mĭ-i kě'pâ-fwa-van. Her poem induces happy bewilderment.
ryň pǒ mĭ-i sâ-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i šelm. Such an action would be wrong.
Φě'ĥu-cu mĭ-i krĭ-gâm-zô tam-ke-ser'ě-ram. Tom and Sarah painted a picture of a herd of elephants.
- mĭ-ja
- on-topic; suitable, right (of e.g. sorting chaotic paper into the right folders; xref {kujm-ja})
- mĭ-ř
- away from the topic of
ƥ ŝu-i mwĭň kâ-i žâw-van, wǒn ce mĭ-ř gju-zô. I saw she was embarrassed, so I changed the subject.
- mĭ-šar
- about, about how (conj., introducing sub. clause that's topic of verb of saying or thinking in main clause; xref {hǒŋ}, postp. {mĭ-i})
- mĭ-sru-bô
- desired, wanted
- mĭ-θe-ĥy-ža
- having ergative-absolutive alignment
- mĭ-θe-ĥy-ža fjǒ
- having split-ergative alignment
- mĭ-θe-tu-ža
- having nominative-accusative alignment
- mĭ-van
- to be about (complement with {ðĭ-i} or {hǒŋ} or {ðǒŋ} clause); s'agir de; temi pri
- mĭl
- in-spite-of-ness; unexpected noncausation (prefer {ĵrĭw-dô} in most contexts)
( < Fr. 'malgre')
- mĭl-i
- in spite of, despite; malgraŭ (nonce; prefer {ĵrĭw-dô-i})
jâln-źa mĭl-i ƴâ-cjaj-zô ŋy-bô. Despite the great heat, I walked a long way.
kwâwn mĭl-i, pjâl-zô mî'ħâ-bô ver. Despite delirious sleepiness, I'm still working obsessively.
- mĭl-šar
- ~= {mǒn}; A in spite of B (conj.)
- mĭlm
- name, number, tag, index, identifier (typically automatically assigned)
- mĭlm-ĉě'θâ
- date (specification of a particular day)
- mĭlm-ĉě'θâ-cu
- calendar, system of dividing/measuring year
- mĭlm-gju-ŋy
- telephone number
- mĭlm-grâm-cjaj
- email address
- mî'ħâ
- being obsessed with something (e.g. topics, abstractions, languages, works of art...)
kwâwn mĭl-i, pjâl-zô mî'ħâ-bô ver. Despite delirious sleepiness, I'm still working obsessively.
mî'ħâ-van krĭ-šĭm-zô byn-pja. The hacker is obsessively coding.
- mî'ħâ-i
- obsessing over; while obsessed with; because of an obsession with (xref {kâ-i, mĭ-i, pě'ŝlĭ-i, byn-i})
- mî'ĥâl
- Michael, Mike, Mick, Michelle, Michaela, Mikayla
- mî'nĭ
- minute (unit of time measure; xref {syň, hyr, ĉě'θâ})
( < English)
- mî'rě'dĭ
- armadillos and extinct relatives pampatheres and glyptodonts (mammals of order Cingulata)
( < English)
- mî'rĭj
- Miriam, Mary, Maria, Marie, Mario...
- mîn'tĭ
- mint (plant)
( < English)
- mîn'tĭ-tôn
- plants
- mîr'su
- mulberry (tree of genus Morus, and by metonymy its fruit)
- mje
- awhile ago, of old, in the past; tense marker (xref {šy, dân})
( < Thau 'myetou')
kâj-ha ʝel mĭ-i zryŋ-na hej tlĭŋ-na ŋĭn-i mje de. It used to be that money was typically made of gold or silver.
gě'dĭm mje θǒ i Ќ cim zjâm-ny ĥy-i ĥâ-ca. I cut my left little toe yesterday.
- mje-fja
- just now, not long ago; very recent past
- mje-tǒj
- the past; the set of all past events, the property of having happened/existed in the past
- mjyl
- honey
( < E-o 'mielo')
vlĭw-pî'dâ iŋ mjyl kâ-i tru-Ł-zô. One finds honey in beehives.
- mjyl-rô
- sweet (syn {gluj-tan})
- mjyl-tôn
- syrup, honey, molasses, etc.
- mjyl-tôn cě'râj-dal
- real maple syrup
- mjyl-tôn cě'râj-tan
- maple-flavored corn syrup (xref {mjyl-tôn mě'zâ-dal})
- mjyl-tôn mě'zâ-dal
- corn syrup
- -mla
- spouse of one's relative (xref {-tôl})
- mlĭr
- spinning, turning, rotating (esp. on an axis of symmetry) (xref {ķĭ, gru})
flĭŋ pǒ i mlĭr-Ł-môj. In that dance one spins one's partner about.
- mlĭr hǒl
- turn (2*pi radians, 360 degrees)
- mlĭr-by
- whirlwind, tornado, dust-devil (xref {ĥě'ĵuŋ-gru})
- mlĭr-dô
- antispinward, west
- mlĭr-ðe-ĉu
- half-turn, pi radians, 180 degrees
- mlĭr-ðe-ĉu-dî'ku
- radian
- mlĭr-ðe-ĉu-zô
- to turn around, to make an about-face
mlĭr-ðe-ĉu-ť-zô mwe. ť hi rjuŋ-ny gǒ. Turn around! There's a wyvern behind you.
- mlĭr-ja
- spinward, east; in the same direction a rotating body is spinning
- mlĭr-ʝa
- rolling, tumbling end over end
- mlĭr-ʝa-fwa-zô
- to roll, to cause to roll, to send rolling or tumbling (xref {ĵârn})
- mlĭr-lyn
- month (rare alternative to {lyn-bly})
- mlĭr-pwĭm
- whirlpool, waterspout
- mlĭr-tôn
- archaic (briefly used) = {ʝĭl}
- mluj
- small, intimate camp or convention; xref {ĥun, ĥun-źa}; prototypically Camp Wak-N-Hak
mluj šom ĥun-frâ ĥy-i tâň-cô-Ł-zô. They added a question-and-answer session to the end of the convention.
mluj i tyn-van mâ bâm-bô zej hân-bô. People of all ages from babies to old folks were at the small convention.
mluj o ruŋ-zô ler pwiň fĭm-cô-van. I will go to the small convention unless I am sick.
- mluj suŋ-hôw
- residential course, training camp (e.g. NASK, Clarion)
- mluj-θô
- convention or congress, not particularly small or intimate (prefer {ĥun-źa})
- mlulm
- symmetry (xref {sâr})
( < iconic (palindromic))
- mlulm ĉu-tan
- bilateral symmetry
mlulm ĉu-tan ðĭ-i ŝu-van râm-tôn sel'kâ-ža ʝel. Vertebrates have bilateral symmetry.
- mlulm gyn-tan
- radial symmetry
- mluŋ
- bread, cake, pastry, etc.; baked goods
pwě'tĭln ŝĭw-i mluŋ ĥy-i ĉârn-ť-zô mwe. Spread the jelly on the bread.
- mluŋ grejěm-gam
- Graham crackers
- mluŋ pě'pâ-trĭ-tan
- waffle
- mluŋ-čĭm
- brownies, chocolate cookies, chocolate cake
- mluŋ-ðĭm-cô
- pancake, cornpone, other kinds of flatbread
- mluŋ-fwa-zô
- to bake, to make baked goods
- mluŋ-pě'pâ-trĭ-tan-ĵwa
- Waffle House
- mǒj
- but, however, nonetheless, even so
mǒn sru-van ť ty-o ruŋ-zô, mǒj grĭ-cô-van Ќ ŝâj-i ƴâ-ĉa mĭ-i. I want to come to your home, but my car is broken down.
fĭm-hôw-tla ðĭ-i ĵy-van heŋ ʝâr-fĭm, mǒj ʝâr-fĭm-cô ŝe. It is not the healthy who need doctors, but the sick.
θuň-ba pǒ ðim tyn-van mâ-fĭw ĵyn-fwa mĭ-i, mǒj te ĝy-im tâň-ƥ-van. In the early part of that story interesting characters appear, but they disappear in the middle.
θuň pǒ mĭ-i lju-faj θje ŋĭn-i, mǒj te ðim du fem mĭ-i ĵyn-fwa ŋĭn-i. That story is not quite worth reading, but its first chapter, at least, is interesting.
- mǒn
- in spite of; although (xref {mĭl-i}, syn. {mĭl-šar})
mǒn sru-van ť ty-o ruŋ-zô, mǒj grĭ-cô-van Ќ ŝâj-i ƴâ-ĉa mĭ-i. I want to come to your home, but my car is broken down.
- -môj
- reciprocal verb suffix
fâ-môj ƥ-ĉu. They love each other.
flĭŋ pǒ i mlĭr-Ł-môj. In that dance one spins one's partner about.
- ɱ
- he, she, they (spirits, people, animals not yet mentioned)
ɱ lĭw-i fru-ŝy ĥy-i fâ-vuj-zô kyn-ŝâm. The mother caresses her daughter.
ɱ lĭw-i tâ-kyn-ħa mĭ-i plĭr-van sâ-cô-fwa sĭlvija-ram. Sylvia's aunt is a bad influence on her.
ť lĭw-i tu-bâl kâ-i gy-ť-zô mwe; ɱ ĥy-i cluŋ-zô, mâ lǒ tu-i ť ĥy-i ħulŋ-zô. Love those who hate you; do good to those who injure you.
ɱ ŝâj-i râm-bâm mĭ-i gju-zô ķe juri-ram. Yuri talks too much about his kitten.
- ɱ him sin su-ʝa-van
- to lie supine, to lie on one's back
- ɱ vim sin su-ʝa-van
- to lie prone, to lie on one's belly
- ɱ voj <ŋĭw> ĥy-i tyn-ca
- to thrust forward, stick out <body part> (e.g. extending a hand to shake hands) (for animate subjects; xref {ŋe voj vun-van} for inanimates)
- mrâ
- enclosure; container; cavity, cave (xref {wĭm, kyl, ŋylm, vě'ty})
mruň kâ-ŋy-tla-wam im tyn-van mrâ-cu prym-fwa. There is a beautiful cave system in Lookout Mountain.
mrâ oŋ ryŋ ĥy-i tyn-zô, kujm-šar ruŋ-źa kujm-o sum jâ-o. I pack many things into luggage, to get ready for a trip.
- mrâ-ĉa
- artificial container (rare; xref {kyl}, {wĭm}, basic {mrâ})
- mrâ-fru-ŋĭw
- womb (or marsupial's pouch) (xref {ŝâm})
- mrâ-gju
- a file or physical storage medium containing recorded speech
- mrâ-grâm
- envelope
- mrâ-kâj-ha
- account (abstract container of money)
mrâ-kâj-ha oŋ ť ŝâj-ř grâm-kâj-ha ĥy-i tâl-Ќ-zô gwe. I have already deposited your check in my account.
- mrâ-kâj-ha-ĵwa
- bank (financial institution; prefer {tâl-kâj-ha-kô}, xref also {pjylm-sĭ} (bank of river))
- mrâ-ku
- ear cavity
- mrâ-ma-sĭŋ
- directory, file folder (digital)
- mrâ-ŋĭw
- any body cavity
- mrâ-oŋ-zô
- to pack, put away in boxes, bags, cabinets etc.
- mrâ-Φy-tôn
- trash can, garbage bin, dumpster
- mrâ-řŋ-zô
- to unpack, get out, remove from boxes, bags, cabinets etc.
- mrâ-sĭŋ
- 1. disk, tape, record, solid state drive, etc.; information storage medium. 2. file (on such a storage medium); prefer {sĭŋ-cu} for this sense
- mrâ-sĭŋ-gju
- a recording of one or more people talking, in whatever storage medium or format (xref {twâ-cu-ku})
- mrâ-ŝrun sĭŋ-na
- MP3, MIDI, etc. music file
- mrâ-van
- to enclose, contain
- mrân
- leisurely, informal meal, alone or with a few close friends or relations (xref {vâ-oŋ-zô, wlâm})
( < Enigmatic: mralnos)
ter'ě-ram dâm-ř mě'hu kî'pĭ-rô ĥy-i mrân-zô Ќ-ƥ tu-i. We ate Tara's stew [and hung out and talked].
usonia-wam i ʝĭŋ-sjum i ķârn-mě'lâ ĥy-i mrân-Ł-zô de. In the U.S., people eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
- mrân fâ-sra-žar-paj
- dinner date; friends or lovers sharing a meal to get to know one another better
- mrân lân-ʝa-ta
- picnic, cookout
- mrân-kar
- especially delicious food
- mrân-źa
- {mrân} characterized by presence of close friends ({lĭm}) and good conversation
- mrel
- a discourse particle indicating that, though an utterance may follow the previous utterance after a long time gap, it nonetheless smoothly continues talking about the same stuff
- mruň
- mountain, hill, ridge
mruň pǒ si bâwŋ-θaj-van heŋ ħun-tôn mĭ-i. Trees don't grow on top of that mountain.
mruň kâ-ŋy-tla-wam im tyn-van mrâ-cu prym-fwa. There is a beautiful cave system in Lookout Mountain.
- mruň im wyw
- cave, cavern
- mruň lě'jâ-wam
- the Mount of Olives
- mruň-kwĭ
- mountain range
- mruň-ŋô
- stone, rock (substance); semi-archaic, xref {tlĭŋ-na}
- mu
- our world, universe (xref {pân})
- mu-dal
- natural (not miraculous or supernatural)
- mu-dô
- unnatural (of Lovecraftian abominations, e.g.)
- mu-fĭw
- fictional or imaginary world
- mu-ny-źa
- microscopic universe (as in e.g. "The Girl in the Golden Atom", "Micronauts", etc.)
- mu-tôn
- any, all universes
mu-tôn žĭŋ-da i râ-van θuň pǒ. That story takes place in a universe full of magic.
- mu-tôn ħuj-kô
- Hell
- muw
- subset; child class (in object-oriented programming)
- muw-i
- subset of; instance of; out of (as in "4 out of 5 doctors"); among; considered as
fĭm-hôw-tla ðy-bô muw-i ĉu-ĉu-bô ʝâr-i blâl-van ŋî'bĭ fĭw-bô mĭ-i. Four out of five doctors get annoyed at made-up statistics.
- muw-šar
- which-is-a-subset-of
- muw-θaj
- superset; parent class (in object-oriented programming)
- muw-van
- be a subset; {mĭ-i} is a subset, example or instance of {ðĭ-i}
- mwe
- must; imperative, hortative, optative adverb (xref v. aux. {dlâw-van}, negative {źǒ})
Ќ o ruŋ-zô mwe ʝâr-ĵyj-fja pen pe tu-šâ-wâj pen, kiň ť ĥy-i ĵyj-rjâ jâ-o Ќ tu-i. Come to me, all who are tired and all who are carrying heavy things, and I will give you rest.
swyŋ sin ĥy-i ĉârn-ť-zô šyj-zô mwe. Scrub the table surface clean.
- mwe-fja
- slight imperative; bonvolu; please; polite request marker [rarely used]
- mwĭl
- sleep
- mwĭl-cô-bô
- awake, alert
- mwĭl-ĉa
- archaically == {tĭw-mwĭl}, bed
- mwĭl-kô
- bedroom, hotel room, hospital room
- mwĭl-kô-ĵwa
- hotel, dormitory
- mwĭl-Φa
- encrustation in one's eyes during sleep
- mwĭl-ŝra
- sleepy, about to fall asleep soon (xref {kwâwn})
nu lǒ i jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ kwǒ ʝâr-i, jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ ble kiň mwĭl-ŝra jâ-o le. When someone yawns, other people yawn and tend to get sleepy.
ĵyj-fja-van gwe, mǒj mwĭl-ŝra-van heŋ ver. I am already tired, but not yet sleepy.
- mwĭň
- embarassment at speaking of certain subjects or hearing them spoken of (xref {ķĭw, bě'lâm})
mwĭň-ƥ-van wǒj ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu gě'dĭm-ja kâ-i lju-zô kuln-cô. He is embarrassed because a stranger has read his diary.
bě'lâm ðe mwĭň mĭ-i dlâw-Ł-van dî'fu-zô. One must distinguish embarrassment at violated privacy from embarrassment at talking about emotionally sensitive subjects.
ƥ ŝu-i mwĭň kâ-i žâw-van, wǒn ce mĭ-ř gju-zô. I saw she was embarrassed, so I changed the subject.
- mwĭň-ma
- being embarrassed to admit how embarrassed you are
- mwĭň-vuj
- blushing (at hearing something embarrassing spoken of)
tad-ram ŝu-i mwĭň-vuj kâ-i zĭm-suw-van kejt-ram. Kate thinks Todd is adorable when he blushes.
- my
- 43
- mym
- self (same person; occasionally used emphatically with pronouns); archaically also = ego, identity, personality. xref {sâm}
( < E-o 'mem')
- -na
- made of ~; (with language name) in
( < English -en (wooden, golden))
gĭn-fĭ-sâm-da ŋĭn-i twâ-cu fĭ-₣um-da nors-lam-na mĭ-i. Norse poetry is alliterative.
tĭw kî'sul-na hân-bô ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô tam-ram. Tom sold me an antique wooden chair.
jĭm-ĉa hĭl-na ol pwĭm ĥy-i flu-fwa-zô, kujm-šar te ĥy-i jĭm jâ-o. I pour water through a carbon filter to purify it.
- nâ
- common, frequent; existing in many instances (xref {râ-sô, ƴyr, vĭj reŋ i})
- nâ-cô-bô
- rare, infrequent, uncommon
- nâ-cô-źa-bô
- extremely rare; endangered (of species)
- nen
- not as far as the speaker knows; not necessarily; possibly not (xref {heŋ, źǒ, be, še, ʝem, ĵrĭw-pôm})
- ně'lĭj
- segmented worms of phylum Annelida
( < Latin)
- ně'lĭj-ĥâm
- earthworm (class Oligochaeta)
- ně'mum
- upper arm
- ně'Φu
- kidney (xref {jĭm-ŋĭw})
( < helenike 'nephros')
- ně'Φu ol plĭ-tôn
- a drug that is processed through the kidneys (xref {fě'wâ ol plĭ-tôn})
- nihoŋ
- Japan, Japanese (country, people or language with appropriate suffixes)
- nihoŋ-tam
- Japanese person
- nĭ
- 47
- nĭl
- root, corm (underground part of a plant)
- nĭl-θaj
- above-ground part of a plant, esp. trunk/stalk
- nĭm
- name, title (deliberately chosen) (xref {mĭlm, bjâ})
( < suomalainen 'nimi')
- nĭm lĭw-cu-dal
- family name
- nĭm mâ-cĭ-za
- personal name
- nĭm-baw
- nasal consonant
- nĭm-ca
- to name oneself, call oneself (complement with {ðĭ-i})
- nĭm-hu
- true name (in a high-magic fantasy context)
- nĭm-hwâwm
- stage-name
- nĭm-i
- named for; in the name of
- nĭm-pě'lâ
- deadname of a trans person
- nĭm-syj
- pseudonym, pen name, online handle, nick
- nĭm-ta
- anonymous
twâ-cu nĭm-ta pǒ mĭ-i pĭln-van ĵrĭw-pôm pǒlsen-šam. I suppose Paulsen is responsible for that anonymous book.
- nĭm-θaj
- meaning; reference (xref {slân})
- nĭm-θaj-i
- meaning, for (as in "a name for", "a symbol for")
- nĭm-θaj-ma
- subtext, connotation, implication, implicature
- nĭm-θaj-van
- to mean, to signify, to refer to ({mĭ-i} signifies {ŋĭn-i} or {ðĭ-i} or {hǒŋ} clause)
- nĭm-van
- be named; nomiĝi (complement with {ðĭ-i})
- nĭm-zô
- to name, call, entitle ({tu-i} calls {mĭ-i} by name {ŋĭn-i})
- nĭŋ
- ringing, chiming sound
( < onomatopoeia)
nĭŋ-van gju-ŋy-ĉa, žĭr-van pî'dâ, lâl-van ku-faj-źa ƴâ-ĉa-kwĭ vim ŝâ-cô-ĉa. Phones ring, bees buzz, train engines whistle loudly.
- nĭŋ-ĉa
- bell
- nĭŋ-ĉa ŋâw-ĉa
- doorbell
- nĭŋ-van
- to ring; make a ringing sound
- nĭrn
- inflating, swelling, expanding, puffing up, engorging (of balloons, puffer fish, tires, etc) (xref {vun})
nĭrn-van sĭ, kiň šun-pwĭm-rô hǒl ĥy-i pwĭm-da-fwa-van. The river swelled, and flooded the whole valley.
- nĭrn-cô-fwa-zô
- squeeze, cause to contract in volume (xref {vâm, pâjn-zô})
- nĭrn-cô-ķârn
- muscle contraction
- nĭrn-cô-ķârn-₣âl
- muscle cramp
- nĭrn-cô-van
- to shrink, contract in volume, shrivel (xref {vâm})
- nĭrn-θaj-van
- nonce == {nĭrn-cô-van}
- nî'kjâ
- twitch, jerk, jump; tresaillir (xref {flâň})
( < suomalainen 'nykiä')
nî'kjâ-ra-van Ќ im ķârn-kyw. I have the hiccups.
- nî'kjâ-fwa-ĉa
- vibrating machine (nonce; prefer {flâň-fwa-ĉa})
- nî'kjâ-van <mâ> im ķârn-kyw
- <person> hiccups
- nî'kjâ-van bî'duň
- sneezing occurs (context, or postpositional phrase before {bî'duň}, should indicate who is sneezing)
- nî'sâ
- fate, luck, weird, kismet, karma, doom, providence... various conceptualizations of events-outside-one's-control
( < Melayu 'nisab')
- nî'sâ čulm-da
- luck, chance (xref {nî'sâ čulm-ta}, {še-tǒj})
- nî'sâ čulm-ta
- fate (conceived of deterministically)
- nî'sâ huw-fwa
- good luck, good fortune
- nî'sâ-van
- to be fated, to be one's luck (optional experiencer {ʝâr-i}, complement clause with {ðǒŋ}, or nominal complement with {mĭ-i} or {jâ-i})
nî'sâ-van ðǒŋ ƴâ-ĉa ĵwy-cô-bô hi fyn-zô mě'tyr-źa srǒ il. It was just my luck to get stuck behind a slow vehicle for several kilometers.
- nî'šĭm
- nighttime
nî'šĭm i ŝrun-zô lě'sî'kĭn. The nightingale sings at night.
nu reŋ ķe i Ќ ŋâw-o nî'šĭm ĝy-i gju-ŋy-ť-zô. You telephone me too often in the middle of the night.
- nî'šĭm-rô
- dark, lightless (xref {fu-ta, fu-fja, lě'ku-θaj, vjâr})
- nî'šĭm-rô-tǒj
- darkness (xref {vjâr})
- nî'šĭm-zâň
- subjective nighttime: the period when one is sleeping or at least abed and trying to sleep (xref {gě'dĭm})
- nîm'fâ
- lotus (plants of family Nymphaeaceae)
( < Latin)
- nǒ
- what, which? (interrogative clitic postposed to questioned element; xref {zǒn, srem}; relative "which" is {lǒ})
- nu
- time, moment, occasion (xref {vĭj, ƴu})
nu reŋ ķe i Ќ ŋâw-o nî'šĭm ĝy-i gju-ŋy-ť-zô. You telephone me too often in the middle of the night.
- nu kujm-ja ði
- early, occurring/arriving/etc. before the most suitable moment
- nu kujm-ja in
- on time, punctual; occurring/arriving/etc. at the appropriate moment
- nu kujm-ja ši
- late, tardy; occurring/arriving/etc. after the most suitable moment (variants with {ƴyr-ja} or {žuln-fwa} or {sâ-fwa} in place of {kujm-ja}, or {šij} or {šir})
- nu lǒ i
- when, at the moment that
nu lǒ i jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ kwǒ ʝâr-i, jĭlm-źa-syl-van mâ ble kiň mwĭl-ŝra jâ-o le. When someone yawns, other people yawn and tend to get sleepy.
nu lǒ i ķĭm-Ł-zô de, nu pǒ i gâ pwĭm-sâl-tôn-ža ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô mwe. When one exercises, one ought to drink something with electrolytes.
nu lǒ i gĭn-van ĥun mĭ-i, nu pǒ i tyn-van šlâ ĝu-bô kiň tyn-van heŋ šlâ ðy-bô. When the meeting began, there were thirteen members present and five members absent.
- nu pe nu i
- from time to time, occasionally, sometimes, now and then, intermittently (xref {-ra})
- nu reŋ-sra i
- more often
- nu ƴyr-ja ði
- early, occurring/arriving/etc. before the usual time (not necessarily before the most suitable time)
- nu žuln-fwa i
- on time, punctual (nonce; xref {nu kujm-ja in})
- nu-bô
- temporary, momentary (xref {vâlm-cô-bô, kujm-nu-ja})
- nu-ðu
- chance, opportunity (momentary; xref {vě'ty-ga})
- nu-ðu ĝyl-pa
- Last Chance (thrift store)
- nu-râ-cu
- timeline, set of precise moments when the interrelated events of a process occur
- nu-šar
- then, at the next moment
šyj-ƥ-ca, nu-šar pwĭm-da jâ-ř vlym-ca kiň ƥ im θâŋ ĉon vlym ĥy-i ĵârn-zô. He bathed himself, then dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist.
- nu-van
- to be at a certain date/time (xref {râ-van})
- nul
- sound; archaically (before 2008) primarily = {nul-θy}
bǒ gjâ-krĭ kǒ syj-i zym-gju-zô, wǒn nul mĭ-i wlâ-van mâ ble. If I think aloud in this conlang, other people will be surprised at the sound of it.
- nul-cu
- tune; melody (xref {ŝrun})
- nul-θy
- tone; musical note; sound of specific frequency
- nul-van
- to sound, make sound (be loud, quiet, rasping, etc.)
- num
- wren (birds of family Troglodytidae)
- num-tôn
- bird
- ŋ,c,g,θ,
- ŋĭn-cu-gjâ-θy; lexicon, dictionary, glossary
- -ŋa
- surprised, astonished, amazed attitudinal suffix
wlâ-fwa-van, ðǒŋ mâ-ŝy pǒ lĭw-o rě'ĵy-θaj jâ-o sun-bô-ŋa naj'ĝěl-ram. It's astonishing that Nigel finally married that woman.
- ŋâ
- 53
- ŋâw
- calling, invoking, trying to get someone's attention
- ŋâw-o
- to (talking, writing to)
nu reŋ ķe i Ќ ŋâw-o nî'šĭm ĝy-i gju-ŋy-ť-zô. You telephone me too often in the middle of the night.
Ќ ŋâw-o twâ-zô kelij-ram, hǒŋ fĭm-cô-ť-van. Kelly told me that you were sick.
- ŋâw-zô
- to call, invoke
- ŋe
- it (plants, inanimate things, abstractions not yet mentioned)
ŋe ŝu-i Φu gân-ř, šâ-faj-van heŋ swyŋ kǒ. Because of its mass, this table is not portable.
ŋe ŝu-i čĭwm-fĭ gân-ř hĭ-van ðǒŋ gjâ-zym-byn syj-i twâ-mlulm krĭ-o Ł tu-i. Because of its phonotactics, it is is difficult to write palindromes in gzb.
- ŋe voj <du> ĥy-i vun-van
- to thrust forward <part> (of inanimate objects; xref {ɱ voj tyn-ca} for animate agents)
- ŋě'mu
- lizard
- ŋě'mu-ĝĭ
- Komodo dragon; alligator; crocodile; dinosaur (xref {krî'dul, ŋě'mu-źa})
- ŋě'mu-źa
- dinosaur
- ŋě'mu-źa čĭn-ŋĭw-dâ-ža
- triceratops
- ŋě'mu-źa drě'mâj-tan
- Dromiceiomimus
( < Latin (calque))
- ŋě'mu-źa pâŋ-tan
- Tyrannosaurus rex
( < Latin (calque))
- ŋěw'sĭm
- raptor; dinosaurs of family Dromaeosauridae
- ŋěw'sĭm juta-wam-dal
- Utahraptor
- ŋěw'sĭm-ĵwy
- velociraptor
- ŋĭn
- comment, explanation, description; gloss, definition (of words)
Ќ dâm-ř ŋĭn lâŋ-bô ši, twâ-θaj-ƥ-zô kiň brě'zĭm-Ќ-van. After my long explanation, she replied, and I felt dismay at realizing she'd misunderstood what I'd said.
- ŋĭn-ca
- introduce, present oneself
- ŋĭn-cu-gjâ-θy
- dictionary, glossary, lexicon (xref {twâ-θy-zla})
- ŋĭn-₣â-cu
- 1. how-to document, user manual. 2. schedule, task list, appointment book, etc.
- ŋĭn-gân
- excuse, cause-explanation
- ŋĭn-hu
- summary, abstract
- ŋĭn-ĥun-cu
- meeting schedule, program book, etc.
- ŋĭn-i
- comment marker in topic-comment sentences
ʝrâ ŋĭn-i źu-lam pe gjâ-zym-byn žy-i gjâ-krĭ prym-hôw kwǒ mĭ-i. Some artlangs are non-naturalistic, for instance Esperanto and gjax-zym-byn.
ryň pǒ mĭ-i sâ-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i šelm. Such an action would be wrong.
θuň pǒ mĭ-i jĭm-ga heŋ ŋĭn-i; te im ðâ-dô reŋ ķe mĭ-i tyn-van. That story isn't consistent; it has too many violations of logic.
- ŋĭn-kujm
- justification, rationalization, motive-explanation
- ŋĭn-pja
- unpaid peer reviewer
- ŋĭn-sâm
- comparison, comment on a similarity
- ŋĭn-sâm-cô
- contrast, comment on dissimilarity
- ŋĭn-tla
- commentator, analyst
- ŋĭn-zô
- explain, clarify, comment on ({tu-i} explains {mĭ-i} noun phrase or {hǒŋ} or {mĭ-šar} clause)
- ŋĭr
- version, instance, variant copy; draft, edition (of text); branch (of source code). xref {čĭ}
- ŋĭr ħĭ-paj
- alpha or beta test version of software
- ŋĭw
- faculty, body part (functional) [suffixoid]
- ŋĭw sâm-hu-bô
- homologue (organ equivalent to another organ in another species or sex)
- ŋĭw-cu
- body (of any living thing)
- ŋĭw-cu-dân
- corpse, dead body (of human or any other animal)
- ŋĭw-cu-dân-Φě'wâm
- mummy; mummified, taxidermied, stuffed corpse
- ŋĭw-cu-ʝǒ-om-tǒj
- reincarnation, transmigration, metempsychosis
- ŋĭw-i
- with, using (of body parts)
- ŋî'bĭ
- number (math sense; integer, real, complex, etc. xref {jĭrn})
- ŋî'bĭ-i
- of (quantity); partitive postposition (archaic; prefer {jĭrn-i})
- ŋî'bĭ-ʝa
- imaginary number
- ŋî'bĭ-na
- quantitative, quantified (of knowledge, information, etc.)
- ŋî'bĭ-tôn
- number, shape, any mathematical interesting thing
- -ŋla
- day-of-week ordinal
- -ŋô
- chemical that's primary/active incredient of ~
- ŋu
- oxygen
- ŋul
- defense, defending, guarding, protecting, shielding
- ŋul-čâ-tla
- lifeguard (at beach, swimming pool etc; or {ŋul-čâ-pja} if unpaid volunteer)
- ŋul-ĉa
- shield, umbrella, parasol
- ŋul-ĉa-cu
- security system, burglar alarm
- ŋul-ĝâ-ca
- to defend oneself against a lawsuit or criminal charge
- ŋul-ĝâ-tla
- defense lawyer
- ŋul-ĝâ-zô
- to defend someone against a lawsuit or criminal charge
- ŋul-pja
- volunteer security guard (e.g. at sf con); Eucharistic guardian; etc
ŋul-pja hĭj-Φa-paj jâ-i ķulm-van θě'mâ. It is Thomas's duty and privilege to be a Eucharistic guardian.
- ŋul-tla
- police officer, watchman, security guard
- ŋul-tla-cu
- police force
- ŋwĭm
- substitution; replacement; transplant; swapping, swapping out; pronoun, anaphora
- ŋwĭm-bô
- instead, being substituted or replaced (modifier; xref postp. {ŋwĭm-i}, conj. {ŋwĭm-šar})
- ŋwĭm-i
- instead of, rather than
- ŋwĭm-jâ-môj
- to swap roles
- ŋwĭm-kyw
- lung transplant
- ŋwĭm-môj
- to swap places, jobs, roles, etc. (xref more specific {ŋwĭm-tyn-môj})
- ŋwĭm-ŋĭw-kô
- hospital/clinic that does organ transplants
- ŋwĭm-šar
- instead (with sub. clause; xref coordinating conjunctions {fwiň} and {piň} and postposition {ŋwĭm-i})
- ŋwĭm-tyn-môj
- to swap places
- ŋwĭm-zô
- to replace, substitute ({tu-i} replaces {ĥy-i} with {syj-i})
- ŋy
- far-off, distant, remote
jâln-źa mĭl-i ƴâ-cjaj-zô ŋy-bô. Despite the great heat, I walked a long way.
- ŋy-cô
- nearness, proximity
- ŋy-cô-bô
- close, nearby
- ŋy-ma
- area (quality measured in square meters)
- ŋy-me-dâ
- volume (amount of space occupied) (xref {nĭrn})
- ŋylm
- groove, furrow, notch, indentation, dimple, hollowed-out space (xref {mrâ, wyw})
swyŋ pǒ sim ŋylm gǒ; te oŋ ðu-Ł-van krĭ-vuj-ĉa ĥy-i tyn-zô. There is a groove on the surface of that desk; one can put a pencil in it.
- ŋylm-vě'ty
- crack, slit, narrow opening
- ŋyr
- turtle, tortoise, terrapin
- ŋyr-tôn
- reptile
- ny
- small, short, narrow, compact
mlĭr-ðe-ĉu-ť-zô mwe. ť hi rjuŋ-ny gǒ. Turn around! There's a wyvern behind you.
gě'dĭm mje θǒ i Ќ cim zjâm-ny ĥy-i ĥâ-ca. I cut my left little toe yesterday.
- ny-źa
- tiny, microscopic
- o
- to, towards
- o ble
- the rest of the way to (specified place), after stopping somewhere on the way; similarly with various derivations from {o}, e.g. {oj}, {soŋ}, etc.
- o θǒ
- directly to (specified place), without stopping anywhere along the way; similarly with various derivations from {o}, e.g. {on}, {oŋ}, {źoŋ}, etc.
- oj
- coming near but not reaching
- ojl
- past (as in, "go past the cemetery and turn left")
- ol
- through (movement; go through the door); by way of, stopping at ~ on the way to somewhere else; passing into and out of (xref {il})
- om
- to-part.of
- on
- approaching and coming into contact with
- oŋ
- into
twâ-cu šuŋ-bô kǒ ĥy-i swyŋ-ʝa cu-ja oŋ tyn-zô θǒ. I put these recently acquired books on the appropriate shelf right away.
mrâ-kâj-ha oŋ ť ŝâj-ř grâm-kâj-ha ĥy-i tâl-Ќ-zô gwe. I have already deposited your check in my account.
pě'pâ Φy-tan reŋ ĥy-i vâm-zô krĭ-tla kiň kyl-Φy oŋ bly-zô. The artist crumpled up many waste papers and threw them in the trash can.
vlym oŋ tyn-ca šej Ќ ĉon vlym ĥy-i tyn-zô. I put myself into clothes, or surround myself with clothes.
- or
- coming nearer but still pretty far off
- p,ĥ,j,ŝ,
- pjylm-ĥwĭl jî'ŝu-ram ŝu-i ŝâm-řŋ-tǒj
- p,ŋ,b,
- et cetera (pe ŋe ble)
- p,ƥ,b,
- et cetera (pe ƥ ble); archaic, xref {p,ŋ,b,}
- -pa
- Nth, ordinal; position in spatial or temporal series (xref {-gla, -saw})
- -paj
- intended for, used for ~ (xref {-ja, kujm-o, θĭ-o})
ŋul-pja hĭj-Φa-paj jâ-i ķulm-van θě'mâ. It is Thomas's duty and privilege to be a Eucharistic guardian.
- parm
- Parma (Italy)
- pâ
- fym-cô ruŋ-sô, sâr-fja-sô; restlessness, fidgetiness, desire to do something active
- pâ ħĭn-dal
- cabin fever, restlessness due to confinement
- pâ-zym
- thoughts that wander impetuously from subject to subject; distraction, inability to concentrate (xref {čun-ga, kâ-dô})
- pâjn
- pressure
( < suomalainen 'painaa')
- pâjn-by-ĉa
- air compressor
- pâjn-mâŋ-môj
- to shake hands
- pâjn-ŋu-ĉa
- oxygen compressor
- pâjn-sâŋ
- blood pressure
- pâjn-θaj
- suction
- pâjn-θaj-zô
- to suck, suction, draw out
- pâjn-zô
- to press, put pressure on, squeeze (xref {nĭrn-cô-zô})
- pâlm
- palm (tree)
( < English)
- pân
- all things, everything (archaically = {pen}); xref {mu}
( < helenike 'pan')
- pân-kwa
- polychrome, multicolored
fî'suň bij fu-cu pân-kwa kâ-i fjâw-van ser'ě-ram. Sarah is in awe of the Aurora Borealis.
- pân-lô
- pantheist
- pâŋ
- lord, sovereign; one who rules by nature, not arbitrarily (xref {gym, ĝum, tyrn}); (chess) king
( < Polsku 'panie')
- pâŋ-kwĭ cĭ-pa / ĉu-pa
- 1 / 2 Kings (also attested as {tyrn-tla-kwĭ})
- pâwřz-šam-rô
- typical of Tim Powers' work: a certain subset of magic realism, with convincing magic that seems natural, not arbitrary or made-up
- pe
- plus, and (links words/phrases within clause, not clauses; xref {ke, kiň} & see grammar doc)
ljâw pe câŋ kin θlu gǒ; bĭŋ-van heŋ pjylm. There is a fuzzy boundary between observational science and experimental science; no sharp boundary exists.
Ќ lĭw-i tâ-ma-bâm mĭ-i fâ-van pe pym-van. I love my baby cousin and find her amusing.
- pen
- all, every, each (xref {rew}, {hǒl})
( < helenike 'pan')
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam lâ-cô-i θuň-lâŋ pen kâ-i gâw-zô lju-zô. I plan to read all the novels nominated for the Hugo Award.
ty rew o ruŋ-zô mâ pen. Everyone went to their own homes.
Ќ o ruŋ-zô mwe ʝâr-ĵyj-fja pen pe tu-šâ-wâj pen, kiň ť ĥy-i ĵyj-rjâ jâ-o Ќ tu-i. Come to me, all who are tired and all who are carrying heavy things, and I will give you rest.
râm reŋ ķe ðĭ-i ŝâj-ť-van; ƥ pen ĥy-i ðu-van heŋ šu-zô. You have too many cats; you can't take care of them all.
- pě'blu
- Paul, Pablo, Pavel, Paula, Pauline, Paulette
- pě'cĭn
- pizza
( < English < Italian)
- pě'cĭn-ĵwa
- pizza restaurant, pizzeria
- pě'hĭ
- street, road, way (xref {pě'hĭ-ga})
- pě'hĭ ĝĭr-ta
- freeway, expressway, interstate highway
- pě'hĭ ĝĭr-ža
- surface road (one with stop signs/stop lights)
- pě'hĭ ĝy-im du
- middle lane, turning lane
- pě'hĭ ĵim du
- right lane, rightmost lane of a road
- pě'hĭ sĭ-tan
- canal
venicia-wam i pě'hĭ sĭ-tan ol ruŋ-Ł-zô de. In Venice, one goes about via canal.
- pě'hĭ-cĭw
- tunnel
- pě'hĭ-cu hî'mâr-cô-hôw
- maze, labyrinth; intentionally confusing system of paths (an unintended maze would be {hî'mâr-cô-fwa})
- pě'hĭ-cu i tyn-van ƴâ-ĉa reŋ
- traffic is heavy
- pě'hĭ-ga
- route, trajectory, path taken (could be comprised of parts of several {pě'hĭ} or {pě'hĭ-θô} or not)
- pě'hĭ-ja
- along the road; up or down the road
- pě'hĭ-rô
- serial, sequential, linear (xref {kwĭ-tan, kwĭ-ja, syrm})
- pě'hĭ-θô
- alley, driveway, footpath
- pě'hĭ-źa
- highway, major road (xref {pě'hĭ ĝĭr-ta})
- pě'hĭ-źa ðy-hâ-wam
- Interstate 85
- pě'krâ
- pancreas
( < English < helenike)
- pě'lâ
- old, obsolete, archaic, outdated, expired, past due for replacement (xref {hân}, {bâm-cô-bô})
( < helenike 'palaios')
- pě'ljy
- plastic (xref {cî'tĭr})
( < English)
- pě'pâ
- sheet of paper, parchment etc.; page
( < English 'paper')
pě'pâ Φy-tan reŋ ĥy-i vâm-zô krĭ-tla kiň kyl-Φy oŋ bly-zô. The artist crumpled up many waste papers and threw them in the trash can.
- pě'pâ dlu-čĭ-za
- copyright page
- pě'pâ gu-ĉa
- paper ballot
- pě'pâ-cu
- notebook; card deck
- pě'pâ-ga
- document, web page, text file, ... (xref {twâ-cu, ĵĭ})
- pě'pâ-ga gu-ĉa
- ballot (nonphysical document)
- pě'pâ-ny
- index card, similar small slip of paper
- pě'pâ-ny kun-hôw
- flashcard (or with {suŋ-hôw} instead of {kun-hôw} depending on purpose)
- pě'pâ-ny lě'ku-bô gâr-tĭm-bô
- 1000 Blank White Cards (game)
- pě'pâ-trĭ
- graph paper
- pě'pâ-θô
- card (index, credit, library...)
- pě'pâ-ƴâwn
- bill, invoice, debt document (esp. if handed over in person, e.g. in a restaurant; xref {grâm-ƴâwn} if mailed)
- pě'sâŋ
- Pasch; Easter; Passover
( < Hebrew)
- pě'sâŋ ĉul-i vâ-oŋ-zô
- to eat the Passover meal
- pě'sum
- possum, opossum (marsupials of order Didelphimorphia)
( < English)
- pě'sum-tôn
- marsupial
- pě'sum-tôn bly-ca-sô
- kangaroo, wallaby
- pě'sum-tôn huw-tan
- quokka
- pě'ŝlĭ
- sense or body part one is focusing on
( < Enigmatic 'spish')
- pě'ŝlĭ-ga
- focus, concentration, specialty, major
- pě'ŝlĭ-i
- in, at (a body part or sense that is demanding attention); xref {im}
- pěn'θĭr
- cats of subfamily Pantherinae: tiger, lion, jaguar, leopard, snow leopard
( < Latin)
- pěn'θĭr amerika-wam-za
- jaguar (Panthera onca)
- pěn'θĭr ĵwy-bô
- leopard (Panthera pardus)
- pěn'θĭr syrm-ža
- tiger (Panthera tigris)
- pěn'θĭr vâ-kar-za
- Food Lion (grocery store)
- pěn'θĭr-cjaj
- lion
- pěr'sî'ku
- peach (tree/fruit of Prunus persica)
- piň
- A rather than B, not B but A (clausal conjunction; xref postposition {ŋwĭm-i} "instead of")
- pĭln
- credit, honor; blame, fault, guilt, culpability; responsibility (xref {ĵulm, ķĭw, ĥwâ})
- pĭln-van
- to be responsible for, to deserve the credit or blame for ({ʝâr-i} deserves credit/blame for {mĭ-i} or event in {hǒŋ} clause)
twâ-cu nĭm-ta pǒ mĭ-i pĭln-van ĵrĭw-pôm pǒlsen-šam. I suppose Paulsen is responsible for that anonymous book.
- pĭn
- point, end, extremity, peak
( < E-o. 'pinto')
- pĭn-i
- at the end of; aux bout de
- pĭn-mruň
- peak, crest
- pĭn-zjâm
- fingertip; fingernail, claw
- pĭn-zryŋ
- Golden Crest (retirement home)
- pĭŋ
- to shoot (especially with a bow, crossbow, harpoon gun, etc.; for other guns, prefer {fî'ħâ})
- pĭŋ-ĉa pe čĭn-ĉa
- bow and arrows
- pĭw
- playing, game, recreation; puzzle; (xref {hwâwm})
- pĭw gjâ-ʝǒ-hôw
- translation relay game
- pĭw im šĭm-cu pe lî'fyŋ
- rules of a game
- pĭw ĵy-ĉâ-bô
- puzzle, game that challenges the wits
- pĭw ĵy-ĉâ-bô lĭn-twâ-θy-za
- crossword puzzle
- pĭw šrĭ-θy-gam
- Clue (board/card game)
- pĭw zu ʝâr-wuŋ
- Monopoly (board/card game)
- pĭw-ĉa
- toy, gamepiece
- pĭw-fu
- waving flashlights around in the dark; teasing a cat with a laser pointer
- pĭw-hî'dru-vuj
- dice game
- pĭw-hî'dru-vuj ƴum-pja-paj
- Liars' Dice
- pĭw-ĵwy
- race, speed contest
- pĭw-kô
- 1. game-room (in a house). 2. playground, park, public recreation area.
- pĭw-ķĭm
- sport, physically strenuous game
- pĭw-ķĭm-tla
- professional athlete
- pĭw-ķĭn-ĉa
- building blocks, erector set, Lego, Duplo, Tinkertoy, Lincoln Logs, etc.
- pĭw-lî'fyŋ
- competitive game
- pĭw-muw
- Subsets (game)
- pĭw-nĭm
- Tokwomau; name-giving game
- pĭw-pja
- gamer
- pĭw-rĭm-kě'ĝu
- peek-a-boo
- pĭw-sô
- playful
- pĭw-trâw-plâŋ ƴâ-cjaj-za
- that game where one kicks a bit of gravel or a pinecone along as one is walking, and the people one is walking with go on kicking it ahead until it goes out of reach
- pî'dâ
- honeybees, bumblebees, etc. (family Apidae)
fân řŋ čâj ĥy-i tâň-zô de pî'dâ pe Φĭlm. Bees and butterflies take pollen from flowers.
nĭŋ-van gju-ŋy-ĉa, žĭr-van pî'dâ, lâl-van ku-faj-źa ƴâ-ĉa-kwĭ vim ŝâ-cô-ĉa. Phones ring, bees buzz, train engines whistle loudly.
žĭr gân-ř luw-tâlm iŋ kâ-i rĭm-van kiň te iŋ pî'dâ-daj kâ-i tru-zô. Because of the humming noise I looked inside the skull, and found a swarm of bees in it.
- pî'gâ
- buttock
( < helenike 'pyge')
kujm-van Ќ ŝu-i gě'dĭm-zla hǒŋ rum-kô oŋ Ќ im pî'gâ ĥy-i tyn-zô. The purpose of my life is to get my butt into Heaven.
- pî'hâ
- θě'ku-za; holy, sacred
( < suomalainen 'pyhä')
θě'ku gy-i mâ kâj-ha-ta ĥy-i θĭ-zô de mje kolkata-wam im teresa-ram-ķa pî'hâ-bô. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta served the destitute for the love of God.
fĭm dî'fu-i ŝu-gô-sra-van pî'hâ. Holiness is more important than health.
- pî'hâ-fwa-zô
- to bless, sanctify, consecrate (most often with God as agent, or e.g. of priest blessing holy water or consecrating the Host, etc.)
- pî'hâ-zwa
- mâ Φĭ-kǒ-bô jâ-i mwe mâ pen
- pî'mâr
- horseradish plant (Armoracia rusticana)
- pî'pĭ
- walrus, sea lion, seal (superfamily Pinnipedia)
( < Latin)
- pî'pru
- pepper (Piper nigrum) (archaically also = {kî'pĭ})
( < English)
- pî'râ
- fire, burning, combustion; rapid oxidization
( < helenike 'pyr')
pî'râ mĭ-i fî'žâln ʝel ðĭ-i ŝâm ŋĭn-i. Fire is the womb of the phoenix.
- pî'râ-ĉâm
- rust, tarnishing; process of slow oxidization (xref {pî'râ-ĉâm-Φa})
- pî'râ-ĉâm-Φa
- rust, tarnish (encrustation of oxides on a rusting piece of metal)
- pî'râ-ga
- fusion (hydrogen is built into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees)
- pî'râ-ga-van
- to undergo fusion
- pî'râ-Φa
- smoke; ashes
- pî'râ-van
- to burn, to be on fire, to rapidly oxidize
- pî'rĭ
- wager, bet; gambling
( < Fr. 'pari')
- pî'rĭ-ga
- insurance policy
- pî'rĭ-ga fĭm-hôw-paj
- health insurance
- pî'sum
- pea (genus Pisum)
- pî'sum rĭm-ŋĭw-tan
- black-eyed peas
- pî'tĭr
- Peter, Petros, Petra, Pyotr, Pierre, Pedro, Petra...
- pî'tĭr-gôm
- the papacy
- pî'tru
- Peter (etc.); nonce, prefer {pî'tĭr}
- pî'vĭl
- cotton (stuff linens are made from, and plant that produces it)
( < suomalainen 'puuvilla')
- pî'vu
- peafowl, peacocks (birds of genera Pavo and Afropavo)
( < Latin)
pî'vu kǒ ĥy-i Φě'wâm-ť-zô žu-bô mwe. Please stuff this peacock carefully.
- pî'wyr
- compassion, pity, empathy, mercy (archaic; prefer {zĭm})
- pîr'ku
- pig, hog, boar, warthog (genus Sus)
( < Latin)
- pîr'pâ
- papyrus
( < Greek (anagram))
- -pja
- person who does ~ avocationally, not for money; amateur, hobbyist, volunteer (xref {-tla}, {ðurm-bwĭl})
mî'ħâ-van krĭ-šĭm-zô byn-pja. The hacker is obsessively coding.
- pjâl
- work (on a project one is doing voluntarily, on one's own initiative; contrast {ðurm, ĥân}; xref also {byn, ķĭn, krĭ, žuln})
kwâwn mĭl-i, pjâl-zô mî'ħâ-bô ver. Despite delirious sleepiness, I'm still working obsessively.
- pjâl-ĥân
- = ĥân-pjâl
- pjâl-pja
- amateur, volunteer (also {ĥân-pja}, rarely {ðurm-bwĭl-pja})
- pjân
- piano
( < English)
pjân mĭ-i ulrikě-ram ĥy-i plĭr-zô lia-ram tu-i. Lia mentors Ulrika in piano-playing.
- pjân-tôn
- piano, harpsichord, organ; keyboard instrument
- pjě'tâ
- parrot, cockatoo; birds of order Psittaciformes
( < Latin)
mâ ₣um-i ðu-van fjǒ gju-zô pjě'tâ kwǒ. Some parrots can sort of speak like humans.
- pjylm
- boundary, edge, border, surface, cusp (sharp); (xref {θlu, ĝy-θaj})
ljâw pe câŋ kin θlu gǒ; bĭŋ-van heŋ pjylm. There is a fuzzy boundary between observational science and experimental science; no sharp boundary exists.
- pjylm-gě'dĭm
- sudden waking up from sleep
- pjylm-gě'dĭm-zla
- conception or death (edge of life)
- pjylm-gě'dĭm-zla-sun
- death (end of life)
- pjylm-ĥwĭl
- epoch; moment of sudden change in world's history
- pjylm-pwĭm-daj
- coast, beach, shore
- pjylm-pwĭm-daj mřtl-wam
- Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
- pjylm-sĭ
- bank, shore (of river, creek, etc.)
- pjylm-šun-bĭm
- continental divide, watershed boundary
- pjylm-šun-tyrn
- national border
- pjylm-syl
- lips
- pjylm-syl ĥy-i fâ-vuj-môj
- to kiss
- pjylm-syl sin ʝym-daj
- moustache
- pjylm-syl-môj
- to kiss each other
- pjylm-syl-zô
- to kiss
- pjylm-tâŋ
- moment of sudden change in one's life
- pjylm-ty
- threshold of one's home
- pjylm-vĭj-gu
- voting deadline, time limit
- pjylm-vô
- hyphen '-'
- pjylm-vuj
- fence, other physical boundary marker
- plâŋ
- foot, feet (xref {ƴâ-ŋĭw})
( < E-o 'plando')
- plâŋ-cĭ ŋĭw-i ðwĭr-ca
- to balance on one foot
- plě'tân
- European plane tree, North American sycamore (genus Plantanus)
( < Latin)
- plĭ
- pill; small swallowable drug-dose (xref {θĭw, plĭ-tôn})
( < English)
- plĭ ħě'nâw-ĝa
- allergy medicine
- plĭ-cjaj
- digestive enzyme supplements
- plĭ-rô
- medical (archaic, prefer {źĭ-fĭm-za})
- plĭ-tôn
- drug, medication (in any form; xref {plĭ, θĭw})
- plĭ-tôn-ĵwa
- pharmacy, drugstore
- plĭ-zô
- to take meds
- plĭr
- influence (a person does things a certain way because of another person's example); xref {gân-θô}, {zym-ř})
křbij-šam-ķa ŝu-i plĭr prym-hôw-za mĭ-i gju-ŋĭn-zô sě'râ. Sarah gave a lecture on Kirby's artistic influences.
- plĭr-θaj-zô
- to model oneself after, to imitate (xref {ryň-₣um-zô}, {lju-θaj-₣ym-zô})
- plĭr-van
- to be influenced, to be under the influence of ({ʝâr-i} is influenced by the example of {mĭ-i}); xref {ryň-₣um-zô}
pow-šam-ķa kâ-i plĭr-van lěvkrâft-šam-ba ʝâr-i. Lovecraft was influenced by Poe.
ɱ lĭw-i tâ-kyn-ħa mĭ-i plĭr-van sâ-cô-fwa sĭlvija-ram. Sylvia's aunt is a bad influence on her.
- plĭr-zô
- to deliberately influence, to mentor, to take someone under one's wing ({tu-i} mentors {ĥy-i})
pjân mĭ-i ulrikě-ram ĥy-i plĭr-zô lia-ram tu-i. Lia mentors Ulrika in piano-playing.
- plum
- lead (element)
( < Latin 'plumbum')
- plum-rô
- dense (high proportion of matter to volume; xref {ðĭm})
- plyn
- fullness, ampleness
( < Fr. 'pleine')
- plyn-bô
- full, ample
- plyn-fja
- empty; dead (of batteries)
- plyn-ga
- sufficiency, sufficient quantity (archaically = {gle})
- pǒ
- that yonder (distant from speaker and listener; third person demonstrative)
gâm-la pǒ dî'fu-i ʝrâ-sra-bô ŋĭn-i gâm-ba kǒ. This picture is more abstract than that one.
ryň pǒ mĭ-i sâ-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i šelm. Such an action would be wrong.
θuň pǒ mĭ-i jĭm-ga heŋ ŋĭn-i; te im ðâ-dô reŋ ķe mĭ-i tyn-van. That story isn't consistent; it has too many violations of logic.
- -pôm
- derive evidentiality adverb from root
bly-van ku-pôm pwĭm mĭ-i. It's raining (I hear it).
fĭm-cô-van rĭm-pôm ƥ ʝâr-i. She's sick (I saw her.)
jě'lĭ mĭ-i lju-pôm fĭm-fwa ŋĭn-i. (I read somewhere that) garlic is good for you.
- ƥ
- he, she, they (spirits, people, animals already mentioned)
fâ-môj ƥ-ĉu. They love each other.
mwĭň-ƥ-van wǒj ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu gě'dĭm-ja kâ-i lju-zô kuln-cô. He is embarrassed because a stranger has read his diary.
- prâr
- flavor, savor, feel, style, quality, qualia, gestalt... a distinctive pattern of input to senses in general or a particular sense (xref {hu, wu-ga, kâ-θaj, žâw})
- prâr-gjâ-ja
- fitting the spirit of a language
- prâr-gju
- the way a word, or individual syllable or phoneme, or a language as a whole, feels in the mouth
- prâr-glĭm-cu
- the feel/flavor of a writing system; Schreibgefu:l
- prâr-ku
- lamatyave, Sprachgefu:l; musical style (from perspective of listener rather than performer)
- prâr-lju
- literary style (from perspective of reader, not writer)
- prâr-lym
- flavor, taste
- prâr-rĭm
- visual flavor (of environment, visual art, writing system...)
- prâr-trym
- qualia of consciousness; the way one experiences life and thought (in general, or at a given time)
- prâr-źum
- texture, feel (of thing, substance)
- prě'kjun
- raccoon, coati, kinkajou (family Procyonidae)
( < Latin < Greek)
- prě'nu
- sweet cherry (Prunus avium)
( < Latin)
- prym
- belsento, aesthetic pleasure, appreciation of beauty (xref {suw})
křbij-šam-ķa ŝu-i plĭr prym-hôw-za mĭ-i gju-ŋĭn-zô sě'râ. Sarah gave a lecture on Kirby's artistic influences.
- prym-cô-fwa
- ugly, garish, misproportioned, offensive to the aesthetic sense
prym-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i vlym-ĝĭw syrm-da kǒ mĭ-i. This striped shirt is ugly.
- prym-fwa
- beautiful, well-proportioned, aesthetically pleasing
gâm prym-fwa kâ-i Ќ ĥy-i žy-zô krĭ-gâm-tla pǒ. That artist showed me a beautiful picture.
prym-fwa-ť-van. You are beautiful.
- pu
- 59
- pul
- powder, sand, dust; finely ground solid such as flour (xref {ĥâm})
( < Latin)
- pul-daj-źa čyw-ŝa
- nebula (humongous gas cloud in space)
- pul-kě'rĭ
- curry powder
- pul-mě'zâ
- cornmeal, corn flour
- pul-žyj-cjaj
- wheat flour
- pun
- 1. leaving alone, maintaining in the same place or state; 2. storing, stowing away in its place
- pun-ca
- to maintain oneself in the same state (with {jâ-i} complement), to stay in the same place (with {i, iŋ} etc. locative complement)
- pun-fĭm-ĉa
- medical equipment (for routine maintenance care)
- pun-fĭm-hôw-ha
- preventive medicine, vaccine
- pun-fĭm-hôw-ha flîn'zu-ĝa
- flu vaccine
- pun-kô
- storage place, e.g. warehouse or complex of small rentable storage rooms
- pun-van
- to remain in the same place or state
- pun-zô
- to leave, to leave alone, to cause or allow to remain in place (or in same state); to not take, to not alter; to keep, to not throw away, delete, or erase; to sustain; (with sequential verb) to keep doing (xref {tâň})
- purj
- environment, surroundings, local region; situation, circumstances (xref {tyn, šun, ĉun})
kĭl ðy-pu-bô jĭrn-i jâln-van purj. It is 295 Kelvins here.
pwâŋ-la reŋ ĥy-i bâwŋ-van purj kǒ. A lot of clover grows around here.
huw-faj ŋĭn-i ƥ ĉi purj mĭ-i, mǒj huw-ƥ-van heŋ. Their circumstances might make them happy, but they aren't happy.
- purj gim vi
- ad orientum; facing eastward
- purj-ga
- atmosphere, ethos, (social or moral) environment; etoso
- purj-žâw
- the set of all things/events within range of one's senses at the moment
- purj-žâw sim
- the sky, or the ceiling if one is indoors
- pwâŋ
- clover (plants of genus Trifolium)
pwâŋ-la reŋ ĥy-i bâwŋ-van purj kǒ. A lot of clover grows around here.
- pwâŋ-tôn
- ground cover plants which are pleasant for bare feet
- pwâŋ-tôn-ĵwa
- lawn, greensward (xref {žyj, žyj-ĵwa, šun žyj-da})
- pwě'lâl
- ice cream, sherbet, yogurt...
lî'klâ siŋ ŝum-van pwě'lâl-la. There is delicious ice cream floating in the milk.
- pwě'lâl-ke-kě'kul
- ice cream float
- pwě'tĭln
- jelly, jam; similar thick spreads like peanut butter
pwě'tĭln ŝĭw-i mluŋ ĥy-i ĉârn-ť-zô mwe. Spread the jelly on the bread.
- pwiň
- A or (exclusive) B; A unless B (clausal conjunction; xref phrasal {rej})
mluj o ruŋ-zô ler pwiň fĭm-cô-van. I will go to the small convention unless I am sick.
- pwĭ
- joy, delight, enjoyment, (nonphysical) pleasure (xref {huw, pym, kě'pâ, dĭ, jyn, ₣yw})
- pwĭ-fwa
- delightful
- pwĭ-hôw-zô
- to entertain; to amuse (also {pym-hôw-zô}, {prym-hôw-zô}, etc.)
- pwĭ-i
- for joy of
- pwĭ-pâ
- excitement, enthusiasm (similarly {prym-pâ, kě'pâ-pâ} etc.)
- pwĭ-van
- to enjoy, take delight in, like [object in {mĭ-i} or {kâ-i}, subject {ʝâr-i}]
- pwĭm
- water, esp. in liquid form
šyj-ƥ-ca, nu-šar pwĭm-da jâ-ř vlym-ca kiň ƥ im θâŋ ĉon vlym ĥy-i ĵârn-zô. He bathed himself, then dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist.
kĭl dâ-fy-ĝu-bô jĭrn-i ðuŋ jâ-o rej jâ-ř pwĭm. Water freezes and melts at 273 Kelvins.
pwĭm-da-tǒj gân-ř kî'sul kǒ mĭ-i ƴârn-van ĵwy-bô. Because of the humidity this wood is rotting quickly.
- pwĭm-baw
- bilabial consonant
- pwĭm-by-daj
- cloud, fog, mist (mass of water vapor in air)
- pwĭm-čĭm jâln-bô
- hot chocolate (water-based; milk-based chocolate is {lî'klâ-čĭm jâln-bô})
( < coined by Matthew Turnbull)
- pwĭm-daj
- pond, lake, sea, ocean... xref {vlě'tâ}
- pwĭm-ðuŋ
- ice
- pwĭm-ʝĭl-ta-pul
- snow (nonce, prefer {pwĭm-pul})
( < coined by Lars Finsen for inverse relay 2)
- pwĭm-ĵwa-cô
- desert, arid region
- pwĭm-ŋô
- hydrogen
- pwĭm-pul
- snow
- pwĭm-rô
- humble (< Taoism, water seeks the low place)
- pwĭm-rô-tǒj
- humility
- pwĭm-sâl
- saline, esp. normal saline (0.9%)
- pwĭm-sâl fy-ðe-tĭm-ja
- hypertonic saline 7%
- pwĭm-sâl sâŋ-tan
- normal saline, same salinity as blood
- pwĭm-sâl-tôn
- electrolyte
nu lǒ i ķĭm-Ł-zô de, nu pǒ i gâ pwĭm-sâl-tôn-ža ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô mwe. When one exercises, one ought to drink something with electrolytes.
- pwĭm-sâl-źa
- hypertonic saline (e.g. 3-10% salt instead of 0.9%)
- pwĭm-sô
- habitually thirsty, needing/wanting a lot of water (xref {sru-pwĭm-bô})
- pwĭm-ta
- dry; dehydrated
- pwĭm-ta-fwa-zô
- to cause to dry out, to dehydrate, to dessicate
- pwĭm-tan
- liquid, wet (modifier; xref {ŝĭw pwĭm-tan})
- pwĭm-tôn
- water in any form (ice, snow, steam, liquid)
- pwoň
- A or B or neither, but not both; NAND
- -Φa
- result of action (xref {-kar}, {-ha})
- Φâ
- form, figure, shape; sculpture, statue, bas-relief, 3D art (xref {gyn, gâm})
- Φâ dul-paj
- ikon
- Φâ hwâwm-ĉa
- puppet, marionette; roleplaying miniature
- Φâ Φum-na
- plushie, stuffed (toy) animal, doll, etc.
- Φâ Φum-na sur-tan
- teddy bear
- Φâ tî'šâ-paj
- idol
- Φâ-ja
- fitting a given shape (e.g., of clothes fitting a person's figure; {Φâ-Ќ-ja} fitting me, {mî'rĭj ðĭ-i vlym Φâ-ja}, clothes that fit Mary)
- Φâ-ʝǒ-fwa-ĉa
- transformation machine
- Φâ-wĭm-by
- balloon sculpture
- Φân
- lethargic reverie, being lost in thought; esp. if neglecting an immediate task in consequence (xref {zym, mî'ħâ, blě'mĭm, čun-ga, kâ-dô})
- Φej
- pardon; please excuse, ignore the previous word
- Φě'ĥu
- elephant; (chess) bishop
( < helenike 'pachys' > En. pachyderm)
Φě'ĥu-cu mĭ-i krĭ-gâm-zô tam-ke-ser'ě-ram. Tom and Sarah painted a picture of a herd of elephants.
- Φě'ĥu-tôn
- mammal
- Φě'ŋĭ
- calf (lower leg)
- Φě'wâm
- preservation, pickling, mummification, taxidermy
- Φě'wâm-zô
- to preserve, pickle, mummify, stuff and mount
pî'vu kǒ ĥy-i Φě'wâm-ť-zô žu-bô mwe. Please stuff this peacock carefully.
- Φěn'lĭ
- lupus
- Φĭ
- quality (xref {jâ, hu})
- Φĭ-ja
- fitting a thing's nature; suitable, appropriate, natural; taŭga (prefer {hu-ja})
- Φĭlm
- butterfly, moth (insects of Lepidoptera)
fân řŋ čâj ĥy-i tâň-zô de pî'dâ pe Φĭlm. Bees and butterflies take pollen from flowers.
- Φĭlm-nî'šĭm
- moth (nocturnal insect of sub-order Heterocera)
- Φĭn
- to print, to press
- Φĭn-ĉa
- printing press, printer
- Φĭrn
- sweat (substance extruded from sweat glands of mammals for cooling)
- Φĭwm
- ķy mĭ-i zym brâl-cô-bô; guess, supposition, tentative thought or belief (xref {brâl-cô, ĵrĭw})
- Φî'šu
- salt-water fish; archaically, = angler fish (xref {blur, Φî'šu-tôn})
- Φî'šu-tôn
- fish
- Φî'šu-tôn ĥy-i ƴum-zô zuň-cô-fwa
- to catch fish, esp. with line and bait rather than nets
- Φî'šu-tôn nĭrn-sô
- puffer fish
- Φî'šu-tôn-ĵwa
- aquarium (zoo with mainly aquatic animals)
- Φǒ
- quote conjunction
twâ-zô Φǒ {pwĭ-van belm.} vĭj-lǒ-šar Ќ cim šâ-ŋĭw ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô rjuŋ-zô. "This is delightful!" I said, as the dragon ate my left arm.
- Φu
- mass (inertial, gravitational)
ŋe ŝu-i Φu gân-ř, šâ-faj-van heŋ swyŋ kǒ. Because of its mass, this table is not portable.
- Φu-ĵam
- a material object, something with (possibly zero) mass
- Φul
- mistake, error (xref {tě'θru-ga}, {-dô} and many words derived from {-dô} esp. {žâj-dô})
- Φum
- pillow, cushion, mattress; upholstery, padding
- Φum tâlm-paj
- pillow
- Φy
- ʝu ķârm-Φa-da-ħa
pě'pâ Φy-tan reŋ ĥy-i vâm-zô krĭ-tla kiň kyl-Φy oŋ bly-zô. The artist crumpled up many waste papers and threw them in the trash can.
- Φy-tôn
- trash, rubbish, garbage
Φy-tôn ĥy-i tâň-ť-zô mwe. Take out the trash.
- Φyln
- urine
- Φyln-ŋô
- uric acid
- Φyln-ŝra
- needing to pee
- Φyln-zô
- to pee
- Φyr
- affix, esp. suffix
- Φyr ŝrĭ-fwa
- a suffix that forms derived words with idiomatic, unpredictable meaning
- Φyr-tôn
- suffix, prefix, infix, circumfix, inflectional mutation, ablaut, Semitic vowel template...
- Φyr-tôn-cu
- inflection, declension, declination, conjugation; (grammatical) paradigm; a given language's morphology
- pym
- amusement, hilarity (xref {pwĭ, prym, suw})
Ќ lĭw-i tâ-ma-bâm mĭ-i fâ-van pe pym-van. I love my baby cousin and find her amusing.
- pym-fwa
- amusing, funny
- pym-ĥĭn-fwa
- disgustingly absurd
- pym-ma
- being amused at one's own (previous?) amusement
- pym-vô
- smiley :)
- pym-vuj
- smiles, laughter; physical expression of amusement
- pym-vuj-θô-van
- to smile
- pym-vuj-źa-van
- to laugh
- pym-ƴum-hôw
- meant to amuse rather than (maliciously) deceive, e.g. of an April Fool's Day review of a fictitious book
- pyrn
- sexual pleasure or desire (archaic; see {₣yw, sru-₣yw, žuŋ})
- pyw
- spraying, squirting (xref {bî'wu, flu, flu-ra-van})
- -ra
- repeatedly; intermittently (xref {čârm-tôn})
( < Fr. r(e)-)
nî'kjâ-ra-van Ќ im ķârn-kyw. I have the hiccups.
- -ram
- proper (personal) name tag
Φě'ĥu-cu mĭ-i krĭ-gâm-zô tam-ke-ser'ě-ram. Tom and Sarah painted a picture of a herd of elephants.
- râ
- occurrence, happening, event, process (xref {nu, vĭj, ryň})
mu-tôn žĭŋ-da i râ-van θuň pǒ. That story takes place in a universe full of magic.
râ ler mĭ-i zym-zô pe gju-zô źĭ-ler-tǒj-tla. Futurists think and talk about future events.
râ ĉu-bô pǒ ki ƴu-van hyr fy-bô. Seven hours passed between those two events.
- râ-bâm
- news (recent events themselves, not information about them; xref {râ-bâm mĭ-i ŋĭn})
- râ-bâm mĭ-i ŋĭn
- news (reportage/commentary on recent events)
- râ-čulm
- coincidence
- râ-cu
- process; a set of interrelated events
- râ-cu cĭ-pa / ĉu-pa
- 1 / 2 Chronicles
- râ-cu dâr-tan
- cycle, cyclical sequence of events (e.g., water cycle or nitrogen cycle)
- râ-fwa-zô
- to cause to happen (syn. xref {gân})
- râ-i
- archaically ~= {ʝâr-i}
- râ-kwĭ
- plot (sequence of events in a story); process
- râ-nǒ-van
- what is happening? what's going on?
- râ-pĭw
- party (nonce; xref {ĥun-pĭw, kĭlm})
- râ-Φa
- result, consequence, sequel (of event)
- râ-sô
- probable, tending to happen often (xref {râ-ŝra, le})
- râ-ŝra
- probable, likely to happen soon (xref {râ-sô, le})
- râ-zla
- history; the set of all events
- râm
- cat (genus Felis), esp. domestic cats
( < onomatopoeia)
naj'ĝel-ram hǒ, ?râm mĭ-i ħě'nâw-van zǒn. Nigel, are you allergic to cats?
ɱ ŝâj-i râm-bâm mĭ-i gju-zô ķe juri-ram. Yuri talks too much about his kitten.
râm reŋ ķe ðĭ-i ŝâj-ť-van; ƥ pen ĥy-i ðu-van heŋ šu-zô. You have too many cats; you can't take care of them all.
- râm-cu
- 'herd of cats'; a figure of impossibility
- râm-rô
- independent, able to act one one's own (of people, animals, organizations; xref {râm-rô-ga})
- râm-rô-ga
- independent, standalone (of stories: not part of a series), freestanding (buildings not adjoined to others), having few or no dependencies aside from the OS (of software)
- râm-tan
- catlike
- râm-tôn
- animal
- râm-tôn sěl'kâ-ta
- invertebrate
- râm-tôn sěl'kâ-ža
- vertebrate
mlulm ĉu-tan ðĭ-i ŝu-van râm-tôn sel'kâ-ža ʝel. Vertebrates have bilateral symmetry.
- râm-źa
- mountain lion, cougar, other cats of genus Puma
- re
- place-pronoun
- rej
- or (exclusive; word-conjunction, xref clausal {pwiň}) (archaically (before 2007) was also inclusive or)
kĭl dâ-fy-ĝu-bô jĭrn-i ðuŋ jâ-o rej jâ-ř pwĭm. Water freezes and melts at 273 Kelvins.
- reŋ
- many, much; many times, often (xref {ryŋ})
kuln reŋ gǒ, mǒj lĭm cǒ zen. Acquaintances are many, friends are few.
beθ-ram ĥwâ-i kĭlm i ķĭn-gâm-Ќ-zô reŋ. I took many photos at the party in honor of Beth.
nu reŋ ķe i Ќ ŋâw-o nî'šĭm ĝy-i gju-ŋy-ť-zô. You telephone me too often in the middle of the night.
- reŋ gǒ, cǒ gǒ
- now a lot, now only a little (adverbial, following a verb phrase with (maybe implied) habitual or imperfect aspect)
- reŋ-gla
- very late at night
- reŋ-pa
- many-th; being a member of a sequence coming fairly late in said sequence
- rě'bĭn
- wanting not to know what time it is
( < Enigmatic: 'rundibeak')
- rě'bĭn-cô
- obsessively checking the time frequently
- rě'bĭn-ĉa
- a covering for a clock display face to prevent oneself from noticing the time without specifically looking
- rě'bur
- Robert, Rob, Bob, Bobby, Roberta
- rě'ĥĭ
- peanut (Arachis hypogaea) [nonce; prefer {hîw'gâ}]
( < Latin)
- rě'ju
- a thorough, systematic search for something (xref {rjâ})
( < Unix 'grep')
- rě'ju-kâj-zô
- to shop for ({tu-i} shops for {rjâ-i})
- rě'ju-šrĭ-tla
- detective, investigator
- rě'ju-zô
- to search systematically for ({tu-i} searches for {rjâ-i})
- rě'ĵy
- wife
θě'mâ lĭw-o rě'ĵy jâ-o sě'râ. Sarah got married to Thomas.
θě'mâ lĭw-i rě'ĵy-van sě'râ. Sarah is Thomas's wife.
tâ-tôl bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van, ŝǒj rě'ĵy bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van. I have no brothers- or sisters-in-law because I have no wife.
- rě'ĵy-pâŋ
- (chess) queen
- rě'ĵy-šuŋ
- bride, newly married woman (xref {rě'ĵy-zwa})
- rě'ĵy-tôn
- spouse
- rě'ĵy-tôn-žar mĭ-i ʝĭŋ
- wedding anniversary
- rě'ĵy-θaj
- husband
wlâ-fwa-van, ðǒŋ mâ-ŝy pǒ lĭw-o rě'ĵy-θaj jâ-o sun-bô-ŋa naj'ĝěl-ram. It's astonishing that Nigel finally married that woman.
- rě'ĵy-θaj-šuŋ
- groom, newly married man (xref {rě'ĵy-θaj-zwa})
- rě'ĵy-θaj-θô
- boyfriend
- rě'ĵy-θaj-zwa
- groom, fiance (xref {rě'ĵy-θaj-šuŋ})
- rě'ĵy-θô
- girlfriend, sweetheart, mistress, leman
- rě'ĵy-zwa
- bride, fiancee (xref {rě'ĵy-šuŋ})
- rě'sâ
- rose (plants of genus Rosa)
( < Latin)
- rě'tâ
- rat (archaic, prefer {kjĭ})
( < Latin)
- rew
- apiece, each; marks targets of distribution, not things distributed as in English (xref {pen, hǒl})
mâ-ĵĭn dâ-bô rew ŝâj-o sî'nĭn ĥy-i bwĭl-zô. I gave an orange apiece to the three children.
ty rew o ruŋ-zô mâ pen. Everyone went to their own homes.
- ri
- beyond, on the other side of
- rij
- other.side-at-near
- ril
- through, to the other side of (positional)
- rim
- other.side-at-part.of
- rin
- other.side-at-contact
- riŋ
- other.side-at-inside
- rĭ
- 61
- rĭm
- seeing, having within view, vision
( < Nihongo 'miru')
- rĭm-ca-ĉa
- mirror
- rĭm-ca-ĉa-kwa
- color of mirror; reflective
- rĭm-ĉa
- eyeglasses (xref {rĭm-ŋy-ĉa, rĭm-ny-ĉa, θĭ-rĭm-ĉa})
- rĭm-faj jâ-o čyw
- the sun rises
- rĭm-ku-zô
- to watch (a film, TV episode, stage play, etc.) (variant form {ku-rĭm-zô})
- rĭm-kun
- recognition
- rĭm-kun-van
- to recognize ({ʝâr-i} recognizes {mĭ-i}
- rĭm-lju-zô
- to read (of comic strips, comic books) (nonce, prefer {lju-rĭm-zô})
- rĭm-nu-van
- to glimpse, momentarily see
- rĭm-ŋĭw
- eyes, vision, sense of sight
- rĭm-ŋy-ĉa
- telescope, binoculars
- rĭm-ny-ĉa
- microscope
- rĭm-pôm
- I saw for myself (evidentiality)
fĭm-cô-van rĭm-pôm ƥ ʝâr-i. She's sick (I saw her.)
- rĭm-ro-faj
- transparent (xref {vě'ty-rĭm-kwa})
- rĭm-θaj
- something visible, direct or indirect source of light
- rĭm-θaj-ĉa
- computer monitor, TV screen, movie projection screen
- rĭm-θaj-van
- to be seen, to be visible [unsure of argument structure, see also {kâ-θaj-van}, {žâw-θaj-van}]
- rĭm-van
- to see, to have within one's range of vision ({ʝâr-i} sees {kâ-i}); xref {rĭm-zô}
vlě'tâ oŋ bly-ca bî'wu-bô rî'nâ, wǒj mâ kâ-i rĭm-van. The frog jumped splashing into the pond because he saw a human.
- rĭm-zô
- to look at ({tu-i} looks at {kâ-i}); xref {rĭm-van}
Ќ kâ-i rĭm-zô ĵyn-ta bĭm-cô-pî'râ vi râm. The cat in front of the fireplace gazed at me with disinterest.
- rĭm-žu-zô
- to examine
- rir
- far to the other side of
- rî'mâ
- house, building
( < Melayu 'rumah')
?ť wuŋ-i rî'mâ hij θĭl ĥy-i bâwŋ-hôw-ť-zô vǒm zǒn. You grow potatoes behind your house, don't you?
rî'mâ ĉu-bô pǒ ki tyn mĭ-i blĭn-van mě'tyr dâ-bô jĭrn-i. The space between those two houses is three meters wide.
- rî'mâ bly-bô
- small space station (xref {mâ-ĵwa bly-tôn}; follow same pattern for more specific types of space station)
- rî'mâ im gju-ŋy-ĉa
- landline telephone
- rî'mâ sim lân-θaj
- roof
- rî'mâ-daj
- city (focus on its buildings, roads, etc.; xref {mâ-ĵwa})
- rî'mâ-fu-tla
- lighthouse
- rî'mâ-lě'ku-wam
- White House, Tennessee; Casablanca, Morocco
- rî'mâ-ŋul
- castle, fort, fallout shelter; (chess) rook
- rî'mâ-tôn
- building
- rî'mâ-θaj
- outdoor parts of a given piece of property; yard, garden, etc. in contrast to house and outbuildings
- rî'nâ
- frog
( < Latin)
- rî'nâ-tôn
- amphibian
- rî'pul
- roly-poly, doodle-bug (genus Armadillidium)
( < English)
- rî'zĭ
- rice
( < English)
- rî'zĭ hǒl
- brown rice
- rî'zĭ hǒl-cô
- white rice
- rî'zrĭ
- rosary, chaplet (prayer sequence; bead-set is {rî'zrĭ-ĉa})
( < English)
- rî'zrĭ-ĉa
- rosary, chaplet (beads)
- rî'zrĭ-tôn
- systematic series of prayers
- rî'zrĭ-tôn hyr-ja
- Liturgy of the Hours
- rî'zrĭ-tôn pě'hĭ-kru-ja
- the Stations of the Cross
- rî'zrĭ-tôn zĭm-θě'ku-za
- Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
- rî'zrĭ-tôn-zĭm
- Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
- rî'zrĭ-zô
- to pray the Rosary
- rîl'gĭ
- eel (order Anguilliformes)
- rîn'tjĭn
- X-rays
( < name: Roentgen)
- rîn'tjĭn-θaj
- opacity to X-rays
- rîn'tjĭn-zô vyl-reŋ-ja
- to do a CT scan (radiologist {tu-i} does CT scan of patient/body part {ĥy-i})
- rjâ
- search, quest, seeking (xref {rě'ju, -sô, sru, vy}) [suffixoid]
- rjâ-hyw-tla
- student (teacher, nurse, etc., already getting paid something for what they are learning to do better)
- rjâ-i
- seeking, in quest of (marks objects of searching and requesting verbs)
- rjâ-kâj-zô
- to go shopping, to look around in one or more stores or shops perhaps without definite plans to buy or not buy stuff
- rjâ-sĭŋ-zô
- to look up, to seek out information about
- rjâ-sî'ðyr-źa-gam
- Battlequest
- rjâ-θaj
- finding (archaic; prefer {tru})
- rjâ-zô
- to seek, search, look for, quest for (xref {rě'ju})
- rjuŋ
- dragon
( < Nihongo 'ryuu')
mlĭr-ðe-ĉu-ť-zô mwe. ť hi rjuŋ-ny gǒ. Turn around! There's a wyvern behind you.
twâ-zô Φǒ {pwĭ-van belm.} vĭj-lǒ-šar Ќ cim šâ-ŋĭw ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô rjuŋ-zô. "This is delightful!" I said, as the dragon ate my left arm.
- rjym
- subjectively defined, "I know it when I see it" kind of category (xref {ĉĭ})
rjym ŋĭn-i fĭw-câŋ mĭ-i. Science fiction is a fuzzy, subjective category.
- rjym-mâ kâj-ha-za
- social class; group of people with similar income and other similarities roughly correlated to income level
- rjym-ŝrun
- musical genre
- rjym-ŝrun bâwŋ-kô-ĵwa-dal
- country music
- rjym-θuň
- genre (type of story characterized by common settings, tropes, etc.)
- ro
- beyond; to the other side of
- ro-ga
- beyond, transcending; Pratchett's "through ~ and out the other side"
- roj
- other.side-to-near
- rol
- other.side-to-through
- rom
- other.side-to-part.of
- ron
- other.side-to-contact
- roŋ
- other.side-to-inside
- ror
- other.side-to-far
- -rô
- eca; characteristic quality of (tangible noun > adjective)
( < Fr. -eur (peseur, longeur, etc))
- ř
- from, away from, out of, since
- řj
- from-near
- řl
- through (movement; come through the door)
- řm
- from-part.of
- řn
- from-contact
mruň řn bujŋ-nul-van twâ. The words echoed off the side of the mountain.
- řŋ
- from-inside
ħĭn-kô řŋ câ-zô ruŋ-kě'ĝu-zô ħĭn-ta-zwa srǒ. Several would-be escapees tried to sneak out of the prison.
- řr
- from-far
- rř
- from the other side of
- rřj
- other.side-from-near
- rřl
- other.side-from-through
- rřm
- other.side-from-part.of
- rřn
- other.side-from-contact
- rřŋ
- other.side-from-inside
- rřr
- other.side-from-far
- ru
- method, way, technique, manner, style
ru lǒ i Ќ ĥy-i čuj-zô mje kyn-ķa tu-i, ru kǒ i ť ĥy-i čuj-Ќ-zô gǒ. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.
ĵyj-fja-van ru-kǒ-bô, hǒŋ ðu-van ƴeŋ su-van. I'm so tired, I can hardly stand up.
- ru lǒ i ~~~ šelm
- as if, as though; kvazaŭ
- ru nǒ i
- how? kiel?
- ru nǒ kwǒ i
- however? how in the hell...?
- ru-i
- in this way, in this style, by this method
jĭ-ga ru-i ƥ dâm-ř vâ-kar-vyl mĭ-i ðî'ruň-Ќ-zô. I politely pretended to enjoy her casserole more than I actually did.
- ru-kě'ĝu
- magic spell (in a setting where a wizard is called a {suŋ-kě'ĝu-tla}; xref {ru-žĭŋ})
- ru-nĭm-θaj
- grammatical mood
- ru-sâr
- way of arranging or organizing something; hairstyle
- ru-šar
- by, in this way, by this method (introduces a subordinate clause describing the way the action of the main clause is done)
- ru-žĭŋ
- magic spell, technique for manipulating magical energy
- rum
- the Beatific Vision
- rum-cô-kô
- Hell
- rum-kô
- Heaven
kujm-van Ќ ŝu-i gě'dĭm-zla hǒŋ rum-kô oŋ Ќ im pî'gâ ĥy-i tyn-zô. The purpose of my life is to get my butt into Heaven.
- ruŋ
- going, coming, moving
( < English 'run')
- ruŋ-byn-zô
- to explore, to scout
- ruŋ-čulm-zô
- to wander, to travel at random
- ruŋ-fwa-ĉa
- engine, motor (of vehicle)
- ruŋ-fwa-tla
- transporter, escort, chauffeur; driver/pilot of a public transportation vehicle
- ruŋ-fwa-zô
- to send, to set in motion (xref {čuj, ₣yjm, grâm})
- ruŋ-₣âl
- teleportation (nonce; xref {₣âl-tyn})
- ruŋ-ga
- program run, instance, process [could do better; maybe something with {grĭ}?]
( < English)
- ruŋ-kě'ĝu-zô
- to sneak, to creep, to move stealthily
ħĭn-kô řŋ câ-zô ruŋ-kě'ĝu-zô ħĭn-ta-zwa srǒ. Several would-be escapees tried to sneak out of the prison.
- ruŋ-ma
- acceleration
- ruŋ-mlĭr-zô
- to go around in a circle or spiral
- ruŋ-o-tǒj
- arrival
- ruŋ-oŋ-kô
- entrance, place of entry (xref {vě'ty} if a door/gate/etc works in both directions)
- ruŋ-oŋ-tǒj
- entrance (act of going in)
- ruŋ-řŋ-kô
- exit, place to go out (xref {vě'ty} if a door/gate/etc works in both directions)
- ruŋ-řŋ-tǒj
- exit (act of going out); Exodus (book of the Bible)
- ruŋ-sô
- wanderlustful, restless, nomadic
- ruŋ-sun-zô
- to arrive, come to the end of a journey
- ruŋ-ŝra
- likely to go somewhere soon
- ruŋ-ta
- stationary, sessile, immobile (xref {ʝĭl-ta})
- ruŋ-ƴu-ĉa
- time machine
- ruŋ-ƴu-zô
- to time-travel
- ruŋ-zô
- to go, come, move
ƴâ-ĉa syj-ta-i âtlântě-wam ĉi šun kiŋ ðu-Ł-van ƴeŋ ruŋ-zô. One can hardly get around in the Atlanta suburbs without a car.
Ќ o ruŋ-zô mwe ʝâr-ĵyj-fja pen pe tu-šâ-wâj pen, kiň ť ĥy-i ĵyj-rjâ jâ-o Ќ tu-i. Come to me, all who are tired and all who are carrying heavy things, and I will give you rest.
gâm-ʝĭl pǒ kâ-i ruŋ-zô rĭm-van ler. I'm going to go see that movie.
mâ kwǒ mĭ-i, mâ lǒ tu-i tyn pǒ o ruŋ-zô, ĵlân-cô-bô ŋĭn-i. Anyone who goes there is foolish.
- ruŋ-źa
- trip, voyage, journey; travelling a significant distance to a specific destination
mrâ oŋ ryŋ ĥy-i tyn-zô, kujm-šar ruŋ-źa kujm-o sum jâ-o. I pack many things into luggage, to get ready for a trip.
- ryň
- act, action, deed, doing
ryň pǒ mĭ-i sâ-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i šelm. Such an action would be wrong.
- ryň-ĉa
- tool, machine, apparatus, artifact, furniture (xref {-ĉa}, {swyŋ-tôn}, {tĭw-tôn})
- ryň-ĉa mâ-tan
- humanoid robot, android (xref {ryň-ĉa tu-zym-bô})
grĭ-fwa-môj ryň-ĉa mâ-tan. The robots repair one another.
- ryň-ĉa tu-zym-bô
- robot, android, AI, thinking machine (xref {ryň-ĉa mâ-tan})
- ryň-da
- busy; occupied; hyperactive
- ryň-₣um-zô
- to imitate, to mimic; do something in roughly the same way as someone else ({tu-i} imitates {kâ-i} in action of secondary verb) (xref {ryň-sâm-zô}, {plĭr-van}, {plĭr-θaj-zô})
- ryň-i
- 1. = ryň-o. 2. = ryň-ř. [deprecated in both senses; in polysemous use up to 2008]
- ryň-ĵy
- work, chores, maintenance; something one must do (xref {ĥân})
- ryň-nǒ-ca
- what is {tu-i} doing to him/herself?
- ryň-nǒ-zô
- what is {tu-i} doing?
- ryň-o
- doing; performative case? (xref {ĉul-i}; need to think about the usage distinction of these two)
- ryň-ř
- of (action), subjective genitive, demoted agent; done by; fare de (xref {tu-i})
- ryň-sâm-zô
- to do the same thing (repeat or imitate some action just mentioned)
- ryň-ta
- idle; non-acting; having nothing to do
- ryň-ta-sô
- lazy, habitually idle
- ryň-ƴĭ
- penance, penitential acts (xref {ĵâŋ-tôn})
- ryň-ƴyr
- custom; habit
- ryň-zô
- fari; to do stuff
- ryŋ
- gâ reŋ; many things; a set with many members (archaically = {reŋ})
mrâ oŋ ryŋ ĥy-i tyn-zô, kujm-šar ruŋ-źa kujm-o sum jâ-o. I pack many things into luggage, to get ready for a trip.
- ryŋ-tôn
- quantity, amount (archaic; now {jĭrn})
- ryŋ-van
- to be numerous
- salomon-ram-ķa dâm-ř twâ-ĵlan
- Wisdom of Solomon
- -saw
- as the Nth in a sequence of diverse actions (xref {-pa, -gla})
- sâ
- moral approval
- sâ-cô-fwa
- bad, evil, wrong, inducing moral disapproval (xref {žâj-dô})
ryň pǒ mĭ-i sâ-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i šelm. Such an action would be wrong.
gyn-čĭn-ĉa-da-ðy ķĭn-o gâm-zô suŋ-kě'ĝu-tla sâ-cô-fwa. The evil sorcerer drew a pentagram.
ɱ lĭw-i tâ-kyn-ħa mĭ-i plĭr-van sâ-cô-fwa sĭlvija-ram. Sylvia's aunt is a bad influence on her.
- sâ-fwa
- obviously good, inducing moral approval (xref {sâ-gô})
- sâ-gô
- good, worthy of approval (xref {sâ-fwa})
- sâl
- salt (sodium chloride)
- sâl-ŋô
- sodium
- sâl-tan
- salty (taste)
- sâl-tôn
- salt (any ionic compound)
- sâl-tôn ķĭn-mluŋ-paj
- baking soda, sodium bicarbonate
- sâln
- ticket, admission, subscription, account, membership; right or permission to use a given service, whether once or for a period of time
- sâln-grâm
- postage stamps
- sâln-ruŋ-źa-ly
- plane ticket (not necessarily tangible)
- sâln-θaj-kô
- registration desk, check-in area (at hotel, airport, etc.)
- sâln-θaj-zô
- to register, check in; to (begin to) use a service one has prepaid for
- sâln-ty-nu
- hotel room reservation
- sâln-vuj-pĭw
- game machine token
- sâm
- sameness, extreme similarity (xref {mym, ₣um})
( < E-o sama, English same)
- sâm-ca
- be self-consistent
- sâm-cô
- other, different, nonidentical (xref {ʝǒ, ble, ₣um-cô})
- sâm-cô-žar fĭ-θy-za
- phonemic dissimilation
- sâm-cô-žar gjâ-θy-za
- lexical dissimilation
- sâm-hu-bô
- essentially the same, cognate, isomorphic, equivalent at some suitable level of abstraction; homologous (xref {sâm, ₣um})
- sâm-i
- the same as, identical to
- sâm-van
- be the same as, same ({mĭ-i} is the same as {ðĭ-i})
- sâm-vĭj-van
- remain the same (xref {pun-ca})
- sâŋ
- blood, sap, juice
( < Fr. 'sang')
- sâŋ-bjyň
- grapefruit juice (generalize for names of other fruit juices)
- sâŋ-da jâ-o <mâ> im źum-ŋĭw
- <person> blushes (xref {mwĭň-vuj, bě'lâm-vuj} etc.)
- sâŋ-kwa
- bright intense red, color of blood
- sâŋ-pě'lâ-kwa
- dark brownish red, color of dried blood
- sâŋ-sî'nĭn
- orange juice
- sâr
- order, structure, neatness, low entropy (xref {mlulm})
- sâr-cô
- chaos, disorder, messiness; tangle, snarl (of stringlike stuff); static (of radio or TV signal); xref {čulm}
- sâr-cô jâ-i ƥ ŝu-i zym-ŋĭw pě'ŝlĭ-i
- he/she is insane
- sâr-cô-zym
- insanity, madness, mental illness
- sâr-cô-zym {xkcd 386}-tan
- xkcd 386 syndrome; unhealthy obsession with Internet debate (xref {ķyŋ-cô})
- sâr-fja
- disordered, chaotic, entropic, messy
- sâr-fwa-zô
- to sort, to sort out, to arrange in an orderly way
- sâr-fwa-zô čĭwm-ja
- to format, to add formatting markup
- sâr-râ
- grammatical aspect [nonce, can probably coin something more perspicuous]
- sâr-ta
- disorderly, chaotic; random (prefer {čulm-bô} for this sense)
- sâr-zym
- sanity, mental health, mental equilibrium
- se
- minus; except; krom
- se-tǒj
- exception
- sem
- so, thus, therefore (postpositive clitic; xref conj. {wǒn, ŝǒn, ʝǒn})
- sě'frâ
- sassafras
( < Latin)
- sě'gir
- high above and to the east of
- sě'ĥâr
- sugarcane (plants of genus Saccharum)
- sě'ĥâr-ŋô
- sucrose
- sě'râ
- Sarah, Sara
( < Hebrew)
- sě'tĭw
- cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
( < Latin)
- sě'tĭw-Φě'wâm
- pickles, pickled cucumber
- sě'tun
- end, finish, cessation (of process) (xref {ĝyl}, abortive ending, & {sun}, completion)
- sě'vĭ
- clay (xref {ĥâm})
( < suomalainen 'savi')
- sě'vwâ
- 67
- sěl'kâ
- spine, vertebrae
( < suomalainen 'selkä')
fĭm-cô sǒ gân-ř, ɱ im sěl'kâ mĭ-i źyl-cô-van. Because of a certain disease, his spine is crooked.
- sěl'kâ-gôm
- back (region of body, muscles and skin in back of torso as well as spine) (ĝĭw him ķârn pe źum-ŋĭw)
- sěm'su
- samosa, gyro, burrito, egg roll, basil roll, curry puff; any foodstuff with meat or vegetables completely enclosed in bread
( < Hindi? via English)
- si
- above
mruň pǒ si bâwŋ-θaj-van heŋ ħun-tôn mĭ-i. Trees don't grow on top of that mountain.
- sij
- above-at-near
- sil
- above-at-through
- sim
- above-at-part.of
swyŋ pǒ sim ŋylm gǒ; te oŋ ðu-Ł-van krĭ-vuj-ĉa ĥy-i tyn-zô. There is a groove on the surface of that desk; one can put a pencil in it.
- sin
- sitting on, on top of
hěm'lu-rô ŋĭn-i ʝem kwě'kyr pǒ mĭ-i, gâ lǒ sin tyn-van vlĭw kěr'vâ-dal. That tree with the crow's nest in it looks fun to climb.
swyŋ sin ĥy-i ĉârn-ť-zô šyj-zô mwe. Scrub the table surface clean.
- siŋ
- above-at-inside
lî'klâ siŋ ŝum-van pwě'lâl-la. There is delicious ice cream floating in the milk.
- sĭ
- river, creek, stream, brook, branch, freshet
nĭrn-van sĭ, kiň šun-pwĭm-rô hǒl ĥy-i pwĭm-da-fwa-van. The river swelled, and flooded the whole valley.
sĭ li θâŋ-twâl-ɱ-van, kiň lârm-van, kiň te ĥy-i gĭl-lârm-Φa jĭrn-i hum-fwa-zô. She by the river sat, and sitting there, / She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
- sĭ-dô
- upriver
- sĭ-ja
- downriver; along the river
- sĭ-ʝa
- waterfall
- sĭ-ʝa ₣um-i bly-van pwĭm
- it's raining like a waterfall; it's raining cats and dogs
- sĭlm
- gown, dress, shift, robe, kimono (xref {cĭw-julŋ})
mî'rĭj θĭ-o sĭlm ķĭn-o ʝĭŋ ŝâm-řŋ-tǒj-za ĥwâ-i gwî'jum tu-i. Wilma made a dress for Mary for her birthday.
- sĭŋ
- data, information
- sĭŋ ŋî'bĭ-za kâ-i žy rĭm-paj
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (book by Edward Tufte)
- sĭŋ-cu
- file (in digital storage medium)
- sĭŋ-daj
- nonce, prefer {sĭŋ-cu}
- sĭŋ-flu-kô
- computer network, esp. Internet
grĭ-cô-sô-van de šĭm-ĉa kǒ; žy-šar ĵwy-cô-van sĭŋ-flu-kô o lĭn mĭ-i. This computer is malfunctioning lately; for instance, its network connection is slow.
sĭŋ-flu-kô kâ-i ķe de. I am paying too much attention to the Internet lately.
ƥ lĭw-i lĭm belm sǒ tu-i ƥ ŝu-i sĭŋ-kě'ĝu mĭ-i sĭŋ-flu-kô ki lju-θaj-zô. A "friend" of his wrote about his secrets all over the Internet.
- sĭŋ-kě'ĝu
- a secret; private, secured, classified information
ƥ lĭw-i lĭm belm sǒ tu-i ƥ ŝu-i sĭŋ-kě'ĝu mĭ-i sĭŋ-flu-kô ki lju-θaj-zô. A "friend" of his wrote about his secrets all over the Internet.
- sĭŋ-kwĭ
- array (1D), list (xref {drĭ})
- sĭŋ-kwĭ-me-ĉu
- database table, matrix, spreadsheet; 2D array
- sĭŋ-ŝrun
- MP3, MIDI, etc. music file (nonce; prefer {mrâ-ŝrun sĭŋ-na})
- sir
- far above
- siraĥ-ram fru-i jî'ŝu-ķa dâm-ř twâ-ĵlan
- Sirach / Ecclesiasticus
- sî'dum
- Pseudomonas argeuinosa
( < Latin)
- sî'dum-tôn
- bacteria
- sî'ðyr
- oppose, fight, battle against (xref {ðân, -ĝa, ŋul, dy-cô})
- sî'ðyr-gĭn-zô
- to (counter)attack, assault, begin to fight
- sî'ðyr-ĝâ
- trial, suit, lawsuit, litigation (civil or criminal)
- sî'ðyr-ĝâ-sô
- litigious
- sî'ðyr-ĝâ-tla
- lawyer; esp. prosecutor (xref {ŋul-ĝâ-tla})
- sî'ðyr-môj ƴyr-ja
- to duel (fight according to customary rules)
- sî'ðyr-tla
- warrior, soldier, guerilla, etc.; (chess) pawn
- sî'ðyr-tla kě'bâl-ža
- mounted soldier, cavalryman, knight, cavalier
- sî'ðyr-tla-ga
- member of honorary or symbolic, not-really-military society e.g. Knights of Columbus
- sî'ðyr-źa
- battle, large-scale fight
- sî'ðyr-źa-cu
- war, campaign consisting of multiple battles
- sî'ðyr-źa-cu-ĝân
- the Great War, World War One
- sî'kum
- fig, oriental sycamore (genus Ficus)
( < helenike)
- sî'kwâ
- natural gas, methane
( < suomalainen 'kaasu')
- sî'lâj
- willows, sallows, and osiers (trees/shrubs of genus Salix)
( < Latin)
- sî'lâm
- fern (plants of division Pteridophyta)
- sî'lâm-cjaj
- Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides)
- sî'mĭj
- human, ape, monkey (infraorder Simiiformes)
( < Latin)
- sî'nĭn
- orange (tree of species Citrus sinensis)
( < Latin)
mâ-ĵĭn dâ-bô rew ŝâj-o sî'nĭn ĥy-i bwĭl-zô. I gave an orange apiece to the three children.
- sî'nĭn-kwa
- orange (color)
- sî'θu
- 71
- sjân
- tin
( < Latin 'stannum')
- sjěr'pâ
- scorpion (arachnids of order Scorpiones)
( < English < helenike)
- sjum
- thanks, gratefulness
ť dâm-ř grâm źu-hôw gân-ř sjum-van. I'm thankful for your encouraging letter.
- sjum-pôm
- thankfully
- slân
- symbol, emblem, sign, signal (xref {-vô, glĭm, Φâ, nĭm-θaj})
- slân-i
- symbolizing; which symbolizes
- slân-kru-zô
- to make the sign of the cross (nonce, xref {ʝĭl-kru-zô})
- slân-mâŋ-zô
- to make a conventional symbolic gesture
- slân-van
- to symbolize, to express, to signify ({mĭ-i} symbolizes {ðĭ-i})
- slĭn
- lentil (Lens culinaris); also occasionally error for {ŝĭw-grâm-gluj} "insulin"
( < Latin (anagram))
- slĭn-tôn
- above-ground legumes and vegetables (xref {θĭl-tôn}, {bjyň-tôn}, {tlě'Φĭ})
- slĭr
- oscillation, swinging, motion as of pendulum etc. (xref {čârm})
- slĭr-ca
- to cause oneself to swing, oscillate, while sitting in a swing seat or holding onto a dangling rope or chain
- slĭr-zô
- to cause someone/something to swing; to push a child in a swing seat; to give a nudge to a pendulum
- slî'ku
- silk
( < English)
- so
- above-to
čî'ny so pe θo ƴâ-ƥ-zô ķĭm-bô. She walks up and down stairs for exercise.
- soj
- above-to-near
- sol
- over (passing through the space above something)
- soln
- across (sliding/rolling across a surface)
- som
- above-to-part.of
- son
- onto
- soŋ
- above-to-inside
- sǒ
- certain, specific, particular
fĭm-cô sǒ gân-ř, ɱ im sěl'kâ mĭ-i źyl-cô-van. Because of a certain disease, his spine is crooked.
ƥ lĭw-i lĭm belm sǒ tu-i ƥ ŝu-i sĭŋ-kě'ĝu mĭ-i sĭŋ-flu-kô ki lju-θaj-zô. A "friend" of his wrote about his secrets all over the Internet.
- sor
- above-to-far
- -sô
- tending to do ~ often, much; (with entity roots) partial to, seeking, desiring ~ (xref {-ŝra})
- -šam
- proper (family) name tag
křbij-šam-ķa ŝu-i plĭr prym-hôw-za mĭ-i gju-ŋĭn-zô sě'râ. Sarah gave a lecture on Kirby's artistic influences.
- -šar
- form conjunction from content root
- šâ
- lifting, carrying, holding something
Ќ o ruŋ-zô mwe ʝâr-ĵyj-fja pen pe tu-šâ-wâj pen, kiň ť ĥy-i ĵyj-rjâ jâ-o Ќ tu-i. Come to me, all who are tired and all who are carrying heavy things, and I will give you rest.
ĥun θǒ i, šâ-ť-zô mwe twâ-cu pǒ. Bring that book to our next meeting.
- šâ-faj
- portable, easily carried
ŋe ŝu-i Φu gân-ř, šâ-faj-van heŋ swyŋ kǒ. Because of its mass, this table is not portable.
- šâ-fâ-môj
- to hug, embrace
- šâ-ga-zô
- 1. to take or keep something on one's person or near at hand; to carry about with one. 2. to support, hold up (nonce; xref {šâ-van})
- šâ-gĭn-zô
- to pick up something
- šâ-ĝân-zô
- to hold tight, keep a strong grip on
- šâ-kyl-tla
- courier, deliverator of packages (xref {grâm-tla}; nonce, might can do better)
- šâ-ŋĭw
- arms & hands; tentacle, claw...
twâ-zô Φǒ {pwĭ-van belm.} vĭj-lǒ-šar Ќ cim šâ-ŋĭw ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô rjuŋ-zô. "This is delightful!" I said, as the dragon ate my left arm.
- šâ-ŋĭw těw'θĭ-tan
- tentacle
- šâ-ruŋ-zô
- to bring, carry along
- šâ-tla
- courier (of packages; nonce, xref {šâ-kyl-tla})
- šâ-van
- to support, hold up ({mĭ-i} supports {θin} or {hin} etc.)
- šâ-zô
- to tote, carry, bring, support, hold, lift
- šâl
- belly (skin area from below ribs to above genitals)
- šâŋ
- 73; also, error for {šĭl}
- šâŋ-twâ-cu-pî'hâ
- the Bible [the Catholic canon has 73 books]
- šâw
- delay, procrastination (esp. of parting after a visit) (xref {ĝĭj})
- šâw-pjâl
- cat-vacuuming, procrastinating on one's main project by working on minor projects
- šâw-θaj
- finally taking leave of one's host (or guest), or doing something else one has been procrastinating
- še
- maybe, possibly (xref {fjǒ, be, le})
- še-tǒj
- probability, possibility; archaically also = chance, randomness, uncertainty (xref {čulm, le-tǒj, še, be, le, râ-ŝra, râ-sô})
- še-tǒj-van
- to be probable, possible (odds in {jĭrn-i}, subject {mĭ-i} phrase or {ðǒŋ}-clause); xref {be-tǒj-van}
ju-ðe-tĭm jĭrn-i še-tǒj-van ðǒŋ ĉě'θâ kǒ i bly-van pwĭm. There is a 29% chance it will rain today.
- šej
- also known as (joins two terms for the same entity, or two verbs or clauses describing the same action from different points of view)
vlym oŋ tyn-ca šej Ќ ĉon vlym ĥy-i tyn-zô. I put myself into clothes, or surround myself with clothes.
- šelm
- hypothetical, counterfactual particle; used in apodosis of conditional statement, esp. if protasis is silent/implicit (xref {ĉǒ, še, be})
!hwǒ: jĭlm-ĉa pǒ ĥy-i ŝâ-ť-zô źǒ, wǒn ce gân-ř šelm gwâm-van pân. Hey! Don't push that button, or everything will explode.
ryň pǒ mĭ-i sâ-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i šelm. Such an action would be wrong.
te kâ-i jyn-lym-van šelm. You would find it tasty [if you ate it].
- ši
- after (time)
Ќ dâm-ř ŋĭn lâŋ-bô ši, twâ-θaj-ƥ-zô kiň brě'zĭm-Ќ-van. After my long explanation, she replied, and I felt dismay at realizing she'd misunderstood what I'd said.
ðurm ši ty o ruŋ-ƥ-zô kiň vâ-oŋ-zô θǒ. After work she goes home and eats right away.
- šij
- soon after, not long after
- šil
- after-at-through
- šim
- during the latter part of (subjective time periods, events)
- šin
- immediately after
- šiŋ
- during the latter part of (objective time periods)
- šĭl
- snake, serpent
ĵârn-ca šĭl tu-i, že ði hǒŋ mâ o bly-ca kiň ħulŋ-zô. The snake coils before it strikes.
- šĭm
- rule, formula, equation, algorithm; policy (of organization); xref {čĭwm, ĝâ, ƴyr, twâ-ga-cwĭn}
- šĭm ĝân-fĭ-paj
- stress/accent rules of a particular language
- šĭm mâl-cô-bô
- rule of thumb, approximate method of measuring or deciding something
- šĭm sâr-fwa
- sorting algorithm
- šĭm-bâň
- restrictions, constraints, limits (on the form of valid input or values a variable can take, e.g.)
- šĭm-cu-hwâwm
- roleplaying game system, such as D&D or GURPS
- šĭm-cu-vuj
- piece of software, computer program
- šĭm-cu-vuj ĥâ-du-ĉa
- parser, lexer
- šĭm-cu-vuj lĭw-cu-paj
- social media app
- šĭm-ĉa
- computer, calculator
grĭ-cô-sô-van de šĭm-ĉa kǒ; žy-šar ĵwy-cô-van sĭŋ-flu-kô o lĭn mĭ-i. This computer is malfunctioning lately; for instance, its network connection is slow.
- šĭm-ĉa-oŋ-zô
- to install (software, hardware peripherals etc.)
- šĭm-dô
- bug, defect, logic error in program (it compiles but doesn't run correctly) (xref {ʝĭ-dô, ðâ-dô})
- šĭm-fĭ
- phonotactics of a particular language [nonce; xref {čĭwm-fĭ}]
- šĭm-hĭj
- liturgy, rubrics; rules and procedures for celebrating sacraments
- šĭm-ŋĭw
- brain
bab-ram sim šĭm-ŋĭw iŋ tyn-van gâ-zuň-ĥun čyw-ʝǒ-dal. There is an alien symbiont in Bob's brain.
- šĭm-ŋĭw him du rĭm-paj
- optic center of brain
- šĭm-Φĭwm
- heuristic, guessing algorithm
- šĭm-vuj čĭ-ca-sô
- computer virus, self-copying program
- šir
- long after
- šî'bym
- lettuce
- šî'fy
- spirit; angel, fairy, demigod, daemon, kami, genius loci
- šî'fy-grâm-tla
- angel (metonymic calque for angels in general, not just the lowest choir thereof)
( < calque of Greek 'aggelos')
- šî'fy-ħa
- demon, devil, evil spirit, malicious fairy...
- šî'fy-rô
- incorporeal, spiritual
- šî'kwĭ
- 79
- šlâ
- member of a group (xref {-lô, ʝwâ})
nu lǒ i gĭn-van ĥun mĭ-i, nu pǒ i tyn-van šlâ ĝu-bô kiň tyn-van heŋ šlâ ðy-bô. When the meeting began, there were thirteen members present and five members absent.
- šlâ-ðurm-sâm
- co-worker, colleague (nonce, prefer {tu-ðurm-ĥun})
- šlâ-ķa
- honorary member [nonce; doesn't really make sense...]
- šlâ-lĭw-cu
- relative, family member (archaic; xref {tâ-tôn})
- šlâ-šun-tyrn
- (archaic) resident, inhabitant, citizen (xref {ʝwâ, ʝwâ-źa})
- šlâ-žar-zô
- to join (of organizations; {tu-i} joins organization {om})
- šo
- until after
- šoj
- until shortly after
- šol
- after-to-through
- šom
- until the later part of (subjective time periods, events)
mluj šom ĥun-frâ ĥy-i tâň-cô-Ł-zô. They added a question-and-answer session to the end of the convention.
- šon
- until the end of
- šoŋ
- until the later part of (objective time periods)
- šor
- until long after
- šrĭ
- evidence, source of information, authority
- šrĭ-i
- according to, by authority of; as evidenced by (xref suffix {-pôm})
- šrĭ-mâ-mâl
- identity documents, account credentials, etc; proof of being a specific person
- šrĭ-šar
- = {ʝǒj}. because (next clause is evidence of previous clause)
- šrĭ-θy
- clue, piece of evidence
- šrĭ-van
- {mĭ-i} is evidence or proof of {ðĭ-i} or {hǒŋ} clause
- šrĭw
- certification, attestation, diploma, degree, mark of approval
- šř
- since
- šřj
- since shortly after
- šřl
- after-from-through
- šřm
- since the later part of (subjective time periods, events)
- šřn
- since just after
- šřŋ
- since the later part of (objective time periods)
- šřr
- sine long after
- šu
- to take care of, care for (persons, animals); xref {cĭm, ŋul, ķuj-fja-hôw-zô}
ɱ lĭw-i râm lĭm-ga ĥy-i vřĝĭl-ram ŝâj-ř tâl-θaj-Ќ-zô šu-zô. I received Vergil's pet cat to take care of it temporarily.
râm reŋ ķe ðĭ-i ŝâj-ť-van; ƥ pen ĥy-i ðu-van heŋ šu-zô. You have too many cats; you can't take care of them all.
- šu-fĭm-hôw-tla
- nurse
- šu-ga-zô
- to take care of, maintain, keep in repair (machines, buildings, etc.)
- šu-ĝân-kô
- intensive care unit, ICU
- šu-kô mâ-hân-ĵwa
- hospital, nursing home, rehab center (xref {fĭm-hôw-kô})
- šu-kyw-tla
- respiratory therapist
- šu-tla
- nurse
mâ-ĵĭn ĥy-i šyj-zô šu-tla šuŋ-bô. The new nurse bathes the child.
- šul
- spice, sauce, condiment, seasoning; dip
- šul-brěj'sĭ
- sauerkraut
- šul-cěl'wân
- hummus
- šul-fě'ʝâ
- bean dip
- šul-pî'mâr
- horseradish sauce
- šul-pî'pru
- pepper (ground table condiment)
- šul-zuj
- soy sauce
- šun
- land, region, territory, broad area (xref {tyn, purj})
ƴâ-ĉa syj-ta-i âtlântě-wam ĉi šun kiŋ ðu-Ł-van ƴeŋ ruŋ-zô. One can hardly get around in the Atlanta suburbs without a car.
- šun ĉě'my-ta
- plain; flat expanse of land
- šun pwĭm-da
- swamp, marsh, wetland
- šun pwĭm-fja
- desert, arid region
- šun θlu-nî'šĭm-za
- The Twilight Zone (TV show, comic, movie etc.)
- šun žyj-da
- prairie, grassland, savannah (xref {šun ĉě'my-ta})
- šun-bĭm
- watershed region
- šun-kâj
- market; region(s) interdependent economically
- šun-pwĭm-rô
- valley
nĭrn-van sĭ, kiň šun-pwĭm-rô hǒl ĥy-i pwĭm-da-fwa-van. The river swelled, and flooded the whole valley.
- šun-reŋ-tyrn
- empire; multiple countries under same government
- šun-tyrn
- empire, nation; region(s) under same government
- šun-tyrn-ʝǒ-dal
- foreign, nonnative
- šuŋ
- newness (being of recent acquisition, discovery, etc, or newly acquiring a certain trait, but possibly old in itself; xref {bâm, ĵĭn, cĭln})
mâ-ĵĭn ĥy-i šyj-zô šu-tla šuŋ-bô. The new nurse bathes the child.
twâ-cu šuŋ-bô kǒ ĥy-i swyŋ-ʝa cu-ja oŋ tyn-zô θǒ. I put these recently acquired books on the appropriate shelf right away.
šuŋ-cô ŋĭn-i gwe twâ-cu pǒ, mǒj cĭln-van ver. I've owned that book for a while, but I still haven't read it.
- šuŋ-cô
- not of recent acquisition, already owned for some time; already in present state/role for some time
- šy
- old, former, previous; retired, emeritus; ancien (xref {dân, hân, pě'lâ})
Ќ lĭw-i kyn-ma-vĭ-ķa mĭ-i trĭ-šun-tla šy-bô ŋĭn-i. My honored grandfather is a retired land surveyor.
- šy-cô
- following, succeding, -elect, successor
- šyj
- clean, pure (xref {jĭm})
mâ-ĵĭn ĥy-i šyj-zô šu-tla šuŋ-bô. The new nurse bathes the child.
swyŋ sin ĥy-i ĉârn-ť-zô šyj-zô mwe. Scrub the table surface clean.
vě'ty-rĭm hâ-bô ĥy-i šyj-zô gwe. I've washed seventeen windows already.
- šyj-ca
- to wash oneself, or a particular body parts such as one's hands (with a direct object); to shower, bathe oneself
šyj-ƥ-ca, nu-šar pwĭm-da jâ-ř vlym-ca kiň ƥ im θâŋ ĉon vlym ĥy-i ĵârn-zô. He bathed himself, then dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist.
- šyj-ca-kô
- bathroom, showers (xref {bĭm-ĵwa})
- šyj-cô-bô
- dirty; not clean; unclean (xref {ĥâm-da})
- šyj-ĉa vâ-oŋ-ĉa-paj
- dishwasher
- šyj-ĉa vlym-paj
- washing machine
- šyj-fwa-ma-zô
- to cause to become clean using some more or less automatic machine
- šyj-fwa-vlym-kô
- dry cleaners; laundromat; utility room with washing & drying machines
- šyj-fwa-zô
- to wash, bathe, make clean (transitive/causative; xref more common synonym {šyj-zô}, reflexive {šyj-ca})
- šyj-ha
- soap, toothpaste, shampoo, detergent...
- šyj-ha ʝym-daj-paj
- shampoo
- šyj-ha ĵy-pwĭm-ta
- waterless cleanser
- šyj-zô
- to wash, to bathe (someone else), to make clean; xref {šyj-ca}
- šyj-źa
- sterile (free of germs, not incapable of generation)
- -sra
- more, to a greater degree, most (with quality or process stems); more than (with number or unit of measure stems); comparative suffix (xref {-ĵar})
gâm-la pǒ dî'fu-i ʝrâ-sra-bô ŋĭn-i gâm-ba kǒ. This picture is more abstract than that one.
hjě'nĭ-vĭ ʝel dî'fu-i ĝĭ-sra-van hjě'nĭ-ŝy ʝel mĭ-i. Female hyenas are generally bigger than male hyenas.
- sra-cô
- less, least (archaic, before 2008; xref {-ĵar})
- srem
- ĉu? whether...? (asking for agreement with plans) interrogative adv.
?cĭm-van srem belm. What, me worry?
- srě'pĭr
- lemurs, lorises, galagos; suborder Strepsirhini
( < Latin)
- srě'tâj
- oyster (family Ostreidae)
( < Latin)
- srĭw
- leg (xref {ƴâ-ŋĭw})
- srĭw-twâl
- kneeling (archaic; prefer {twâl-srĭw-van})
- srî'gu
- owl (birds of order Strigiformes)
( < Latin)
- srǒ
- several; more than one (xref {cǒ, reŋ, kwǒ, -daj, cu, -zla})
twâ-cu cĭln-cô-bô srǒ ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô. I bought several books I'd already read.
nî'sâ-van ðǒŋ ƴâ-ĉa ĵwy-cô-bô hi fyn-zô mě'tyr-źa srǒ il. It was just my luck to get stuck behind a slow vehicle for several kilometers.
ħĭn-kô řŋ câ-zô ruŋ-kě'ĝu-zô ħĭn-ta-zwa srǒ. Several would-be escapees tried to sneak out of the prison.
- srǒ-tǒj
- plurality, multiplicity
- sř
- above-from
- sřj
- above-from-near
- sřl
- above-from-through
- sřm
- above-from-part.of
- sřn
- off the surface of
- sřŋ
- above-from-inside
- sřŋ θoŋ
- from upstairs to downstairs (within building which is head of pp phrase)
- sřr
- above-from-far
- sru
- wanting, desiring (xref {vy})
- sru źu-ta
- a hopeless, impossible, unfulfillable desire
- sru-ðân
- ambition, desire to win in some competition or get ahead (xref {sru-źě'fy})
- sru-₣yw
- sexual desire, lust (xref {fâ-žuŋ})
- sru-₣yw-ta-fwa-ha
- antilibidinal drug
- sru-ĝum
- lust for power
- sru-ĵwy
- haste, hurry, desire to do things quickly or go fast (xref {ĵwy-rjâ, ĵy-ĵwy-bô, ĵwy žâ-dô-bô})
- sru-ĵyn
- curiosity, interest (xref {sru-kun})
- sru-kun
- curiosity (or {sru-hyw, sru-suŋ}; also xref {ĵyn-rjâ})
- sru-ŋĭw
- appetite, desire
- sru-pwĭm
- thirst
- sru-pwĭm-bô
- thirsty (xref {pwĭm-sô})
- sru-sra-van
- to prefer; {ʝâr-i} prefers {mĭ-i} or {kâ-i} object to {dî'fu-i} object
- sru-van
- to want, desire ({ʝâr-i} desires {rjâ-i} or {mĭ-i}; perhaps {kâ-i} if within range of one's senses) (xref {vy-van})
mǒn sru-van ť ty-o ruŋ-zô, mǒj grĭ-cô-van Ќ ŝâj-i ƴâ-ĉa mĭ-i. I want to come to your home, but my car is broken down.
- sru-vâ-oŋ-kar
- hunger
- sru-vâ-oŋ-kar-bô
- hungry (xref {vâ pě'ŝlĭ-i žâw-ca plyn-cô-bô})
- sru-źě'fy
- ambition, desire to accomplish something (xref {sru-ðân})
- su
- standing, being upright
( < suomalainen 'seisoa')
- su-ʝa
- lying down, reclining, repose
- su-julŋ-van
- to lean, prop against (locative complement in {vi}, etc.)
- su-van
- to stand up, to be upright
ĵyj-fja-van ru-kǒ-bô, hǒŋ ðu-van ƴeŋ su-van. I'm so tired, I can hardly stand up.
- su-źyl-van
- to stand erect, without stooping or slumping
- sum
- ready; prepared for some task; adjusted to certain conditions (of persons, body parts (e.g. eyes dilated for darkness); xref {syj-faj}, things/tools/etc. ready for some use)
mrâ oŋ ryŋ ĥy-i tyn-zô, kujm-šar ruŋ-źa kujm-o sum jâ-o. I pack many things into luggage, to get ready for a trip.
- sum-ca
- to prepare, get ready; to ready oneself for some task, for going somewhere
- sum-dô
- a mistake in preparing for something (xref {gwě'vu-sum})
- sum-rum-fwa-kô
- Purgatory
- sun
- finish, ending, conclusion (xref {sě'tun, ĝyl, ĝĭr, ðâ-Φa})
- sun huw-fwa
- a satisfying ending
- sun huw-ja
- a happy ending
- sun-bô
- final, finally, at last (xref {sun-pa, sun-saw} ordinals)
wlâ-fwa-van, ðǒŋ mâ-ŝy pǒ lĭw-o rě'ĵy-θaj jâ-o sun-bô-ŋa naj'ĝěl-ram. It's astonishing that Nigel finally married that woman.
- sun-mu
- apocalypse, eschaton (maybe {ĝyl-mu} in some contexts; xref {ĝyl-mâ-cu-źa})
- sun-pa
- for the last time (ever, or within a given period); last in a homogenous sequence
- sun-saw
- finally, at last; last in a heterogenous sequence
- sun-šar
- then finally; and/but in the end...
- sun-twâ-vô
- period '.'
- suŋ
- skill, capability, competency, know-how (xref {ðu, ƴulm})
dojĉě-lam kâ-i suŋ-lju-van θje jě'nu. John can almost read German.
- suŋ-hôw-tla
- teacher (of practical skills)
- suŋ-hôw-zô
- to teach (practical skills)
- suŋ-kě'ĝu
- secret art, arcane knowledge; magic, sorcery (used for settings where magic's workings are a trade secret among mages, if not its existence) (xref {žĭŋ})
- suŋ-kě'ĝu-ĉa
- talisman, wand, etc.; tool for working magic
- suŋ-kě'ĝu-tla
- magician, wizard, sorcerer, mage (xref {byn-žĭŋ-pja})
gyn-čĭn-ĉa-da-ðy ķĭn-o gâm-zô suŋ-kě'ĝu-tla sâ-cô-fwa. The evil sorcerer drew a pentagram.
- suŋ-lju
- literacy
- suŋ-ŋĭw
- skill memory
- suŋ-van
- to know how to do something ({ʝâr-i} knows how to do {mĭ-i}, or complement clause with {ru-šar})
- sur
- bear (mammals of family Ursidae)
( < Latin 'ursus' (anagram))
- suw
- awwwwwwwwww! enjoyment of cuteness, silliness
( < toki pona 'suwi')
- suw-fwa
- cute, silly; beautiful and amusing at once; ĉarma
- suw-fwa-lam
- Toki Pona
- suw-hôw-zô
- to flirt (of prepubescent children)
- swi
- after (time); archaic, now use {ši}
- swyŋ
- table, desk; flat surface on which one piles things
ŋe ŝu-i Φu gân-ř, šâ-faj-van heŋ swyŋ kǒ. Because of its mass, this table is not portable.
swyŋ pǒ sim ŋylm gǒ; te oŋ ðu-Ł-van krĭ-vuj-ĉa ĥy-i tyn-zô. There is a groove on the surface of that desk; one can put a pencil in it.
swyŋ sin ĥy-i ĉârn-ť-zô šyj-zô mwe. Scrub the table surface clean.
- swyŋ šâ-faj vâ-kar-paj
- portable tray
- swyŋ-gôm
- office, workplace, cubicle (more local/specific than {ðurm-kô})
- swyŋ-gôm-cu
- office, complex of offices
- swyŋ-gôm-ĵwa
- office building, building with offices of multiple organizations or departments of one org
- swyŋ-hĭj
- altar (in Catholic or Orthodox church; xref {swyŋ-kîr'bân})
- swyŋ-ʝa
- shelf, rack
twâ-cu šuŋ-bô kǒ ĥy-i swyŋ-ʝa cu-ja oŋ tyn-zô θǒ. I put these recently acquired books on the appropriate shelf right away.
- swyŋ-kâj
- counter (desk/table with cash register etc. in a store)
- swyŋ-kîr'bân
- altar (table for offering sacrifices)
- swyŋ-kyl
- cabinet
- swyŋ-ŋĭw
- lap (top of one's thighs regarded as a place to pile stuff while one is sitting)
- swyŋ-rô
- flat (of surfaces; neither curved nor bumpy. xref {ĉě'my-ta}, {jĭ})
- swyŋ-tôn
- furniture upon which people put their stuff (xref {tĭw-tôn})
- -ŝa
- fruitful, productive of ~, making ~, a source of ~
gjâ-ŝa ŋĭn-i mâ-zla mĭ-i. The human race is prolific of languages.
- ŝâ
- pushing, pressing (xref {pâjn, źum, trâw, ĉârn})
- ŝâ-cô-zô
- pull, tug, drag
- ŝâ-θaj-zô
- to suck, suction (nonce; prefer {pâjn-θaj-zô})
- ŝâ-θĭw-ĉa
- syringe
- ŝâ-zô
- to push, to press
!hwǒ: jĭlm-ĉa pǒ ĥy-i ŝâ-ť-zô źǒ, wǒn ce gân-ř šelm gwâm-van pân. Hey! Don't push that button, or everything will explode.
- ŝâj
- possess, have (stuff, alienable possessions); xref {wuŋ, ŝu}
- ŝâj-dô
- crimes against property (archaic, prefer {wuŋ-dô})
- ŝâj-fwa-zô
- to provide, to give (xref {bwĭl-zô, fwĭ-cô-zô})
- ŝâj-gĭn-van
- to get, acquire (not deliberately, e.g. receiving a gift)
- ŝâj-gô
- worth having
- ŝâj-i
- of, in the possession (but perhaps not ownership) of (xref {wuŋ-i})
mǒn sru-van ť ty-o ruŋ-zô, mǒj grĭ-cô-van Ќ ŝâj-i ƴâ-ĉa mĭ-i. I want to come to your home, but my car is broken down.
ɱ ŝâj-i râm-bâm mĭ-i gju-zô ķe juri-ram. Yuri talks too much about his kitten.
- ŝâj-o
- to, being given to
twâ-cu cĭln-cô-bô srǒ ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô. I bought several books I'd already read.
mâ-ĵĭn dâ-bô rew ŝâj-o sî'nĭn ĥy-i bwĭl-zô. I gave an orange apiece to the three children.
kĭ-ĝâ-tla ŝâj-o dě'lâr vyŋ-bô ĥy-i bwĭl-zô žâj-dô-hôw antonij-ram-ħa. Antony bribed the judge ten thousand dollars.
tĭw kî'sul-na hân-bô ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô tam-ram. Tom sold me an antique wooden chair.
- ŝâj-oŋ-zô
- to get, to acquire, to get into one's possession (by purchase, theft, claiming something unowned, etc.)
- ŝâj-ř
- from, being taken away or given away
twâ-cu kǒ ĥy-i tâň-syj-zô luk-ram ŝâj-ř Ќ tu-i. I borrowed this book from Luke.
- ŝâj-van
- to possess, to have on hand; {mĭ-i} possesses {ðĭ-i} (xref {wuŋ-van})
kâj-ha reŋ ðĭ-i ŝâj-ƥ-van heŋ, mǒj fĭm-van fem. He doesn't have much money, but at least he's healthy.
râm reŋ ķe ðĭ-i ŝâj-ť-van; ƥ pen ĥy-i ðu-van heŋ šu-zô. You have too many cats; you can't take care of them all.
- ŝâm
- womb
pî'râ mĭ-i fî'žâln ʝel ðĭ-i ŝâm ŋĭn-i. Fire is the womb of the phoenix.
lyn-bly fy-bô gwe il ɱ im ŝâm iŋ mâ-bâm-la ĥy-i bâwŋ-van. She is seven months pregnant [the baby has been gestating in her womb for seven months already].
- ŝâm-oŋ-zô
- to beget (father {tu-i} begets baby {bĭŋ-o} on mother {ĥy-i}; xref {žuŋ})
- ŝâm-řŋ-ðwa
- pro-life (more restrictive sense than {zuň-ðwa})
- ŝâm-řŋ-tǒj
- birth, giving birth, being born
- ŝâm-řŋ-van
- to be born (baby {ʝâr-i} is born)
- ŝâm-řŋ-zô
- to give birth (mother {tu-i} gives birth to baby {ĥy-i})
- ŝe
- by contrast, on the contrary
( < Hixkaryana 'xa')
fĭm-hôw-tla ðĭ-i ĵy-van heŋ ʝâr-fĭm, mǒj ʝâr-fĭm-cô ŝe. It is not the healthy who need doctors, but the sick.
- ŝě'ĥâ
- chess
( < Deutsch 'Schach')
- ŝě'ĥâ-môj
- to play chess together
- ŝě'lě'tlu
- axolotl (salamanders of species Ambystoma mexicanum)
( < Nahuatl)
- ŝě'lĭ
- 83
- ŝĭ
- offended; emotionally hurt; having one's feelings hurt
- ŝĭ-ga
- having been poorly maintained and thus not working well (of machines, software installations)
- ŝĭ-môj
- to be offended by each other, to rub each other the wrong way
- ŝĭ-sô
- sensitive to insults or slights; emotionally fragile; easily offended (xref {bě'lâm-sô, žâw-sô})
- ŝĭ-sô-cô
- thick-skinned; careless of other people's opinion of oneself; insensitive to insult
- ŝĭ-van
- to be hurt, offended
- ŝĭ-zô
- to deliberately make a show of being offended, esp. when one isn't sure an insult was actually intended (xref {ŝĭ-van})
- ŝĭn
- heart and circulatory system
( < Nihongo 'shinzo')
- ŝĭn-oŋ
- into the circulatory system of
- ŝĭn-oŋ-zô
- to inject, to administer intravenously (into a vein, artery, IV, port-a-cath, etc.; xref {čĭn-ŝâ-zô})
- ŝĭn-řŋ-sô
- haemophiliac
- ŝĭn-řŋ-van
- to bleed
- ŝĭw
- stuff, substance (xref {gâ}; suffixes {-ha, -ŋô, -Φa, -kar})
- ŝĭw ðuŋ-žar-ĝa
- antifreeze
- ŝĭw pwĭm-tan
- liquid, fluid (something in a liquid state)
- ŝĭw rîn'tjĭn-θaj
- X-ray contrast (to be injected or swallowed)
- ŝĭw-fî'suň
- soil, ground, earth (archaic; xref {ĥâm, sě'vĭ})
- ŝĭw-grâm
- hormone
- ŝĭw-grâm-gluj
- insulin [maybe need a conciser term]
- ŝĭw-i
- with, by means of, using, consuming (of materials; xref {syj-i} "with a tool", {ŋĭw-i} "with a body part/faculty", {-na} "made of"
( < stole the idea from Ithkuil compositive case)
pwě'tĭln ŝĭw-i mluŋ ĥy-i ĉârn-ť-zô mwe. Spread the jelly on the bread.
- ŝĭw-luw
- bone (substance of which vertebrates' bones are made; xref {luw})
( < suomalainen 'luu')
- ŝî'lum
- marrow
- ŝî'źy
- 89
- ŝǒj
- because; (logical necessity)
tâ-tôl bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van, ŝǒj rě'ĵy bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van. I have no brothers- or sisters-in-law because I have no wife.
- ŝǒn
- therefore; thus (logical necessity)
- -ŝra
- likely to do or be ~ soon (xref {-sô})
ĵyj-fja-van gwe, mǒj mwĭl-ŝra-van heŋ ver. I am already tired, but not yet sleepy.
- ŝrĭ
- emergent; having a meaning/use/nature that can't be predicted/deduced from its component parts (xref {cu-rô}); (of words and phrases) idiomatic
ŝrĭ-bô ŋĭn-i twâ-θy mĭ-i, gâ-lǒ ķĭn-o Φyr {-ga, -cjaj} pe ble syj-i. Words which are formed with the suffixes "-ga", "-cjaj" etc. are idiomatic.
- ŝrum
- mushroom
( < English)
- ŝrum-fym-gam
- Mellow Mushroom (pizza restaurant)
- ŝrum-tôn
- fungus
- ŝrun
- music (xref {nul-cu})
nî'šĭm i ŝrun-zô lě'sî'kĭn. The nightingale sings at night.
- ŝrun gju-ŋĭw-dal
- a capella singing; chant (xref {twâ-vy-dâ-lô ₣um-i ŝrun-twâ-zô})
- ŝrun kju-sô-ga
- earworm (xref {ŝrun zym-ra-fwa})
- ŝrun zîn'θu-tan
- earworm (xref {ŝrun zym-ra-fwa})
- ŝrun zym-ra-fwa
- earworm; a song that gets stuck in one's head
- ŝrun-ĉa mrâ-sĭŋ-paj
- MP3 or other digital music player
- ŝrun-krĭ-zô
- to improvise music while performing it; to jam
- ŝrun-tan-zô
- to sing (of songbirds, crickets; their "music" is only analogically like human music)
- ŝrun-tla
- musician
- ŝrun-twâ
- song, lyrical music
- ŝrun-twâ prym-fwa-sra
- Song of Songs/ Song of Solomon
- ŝrun-twâ-cu-daj
- (common noun) album, collection of songs; (proper name) Psalms
- ŝrun-twâ-pja-cu
- choir, chorus (unpaid, {-tla} if professional)
- ŝrun-twâ-zô
- to sing
kyl vĭn-da cĭ-bô ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô ƥ, nu-šar ŝrun-twâ-gĭn-zô θǒ. He drank one glass of wine, then immediately started singing.
- ŝu
- possess, have (quality, part, faculty)
- ŝu-gô
- valuable, worth having (of traits, faculties, skills); xref {wuŋ-gô, lĭw-gô}
fĭm dî'fu-i ŝu-gô-sra-van pî'hâ. Holiness is more important than health.
- ŝu-i
- of, belonging to (qualities, attributes)
ŋe ŝu-i Φu gân-ř, šâ-faj-van heŋ swyŋ kǒ. Because of its mass, this table is not portable.
kujm-van Ќ ŝu-i gě'dĭm-zla hǒŋ rum-kô oŋ Ќ im pî'gâ ĥy-i tyn-zô. The purpose of my life is to get my butt into Heaven.
ƥ ŝu-i mwĭň kâ-i žâw-van, wǒn ce mĭ-ř gju-zô. I saw she was embarrassed, so I changed the subject.
křbij-šam-ķa ŝu-i plĭr prym-hôw-za mĭ-i gju-ŋĭn-zô sě'râ. Sarah gave a lecture on Kirby's artistic influences.
- ŝu-i-baw
- high vowel
- ŝu-ŋa-van hǒŋ ~~~
- has the surprising property that...
- ŝu-van
- to have a property or quality; {mĭ-i} has quality {ðĭ-i}
mlulm ĉu-tan ðĭ-i ŝu-van râm-tôn sel'kâ-ža ʝel. Vertebrates have bilateral symmetry.
- ŝum
- floating, buoyancy
- ŝum-ĉa
- raft, float
- ŝum-van
- to float (on surface of a liquid denser than oneself, or in an atmosphere at a level where one's density matches that of the surrounding gas)
lî'klâ siŋ ŝum-van pwě'lâl-la. There is delicious ice cream floating in the milk.
- ŝwe
- with a widdershins (counterclockwise) motion
( < English 'widdershins')
fî'suň ĉi ŝwe bly-van lyn. The moon orbits the Earth.
- ŝwe-θaj
- with a clockwise motion
- ŝwiň
- A or B or both; (inclusive) (clausal conjunction; xref phrasal {hej})
- ŝy
- femaleness, femininity
ɱ lĭw-i fru-ŝy ĥy-i fâ-vuj-zô kyn-ŝâm. The mother caresses her daughter.
hjě'nĭ-vĭ ʝel dî'fu-i ĝĭ-sra-van hjě'nĭ-ŝy ʝel mĭ-i. Female hyenas are generally bigger than male hyenas.
- ŝy-tôn
- sex, gender (xref more specific {ŝy-tôn zym-ja, ŝy-tôn-vuj})
- ŝy-tôn zym-ja
- psychological gender, distinct from biological sex
- ŝy-tôn-vuj
- biological sex, distinct from psychological gender
- ŝy-θô
- female but not especially feminine
- ŝy-vuj-bô
- biologically female; no assertion about psychological/social gender
- ŝy-zwa
- mâ vĭ-vuj-bô lǒ ʝâr-i vy-van ŝy-vuj jâ-o
- syj
- use, using, making use of; calling (a function or subroutine) (xref {ŋâw})
( < English 'use')
- syj-ca
- to recurse, to call oneself (of a function or subroutine)
- syj-ca-tǒj
- recursion, a function or subroutine calling itself (xref {gju-ca-tǒj})
- syj-dô-zô
- to misuse, to waste
- syj-faj
- useful, useable; ready (of materials, tools, etc.); ripe, fresh (of fruits); xref {sum, kujm-ja, bâm})
- syj-faj-fwa-zô
- to prepare, to make ready; person {tu-i} makes tools/materials {ĥy-i} ready for some purpose (optional {kujm-o})
- syj-ĥun-zô
- to share, use jointly
- syj-i
- with, by means of, using (a tool); in (a language) (xref {ŋĭw-i, ŝĭw-i, -na})
ŝrĭ-bô ŋĭn-i twâ-θy mĭ-i, gâ-lǒ ķĭn-o Φyr {-ga, -cjaj} pe ble syj-i. Words which are formed with the suffixes "-ga", "-cjaj" etc. are idiomatic.
ŋe ŝu-i čĭwm-fĭ gân-ř hĭ-van ðǒŋ gjâ-zym-byn syj-i twâ-mlulm krĭ-o Ł tu-i. Because of its phonotactics, it is is difficult to write palindromes in gzb.
- syj-ja
- useful, fitting for use
- syj-šar
- by, by means of (agent of main clause accomplishes action of main clause by doing action of subordinate clause)
- syj-ŝĭw-zô
- to use a material, to use up, to consume
- syj-ta-i
- without, not using (xref suffix {-ta})
ĥâ-ĉa syj-ta-i kyl kǒ ĥy-i ðu-Ł-van heŋ jĭlm-zô. One can't open this box without a knife.
ƴâ-ĉa syj-ta-i âtlântě-wam ĉi šun kiŋ ðu-Ł-van ƴeŋ ruŋ-zô. One can hardly get around in the Atlanta suburbs without a car.
- syj-zô
- to use, to make use of; to call (a function or subroutine) (xref {-ha, -ĉa, syj-ca})
źu-van, hǒŋ ķĭw-van palij-ram hǒŋ Ќ dâm-ř θuň čĭ-ř syj-zô lju-θaj-zô dlu-ta. I hope Polly is ashamed of herself for copying my story without permission.
- syl
- mouth (from just inside the lips to the glottis, incl. teeth and tongue) (xref {vâ-oŋ-ŋĭw, kyw-oŋ-ŋĭw, gju-ŋĭw-vuj})
- syl sim lân-θaj
- palate
- sym
- seed
( < E-o 'semo')
- sym-gâm
- undeveloped film
- sym-rô
- potential
- sym-tôn
- egg, seed, unborn baby, pouchling marsupial
- syň
- second (unit of time measure; xref {mî'nĭ, hyr, ĉě'θâ})
( < English)
- syň-θô
- millisecond
- syň-źa
- kilosecond, 16.67 minutes
- syrm
- line, stripe (not necessarily straight); also, occasional error for {syl}
prym-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i vlym-ĝĭw syrm-da kǒ mĭ-i. This striped shirt is ugly.
- syrm-ðĭm
- stripe, thick line
- syrm-źyl
- straight line
- t,c,g,j,
- twâ-cu-gě'dĭm-ja
- t,c,v,
- twâ-cu-vuj
- -ta
- without, lacking ~; free from ~ (xref {syj-ta-i})
zym-hô ŋĭn-i heŋ twâ-θy {vrĭm} pe {fu-θy-ta}. The words "green" and "colorless" do not make sense applied to ideas.
kyr-ta ŋĭn-i twâ kǒ. This sentence (is) verbless.
- -tam
- name suffix to tag ethnicities or nationalities
- -tan
- ~like, resembling ~, similar to ~
- tâ
- sibling; brother or sister
- tâ fjǒ
- half-sibling
- tâ Φâ-sâm-bô
- identical twin sibling
- tâ ŝâm-řŋ-sâm-bô
- twin sibling (could be identical or fraternal)
- tâ-čĭ
- clone (xref {mâ-sâm})
- tâ-fru
- nephew, niece (archaic; prefer {fru-tâ})
- tâ-gu
- adoptive sibling
- tâ-ĵu-ga
- Big Brother, Big Sister; similar less formalized relationships of adult mentoring a child they're not blood kin to
- tâ-kyn
- uncle or aunt (sibling of one's parent)
ɱ lĭw-i tâ-kyn-ħa mĭ-i plĭr-van sâ-cô-fwa sĭlvija-ram. Sylvia's aunt is a bad influence on her.
- tâ-kyn-ma
- great-uncle or -aunt (sibling of one's grandparent)
- tâ-ma
- first cousin
Ќ lĭw-i tâ-ma-bâm mĭ-i fâ-van pe pym-van. I love my baby cousin and find her amusing.
- tâ-ma fjǒ
- half-cousin
- tâ-ma-kyn
- first cousin once removed (first cousin of one's parent; xref {fru-tâ-ma})
- tâ-ma-ma
- third cousin
- tâ-ma-mla
- cousin-in-law (one's cousin's spouse)
- tâ-ma-tôl
- cousin-in-law (one's spouse's cousin)
- tâ-me-dâ
- second cousin
- tâ-me-ðy
- fourth cousin
- tâ-mla
- brother or sister-in-law (sibling's spouse)
- tâ-mla-kyn
- uncle or aunt (spouse of one's parent's sibling)
- tâ-mla-tôl
- brother or sister-in-law (spouse's sibling's spouse)
- tâ-ŝy
- sister
- tâ-ta-baw
- low vowel
- tâ-tôl
- brother or sister-in-law (spouse's sibling)
tâ-tôl bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van, ŝǒj rě'ĵy bâ-bô ðĭ-i lĭw-van. I have no brothers- or sisters-in-law because I have no wife.
- tâ-tôl-mla
- sibling's spouse's sibling
- tâ-tôn
- relatives, kinfolks
- tâ-vĭ
- brother
- tâl
- deposit, leave in bailment, store, entrust
( < suomalainen 'talletta')
mrâ-kâj-ha oŋ ť ŝâj-ř grâm-kâj-ha ĥy-i tâl-Ќ-zô gwe. I have already deposited your check in my account.
- tâl-cô-ĉa
- ATM, cash machine
- tâl-cô-zô
- 1. to pick up, withdraw, retrieve some property you've temporarily entrusted to someone else 2. to pick up pre-ordered merchandise
- tâl-kâj-ha-kô
- bank (place/institution that holds money in bailment for its customers)
- tâl-θaj-zô
- to receive someone else's property in trust, in bail (archaically also = {tâl-cô-zô})
ɱ lĭw-i râm lĭm-ga ĥy-i vřĝĭl-ram ŝâj-ř tâl-θaj-Ќ-zô šu-zô. I received Vergil's pet cat to take care of it temporarily.
- tâlm
- head
- tâlm vim Φâ
- face
- tâlm-vi
- at the face of
- tâň
- taking away, picking up; erasing; subtraction; deletion, erasure (of information, files)
( < English 'take')
fân řŋ čâj ĥy-i tâň-zô de pî'dâ pe Φĭlm. Bees and butterflies take pollen from flowers.
Φy-tôn ĥy-i tâň-ť-zô mwe. Take out the trash.
θuň-ba pǒ ðim tyn-van mâ-fĭw ĵyn-fwa mĭ-i, mǒj te ĝy-im tâň-ƥ-van. In the early part of that story interesting characters appear, but they disappear in the middle.
- tâň-ca
- to disappear; to remove oneself; to go away (esp. suddenly, quickly)
- tâň-cô
- giving, adding, putting into place (xref {bwĭl, ƴâwn-θaj-zô, ƴâwn-cô-zô})
mluj šom ĥun-frâ ĥy-i tâň-cô-Ł-zô. They added a question-and-answer session to the end of the convention.
- tâň-ga
- subtraction [why not just {tâň}?]
- tâň-kju-ha
- adhesive remover
- tâň-Φî'šu-tôn-ĉa
- fishing equipment (nets, rods and line, etc.)
- tâň-Φî'šu-tôn-zô
- to fish, go fishing
- tâň-syj-zô
- to borrow (esp. things other than money; xref {bwĭl-syj-zô, ƴâwn})
twâ-cu kǒ ĥy-i tâň-syj-zô luk-ram ŝâj-ř Ќ tu-i. I borrowed this book from Luke.
- tâň-θaj
- giving, adding, putting (deprecated, prefer {tâň-cô} or {bwĭl})
- tâň-ƴum-zô
- to steal by fraud or trickery ({tu-i} takes {ĥy-i} by fraud from {ŝâj-ř}; xref {bwĭl-cô-zô})
- tâň-zô
- to take away, remove, delete, erase; to pick up (xref {šâ-gĭn-zô})
- tâŋ
- period of comparative stability between major life changes; xref {drulm}
- tâŋ kǒ i
- nowadays, in this period (personal)
- tâwm
- grits
- te
- it (plants, inanimate things, abstractions already mentioned)
te kâ-i jyn-lym-van šelm. You would find it tasty [if you ate it].
- te muw-i ðe-dâ-bô
- a third of it (similar construction with other partitive fractions)
- tě'bâ
- tobacco
( < English)
- tě'bâr
- rubber
- tě'kuj
- hummingbird (birds of family Trochilidae)
( < Hixkaryana 'tukusu')
- tě'lĭ
- 97
- tě'lyr
- zjâm-vĭ hi ķârn kě'ĝu-bô
- tě'nju
- tea
- tě'nju-ŋô
- caffeine
- tě'nju-tôn
- strong drink (with caffeine or alcohol)
- tě'θru
- falling; uncontrolled collapse; landslide, cave-in, avalanche (xref {bly})
- tě'θru-ga
- failure, fiasco, disaster, catastrophe, bankruptcy
- tě'θru-ga-van lĭn-gju-ŋy
- one's phone connection is dropped/lost
- tě'θru-tyrn
- collapse of government (xref {dâŋ-žar})
- tě'θru-van
- to collapse, to fall, to cave in
- tě'θru-van pân
- everything is falling apart, everying is going wrong
- tě'θru-vâm-van
- to fall and go splat; to splatter, be crushed by the force of a fall
- těw'θĭ
- squid (cephalopods of order Teuthidae)
- těw'θĭ-tôn
- squid, nautilus, octopus, cuttlefish... class Cephalopoda
- těw'θĭ-tôn šâ-ŋĭw-ðy-dâ-ža
- octopus
- tĭm
- 100
- tĭm-vyŋ
- 1000000; 106; one million
- tĭw
- comfy chair
tĭw kî'sul-na hân-bô ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô tam-ram. Tom sold me an antique wooden chair.
- tĭw-ĥun
- sofa, couch, love-seat
- tĭw-ĥun mwĭl-paj
- sofa on which one sleeps, esp. if designed for such with e.g. fold-out bed
- tĭw-mwĭl
- bed, sleeping-couch (xref {tĭw-źy})
- tĭw-mwĭl ĥy-i sâr-fwa-zô
- to make the bed
- tĭw-mwĭl-ĵwa
- barracks; ward in hospital with multiple beds in one room
- tĭw-rô
- accepting, unjudgmental
- tĭw-su-ʝa
- bed, couch, lounge chair; lying-down furniture
- tĭw-tôn
- furniture upon which people put themselves (xref {swyŋ-tôn})
- tĭw-tôn pâŋ-paj
- throne
- tĭw-θô
- chair not especially comfortable
- tĭw-θô-ðwĭr
- swing (seat hanging from rope or chain that oscillates like a pendulum) (nonce; xref {tĭw-θô-slĭr})
- tĭw-θô-slĭr
- swing (seat hanging from rope or chain that oscillates like a pendulum)
- tĭw-žuŋ-gôm
- "marriage bed"; a couple's sex life
- tĭw-źy
- bed, sleeping-couch (archaic/poetic, xref {tĭw-mwĭl})
- tî'plâ
- mole, shrew-mole, desman (burrowing mammals of family Talpidae)
( < Latin 'talpa')
- tî'šâ
- worship (latria); xref {dul}
- tî'šâ-kô
- church (building), temple, mosque, synagogue... (xref {du-tî'šâ, hĭj-kô, kîr'bân-kô})
- tî'šâ-kô-gôm
- parish, congregation
- tî'šâ-kô-weslij-šam-ķa-wam
- Wesley Chapel (neighborhood in Decatur GA, or other neighborhoods elsewhere named for an old Methodist church)
- tî'šâ-ŋla
- Sunday (worship-day)
- tî'šâ-sô
- pious, religious
- tî'šâ-θô
- respect, admiration (archaic; now = dul-θô)
- tî'šâ-θô-fwa
- (archaic; = dul-θô-fwa)
- tî'šâ-zô
- to worship (with latria); {tu-i} worships {kâ-i}
- tîm'θĭ
- Timothy
( < helenike)
- tîr'dâ
- thrushes, robins, Old World blackbirds (family Turdidae); xref {lě'sî'kĭn})
( < Latin)
- tîr'pĭj
- being annoyed by something someone you love enjoys
( < Enigmatic: 'ortispic')
- tîw'mâ
- gully, gulch, canyon
- tjě'râ
- tar, pitch
( < Swedish 'tjöra')
- tjě'râ-rô
- thick, viscous (of liquids; xref {zwym}, {ðĭm})
- -tla
- -isto; a professional concerned with ~ (xref {-pja}, amateur)
- tlě'Φĭ
- inedible fruit or seed-pods; pine-cones, sweetgum-balls, etc. (xref {ƴě'nâl})
tlě'Φĭ ĥy-i fwĭ-zô cî'jyr. The squirrel collects acorns, pine cones and so forth.
- tlě'Φĭ kwě'kyr-dal
- acorn
- tlĭŋ
- rock, piece of stone
- tlĭŋ nâ-cô-bô
- rare stone (not necessarily pretty)
- tlĭŋ prym-fwa
- jewel, interesting/pretty stone (not necessarily rare)
- tlĭŋ-na
- made of rock, stone; rocky, stony
- tlĭŋ-žar
- fossilization, petrification, turning to stone
- tlĭŋ-źa bly-bô
- asteroid
- tlĭrn
- silver (metal)
kâj-ha ʝel mĭ-i zryŋ-na hej tlĭŋ-na ŋĭn-i mje de. It used to be that money was typically made of gold or silver.
- tlĭrn-kwa
- grey, gray, silver-color
- tǒ
- this, that; your (second-person demonstrative)
- tǒj
- nominalizer clitic (works on phrases, not just words)
pwĭm-da-tǒj gân-ř kî'sul kǒ mĭ-i ƴârn-van ĵwy-bô. Because of the humidity this wood is rotting quickly.
- tǒlm
- hyperbole, exaggeration marker (xref {belm, -ga})
- -tôl
- relative of one's spouse (xref {-mla})
- -tôn
- generalized superclass of ~
- ť
- you, y'all
mlĭr-ðe-ĉu-ť-zô mwe. ť hi rjuŋ-ny gǒ. Turn around! There's a wyvern behind you.
ť lĭw-i tu-bâl kâ-i gy-ť-zô mwe; ɱ ĥy-i cluŋ-zô, mâ lǒ tu-i ť ĥy-i ħulŋ-zô. Love those who hate you; do good to those who injure you.
- ť hǒ, Ќ gǒ
- hello (xref {vjurm-θaj-huw-van})
- ť-ƥ-baw
- click consonant
- trâ
- to guide, usher, herd, lead, cicerone (xref {gym})
- trâ-fu-ĉa
- lens (piece of glass etc. that redirects light)
- trâ-pja
- usher; guide (volunteer)
- trâ-tla
- guide, assistant re: local knowledge (professional)
- trâw
- hit, strike, smite, whack, knock
( < Swedish 'träff')
- trâw-ŋâw-zô
- to knock (on door, counter, etc., to get someone's attention)
- trâw-plaŋ-zô
- to kick
- trâw-ra-zô
- to beat, pound on (e.g., a drum)
- trĭ
- measuring, checking, inspecting (xref {ħĭ})
( < English 'metric')
- trĭ-cu-fî'suň-bly
- calendar (archaic, prefer {mĭlm-ĉě'θâ-cu})
- trĭ-ĉě'θâ-cu
- calendar (nonce, prefer {mĭlm-ĉě'θâ-cu})
- trĭ-fĭm-zô
- to check someone's vital signs
- trĭ-grĭ-kyw
- pulmonary function test
- trĭ-ħĭ-zô
- to perform tests, e.g. diagnostic medical tests, or analogous tests on tools (e.g. running performance metrics on a computer) or other inanimate things (e.g. carbon dating)
- trĭ-jâln-ĉa
- thermometer
- trĭ-kyw
- pulmonary function test
- trĭ-mĭlm-ĉě'θâ
- calendar (nonce, prefer {mĭlm-ĉě'θâ-cu})
- trĭ-šun-tla
- land surveyor
Ќ lĭw-i kyn-ma-vĭ-ķa mĭ-i trĭ-šun-tla šy-bô ŋĭn-i. My honored grandfather is a retired land surveyor.
- trĭ-vĭj-ŋĭw
- time-sense
- trĭ-ƴu-ĉa
- clock, watch, timer
- trĭ-ƴu-ĉa fu-čyw-za
- sundial
- trĭ-wâj-ca
- to weigh oneself, measure one's weight
- trĭ-zô
- to measure, learn the size/scope of; to check on, inspect, determine the state of (xref {ħĭ-zô, kĭ-zô, byn-zô, hyw-hôw-ca})
- trĭ-zuň-zô
- to measure vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, etc.)
- trî'bĭj
- trilobite
( < Latin)
- tru
- finding, discovering, uncovering
( < Fr. 'trouver')
ĝyl-fyn mĭ-i ʝâr-rĭm dâ-bô ĥy-i tru-zô gwe Ќ-ɱ. We have already found three witnesses to the crash.
- tru-cô
- losing, loss, mislaying, misplacing
- tru-cô-zô
- to lose, mislay; to lose track of, forgetting where it is ({ʝâr-i} loses/mislays {ĥy-i})
- tru-zô
- to find, discover ({tu-i} finds/discovers {kâ-i}); to meet, encounter (intentionally, overcoming some difficulty; {tu-i} meets {ĥun-o})
vlĭw-pî'dâ iŋ mjyl kâ-i tru-Ł-zô. One finds honey in beehives.
žĭr gân-ř luw-tâlm iŋ kâ-i rĭm-van kiň te iŋ pî'dâ-daj kâ-i tru-zô. Because of the humming noise I looked inside the skull, and found a swarm of bees in it.
mâ kwǒ wuŋ-i vjâr-ĉa tâlm-paj ĥy-i tru-zô. ?ť wuŋ-i zǒn te mĭ-i. I found someone's hat. Is it yours?
- trym
- awareness, consciousness (xref {žâw, kâ})
- trym-i
- from the point of view of (re: a scene or a story as a whole)
- trym-ř
- from the point of view of (nonce, prefer {trym-i})
- trym-źy
- lucidity, awareness that one is dreaming (xref {źy-trym})
- tu
- deliberate actor, agent, doer; base of active participles
Ќ o ruŋ-zô mwe ʝâr-ĵyj-fja pen pe tu-šâ-wâj pen, kiň ť ĥy-i ĵyj-rjâ jâ-o Ќ tu-i. Come to me, all who are tired and all who are carrying heavy things, and I will give you rest.
- tu-bâl
- enemy
ť lĭw-i tu-bâl kâ-i gy-ť-zô mwe; ɱ ĥy-i cluŋ-zô, mâ lǒ tu-i ť ĥy-i ħulŋ-zô. Love those who hate you; do good to those who injure you.
- tu-ðe-ʝâr-ža
- having active alignment
- tu-ðurm-ĥun
- co-worker, colleague
- tu-gju
- speaker (person who's talking; xref {gjâ-lô})
- tu-gju-zym
- telepath (with projective ability; xref {ʝâr-ku-zym})
- tu-hwâwm
- player in an RPG (on a specific occasion; for someone who habitually roleplays, use {hwâwm-pja})
- tu-hyw-žar
- disciple, student of something more than intellectual knowledge
- tu-i
- agent case marker
- tu-kâj-syj
- renter, tenant
- tu-o
- agent who's beginning an action (rare, maybe archaic)
- tu-ř
- agent who's finishing/ceasing action (rare, maybe archaic)
- tu-tôn
- subject cases or theta roles
- twâ
- sentence; act of uttering a sentence; strophe of a poem; proverb, saying, prophecy, quotation, aphorism (xref {gju-Φa})
mruň řn bujŋ-nul-van twâ. The words echoed off the side of the mountain.
kyr-ta ŋĭn-i twâ kǒ. This sentence (is) verbless.
twâ kyr-ta jǒj gǒ. Behold, another verbless sentence.
- twâ ðĭ-ja
- relative clause
- twâ glĭm-pen-ža
- pangram
- twâ hǒl
- complete sentence
- twâ ŝĭ-fwa
- a hurtful utterance, whether intended as such or not (xref {twâ ŝĭ-hôw})
- twâ ŝĭ-hôw
- insult; utterance intended to emotionally hurt someone
- twâ-blâl-zô
- to complain, express frustration or annoyance
- twâ-čĭ-zô
- to cite, quote, excerpt
- twâ-cu
- book, essay, story, article, work, document; verko; oeuvre (xref {pě'pâ-ga})
twâ-cu cĭln-cô-bô srǒ ĥy-i Ќ ŝâj-o kâj-zô. I bought several books I'd already read.
ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu fĭ-₣um-da mĭ-i kě'pâ-fwa-van. Her poem induces happy bewilderment.
gĭn-fĭ-sâm-da ŋĭn-i twâ-cu fĭ-₣um-da nors-lam-na mĭ-i. Norse poetry is alliterative.
ĥun θǒ i, šâ-ť-zô mwe twâ-cu pǒ. Bring that book to our next meeting.
- twâ-cu ĉě'θâ-ja
- weblog; other chronologically organized documents and websites
- twâ-cu fĭ-₣um-da ĉu-fy-za
- sonnet
- twâ-cu gě'dĭm-ja
- diary, journal
mwĭň-ƥ-van wǒj ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu gě'dĭm-ja kâ-i lju-zô kuln-cô. He is embarrassed because a stranger has read his diary.
- twâ-cu gju-gô
- written work that repays reading aloud, e.g. poetry or lyrical prose
- twâ-cu gju-paj
- written work intended to be read aloud, e.g. text for a speech, sermon or lecture
- twâ-cu hyr-cu
- schedule, document describing things to do at different times (xref {ŋĭn-ĥun-cu, ŋĭn-₣â-cu})
- twâ-cu pĭw-paj
- translation relay text
- twâ-cu suŋ-hôw
- lesson(s), textbook or instructional manual teaching a language or other skills
- twâ-cu wuŋ-cĭln-bô
- books one owns but hasn't read yet
- twâ-cu-daj
- corpus, collection of miscellaneous texts (xref {twâ-cu-ma}, {lju-kar-daj})
- twâ-cu-gju-ra
- podcast
- twâ-cu-ĵy
- requirements document
- twâ-cu-kâj
- (commercial) contract (legal document)
- twâ-cu-ku
- audiobook, podcast episode (xref {mrâ-sĭŋ-gju})
- twâ-cu-ku-ra
- podcast
- twâ-cu-ma
- anthology, collection, encyclopedia (multiple textual works that together form one larger work; xref {mě'hu-ga})
- twâ-cu-ma ĉě'θâ-ja
- multi-author weblog
- twâ-cu-ma ŋĭn-mu-za
- general-purpose encyclopedia
- twâ-cu-ma-ra
- periodical, magazine, gazette
- twâ-cu-ŝa
- prolific, producing many written works
- twâ-cu-θuň hwâwm-paj
- play (text intended to be performed; xref {ĉul-hwâwm})
- twâ-cu-vuj
- book, tome, volume, codex
- twâ-ðâ-zô
- to argue
- twâ-ga-cwĭn
- equation, inequality, mathematical formula (xref {šĭm})
- twâ-gâw-zô
- to propose, describe a plan (xref {lâ-cô-zô})
- twâ-gu
- option, command line switch, etc. (nonce, prefer {gu-kar})
- twâ-gym
- orders, instructions, directions, rubrics
- twâ-gym-cu
- set of instructions, how-to document (nonce, prefer {ŋĭn-₣â-cu})
- twâ-gym-plĭ
- prescription, order from a doctor to a pharmacist and patient about medicine (or {twâ-gym-θĭw})
- twâ-gym-zô
- to direct, give instructions (xref {ĝâ-zô})
- twâ-ħâl-zô
- to talk about one's fears, to express fear or worry
- twâ-ħĭrn-zô
- to boast, brag
- twâ-ʝĭ
- a statement or command in a programming language
- twâ-ʝĭ-daj
- a body of source code
- twâ-ĵlan-daj
- Proverbs (book of the Bible)
- twâ-ĵlân-zô
- to give wise advice
- twâ-kĭ-zô
- to express one's judgement, opinion, consideration (same argument structure as {kĭ-zô}) (xref {twâ-zym-zô})
- twâ-ķĭw
- confession, admission of guilt (xref {hĭj-hî'su})
- twâ-ķĭw-zô
- to confess, admit guilt
- twâ-ķuj-zô
- to threaten, warn, avert
- twâ-lĭn
- hyperlink, URL, reference
- twâ-ma-zô
- to imply, implicate, hint at
- twâ-mĭ-zô
- to mention
- twâ-mlulm
- palindrome
ŋe ŝu-i čĭwm-fĭ gân-ř hĭ-van ðǒŋ gjâ-zym-byn syj-i twâ-mlulm krĭ-o Ł tu-i. Because of its phonotactics, it is is difficult to write palindromes in gzb.
- twâ-nî'sâ-pja
- prophet, oracle ({-tla} in some contexts})
- twâ-ŋy-zô
- to say something over the telephone or similar long-distance communication medium
- twâ-prym-i
- recommended by
- twâ-prym-zô
- to praise the beauty of some(one/thing); to recommend (a story, movie, etc.)
- twâ-šrĭ-zô
- to offer evidence or proof of
- twâ-suw-zô
- to praise someone/thing's cuteness
- twâ-ŝrĭ
- proverb, idiom, set phrase or saying
- twâ-tla
- poet, prophet, aphorist, stylist (xref {krĭ-tla})
- twâ-θaj-zô
- to reply, respond to something someone's said (agent {tu-i}, object is {hǒŋ} clause for indirect speech or {Φǒ} clause for direct speech (see also {frâ-θaj, lâ-θaj})
Ќ dâm-ř ŋĭn lâŋ-bô ši, twâ-θaj-ƥ-zô kiň brě'zĭm-Ќ-van. After my long explanation, she replied, and I felt dismay at realizing she'd misunderstood what I'd said.
- twâ-θĭ-zô
- to advise, to counsel, to give advice to
- twâ-θy
- word (xref {gjâ-θy}, morpheme, and {twâ}, {dâw} covering extended senses of English "word")
ŝrĭ-bô ŋĭn-i twâ-θy mĭ-i, gâ-lǒ ķĭn-o Φyr {-ga, -cjaj} pe ble syj-i. Words which are formed with the suffixes "-ga", "-cjaj" etc. are idiomatic.
- twâ-θy râm-rô-ga
- free morpheme, morpheme that can be a word by itself with no affixes
- twâ-θy-cĭln
- new (unfamiliar) words of a language one is learning
- twâ-θy-kě'ĝu
- password
- twâ-θy-ŋwĭm
- pronoun ({ŋwĭm} alone can mean pronoun, but this is less ambiguous)
- twâ-θy-ŝrĭ
- idiomatic compound word, its meaning unpredictable from component morphemes
- twâ-θy-zla
- vocabulary, lexicon (a language's actual set of words existing in the corpus or speakers' minds, prior to any attempt to document them; xref {ŋĭn-cu-gjâ-θy})
- twâ-vô
- quote-brackets '{ }'
- twâ-ƴĭ-zô
- to confess, express repentance; to apologize (xref {lâ-hî'su-zô})
- twâ-vy
- vow, oath, promise
- twâ-vy-dâ
- the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience
- twâ-vy-dâ-lô
- monk, nun, friar, religious
- twâ-vy-dâ-lô ₣um-i ŝrun-twâ-zô
- to sing in polyphonic chant
- twâ-vy-zô
- to vow, swear an oath
- twâ-zô
- to say, tell, recite, cite, quote, declaim (xref {gju-zô} and various more specific verbs derived from {twâ}) [{tu-i} says {Φǒ} or {hǒŋ} clause]
Ќ ŋâw-o twâ-zô kelij-ram, hǒŋ fĭm-cô-ť-van. Kelly told me that you were sick.
- twâ-zô gwě'vu-cô-hôw
- to remind, instigate someone to do something they were planning to do but might have forgotten
- twâ-žy
- sample sentence (of a language in a reference grammar e.g.)
- twâ-zym-zô
- to express an opinion ({tu-i} expresses opinion in {hǒŋ} clause)
- twâl
- interior angle; inner corner
- twâl-cjaj
- right angle
- twâl-ĉa
- hinge
- twâl-ŋĭw
- joint
- twâl-ŋĭw-jyr
- elbow joint
- twâl-ŋĭw-ně'mum
- shoulder, armpit (archaic, xref {čě'nuŋ}, {čě'nuŋ-θaj})
- twâl-ŋĭw-pî'gâ
- hip joint (nonce, might can do better)
- twâl-ŋĭw-srĭw
- knee joint
- twâl-srĭw
- back of knee
- twâl-srĭw-van
- to kneel
- twâl-tôn
- any angle
- twâl-θaj
- exterior angle; outside corner
Ќ cim jyr im twâl-θaj ĥy-i ĉârn-ca, wǒj čun-ƥ-van. I scratch my left elbow because it itches.
- twâl-θaj-srĭw
- kneecap, area around front of knee
- twy
- strange, unlooked-for (archaic; prefer {wlâ-fwa, fjâw-fwa, kě'pâ-fwa} etc)
- -θaj
- other member of asymmetrical relationship; complement of pair; complement action; opposite
- θâ
- 101
fî'suň-bly θâ-bô jĭrn-i ƴu-van rî'mâ-hân kǒ. This old house has lasted a hundred and one years.
- θâ-se-cĭ
- 100
- θâŋ
- waist; lap; hips (xref {swyŋ-ŋĭw})
šyj-ƥ-ca, nu-šar pwĭm-da jâ-ř vlym-ca kiň ƥ im θâŋ ĉon vlym ĥy-i ĵârn-zô. He bathed himself, then dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist.
- θâŋ-twâl
- sitting, seated position
sĭ li θâŋ-twâl-ɱ-van, kiň lârm-van, kiň te ĥy-i gĭl-lârm-Φa jĭrn-i hum-fwa-zô. She by the river sat, and sitting there, / She wept, and made it deeper by a tear.
Ќ wuŋ-i ƴâ-ĉa iŋ ðu-van θâŋ-twâl-van mâ ĉu-dâ-bô fem-θaj. No more than six people can sit in my car.
- θâŋ-twâl-van gru-srĭw-bô
- to sit cross-legged
- θe
- comparative conjunction (used now only for comparatives of equality; archaic with comparatives of superiority or inferiority, use {dî'fu-i} for that now)
- θě'by
- 103
- θě'ku
- God
( < helenike 'theos')
θě'ku gy-i mâ kâj-ha-ta ĥy-i θĭ-zô de mje kolkata-wam im teresa-ram-ķa pî'hâ-bô. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta served the destitute for the love of God.
- θě'ku-lô
- theist, deist
- θě'mâ
- Thomas, Tomas
( < helenike)
- θě'pĭ
- 107
- θi
- under, below
- θij
- under-at-near
- θil
- under-at-through
- θim
- under-at-part.of
- θin
- under-at-contact
- θiŋ
- in the lower part of
- θĭ
- helping, assistance, benefit, blessing, favor (xref {ʝâ, ₣urŋ-fwa-zô})
- θĭ-cô-i
- malefactive postp. (xref {ħulŋ-i})
- θĭ-cu
- ministry, assistance, service; ongoing, organized helping
- θĭ-gu-pja
- poll worker, election worker (xref {cwĭn-gu-pja})
- θĭ-hĭj-pja
- altar server, acolyte
- θĭ-ķĭm-tla
- physical therapist
- θĭ-o
- for; helping; on behalf of, for the benefit of, in favor of, to the advantage of (benefactive case marker)
mî'rĭj θĭ-o sĭlm ķĭn-o ʝĭŋ ŝâm-řŋ-tǒj-za ĥwâ-i gwî'jum tu-i. Wilma made a dress for Mary for her birthday.
- θĭ-rĭm-ĉa
- corrective lens eyeglasses
- θĭ-ř
- with the help of
- θĭ-sô
- generous, liberal with one's time and energy in helping people (xref {bwĭl-sô})
- θĭ-šu-tla
- nurse tech
- θĭ-tla
- servant, helper, assistant
- θĭ-tla-ħĭn
- slave
- θĭ-θaj
- getting someone's help, being helped
- θĭ-θaj-i
- (archaic) = θĭ-ř
- θĭ-zô
- to help, assist, benefit, bless
θě'ku gy-i mâ kâj-ha-ta ĥy-i θĭ-zô de mje kolkata-wam im teresa-ram-ķa pî'hâ-bô. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta served the destitute for the love of God.
- θĭl
- potato
?ť wuŋ-i rî'mâ hij θĭl ĥy-i bâwŋ-hôw-ť-zô vǒm zǒn. You grow potatoes behind your house, don't you?
- θĭl ĥy-vâm-bô
- mashed potatoes (nonce, prefer {θĭl-vâm})
- θĭl-kwa
- light brown, color of potato
- θĭl-tôn
- tuber, root vegetable, edible corm
- θĭl-vâm
- mashed potatoes
- θĭl-zwym
- mashed potatoes (prefer {θĭl-vâm))
- θĭm
- thigh
- θĭm-kim-tǒj
- crotch
- θĭrm
- immune response to infection
- θĭrm-fja
- having an immune system deficiency (also more severely {θĭrm-ta})
- θĭrm-ŋĭw
- immune system
- θĭrm-van
- to have an immune response to an infection
- θĭw
- liquid drug, medicine for ingestion or injection (xref {plĭ, plĭ-tôn})
- θĭw flîn'zu-ĝa
- flu vaccine (nonce, prefer {pun-fĭm-hôw-ha flîn'zu-ĝa})
- θĭw ĥě'fâŋ-ĝa
- chemotherapy drug
- θĭw lyl-tan
- ointment
- θĭw sî'dum-ĝa
- IV antibiotic active against P. argeuinosa
- θĭw ŝrum-tôn-ĝa
- antifungal IV drug
- θĭw θĭrm-ðwa
- immune-system boosting drug such as immunoglobulin
- θĭw-pul
- medicine in powder form to be dissolved in liquid for ingestion or injection
- θĭw-sâl
- hypertonic saline
- θĭw-ŝĭn
- IV drug
- θĭw-zwym
- medicinal gel or lotion
- θir
- far below
- θî'ðu
- 109
- θî'gâ
- mist (Caligoi)
( < Thau 'thiga')
- θî'hâ
- 113
- θje
- almost; nearly, not quite (xref {ƴeŋ, fem})
dojĉě-lam kâ-i suŋ-lju-van θje jě'nu. John can almost read German.
θuň pǒ mĭ-i lju-faj θje ŋĭn-i, mǒj te ðim du fem mĭ-i ĵyn-fwa ŋĭn-i. That story is not quite worth reading, but its first chapter, at least, is interesting.
- θlu
- boundary area, border region, marches, transition period (fuzzy); xref {pjylm, ĝy-θaj}
ljâw pe câŋ kin θlu gǒ; bĭŋ-van heŋ pjylm. There is a fuzzy boundary between observational science and experimental science; no sharp boundary exists.
- θlu-brĭ
- morning, dawn, sunrise
- θlu-gě'dĭm
- gradual waking up from sleep
- θlu-ĥwĭl
- period of rapid change in world's history
- θlu-nî'šĭm
- evening, twilight, sunset
- θlu-tâlm
- neck
- θlu-tâŋ
- period of change in one's life
- θlu-źy
- border between dreaming and waking consciousness
- θo
- under-to
čî'ny so pe θo ƴâ-ƥ-zô ķĭm-bô. She walks up and down stairs for exercise.
- θoj
- under-to-near
- θol
- under-to-through
- θom
- under-to-part.of
- θon
- under-to-contact
- θoŋ
- under-to-inside
- θǒ
- immediate, next, previous; just, just a moment ago; just a moment hence; immediately, right away, suddenly (xref {kǒ, žǒŋ})
ĥun θǒ i, šâ-ť-zô mwe twâ-cu pǒ. Bring that book to our next meeting.
gě'dĭm mje θǒ i Ќ cim zjâm-ny ĥy-i ĥâ-ca. I cut my left little toe yesterday.
ðurm ši ty o ruŋ-ƥ-zô kiň vâ-oŋ-zô θǒ. After work she goes home and eats right away.
kyl vĭn-da cĭ-bô ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô ƥ, nu-šar ŝrun-twâ-gĭn-zô θǒ. He drank one glass of wine, then immediately started singing.
- θor
- under-to-far
- -θô
- diminution of root sense; (with units of measure) milli
- θrî'sě'kjurn
- ibis (birds of family Threskiornithidae)
( < Latin)
- θř
- out from under
- θřj
- under-from-near
- θřl
- under-from-through
- θřm
- under-from-part.of
- θřn
- out from under (was previously touching the underside of)
- θřŋ
- under-from-inside
- θřr
- under-from-far
- θuň
- story, history, narrative
mu-tôn žĭŋ-da i râ-van θuň pǒ. That story takes place in a universe full of magic.
?lju-ť-zô gwe zǒn arue-šam šej volteŕ-ram dâm-ř θuň kwǒ kâ-i. Have you read any stories by Arouet, also known as Voltaire?
θuň-ba pǒ ðim tyn-van mâ-fĭw ĵyn-fwa mĭ-i, mǒj te ĝy-im tâň-ƥ-van. In the early part of that story interesting characters appear, but they disappear in the middle.
θuň-bâm krĭ-o lju-θaj-zô kiň te ĥy-i byn-zô. I am writing and revising a new story.
- θuň ħum-hôw
- horror story (also {θuň ĝě'fu-hôw}; xref {fĭw ĝě'fu-da})
- θuň lju-θaj-ĥun-za
- collaboratively written story
- θuň mâ-zla-dal
- myth, legend, folktale
- θuň-ca
- tell a story about oneself
- θuň-lâŋ
- novel
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam ðĭ-i ĵulm-van θuň-lâŋ kǒ mĭ-i. This novel deserves a Hugo award.
- θuň-pôm
- this happened in (the aforementioned) story
- θuň-tla
- novelist, bard, storyteller
- θuň-zô
- to narrate, tell a story
- θuň-źu
- dream more or less in MLK sense; a story one hopes will become true
- θuň-źy
- dream; a story one experiences while asleep
- θwâm
- sensation from e.g. petting a cat, wearing flannel...
- θwâm-ga
- fuzzy feelings from e.g. reading a cute slice of life story
- θwâm-ga-fwa
- fluffy (of stories, art, etc.)
- θwi
- before (time); archaic, now use {ði}
- θy
- one of heterogeneous component parts, pieces; simple unit, element; detail (xref {du, gĭl}) [suffixoid]
- θy-tan
- simple, elementary, uncomplicated (xref {cu-rô-cô})
- θy-tan-lam
- Toki Pona
- θym
- ring, band, torus, annulus; hollow circular/elliptical object (not necessarily rigid) (xref {cĭw, ₣ĭŋ})
- θym flu-pwĭm-ĉa-paj
- faucet washer
- θym ĝum-flu-ĉa
- valve; piece of a pump or tube which controls the rate/direction of flow
- θym ĝum-i pâŋ
- The Lord of the Rings
- θym-dâr
- tires (of car)
- θym-ny
- ring (nonce; prefer {(wrym-)θym zjâm-paj})
- θym-tě'bâr
- rubber band
- θym-θâŋ
- belt, girdle
- ty
- home; default location
ty rew o ruŋ-zô mâ pen. Everyone went to their own homes.
ðurm ši ty o ruŋ-ƥ-zô kiň vâ-oŋ-zô θǒ. After work she goes home and eats right away.
- ty-dâm
- hometown, the place someone comes from
- ty-i
- at the home of
ƥ ty-i ty-van râm fy-bô gle belm. Seven cats live at her house -- enough, I should think.
- ty-ʝǒ-žar
- moving from one home to another
- ty-nu-kô
- hotel, inn, motel, hostel; temporary lodging place [nonce; prefer {mwĭl-kô-ĵwa}]
- ty-nu-van
- to temporarily lodge at [nonce; prob. want something better]
- ty-o
- to the home of
mǒn sru-van ť ty-o ruŋ-zô, mǒj grĭ-cô-van Ќ ŝâj-i ƴâ-ĉa mĭ-i. I want to come to your home, but my car is broken down.
- ty-van
- live at, live in a place ({mĭ-i} lives at {i}); xref {ʝâr-van}
ƥ ty-i ty-van râm fy-bô gle belm. Seven cats live at her house -- enough, I should think.
- tyn
- location, situation, small local area, place, spot, point (xref {šun, purj})
rî'mâ ĉu-bô pǒ ki tyn mĭ-i blĭn-van mě'tyr dâ-bô jĭrn-i. The space between those two houses is three meters wide.
mâ kwǒ mĭ-i, mâ lǒ tu-i tyn pǒ o ruŋ-zô, ĵlân-cô-bô ŋĭn-i. Anyone who goes there is foolish.
- tyn lân-θaj-ta
- outdoors, open space
- tyn nǒ i
- where? kie?
- tyn pǒ o, tyn kǒ o
- hither and thither, back and forth
- tyn šu-ĝân-paj
- intensive care unit, ICU (prefer {šu-ĝân-kô})
- tyn-ca
- to place oneself, to situate oneself (used esp. for getting into a small enclosed space, such as a car seat, or into clothes (other languages would say "putting clothes on"))
vlym-srĭw kǒ iŋ ðu-van tyn-ca ver heŋ; blĭn-te-van ķe. I can't fit into these pants anymore; they're too tight.
vlym oŋ tyn-ca šej Ќ ĉon vlym ĥy-i tyn-zô. I put myself into clothes, or surround myself with clothes.
- tyn-ca ķǒ-vo
- to thrust out, thrust forward (a body part, e.g. extending a hand to shake hands; variations with {tyn-van} or {vun-van} for inanimate subjects, {tyn-zô} or {vun-zô} with animate subject and inanimate object, other directions than {vo}...) (archaic)
- tyn-ga
- site, locus (focus of attention, not physical place)
- tyn-ʝǒ-i-tǒj
- absence, being somewhere else (xref {tyn-van-heŋ-tǒj})
- tyn-ʝǒ-i-van
- to be absent, to be somewhere else unspecified
- tyn-kujm
- destination (place)
gâm-šun-ʝrâ kâ-i rĭm-kâ-zô kujm-šar tyn-kujm o fyn-zô ĵwy-bô. I study the map in order to drive quickly to my destination.
- tyn-nî'šĭm-van
- to pass the night, to spend the night, to lodge for the night
- tyn-srǒ-zô
- to distribute, put in various places (xref {fwĭ-cô-zô})
- tyn-van
- to be located, be found at; to be present ({mĭ-i} is located at {i})
bab-ram sim šĭm-ŋĭw iŋ tyn-van gâ-zuň-ĥun čyw-ʝǒ-dal. There is an alien symbiont in Bob's brain.
nu lǒ i gĭn-van ĥun mĭ-i, nu pǒ i tyn-van šlâ ĝu-bô kiň tyn-van heŋ šlâ ðy-bô. When the meeting began, there were thirteen members present and five members absent.
- tyn-van heŋ
- to be absent, to not be located at ("here" if no explicit locative argument)
- tyn-van-heŋ-tǒj
- absence, state of not being located at some salient place
- tyn-vĭj-van
- to stay, remain in place (xref {pun})
- tyn-zô
- put, place; take; meti, preni
twâ-cu šuŋ-bô kǒ ĥy-i swyŋ-ʝa cu-ja oŋ tyn-zô θǒ. I put these recently acquired books on the appropriate shelf right away.
swyŋ pǒ sim ŋylm gǒ; te oŋ ðu-Ł-van krĭ-vuj-ĉa ĥy-i tyn-zô. There is a groove on the surface of that desk; one can put a pencil in it.
mrâ oŋ ryŋ ĥy-i tyn-zô, kujm-šar ruŋ-źa kujm-o sum jâ-o. I pack many things into luggage, to get ready for a trip.
vlym oŋ tyn-ca šej Ќ ĉon vlym ĥy-i tyn-zô. I put myself into clothes, or surround myself with clothes.
- tyrn
- government, state, rule, reign (xref {ĝum, pâŋ})
( < helenike 'tyrannos')
- tyrn im fĭm-hôw-kô
- health department, government clinic
- tyrn-cô-lô
- anarchist; sennaciulo
- tyrn-kô
- city hall, administration building, etc.
- tyrn-kô fĭm-hôw-kô
- health department, government clinic
- tyrn-lô
- statist, nationalist
- tyrn-tla
- ruler, official (with significant authority)
- tyrn-tla-zwa
- candidate for political office
- v,k,n,
- vâ-kar-nî'šĭm; enteral feeding
- -van
- stative verb suffix
- vâ
- digestion; digestive system, esp. stomach and intestines
( < suomalainen 'vatsa')
- vâ im cĭw-ĝĭ
- large intestines
- vâ im cĭw-ny
- small intestines
- vâ im wĭm-cy
- stomach (archaic, prefer {wĭm-vâ})
- vâ pě'ŝlĭ-i žâw-ca plyn-bô
- to feel full
- vâ pě'ŝlĭ-i žâw-ca plyn-cô-bô
- to feel hungry
- vâ-faj
- edible, digestible, of the nature of food
- vâ-faj-fwa-ĉa
- stove, oven, grill... cooking tool
- vâ-faj-fwa-zô
- to cook, to prepare food
mě'hu ķĭn-o vâ-faj-fwa-ƥ-zô. She is cooking a stew.
- vâ-ha
- gastric acid; digestive enzymes; etc.
- vâ-ja
- nutritious {xref {vâ-faj})
- vâ-kar
- food, beverage
- vâ-kar-ĵwa
- kitchen, pantry
- vâ-kar-kě'rĭ
- curry dish
- vâ-kar-nî'šĭm
- enteral feeding (typically at night)
- vâ-kar-θy
- nutrient (xref {vî'tâm})
- vâ-kar-vyl
- sandwich; layered casserole
jĭ-ga ru-i ƥ dâm-ř vâ-kar-vyl mĭ-i ðî'ruň-Ќ-zô. I politely pretended to enjoy her casserole more than I actually did.
- vâ-kar-vyl sěm'su-tan
- enchilada casserole; similar casseroles with a bread or noodle layer on top and bottom
- vâ-kar-zla
- diet (the set of things a person or group of people actually eat; xref {gâw-vâ-oŋ-tǒj, wâj-ĵar-fwa})
- vâ-oŋ-ĉa
- g-tube; fork, spoon, chopsticks etc. (archaically also = dish, plate, bowl; xref {kyl-vâ-kar})
- vâ-oŋ-ĉa čĭn-ĉa-da
- fork
- vâ-oŋ-fwa-zô
- to feed; {tu-i} feeds food {ĥy-i} to person/animal {θĭ-o} (or {ħulŋ-i} if poisoning them)
- vâ-oŋ-ĝân-zô
- to devour, wolf down
- vâ-oŋ-kar
- food (xref more common form {vâ-kar})
- vâ-oŋ-kô
- restaurant, cafeteria, etc.
- vâ-oŋ-kô-ĵwa
- neighborhood with a lot of restaurants
- vâ-oŋ-ŋĭw
- mouth/esophagus (xref {syl})
- vâ-oŋ-zô
- eat, drink ({tu-i} eats or drinks {ĥy-i})
nu lǒ i ķĭm-Ł-zô de, nu pǒ i gâ pwĭm-sâl-tôn-ža ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô mwe. When one exercises, one ought to drink something with electrolytes.
ðurm ši ty o ruŋ-ƥ-zô kiň vâ-oŋ-zô θǒ. After work she goes home and eats right away.
- vâ-řŋ-kô
- bathroom, toilet, restroom (xref {bĭm-ĵwa})
- vâ-řŋ-sî'kwâ-van
- râ-sô kiň mwĭň-fwa ŋĭn-i ce
- vâ-řŋ-zô
- excrete
- vâ-sřŋ-zô
- to vomit
- vâ-za
- digestive
- vâl
- 256; 162
- vâlm
- permanent, lasting
- vâlm-cô-bô
- ephemeral, temporary, nonce, momentary (xref {nu-bô, kujm-nu-ja})
- vâm
- crush, crumple, squish, squush (xref {nĭrn-cô-fwa-zô, pâjn-zô})
pě'pâ Φy-tan reŋ ĥy-i vâm-zô krĭ-tla kiň kyl-Φy oŋ bly-zô. The artist crumpled up many waste papers and threw them in the trash can.
- vâm-plâŋ-zô
- to stomp on, to trample
- vě'sî'pâ
- wasps, hornets and yellowjackets of family Vespidae
( < Latin)
- vě'sî'pâ-syrm
- yellowjacket
- vě'sî'pâ-syrm-ram
- Yellowjacket (superhero)
- vě'sî'pâ-tôn
- wasp, ants, etc. of superfamily Vespoidea
- vě'ty
- doorway, gate; hole, aperture, opening (xref {vě'ty-θaj, ŋylm-vě'ty})
- vě'ty-bî'duň
- nostrils, nose
- vě'ty-ga
- opportunity; chance; potential, possibility
- vě'ty-kyw
- nostrils, mouth (considered as passages into the lungs)
- vě'ty-mu
- portal between worlds
- vě'ty-rĭm
- window (lit. seeing-door)
vě'ty-rĭm hâ-bô ĥy-i šyj-zô gwe. I've washed seventeen windows already.
- vě'ty-rĭm-kwa
- color of window; transparent
- vě'ty-rĭm-ŋô
- glass (window-stuff); archaic, xref {vî'trĭ}
- vě'ty-ŝĭn
- port-a-cath
- vě'ty-ŝy
- ŋĭw-mrâ lǒ ol ruŋ-van mâ-bâm
- vě'ty-θaj
- door; piece of wood or metal on hinges fixed in a doorway (xref {vě'ty})
- vě'ty-zô
- go through a door
- věj'kul
- butterscotch
( < suomalainen 'voikola')
- věr'mlĭ
- anteater (mammals of suborder Vermilingua)
( < Latin)
- ver
- still, yet (xref {jǒj, gwe})
kwâwn mĭl-i, pjâl-zô mî'ħâ-bô ver. Despite delirious sleepiness, I'm still working obsessively.
vlym-srĭw kǒ iŋ ðu-van tyn-ca ver heŋ; blĭn-te-van ķe. I can't fit into these pants anymore; they're too tight.
ĵyj-fja-van gwe, mǒj mwĭl-ŝra-van heŋ ver. I am already tired, but not yet sleepy.
- vi
- in front of, antaŭ
Ќ kâ-i rĭm-zô ĵyn-ta bĭm-cô-pî'râ vi râm. The cat in front of the fireplace gazed at me with disinterest.
- vij
- front-at-near
- vil
- front-at-through
- vim
- front-at-part.of
ðurm-ja hej tî'šâ-ja ŋĭn-i heŋ gwe vlym-ĝĭw kǒ, ʝǒj te vim ħĭwm ĝĭ-bô gǒ. This shirt is no longer suitable for work or church; look, there's a big stain on the front.
- vin
- front-at-contact
lân-ʝa vin julŋ-van gâm-vuj mĭ-i. A picture hangs on the wall.
- viŋ
- front-at-inside
- vĭ
- maleness, masculinity
( < E-o 'vira')
hjě'nĭ-vĭ ʝel dî'fu-i ĝĭ-sra-van hjě'nĭ-ŝy ʝel mĭ-i. Female hyenas are generally bigger than male hyenas.
- vĭ-dô-bô
- effeminate (xref {vĭ-θô})
- vĭ-ĵam
- a creature of a species with two sexes
- vĭ-θô
- male but not especially masculine (xref {vĭ-dô-bô})
- vĭj
- time, duration, while, period; compounded into verbs to mark durative aspect (xref {nu}, {ƴu}, {ĥwĭl})
( < Hrvatski 'vrijeme')
- vĭj jǒm i
- usually, most often, most of the time, more often than not
- vĭj lǒ i
- while, during the period that that
bě'lâm jâ-o mî'rĭj gân-šar bĭm-ĵwa oŋ ruŋ-zô ₣âl-bô ƥ lĭw-i kyn-ŝâm-ba, vĭj lǒ i bĭm-šyj-mâ iŋ šyj-ƥ-ca. Mary became embarrassed because her mother barged into the bathroom while she was in the bathtub.
- vĭj reŋ i
- often, frequently (also {nu reŋ i}, etc.; xref {de, nâ, ƴyr})
- vĭj-bô
- daŭre; continuous, ongoing
- vĭj-brĭ-ƴu
- summer; late spring, early autumn
- vĭj-brĭ-ƴu-cô
- winter; late autumn, early spring
- vĭj-lǒ-šar
- while, during, when (conj.; xref postp. {i}, relativizer {vĭj lǒ i})
twâ-zô Φǒ {pwĭ-van belm.} vĭj-lǒ-šar Ќ cim šâ-ŋĭw ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô rjuŋ-zô. "This is delightful!" I said, as the dragon ate my left arm.
- vĭj-sâm-šar
- while, at the same time as (conjunction; xref relative clause introducer {vĭj lǒ i})
- vĭj-šar
- then, a little while later
- vĭj-trĭ-ĉa
- clock, watch, timer (archaic, prefer {trĭ-ƴu-ĉa})
- vĭn
- wine
( < E-o & Fr.)
kyl vĭn-da cĭ-bô ĥy-i vâ-oŋ-zô ƥ, nu-šar ŝrun-twâ-gĭn-zô θǒ. He drank one glass of wine, then immediately started singing.
- vĭn-ŋô
- alcohol
- vĭn-tôn
- alcoholic drinks
- vĭn-tôn bî'lym-dal
- hard cider
- vir
- far to the front of
- vî'grâ
- vinegar
- vî'nĭ
- this vine that keeps choking my water-oaks
( < English)
- vî'nĭ-tôn
- vine plants
- vî'tâm
- vitamin, mineral, essential nutrient
( < English)
- vî'trĭ
- glass
- vîl'pun
- fox (tribe Vulpini)
( < Latin)
- vjâr
- shade, shadow, local area of darkness (xref {fu-ta, fu-fja, nî'šĭm-rô})
( < suomalainen 'varjo')
- vjâr-ĉa tâlm-paj
- hat, cap (broad-brimmed hat that casts shade on one's face)
mâ kwǒ wuŋ-i vjâr-ĉa tâlm-paj ĥy-i tru-zô. ?ť wuŋ-i zǒn te mĭ-i. I found someone's hat. Is it yours?
- vjul
- violin, fiddle
( < suomalainen 'viulu')
- vjul-tôn
- string instrument
- vjul-tôn-ĝix
- cello
- vjum
- intolerant abhorrence, hatred, malice (xref {bâl, gě'ĝu, fâ-cô})
- vjum-ma
- hatred because of some previous hatred; esp, of one's own
- vjurm
- visiting, going to see someone; hanging out with someone at their home or another meeting place
( < suomalainen 'vierailla')
- vjurm-kô
- hotel (nonce; prefer {mwĭl-kô-ĵwa})
- vjurm-ŋla
- Saturday (visit-day; rare now)
- vjurm-θaj
- hosting, guesting someone; hanging out with a visitor at your home
- vjurm-θaj-huw-van
- to have a welcoming, hospitable spirit; also "Welcome" greeting
- vjurm-θaj-kô
- hotel, inn, motel, hostel; temporary lodging place (archaic, prefer {mwĭl-kô-ĵwa})
- vjyn
- candle-lily (not sure what its Latin name is)
- vlě'tâ
- sea, lake, pond, pool; water bounded by land (pwĭm-daj pjylm-ža); xref {sĭ, pwĭm-daj}
vlě'tâ oŋ bly-ca bî'wu-bô rî'nâ, wǒj mâ kâ-i rĭm-van. The frog jumped splashing into the pond because he saw a human.
- vlě'tâ-sâl in mâ-ĵwa
- Salt Lake City
- vlě'tâ-θaj
- island, continent; land bounded by water
- vlě'tâ-θaj-cy
- mainland, continent, largest island of an archipelago
- vlĭw
- home built by its current residents (incl. beaver dam, beehive, spider web, bird nest, some people houses); xref {ty, rî'mâ}
- vlĭw-fî'mrĭ
- anthill
- vlĭw-ĥâr
- spiderweb
- vlĭw-pî'dâ
- beehive
vlĭw-pî'dâ iŋ mjyl kâ-i tru-Ł-zô. One finds honey in beehives.
- vlym
- covering, clothes; sheets, blankets, towels; fabric, cloth, linen and similar materials; by extension, coverings made of non-fabric materials such as the lid of a jar or the hood of a car
šyj-ƥ-ca, nu-šar pwĭm-da jâ-ř vlym-ca kiň ƥ im θâŋ ĉon vlym ĥy-i ĵârn-zô. He bathed himself, then dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist.
vlym oŋ tyn-ca šej Ќ ĉon vlym ĥy-i tyn-zô. I put myself into clothes, or surround myself with clothes.
- vlym čâ-ja
- swimsuit
- vlym ðurm-ja
- work clothes
ðurm-ja hej tî'šâ-ja ŋĭn-i heŋ gwe vlym-ĝĭw kǒ, ʝǒj te vim ħĭwm ĝĭ-bô gǒ. This shirt is no longer suitable for work or church; look, there's a big stain on the front.
- vlym mwĭl-ja
- sleeping clothes, pajamas
- vlym oŋ tyn-ca
- to get dressed, put clothes on (with possible modifiers such as {ðurm-ja} or {tî'šâ-ja} inserted after {vlym}, or more specific clothing type word in place of {vlym})
- vlym tî'šâ-ja
- dress clothes, formal clothes, church clothes
ðurm-ja hej tî'šâ-ja ŋĭn-i heŋ gwe vlym-ĝĭw kǒ, ʝǒj te vim ħĭwm ĝĭ-bô gǒ. This shirt is no longer suitable for work or church; look, there's a big stain on the front.
- vlym-by-flu
- sail, kite (fabric structure to catch wind)
- vlym-by-flu-zô
- to fly a kite, to manage the sails of a ship/boat
- vlym-ca
- 1. to rub oneself with a cloth or towel. 2. to cover oneself, put clothes on (less common than {vlym oŋ tyn-ca})
šyj-ƥ-ca, nu-šar pwĭm-da jâ-ř vlym-ca kiň ƥ im θâŋ ĉon vlym ĥy-i ĵârn-zô. He bathed himself, then dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist.
- vlym-čâl
- vestments; clothing used for ritual
- vlym-da
- fully dressed
- vlym-fja
- wearing only underclothes or swimsuit
- vlym-ĝĭw
- shirt, blouse, jacket
prym-cô-fwa ŋĭn-i vlym-ĝĭw syrm-da kǒ mĭ-i. This striped shirt is ugly.
ðurm-ja hej tî'šâ-ja ŋĭn-i heŋ gwe vlym-ĝĭw kǒ, ʝǒj te vim ħĭwm ĝĭ-bô gǒ. This shirt is no longer suitable for work or church; look, there's a big stain on the front.
- vlym-ħa
- rags, scraps of cloth [nonce]
- vlym-julŋ
- curtain, arras, tapestry (esp. if hanging against wall or between room sections; xref {vlym-vě'ty-rĭm})
*vlym-julŋ hi mâ kâ-i źǒ. Pay no attention to the person behind the curtain.
- vlym-lân
- carpet, rug
- vlym-mâŋ
- gloves (slightly archaic, prefer {wĭm-mâŋ})
- vlym-mwĭl-ðĭm
- thick blanket, sleeping bag
- vlym-oŋ-kô
- vestry, dressing room
- vlym-plâŋ
- socks, hose (archaic, prefer {wĭm-plâŋ})
- vlym-slân
- flag, standard, banner
- vlym-srĭw
- long pants, trousers
vlym-srĭw kǒ iŋ ðu-van tyn-ca ver heŋ; blĭn-te-van ķe. I can't fit into these pants anymore; they're too tight.
- vlym-ŝum
- lifejacket
- vlym-ta
- naked, nude, unclothed
- vlym-ta-ca
- to undress, take off one's clothes
- vlym-ta-lô
- nudist
- vlym-ta-tla
- stripper
- vlym-ta-žar sru-₣yw-hôw
- striptease
- vlym-tan
- of the nature of fabric
- vlym-tâlm
- hat, cap (prefer {vjâr-ĉa tâlm-paj} for broad-brimmed hats)
- vlym-tâlm-jâln
- stocking cap, toque, etc.; hat intended to keep one's head warm
- vlym-tôn
- fabric, sheets, towels, etc
- vlym-θĭm
- shorts, underwear
- vlym-vě'ty-kyw
- mask (used to filter out undesirable particles or push air or oxygen into airways; xref {kě'ĝu-tâlm-ĉa})
- vlym-vě'ty-rĭm
- curtain (of window; xref {vlym-julŋ})
- vlym-zô
- to cover (not necessarily with fabric), to clothe
- vo
- front-to
- voj
- front-to-near
- vol
- front-to-through
- vom
- front-to-part.of
- von
- front-to-contact
- voŋ
- front-to-inside
- vǒm
- yes (response); indeed, verily, truly, certainly, of course
?ť wuŋ-i rî'mâ hij θĭl ĥy-i bâwŋ-hôw-ť-zô vǒm zǒn. You grow potatoes behind your house, don't you?
- vor
- front-to-far
- -vô
- name of glyph representing ~
- vrĭm
- green
zym-hô ŋĭn-i heŋ twâ-θy {vrĭm} pe {fu-θy-ta}. The words "green" and "colorless" do not make sense applied to ideas.
- vrĭm-hyrŋ
- cyan, turquoise
- vrĭm-tôn
- primary color (xref {fu-θy, -kwa})
- vř
- front-from
- vřj
- front-from-near
- vřl
- front-from-through
- vřm
- front-from-part.of
- vřn
- front-from-contact
- vřŋ
- front-from-inside
- vřr
- front-from-far
- vrum
- to go fast, to speed along; esp. if on a curvy path (xref {ĵwy}, {ƴâ})
( < English onomatapoeia)
- vry
- tax, taking, confiscation
( < suomalainen 'vero')
- vry-faj
- taxable, subject to tâation (of income, expenses, property etc.)
- vuj
- physicality, concreteness; the physical aspects of a thing (not just tangible; includes light, heat, etc.); a physical instantiation of a thing also having abstract or spiritual elements
- vuj-cô
- logical, abstract, nonphysical (xref {ðâ, ŝî'fy-rô})
- vun
- stretching, extending (xref {nĭrn})
( < suomalainen 'venyä')
- vun-cô-van
- to relax from a stretching position; to retract; to be in a relaxed or retracted state (xref {nĭrn-cô-van})
- vun-cô-vâlm
- ðu-van heŋ vun-van zjâm-vĭ mĭ-i
- vun-i
- at a distance of, extending over (object is a measure of distance; xref {jĭrn-i})
- vun-kar
- silly putty, etc.
- vuň
- employer, client, principal (xref {ðurm, ðurm-kô-gôm})
- vuň-ca
- be self-employed
- vuň-i
- (nonce) = vuň-θaj-i
- vuň-θaj
- employee, consultant, agent, servant, worker (xref {θĭ-tla, ðurm-tla, cĭw-ga})
- vuň-θaj-i
- employed by, in the employ of
- ƴâ
- motion with continuous adjustment (ðe {bly}; muw-θaj-šar {zyŋ, čâ, ly, fyn, vrum})
čî'ny so pe θo ƴâ-ƥ-zô ķĭm-bô. She walks up and down stairs for exercise.
- ƴâ-cjaj
- going for a walk; walking for its own sake, as recreation or exercise rather than in order to get somewhere
jâln-źa mĭl-i ƴâ-cjaj-zô ŋy-bô. Despite the great heat, I walked a long way.
- ƴâ-ĉa
- vehicle, esp. car, automobile
nî'sâ-van ðǒŋ ƴâ-ĉa ĵwy-cô-bô hi fyn-zô mě'tyr-źa srǒ il. It was just my luck to get stuck behind a slow vehicle for several kilometers.
ƴâ-ĉa syj-ta-i âtlântě-wam ĉi šun kiŋ ðu-Ł-van ƴeŋ ruŋ-zô. One can hardly get around in the Atlanta suburbs without a car.
Ќ wuŋ-i ƴâ-ĉa iŋ ðu-van θâŋ-twâl-van mâ ĉu-dâ-bô fem-θaj. No more than six people can sit in my car.
ƴâ-ĉa bâm-bô ĥy-i ƴâwn-ƥ-zô. She bought a new car on credit.
mǒn sru-van ť ty-o ruŋ-zô, mǒj grĭ-cô-van Ќ ŝâj-i ƴâ-ĉa mĭ-i. I want to come to your home, but my car is broken down.
- ƴâ-ĉa dâr-ĉu-ža
- bicycle, veclocipede, motorcycle
- ƴâ-ĉa dâr-ĉu-ža kî'tĭr-za
- Electric Velocipede (zine)
- ƴâ-ĉa him kyl
- trunk of car
- ƴâ-ĉa hin ĵĭ-mĭlm-vuj
- license plate
- ƴâ-ĉa kâj-syj-paj
- taxi; similarly for-hire plane, boat etc.
- ƴâ-ĉa pwĭm-daj-iŋ-bô
- submarine, U-boat (might can tersify this using {ŝum} somehow...?)
- ƴâ-ĉa pwĭm-daj-sin-bô
- ship, boat (nonce, prefer {ƴâ-ŝum-ĉa})
- ƴâ-ĉa ŝu-i ₣yjm-by kâ-i ħĭ-zô
- to test a vehicle's emissions
- ƴâ-ĉa-kwĭ
- railroad train
nĭŋ-van gju-ŋy-ĉa, žĭr-van pî'dâ, lâl-van ku-faj-źa ƴâ-ĉa-kwĭ vim ŝâ-cô-ĉa. Phones ring, bees buzz, train engines whistle loudly.
- ƴâ-ĉa-mâ-daj
- bus (transport vehicle for many people)
- ƴâ-ĉa-šâ
- truck, any freight vehicle (nonce, prefer {ƴâ-šâ-ĉa})
- ƴâ-flu-zô
- to locomote fluidly, to squirm around (perhaps evasively) as one goes; to slither (of snakes, worms)
- ƴâ-gym-θaj-zô
- to follow, walk behind someone (xref {<mâ> hi ƴâ-zô})
- ƴâ-ʝĭl-zô ruŋ-ta
- to walk on a treadmill, to walk or run in place (nonce, xref {ʝĭl-ca ƴâ-tan})
- ƴâ-ly-ĉa
- airplane, helicopter etc. (not sure if it apples to dirigibles, blimps & balloons yet)
- ƴâ-mwĭl
- sleepwalking
- ƴâ-ŋĭw
- legs and feet
- ƴâ-šâ-ĉa
- truck, any freight vehicle
- ƴâ-su-zô
- to walk on a treadmill, to walk or run in place (nonce, xref {ʝĭl-ca ƴâ-tan})
- ƴâ-ŝum-ĉa
- ship, boat (xref {kě'nu, kě'nu-tôn, ƴâ-ĉa-zlě'kĭ})
- ƴâ-ŝum-ĉa vlym-ža
- sailing ship
- ƴâ-ŝum-tla
- sailor, seaman
- ƴâ-θy
- step, pace (nonce; prefer {gĭl-ƴâ})
- ƴârn
- decay, rotting, corruption; to absorb, digest (of bacteria and fungi) (xref {ĝâj, vâ})
pwĭm-da-tǒj gân-ř kî'sul kǒ mĭ-i ƴârn-van ĵwy-bô. Because of the humidity this wood is rotting quickly.
- ƴâw
- dog
( < onomatopoeia)
- ƴâw-tôn bwĭl-cô-sô
- coyote (Canis latrans)
( < calque of Latin)
- ƴâwn
- debt, owing; state of having borrowed something, or received something before paying for it
ɱ wuŋ-i rî'mâ mĭ-i ƴâwn-źa-van cĭrĭl-ram. Cyril owes a lot of money on his house.
- ƴâwn-cô-θaj-van
- to get paid for goods/services one has already provided, e.g. of employees receiving their pay
- ƴâwn-cô-zô
- to pay back, repay a debt; to return something borrowed; to pay for some service/good one has already received, incl. employers paying their employees for work already done
- ƴâwn-ĉa
- credit card
- ƴâwn-θaj-zô
- 1. to lend, to extend credit; to provide goods/services without demanding immediate payment. 2. to pay a debt, return something borrowed (archaic in sense 2; xref {ƴâwn-cô-zô})
- ƴâwn-zô
- to incur a debt, borrow something, buy something on promise to pay (xref {tâň-syj-zô, tâl-θaj-zô})
ƴâ-ĉa bâm-bô ĥy-i ƴâwn-ƥ-zô. She bought a new car on credit.
- ƴeŋ
- barely, hardly, just (xref {θje, fem})
ƴâ-ĉa syj-ta-i âtlântě-wam ĉi šun kiŋ ðu-Ł-van ƴeŋ ruŋ-zô. One can hardly get around in the Atlanta suburbs without a car.
ĵyj-fja-van ru-kǒ-bô, hǒŋ ðu-van ƴeŋ su-van. I'm so tired, I can hardly stand up.
ðu-van ƴeŋ ce kâ-i hî'mâr-van. I can barely understand that.
- ƴě'nâl
- pod, shell, rind, peel (of fruit); crust of planet with molten core (xref {bjyň-tôn, tlě'Φĭ, luw-ƴě'nâl})
- ƴě'nâl-ga
- hull of a boat, chassis of a car, etc.; cover of a book (esp. hardback but any sort, incl. ebook)
- ƴĭ
- repentance, regret, contrition; wishing one had done/not done something differently; metanoia (xref {ʝyrŋ, ķĭw, žâj-dô, hî'su})
- ƴĭ-vuj
- physical penance (xref {ryň-ƴĭ, ĵâŋ})
- ƴĭln
- slipping, sliding, skating, skiing; motion along a low-friction surface (xref {ruŋ, ƴâ, bly, tě'θru, ĉârn})
- ƴĭln-fwa
- slippery, offering little traction
- ƴĭln-tě'θru-van
- to slip and fall
- ƴĭln-van
- to slip, slide (accidentally; xref {bly-van, ƴĭln-tě'θru-van}; contrast deliberate {ƴĭln-zô})
- ƴĭln-zô
- to slide, skate, ski (intentionally)
- ƴu
- duration, length (time), age (xref {vĭj, ŋy, hum}); also, time as a dimension in contrast to space
- ƴu-bô
- long, lasting a long time (xref {lâŋ, hân, pě'lâ, bâm-cô})
- ƴu-ʝa
- paratime, distance between parallel timelines
- ƴu-sra-bô
- older (of things); longer (of events)
- ƴu-ta-tǒj
- eternity, timeless existence
- ƴu-θaj
- space in contrast to time
- ƴu-van
- 1. to last, to remain, to continue (in process/existence); xref {pun}. optional quantitative complement in {jĭrn-i} or {il}. 2. to pass (of time); amount of time in {mĭ-i}.
râ ĉu-bô pǒ ki ƴu-van hyr fy-bô. Seven hours passed between those two events.
fî'suň-bly θâ-bô jĭrn-i ƴu-van rî'mâ-hân kǒ. This old house has lasted a hundred and one years.
- ƴu-źa-bô
- long-lived, long-lasting; old, lasting a long time (xref {hân, pě'lâ})
- ƴulm
- suŋ-žar-sô-tǒj; quickness in learning skills, methods, languages... (xref {ĵlân, ĉâ})
- ƴulm-gjâ
- talent, facility for languages
- ƴum
- trick, deception, deceit, con, hoax, trap, malicious pretense
- ƴum-bô
- deceptive, false (xref {ķy-cô-bô, ķy-dô})
- ƴum-ĉa
- trap, snare
- ƴum-tla
- con man
- ƴum-zô
- 1. to play a trick upon, to deceive (con artist {tu-i} deceives victim {ĥy-i}). 2. to pretend to do (aux. verb)
ƴum-zô bĭw-van sě'râ. Sarah feigned sorrow.
- ƴyr
- custom, convention, standard, tradition, habit (xref {nâ, ĝâ-θô})
- ƴyr-bô
- customary, conventional, traditional; standard, normative; habitual
- ƴyr-cu
- culture; system of customs
- ƴyr-ja
- as usual, customary, according to tradition, in the standard way
- ƴyr-nu-bô
- fashionable; transiently customary
- vy
- will, intention, firm decision (xref {sru, gâw, gu, vy-ŋĭw})
( < E-o 'voli')
- vy ħĭn-ta
- free will
- vy-bô
- intentionally, deliberately (xref {vy-ja})
- vy-hôw-zô hǒŋ ~~~ źǒ
- {tu-i} tries to persuade {ĥy-i} not to ~~~, that they shouldn't do ~~~
- vy-ja
- willingly, voluntarily, intentionally, deliberately (prefer {vy-bô} for the latter senses)
- vy-nu
- whim, fancy, caprice; impulsive, spur-of-the-moment decision
- vy-ŋĭw
- will (faculty of making free choice)
- vy-ŝra
- like to make up one's mind soon
- vy-ta
- unintentionally, accidentally
- vy-van
- to be willing; to desire fairly unconflictedly (xref {sru-van}); (archaically) = {vy-zô}
twâ-cu pǒ kâ-i vy-van lju-zô. I want to read that book.
- vy-zô
- to intend, decide upon, will
- vyl
- layer, stratum, horizontal section; storey (of building) (xref {du})
- vyŋ
- 10000; 104; ten thousand, myriad
kĭ-ĝâ-tla ŝâj-o dě'lâr vyŋ-bô ĥy-i bwĭl-zô žâj-dô-hôw antonij-ram-ħa. Antony bribed the judge ten thousand dollars.
- -wam
- place name tag
italia-wam i ler-tǒj-lô mĭ-i fraňs-wam i dě'dâ-lô ₣um-i fjǒ. The Italian Futurists were somewhat similar to the French Dadaists.
venicia-wam i pě'hĭ sĭ-tan ol ruŋ-Ł-zô de. In Venice, one goes about via canal.
mruň kâ-ŋy-tla-wam im tyn-van mrâ-cu prym-fwa. There is a beautiful cave system in Lookout Mountain.
dy-cô-źa fraňs-wam-za ĥy-i gân-θô-van dy-cô-źa usonia-wam-za. The French Revolution was influenced by the American Revolution.
- wâj
- weight, heaviness (xref {Φu})
( < English 'weigh')
Ќ o ruŋ-zô mwe ʝâr-ĵyj-fja pen pe tu-šâ-wâj pen, kiň ť ĥy-i ĵyj-rjâ jâ-o Ќ tu-i. Come to me, all who are tired and all who are carrying heavy things, and I will give you rest.
- wâj-ĵar-fwa
- diet (of food etc. conducive to losing weight; xref {vâ-kar-zla, gâw-vâ-oŋ-tǒj})
- wi
- at, during (time); archaic, now use simple {i}
- wĭm
- sack, bag; flexible container (xref {mrâ, kyl})
- wĭm sěl'kâ-gôm-paj
- backpack
- wĭm-cĭw
- bag with attached tubing, for IV medicines, transfusion, enteral feeding, etc.
- wĭm-kâj-ha
- wallet, purse
- wĭm-mâŋ
- gloves
- wĭm-plâŋ
- socks, hose, stockings
- wĭm-Φyln
- bladder
- wĭm-rô
- flexible, loose, floppy, lax (xref {blĭn-cô})
- wĭm-ŝum
- balloon
- wĭm-ŝum hî'lum-da
- helium balloon
- wĭm-tâlm
- stocking cap, esp. ski mask
- wĭm-vâ
- stomach
- wĭm-vĭ
- ŋĭw wĭm-tan lǒ im tyn-van mâw-vĭ
- wĭn
- tickling sensation
- wĭn-fwa-zô
- to tickle
- wĭŋ
- resume, continue, pick up where one left off (nonce; prefer {ĝĭr-θaj-zô})
- wĭrm
- locational or directional sense, internal compass (xref {wyl})
- wĭrm-ĉa
- GPS, compass
- wî'duň
- wanting to be somewhere else
( < Ynza's suggestion)
- wî'duň-fwa
- disagreeable, unpleasant
- wî'jě'wĭ
- whipporwill (Antrostomus vociferus)
( < onomatopoeia)
- wî'jě'wĭ-tôn
- whippoorwill, nightjar, nighthawk (birds of family Caprimulgidae)
- wî'kĭ
- wiki
( < Hawaiian via English)
- wî'žum
- blackberry bush
- wî'žum-tôn
- any thorny plant
- wîm'dě'bu
- feeling tilted when one is upright; dizziness; lightheadedness; vertigo
( < Enigmatic: 'elaubo')
- wlâ
- shock, surprise, consternation; wuddahel? (xref {wym, fjâw, kě'pâ})
( < suggestion from Ynza?)
wlâ-fwa-van, ðǒŋ mâ-ŝy pǒ lĭw-o rě'ĵy-θaj jâ-o sun-bô-ŋa naj'ĝěl-ram. It's astonishing that Nigel finally married that woman.
- wlâ-pym-van
- shocked amusement
- wlâm
- graze, browse, forage; seek food and eat; also, occasional error for {wlâ}
- wlâm-fwa-tla
- shepherd, goatherd, cowboy, cowherd...
- wlâm-fwa-tla-ga
- pastor of church (nonce, maybe too calquey) (xref {hĭj-tla, kîr'bân-tla, gym-tla})
( < calque of English and Latin)
- wlâm-kar
- forage, fodder, food
- wlâm-kô
- pasture, field (xref {žyj-ĵwa, pwâŋ-tôn-ĵwa})
- wǒj
- because (causation)
vlě'tâ oŋ bly-ca bî'wu-bô rî'nâ, wǒj mâ kâ-i rĭm-van. The frog jumped splashing into the pond because he saw a human.
mwĭň-ƥ-van wǒj ƥ dâm-ř twâ-cu gě'dĭm-ja kâ-i lju-zô kuln-cô. He is embarrassed because a stranger has read his diary.
- wǒn
- therefore; thus (causation)
ƥ ŝu-i mwĭň kâ-i žâw-van, wǒn ce mĭ-ř gju-zô. I saw she was embarrassed, so I changed the subject.
- wrym
- decoration, ornament (xref {fân, źě'pî'tâj})
- wrym-ha
- paint, polish, varnish...
- wrym-θym
- bracelet, ring, necklace
- wrym-θym mâŋ-paj
- bracelet
- wrym-θym θlu-tâlm-paj
- necklace
- wrym-θym zjâm-paj
- ring (ornament worn on finger or toe)
- wrym-zô
- to decorate, ornament, festoon; add decorations to (xref {prym-fwa})
- wu
- side, aspect, facet
- wu-ga
- appearance, aspect (xref {kâ-θaj-van})
- wu-pě'pâ
- page (one side of a sheet)
- wuŋ
- ownership (xref {ŝâj, ŝu})
- wuŋ mâ-cu-ja
- communal, common property
- wuŋ mâ-ja
- private property
- wuŋ-dô
- theft, vandalism, trespass, etc; crimes against property
- wuŋ-ðwa
- in favor of private property
- wuŋ-gô
- valuable, worth having, desirable as property (near-synonym {ŝâj-gô}; xref {ĵulm, lĭw-gô, ŝu-gô})
- wuŋ-gô-tǒj
- monetary/economic value, worth; xref {ĵulm, lĭw-gô, ŝu-gô}
- wuŋ-ĝa-lô
- Socialist
- wuŋ-i
- of, belonging to (not necessarily in possession of) (property)
Ќ wuŋ-i ƴâ-ĉa iŋ ðu-van θâŋ-twâl-van mâ ĉu-dâ-bô fem-θaj. No more than six people can sit in my car.
ɱ wuŋ-i rî'mâ mĭ-i ƴâwn-źa-van cĭrĭl-ram. Cyril owes a lot of money on his house.
mâ kwǒ wuŋ-i vjâr-ĉa tâlm-paj ĥy-i tru-zô. ?ť wuŋ-i zǒn te mĭ-i. I found someone's hat. Is it yours?
- wuŋ-rî'mâ-zwa
- someone who is shopping for a house
- wuŋ-θaj-van
- to belong to ({mĭ-i} belongs to {ðĭ-i})
- wuŋ-van
- to own, have legal title to; {mĭ-i} owns {ðĭ-i} (xref {ŝâj-van})
twâ-cu gâr-tĭm-bô zej ĉu-gâr-tĭm-bô ðĭ-i wuŋ-van. I own around a thousand to two thousand books.
- wyl
- direction (e.g. forward, upward, northward, inward...); xref {wĭrm}
- wym
- joy at sudden understanding; eureka (xref {hî'mâr}); also, occasional error for {wyl}
- wyr
- wax, paraffin
- wyw
- space, opening, gap, emptiness; hollow space, cave (xref {mrâ, ŋylm, plyn-cô, by-ĵwa-cô}); blank space on a written/printed page or screen; whitespace characters (tab, space, newline, non-breaking space, etc.)
- wyw-bô
- empty, hollow
- wyw-cjaj
- space (short gap between words in text, etc.; ASCII 32 character)
- wyw-cjaj-źa
- tab (long gap between words in text or columns of printed table, etc.; ASCII 9 character)
- wyw-da
- (of a picture or text) containing a high proportion of whitespace
- -za
- having to do with, associated with root
- zâň
- individualness, idiosyncracy, subjectivity; being peculiar to one person (xref {mâ-cĭ-za}, {mâ-cĭ-paj})
- zâň-bô
- personal, idiosyncratic, private, subjective (xref {kě'ĝu})
- zâň-cô-bô
- general, common, universal, objective; public, social
- zâň-cô-fwa-zô
- to publish, to make public, to open up to use by many people
- zej
- range conjunction. 1. with bare number roots or {-gla}, all numbers in a range inclusive. 2. with {-bô}, an imprecise number somewhere in a specified range. 3. with quality roots, all the qualities in that range.
hâ-gla zej ħy-gla i gjâ kǒ ĥy-i byn-zô. I tinkered with this language from 5pm to 7pm.
twâ-cu gâr-tĭm-bô zej ĉu-gâr-tĭm-bô ðĭ-i wuŋ-van. I own around a thousand to two thousand books.
mluj i tyn-van mâ bâm-bô zej hân-bô. People of all ages from babies to old folks were at the small convention.
- zen
- only, just (quantity; xref {žǒŋ, fem-θaj})
kuln reŋ gǒ, mǒj lĭm cǒ zen. Acquaintances are many, friends are few.
- zě'ĥâr
- Zechariah, Zachariah, Zachary, Zaccheus...
( < helenike < Hebrew)
- zĭm
- compassion, pity, empathy, mercy; regret (for someone else's guilt/misfortunes, xref {ƴĭ, ʝyrŋ})
- zĭm-i
- in sympathy with, pitying, out of compassion for
ƥ zĭm-i ĝě'fu-van, hǒŋ fĭm-cô kǒ gân-ř zuň-cô-žar-ƥ-van ler. I dread for her, that she will die of this illness.
- zĭm-suw
- being charmed by someone's weakness, naivete, embarrassment, etc.
tad-ram ŝu-i mwĭň-vuj kâ-i zĭm-suw-van kejt-ram. Kate thinks Todd is adorable when he blushes.
- zĭŋ
- zinc
( < English)
- zĭw
- 65536; 164
- zîn'θu
- cocklebur (genus Xanthium)
( < Latin)
- zjâm
- finger, toe
gě'dĭm mje θǒ i Ќ cim zjâm-ny ĥy-i ĥâ-ca. I cut my left little toe yesterday.
- zjâm-syl
- tongue
- zjâm-syl-zô
- to lick (e.g. an envelope, an ice cream cone)
- zjâm-tôn
- fingers; toes; twigs, branches; cilia; feelers
- zjâm-vĭ
- ŋĭw Φyln-paj pe fru-bâm-fwa
- -zla
- the whole set of ~ everywhere, or within a given context (xref {cu, -daj})
gjâ-ŝa ŋĭn-i mâ-zla mĭ-i. The human race is prolific of languages.
- zǒn
- ĉu? whether? interrogative adverb (xref {srem})
?ť wuŋ-i rî'mâ hij θĭl ĥy-i bâwŋ-hôw-ť-zô vǒm zǒn. You grow potatoes behind your house, don't you?
?lju-ť-zô gwe zǒn arue-šam šej volteŕ-ram dâm-ř θuň kwǒ kâ-i. Have you read any stories by Arouet, also known as Voltaire?
naj'ĝel-ram hǒ, ?râm mĭ-i ħě'nâw-van zǒn. Nigel, are you allergic to cats?
mâ kwǒ wuŋ-i vjâr-ĉa tâlm-paj ĥy-i tru-zô. ?ť wuŋ-i zǒn te mĭ-i. I found someone's hat. Is it yours?
- zǒn belm
- marker of rhetorical yes/no question, esp. sarcastic ones ({srem belm} in contexts where one is sarcastically asking if one should do something)
- -zô
- active verb suffix
- -ža
- kun~a, ~hava; with ~, having ~, supplied with ~ (xref {-ta, -da, -na, ŝâj, ŝu, ĥun-i})
kyr-ža-van twâ kǒ. This sentence is verb-having.
- -žar
- becoming ~; coming to have quality ~, be ~
- žâ
- waiting; archaically = patience (xref {dy, ĵrĭw, ðu-žâ, ðu-dy})
- žâ-ga
- (archaic) = {ĵrĭw}; expecting, supposing something will happen
- žâ-van
- to wait for; {ʝâr-i} waits for event {mĭ-i} to happen; or for event described in {hǒŋ} clause; or to see whether event in {hǒŋ ~~~ zǒn} clause will happen
- žâj
- justice; the moral law
- žâj-dô
- sin, misdeed, wrongdoing, injustice
- žâj-dô-hôw
- temptation (from an external source)
- žâj-dô-hôw-zô
- to tempt
- žâj-dô-sô-tǒj
- temptation (internal)
- žâj-ja
- just, moral, right, ethical
- žâj-ja-fwa-zô
- to justify, set right, make right
- žâj-ŋĭw
- the moral sense, conscience
- žâm
- hard candy (xref {hwě'dĭl})
- žâm-věj'kul
- butterscotch discs
- žâw
- feeling, sensation, perception (xref {rĭm, lym, ku, źum, trym, kâ})
ƥ ŝu-i mwĭň kâ-i žâw-van, wǒn ce mĭ-ř gju-zô. I saw she was embarrassed, so I changed the subject.
- žâw-buln-ŋĭw
- kinaesthetic sense
- žâw-ca
- to feel (hot, cold, full, hungry, comfortable, in pain, etc.; with adverb complement, sometimes with {pě'ŝlĭ-i} complement phrase)
- žâw-faj-ĵar
- subliminal, barely perceptible
- žâw-sô
- sensitive, perceptive (having sharp senses and being very aware of their input; xref {ŝĭ-sô, trym})
- žâw-van
- to feel, sense, perceive ({ʝâr-i} feels/senses {kâ-i})
- že
- this, that (event or situation about to be described)
ĵârn-ca šĭl tu-i, že ði hǒŋ mâ o bly-ca kiň ħulŋ-zô. The snake coils before it strikes.
- žě'ĉym
- cheese
- žě'ĉym ₣ĭŋ-tan ðĭ-i râ
- String Cheese Incident (band)
- žě'ĉym helwetika-wam-dal
- Swiss cheese
- žě'ĉym parma-wam-dal
- Parmesan cheese
- žĭl
- stair (nonce; prefer {čî'ny})
- žĭlm
- butter
- žĭlm-kwa
- yellow
- žĭlm-ŋô
- fat (nutrient or body substance; xref {ðĭm})
- žĭlm-rô
- buttery, fatty, oily (taste)
- žĭŋ
- suŋ-kě'ĝu-ha; magic, magical energy, mana (stuff mages work with); xref {suŋ-kě'ĝu}, {byn-žĭŋ-pja}
mu-tôn žĭŋ-da i râ-van θuň pǒ. That story takes place in a universe full of magic.
- žĭŋ ŝrun-za
- funk, groove (quality of viscerally emotional, virtuosically played music)
- žĭŋ-da
- magical
- žĭŋ-ŝy
- yin, mystical concept of femininity/feminine energy
- žĭŋ-vĭ
- yang, mystical concept of masculinity/masculine energy
- žĭr
- buzzing, humming
( < onomatopoeia)
nĭŋ-van gju-ŋy-ĉa, žĭr-van pî'dâ, lâl-van ku-faj-źa ƴâ-ĉa-kwĭ vim ŝâ-cô-ĉa. Phones ring, bees buzz, train engines whistle loudly.
žĭr gân-ř luw-tâlm iŋ kâ-i rĭm-van kiň te iŋ pî'dâ-daj kâ-i tru-zô. Because of the humming noise I looked inside the skull, and found a swarm of bees in it.
- žĭr-ŝrun-zô
- to hum (a tune)
- žǒŋ
- only, just, merely; no more than (quality, not quantity) (xref {zen, fem-θaj})
ce mĭ-i kun-van heŋ. tyn kǒ i ðurm-zô žǒŋ. I don't know. I just work here.
cĭ-gla ši žǒŋ mwĭl jâ-o. It wasn't until after one a.m. that I fell asleep.
- žu
- careful, gentle, delicate (of actions; xref {ĝân-cô-bô})
pî'vu kǒ ĥy-i Φě'wâm-ť-zô žu-bô mwe. Please stuff this peacock carefully.
- žu-cô-bô
- rough, careless, clumsy, ungentle (of actions) (xref {cĭm-cô})
- žu-ħum-bô
- careful, cautious, wary
- žu-sô
- careful, gentle, delicate (of persons, organizations) (xref {jĭ-ga})
- žu-zô hǒŋ ~~~ źǒ
- be careful to avoid ~~~
- žuln
- satisfaction with good results of one's work
- žuln-fru
- pride in the accomplishments of one's children
- žuln-kâj
- satisfaction at making a good bargain
- žuŋ
- ryň rě'ĵy-tôn-ja ₣yw-fwa ke fru-ŝa še; also occasional error for {zyŋ} (xref {ŝâm-oŋ-zô}, {₣yw})
- žy
- showing, pointing at, marking, indicating (xref {rĭm-θaj}); also, occasional error for {žâ}
- žy-gâ-hân-kô
- museum, esp. of history, archaeology, paleontology
- žy-hwâwm-tla
- director, impresario, puppeteer
- žy-i
- for instance, for example; showing, exhibiting
ʝrâ ŋĭn-i źu-lam pe gjâ-zym-byn žy-i gjâ-krĭ prym-hôw kwǒ mĭ-i. Some artlangs are non-naturalistic, for instance Esperanto and gjax-zym-byn.
- žy-ĵulm
- prize, award, honor, medal; distinction or recognition conferred by others (Hugo, Nobel, Purple Heart...)
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam ðĭ-i ĵulm-van θuň-lâŋ kǒ mĭ-i. This novel deserves a Hugo award.
žy-ĵulm hjugo-gam lâ-cô-i θuň-lâŋ pen kâ-i gâw-zô lju-zô. I plan to read all the novels nominated for the Hugo Award.
- žy-mâŋ-zô
- to point out with a gesture of the hand
- žy-šar
- for example (conjunction: following clause is example of what preceding clause is talking about; xref postposition {žy-i})
grĭ-cô-sô-van de šĭm-ĉa kǒ; žy-šar ĵwy-cô-van sĭŋ-flu-kô o lĭn mĭ-i. This computer is malfunctioning lately; for instance, its network connection is slow.
- žy-vô
- colon ':'
- žy-ƴâ-zô
- to guide someone on a tour, show something while moving around
- žy-zô
- to show, point out (person {tu-i} shows thing {kâ-i} to person {ĥy-i})
- žy-źa
- display, exhibit
- žyj
- grass, grain (plants of family Poaceae) (xref {pwâŋ-tôn})
- žyj ħun-tôn-tan
- bamboo (plants of subfamily Bambusoideae)
- žyj-cjaj
- wheat (genus Triticum)
- žyj-ĵwa
- a field or lawn growing of one or more kinds of {žyj}-plants (xref {pwâŋ-tôn-ĵwa})
- zryŋ
- gold (metal)
kâj-ha ʝel mĭ-i zryŋ-na hej tlĭŋ-na ŋĭn-i mje de. It used to be that money was typically made of gold or silver.
- zu
- the only one; archaically = {zen}
- zu-tu-kâj
- monopoly, monopsony (a sole buyer/supplier of a given product)
- zuj
- soybean
( < English 'soy')
- zum
- cricket (insects of family Gryllidae)
( < onomatopoeia)
- zum-tôn
- insects
- zuň
- life, aliveness; Bios, Zoe; quality of being alive (xref {gě'dĭm-zla, ʝâr-van})
( < helenike 'zoe')
- zuň-cô
- death, state of being dead (xref {zuň-cô-žar, dân-žar, zuň-lwa-bô})
- zuň-cô-fwa-ha
- poison
- zuň-cô-fwa-julŋ-zô
- to lynch or execute by hanging
- zuň-cô-žar
- death, process of dying (xref {zuň-cô, dân-žar})
ƥ zĭm-i ĝě'fu-van, hǒŋ fĭm-cô kǒ gân-ř zuň-cô-žar-ƥ-van ler. I dread for her, that she will die of this illness.
- zuň-cô-žar
- death (process or event of dying; xref {zuň-cô, dân-žar})
- zuň-dal
- natural (of biological processes, entities, etc.)
- zuň-ðwa
- pro-life
- zuň-ĥun-bô
- symbiotic
- zuň-ĥun-dô
- parasitism; parasitic
- zuň-lwa-bô
- undead
- zuň-θô
- awakeness, alertness [archaic; prefer {mwĭl-cô}]
- zuň-vuj
- living thing (archaic; prefer {gâ-zuň})
- -zwa
- would-be ~, person who desires and strives to be ~
ħĭn-kô řŋ câ-zô ruŋ-kě'ĝu-zô ħĭn-ta-zwa srǒ. Several would-be escapees tried to sneak out of the prison.
- zwym
- gooey, semi-solid, semi-liquid state (e.g. ketchup, lidocaine gel, hummus)
- zwym-zuň
- slime, goo, blob; various amorphous fantasy creatures
- -źa
- augmentation of root meaning; (with units of measure) kilo
jâln-źa mĭl-i ƴâ-cjaj-zô ŋy-bô. Despite the great heat, I walked a long way.
- źe
- much, extremely, very (xref {reŋ, -źa, ĝân})
- źě'fy
- progress, accomplishment, getting things done, success, attainment of goals (xref {hî'rĭ}, {žuln})
- źě'fy-cô
- stalling, being stuck; procrastination; want of progress (xref {ĝĭj, šâw, čun-ga, kâ-dô})
- źě'fy-fwa
- progresiga
- źě'fy-zô
- to progress, succeed, accomplish something (xref {ðân-zô})
- źě'mâ
- 1973
- źě'mâ-ju
- 2002
- źě'mâ-ĵâ
- 2004
- źě'mâ-ky
- 2010
- źě'pî'tâj
- fân-ʝĭŋ-la; foolish holiday decorations in shape of living things (xref {fân, wrym})
( < Enigmatic: zeiphotast)
- źi
- west of
- źij
- west-at-near
- źil
- west-at-through
- źim
- west-at-part.of
- źin
- west-at-contact
- źiŋ
- west-at-inside
- źĭ
- science, academic discipline, field of study, specialty (xref {câŋ, ljâw, źĭ-suŋ, kâ-ga})
- źĭ prym-hôw
- art, decoration (study of making things beautiful; xref {źĭ-suŋ-gâm-prym})
- źĭ-gjâ
- language study in general (hypernym of {câŋ-gjâ, ljâw-gjâ, ĝâ-gjâ})
- źĭ-ĝâ-dô
- criminology, forensics
- źĭ-kě'ĝu
- cryptology & steganography; kaŝ-fakoj
- źĭ-ler-tǒj-tla
- futurist, futurologist (xref {ler-tǒj-lô})