gjâ-zym-byn (gzb)
What's new / Esperanta versio / home page / conlang page
gjâ-zym-byn is a personal language I use pretty much every day,
thinking in it, praying in it, sometimes talking to myself even on
days when I don't happen to read or write in it. I started working on
it in early 1998, as a psychological experiment; I aimed for a balance
of exoticity and learnability so I could try out new grammatical and
semantic structures and see how they affect my thinking — and
in fact I would be able to learn to use them fluently. I also
stocked the phoneme inventory with several exotic sounds that I could
(at the time I created the language or added them to it) just barely
pronounce. To compensate, I severely limited the ways consonants can
I've been intermittently keeping my journal in gjâ-zym-byn since
about 2001 (for the first couple of years I was not yet fluent enough
in it, nor did it have a large enough vocabulary, to use it thus), and
re-reading old journal entries (besides a few original stories and
several translations) from time to time to build fluency. I also use
gzb for prayer, to-do lists, grocery lists, documenting other,
less well-developed conlangs, and making notes about natural
languages I'm studying, among other things.
The language has changed a lot over the years -- primarily
in the first two years (I kept altering the phonology for the
first twenty-six months, and made major alterations to the grammar in
the first year), but some aspects of the grammar have still not quite
settled down (conditional/subjunctive clauses, for instance, and the
argument structures of a few verbs), and of course I add new root words
from time to time as I think of a concept that I can't conveniently
express with a short compound, or finally decide that an existing
compound is too long for frequent use.
I am working on an essay describing my
experiences developing, learning and using the language, still
unfinished. I am also doing research on the general phenomenon of
conlangers learning their own conlangs fluently and using them for
various purposes. In 2008 I conducted a survey on that subject, and
gave a talk on the subject at the third Language Creation
Conference on 21 March, 2009. I'm working (very intermittently)
on an article on the subject, which will hopefully appear in
Fiat Lingua.
I was honored to have gjâ-zym-byn selected, in a tie with Sylvia
Sotomayor's Kēlen, for
the conlang_learners
project. Send mail to gjax-zym-byn-subscribe@googlegroups.com if
you're interested in joining, or see
the list
archives (you can read the archives online without joining the
- Lesson 0: Spelling and pronunciation.
- Lesson 1: The simplest sentence forms.
Some useful words.
- Lesson 2: Talking about location and motion.
- Lesson 3: Doing things to stuff.
- Lesson 4: Topics, comments and states. Adjectives.
- Lesson 5: The human body.
Part-whole postpositions. Reflexive verbs.
- Lesson 6: Commands and other imperatives.
- Lesson 7: Asking and answering questions.
Counting and telling time.
More lessons to follow, I expect. I have a couple of lessons'
worth of material drafted already.
In-depth documentation
gjâ-zym-byn elsewhere on the web
Brett Williams has created several
images illustrating gzb nouns.
Messages posted to the CONLANG and AUXLANG mailing lists about gjâ-zym-byn
Introduction; overview of gjâ-zym-byn (gzb)
gzb verb system
Fuzzy logic and probabilistic modifiers in gzb
gzb numbers
"Guns don't kill people" translation
Comments on semantics of "kill"
"The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones" translation
Words for facial expressions in gzb
Disambiguating modifier reference ("nice dancer")
gzb words for clothing
Affective suffixes in {gzb}
Range of meaning of suffixes in gzb, Esperanto, etc.
gzb orthography
gzb punctuation
Questions about tense marking in one of Yann Kiraly's conlangs, with gzb examples
gzb hesitation and correction particles
gzb's isolating or agglutinative character
Writing notes on development of gzb in the language itself
Using hyphens or dots at morpheme boundaries to ease learning
Becoming fluent in one's own conlang - June 1999
Meaning of "conculture" for a personal language
July 2005 update of gjâ-zym-byn
John Quijada's comments on number system, affixes; questions why I don't use tone or stress
Reply to John Quijada on why I don't use tone and stress, etc.
Causal and explanatory conjunctions in gzb (AUXLANG list)
Name-marking in Toki Pona and gzb
Evidentiality in gzb
"Verbing weirds language" in gzb
More discussion with John Quijada about gzb orthography
Words for arthropods (and animals in general) in gzb
Translating workplace slogans into gzb, toki pona, and Volapük (February 2006)
Distinct conjunctions for subordinate clauses in different case relations to main clause (February 2006)
What is it we are saying in our languages? (July 2006)
Idiomatic compounds in gzb
Time postpositions and conjunctions
Names of chess pieces in gzb and other languages
Imperative past tense
Methodologies for deciding what to lexicalize and when
Auxiliary verbs expressing will, desire, need, etc.
Morphosyntactic alignment in Esperanto, gzb, Pliv-Rektek and other languages
Influence of conlangs on one's usage of one's native language
More on time expressions
Shorthandization of gjâ-zym-byn script
Translating "The more, the merrier"
Syntactic and morphological sugar in engelangs
Keeping or deleting conlang articles in Wikipedia, incl. gzb article in Esperanto Wikipedia
Ordinal (and other numerical) adverbs
Ten years of gjâ-zym-byn
Some scripts I've used in preparing these pages,
in scripts.zip:
- gzb-ascii-unicode.awk, used
to convert from my old ASCII transcription to Unicode HTML entities.
Not useful to anybody else as-is, but some conlangers may find they
can adapt it to their own conlangs easier than writing something from
- htmlize-with-tables-and-interlinear-glosses.pl —
used to convert formatted text files to HTML. Lines with three or
more spaces in a row signal the start of an interlinear gloss, which
is converted into a table with one cell per word. Lines with one or
more tabs signal the start of a table; any sequence of tabs marks a
cell boundary. A series of dashes becomes <HR>, and the next
text line after such a dash line becomes <H2>, etc. The
morphemes in the first line of an interlinear gloss are linked to
lexicon entries in the gzb alphabetical
lexicon; you could comment this section out and uncomment the old
version of that code which just puts them in table cells, or modify
it to link to your conlang's lexicon.
- gen-glossed-doc-frameset.pl,
used to create framesets where the upper frame shows a text in gzb
with every word or morpheme hyperlinked to its definition in the
lexicon, and the lower frame shows the lexicon itself.
- gen-nxcgtx_categ_htm.sh, gen-nxcgtx_htm.pl,
gen-nxcgtx_htm.sh, makeboth_nxcgtx.sh — used
to generate the HTML versions of the gzb lexicon from the ASCII version.
It hyperlinks morphemes within compound words to their definitions,
hyperlinks cross-references within definitions to the definitions of the
cross-referenced words, and interleaves example sentences under the
appropriate words..
- findexample.sh, find-examples.awk, gen-sample-sentence-search.awk
— given ASCII gzb text on the command line, search the
HTML files for uses of that word or phrase
- findsimilar.pl — find phonologically similar words in the
tab-delimited ASCII lexicon
- flashcard.pl — test one's knowledge of gzb
vocabulary, or in slideshow mode ( -s option ) let lexicon entries
slowly scroll past in a random order
- gen-toc.awk — make a table of contents for
multiple HTML pages based on the ID attributes of header (H1,
H2, H3) elements
- gzbconv.pl — convert gzb ASCII text from standard input
into HTML Unicode text on standard output
- gzb_ascii_unicode.pm — convert gzb ASCII text to
HTML Unicode text (function called by various Perl scripts)
- twax-zox.pl — take gzb text on the command line,
turn it into HTML Unicode text, and start a browser window displaying
the nonce HTML file (useful for copying and pasting text into an email
or chat window)
Philip Newton has created several scripts for gzb, which
he's shared on his
website. They include a vim keyboard layout, a Windows keyboard
layout, and instructions for using the Firefox Transliterator Add-on
to enter gzb text.
To the top of this page.
Jim Henry's home page.
My general conlang page
Email me: jimhenry@pobox.com.
Last update / ₣âl mje θǒ
February 2022
(sub-pages maybe updated more recently; see What's new)