Translated 2005/12/2 from an English version by Gary Shannon.
danti-ram ĉâ-cô-bô vjurm-o ruŋ-zô tomas-ram tu-i. Danti-NAME intelligent-OPP2-ADJ visit-to go-V.ACT Thomas-NAME AGT-at
twâ-ƥ-zô Φǒ: say-1-V.ACT QUOTE
{θĭl-tôn reŋ ðĭ-i ŝâj-van, gâ-lǒ ĥy-i potato-GNR many relationship-at have.stuff-V.STATE thing-REL PAT-at
kâj-kô o šâ-ruŋ-zô mwe. ?ť wuŋ-i kwě'dâj-cjaj exchange-place to carry-go-V.ACT IMP 2 own-at Equidae-SPEC
bâň-van zǒn syj-zô.} have.permission-V.STATE Q.YN use-V.ACT
Thomas visited Danti, a fool. He said, I have many vegetables to carry to market. May I use your donkey?
[The words for "vegetable" and "donkey" are derived with the suffixes {-tôn} and {-cjaj} from more specific and more general words.]
twâ-zô danti-ram ĉâ-cô-bô tu-i Φǒ: say-V.ACT Danti-NAME intelligent-OPP2-ADJ AGT-at QUOTE
{mâ ʝǒ ŝâj-o ƥ ĥy-i bwĭl-syj-zô gwe.} person another having-to 3 PAT-at give-use-V.ACT already
Danti the fool says, I have already loaned him to someone else.
twâ-zô tomas-ram tu-i Φǒ: {*twâ-ķy-cô-ť-zô. say-V.ACT Thomas-NAME AGT-at QUOTE say-true-OPP2-2-V.ACT
ku-pôm ť wuŋ-i rî'mâ h-i-j tyn-van ƥ mĭ-i.} hear-EVD 2 own-at house behind-at-near place-V.STATE 3 TOP-at
Thomas says, You lie! I hear the donkey behind your house.
[The suffix {pôm} derives an evidentiality adverb from a root word.]
twâ-zô jǒj danti-ram tu-i Φǒ: {?mâ-nǒ kâ-i say-V.ACT again Danti-NAME AGT-at QUOTE person-Q.WH ATT-at
₣ĭ-ť-van. ?Ќ kâ-i pwiň kwě'dâj-cjaj kâ-i zǒn.} believe-2-V.STATE 1 ATT-at or.exclusive Equidae-SPEC ATT-at Q.YN
Danti replied, who do you believe? me or the donkey?